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}}} = Atmospheric forcing data for ORCHIDEE = Update C. Ottle 02/28/2020 Update B. Guenet 06/11/2020 Update X. Xang 09/04/2020, 02/2021 [[PageOutline(1-3,,pullout)]] ORCHIDEE needs several forcing data in order to run correctly. The number of requested data depends on the configuration used. In On-Line mode (coupled with LMDZ), the data needed are related to soil texture and albedo. If the vegetation is prescribed, ORCHIDEE needs in addition the definition of the fraction of each PFT per gridcell. Vegetation types gathered in these vegetation maps can be either PFT or Holson categories. In Off-Line mode, ORCHIDEE is forced by weather data based on observations or climate model reanalysis and these data need to be added. Last, depending on the options activated within a run of ORCHIDEE, additional maps might be used for irrigation, slope for routing scheme, ... == 1. General information == (a) '''Usually, the forcing files are stored in the shared accounts''' in IGCM/SRF/METEO directory. Details on the shared accounts in the different computing centers are given in https://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/igcmg_doc/wiki/Doc/ComputingCenters/SharedFiles Some additional forcings not yet on the shared accounts can be found at climserv/ciclad here /bdd/ORCHIDEE_Forcing/BC/OOL/OL2 (b) '''ORCHIDEE accepts meteorological forcing files at different frequencies''': * '''high frequency''' meteorological files have a forcing step lower than or equal to six hours (most of the datasets below are 3-hourly or 6-hourly); * '''daily''' files (for example ISI-MIP files); * '''monthly''' files (see WG files below). It is the role of the driver to inter/extrapolate timeseries of the forcing meteorological variables at the time step of ORCHIDEE (usually 30 min) based on the forcing dataset. (c) '''Two versions of the driver are available''' to do both the reading and the inter/extrapolation of the forcing datasets. They differ in the way they interpret the time at which the different variables are read in the forcing dataset (further called the timestamp, while the interval refers to the period between two successive timestamps). More detail can be found in the section below. (d) '''Adding the cell_methods attribute to files'''. It is a good practice to add the cell_methods attribute to each of the forcing variable in order to document how they relate to the time axis and their representativity in time. This attribute will say if the variable represents a point in time (instantaneous) or averages over an interval (mean). Furthermore it can inform how the time interval over which the variable is valid relates to the discrete points in time the axis provides. The general form of the attribute follows the CF convention and is "cell_methods = axname : method(position)" where the following values can be inserted : * '''axname : ''' The name of the time axis within the file that is valid for the current variable * '''method :''' instantaneous, mean * '''position :''' start, centre, end Obviously for an instantaneous variable, the position information is not relevant as it is only the point in time provided by the axis which matters. On the other hand, for an average, it is essential to know if the point in time provided by the axis is at the beginning, middle or end of the interval used for computing the mean. More details and examples are provided in this document : https://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/wiki/Branches/Driver_Improvements. (e) '''Tips and script examples when building/using meteorological forcing files''': * '''Land compressed files''': - The spatial structure of ORCHIDEE forcing files can either be 2D, or 1D if we exclude the sea points to construct a vector of land points. In both cases, this imposes a land-sea mask, to define the land points on which ORCHIDEE will run if we use 2D files, or to construct the 1D files. In the latter case, the landpoint indices are initialized in the NW corner, and increase for each land point encountered when scanning the 2D array from W to E then from N to S. - In dim2driver ("old"), this part is addressed in readdim2 > forcing_read_interpol > flinget_buffer > flinget_r3d > flinget_mat. For a 2D forcing, the sea mask is defined by the undef values found for variable Tair. - To define the sea points, the '''missing_value''' attribute is mandatory in forcing files containing only land points, with a value outside of the valid range of the variables, for example missing_value=1.e+20. In flinget_mat, the default value is set to 0, if this value is kept, oceanic points will be filled with it and treated as land points because 0. is a valid value for some fields (Qair) but ORCHIDEE will crash because it's not valid for others (PSurf), causing the usual problems in qsatcalc. - FORTRAN 90 script to create a land points only forcing file (use of the compress attribute) [attachment:mk_grid.f90] * '''SPRED_PREC''' for forcings at 3 and 6 hourly time step: - This externalizable keyword defines the nb of orchidee time steps on which the total precipitation is spread over the time step. It can induce significant changes on the model's behavior (interception and interception loss, infiltration, runoff and ET), although this hasn't been assessed in a systematic way. * '''Physical definition of the forcing variables''': both drivers follow the same conventions. In particular, the following measurement heights are assumed by default: 2m for Tair and Qair; 10m for Wind. Further details in [attachment:Description_Forcing_Files.pdf]. == 2. Forcing data stored in IGCM repository == === 2.1 CRUJRA === Original data are provided by Ian Harris (Climatic Research !Unit/School of Environmental !Sciences/Faculty of !Science/University of East !Anglia/Norwich/UK). ==== CRUJRA / v2 ==== v8 extends till 2018.[[BR]] Contributor(s): - Adaptation of the 0.5° files for ORCHIDEE made by V. Bastrikov (2019/08) ==== CRUJRA / v2.0_CMIP6_144x143 ==== Years 1901-2018 are the upscaling of v2 to the IPSL-CM6-LR grid, by bilinear interpolation. Years 1850-1900, needed for LS3MIP, are created by copying data from 1901 to 1920, starting with the year 1910. [[BR]] Contributor(s): - Bilinear interpolation of the 0.5° v2 file to the IPSL-CM6-LR grid by A. Ducharne (July 2020) - Pseudo data for 1850-1900 was created by Nicolas Vuichard (Nov 2020) ==== CRUJRA / v1.1 ==== v8 extends till 2017.[[BR]] Contributor(s):[[BR]] Following additional modifications are done for ORCHIDEE on the original data set: - Adaptation of the 0.5° files for ORCHIDEE made by V. Bastrikov (2018/08) - Interpolation towards the 2-degree resolution including adaptation for use with the standard and new drivers made by F. Maignan (2018/08) === 2.2 CRU-NCEP === The meteorological fields are generated by N. Viovy following the protocol described here: [https://vesg.ipsl.upmc.fr/thredds/fileServer/work/p529viov/cruncep/readme.html README][[BR]] The standard files are produced using the python script "cruncep.py" made available by Bryce Nordgren here: [https://github.com/bnordgren/pylsce] There are several versions of CRU-NCEP. All of them are compatible with the old driver. Note that there is a problem with the routing scheme for recent CRU-NCEP versions (v6.1, v7.2, v8) at the 1° and 2° resolutions. More details in https://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/ticket/675 ==== CRU-NCEP / v8 ==== v8 extends till 2016.[[BR]] Contributor(s): - original 0.5° files made by N. Viovy (2017/08) - interpolation towards 1- and 2-degree resolutions including adaptation for use with the standard and new drivers made by D. Zhu using scripts from by F. Maignan (2017/08) ==== CRU-NCEP / v7.2 ==== v7.2 extends till 2016.[[BR]] Contributor(s): - original 0.5° files made by N. Viovy (2016/07) - adaptation for use with the standard and new drivers and interpolation towards 1- and 2-degree resolutions made by F. Maignan (2017/06) ==== CRU-NCEP / v6.1 ==== v6.1 is based on a new CRU version and extends till 2014.[[BR]] For the next driver, it contains: - added attributes for cell_methods, - a corresponding new time axis, - variables Height_Lev1 and Height_Levuv, - attributes units and long_name for variables nav_lat and nav_lon. Contributor(s): - original 0.5° files made by N. Viovy (2015/07) - adaptation for use with the standard and new drivers made by Y. Chao and F. Maignan (2015/07) ==== CRU-NCEP / v5.3.2 ==== The former version (5.3) had a problem on all years before 1948 with a loss of correlation between Tair and Qair.[[BR]] Contributor(s): - original 0.5° files made by N. Viovy (2015/04) - standard driver 0.5° files made by Y. Chao (2015/04) - standard driver 1° and 2° files made by F. Maignan (2015/04) || Name || || Spatial information || ||Temporal information || || || || Web documentation || || || Size || || Abbreviation || Full name || Coverage || Resolution || First year || Last year || Number of years || Resolution || Informations || Data download || References || GB || || cruncep_halfdeg_yyyy.nc || || -180:180; -90:90 || 720x360 || 1901 || 2013 || 113 || 6H || || 8 avril 2015|| || 346 GB || || cruncep_onedeg_yyyy.nc || || -180:180; -90:90 || 360x180 || 1901 || 2013 || 113 || 6H || || 8 avril 2015|| || 359 GB || || cruncep_twodeg_yyyy.nc || || -180:180; -90:90 || 180x90 || 1901 || 2013 || 113 || 6H || || 8 avril 2015|| || 90 GB || ==== Archived CRU-NCEP versions: ==== Other versions have been removed from the syncronized repository. They are listed at the end of this page. === 2.3 FLUXNET === There are two FLUXNET databases available, FLUXNET_LaThuile, which ends in 2005, and FLUXNET2015, which ends in 2014. The two databases differ slightly; not all fluxes are included in both and not all sites exist in both databases. Differences between both databases are highlighted in [attachment:FLUXNET2015_nraoult_mai2019.pdf] ==== FLUXNET_LaThuile ==== || Name || || Spatial information || ||Temporal information || || || || Web documentation || || || Size || || Abbreviation || Full name || Coverage || Resolution || First year || Last year || Number of years || Resolution || Informations || Data download || References || GB || || IdSite_Fyear-Lyear.nc || eg. FR-LBr_1996-2006.nc || / || in-situ || site-specific || || || 30minutes || http://dods.ipsl.jussieu.fr/igcmg/IGCM/BC/OOL/OL2/FLUXNET/README.pdf || || http://www.earth-syst-sci-data-discuss.net/8/23/2015/essdd-8-23-2015.html || 4Mo per year|| The data have been prepared for all sites of the Free Access Fluxnet database (http://www.fluxdata.org/DataInfo) as available in August, 2012 (~150 sites). ==== FLUXNET2015 ==== This has the same format as FLUXNET_LaThuile, however a minority of sites have a 1 hour temporal resolution instead of 30 minutes. The temporal resolution is stated in the description of the netCDF file. The data have been prepared for all sites of the FLUXNET2015 database (https://fluxnet.fluxdata.org/data/fluxnet2015-dataset/) as available in February, 2019 (~160 sites). === 2.4 WFDEI_CRU === Where? Not in IGCM repository or IGCM_ARCHIVE. This data corresponds to the one described in the publication Weedon et al. 2014 (http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/2014WR015638/abstract). Compared to WFD, WFDEI offers values in the 21st century owing the ERA-Interim reanalysis. || Name || || Spatial information || ||Temporal information || || || || Web documentation || || || Size || || Abbreviation || Full name || Coverage || Resolution || First year || Last year || Number of years || Resolution || Informations || Data download || References || GB || || WFDEI_CRU_yyyy.nc || WFDEI_CRU || -180:180; -90:90 || 720x360 || 1979 || 2016 || 34 || 3H || || November 2017 || || 314 GB || As this data is based on the ERA-I re-analysis the fluxes are cumulated over the 3h period preceeding the time-stamp. All other variables are instantaneous. This is now properly described by the cell_method data in the netCDF file. === 2.5 WFDEI_GPCC === There are several versions of WFDEI_GPCC. ==== WFDEI_GPCC ==== This is the same atmospheric forcing as the one described above (1.6 WFDEI_CRU) except that rainfall is now corrected with the GPCC data : http://www.dwd.de/bvbw/appmanager/bvbw/dwdwwwDesktop?_nfpb=true&_windowLabel=T12404818261141645314319&_urlType=action&switchLang=en&_pageLabel=_dwdwww_klima_umwelt_datenzentren_wzn As this rainfall series is shorter, WFDEI_GPCC has less years than WFDEI_CRU. ==== WFDEI_GPCC/v1/noleap ==== This dataset is available in the shared accounts (IGCM/SRF/METEO directory). || Name || || Spatial information || ||Temporal information || || || || Web documentation || || || Size || || Abbreviation || Full name || Coverage || Resolution || First year || Last year || Number of years || Resolution || Informations || Data download || References || GB || || WFDEI_GPCC_yyyy.nc || || -180:180; -60:90 || 720x300 || 1979 || 2009 || 31 || 3H || || 3 juin 2013|| || 182 GB || The old driver (dim2driver) needs a forcing that has its first record at 0 UTC, in addition to instanteaneous "scalars" and fluxes as mean(end), to work correctly. The original WFDEI starts at 3UTC, and to make it compatible with dim2driver, a lag of 3 hours has been introduced by Ben Poulter and Fabienne Maignan. ==== WFDEI_GPCC/v2/leap ==== This dataset is available in the shared accounts (IGCM/SRF/METEO directory). || Name || || Spatial information || ||Temporal information || || || || Web documentation || || || Size || || Abbreviation || Full name || Coverage || Resolution || First year || Last year || Number of years || Resolution || Informations || Data download || References || GB || || WFDEI_GPCC_yyyy.nc || || -180:180; -90:90 || 720x360 || 1990 || 2011 || 33 || 3H || || 26 avril 2014|| || 265 GB || NB: Year 2011 is incomplete. NB2: A longer version is available from Jan up to 2014 at least. The above shift has not been done here, and this forcing should only be used with the new driver (orchideedriver.f90). === 2.6 Princeton_GPCC === This dataset is available in the shared accounts (IGCM/SRF/METEO/Princeton_GPCC/v1/1deg_3h directory). || Name || || Spatial information || ||Temporal information || || || || Web documentation || || || Size || || Abbreviation || Full name || Coverage || Resolution || First year || Last year || Number of years || Resolution || Informations || Data download || References || GB || || PGF_GPCC_1deg_3h_yyyy.nc || || -180:180; -90:90 || 360x180 || 1948 || 2010 || 63 || 3H || REAME in the shared accounts|| 11 Feb 2015|| || || The dataset is based on the data provided by Princeton University, itself based on the NCEP-NCAR reanalysis. Further details are given in Sheffield, J., G. Goteti, and E. F. Wood, 2006: Development of a 50-yr high-resolution global dataset of meteorological forcings for land surface modeling, J. Climate, 19 (13), 3088-3111. Users must cite this reference. The Princeton forcing uses CRU data for bias-correction, but the present forcing includes an additional bias-correction of total precipitation, based on the monthly GPCC data. This has been performed by Bertrand Decharme (CNRM, Toulouse). === 2.7 GSWP3 This forcing has been constructed for the GSWP3 experiment, cf. http://hydro.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/GSWP3/exp1.html#boundary-conditions. It is based on the 20th Century Reanalysis (20CR) [Compo et al., 2011 http://hydro.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/GSWP3/refs.html#compo2011] at the global 2° resolution, dynamically downscaled into T248 (~0.5°). Several versions are available. General information on GSWP3 data from personal communication between Hyunjun Kim and Agnes Ducharne: - All variables are treated in the same way in terms of time averaging. First time record should correspond to 00UTC, but please note that some variables represent "backward averaging" which means that the value at 00UTC is an averaged over the -03 ~ 00UTC time period. - Wind should be assumed to represent speed at 10 m. Downscaled reanalysis wind speed is at 10m, but CRU CL2.0 data (which is used to correct long-term mean) has not been corrected for any measurement height related issue. New et al. (2002) says "Wind speed is measured at heights above the surface between 2 and 20 m. Measurement height varies both within and between countries, and in many cases the heights are not specified. Consequently, no corrections were made to wind data. The large majority of known heights were 10 m, and the interpolated wind field should be assumed to represent speed at this height." ==== GSWP3/v1_halfdeg ==== This is the official v1 release of GSWP3, dated on 2017-06-01. It is 3-hourly with a spatial resolution of 0.5°, and covers 1901-2010. An extension to 2014 is under way. The original files are 2D, and only the wind is not worldwide to serve as a land mask. This dataset has been formatted to be used by ORCHIDEE, with the GSWP3 land mask. It should be functional with both the old and new drivers, since it includes the cell_method attributes. The scripts (R and bash) to do the formatting are committed on https://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/browser/trunk/TOOLS/GENERATE_ATMOS_FORCING/GSWP3_halfdeg_v1 A detailed analysis of the formatted dataset was done by Salma Tafasca (PhD student at METIS) using the old driver, see [attachment:Preparing_GSWP3_V1_Official.pdf]. A comparison of the interpretation of this forcing by the two drivers was done by Vlad: https://orchidas.lsce.ipsl.fr/mapper/meteo_inter.php The results show a lag of 1h30 for the scalars and the interpolation by the new driver is a priori better. For the fluxes, SWdown results are identical with the two drivers, LWdown results are different but would probably be identical if this flux was not interpolated linearly but uniformly (recommended to conserve the fluxes), and the differences in precipitation come from different spred_prec parameters. || Name || || Spatial information || ||Temporal information || || || || Web documentation || || || Size || || Abbreviation || Full name || Coverage || Resolution || First year || Last year || Number of years || Resolution || Informations || Data download || References || GB || || GSWP3_halfdeg_3h_yyyy.nc || || -180:180; -90:90 || 720x360 || 1901 || 2010 || 110 || 3H || [attachment:Preparing_GSWP3_V1_Official.pdf] || || || || ==== GSWP3/v1.06_CMIP6_144x143 ==== These forcing files were generated for LS3MIP at the resolution of LMDZ6-LR (144x142), based on bilinear interpolation of the GSWP3 forcing (v1.06) at 0.5°. WARNING: the version of this 0.5° forcing dataset (v1.06) is different from the one used to get the formatted forcing above. The differences are : (1) continuous wind fields with no data gap over oceans; (2) data extends until 2014. The land mask used to create the ORCHIDEE forcing data is the one of IPSL-CM6. The scripts (R and bash) to do the interpolation and formatting are committed on https://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/browser/trunk/TOOLS/GENERATE_ATMOS_FORCING/GSWP3_144x142_CMIP6 || Name || || Spatial information || ||Temporal information || || || || Web documentation || || || Size || || Abbreviation || Full name || Coverage || Resolution || First year || Last year || Number of years || Resolution || Informations || Data download || References || GB || || GSWP3_CM6LR_3h_yyyy.nc || || -180:180; -90:90 || 144x142 || 1901 || 2014 || 114 || 3H || https://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/browser/trunk/TOOLS/GENERATE_ATMOS_FORCING/GSWP3_144x142_CMIP6/README || || || || === 2.8 WG === Monthly timestep to test the weather generator. || Name || || Spatial information || ||Temporal information || || || || Web documentation || || || Size || || Abbreviation || Full name || Coverage || Resolution || First year || Last year || Number of years || Resolution || Informations || Data download || References || GB || || WG_yy.nc || || -180:180; -90:90 || 320x160 || 79 || 93 || 15 || 1M || || may 2007 || 20 MB || || WG_CRU.nc (noleap) || || -180:180; -90:90 || 720x360 || || || 1 || 1M || || may 2007 |||| 37 GB || === 2.9 E2OFD === This dataset was build in the framework of the Earth2Observe FP7 project. It is available on the IPSL Meso-centre under /bdd/ORCHIDEE_Forcing/BC/OOL/OL2/E2OFD. It was prepared by Jan Polcher based on the data prepared by ECMWF for the Earth2Observe project. The originality of this forcing is that it is 1/4°. Most atmospheric forcing data sets were extrapolated from the ERA-I fields with the same bias corrections applied as in the WFDEI cases. The most original feature is the rainfall which is the very original MSWEP product : https://www.hydrol-earth-syst-sci.net/21/589/2017/ || Name || || Spatial information || ||Temporal information || || || || Web documentation || || || Size || || Abbreviation || Full name || Coverage || Resolution || First year || Last year || Number of years || Resolution || Informations || Data download || References || GB || ||E2OFD_yyyy.nc || E2OFD || -180:180; -90:90 || 1440x720 || 1979 || 2014 || 36 || 3H || || July 2016|| || 31 GB/yr || === 2.10 ISIMIP2B === This dataset was build in the ISIMIP2b (Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project Phase 2b). The CMIP5 climate output from four GCMs were bias-corrected against a series of observational dataset. The methodology for the bias-correction can be found at: https://www.isimip.org/gettingstarted/isimip2b-bias-correction/. Daily climate forcings are available at 0.5 degree spatial resolution. The four GCMs are IPSL-CM5A-LR, GFDL-ESM2M, MIROC5, HadGEM2-ES. Each forcing includes five sets of time series, including picontrol (1661 onward; representing preindustrial climate), historical (1860-2005), rcp26 (2006-2099), rcp60 (2006-2099) and rcp85 (2006-2099). The climate forcing for ORCHIDEE was prepared by Jinfeng Chang, using the TRENDY land mask (67420 grid cells). It was also upscaled at the 1 degree and 2 degree resolution for the ISIMIP2b simulations. === 2.11 SAFRAN === '''Use constraints''' = Cite the reference paper in any publications, and acknowledge METEO FRANCE in the acknowledgement section: "The SAFRAN dataset was provided by METEO FRANCE". The access is authorized for HyMeX international, associated HyMeX users. Do not redistribute. The SAFRAN forcing is produced by Meteo-France at a 8km resolution (with a LambertIIE projection), with an hourly timestep (Vidal et al., 2010), over hydrological years (from Aug 1st to July 31st). The files have been obtained from the HyMEX portal, and prepared for ORCHIDEE by Nicolas Viovy and Fabienne Maignan for the 1959-2010, over civil years, with update for more recent years. The coordinate system is in decimal degrees (lat between 41.3 and 51.2°N; lon between -5.5 and 10.8°E). Modifications for the new driver (new attributes) have been done by Lucia Richiuso and Nicolas Vuichard in June 2021. It must be noted that several versions of SAFRAN exist, the latest one being V2 in July 2021. The 1959-2010 files show no indication of version, and the 2011-2015 files correspond to V1-3L. In July 2021, 57 years are available for ORCHIDEE. Years after 2015 are available in SAFRAN V2, but have not yet been formatted for ORCHIDEE owing to several problems. Reference paper: Vidal, J.P., Martin, E., Franchisteguy, L., Baillon, M. and Soubeyroux, J.-M. (2010), A 50-year high-resolution atmospheric reanalysis over France with the Safran system. International Journal of Climatology, 30 : 1627-1644. doi : 10.1002/joc.2003. == 3. Forcing data stored elsewhere == === 3.1 WFD_CRU === This data set is available at ciclad here: /bdd/ORCHIDEE_Forcing/BC/OOL/OL2/WFD_CRU . The data corresponds to the one described in the publication Weedon et al. 2011 (http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/abs/10.1175/2011JHM1369.1) || Name || || Spatial information || ||Temporal information || || || || Web documentation || || || Size || || Abbreviation || Full name || Coverage || Resolution || First year || Last year || Number of years || Resolution || Informations || Data download || References || GB || || WFD_CRU_yyyy.nc || WFD_CRU || -180:180; -90:90 || 720x360 || 1901 || 2001 || 1000 || 3H || || 14 Nov 2014|| || 592 GB || === 3.2 GSWP3v0 (ISIMIP2) === This dataset is available on ergon in /arch/home/rech/lmd/rlmd979/GSWP3_forcing/halfdeg_v1. It was prepared by Jinfeng Chang for the ISIMIP2 simulations, using the TRENDY land mask. It was also upscaled at the 1° resolution by Fabienne Maignan for the ORCHIDEE-MICT paper (https://www.geosci-model-dev.net/11/121/2018/) || Name || || Spatial information || ||Temporal information || || || || Web documentation || || || Size || || Abbreviation || Full name || Coverage || Resolution || First year || Last year || Number of years || Resolution || Informations || Data download || References || GB || ||GSWP3_halfdeg_3h _yyyy.nc || GSWP3 || -180:180; -90:90 || 720x360 || 1901 || 2007 || 107 || 3H || || 24 April 2016|| || 5.5 GB/yr || === 3.3 ERAI_05 === This data set is available at ciclad here: /bdd/ORCHIDEE_Forcing/BC/OOL/OL2/ERAI_05 . This meteorological dataset has been prepared by ECMWF in the framework of the Earth2Observe project : http://www.earth2observe.eu/ Using a simple bi-linear interpolation the data of the ERA-I re-analysis on the Gaussian grid (N128) output was projected to a regular lat/lon grid at 0.5deg resolution, without special consideration for the land/sea mask. It was thus considered, in consultation with Emmanuel Dutra of ECMWF, that it was not unreasonable to use the same land/sea mask as WFDEI and hope that the atmospheric forcing on coastal points will not be too badly affected by the methodology. The value of this forcing lies in its close relation to the ERA-I re-analysis and its extension to December 2014. || Name || || Spatial information || ||Temporal information || || || || Web documentation || || || Size || || Abbreviation || Full name || Coverage || Resolution || First year || Last year || Number of years || Resolution || Informations || Data download || References || GB || || ERAI_yyyy.nc || ERAI_05 || -180:180; -90:90 || 720x360 || 1979 || 2014 || 36 || 3H || || 20 June 2015|| || 293 GB || === 3.4 ERAI_05_GPCP This data set is available at ciclad here: /bdd/ORCHIDEE_Forcing/BC/OOL/OL2/ERAI_05_GPCP . This is the same forcing as ERA_05 except for the rainfall and snow fall from the re-analysis which were corrected with the GPCP estimates (http://precip.gsfc.nasa.gov/). || Name || || Spatial information || ||Temporal information || || || || Web documentation || || || Size || || Abbreviation || Full name || Coverage || Resolution || First year || Last year || Number of years || Resolution || Informations || Data download || References || GB || || ERAI_GPCP_yyyy.nc || ERAI_05_GPCP || -180:180; -90:90 || 720x360 || 1979 || 2014 || 36 || 3H || || 20 June 2015|| || 298 GB || == 4. Archived forcing data previously stored in IGCM repository == Obsolete data set previously stored in IGCM repostiory are removed and stored in a IGCM_ARCHVE folder at ciclad and at TGCC. They can be found here: {{{ TGCC : /ccc/store/cont003/igcmg/igcmg/IGCM_ARCHIVE/SRF/METEO ciclad : /prodigfs/ipslfs/igcmg/IGCM_ARCHIVE/SRF/METEO }}} === 4.1 CRU-NCEP === ==== CRU-NCEP / v5.4 ==== v5.4 contains the same data as v5.3.2 with: - added attributes for cell_methods, - a corresponding new time axis, - variables Height_Lev1 and Height_Levuv, - attributes units and long_name for variables nav_lat and nav_lon. Contributor(s): - adaptation for use with the new driver made by F. Maignan (2015/06) || Name || || Spatial information || ||Temporal information || || || || Web documentation || || || Size || || Abbreviation || Full name || Coverage || Resolution || First year || Last year || Number of years || Resolution || Informations || Data download || References || GB || || cruncep_halfdeg_yyyy.nc || || -180:180; -90:90 || 720x360 || 1901 || 2013 || 113 || 6H || || 8 avril 2015|| || 346 GB || ==== CRU-NCEP / v5.3 ==== This version is archived at IDRIS/ergon : /linkhome/rech/psl/rpsl035/IGCM_backup_2015-06-15/STORAGE/BC/OL2/CRU-NCEP '''CAUTION: DO NOT USE ANYMORE''': This version has a problem on all years before 1948 with a loss of correlation between Tair and Qair.[[BR]] Contributor(s): - original 0.5° files made by N. Viovy (2014/10) - standard driver 0.5° files made by Y. Chao (2014/10) - standard driver 1° and 2° files made by F. Maignan (2014/10) || Name || || Spatial information || ||Temporal information || || || || Web documentation || || || Size || || Abbreviation || Full name || Coverage || Resolution || First year || Last year || Number of years || Resolution || Informations || Data download || References || GB || || cruncep_halfdeg_yyyy.nc || || -180:180; -90:90 || 720x360 || 1901 || 2013 || 113 || 6H || || 1 oct 2014|| || 346 GB || || cruncep_onedeg_yyyy.nc || || -180:180; -90:90 || 360x180 || 1901 || 2013 || 113 || 6H || || 1 oct 2014|| || 359 GB || || cruncep_twodeg_yyyy.nc || || -180:180; -90:90 || 720x360 || 1901 || 2013 || 113 || 6H || || 1 oct 2014|| || 90 GB || ==== CRU-NCEP / v5.2 ==== This version is archived at IDRIS/ergon : /linkhome/rech/psl/rpsl035/IGCM_backup_2015-06-15/STORAGE/BC/OL2/CRU-NCEP || Name || || Spatial information || ||Temporal information || || || || Web documentation || || || Size || || Abbreviation || Full name || Coverage || Resolution || First year || Last year || Number of years || Resolution || Informations || Data download || References || GB || || cruncep_yyyy.nc || || -180:180; -90:90 || 720x360 || 1901 || 2012 || 112 || 6H || || 25 sept 2013|| || 343 GB || ==== CRU-NCEP / v5.2_2x2deg ==== This version is archived at IDRIS/ergon : /linkhome/rech/psl/rpsl035/IGCM_backup_2015-06-15/STORAGE/BC/OL2/CRU-NCEP || Name || || Spatial information || ||Temporal information || || || || Web documentation || || || Size || || Abbreviation || Full name || Coverage || Resolution || First year || Last year || Number of years || Resolution || Informations || Data download || References || GB || || cruncep_yyyy_2x2.nc || || -180:180; -90:90 || 180x90 || 1901 || 2012 || 112 || 6H || || 25 sept 2013|| || 89 GB || ==== CRU-NCEP / v2 ==== This version is archived at IDRIS/ergon : /linkhome/rech/psl/rpsl035/IGCM_backup_2015-06-15/STORAGE/BC/OL2/CRU-NCEP || Name || || Spatial information || ||Temporal information || || || || Web documentation || || || Size || || Abbreviation || Full name || Coverage || Resolution || First year || Last year || Number of years || Resolution || Informations || Data download || References || GB || || cruncep_halfdeg_yyyy.nc || || -180:180; -90:90 || 720x360 || 1901 || 2010 || 110 || 6H || || 5 juin 2013|| || 362 GB || || cruncep_halfdeg_yyyy_noleap.nc || || -180:180; -90:90 || 720x360 || 1904 || 2008 || 27 || 6H || || 5 juin 2013|| || 89 GB || || cruncep_halfdeg_yyyy_leap.nc || || -180:180; -90:90 || 720x360 || 1904 || 2008 || 27 || 6H || || 5 juin 2013|| || 89 GB || Default is to use the noleap files (through symbolic links). === 4.2 CRU === || Name || || Spatial information || ||Temporal information || || || || Web documentation || || || Size || || Abbreviation || Full name || Coverage || Resolution || First year || Last year || Number of years || Resolution || Informations || Data download || References || GB || || forceyyyy.nc || || -180:180; -90:90 || 720x360 || 1901 || 2002 || 103 || monthly || || oct 2004 || || 10.7 GB || || forceyyyy_yyyy.nc || || -180:180; -90:90 || 720x360 || 1901_1909 || 1994_2002 || 7 || monthly || || oct 2004 || || || === 4.3 ERA_New_Global === || Name || || Spatial information || ||Temporal information || || || || Web documentation || || || Size || || Abbreviation || Full name || Coverage || Resolution || First year || Last year || Number of years || Resolution || Informations || Data download || References || GB || || ERA_Global_yyyy.nc || || -180:180; -90:90 || 512x256 || 1979 || 2012 || 34 || 3H || || 22 juin 2013|| || 437 GB || === 4.4 ISLSCP === || Name || || Spatial information || ||Temporal information || || || || Web documentation || || || Size || || Abbreviation || Full name || Coverage || Resolution || First year || Last year || Number of years || Resolution || Informations || Data download || References || GB || || islscp_for_1987.nc || || -180:180; -90:90 || 360x179 || 1987 || 1987 || 1 || 6H || || 28 jun 2005 || || 1.1 GB || === 4.5 ISLSCP2 === || Name || || Spatial information || ||Temporal information || || || || Web documentation || || || Size || || Abbreviation || Full name || Coverage || Resolution || First year || Last year || Number of years || Resolution || Informations || Data download || References || GB || || islscp_for_yyyy.nc || || -180:180; -90:90 || 360x179 || 1982 || 1995 || 14 || 3H (6H for 1982) || || 28 jun 2005 || ||19 GB || === 4.6 NCC === || Name || || Spatial information || ||Temporal information || || || || Web documentation || || || Size || || Abbreviation || Full name || Coverage || Resolution || First year || Last year || Number of years || Resolution || Informations || Data download || References || GB || || ncc_for_yyyy.nc || || -180:180; -90:90 || 360x180 || 1948 || 2000 || 52 || 6H || [http://thanh.ngoduc.free.fr/wiki/index.php/Main/NCCDataset info]|| sept 2005 ||[http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/2005/2004JD005434.shtml ref] || 37 GB || === 4.7 NLDAS === || Name || || Spatial information || ||Temporal information || || || || Web documentation || || || Size || || Abbreviation || Full name || Coverage || Resolution || First year || Last year || Number of years || Resolution || Informations || Data download || References || GB || || orchidee_NLDAS_forcing_yyyymm.nc || || -67:-24; 25:52 || 464x224 || 199701 || 200212 || 6 || 1H || || mai 2008 |||| 197 GB || === 4.8 WFD3/annual === || Name || || Spatial information || ||Temporal information || || || || Web documentation || || || Size || || Abbreviation || Full name || Coverage || Resolution || First year || Last year || Number of years || Resolution || Informations || Data download || References || GB || || WFD_yyyy.nc || || -180:180; -90:90 || 720x360 || 1958 || 2001 || 44 || 3H || || april 2010 || || 300 GB ||