The 11-layer hydrology is now the default scheme for ORCHIDEE-CN-P (r4166). = 1. active the new hydrology scheme = To activate the 11-layer hydrology you have to make sure in PARAM/run.def: {{{ HYDROL_CWRR = y }}} = 2. tell the model that has to deal with a new input file = we use USDA for soil texture and the Zobler (default) file for soil color (which increases the risk of having inconsistent soil properties / is inefficient ) in PARAM/run.def: {{{ SOILTYPE_CLASSIF=usda }}} = 3. use the NP version of the soil map (IMPORTANT) = add in COMP/sechiba.card: {{{ (/ccc/cont003/home/dsm/p529goll/ORC-CNP_input/revXX/,, \ }}} Make sure the file name is the same as set in PARAM/run.def for SOILCLASS_FILE