Changes between Version 69 and Version 70 of DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-DOFOCO

2016-04-01T17:35:29+02:00 (8 years ago)



  • DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-DOFOCO

    v69 v70  
    5050- All changes were put into its own branch called ORCHIDEE-CN-CAN and the branch is up to date with r3238 of ORCHIDEE-CN. This branch can now be used to start working in parallel on different parts of the code. 
     52=== 11.04.2016 === 
     53- Merged the turnover code and the mass balance is closed. 
    5355== ISSUES == 
    5860=== 22.12.2015 === 
    59 - [NOT solved] the land mask of the nitrogen map does not seem to match the land mask of the PFT map. In the single and multiple-pixel test cases impose_veget = y and thus the PFT map was not used. Switching on the PFT map for a global grid results in the following error. FATAL ERROR FROM ROUTINE slowproc_ninput . No information for a point . Fatal error from ORCHIDEE. STOP in ipslerr_p with code. 
     61- [NOT solved] the land mask of the nitrogen map does not seem to match the land mask of the PFT map. In the single and multiple-pixel test cases impose_veget=y and thus the PFT map was not used. Switching on the PFT map for a global grid results in the following error. FATAL ERROR FROM ROUTINE slowproc_ninput . No information for a point . Fatal error from ORCHIDEE. STOP in ipslerr_p with code. 
    6062- [NOT solved] two identical installations of the revision 2978 do not result in identical output for SRF. The SRF output differed by 10-5 to 10-8 for the C-fluxes for the 4 pixels and 10-6 to 10-9 for the single pixel run. This appears as a minor issue but it suggests that the 1+1 problem has not been solved. Interestingly GPP in stomate is identical. GPP in SRF is among the variables with shows small differences. 
    61 - [NOT solved] the function get_printlev does not work. Only printlev is read and used. printlev_loc is not working. Tried to debug but without success. This function contains about 5 lines of code so finding the problem shouldn't be too difficult. 
     63- [solved] the function get_printlev does not work. Only printlev is read and used. printlev_loc is not working. Tried to debug but without success. This function contains about 5 lines of code so finding the problem shouldn't be too difficult. 
    6365=== 06.01.2016 === 
    7678=== 03.02.2016 === 
    7779- [solved] No nitrogen allocation for deciduous trees 
    78 - [NOT solved] Added a patch for allow_initpheno in stomate_phenology to make the model work with turnover. This patch should be removed as soon as turnover is activated. The patch is marked with +++PATCH+++ 
     80- [solved] Added a patch for allow_initpheno in stomate_phenology to make the model work with turnover. This patch should be removed as soon as turnover is activated. The patch is marked with +++PATCH+++ 
    7981- [NOT solved] We end up with rather large residuals in ordinary allocation. This is something new and unwanted. The code itself should be OK so most likely this is the result of a bug somewhere else in the code (no idea where) or a problem due to the parameter settings. The numerical approximation makes use of ::s and ::step. That is probably where the problem is really happening. A temporary fix was implemented. 
    8082- [NOT solved] The code runs with ncirc=3 but the output needs to be adjusted to reflect the different diameter classes. 
    8890=== 11.03.2016 === 
    8991- No new issues were found when establishing the branch and updating the code 
     93=== 31.04.2016 === 
     94- [NOT solved] The code crashes after 8 years because the biomass in de different diameter classes is not monotonically increasing. At that point the biomass is very negative. The code should crash on the fact that the biomass is very negative - this is checked at the end of each routine in stomate. In CAN we have dedicated routines to deal with those issues. Those routines have not been merged/activated yet. For the moment we do not kill PFTs so we may have a run-away turnover but it could as well be a bug. It is expected that the problem will become more pronounced 9and easier to find) when all biomass-subroutines are activated. 