
Version 95 (modified by dgoll, 8 years ago) (diff)



This page describes the phosphorus cycle in ORCHIDEE-CN-P. It is based on ORCHIDEE-CN, which was extended and corrected as described here: as well as additional non-documented bugfixes to avoid negative pools due to machine precisions as well as bugs.

The phosphorus cycle is an adaptation of the the model described by . Nonetheless, the complexity was substantially increased due to the more detailed representation of the C and N cycle in ORCHIDEE compared to JSBACH.

 Schematic representation of the key processes represented in ORCHIDEE-CNP Schematic representation of the key processes represented in ORCHIDEE-CNP

1. Technical notes A: the modularisation of code used by nitrogen and phosphorus routines

There are aspects which the nutrient cycles have in common, for example root uptake kinetics, stoichiometric considerations, etc. To avoid the risks of introducing inconsistencies and reduce redundant code, I introduced the following subroutines. All subroutines are in stomate_phosphorus.f90.

1.1 root_conductivity

This subroutine calculates the uptake capacity of N & P per mass root according to the uptake kinetics of ammonia and nitrate used in OCN (Zaehle & Friend, 2010).

1.2 f_XY_plant

This subroutine calculates the scaling functions based on the stoichiometric ratio of labile plant tissue (reserve, labile and leaf) which are used to scale root uptake, biological N2 fixation, and biochemical mineralization. It currently supports scaling functions based on the P-to-N ratio, N-to-C ratio and P-to-C ratio. All other combinations will cause a 'STOP', but could be easily implemented if needed.

2. Technical notes B: the analytical spinup of the biogeochemical cycles

FAILS 2.1A avoid that immobilisation demand exceeds mineral nutrient supply

Directly, after an analytic spinup cycle the immobilisation demand can exceed the mineral nutrient supply (soil_n_min or soil_p_min). In such a case, we have to add artificially the needed amount of nutrients to the supply. The flag ok_spunup controls that only in the timestep after the analytical solution is derived nutrients can be added.

WORKS 2.1B avoid that immobilisation demand exceeds mineral nutrient supply

During the an analytic spinup cycle the immobilisation demand can exceed the mineral nutrient supply (soil_n_min or soil_p_min). In such a case, we have to add artificially the needed amount of nutrients to the supply. Every time it is needed during spinup.

2.2 prescribed N inputs from BNF during the spinup

The biological fixation of N2 from the atmosphere is computed as a function of NPP and plant C:N:P stoichiometry. During the spinup large amounts of organic matter accumulate which is connected with a high immobilisation flux. We thus must ensure that the N inputs are rather high and constant in time. Therefore we read BNF rates in from a file rather than computing them dynamically.

2.3 SOLVED speed up the spin up of soil CNP stoichiometry

It was more like a bugfix. The running window of the average of CN_som_litter_longterm should be limited to a given period not to "unlimited" for the case you want to run long spin up cycles (spinup_period=50yr).

In red original formulation, in green the 3yr average. Shown is the C, the N and the CN of slow soil pool.

TODO: It would be good to have an automatized test if the mineral N & P cycles are in equilibrium comparable like it is done with the C pools.

3. Conceptual modifications to the nitrogen cycle

3.1 soil mineral N concentration in soil solution

Following Smith et al (2014), I introduced the use of the maximum water holding capacity of soils (max_var_eau) to approximate pore space which to derive the average soil mineral N concentration in solution. The use of the actual water volume can not be recommended as we this would lead to high N concentration in soil water when soil water is very low. As we do not account for the inhibition of replenishment of mineral N in the soil solution around roots when soil water is scarce.

3.2 Biological N2 fixation (BNF)

We introduce a module which computes BNF as a function of NPP, tissue C:N, and tissue & N:P. This approach is based on Cleveland et al (1999), Thornton et al. (2007), and Goll et al. (2012). When using the analytical spinup the BNF must be read in from a file to speed up the spin up. The file should contain the reference BNF rates for the respective climatic conditions. Such files are currently missing, but should be generated as soon as the model is ready.

3.3 Respiration from labile carbon

The original formulation of the burning of excess labile carbon was removed by DOFOCO team, to ensure forest grow back after coppicing. This means that labile carbon can accumulated in plants forever without any restrictions as there is no respiration costs associated with this carbon. Thus, nutrient limitation on allocation will lead to accumulation of labile carbon as long as plants can sustain some leaves.

To fix this: I re-introduced the burning of excess labile carbon following Zaehle & Post (2010). It helps to avoid the accumulation of labile carbon; but more tests are needed, in particular FLUXNET site scale evalution is needed.

3.4 SOM stoichiometry

I disabled the flexibility in SOM stoichiometry for the start. We can activate later when everything else is calibrated.

4. New input files

4.1 USDA soil orders

We use the USDA soil order map of Sun et al. (in revision) with the dominant soil order per pixel. The gap filling of the missing values was done like this (see script /home/users/dgoll/ORC_data/USDA_soilorders/try_2_fill/fill_deserts.ksh):

We use the soiltext class 6 for cold desert from the input file "" to fill missing values in these region with Gelisols (5). After we set cold desert, we use the level 1 of the maxvegetfrac in the input file "" to fill missing values of the remaining desert to Aridisols (2). Hereby, we use a threshold of 0.8 for identifying deserts in maxvegetfrac.

In case of the remaining missing points, mostly coast line points, ORCHIDEE will assign the value of the nearest neighbour in the routine "get_soil_orders" in src_stomate_io.f90.

The input file with the USDA soil orders in alphabetical order Figure 1: USDA soil orders: Alfisols(1), Andisols(2), Aridisols(3), Entisols(4), Gelisols(5), Histosols(6), Inceptisols(7), Mollisols(8), Oxisols(9), Spodosols(10),Ultisols(11), Vertisols(12)

4.2 GliM lithology

We use the GliM lithology map by Hartmann & Moosdorf (2012). We account for subgrid scale heterogeneity by reading the fractional coverage of each of the 16 classes.

dominant lithology Figure 2: GliM lithology: the dominant type with a fractional cover of >0.51 ! alphabetical sequence of lithological classes: ! ! 0 - no dominant type ! ! 1 - evaporites ! ! 2 - ice & glaciers ! ! 3 - metamorphics ! ! 4 - no data ! ! 5 - acid plutonic rocks ! ! 6 - basic plutonic rocks ! ! 7 - intermediat plutonic rocks ! ! 8 - pyroclastics ! ! 9 - carbonate sedimentary rocks ! ! 10 - mixed sedimentary rocks ! ! 11 - siliciclastic sedimentary rocks ! ! 12 - unconsolidated sediments ! ! 13 - acid volcanic rocks ! ! 14 - basic volcanic rocks ! ! 15 - intermediate volcanic rocks ! ! 16 - water bodies

4.4 Soil shielding (Hartmann et al. (2014)

The factor corrects the weathering flux where the active zone in the soil is disconnected from the bedrock.

soil shielding factor

5.0 unresolved Issues

There are still unresolved issue with the model. They are listed here:

HOWTO install/compile/run ORCHIDEE-CN-P for offline use with libIGCM.

This howto is based on the information which can be found in the ORCHIDEE wiki regarding the trunk version of ORCHIDEE. Please check the wiki for information regarding the respective commands listed here.

1. install libIGCM

1.1 where to install

You should install the model NOT in the home directory; it is even too small to handle diagnostics like "out_execution" or "out_orchidee". You can use , for example, your work directory: curie:


or project storage; here example for the IMBALANCE-P project on obelix:


1.2 install libIGCM & trunk ORCHIDEE

svn co modipsl
cd modipsl/util
./model ORCHIDEE_trunk

2. Exchange the trunk ORCHIDEE with ORCHIDEE-CN-P

cd ../modeles
svn co svn:// ORCHIDEE
cd ../util ; ./ins_make

3. Compile ORCHIDEE

adjust IOIPSL to be able to write more variables; increase value of max_var by 50 in ../modeles/IOIPSL/src/restcom.f90

 &  max_var=550, max_file=50, max_dim=NF90_MAX_VAR_DIMS

then go and compile ORCHIDEE

on obelix

cd ../modeles/ORCHIDEE  

First do a "normal" make to compile XIOS & IPOSL components which are needed; don't worry if the compilation of ORCHIDEE crashes


then compile (do compile always with "-parallel mpi" as this executable can be run in sequential mode, too. But not vice versa)

./makeorchidee_fcm -driver -arch ifort_LSCE -noxios -parallel mpi

on curie

WARNING: before you do anything on curie; make sure you have copied the p86ipsl login environment to your home according to

cp ~p86ipsl/.bashrc_curie  ~/.
cp ~p86ipsl/.bash_profile ~/.

Then compile the standard way:

cd ../config/ORCHIDEE_OL
gmake without_xios

Optional: I usually re-compile ORCHIDEE again with makeorchidee_fcm to set options (don't forget to disable xios):

cd ../../modeles/ORCHIDEE
./makeorchidee_fcm -driver -parallel mpi -arch X64_CURIE -driver -noxios

4. Run ORCHIDEE (obelix)


4.1.1 create new experiment folder
cd ../../config/ORCHIDEE_OL/
4.1.2 tell libIGCM about the new input files (write me an email if you need them)

modify the variable "ListNonDel?" in COMP/stomate.card:

ListNonDel= (${R_IN}/SRF/, .), \	 
(/home/scratch01/dgoll/ORCHIDEE/ORC-CNP/simulations/simple_forcing_DSG/, .), \
(/home/scratch01/dgoll/ORCHIDEE/ORC-CNP/simulations/simple_forcing_DSG/, .), \
(/home/scratch01/dgoll/ORCHIDEE/ORC-CNP/simulations/simple_forcing_DSG/, .)

WARNING: the deposition file is a static field at the moment; it does not include N deposition either. At the moment N deposition is set to P deposition in the ORCHIDEE code. Anyway N deposition is not accounted for in the calculations for the N & P cycle for now.

tell that we use the new “”; in COMP/sechiba.card:

(/home/scratch01/dgoll/ORCHIDEE/ORC-CNP/simulations/simple_forcing_DSG/, .), \
4.1.3 adjust the libIGCM

disable XIOS in COMP/orchidee_ol.card

# Use XIOS as output library instead of IOIPSL

disable XIOS in PARAM/run.def

# Use XIOS for writing diagnostics file
# defulat = n

set the IO frequency to avoid crashes in PARAM/run.def

# Writefrequency in seconds in
# default = 86400.0
WRITE_STEP = 1800.0

# Writefrequency in days in
# default = 10.

add the new flags for the nutrient cycles in PARAM/run.def:

# to activate P cycle set =y
# to activate N cycle set =y
# make sure we dont fake
# you can enable mass conservation and stoichiometry checks by =y

in addition you should add all the PFT and soil parameter values as set in /home/users/dgoll/ORCHIDEE/DEFS_n_CARDS/run.def

disable river routing if you run on non-global scale in run.def

# Activate river routing
4.1.4 adjust the job as usual

modify config.card as usual (see wiki)

modify run.def as usual (see wiki) plus if you want to archive, for example in the IMBALANCE-P storage; add to config.card:

4.1.5 create job
4.1.6 adjust job_file (optional)

Header to run a site scale simulation on obelix

	## OBELIX      LSCE ##
	#PBS -N test
	#PBS -m a
	#PBS -j oe
	#PBS -q short
	#PBS -o Script_Output_test.000001
	#PBS -S /bin/ksh
	#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1

to automatically have existing files deleted, set JobType?=DEV

 	#D- Experience type : DEB(ug), DEV(elopment), RUN (default)

to avoid queuing take full advantage of your job time; the value depends on #PBS -q short and computation time of orchidee

#D- Number of execution in one job

to have a temp directory you can access on obelix; exchange dgoll with your ID

#D- Define running directory
#D- Default=${TMPDIR} ie temporary batch directory
4.1.7 submit the job

on obelix:

qsub Job_ID

on curie

ccc_msub Job_ID

4.2 ENSEMBLE: fluxnet sites

4.2.1 create new experiment folder
cd ../../config/ORCHIDEE_OL/
4.2.2 tell libIGCM about the new input files (write me an email if you need them)

The configuration which are used are stored in ../SPINUP/SUBJOB/OOL_SEC_STO/COMP/ so, do as in 4.1.2: change the path of and add the new files


(/home/scratch01/dgoll/ORCHIDEE/ORC-CNP/simulations/simple_forcing_DSG/, .), \


ListNonDel= (${R_IN}/SRF/, .) \	 
(/home/scratch01/dgoll/ORCHIDEE/ORC-CNP/simulations/simple_forcing_DSG/, .), \
(/home/scratch01/dgoll/ORCHIDEE/ORC-CNP/simulations/simple_forcing_DSG/, .), \
(/home/scratch01/dgoll/ORCHIDEE/ORC-CNP/simulations/simple_forcing_DSG/, .)

WARNING: the deposition file is a static field at the moment; it does not include N deposition either. At the moment N deposition is set to P deposition in the ORCHIDEE code. Anyway N deposition is not accounted for in the calculations for the N & P cycle for now.

copy a run.def with all parameters needed to PARAM, for example this one:

cp ~/ORCHIDEE/DEFS_n_CARDS/run.def_NV PARAM/run.def
4.2.3 adjust the libIGCM

add the new flags for the nutrient cycles in fluxnet.card:

# to activate P cycle set =y
# to activate N cycle set =y
# make sure we dont fake
# you can enable mass conservation and stoichiometry checks by =y

you need to add defaults for these switches into PARAM/orchidee.default

# STOMATE_OK_NCYLE ([FLAG]) :  Activate the nitrogen cycle {OK_STOMATE}

# STOMATE_OK_PCYLE ([FLAG]) :  Activate the phosphorus cycle {OK_STOMATE}

# STOMATE_MASS_CONSERVATION ([FLAG]) : activate mass conservation checks which force stop if violated {OK_STOMATE}

# STOMATE_DSG_DEBUG ([FLAG]) : activate checks for stoichiometry and negative pools {OK_STOMATE}

# LD_FAKE_HEIGHT ([FLAG]) : fakes height of vegetation (ORCHIDEE-CAN related) {OK_STOMATE}

specify the spinup simulations in the config.card:

# Initialisation for spin-up :                                                        
# orchidee with sechiba alone (!!! if ok_stomate == n !!!)                            
# orchidee with stomate; number of years before n_iter cycles of duree_sechiba years of analytical spinup cycles
# teststomate (only if duree_inistomate > 0)                                          
# Loop over ORCHIDEE runs (used for spin-up)                                          
# The whole job is restarted n_iter times                                             
#  n_iter: the number of cycles with duree_sechiba years
# orchidee with sechiba (and stomate if ok_stomate=y below)                           

# teststomate                                                                         
# forcesoil                                                                           
# Final run (full ORCHIDEE)                                                           
# This last parameter must be non-zero.                                               

xios is per default disabled in "PARAM/orchidee.default" routing is per default disabled in "fluxnet.card"

4.2.4 adjust the job as usual

modify config.card as usual (

modify run.def as usual ( plus if you want to archive, for example in the IMBALANCE-P storage; add to config.card:


modify fluxnet.card as usual (no information):

  • if you want to keep the output files of the spinup you need to set the following variables
    # DEBUG mode for SPINUP 
    # This mode keep all SPINUP directory in ARCHIVE
    # If disable, all ARCHIVE is automaticly cleaned.
    # If you don't want to keep old spinup steps, but last one
4.2.5 create job
4.2.6 adjust job (optional)
4.2.7 start simulations
my_prompt>> ksh
my_prompt>> nohup ./Job_ENSEMBLE fluxnet > out_Job 2>&1 &
4.2.8 check simulations

to see the decomposition of the spatial domain among the processors check in the run dir "Load_balance_orchidee.dat"

on curie

ccc_mstat -u userid
ccc_mdel jobid
4.2.8 post processing

ensure the Jobname and the path to the reference simulation is set in fluxnet.card; in case there is no reference set it to NONE

# History file of former ORCHIDEE runs (Reference) to compare with the current simulations

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