Changes between Version 239 and Version 240 of DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-DOFOCO

2020-01-22T16:13:15+01:00 (4 years ago)



  • DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-DOFOCO

    v239 v240  
    4 ORCHIDEE-CN-CAN is a combination of three code bases: the trunk as it is in 2019, the ORCHIDEE-CN branch in 2016 and some key functionality of ORCHIDEE-CAN (aka ORCHIDEE-DOFOCO on the svn server). The committed version can be considered a light version of ORCHIDEE because some of the available functionality has not yet committed (for example, the DGVM). Nevertheless, this light version is believed to contain all functionality that affects the parameterization of the core of the model. Consider the model as two parts: 1) core processes that effect fluxes and pools on the per square meter level, and 2) perirpheric processes that involve everything else.  In this picture, the functionality that is not yet included depends on core processes like vegetation growth, soil hydrology or the energy budget, but it does not affect these processes at the pixel level. 
     4ORCHIDEE-CN-CAN is a combination of three code bases: the trunk as it is in 2020, the ORCHIDEE-CN branch in 2016 and some key functionality of ORCHIDEE-CAN (aka ORCHIDEE-DOFOCO on the svn server). The committed version can be considered a light version of ORCHIDEE because some of the available functionality has not yet committed (for example, the DGVM). Nevertheless, this light version is believed to contain all functionality that affects the parameterization of the core of the model. Consider the model as two parts: 1) core processes that affect fluxes and pools on the per square meter level, and 2) perirpheric processes that involve everything else.  In this picture, the functionality that is not yet included depends on core processes like vegetation growth, soil hydrology or the energy budget, but it does not affect these processes at the pixel level. 
    55* The available functionality is described in more detail below 
    66* Missing functionalities compared to the trunk: DGVM, IPCC woodharvest, prescribed LAI, and fire disturbances  
    1212== What is the future of the version? ==    
    13 Now that the AR6v1 is stable, a robust well tested version of ORCHIDEE has been tagged. This gives the ORCHIDEE-team the opportunity to prepare for the future by making a series of far reaching changes to the code. The first ambition is to add CN into AR6v0 to obtain Tag 3.0 before the end of 2019. In parallel, ORCHIDEE-CN-CAN has been merged with the TRUNK during the year of 2019 to prepare for Tag 4.0.  We will continue testing and discussing Tag 4.0 before making this the trunk for both coupled and off-line simulations. The basis of Tag 4.0 is the current ORCHIDEE trunk (the version to become Tag 3.0) into which CAN functionality is merged. At this stage key functionality from other branches may be merged as well (to be discussed in tandem with the fair use policy). In addition to the recent improvements to the trunk, the new trunk (Tag 4.0) should have an increased functionality (see below), increased internal consistency (see below, for example albedo and photosynthesis) and some long awaited fixes (see below, for example tot_bare_soil).   
     13Now that the AR6v1 is stable, a robust well tested version of ORCHIDEE has been tagged. This gives the ORCHIDEE-team the opportunity to prepare for the future by making a series of far reaching changes to the code. The first ambition is to add CN into AR6v0 to obtain Tag 3.0 very early in 2020. In parallel, ORCHIDEE-CN-CAN has been merged with the TRUNK during the year of 2019 to prepare for Tag 4.0.  We will continue testing and discussing Tag 4.0 before making this the trunk for both coupled and off-line simulations. The basis of Tag 4.0 is the current ORCHIDEE trunk (the version to become Tag 3.0) into which CAN functionality is merged. At this stage key functionality from other branches may be merged as well (to be discussed in tandem with the fair use policy). In addition to the recent improvements to the trunk, the new trunk (Tag 4.0) should have an increased functionality (see below), increased internal consistency (see below, for example albedo and photosynthesis) and some long awaited fixes (see below, for example mass balance closure).   
    1515== How can I contribute to this version? == 
    1717* All users and developers are invited to install future Tag 4.0 and set-up their favourite simulation. Use the run.def in config/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC_STO_FG2/ as a starting point, or play with the Python script in config/ORCHIDEE_OL/MAKE_RUN_DEF directory for your favourite set-up (see below). Report on the outcome of your tests during the ORCHIDEE meetings. 
    1818* All developers are invited to contribute bug fixes, and code for improved functionality to Tag 4.0. 
    19 * Adjust the interface such that Tag 4.0 can be coupled to the latest version of LMDz and can be used for regional simulations with WRF. 
    2120== How do I run this version? == 
    22 The instructions to download and extract ORCHIDEE-CN-CAN are found on the wiki (see When you check-out the model, you also check-out OCRHIDEE_OL, where OOL_SEC_STO_FG1trans, OOL_SEC_STO_FG2 and SPINUP_ANALYTIC_FG1 have been updated to contain the configurations needed to run ORCHIDEE-CN-CAN. The configurations are based on the ORCHIDEE_OL from the trunk as of December 2018. In ORCHIDEE_OL there is a MAKE_RUN_DEF folder. This folder contains the parameter values and a script that will make all run.defs CN-CAN users have requested this far (i.e. 13, 15, 28 and 37 PFTs both for the FG2 and ENSEMBLE configuration). If you would like to use another run.def let us know and we can help you to adjust the script. 
    24 When running the model, the default setting should be XIOS, thus compile the model with gmake.  
    26 If you chose to use your own configurations to run ORHICDEE-CN-CAN, be aware that new output files have been added to ORCHIDEE-CN-CAN, and this has to be specified in the cards and drivers. 
    28 Below is given an example for stomate_history_4dim. 
     21The instructions to download and extract ORCHIDEE-CN-CAN are found on the wiki (see When you check-out the model, you also check-out OCRHIDEE_OL, where OOL_SEC_STO_FG1trans, OOL_SEC_STO_FG2 and SPINUP_ANALYTIC_FG1 have been updated to contain the configurations needed to run ORCHIDEE-CN-CAN. The configurations are based on the ORCHIDEE_OL from the trunk as of December 2018. OOL_SEC_STO_FG4 and OOL_SEC_STO_FG5 are configurations in which classic CAN functionality is used: species, age classes, forest management and litter raking. In ORCHIDEE_OL there is a MAKE_RUN_DEF folder. This folder contains the parameter values and a script that will make all run.defs CN-CAN users have requested this far (i.e. 3, 13, 15, 28 and 37 PFTs both for the FG2 and ENSEMBLE configuration). If you would like to use another run.def let us know and we can help you to adjust the script. 
     23When running the model, the default setting should be XIOS, thus compile the model with gmake. If you chose to use your own configurations to run ORHICDEE-CN-CAN, be aware that new output files have been added to ORCHIDEE-CN-CAN, and this has to be specified in the cards and drivers. Below is given an example for stomate_history_4dim. 
    3025In stomate.driver, add the following within the shown if statement: