Changes between Version 191 and Version 192 of DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-DOFOCO

2018-12-14T21:46:31+01:00 (6 years ago)



  • DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-DOFOCO

    v191 v192  
    418418|| Is the model stable? Can it be run for 500 - 1000 years over a few individual pixels? Can it be run for all PFTs? || Recent problems with grasslands || 
    419419|| Is the N-cycle working? Can we run simulations with IMPOSE_CN=n and IMPOSE_CN=y? || OK || 
    420 || Is land cover change working? Can we run simulations with (changing) land cover maps (impose_veg=no)? || OK || 
     420|| Is land cover change working? Can we run simulations with (changing) land cover maps (impose_veg=no)? || Needs to be checked || 
    421421|| Is forest management working? Can we read forest management maps, are the temporal trends in biomass what is expected for unmanaged, high-stand and coppice management? || OK || 
    422422|| Is litter raking working? Can we read litter raking maps and is the litter pool in forest decreasing and the litter pool in croplands increasing? || OK || 
    423423|| Does the model run in parallel? || OK || 
    424424|| Is the analytical spin-up working? || OK || 
    425 || Is land cover change working with real maps? || Needs to be checked || 
    426425|| Do we have all the driver maps for the years 1600 to 2000 for European simulations? Climate, land cover change, forest management, litter raking, and N-deposition? || OK || 
    427426|| Do we have all the driver maps for the years 1600 to 2000 for global simulations? || Still need litter raking and FM ||