= Guides = == Migration to Irene (from Curie) == This guide is meant for those people who wants to keep using its current modipsl folder and/or Orchidee folder. All those steps are already done if you decide to use the latest version of modipsl and Orchidee. So no step is required. So, Follow the steps below to properly migrate your current Orchidee version from Curie HPC to Irene. In big lines what you are going to do is: 1. Update modipsl: new libIGCM version (2.8.4) 2. Update Orchidee: include the arch/X64_IRENE.* files Let's start: 1. Update modipsl * Make sure to follow all the steps Josefine Ghattas suggested to migrate to IRENE for libIGCM. * It is required to upgrade your libIGCM version to 2.8.4. {{{ Dear all, following maintenance operation at TGCC simulations of persons not belonging to the "drf" unix group failed to start. Please update your libIGCM version following those instructions. https://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/igcmg_doc/wiki/DocLfaq#HowdoIuseadifferentversionoflibIGCM If you encounter difficulties please post them on this mailing list. Sébastien pour le groupe plateforme }}} 2. Update Orchidee * Copy LATEST_MICT/arch/*X64_IRENE* files to your current arch/ folder. https://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/changeset/5307/branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT/ORCHIDEE * Reinstall the Makefiles for the new architecture: * cd yourmodipsl/util * ./ins_make * Compile Orchidee using IRENE configuration * ./makeorchidee_fcm -parallel mpi -arch X64_IRENE -prod -driver -otherexec -xios -j 8 -full == Spinup Carbon MICT simulations (libIGCM configuration) == This guide is written by Matthieu Guimberteau: [https://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/attachment/wiki/DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-MICT-IMBALANCE-P/Guides/20180409_guimberteau_spinup_MICTv8.6.pdf][[BR]] == Spinup run in MICT-V6 (r3266) == This guide is written by Ana Bastos. It works for revision 3266. In the folder /modipsl/config/ORCHIDEE_OL: {{{ cp -r SPINUP MY_SPINUP_DIR }}} In MY_SPINUP_DIR you should find the following files/folders: 1. config.card 1. COMP 1. PARAM 1. SUBJOB === 1. CONFIG.CARD === In config.card change: {{{ JobName=My.Spinup.experiment PeriodLength= 1Y JobNumProcTot=NPROC # number of processors for simulation ARCHIVE = /some/path/to/ }}} Make sure to verify: SpaceName The spin-up (as far as I understand) does not work if it does not restart from a transient simulation. So first one needs to have restart files from the transient. {{{ #D-- SRF options passed to SuRFace (SECHIBA) subjobs [SRF] WriteFrequency="1Y" Restart=y #-- Last day of the experience used as restart RestartDate=2011-12-31 # Define restart simulation name RestartJobName=transient.my.experiment RestartPath=${ARCHIVE}/IGCM_OUT/OL2/...[DEVT/PROD]/secsto # Old component name for restart (if empty, use new name) OldName= #D-- Surface BioGeochemistry ( STOMATE ) subjobs [SBG] WriteFrequency= 1Y Restart= y #-- Last day of the experience used as restart RestartDate= 2011-12-31 # Define restart simulation name RestartJobName= transient.my.experiment RestartPath=${ARCHIVE}/IGCM_OUT/OL2/...[DEVT/PROD]/secsto }}} Run the command: {{{ ../../../libIGCM/ins_job }}} Verify number of processors in Job_My.Spinup.experiment. It does not seem to update automatically. * In CURIE: {{{ #MSUB -n 16 # Number of MPI tasks (SPMD case) or cores (MPMD case) }}} * In OBELIX: {{{ #PBS -v BATCH_NUM_PROC_TOT=16 # example #PBS -l nodes=4:ppn=4 # example }}} Add, if desired, specify a run dir path folder: {{{ RUN_DIR_PATH = /to/some/folder/ }}} Check, if desired/necessary: {{{ PeriodNb = SOMEVALUE }}} === 2. COMP/ === ==== 2.1. In spinup.card change/verify: ==== {{{ # If you want to use the same forcing file DRIVER_NORESTART=y ## set to no because of in config.card periodlength=1yr # If you want use config.card PeriodLength for TIME_LENGTH DRIVER_TIMELENGTH=n ## NO for MICT! # Should we start the analytic resolution of the spinup? SPINUP_ANALYTIC=n #(number of years to put C in soil - default is 100) duree_carbonsol=X n_iter=X # Boundary Files for ORCHIDEE subjobs : List= (/.../.../.../.../my.forcing.file.nc, forcing_file.nc) }}} Verifiy other flags, eg: * impose_veg * land_use * new_hydrol * ... ==== 2.2 - In spinup.driver ==== Below line 320: {{{ # Nb years for forcing FORCESOIL ORCHIDEE_def FORCESOIL_STEP_PER_YEAR 12 ORCHIDEE_def WRITELEVEL_FORCESOIL 3 }}} Modify line 840: {{{ IGCM_card_WriteOption ${New_SUBMIT_DIR}/COMP/stomate.card BoundaryFiles ListNonDel \ "(${config_SBG_RestartPath}/${LastJobName}/SBG/Restart/${LastJobName}_${output_PreviousStage_LastRestartDate}_stomate_Cforcing.nc, stomate_Cforcing.nc), \\" }}} to: {{{ IGCM_card_WriteOption ${New_SUBMIT_DIR}/COMP/stomate.card BoundaryFiles ListNonDel \ "(${config_SBG_RestartPath}/${LastJobName}/SBG/Restart/${LastJobName}_${output_PreviousStage_LastRestartDate}_stomate_Cforcing_permafrost.nc, stomate_Cforcing_permafrost.nc), \\" }}} Add below: {{{ # Nb years for forcing FORCESOIL ORCHIDEE_def FORCESOIL_STEP_PER_YEAR 12 ORCHIDEE_def TIME_LENGTH X ### equal to duree carbon sols #### }}} === 3 - PARAM/ === Use the same run.def as used for the whole experiment (see MICT run.def example) === 4 - SUBJOB/ === ==== 4.1 SUBJOB/FORCESOIL ==== ===== 4.1.1 - in config.card: ===== {{{ PeriodLength=X # (same as duree_carbonsol in spinup.card) ARCHIVE = /.../.../.../ - archive folder SBG= (forcesoil, forcesoil, NPROCMPI) # verify that number of processors matches between Spinup and subjobs #D-- SRF - STOMATE [SBG] WriteFrequency="XY" # same as PeriodLength }}} ===== 4.1.2 - in Job_AUTO ===== Verify number of processors (as for the main job) ===== 4.1.3 - in COMP/===== ====== - stomate.card update boundary file for Cforcing_permafrost ====== {{{ [BoundaryFiles] List= () ListNonDel= (${config_SBG_RestartPath}/${config_SBG_RestartJobName}/SBG/Restart/${config_SBG_RestartJobName}_${Date_Restarts}_stomate_Cforcing_permafrost.nc, stomate_Cforcing_permafrost.nc)\ (${R_BC}/SRF/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/reftemp.nc, .) }}} ====== - stomate.driver ====== {{{ ORCHIDEE_def STOMATE_RESTART_FILEIN stomate_rest_in.nc ORCHIDEE_def STOMATE_CFORCING_NAME stomate_Cforcing.nc ORCHIDEE_def STOMATE_CFORCING_PF_NM stomate_Cforcing_permafrost.nc # ADD THIS LINE }}} ===== 4.1.2 - in PARAM: ===== Add TIME_LENGTH=XY to run.def #(is empty) ==== 4.2 SUBJOB/OOL_SEC_STO ==== ===== 4.2.1 - in SUBJOB/OOL_SEC_STO/config.card ===== {{{ #D- For each component, Real name of executable, Name of executable for oasis OOL= (orchidee_ol, orchidee_ol, NPROCMPI) ##!!! Verify the it matches the main Job #D-- SRF - SECHIBA [SRF] WriteFrequency="1Y" Restart=n #D-- SRF - STOMATE [SBG] WriteFrequency="1Y" Restart=n }}} ===== 4.2.2 - in SUBJOB/OOL_SEC_STO/Job_AUTO ===== Verify number of processors (as for the main job) ===== 4.2.3 - in SUBJOB/OOL_SEC_STO/COMP/ ===== ====== - orchidee_ol.card ====== {{{ [BoundaryFiles] List= (/.../.../.../.../my.forcing.file.nc, forcing_file.nc) }}} ====== - sechiba.card ====== Verify flags and add vegetation map (example): {{{ LAIMAP=n IMPOSE_VEG=n LAND_USE=y VEGET_UPDATE=0Y OLD_VEGET=n ROUTING=n NEWHYDROL=y OKCO2=y sechiba_LEVEL=11 [InitialStateFiles] List=(${R_INIT}/SRF/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/routing.nc, .), \ (${R_INIT}/SRF/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/soils_param.nc, .), \ (${R_INIT}/SRF/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/cartepente2d_15min.nc, .), \ (${R_INIT}/SRF/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/floodplains.nc, .), \ (/.../.../.../.../my.PFT.file.nc, PFTmap.nc) }}} ====== - in stomate.driver ====== {{{ ORCHIDEE_def STOMATE_FORCING_NAME stomate_forcing.nc ORCHIDEE_def STOMATE_CFORCING_NAME stomate_Cforcing.nc ORCHIDEE_def STOMATE_CFORCING_PF_NM stomate_Cforcing_permafrost.nc ## ADD THIS LINE if [ $( IGCM_date_DaysBetweenGregorianDate ${PeriodDateEnd} ${DateEnd} ) -ge 0 ] ; then IGCM_sys_Put_Out stomate_Cforcing.nc ${R_OUT_SBG_R}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_${PeriodDateEnd}_stomate_Cforcing.nc IGCM_sys_Put_Out stomate_forcing.nc ${R_OUT_SBG_R}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_${PeriodDateEnd}_stomate_forcing.nc IGCM_sys_Put_Out stomate_Cforcing_permafrost.nc ${R_OUT_SBG_R}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_${PeriodDateEnd}_stomate_Cforcing_permafrost.nc ### ADD THIS LINE rm -f stomate_Cforcing.nc rm -f stomate_forcing.nc rm -f stomate_Cforcing_permafrost.nc #### ADD THIS LINE fi }}} ===== 4.2.4 - in SUBJOB/OOL_SEC_STO/PARAM/run.def ===== # Use same run.def as the experiment, but add: {{{ FORCESOIL_STEP_PER_YEAR=12 STOMATE_CFORCING_PF_NM = stomate_Cforcing_permafrost.nc }}}