== Introduction == == The driver for OASIS : driver2oasis.f90 == This code simulates an atmospheric model which would provide provide data for ORCHIDEE through OASIS. As the original ORCHIDEE driver (dim2_driver.f90) is outdated and inflexible it has been redeveloped here. For the moment this code only read compressed by gathering forcing files which contain a sufficient amount of meta-data (link to document). This code is aimed at running only on one processor. It should not be a limiting factor in the execution time as it only reads once the forcing and then only does some simple time interpolations. Furthermore these interpolations are done while ORCHIDEE runs, i.e. it is not blocked by an oasis_get call. == The fields which OASIS exchanges between the atmosphere and the surface == === From the atmosphere to ORCHIDEE === || '''Name''' || '''units''' || '''ID on driver side''' || '''ID on ORCHIDEE side''' || || Height of T and Q || m || ZLTQDRIV || HEIGHTTQ || || Height of wind || m || ZLUVDRIV || HEIGHTUV || || Atmospheric temperature || K || TAIRDRIV || TEMPLEV1 || || Atmospheric moisture || kg/kg || QAIRDRIV || HUMILEV1 || || Rainfall || kg/m^2/s || RAINDRIV || RAINFALL || || Snowfall || kg/m^2/s || SNOWDRIV || SNOWFALL || || Downward solar radiation || W/m^2 || SWDODRIV || SHOWDOWN || || Downward longwave radiation || W/m^2 || LWDODRIV || LONWDOWN || || Solar angle || ?? || SOLADRIV || SOLARANG || || Eastward atmsopheric wind || m/s || UWINDRIV || EASTWIND || || Northward wind || m/s || VWINDRIV || NORTWIND || || Surface pressure || Pa || PRESDRIV || SURFPRES || === From the surface to the atmosphere === || '''Name''' || '''units''' || '''ID on driver side''' || '''ID on ORCHIDEE side''' || || Surface evaporation || ?? || EVAPDRIV || TOTEVAPS || || Sensible heat flux || W/m^2 || SENSDRIV || FLUXSENS || || Latent heat flux || W/m^2 || LATEDRIV || FLUXLATE || || Diffuse freshwater flux to the oceans || ?? || COASDRIV || COASTFLO || || River flux into the ocean || ?? || RIVEDRIV || RIVERFLO || || Net CO2 flux || ?? || NECODRIV || FLUNECO2 || || ?? || ?? || LUCODRIV || FLULUCO2 || || Surface radiative temperature || K || TRADDRIV || TSURFRAD || || Surface temperature || K || TNEWDRIV || TSURFNEW || || Surface humidity || kg/kg || QSURDRIV || QSURFNEW || || Near Infra-red albedo || - || ANIRDRIV || ALBEDNIR || || Visible albedo || - || AVISDRIV || ALBEDVIS || || Surface emissivity || - || EMISDRIV || EMISLONW || || Surface roughness || m || ROUGDRIV || ROUGNESS || == The "main" which controls the ORCHIDEE execution : orchideeoasis.f90 == == Execution of the model coupled to the driver == As OASIS is linked into both models (driver2oasis and orchideeoasis) the execution of the coupled model is simply achieved by one mpirun command. It can have the following structure : mpirun -n $PEDRIV driver2oasis : -n $PEORCH orchideeoasis where : PEDRIV=1 and PEORCH=$(($NSLOTS-$PEDRIV)), i.e. only one processor is for the driver and all others work on ORCHIDEE. == Execution of the model coupled to WRF ==