7 | | This developement is motivated in part by research regarding differences in modelled characteristics when the 'mosaic' approach is applied within grid cells. ([https://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/attachment/wiki/DevelopmentActivities/subgrid/Li%2C%20Arora%20-%202012%20-%20Effect%20of%20mosaic%20representation%20of%20vegetation%20in%20land%20surface%20schemes%20on%20simulated%20energy%20and%20carbon%20balances.pdf Li & Arora, 2012]; [https://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/attachment/wiki/DevelopmentActivities/subgrid/bg-11-1021-2014.pdf Melton & Arora, 2014]) found that although there were differences of only 5% between grid averaged heat fluxes between the mosaic approach and composite approach are compared, differences of 30-40% were observed for grid averaged NPP, LAI, soil Carbon and vegetagion biomass. For high within-cell heterogeneity, differences were much greater in both instances. The mosaic versus composite effect has yet to be tested in a model on a global scale. |
| 7 | This developement is motivated in part by research regarding differences in modelled characteristics when the 'mosaic' approach is applied within grid cells. ([https://forge.ipsl.fr/orchidee/attachment/wiki/DevelopmentActivities/subgrid/Li%2C%20Arora%20-%202012%20-%20Effect%20of%20mosaic%20representation%20of%20vegetation%20in%20land%20surface%20schemes%20on%20simulated%20energy%20and%20carbon%20balances.pdf Li & Arora, 2012]; [https://forge.ipsl.fr/orchidee/attachment/wiki/DevelopmentActivities/subgrid/bg-11-1021-2014.pdf Melton & Arora, 2014]) found that although there were differences of only 5% between grid averaged heat fluxes between the mosaic approach and composite approach are compared, differences of 30-40% were observed for grid averaged NPP, LAI, soil Carbon and vegetagion biomass. For high within-cell heterogeneity, differences were much greater in both instances. The mosaic versus composite effect has yet to be tested in a model on a global scale. |