Changes between Version 248 and Version 249 of DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-DOFOCO

2020-01-22T21:18:30+01:00 (5 years ago)



  • DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-DOFOCO

    v248 v249  
    587587==== Settings for the FLUXNET comparison ==== 
    588 The parameterization starts with several 1-pixel test cases coinciding with long-term flux-net sites to test whether the model captures the growth dynamics such as phenology, max LAI, GPP, etc. These tests require a spin-up. The 1-pixel test cases will allow for both parameter tuning and changes in the code to improve the model behaviour. The majority of the data represent mature forests, hence, the modelled forests should be mature as well. The model will be run for 80 years, before any output will be compared to the FLUXNET measurements. An iterative process is be planned: 
    589 * 80 years to reach mature forest → parameterize 
    590 * Re-run the 80 years to reach mature forest with the new parameters → parameterize 
    591 * Re-run spin-up and 80 year simulation to reach mature forest with the new parameters → parameterize  
     588The parameterization starts with several 1-pixel test cases coinciding with long-term flux-net sites to test whether the model captures the growth dynamics such as phenology, max LAI, GPP, etc. These tests require a spin-up. The 1-pixel test cases will allow for both parameter tuning and changes in the code to improve the model behaviour. The majority of the data represent mature forests, hence, the modelled forests should be mature as well. The ENSEMBLE runs consists of several steps of which the last step is a clear cut after which the forest is replanted in the same year as the observations. This procedure is not exact because we have to cycle over the fluxnet climate drivers. Simulation and data will thus come from forest of approximately the same age. An iterative process is be planned: 
     589* Spin-up, clearcut, run to match the observed age → parameterize 
     590* Re-run to match the observed age with the new parameters → parameterize 
     591* Re-run spin-up clearcut, run to match the observed age with the new parameters → parameterize  
    592592* Continue until satisfied 
    594 The current scripts for FLUXNET evaluation are broken down into three parts.  1) An initial looping over the driver file (1-10 years, depending on the file), 2) 500 years of spinup (regardless of the length of driver file), 3) one final loop over the driver file, for production. Tests for the grassland and cropland sites can easily use the existing setup. Given the temporal evolution of forest structure and their fluxes, testing now needs 80 years from planting after spinup as a production run over the forcing file to avoid trees dying and biasing our results. The FLUXNET script will need to be adjusted to do this. Possible issues with age classes (i.e., changes in the PFT of interest) will be avoided by using a run.def without age classes. 
    596 Only if we experience too many difficulties with manual tuning (if there are too many non-linearities in the model), we will use the multi-site optimization tool developed by Vlad . When the simulated growth dynamics are satisfying, 140 years long tests will be performed to check cumulative variables such as basal area, tree height, tree diameter, stand density, standing biomass, and harvest. To evaluate net ecosystem exchange of carbon and soil carbon and nitrogen pools a spin-up is required. Note that the spin-up depends on the parameters used in ORCHIDEE and that the sensitivity of parameters in ORCHIDEE depends on the spin-up. There is no easy way to break this dependency. We should avoid to ‘over-tune’ the 1-pixel FLUXNET comparisons. Instead, we will continue evaluating the model over longitudinal bands.  
     594Only if we experience too many difficulties with manual tuning (if there are too many non-linearities in the model), we will use the multi-site optimization tool developed by Vlad. When the simulated growth dynamics are satisfying, 140 years long tests will be performed to check cumulative variables such as basal area, tree height, tree diameter, stand density, standing biomass, and harvest. To evaluate net ecosystem exchange of carbon and soil carbon and nitrogen pools a spin-up is required. Note that the spin-up depends on the parameters used in ORCHIDEE and that the sensitivity of parameters in ORCHIDEE depends on the spin-up. There is no easy way to break this dependency. We should avoid to ‘over-tune’ the 1-pixel FLUXNET comparisons. Instead, we will continue evaluating the model over longitudinal bands or geographical regions, e.g., Siberia.  
    598596==== Settings for longitudinal bands ==== 
    605603==== Settings for European tests ==== 
    606 Once happy with the pixel and longitudinal tests we will move on to the European scale. Ultimately, the aim is to produce the control run for future simulation experiments. The model should be spin-up for 1600 by making use of the 1901-1920 climatology (because those are the coldest decades in the climate forcing). During the spin-up the forest management map and N-deposition maps for 1600 should be used. As a consequence, equilibrium soil carbon should be tested at the regional scale rather than the individual pixels.  
     604Once happy with the pixel and longitudinal tests we will move on to the European scale. Ultimately, the aim is to produce the control run for future simulation experiments. The model should be spun-up for 1600 by making use of the 1901-1920 climatology (because those are the coldest decades in the climate forcing). During the spin-up the forest management map and N-deposition maps for 1600 should be used. As a consequence, equilibrium soil carbon should be tested at the regional scale rather than the individual pixels.  
    608606Subsequently, a transient spin-up will be run starting from the 1600 spin-up. During this spin-up, changes in forest management, CO2, N-deposition, litter-raking, and land cover change will be accounted for. The climate data will still have to cycle over 1901-1920. The transient simulation will run until 1750 and, pending on successful evaluation, extended until 1950 and 2015. 1750, 1950 and 2015 are common starting points for simulation experiments.  
    610608Whether we take 20 or 30 years climate-cycles depends on the exact length of the simulation; the target is that by the time the simulation reaches the year 1901, a cycle has been completed and so the cycle in the climate forcing is synchronized with the simulation years. 
    612 The European control should be run from the year 1601 to 2015 includes: 
     610The European control should be run from the year 1601 to 2015 includes this set-up is given in config/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC_STO_FG4: 
    613611* A spin-up as initial condition to make a European 1° x 1° CONTROL simulation 
    614612* 64 PFTs (some with 4 age classes)