
Version 6 (modified by ajornet, 9 years ago) (diff)


How to compile MICT

Be aware there other ways to compile Orchidee. All of them are valid. But the use of makeorchidee_fcm should make things easier:

  • It enables the compilation with multiple cores at the same time.
  • No need to modify any file to change the compilation mode (prod/dev/debug).
  • Automatically manages all dependencies between files.


Since MICT V7.2, XIOS 2 is enabled on MICT. This is a new library to manage input/output for history files. It is recommended to use over the old one: IOIPSL. For several reason:


There is an implicit step which depends in your architecture (computer). You need to make sure you have chosen the proper libraries (module load ...) to compile Orchidee.

XIOS 2 (preferred)

In order to compile orchidee, go to the model source code:

cd YOURPATH/modipsl/modeles/ORCHIDEE

Install all makefiles


Go to the IOIPSL folder

cd ../IOIPSL/src

Note: despite of XIOS, IOISPL is still used for other tasks: read run.def file, restarts files management, ...

Compile IOIPSL


Go to XIOS 2 folder

cd ../../XIOS

Compile XIOS 2

./make_xios --prod --arch SUPPORTED_MACHINE --full --j 8

Go to the models source code folder again


Compile Orchidee

./makeorchidee_fcm  -parallel mpi -arch SUPPORTED_MACHINE -xios2 -driver -prod -full -j 8

Replace -arch MACHINE with the machine you are working with. Find more information in makeorchidee_fcm -h command.

After that, when you do a modification you can simply run the command line below. So you avoid the whole recompilation from the code:

./makeorchidee_fcm  -parallel mpi -arch SUPPORTED_MACHINE -xios2 -driver -prod -j 8

In some cases it might be necessary to recompile from zero.

IOIPSL (old)

In order to compile orchidee, go to the model source code:

cd YOURPATH/modipsl/modeles/ORCHIDEE

Install all makefiles


Go to the IOIPSL folder

cd ../IOIPSL/src

Compile IOIPSL


Go to the models source code folder again

cd ../../ORCHIDEE

Compile Orchidee

./makeorchidee_fcm  -parallel mpi -arch SUPPORTED_MACHINE -driver -prod -full -j 8

Replace -arch MACHINE with the machine you are working with. Find more information in makeorchidee_fcm -h command.

After that, when you do a modification you can simply run the command line below. So you avoid the whole recompilation from the code:

./makeorchidee_fcm  -parallel mpi -arch SUPPORTED_MACHINE -driver -prod -j 8

In some cases it might be necessary to recompile from zero.


If you need to debug use:

./makeorchidee_fcm  -parallel mpi -arch SUPPORTED_MACHINE (-xios2) -driver -debug -full -j 8


  • the use of gmake produces an error due to dependencies. For this reason, it is only required to compile orchidee libraries (ioipsl, ...).
  • This guide expects you have selected the proper module libraries in the HPC you are working with.