
Version 57 (modified by ajornet, 5 years ago) (diff)


How to compile MICT

Be aware there other ways to compile Orchidee. All of them are valid. But the use of makeorchidee_fcm should make things easier:

  • It enables the compilation with multiple cores at the same time.
  • No need to modify any file to change the compilation mode (prod/dev/debug).
  • Automatically manages all dependencies between files.


Despite of having all files inside the modipsl/libIGCM structure. This guide does not guarantee it will work with this framework. For this purpose, go to the appropiate guide.


Since MICT V7.2, XIOS 2 is enabled on MICT. This is a new library to manage the output for history files. It is recommended to use over the old one ( IOIPSL). For several reason:


Required modules to load in your environment to make Orchidee and its dependencies -IOIPSL ad XIOS- properly compiler and run.

On Irene

  • module purge
  • module load intel/
  • module load mpi/openmpi/2.0.2
  • module load flavor/hdf5/parallel
  • module load netcdf-fortran/4.4.4
  • module load mkl
  • module load hdf5/1.8.20
  • module load feature/bridge/heterogenous_mpmd
  • module load nco
  • module load cdo
  • module load ncview

On obelix

  • module load intel-fcomp/2018
  • module load openmpi/2.1.5
  • module load pnetcdf/1.5.0
  • module load hdf5/1.8.9p
  • module load netcdf/4p

Do NOT use the modules below.

  • python/* -> it crashes orchidee

known issues

Since the introduction of the new module openmpi/2.1.5 a new bug raised in one of the libraries listed below for Orchidee-MICT only. It prevents the writing of the under certain cases (e.g: 2nodes + 4 cores each). So it affects the usage of forcesoil until further news:

Affected modules:

  • netcdf/4p
  • hdf5/1.8.9p

On curie

  • module load intel/
  • module load netcdf/
  • module load hdf5/1.8.9_parallel


This guide assumes modipsl/ligIGCM is already download with the ORCHIDEE_trunk configuration:

The following steps describes what is required to change to compile Orchidee-MICT.


This library takes care of multiple Input/Output? tasks:

  • Read/write restart files
  • Read/write history files
  • Read configuration file (run.def)
  • Calendar options

After 8.4.0 (rev 4057)

Starting at this version (also included), MICT is using a modified IOIPSL. Restart subroutines to Read/Write? allows more than 3 dimensions. It allows an increase of performance for the restart files. For such purpose, follow the instructions below in order to install it properly:

1- Go to the modeles folder. All source code is located here.

cd YOURPATH/modipsl/modeles/

2- Remove the current IOIPSL. This one is the IOIPSL trunk version.

rm -rf IOIPSL

3- Download the modified IOISPL-MICT:

3.A- Starting at 8.6.0

svn co -r4850 svn:// IOIPSL

3.B- Before 8.6.0

svn co -r4720 svn:// IOIPSL

4- Go to the IOIPSL folder

cd IOIPSL/src

5- Install all makefiles required to compile this library:


6- (optional) Modify the line inside the Makefile in order to get better performance

For Irene:

F_O = -DCPP_PARA -O3 -xHost -align all -align array64byte $(F_D) $(F_P) -I$(MODDIR) -module $(MODDIR) -fp-model precise

For obelix:

F_O = -DCPP_PARA -O3 -align all $(F_D) $(F_P) -I$(MODDIR) -module $(MODDIR) -fp-model precise

For curie/ADA:

F_O = -DCPP_PARA -O3 -xAVX -align all -align array32byte $(F_D) $(F_P) -I$(MODDIR) -module $(MODDIR) -fp-model precise

Before 8.4.0 (rev 4057)

Go to IOIPSL source code folder

cd YOURPATH/modipsl/modeles/IOIPSL/src

Install all makefiles.


Go to the IOIPSL folder

cd ../IOIPSL/src

Modify the files shown below:

Index: histcom.f90
--- histcom.f90	(revision 2705)
+++ histcom.f90	(working copy)
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
 ! Fixed parameter
-  INTEGER,PARAMETER :: nb_files_max=20,nb_var_max=600, &
+  INTEGER,PARAMETER :: nb_files_max=20,nb_var_max=1400, &
  &                     nb_hax_max=5,nb_zax_max=10,nbopp_max=10
   REAL,PARAMETER :: missing_val=nf90_fill_real
Index: restcom.f90
--- restcom.f90	(revision 2705)
+++ restcom.f90	(working copy)
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 ! the out file.
- &  max_var=500, max_file=50, max_dim=NF90_MAX_VAR_DIMS
+ &  max_var=1000, max_file=50, max_dim=NF90_MAX_VAR_DIMS
   CHARACTER(LEN=9),SAVE :: calend_str='unknown'

Orchidee-MICT is using lots of variables. So it is necessary to tell IOIPSL increase the maximum allowed.


In order to compile Orchidee MICT:

Go to the main model folder:

cd YOURPATH/modipsl/modeles/

Remove Orchidee trunk


Download MICT from svn (under development)

svn co svn:// ORCHIDEE


Once modipsl is properly set up for Orchidee-MICT, you can compile the model and its dependencies following the instructions below. For that purpose, you can choose two methods:

  • Automatic: the script will do all the steps for you
  • Manual: the same as the script but by hand


Go to configuration folder for Orchidee offline:

cd YOURPATH/modipsl/config/ORCHIDEE_OL

Modify Makefile to include "-otherexec" from

 # driver : Only compiling ORCHIDEE without linking to XIOS (with fcm method)
driver :
        (cd ../../modeles/ORCHIDEE ; ./makeorchidee_fcm        -j 8 -parallel mpi -prod -arch ${FCM_ARCH} -driver ; )

# driver_xios : Only compiling ORCHIDEE and linking to XIOS 1.0 (with fcm method)
#               Note: For linking with XIOS 2.0 change -xios into -xios2
driver_xios :
        (cd ../../modeles/ORCHIDEE ; ./makeorchidee_fcm -xios2 -j 8 -parallel mpi -prod -arch ${FCM_ARCH} -driver ; )


 # driver : Only compiling ORCHIDEE without linking to XIOS (with fcm method)
driver :
        (cd ../../modeles/ORCHIDEE ; ./makeorchidee_fcm        -j 8 -parallel mpi -prod -arch ${FCM_ARCH} -driver -otherexec ; )

# driver_xios : Only compiling ORCHIDEE and linking to XIOS 1.0 (with fcm method)
#               Note: For linking with XIOS 2.0 change -xios into -xios2
driver_xios :
        (cd ../../modeles/ORCHIDEE ; ./makeorchidee_fcm -xios2 -j 8 -parallel mpi -prod -arch ${FCM_ARCH} -driver -otherexec ; )

Compile the whole model (IOIPSL, XIOS and Orchidee):



Orchidee can also be manually compiled.


Go to IOIPSL folder

cd modipsl/modeles/IOIPSL/src

Compile IOIPSL



XIOS is a new Input/Output? library aimed to replace IOIPSL at some point. Currently, it only replaces the write of history files. This means IOIPSL is still required and must be always compiled.

Go to XIOS folder:

cd modipsl/modeles/XIOS

Compile XIOS 2

./make_xios --prod --arch SUPPORTED_MACHINE --full --j 8


Move to Orchidee-MICT

cd modipsl/modeles/ORCHIDEE

Compile Orchidee

./makeorchidee_fcm  -parallel mpi -arch SUPPORTED_MACHINE -driver -prod -full -xios2 -j 8 -otherexec

Replace -arch MACHINE with the machine you are working with. Find more information in makeorchidee_fcm -h command.

After that, when you do a modification you can simply run the command line below. So you avoid the whole recompilation from the code:

./makeorchidee_fcm  -parallel mpi -arch SUPPORTED_MACHINE -driver -prod -j 8 -xios2 -otherexec

In some cases it might be necessary to recompile from zero.


If you need to debug use:

./makeorchidee_fcm  -parallel mpi -arch SUPPORTED_MACHINE (-xios2) -driver -debug -full -j 8 -otherexec


  • the use of gmake produces an error due to dependencies. For this reason, it is only required to compile orchidee libraries (ioipsl, ...).
  • This guide expects you have selected the proper module libraries in the HPC you are working with.
  • There is a new option for makeorchidee_fcm called otherexec. It creates forcesoil.exe

Supported machines

Refer to the following keys depending on the machine:

  • obelix: ifort_LSCE
  • Irene: X64_IRENE
  • Curie: X64_CURIE
  • ADA: X64_ADA

More machines are available. To discover them:

[ -arch XXX ] : name of the archicture file containg platform dependent compile options. 
                The files arch/arch-XXX.fcm and arch/arch-XXX.path must exist.


Please, report any error to albert.jornet-puig@…