Changes between Version 244 and Version 245 of DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-DOFOCO

2020-01-22T20:48:03+01:00 (4 years ago)



  • DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-DOFOCO

    v244 v245  
    498498|| Does the model run in parallel? || OK || 
    499499|| Is the analytical spin-up working? || OK || 
     500|| Restarts work correctly (1+1=2) || || 
    500501|| Do we have all the driver maps for the years 1600 to 2000 for European simulations? Climate, land cover change, forest management, litter raking, and N-deposition? || OK || 
    501 || Do we have all the driver maps for the years 1600 to 2000 for global simulations? || Still need litter raking and FM || 
    502 || Is the model running for all the configurations in config/ORCHIDEE_OL over a small domain?|| OK || 
     502|| Do we have all the driver maps for present day global simulations? || Ongoing || 
     503|| Do we have all the driver maps for historical global simulations? ||  || 
     504|| Is the model running for all the configurations in config/ORCHIDEE_OL over a small domain? || OK || 
     505|| Is the model running when coupled to LMDz ? || OK || 
    503506|| Do we have a parameter set that results in reasonable LAI, GPP and phenology? || OK || 
    506509=== Data availability === 
    507510Observational data products for model-data comparison can be found on OBELIX at:  /home/satellites5/maignan/ORCHIDEE/EVALUATION.[[BR]] 
    508 1 - Phenology  
    509 * GIMMS (LAI and FPAR3g) 
    510 2 - Forest structure 
    511 * Biomass of EU forest from JRC (Europe) 
    512 * Global 1-degree Maps of Forest Area, Carbon Stocks, and Biomass, 1950-2010 (ORNL DAAC) 
    513 * Forest basal area (Europe) 
    514 * Canopy height (Global) 
    515 3 - NPP 
    516 * Site-level NPP database Luyssaert et al 2007 
    517 4 - NEP 
    518 * FLUXNET site-level data 
    519 5 - TER 
    520 * FLUXNET site-level data 
    521 6 - GPP 
    522 * FLUXNET site-level data 
    523 * EC-based upscaled GPP, i.e., Jung 
    524 7 - NPP/GPP 
    525 * site-level data and regional patterns, i.e., Campioli et al 2015 
    526 8 - Soil hydrology 
    527 * ESA CCI ECV 
    528 * measurements from Brazil (ABRACOS product) 
    529 * River discharge records from selected gauges (Global coverage) 
    530 9 - Albedo 
    531 * MODIS or GlobAlbedo for albedo 
    532 10 - Energy (sensible and latent heat) 
    533 * GLEAM for evapotranspiration 
    534 * EC-based upscaled evapotranspiration, i.e., Jung 
    535 11 - Tree ring width (not on /home/satellites5/) 
    536 * ITRDB 
    537 12 – LCC 
    538 * Luyssaert et al 2014 – FLUXNET changes in Rn, LE, H, G, albedo 
    539 * Duveiller et al 2018 – Remote sensing changes in Rn, LE, H+G, albedo  
    540 13 – NFI 
    541 * France, Spain, Germany and Sweden (/home/satellites5/) 
    542 * EU-wide data through the VERIFY project? 
     511|| '''Process''' || '''Data''' || 
     512|| Phenology || GIMMS (LAI and FPAR3g) || 
     513|| Forest structure || Biomass of EU forest from JRC (Europe) || 
     514|| || Global 1-degree Maps of Forest Area, Carbon Stocks, and Biomass, 1950-2010 (ORNL DAAC) || 
     515|| || Forest basal area (Europe) || 
     516|| || Canopy height (Global) || 
     517|| Net primary production || Site-level NPP database Luyssaert et al 2007 || 
     518|| Net Ecosystem production || FLUXNET site-level data || 
     519|| Total ecosystem respiration || FLUXNET site-level data || 
     520|| Gross primary production || FLUXNET site-level data || 
     521||  || EC-based upscaled GPP, i.e., Jung ||  
     522|| Biomass production efficiency || site-level data and regional patterns, i.e., Campioli et al 2015 || 
     523|| (Soil) hydrology || ESA CCI ECV || 
     524|| || measurements from Brazil (ABRACOS product) || 
     525|| || River discharge records from selected gauges (Global coverage) || 
     526|| Albedo || MODIS or GlobAlbedo for albedo || 
     527|| Energy budget (sensible and latent heat) || GLEAM for evapotranspiration || 
     528|| || EC-based upscaled evapotranspiration, i.e., Jung || 
     529|| Basal area increment || Tree ring width ITRDB (not on /home/satellites5/) || 
     530|| || Tree ring width BACI (not on /home/satellites5/) Note: restricted use || 
     531|| || Tree ring width from part of Europe through VERIFY (not on /home/satellites5/) Note: restricted use || 
     532|| Land cover changes || Luyssaert et al 2014 – FLUXNET changes in Rn, LE, H, G, albedo || 
     533|| || Duveiller et al 2018 – Remote sensing changes in Rn, LE, H+G, albedo || 
     534|| Tree and forest growth || France, Spain, Germany and Sweden (not on /home/satellites5/) || 
     535|| || EU-wide data through the VERIFY project (???) || 
    544537There are several data tools (ATLAS, Mapper and Jerome’s) to help compare model outputs with observation, which we might be able to use. If we will not be using the available tools for comparison, we need to pre-process the observational data products to produce global means, time series, decadal averages of spatial patterns etc. The analyses presented in Naudts et al 2015 are a good starting point for the evaluation of ORCHIDEE-CN-CAN. The following scripts are available and have been tested and re-activated 
    698691- Once you have fixed the problem, verify that it is also valid at the global scale (i.e. run the global tests again, if you chose to zoom in on a smaller region)  
    700 == Merging CN-CAN into the trunk == 
    701 In 2016 the CAN functionality was added to the CN branch with revision 3238. The end of CN branch is revision 5638. The first update of the CN-CAN branch incorporates the changes what were done to the CN branch between revision 3238 and 5638. Note that this already includes most of the changes done on the trunk because revision 5638 of the CN branch is mostly up to date with the trunk. 
    703 The path of the working version, this is the merge prepared by svn, is located at: 
    704 /ccc/work/cont003/gen6328/p86ghatt/ORCHIDEE_OL/CN-CAN/modipsl-cn-can/modeles/ORCHIDEE. The working version was created with the following command: svn merge --dry-run -r 3238:5638 svn:// --accept postpone 
    706 svn identified 67 files that were in conflict and 22 files that were present in one but absent in the other version. All files where svn identified conflicts as well as some files where we expected some conflicts or code that required some attention where merged manually. Whenever possible the version of CN was copied and the changes done in CN-CAN were integrated. For several of the stomate routine, the opposite approach was used. 
    708 === Tickets === 
    709 Not all problems could be solved on the fly. The TICKETS that still need to be taken care of were registered on the ticket server. 
    711 === Notes === 
    712 Not all problems could be solved on the fly. So the following NOTES may come in handy during debugging: 
    714 * sechiba.f90. The variable ksave which is present in CN-CAN is not needed in sechiba. It could be local to hydrol_arch. It was declared as an intent(in) but never calculated! 
    716 * diffuco.f90, diffuco_trans_co2. co2_to_bm is added to this routine, see ticket #419. Because the CN-CAN code closes it mass balance for both C and N, SL hopes this correction is not needed in the merge. 
    718 * diffuco.f90, diffuco_trans_co2. CN trunk uses temp_air/qair but CAN uses temp_sol/qsurf. Note before merge calculation of T_Sco and T_gm used t2m in CAN. This inconsistencies were corrected. 
    720 * slowproc.f90. cn_leaf_init_2D was not allocated or initialized. readcnleaf is not called... JG removed frac_bare because it was not used. Frac_bare is output in hydrol.f90. 
    722 * condveg.f90. JG removed use slowproc. It is not clear why it was there. 
    724 * stomate_turnover.f90 was copied from CAN. Only some small changes from CN were integrated such as using min_stomate instead of zero. Note that some arguments in IF-statements we change to account for the dimensions used in CAN. 
    726 * somate_growth_fun_all.f90. The If loop for impose_cn was taken from the CN branch therefore the structure of the CAN loops have been changed. 
    728 * stomate_lpf.f90. Bug correction: wstress_month, wstress_season were swapped in the call to stomate_lpj. Corrected in the merge. 
    730 * stomate_lpj.f90. The subroutine harvest was removed from stomate_lpj.f90 because in the merge its functionality is included in the subroutine called crop_harvest which is included in a separate module called sapiens_agriculture.f90. 
    732 * stomate_lpj.f90. The AR5 and AR6 output was added into CN-CAN. Variables calculated from prod_x and/or harvest_pool could be in the wrong units because in CN-CAN those variables were stored in gC per pixels. If the output values are 10^10 times too big. This should be the first issue to look into. 
    734 * stomate and stomate_lpj. Variabale names that refer explicitly to carbon, i.e., cflux were replaced by flux because the code now uses a dimension for icarbon and initrogen. The new variable names better match the content of the variables.   
    736 * stomate_soilcarbon.f90. the merge of som_dynamics started from the version of CN. The merge of som_dynamics started from the version of CN. calculation of n_minerilazation as done in CAN. The merge of nitrogen_dynamics started from the CAN version and integrated changes from CN. fluxtot has dimension also on nvm in CAN. This is not necessary as it is only used local in the nvm loop. Change in calculation of FixNH4 and f_drain as done in CN. nitrification changes, i.e. *(1.0 - anvf(:,m)) is no longer used, follows CN. kn_conv changed as in CN, mu_no3, mu_no2, mu_n2o changed as in CN, denitrification changed as in CN, frac_nh3 changed as in CN, and emm_fac is now a parameter read with getin. Its default value is 0.2 but was set to 1 in nitrogen_dynamics previously. 
    738 * constantes_mtc.f90. The following variables changed values: slainit, Vcmax25_mtc, stress_gs_mtc(from 0 to 1), stress_gm_mtc(from 0 to 1), nue_opt_mtc, height_init_max_mtc, tau_root_mtc, leafagecrit_mtc, k_root_mtc, k_sap_mtc, cn_leaf_init_mtc, alb_bg_modis(F->T), rough_dyn(F->T), sla_dyn(F->T), sandfraction_default, siltfraction_default amd, snowa_aged_mtc etc. were splitted into separate variables for vis/nir. 
    740 * readdim2.f90. The code from the latest CN version was used and we integrated changeset 5657. But one IF (dt_force >=3600 ) was removed from the trunk. This block of code was marked with a CHECK in the merged version. This was discussed with Agnes. The if that was removed in CN but not in CAN was in a section for daily_interpol and therfore dt_force was always greater than 1 hour. 
    742 * constantes.f90. FW_ change name to FWNIT_  as done in rev 4988 of the CN branch. Kept getin LAIMAX for now; it was not originally in CN. Kept IF (impveg) around getin IMPOSE_SOILT as in CN. It was removed from CAN. 
    744 * Reading of with XIOS must be checked and adapted to indice nvmap : DONE 
    746 * Added pgflux in xml files. This was missing already in the version CN-CAN before current update. 