Changes between Version 13 and Version 14 of Documentation/Archive/News2015-2016/2015July

2015-08-02T00:18:14+02:00 (9 years ago)



  • Documentation/Archive/News2015-2016/2015July

    v13 v14  
    1313=== Physical changes === 
    1414* The multilayer snow modules has been updated by Tao Wang. Modification related to the fraction of snow will come during the autumn. See ticket #179 
    15 * The dynamic vegetation has been updated and corrected by Dan Zhu. See ticket #182 
     15* The dynamic vegetation has been updated and corrected by Dan Zhu for the high latitude (paper in GMD: See ticket #182 
    1616* Initialize t2m_longterm without reading file. See ticket #158 
    1717* Add beta factor in enerbil during coupling with LMDZ by Fuxing Wang, see ticket #157 
    1818* Enhancement in CWRR hydrology and routing, see ticket #113, #114 and #151 
    1919* Bug correction: interpolation of SWdown with 'daily' forcing files, see ticket #156 
     20* Change default value for SPRED_PREC (control the spread of the precipitation between different time step if the forcing file provide Precip at lower frequency than 30min, see ticket #177 
    2122=== Technical changes === 
    2425* XIOS is added as output library in ORCHIDEE. It is replacing IOIPSL in a more efficient way. [ See here the presentation about XIOS in ORCHDIDEE given at the developers meeting the 31st of Mars 2015]. XIOS is now used as default in LMDZOR_v6 configurations and as option in ORCHIDEE_OL configuration. These configurations using XIOS are tested at curie, ada and obelix. 
    2526* Homogenization of variables controlling the text output: a new variable PRINTLEV replaces BAVARD, LONGPRINT and local debug variables. Read more here:  wiki:Documentation/UserGuide/Printlev 
    26 * Change default value for SPRED_PREC, see ticket #177 
    2727* ORCHIDEE_WATCHOUT and STOMATE_WATCHOUT have been removed, see ticket #172. 
    2828* Clarification in time step variables: dt_sechiba and dt_stomate are replacing dt_radia and dt_slow. The new variables do not need to be passed as argument. See ticket #87