= Work of Thomas Audoux carried out during an internship on NH3 fluxes in ORCHIDEE model = [[PageOutline]] This has been done with rev 4164. My work is divided in 3 parts, the first part corresponds to the work done for the internship report. Then, the second part is a brief bibliography about emission factors. Finally, the last part corresponds to the second part of my internship: analyzing ammonia emission factor.[[BR]] == I. Evaluation of ammonia emissions results calculated by the model ( Fertilizer =0 ) == [https://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/attachment/wiki/DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/NH3/Rapport%20de%20stage%20final.pdf Internship_report.pdf] === Sites and PFT === ||= PFT =||= Sites =|| || 2 || BR-Sa3 ; ID-Pag || || 4 || IL-Yat ; ES-ES1 ; IT-SRo ; US-Blo ; US-Me4 ; US-SP2 ; US-SP3 ; US-SP4 ; DE-Bay ; DE-Tha ; FR-LBr || || 5 || FR-Pue ; IT-Cpz ; IT-Lec ; PT-Esp ; PT-Mi1 ; AU-Tum ; AU-Wac || || 6 || IT-Col ; IT-Non ; IT-PT1 ; IT-Ro2 ; US-MMS ; US-MOz ; DK-Sor ; FR-Fon ; UK-PL3 ; IS-Gun ; IT-Ro1 ; US-WBW ; DE-Hai ; FR-Hes ; UK-Ham ; US-Bar ; US-Ha1 ; US-Oho ; US-UMB ; US-WCr || || 7 || CA-Man ; CA-NS2 ; CA-NS4 ; CA-Qcu ; CA-Qfo ; CA-SF1 ; CA-SF2 ; FI-Hyy ; FI-Sod ; SE-Fla || || 12 || FR-Gri ; DK-Ris ; NL-Lut || || 13 || NL-Lan ; US-Bo1 ; US-Ne1 ; US-Ne2 ; US-Ne3 || === Sites we have not looked at : === AT-Neu ; CA-NS1 ; CA-NS3 ; CA-NS5 ; CH-Oe1 ; CZ-BK1 ; DE-Gri ; DE-Meh ; DE-Wet ; DK-Lva ; ES-VDA ; FR-Lq1 ; FR-Lqr2 ; HU-Bug ; ID-Dri ; IT-Amp ; IT-Lav ; IT-Lma ; IT-Lmal ; IT-Mbor ; IT-Ren ; NL-Ca1 ; NL-Haar ; NL-Hor ; NL-Loo ; PT-Mi2 ; RU-Fyo ; RU-Ha1 ; RU-Ha2 ; RU-Ha3 ; RU-Zot ; SE-Nor ; SE-SK1 ; SE-Sk2 ; SK-Tat ; UK-EBu ; UK-Gri ; UK-Tad ; US-Aud ; US-Bkg ; US-FPe ; US-Goo ; US-Ho1 ; US-Ho2 ; US-SP1 ; US-Var ; US-Wci0 ; US-Wi1 ; US-Wi2 ; US-Wi4 ; US-Wi5 ; US-Wi8 ; US-Wi9 * Parameters studied * Temperature * Humidity * pH * Nitrogen Pools (Soil_NH4, Soil_NO3, Soil_NOX and Soil_N2O) * Emissions (NH3) and Depositions (NHX) [[BR]] >''' Detaille ce qu'il y a dans ces 3 différents répertoires''' path : /home/users/taudoux/documents/Results/Parameters/ [[BR]] path : /home/users/taudoux/documents/Results/Pools/ [[BR]] path : /home/users/taudoux/documents/Results/Emission-Deposition/ ==== Files ==== >''' Où se trouvent les scripts que tu mentionnes''' * The script "script_calcul_parameters.ksh" used in order to create files of Temperature, Humidity and pH of each site in function of time listed in : * /home/users/taudoux/documents/Results/Parameters/T2M/SITES/ * /home/users/taudoux/documents/Results/Parameters/LITTERHUM/SITES/ * /home/users/taudoux/documents/Results/Parameters/pH/SITES/ * The script "script_calcul_pools.ksh" used in order to create files of soil_NH4+, Soil_NO3-, Soil_NOX and Soil_N2O for each site in function of time listed in : * /home/users/taudoux/documents/Results/Pools/SOIL_NH4/SITES/ * /home/users/taudoux/documents/Results/Pools/SOIL_NO3/SITES/ * /home/users/taudoux/documents/Results/Pools/SOIL_NOX/SITES/ * /home/users/taudoux/documents/Results/Pools/SOIL_N2O/SITES/ * The Script "script_calcul_emission-deposition.ksh" used in order to create files of NH3 emission and NHX deposition for each site in function of time in : * /home/users/taudoux/documents/Results/Emission-Deposition/NH3_EMISSION/Sites/ * /home/users/taudoux/documents/Results/Emission-Deposition/NHX_DEPOSITION/Sites/ * For each parameter are listed : * Figure of correlation with NH3 emissions (except pH) obtained using "script_calcul_r2.ksh" to obtain the R2 and then bar_plot.py in order to create the figure * Average emission of ammonia on each site in function of the parameter studied using "scatterplot.py" * Text documents in which are listed the different values. ||||||||= '''Average emission of ammonia (g(NH3-N).m⁻².day⁻¹) on each site in function of the parameter considered''' =|| ||= Temperature (K) =||= Humidity (-) =||= pH (-) =||= Deposition g(NHx).m^-2 =|| || [[Image(t2m.png, 50%)]] || [[Image(litterhum.png, 50%)]] || [[Image(nh3_em_pH.png, 50%)]] || [[Image(nh3_em_nhx_depot.png, 50%)]] || ||= SOIL NH4 g(NH4).m^-2 =||= SOIL N2O g(N2O).m^-2 =||= SOIL NOX g(NOx).m^-2 =||= SOIL NO3 g(NO3).m^-2 =|| || [[Image(nh3_em_nh4_soil.png, 50%)]] || [[Image(nh3_em_n2o_soil.png, 50%)]] || [[Image(nh3_em_nox_soil.png, 50%)]] || [[Image(nh3_em_no3_soil.png, 50%)]] || > '''Where is bar_plot_donneeS.py''' Figure, created using "bar_plot_donnees.py", in which for each site are listed the average emission of NH3 for both model. ||||||||= '''Correlation with NH3 emissions (g(NH3-N).m⁻².day⁻¹)''' =|| ||= Temperature (K) =||= Humidity (-) =||= Deposition g(NHx).m^-2 =|| || || [[Image(R2t2m.png, 50%)]] || [[Image(R2litterhum.png, 50%)]] || [[Image(R2Depot.png, 50%)]] || || ||= SOIL NH4 g(NH4).m^-2 =||= SOIL N2O g(N2O).m^-2 =||= SOIL NOX g(NOx).m^-2 =||= SOIL NO3 g(NO3).m^-2 =|| || [[Image(R2nh4.png, 50%)]] || [[Image(R2n2o.png, 50%)]] || [[Image(R2nox.png, 50%)]] || [[Image(R2no3.png, 50%)]] || [[BR]] ||= '''Comparison with LMDz-INCA model's data''' =|| || [[Image(Comparison.png, 50%)]] || path : /home/users/taudoux/documents/Results/Comparison/ [[BR]] ---- == II. Bibliography on ammonia emission factor == ||||= '''Bouwman et al., 1997 :''' A global high-resolution emission inventory for ammonia =|| ||= [[Image(EF_bouwman_1.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(EF_bouwman_2.png, 50%)]] =|| ||= [[Image(EF_bouwman_3.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(EF_bouwman_4.png, 50%)]] =|| ||||= '''Behera et al., 2013 :''' Ammonia in the atmosphere: a review on emission sources, atmospheric chemistry and deposition on terrestrial bodies. =|| ||= [[Image(Behera_2013.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image( EF_behera.png, 50%)]] =|| ---- == III. Evaluation of ammonia emissions results calculated by the model (Fertilizer added) == === Where to find the files === * Scripts used to generate the files.txt are in the folder : * /home/users/taudoux/documents/Results/B/Script * For the script : script_delta_X.ksh ( X depends on the simulation we are analyzing ) * arg1= Name of the site * arg2= PFT * arg3= Last Time Step > ''' Donne un exemple de la manière dont tu appelles ce script surtout pour le last time step''' * Others scripts don't need arguments and generate files.txt according to their appellation : * 0.5 --> Simuls_ratio0.5_v1/ ; 0.8 --> Simuls_ratio0.8_v1/ * e --> EFe/ ; f --> EFf ; g --> EFg etc. > ''' Ca correspond à quoi EFe , EFf EFg ??? Mentionne que ratio0.5 et ratio0.8 correspondent aux apports d'engrais et au rapport NH4+/NO3- c'est ça ?''' * Scripts python used to generate graphics are in the folder : * /home/users/taudoux/documents/Results/B/barplot_X.py ( X depends on the simulation we are analyzing) * files.txt are in the folders : * /home/users/taudoux/documents/Results/B/Simuls_ratio0.5_v1/ * /home/users/taudoux/documents/Results/B/Simuls_ratio0.5_v2/ * /home/users/taudoux/documents/Results/B/Simuls_ratio0.8_v1/ * /home/users/taudoux/documents/Results/B/Simuls_ratio0.8_v2/ * /home/users/taudoux/documents/Results/B/Simuls_ratio_init/ * /home/users/taudoux/documents/Results/B/RundBis/ > '''Annonce brièvement ici ce que sont les deux versions modifiées avec lesquelles tu as travaillé, V1 et V2.''' === Code was changed (v1) === '''Separation of nitrogen input. Initially fertilizer, bnf and atmospheric deposition were in the same loop ''' Multiple simulations were run with different amount of fertilizer (0 , 0.015, 0.0225, 0.03, 0.0375, 0.045 , 0.0525, 0.06 and 0.1 g.m-2.day-1). Each simulation were run with two different ratio of NH4 in the fertilizer : 0.5 and 0.8. We obtain same results when nfert=0 or when nfert is not precised. * Sites we looked at and their PFT : ||= PFT =||= Sites =|| || 12 || FR-Gri ; DK-Ris ; NL-Lut || || 13 || NL-Lan ; US-Bo1 ; US-Ne1 ; US-Ne2 ; US-Ne3 || /home/users/taudoux/documents/Results/B/Simul_ratio0.5_v1/ [[BR]] /home/users/taudoux/documents/Results/B/Simul_ratio0.8_v1/ * Parameters studied * Temperature * Humidity * Nitrogen Pools (soil_nh4, soil_no3, Soil_nox and soil_n2o) and Leaching (NH4 and NO3) * Emissions (NH3, N2, N2O, NOX) * GPP * Nitrogen input summed (fertilizer, NHX and NOX depositions) * SOIL_ACTIVE_N , SOIL_SURF_N , SOIL_SLOW_N , SOIL_PASSIVE_N , TOTAL_M_N LITTER_STR_AB_N , LITTER_MET_AB_N , LITTER_STR_BE_N , LITTER_MET_BE_N , LITTER_WOD_AB_N , LITTER_WOD_BE_N (in "delta_stock" with others delta stock of soil nitrogen pools for analysis about loop at ORCHIDEE scale) Respectively in the folders Parameters (T° and Hum), Pools_fluxes, NH3_EM, DEP_FERT and GPP. We looked at how those parameters evolved in each site with the amount of fertilizer with both of ammonium's percentage in the fertilizer (0.5 and 0.8). [[BR]] * Script used : scatterplot_X.py in the folders * /home/users/taudoux/documents/Results/B/Simuls_ratio0.5_v1/Graph/ * /home/users/taudoux/documents/Results/B/Simuls_ratio0.8_v1/Graph/ X = em_n2 ; em_n2o ; em_nh3 ; em_nox ; GPP ; leaching_nh4 ; leaching_no3 ; pools_n2 ; pools_n2o ; pools_nh4 ; pools_no3 ; pools_nox. ||||= N2 emission =||||= N2O emission =||||= NH3 emission =||||= NOx emission =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(n2_em.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(n2_emb.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(n2o_em.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(n2o_emb.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(nh3_em.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(nh3_emb.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(nox_em.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(nox_emb.png, 50%)]] =|| ||||= Soil N2 =||||= Soil N2O =||||= Soil NH4 =||||= Soil NOx =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(n2pool.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(n2poolb.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(n2opool.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(n2opoolb.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(nh4pool.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(nh4poolb.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(noxpool.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(noxpoolb.png, 50%)]] =|| ||||= NH4 leaching =||||= NO3 leaching =||||= Soil NO3 =||||= GPP =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(nh4_leaching.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(nh4_leachingb.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(no3_leaching.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(no3_leachingb.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(no3pool.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(no3poolb.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(GPP.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(GPPb.png, 50%)]] =|| * '''Legend :''' * Red = DK-Ris * Yellow = FR-Gri * Green = NL-Lan * Blue= NL-Lut * Black= US-Bo1 * Gray = US-Ne1 * Orange = US-Ne2 * Purple = US-Ne3 We calculated emission factor (EF) of different fluxes of nitrogen (NH3, N2, N2O and NOx emission, but also NH4 and NO3 leaching) with different methods : [[BR]] * The first (A.) consisted to normalized the fluxes minus emissions when nfert=0 by the amount of fertilizer added ; [[BR]] * The second (B.) consisted to normalized the fluxes by the amount of fertilizer added * The third (C.) consisted to normalized the fluxes by the amount of all nitrogen inputs === A. EF of each parameters on each site for NH4%=0.5 and 0.8 === path : /home/users/taudoux/documents/Results/B/EF/ Python : barplot.py using files.txt in which values of nitrogen emissions and leaching are listed in order to plot EF in function of fertilizer added. arg1= Name of the site [[BR]] ||||= DK-Ris =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(DK-Ris_0.5.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(DK-Ris_0.8.png, 50%)]] =|| ||||= FR-Gri =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(FR-Gri_0.5.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(FR-Gri_0.8.png, 50%)]] =|| ||||= NL-Lan =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(NL-Lan_0.5.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(NL-Lan_0.8.png, 50%)]] =|| ||||= NL-Lut =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(NL-Lut_0.5.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(NL-Lut_0.8.png, 50%)]] =|| ||||= US-Bo1 =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Bo1_0.5.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(US-Bo1_0.8.png, 50%)]] =|| ||||= US-Ne1 =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Ne1_0.5.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(US-Ne1_0.8.png, 50%)]] =|| ||||= US-Ne2 =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Ne2_0.5.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(US-Ne2_0.8.png, 50%)]] =|| ||||= US-Ne3 =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Ne3_0.5.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(US-Ne3_0.8.png, 50%)]] =|| === B. EF of each parameters on each site for NH4%=0.5 and 0.8 === path : /home/users/taudoux/documents/Results/B/EFb/ ||||= DK-Ris =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(DK-Ris_0.5b.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(DK-Ris_0.8b.png, 50%)]] =|| ||||= FR-Gri =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(FR-Gri_0.5b.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(FR-Gri_0.8b.png, 50%)]] =|| ||||= NL-Lan =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(NL-Lan_0.5b.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(NL-Lan_0.8b.png, 50%)]] =|| ||||= NL-Lut =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(NL-Lut_0.5b.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(NL-Lut_0.8b.png, 50%)]] =|| ||||= US-Bo1 =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Bo1_0.5b.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(US-Bo1_0.8b.png, 50%)]] =|| ||||= US-Ne1 =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Ne1_0.5b.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(US-Ne1_0.8b.png, 50%)]] =|| ||||= US-Ne2 =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Ne2_0.5b.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(US-Ne2_0.8b.png, 50%)]] =|| ||||= US-Ne3 =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Ne3_0.5b.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(US-Ne3_0.8b.png, 50%)]] =|| === C. EF of each parameters on each site for NH4%=0.5 and 0.8 === path : /home/users/taudoux/documents/Results/B/EFc/ [[BR]] Python : barplot_c.py (arg1= Name of the site) using files.txt in which values of nitrogen emissions and leaching are listed in order to plot EF in function of nitrogen inputs (fertilizer, NHx and NOx depositions). ||||= DK-Ris =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(DK-Ris_0.5c.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(DK-Ris_0.8c.png, 50%)]] =|| ||||= FR-Gri =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(FR-Gri_0.5c.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(FR-Gri_0.8c.png, 50%)]] =|| ||||= NL-Lan =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(NL-Lan_0.5c.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(NL-Lan_0.8c.png, 50%)]] =|| ||||= NL-Lut =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(NL-Lut_0.5c.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(NL-Lut_0.8c.png, 50%)]] =|| ||||= US-Bo1 =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Bo1_0.5c.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(US-Bo1_0.8c.png, 50%)]] =|| ||||= US-Ne1 =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Ne1_0.5c.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(US-Ne1_0.8c.png, 50%)]] =|| ||||= US-Ne2 =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Ne2_0.5c.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(US-Ne2_0.8c.png, 50%)]] =|| ||||= US-Ne3 =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Ne3_0.5c.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(US-Ne3_0.8c.png, 50%)]] =|| The sum of those EF is not equal to 1 for each site. So we looked at the difference between nitrogen pools (soil_nh4, soil_n2, soil_n2o, soil_no3 and soil_nox) at day1 and nitrogen pools on the last day. path : /home/users/taudoux/documents/Results/B/EFd/ [[BR]] python : barplot_d.py arg1=name of the site [[BR]] '''Difference between nitrogen pools normalized by the amount of all nitrogen inputs (fertilizer, NHx and NOx deposition).''' [[BR]] ||||= DK-Ris =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(DK-Ris_0.5d.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(DK-Ris_0.8d.png, 50%)]] =|| ||||= FR-Gri =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(FR-Gri_0.5d.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(FR-Gri_0.8d.png, 50%)]] =|| ||||= NL-Lan =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(NL-Lan_0.5d.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(NL-Lan_0.8d.png, 50%)]] =|| ||||= NL-Lut =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(NL-Lut_0.5d.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(NL-Lut_0.8d.png, 50%)]] =|| ||||= US-Bo1 =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Bo1_0.5d.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(US-Bo1_0.8d.png, 50%)]] =|| ||||= US-Ne1 =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Ne1_0.5d.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(US-Ne1_0.8d.png, 50%)]] =|| ||||= US-Ne2 =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Ne2_0.5d.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(US-Ne2_0.8d.png, 50%)]] =|| ||||= US-Ne3 =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Ne3_0.5d.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(US-Ne3_0.8d.png, 50%)]] =|| The values we found seem to be a little odd... So, in order to know if they are exploitable, we looked at the closure of different loops : * Loop at inorganic nitrogen scale : We stacked in barplot all the nitrogen outputs (N2, N2O, NH3, NOX emissions ; NH4 and NO3 Leaching; NH4 and NO3 Plant Uptake ; difference between nitrogen pools shown previously) divided by all nitrogen inputs (NOX and NHX deposition; Mineralisation but also Fertilizer) [[BR]] path : /home/users/taudoux/documents/Results/B/EFe/ [[BR]] python : barplot_e.py arg1=name of the site [[BR]] Values in abscissa correspond to all nitrogen inputs but the fertilization is for each point : 0 , 54.8 , 82.2 , 109.6 , 140 , 164.4 , 191.8 , 219.2 , 365.25 kg/ha/y. ||||= DK-Ris =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(DK-Ris_0.5e.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(DK-Ris_0.8e.png, 50%)]] =|| ||||= FR-Gri =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(FR-Gri_0.5e.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(FR-Gri_0.8e.png, 50%)]] =|| ||||= NL-Lan =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(NL-Lan_0.5e.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(NL-Lan_0.8e.png, 50%)]] =|| ||||= NL-Lut =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(NL-Lut_0.5e.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(NL-Lut_0.8e.png, 50%)]] =|| ||||= US-Bo1 =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Bo1_0.5e.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(US-Bo1_0.8e.png, 50%)]] =|| ||||= US-Ne1 =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Ne1_0.5e.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(US-Ne1_0.8e.png, 50%)]] =|| ||||= US-Ne2 =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Ne2_0.5e.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(US-Ne2_0.8e.png, 50%)]] =|| ||||= US-Ne3 =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Ne3_0.5e.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(US-Ne3_0.8e.png, 50%)]] =|| * Loop at ORCHIDEE scale : We stacked in barplot all the nitrogen outputs (N2, N2O, NH3, NOX emissions ; NH4 and NO3 Leaching; ; difference between nitrogen pools shown previously + difference between SOIL_ACTIVE_N , SOIL_SURF_N , SOIL_SLOW_N , SOIL_PASSIVE_N , TOTAL_M_N LITTER_STR_AB_N , LITTER_MET_AB_N , LITTER_STR_BE_N , LITTER_MET_BE_N , LITTER_WOD_AB_N , LITTER_WOD_BE_N); divided by all nitrogen inputs (NOX and NHX deposition and fertilizer) [[BR]] path : /home/users/taudoux/documents/Results/B/EFebis/ [[BR]] barplot_ebis.py arg1=name of the site ||||= DK-Ris =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(DK-Ris_0.5ebis.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(DK-Ris_0.8ebis.png, 50%)]] =|| ||||= FR-Gri =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(FR-Gri_0.5ebis.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(FR-Gri_0.8ebis.png, 50%)]] =|| ||||= NL-Lan =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(NL-Lan_0.5ebis.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(NL-Lan_0.8ebis.png, 50%)]] =|| ||||= NL-Lut =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(NL-Lut_0.5ebis.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(NL-Lut_0.8ebis.png, 50%)]] =|| ||||= US-Bo1 =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Bo1_0.5ebis.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(US-Bo1_0.8ebis.png, 50%)]] =|| ||||= US-Ne1 =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Ne1_0.5ebis.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(US-Ne1_0.8ebis.png, 50%)]] =|| ||||= US-Ne2 =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Ne2_0.5ebis.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(US-Ne2_0.8ebis.png, 50%)]] =|| ||||= US-Ne3 =|| ||= 0.5 =||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Ne3_0.5ebis.png, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(US-Ne3_0.8ebis.png, 50%)]] =|| We can see that there is a '''problem with NO3 stocks that are continually increasing or leached'''. It must be a problem with the denitrification. So we looked at the parameterization and saw that a variable called "anvf" takes an important role about denitrifiers. In order to know its effect, we ran a simulation in which this variable was deleted. [[BR]] Here are the results : [[BR]] path : /home/users/taudoux/documents/Results/B/EFi/ [[BR]] python : barplot_init.py arg1=name of the site ||= FR-Gri =|| ||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(FR-Gri_0.8i.png, 50%)]] =|| ||= US-Ne1 =|| ||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Ne1_0.8i.png, 50%)]] =|| ||= US-Ne2 =|| ||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Ne2_0.8i.png, 50%)]] =|| ||= US-Ne3 =|| ||= 0.8 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Ne3_0.8i.png, 50%)]] =|| === Code was changed (v2) === Run_off, the variable "harvest_above_n" were added and ''the denitrifiers activity was changed'' (UPPER BOUND). [[BR]] path of files.txt : /home/users/taudoux/documents/Results/B/Simul_ratio0.5_v2[[BR]] We looked again at the differents loops. [[BR]] * Loop at inorganic nitrogen scale path : /home/users/taudoux/documents/Results/B/EFf/ python : barplot_f.py arg1=name of the site ||= DK-Ris =|| ||= 0.5 =|| ||= [[Image(DK-Ris_0.5f.png, 50%)]] =|| ||= FR-Gri =|| ||= 0.5 =|| ||= [[Image(FR-Gri_0.5f.png, 50%)]] =|| ||= NL-Lan =|| ||= 0.5 =|| ||= [[Image(NL-Lan_0.5f.png, 50%)]] =|| ||= NL-Lut =|| ||= 0.5 =|| ||= [[Image(NL-Lut_0.5f.png, 50%)]] =|| ||= US-Bo1 =|| ||= 0.5 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Bo1_0.5f.png, 50%)]] =|| ||= US-Ne1 =|| ||= 0.5 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Ne1_0.5f.png, 50%)]] =|| ||= US-Ne2 =|| ||= 0.5 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Ne2_0.5f.png, 50%)]] =|| ||= US-Ne3 =|| ||= 0.5 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Ne3_0.5f.png, 50%)]] =|| * Loop at ORCHIDEE scale path : /home/users/taudoux/documents/Results/B/EFg/[[BR]] python : barplot_g.py arg1=name of the site ||= DK-Ris =|| ||= 0.5 =|| ||= [[Image(DK-Ris_0.5g.png, 50%)]] =|| ||= FR-Gri =|| ||= 0.5 =|| ||= [[Image(FR-Gri_0.5g.png, 50%)]] =|| ||= NL-Lan =|| ||= 0.5 =|| ||= [[Image(NL-Lan_0.5g.png, 50%)]] =|| ||= NL-Lut =|| ||= 0.5 =|| ||= [[Image(NL-Lut_0.5g.png, 50%)]] =|| ||= US-Bo1 =|| ||= 0.5 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Bo1_0.5g.png, 50%)]] =|| ||= US-Ne1 =|| ||= 0.5 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Ne1_0.5g.png, 50%)]] =|| ||= US-Ne2 =|| ||= 0.5 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Ne2_0.5g.png, 50%)]] =|| ||= US-Ne3 =|| ||= 0.5 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Ne3_0.5g.png, 50%)]] =|| === Code was changed === ''the denitrifiers activity was changed'' (LOWER BOUND) path of files.txt : /home/users/taudoux/documents/Results/B/RundBis [[BR]] We looked again at the differents loops. [[BR]] * Loop at inorganic nitrogen scale path : /home/users/taudoux/documents/Results/B/EFfbis/ [[BR]] python : barplot_fbis.py arg1=name of the site ||= DK-Ris =|| ||= 0.5 =|| ||= [[Image(DK-Ris_0.5fbis.png, 50%)]] =|| ||= FR-Gri =|| ||= 0.5 =|| ||= [[Image(FR-Gri_0.5fbis.png, 50%)]] =|| ||= NL-Lan =|| ||= 0.5 =|| ||= [[Image(NL-Lan_0.5fbis.png, 50%)]] =|| ||= NL-Lut =|| ||= 0.5 =|| ||= [[Image(NL-Lut_0.5fbis.png, 50%)]] =|| ||= US-Bo1 =|| ||= 0.5 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Bo1_0.5fbis.png, 50%)]] =|| ||= US-Ne1 =|| ||= 0.5 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Ne1_0.5fbis.png, 50%)]] =|| ||= US-Ne2 =|| ||= 0.5 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Ne2_0.5fbis.png, 50%)]] =|| ||= US-Ne3 =|| ||= 0.5 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Ne3_0.5fbis.png, 50%)]] =|| * Loop at ORCHIDEE scale path : /home/users/taudoux/documents/Results/B/EFgbis/ [[BR]] python : barplot_gbis.py arg1=name of the site ||= DK-Ris =|| ||= 0.5 =|| ||= [[Image(DK-Ris_0.5gbis.png, 50%)]] ||= FR-Gri =|| ||= 0.5 =|| ||= [[Image(FR-Gri_0.5gbis.png, 50%)]] =|| ||= NL-Lan =|| ||= 0.5 =|| ||= [[Image(NL-Lan_0.5gbis.png, 50%)]] =|| ||= NL-Lut =|| ||= 0.5 =|| ||= [[Image(NL-Lut_0.5gbis.png, 50%)]] =|| ||= US-Bo1 =|| ||= 0.5 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Bo1_0.5gbis.png, 50%)]] =|| ||= US-Ne1 =|| ||= 0.5 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Ne1_0.5gbis.png, 50%)]] =|| ||= US-Ne2 =|| ||= 0.5 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Ne2_0.5gbis.png, 50%)]] =|| ||= US-Ne3 =|| ||= 0.5 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Ne3_0.5gbis.png, 50%)]] =|| Those results seem to suit better compared to others. So, in order to compare values of the emission with data we can find in the literature we calculate the emission factors of different fluxes. Plot EF in function of nitrogen inputs (fertilizer, NHx and NOx depositions) [[BR]] path : /home/users/taudoux/documents/Results/B/EFz/ [[BR]] python : barplot_EF.py arg1=name of the site ||= DK-Ris =|| ||= 0.5 =|| ||= [[Image(DK-Ris_0.5_EF.png, 50%)]] =|| ||= FR-Gri =|| ||= 0.5 =|| ||= [[Image(FR-Gri_0.5_EF.png, 50%)]] =|| ||= NL-Lan =|| ||= 0.5 =|| ||= [[Image(NL-Lan_0.5_EF.png, 50%)]] =|| ||= NL-Lut =|| ||= 0.5 =|| ||= [[Image(NL-Lut_0.5_EF.png, 50%)]] =|| ||= US-Bo1 =|| ||= 0.5 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Bo1_0.5_EF.png, 50%)]] =|| ||= US-Ne1 =|| ||= 0.5 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Ne1_0.5_EF.png, 50%)]] =|| ||= US-Ne2 =|| ||= 0.5 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Ne2_0.5_EF.png, 50%)]] =|| ||= US-Ne3 =|| ||= 0.5 =|| ||= [[Image(US-Ne3_0.5_EF.png, 50%)]] =|| Globally, by comparing with the first simulation, we can see that NH3 and NOx Emission Factor decreased in favor of NO3 and NH4 leaching. Moreover, the nitrogen seems to no longer be blocked at the nitrate state making it possible to be denitrified and emitted by N2, N2O, NOx emissions or to be leached as NOx. ---- === Brief look at the global simulation done by Palmira MESSINA === This has been done with rev ?. [[BR]] I looked how ammonia emissions respond in this global simulation in order to see if the behavior previously seen site to site is the same on a larger scale. ||||||||= Average emission of ammonia (g(NH3-N).m⁻².day⁻¹) in function of the parameter considered =|| ||= Temperature (K) =||= Humidity (-) =||= pH (-) =||= Deposition g(NHx).m^-2 =|| ||= [[Image(nh3_em_t2m_g.gif, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(nh3_em_hum_g.gif, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(nh3_em_pH_g.gif, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(nh3_em_nhx_dep_g.gif, 50%)]] =|| ||= SOIL NH4 g(NH4).m^-2 =||= SOIL N2O g(N2O).m^-2 =||= SOIL NOX g(NOx).m^-2 =||= SOIL NO3 g(NO3).m^-2 =|| ||= [[Image(nh3_em_soil_nh4_g.gif, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(nh3_em_soil_n2o_g.gif, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(nh3_em_soil_nox_g.gif, 50%)]] =||= [[Image(nh3_em_soil_no3_g.gif, 50%)]] =|| As we can see, we find the same influence of the parameters studied on ammonia emissions.