Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Documentation/Archive/News2015-2016/2015July

2015-07-10T14:08:34+02:00 (9 years ago)



  • Documentation/Archive/News2015-2016/2015July

    v1 v2  
    44== Changes in ORCHIDEE trunk source code == 
     5=== Physical changes === 
     6* The multilayer snow modules has been updated by Tao Wang. More modification related to the fraction of snow will come during the autumn. See ticket #179 
     7* The dynamic vegetation has been updated and corrected by Dan Zhu. See ticket #182   
     8* Divers enhancement in CWRR hydrology 
     10=== Technical changes === 
    511* The vegetation map is now read in the beginning of a new year instead of in December. This change simplifies the simulation set up. Read more here :  wiki:Documentation/UserGuide/ReadingPFTmap 
    612* Homogenization of variables controlling the text output: a new variables PRINTLEV replaces BAVARD, LONGPRINT and local debug variables. Read more here :  wiki:Documentation/UserGuide/Printlev 
    713* Structural change for the main subroutines. Each module now have the three subroutines _initialize, _main and _finalize. The _main subroutine is only called in the time loop once per time step. All initialization should be done before the _main subroutines are called. See ticket #168. For example see [ sechiba.f90].   
     15=== Externalized parameters === 
     16The file orchidee.default contains all parameters and their default values. This file is found in ORCHIDEE/orchidee.default besides the ''src_'' directories. It is not longer existing in the configuration directory. This file is only used as an example and it can not be used directly during a simulation. The same list of parameters can also be found on the wiki:Documentation/OrchideeParameters [[BR]] 
     18Note that this page must be updated and it is not always the latest version. Note also that this list corresponds to the file orchidee.default and both are created using a script that scans the ORCHIDEE source code. The script is scanning all comments in the code beginning with ''!Config'' situated above the ''call getin'' in the code. The default value which is marked in orchidee.default or at the wiki corresponds to the value set in the comment '''!Config Def''' and not the real value. Any doubts must be checked into the source code.  
     21Removed parameters: 
     22* LAND_COVER_CHANGE : stomate_lcchange is always calculated if the vegetation map is updated. 
     23* BAVARD, LONGPRINT : homogenization 
     25Parameters that changed names: 
     26* LAND_USE changed name into MAP_PFT_FORMAT (default =y) : This parameter is only controlling the format of the vegetation file. If MAP_PFT_FORMAT=y(default), read on pft format. If =n, read the Olson map.  
     28Added parameters: 
     29* PRINTLEV: level of text output. PRINTLEV=1 (default) production mode, PRINTLEV=5 very much output 
     30* PRINTLEV_sechiba, PRINTLEV_intersurf, PRINTLEV_slowproc, PRINTLEV_dim2_driver, PRINTLEV_readdim2, PRINTLEV_forcesoil : change the printlev for a specific module. Default value is the value for PRINTLEV.