= Internship of Louis-Axel Edouard-Rambaut = [[PageOutline]] This internship has been conducted during my Master 1 of Ecology. This work comports N parts, the first correspond to the work done for the intership report on the comparaison of the N2O emissions ine ORCHIDEE with the same emission in the EDGAR inventories. The second part correspond to the additional work i did with the same compariason of emission this time done on the NH3 emissions. [https://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/attachment/wiki/DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/stage_edouard-rambaut/Rapport%20Louis-Axel.pdf Internship_report.pdf] = I - EDGAR and ORCHIDEE PFT selected in ORCHIDEE : 10 ; 11 ; 12 ; 13 (only of the N_Fertilizants there was striclty positive) Sources of emissions selected in EDGAR ([http://edgar.jrc.ec.europa.eu/overview.php?v=432_GHG&SECURE=123]) : * Agricultural soils (4C + 4D) [AS] * Indirect N2O emissions from agriculture (4D3) [I] The total emissions of N2O we took in consideration is T = [AS] - [I] since the leaching flux are put out of the system in ORCHIDEE. Grid resolution : * ORCHIDEE : 0.5°*0.5° * EDGAR : 0.1°*0.1° Period studied : * ORCHIDEE : from 01/01/1861 to 31/12/2016, monthly emissions * EDGAR : from 1970 to 2012, anuual emissions = II - Comparaison of N2O emissions = III - Comparaison of NH3 emissions =