
Version 3 (modified by dsolyga, 12 years ago) (diff)


Merge OCN

This page describes the work done to include the nitrogen cycle into ORCHIDEE. The nitrogen cycle was introduced into ORCHIDEE by Sonke Zaehle a few years ago. This version called O-CN was not parallelized and is based on a obsolete version, so it will be progressively merged into a copy of trunk of ORCHIDEE with regular updates (synchronization with the trunk). The release is expected for the end of 2013.

Preliminary work : add extra dimensions for some carbon variables (October 2012)

Work done by Didier : the following variables (global) have now an extra dimension :

    turnover daily
    bm_sapl (parameter)

Some local variables need an extra dimension too :

lpj_cover dilu_lit
lpj_establish total_bm_sapl
stomate_lcchange bm_new, biomass_loss, dilu_lit
stomate_litter qd, litter_inc_PFT, litter_inc, litter_pft
stomate_lpj tot_bm_to_litter, tot_live_biomass, bm_alloc, tot_turnover
stomate_soilcarbon fluxtot, flux

Moreover, I need to add the following parameters :

INTEGER(i_std), PARAMETER :: nelements = 1    !! Number of isotopes considered 
INTEGER(i_std), PARAMETER :: icarbon = 1      !! Index for carbon  

Test done : A simple binary comparison test was performed on Obelix. The tests are OK.

This work has been commited see [1025].

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