Changes between Version 9 and Version 10 of Documentation/Drivers

2021-03-12T10:38:58+01:00 (3 years ago)



  • Documentation/Drivers

    v9 v10  
    3636The work on the new driver has been picked up since July 2020 by X. W. A short report summarizes the first part of this efforts and can be found on 
    38 '''More efforts and progress ''' on the integraton of new driver in the trunk, updated in March 2021: 
     38'''Recent progress ''' on the integraton of new driver in the trunk, updated in March 2021: 
    40 * the recent version of new driver from Jan. P is included in the trunk. This is committed in r7082. 
     40* the recent version of new driver is included in the trunk. This is committed in r7082. 
    4141* fixed a bug when using the forcing file of coarse resolution: corresponding to the ticket 
    42 * in order to use new driver for spinup and fg1trans as well, modified src_driver/forcing_tools.f90 significantly, slight change to src_driver/orchideedriver.f90 
    43 * for the same purpose, modified libIGCM/libIGCM_config/libIGCM_config.ksh and several places in orchidee configuration files, so that the new driver works for not only FG2, but also spinup and fg1trans. These changes are committed into r7082. 
     42* in order to use new driver for spinup and fg1trans as well, modified src_driver/forcing_tools.f90, libIGCM/libIGCM_config/libIGCM_config.ksh, run.def and orchideedriver.driver etc. These changes are committed into r7082. 
     43* in order to prepare the forcing file when using the new driver, added a new script AddYears in TOOLS/newdriver for ORCHIDEE. This is committed in r7112. 
     44* in order to faciliate users, created necessary forcing files for using new driver and added them into the IGCM repository 
     45* in order to be consistent with the recent version of FG2, created FG2nd configuration files for using the new driver. Updated all the configuration files (spinup analystique, fg1trans, fg2, fg8) in the recent version of trunk by using the new driver. After testing them for a few years, these updates are committed in r7119 of trunk. Fixed the ticket 
    4446* identified that the old and the new drivers have the reversed order of latitude when writing the restart file 
    45 * created FG2nd for using the new driver, in order to be consistent with the recent version of FG2. This is committed in r7112. FG3 and FG3nd could be removed soon. 
    46 * updated all the configuration files (spinup analystique, fg1trans, fg2, fg8) in the recent version of trunk by using the new driver, and tested them with global simulation over a few years. After the tests, these updates are committed in r7119 of trunk. Fixed the ticket 
    47 * added a new script AddYears in TOOLS/newdriver for ORCHIDEE , useful for preparing the forcing file when using the new driver. This is committed in r7112. 
    48 * created extra forcing file for using new driver and added them into the IGCM repository  
    5148'''Remarks for the knowledge of users of the new driver:'''