Changes between Version 223 and Version 224 of DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-DOFOCO

2019-12-02T22:16:41+01:00 (5 years ago)



  • DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-DOFOCO

    v223 v224  
    162162The flag '''ok_bare_soil_new''' controls how the bare soil is perceived and calculated. If set to FALSE the total bare soil is still calculated as a function of veget. When a deciduous PFT sheds its leaves, the gaps in the forest will contribute to bare soil fraction in the grid. Although this approach was introduced a long time ago to get acceptable evaporation estimates from forest, the approach also resulted in using the albedo of deserts as the background albedo of forest gaps. The new albedo scheme (see Albedo and Background albedo) considers a specific background albedo for each PFT and calculates the albedo of the PFT including the canopy gaps. Moving gaps to the bare soil is no longer needed. So, if '''ok_bare_soil_new''' is set to TRUE, canopy gaps no longer contribute to the bare soil. It needs to be tested what will happen with the evaporation in the single-layer model. The multi-layer energy budget should be able to correctly deal with the gaps in the canopy because the diffusivity will increase when the canopy is becoming sparser.  
    164 === Bark beetles (coming soon) === 
    165 Bark beetle outbreaks. The core of this module has been developed but needs to integrated in ORCHIDEE-CN-CAN. The bark beetle module was developed such that it interacts with the windthrow module. 
     164=== Bark beetles === 
     165The bark beetle module was developed such that it interacts with the windthrow module. If you want to activate it use the flag OK_PEST=y in the run.def. To specify wich PFT may be affected by bark beetles use BEETLE_PFT_xxx= TRUE where XXX is the pft you interested in. Note that for the moment bark beetles in ORCHIDEE is parameterized only to work with Picea abies. 
    167167=== C13 ===