Version 4 (modified by dgoll, 7 years ago) (diff) |
External nitrogen and phosphorus inputs to the ecosystem PART 1: natural inputs
External inputs of nutrient to the ecosystem can be either (1) read in from global maps, (2) prescribed from run.def (for site simulations) or (3) computed dynamically in case of biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) and phosphorus weathering. Several flags handle this.
List of natural input fluxes currently considered
natural nitrogen input (g N m-2 yr-1)
- Ndep_NHX: atmospheric NHX deposition
- Ndep_NOY: atmospheric NOY deposition
- Nfert: N fertilizer (DSG: is this needed or not?)
- Nbnf: Biological N2 fixation
natural phosphorus input (g P m-2 yr-1)
- Pdep_p: atmospheric P deposition
- Pweat: P release from weathering
Flags to control the input fluxes in run.def
- Ninput_update: 0=inputs are taken from restart file / 1=inputs are taken from run.def or maps
- impose_Ninput: y=impose nutrient inputs either from map or run.def (default n)
- impose_Nmap: y=read nutrient inputs from maps (if impose_Ninput=y), n=read from run.def (if impose_Ninput=y)
- Ndep_NHX: annual NHX input by deposition, (if impose_Nmap=n)
- Ndep_NOY: annual NOY input by deposition (if impose_Nmap=n)
- Nfert: annual N input by fertilizers (if impose_Nmap=n=y)
- Nbnf: annual N input by BNF (if impose_Nmap=n and read_bnf=y)
- Pdep: annual P input by deposition (if impose_Nmap=n=y)
- Pweat: annual P input by wethering (if impose_Nmap=n=y and read_pweat=y)