Changes between Version 18 and Version 19 of Documentation/Archive/News2015-2016/2015July

2015-08-02T00:37:24+02:00 (9 years ago)



  • Documentation/Archive/News2015-2016/2015July

    v18 v19  
    77Ongoing work concern: 
    88* A merge between the soil thermal and hydrology discretization is ongoing (to be ready after the summer) with a common discretization at the surface but for the thermic the depth of the soil (10 m by default) can be deeper than for the hydrology (2m by default); Work by Fuxing Wang; (see wiki:Meetings/CMIP6/Physic) 
    910* Ongoing modification of the multi-layer snow module developped by Tao: Addition of a fraction of snow covering the grid cell and modification of the coupling with thermosoil to have a full implicit scheme with the atm PBL (see wiki:Meetings/CMIP6/Physic) 
    10 * The Nitrogen cycle (taken mostly from OCN model) has been included in different version of ORCHIDEE under the supervision of Nicolas Vuichard (TRUNC and MICT version); Test are ongoing and information can be found at wiki:wiki/DevelopmentActivities/MergeOCN 
     12* The Nitrogen cycle (taken mostly from OCN model) has been included in different version of ORCHIDEE under the supervision of Nicolas Vuichard (TRUNC and MICT version); Test are ongoing and information can be found at wiki:DevelopmentActivities/MergeOCN 
    1114* An activity started to prepare land cover changes for ORC (for different projects such as LUC4C and CMIP6); The PFT maps will use Land cover transitions provided by G. Hurtt and possibly the new land cover map from ESA-CCI-lcover project; see wiki:Meetings/CMIP6/LandCover)   