Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CNP/issues

2016-03-16T17:20:01+01:00 (8 years ago)



  • DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CNP/issues

    v5 v6  
    1919The variables storing the N inputs in the restart file are all undef. Not quite sure why. I set them all to zero. 
    21 === Soil type inconsistency in ORCHIDEE-CN-P === 
    22 The phosphorus model needs soil type specific parameters. Therefore, a new input routine is going to be written which reads in USDA soil orders. According to the soil order the parameter values are set for each grid box. 
     21=== MINOR, BUT FUNDAMENTAL ISSUE: Soil type inconsistency in ORCHIDEE-CN-P === 
     22The phosphorus model needs soil type specific parameters. Therefore, a new input routine is introduced which reads in USDA soil orders. According to the soil order the parameter values are set for each grid box. 
    24 The problem is that ORCHIDEE already reads in fields of soil texture classes which were originally derived from soil orders. According to the soil texture classes, parameter related to soil hydrology are set. As the original data cannot be found anymore, ORCHIDEE will run with two independent sets of soil order specific parameters. Thereby inconsistencies between the phosphorus related parameters and the the hydrology related parameters can be introduced. The practice of reading in soil texture classes instead of soil orders is also problematic in respect of future developments and I suggest to change that. 
     24The problem is that ORCHIDEE already reads in fields of soil texture classes which were originally derived from soil orders. According to the soil texture classes, parameter related to soil hydrology are set. As the original data cannot be found anymore, ORCHIDEE will run with two independent sets of soil order specific parameters. Thereby inconsistencies between the phosphorus related parameters and the the hydrology related parameters can be introduced. The practice of reading in soil texture classes instead of soil orders is in general problematic. The ORCHIDEE project members are informed but they seem not to care about this.  
    26 === Stoichiometric flexibility === 
     26=== MINOR ISSUE: Stoichiometric flexibility === 
    2727Meyerholdt & Zaehle (2015) showed that model predictions best matched available data when the C:N ratios in all ecosystem pools except the wood pool were treated as flexible. 
    28 Thus, we should make the CNP ratio of wood fixed.  
     28Thus, we should make the CNP ratio of wood fixed; this needs substantial modifications in the code. These modification are at the moment not feasible. I suggest to work on that as as soon as the model works well. 
    31 === Effect of nutrient stress on root/leaf ratio === 
     30=== MAJOR ISSUE: Effect of nutrient stress on root/leaf ratio === 
    3231The effect of long-term nitrogen stress on the ratio between roots and leaves of O-CN is commented out in the ORCHIDEE-CN.  We should reintroduce the effect of nutrient stress on that ratio.  
    3332This task is hampered by my difficulties to understand how water stress is affecting the ratio in DOFOCO vs ORCHIDEE-CN. 
    36 === Endless accumualtion of heartwood === 
     35=== MAJOR ISSUE: Endless accumualtion of heartwood === 
    3736I experience that the heartwood pool is still accumulating biomass after 500 yr of simulation. This could be due to the parameter for turnover of sapwood which was changed from  730 days (trunk) to 11680 days (can) or as we use only one size class of trees (ncirc_class=1). 