||[wiki:Documentation Documentation]||[wiki:Configurations Configurations]||[wiki:Tags Main Version]||[wiki:Branches Other Versions]||[wiki:Evaluation Evaluation]||'''[wiki:Drivers Drivers]'''||[wiki:Tools Tools]||[wiki:Meetings Meetings]||[wiki:Seminars Seminars]||[wiki:Contact Contact]|| = Drivers of ORCHIDEE model = [[PageOutline(1-2,,pullout)]] ORCHIDEE needs several forcing data in order to run correctly. The number of requested data is dependant of the configuration used. In On-Line mode, the data needed are related to soil texture and color. If the vegetation is prescribed, ORCHIDEE needs in addition a vegetation information defining the fraction of each PFT per gridcell. Vegetation types gathered in these vegetation maps can be either PFT or Holson categories. In Off-Line mode, ORCHIDEE is forced by weather data based on observations or climate model reanalysis. Last, depending of the options activated within a run of ORCHIDEE, additional maps might be used for irrigation, slope for routing scheme, ... == Soil texture and color data == == Vegetation information == === Olson map === === Global Land Use modeling data formatted for ORCHIDEE === === Future projections based on RCP's === == Weather data == === CRU data === === NCC dataset === NCC is a 53-year forcing data set from 1948 to 2000 with a 6-hourly time step resolution and a spatial resolution of 1° × 1°. It is based on the National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research reanalysis project and a number of independent in situ observations. For more information, [http://thanh.ngoduc.free.fr/wiki/index.php/Main/NCCDataset] and [http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/2005/2004JD005434.shtml] === ERA-interim dataset === === CRU-NCEP dataset === === Fluxnet dataset === === Scripts examples === - FORTRAN 90 script to create a land points only forcing file (use of the compress attribute) [attachment:mk_grid.f90] == Irrigation == == Slope == == forcing fields stored on IGCM common account == This files are stored into IGCM/BC/OOL/OL2 directory on CCRT, IDRIS at least. === CRU === || Name || || Spatial information || ||Temporal information || || || || Web documentation || || Size || || Abbreviation || Full name || Coverage || Resolution || First year || Last year || Number of years || Resolution || Informations || Data download || References || GB ||  === CRU-NCEP === ===FLUXNET=== ===ISLSCP=== ===ISLSCP2=== ===NCC=== ===NLDAS=== ===WG===