Changes between Version 207 and Version 208 of DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-DOFOCO

2019-08-29T11:23:35+02:00 (5 years ago)



  • DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-DOFOCO

    v207 v208  
     301=== Pseudo sugar loading === 
     303Sugar loading is the process in which the leaf produces so much sugars that the viscosity of the phloeem slows down. This would deprive the roots from an energy source and downregulate photosynthesis. Sugar loading is included in more complete plant hydraulic schemes such as Hölttä et al 2017 doi:10.1093/treephys/tpx011 and could be integrated in ORCHIDEE although it might be computationally expensive. In CN-CAN the expected feedback from sugar loading was implemented without implementing the full chain of ecophsyiological reactions, hence, the feature was called "pseudo sugar loading" to make clear this is not the real thing yet. 
    301308=== Recruitment === 
    302309When stands grow old the tree density decreases and under certain conditions the LAI can no longer cover the ground area. When this happens productivity will start to decrease. In nature the decrease in LAI comes with an increase in the amount of light reaching the forest floor which enables seedlings to grow and to restore the LAI. This process is known as recruitment. Note that in managed forest and forest with a lot of stand replacing disturbances (for example, fire) the forest may never reach the stage where the canopy sufficiently opens up to enable recruitment. 
    384391The initial values of carbon for the four SOM pools are used globally. Sensitivity test have shown that the analytic spin-up is not sensitive to the actual size of the initial values. The different systems will after a while settle into their own states (N limited or saturated) in spite of having the same initial state. Convergence appears to be faster if initial values are set. 
    386 === Sugar loading === 
    387 +++UPDATE+++ 
    388 ++++++++++++  
    390394=== Start and restart (under development)===