Changes between Version 217 and Version 218 of DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-DOFOCO

2019-11-05T22:38:39+01:00 (5 years ago)



  • DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-DOFOCO

    v217 v218  
    156156=== Anthropogenic species change === 
    157 Following a disturbance (which could be a clear cut), tree species changes and forest management change can be prescribed or read from a map in ORCHIDEE-CAN. Set '''ok_change_species''' = y, '''read_species_change_map''' = y, and '''read_desired_fm_map''' = y and specify the paths of those maps in the COMP/stomate.card. This functionality replaces the DGVM in areas where humans rather than nature govern species distribution, for example, Europe. Note that there are some constraints on the possible species changes. If the forest is unmanaged (fm=1), the code assumes that nature will determine the species rather than humans. Anthropogenic species change has not been developed to work together with land cover change. For the moment it is one or the other. When testing this functionality a new forest management strategy can be simply prescribed by setting the parameter '''fm_change_force''' to one of the four fm strategies. Likewise a new species can be prescribed by setting the parameter '''species_change_force'''. 
     157Following a disturbance (which could be a clear cut), tree species changes and forest management change can be prescribed or read from a map in ORCHIDEE-CAN. Set '''ok_change_species''' = y, '''read_species_change_map''' = y, and '''read_desired_fm_map''' = y and specify the paths of those maps in the COMP/stomate.card. This functionality replaces the DGVM in areas where humans rather than nature govern species distribution, for example, Europe. Note that there are some constraints on the possible species changes. If the forest is unmanaged (fm=1), the code assumes that nature will determine the species rather than humans. Anthropogenic species change has not been developed to work together with land cover change. For the moment it is one or the other. When testing this functionality read_species_change_map and/or read_desired_fm_map could be set to n. The new forest management strategy can then be simply prescribed by setting the parameter '''fm_change_force''' to one of the four fm strategies. Likewise the new species can be prescribed by setting the parameter '''species_change_force''' to the desired PFT number. 