Changes between Version 213 and Version 214 of DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-DOFOCO

2019-10-26T15:08:58+02:00 (5 years ago)



  • DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-DOFOCO

    v213 v214  
    221221=== Land cover change (with age classes) === 
    222 Land cover change now accounts for age classes. It is controlled by the flags '''land_cover_change''' and '''veget_update'''. Set '''land_cover_change''' = n and '''veget_update''' = 0Y if land cover change should be disabled. The wood pool and its subsequent fluxes were moved from the land cover change routine to a separate routine. Furthermore, land cover change also deals with the change of biological land uses to non biological land uses (of which the most important change is probably urbanization). If urbanization happens, all the carbon an nitrogen are stored in the variable '''burried'''. This variable can be written to the history files of stomate. 
     222Land cover change now accounts for age classes. It is controlled by the flags '''land_cover_change''' and '''veget_update'''. Set '''land_cover_change''' = n and '''veget_update''' = 0Y if land cover change should be disabled. The wood pool and its subsequent fluxes were moved from the land cover change routine to a separate routine. Furthermore, land cover change also deals with the change of biological land uses to non biological land uses (of which the most important change is probably urbanization). If urbanization happens, all the carbon an nitrogen are stored in a series of variables '''burried_xxx''' where xxx stands for a different pool, e.g., litter, soil, .... Burried_xxx are cumulative variables thus increasing over time. There is a place holder in sapiens_lcchange.90 to also develop the release of the burried carbon and nitrogen following de-urbanization (see ticket #616).  The series of the burried_xxx variables are not yet written to an output file but this could be easily added. 
     224An interesting parameter is '''min_vegfrac'''. When reading in a land cover map, PFTs with a fraction below min_vegfrac are removed. Likewise the fraction cover of a PFT after a land cover change should not be less than min_vegfrac either. This requirement seems to have been solely established to avoid ending up with too many PFTs with very small fractions. Because the the non-biological and biological fraction covers of each pixel should sum up to one, removing even these very small fractions implies that these farctions need to be added to one of the remaining PFTs. First it is tried to add the fraction to the bare soil (this will only be accepted if the new fraction of the bare soil exceeds min_vegfrac), then the code tries to allocate the residual fraction to the largest vegetated fraction. If age classes are used this should be the largest vegetated fraction in the first age class of a PFT. If all of the above failed, the residual fraction is added to frac_nobio irrespective of whether frac_nobio exceeds min_vegfrac. Everytime this happens, the failure to meet the min_vegfrac criterion is registered in the variable '''failed_vegfrac'''. This variable is not yet added to an output file.  
     226Note that the min_vegfrac critrion could be the reason of why very small land cover changes occur. Another consequence is that the land cover fractions in the model are not exactly the same as those read in from the maps. Deviations should remain small and should not accumulate over time. Assume that in y0 the fraction of PFT2 = 0. In y1 the map tells us the fraction is half of min_vegfrac. The model will keep the PFT fraction to zero. The model and the map will no longer be in line with each other. In y2 the map tells us the fraction is twice min_vegfrac. The model will now accept the change. The model and the map will be in line with each other. 
    226228=== Litter decomposition ===