Version 20 (modified by pmessina, 7 years ago) (diff) |
In this section the simulations done for ERACLIM2 project are described
1) Simulations set-up
Resolution : 1 x 1 degree
Model Version: 3977
Meteo forcing files :
Run.def is set as follow:
# Soil resistance DO_RSOIL=y # Stress on plants STRESS_GS=1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1. STRESS_GM=1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1. STRESS_VCMAX=0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,1.,0.,1. # Albedo ALB_LEAF_NIR = 0., 0.23, 0.18, 0.18, 0.20, 0.24, 0.15, 0.26, 0.20, 0.24, 0.27, 0.28, 0.26 ALB_LEAF_VIS = 0., 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.03, 0.03, 0.03, 0.03, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06 SNOWA_AGED_NIR = 0.50, 0, 0, 0.10, 0.37, 0.08, 0.16, 0.17, 0.27, 0.44, 0.44, 0.44, 0.44 SNOWA_DEC_NIR = 0.13, 0, 0, 0.10, 0.10, 0.16, 0.04, 0.07, 0.08, 0.12, 0.12, 0.12, 0.12 SNOWA_AGED_VIS = 0.74, 0, 0, 0.08, 0.24, 0.07, 0.18, 0.18, 0.33, 0.57, 0.57, 0.57, 0.57 SNOWA_DEC_VIS = 0.21, 0, 0, 0.14, 0.08, 0.17, 0.05, 0.06, 0.09, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15
Historical simulation period: 1901-01-01 - 2010-12-31
Land use:
2) Where to find the principal files?
Outputs are stored in curie :
Configuration files are:
Spin-up: /ccc/work/cont003/dsm/p24palm/ORCHIDEE_TRUNK/modipsl/config/ORCHIDEE_OL/FG1med.CERA20C.3977
Transient: /ccc/work/cont003/dsm/p24palm/ORCHIDEE_TRUNK/modipsl/config/ORCHIDEE_OL/FG1transmed.CERA20C.3977
Historical: /ccc/work/cont003/dsm/p24palm/ORCHIDEE_TRUNK/modipsl/config/ORCHIDEE_OL/FG2med.CERA20C.3977
3) Where the CERA-20C files are stored and how these kind of files can be downloaded again
Meteorological CERA-20C are temporarily stored here:
If you want to download other files from ECMWF MARS system please contact:
Sophie Cloché
sbcipsl@… ou Sophie.Cloche@…
In general the files are put in the IDRIS server. So if you want to transfer the files from IDRIS to CURIE or other servers of the LSCE, please contact:
Anne Cozic
A script to make the download from IDRIS to CURIE is here:
But to run it the password from Anne is necessary.
4) How the forcing file are built up
The fortran script to transform the raw CERA-20C files in forcing for ORCHIDEE can be found here:
To compile it, the following file has to be used:
The Land-Sea-Mask file (, that is necessary to run the script, is copied in the same folder and it can be also found here:
Some parts of the script to verify, before running it again, are reported below:
CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: pathin ='/ccc/scratch/cont003/dsm/p24palm/CERA20C/NETCDF/GLOBAL_100/daily/FC_SF' ! This has to be modified = Where are located the raw data CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: pathout='/ccc/store/cont003/dsm/p24palm/CERA20C_ORCHIDEE/' ! This has to be modified = Where do you want to put the output files
! Initialisations ! This has to be modified - (could become arguments of the executable) ! Insert the day, month and year from which you want to start day=1 month=1 year=1955 ! Insert the number of year for which you want to create the ORCHIDEE meteo forcing files nbyear=2 !@FM_090609 Lecture Land-Sea-Mask ! This can be change, but you should search for another land-sea mask at 1deg resolution cfile_lsm='' !@PM_161205
! Change the name here with one appropriate file, if you change the dataset ! This file is only used for reading the latitude and longitude cfile_lsm='/ccc/scratch/cont003/dsm/p24palm/CERA20C/NETCDF/GLOBAL_100/daily/FC_SF/1900/' !@PM_161205
5) How the low precipitation bias in the Amazon area are fixed in ORCHIDEE
The low precipitation biases in Amazon area kill a big part of the vegetation there. The resulting vegetation distribution is not realistic at all.
To overcome this problem, avoiding the bias correction of the precipitation field, we can set ALWAYS_INIT = TRUE in the run.def.
Activating this flag we impose to vegetation to always start growing at the beginning of the growing season. By default this flag can be activated only for deciduous plants.
To impose the ALWAYS_INIT to all plants we change few lines in stomate_phenology.f90:
!! 4. Leaf growth and biomass allocation when leaf biomass is low. !! Leaves start to grow if biometeorological conditions are favourable (::begin_leaves == TRUE) and if !! leaf growth is allowed (::allow_initpheno == TRUE). !! PFTs and then grid cells are looped over. ! DO j = 2,nvm ! Loop over # PFTs age_reset(:) = .FALSE. DO i = 1, npts !! Added the case((pheno_model(j) == "none") .AND. (biomass(i,j,ileaf,icarbon).LT. min_sechiba)) condition !! to deal with extreme cases when the evergreen leaf biomass reaches zero IF ( (veget_max(i,j) .GT. min_sechiba) .AND. (always_init .AND. (pheno_model(j) == "none") .AND. (biomass(i,j,ileaf,icarbon) .LT. min_sechiba) ) ) THEN lm_min(i) = lai_initmin(j) / sla(j) biomass(i,j,ileaf,icarbon) = biomass(i,j,ileaf,icarbon) + lm_min(i) biomass(i,j,iroot,icarbon) = biomass(i,j,iroot,icarbon) + lm_min(i) co2_to_bm(i,j) = co2_to_bm(i,j) + ( lm_min(i) * 2 ) / dt ENDIF