= Merge-Hydro Branch = This version will merge the version of ORCHIDEE developed at LMD with the 11-layer hydrological scheme into the latest version of the trunk ( Based on the differences between the LMD version and those from which it originates (either 1_9 or 1_9_4_1) (see the attachments), several notes have been written in order to prepare the merge. Here below are the links to these notes. == [wiki:Branches/MergeHydro/cwrr_note Note on CWRR] == == [wiki:Branches/MergeHydro/evapnu_note Note on evapnu] == == [wiki:Branches/MergeHydro/dpu_note Note on dpu] == == [wiki:Branches/MergeHydro/flag_couple_note Note on flag couple] == == [wiki:Branches/MergeHydro/logz0_note Note on logz0] == == [wiki:Branches/MergeHydro/lai_note Note on LAI] ==