= Daniel's page = CNP-Dev version based on MERGE-OCN revision 2567 = Bugs fixed = == '''1. Mass conservation issue: stomate_growth_fun_all.f90''' == The carbon being allocated to biomass pools must no be substracted before nutrient limitation of allocation is computed. This can be fixed by following: {{{ !DSGdebug_01 ! do NOT this now, do it after nutrient limitation on allocation is considered in bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) ! ! Update the labile carbon pool ! biomass(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) = biomass(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) - & ! bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) !DSGdebug_01 !! 3.10 Maintenance respiration }}} {{{ ! The calculation of ::resp_maint is solely based on the demand i.e. ! given the biomass and the condition of the plant, how much should be ! respired. It is not sure that this demand can be satisfied i.e. the ! calculated maintenance respiration may exceed the available carbon !DSGdebug_01 ! DEFAULT CASE: There is no deficit which must be subtracted from labile deficit = zero !DSGdebug_01 IF ( bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) - resp_maint(ipts,j) .LT. zero ) THEN }}} [...] {{{ ! Not enough carbon to pay the deficit, the individual ! is going to die at the end of this day bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) = bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) + & biomass(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon) biomass(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon) = zero ! Truncate the maintenance respiration to the available carbon resp_maint(ipts,j) = bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) !DSGdebug_01 ! There is no deficit which must be subtracted from labile deficit = zero !DSGdebug_01 ENDIF }}} [...] {{{ ! Final ::resp_maint is know bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) = bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) - resp_maint(ipts,j) !DSGdebug_01 ! Subtracted the deficit from labile pool biomass(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) = biomass(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) - & (resp_maint(ipts,j) + deficit) !DSGdebug_01 !! 3.11 Growth respiration ! Calculate total growth respiration and update allocatable carbon ! Growth respiration is a tax on productivity, not actual allocation ! Total growth respiration has be calculated before the allocation ! takes place because the allocation itself is not linear. After ! the allocation has been calculated, growth respiration can be ! calculated for each biomass component separatly. The unit of ! resp_growth is gC m-2 dt-1 resp_growth(ipts,j) = frac_growthresp(j) * MAX(zero, bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j)) bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) = bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) - resp_growth(ipts,j) !DSGdebug_01 biomass(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) = biomass(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) - & resp_growth(ipts,j) !DSGdebug_01 }}} [...] {{{ !======================================================= ! Block from OCN but I did not find it in DOFOCO ??? ! ! 5.1 retrieve allocated biomass from labile pool (nitrogen, or new allocation) ! !DSGdebug_01 ! This is the right spot to remove bm_alloc_tot: biomass(:,:,ilabile,icarbon) = biomass(:,:,ilabile,icarbon) - bm_alloc_tot(:,:) !DSGdebug_01 biomass(:,:,ilabile,initrogen) = biomass(:,:,ilabile,initrogen) - n_alloc_tot(:,:) }}} == '''2. Mass conservation issue: stomate_phenology.f90''' == The nutrient demand must be calculated AFTER the final Cl_init and Cr_init are known. This can be fixed by: {{{ ! The biomass available to use is set to be the minimum of the biomass of ! the labile pool (if carbon not taken from the atmosphere), and ! the wanted biomass. bm_use(i) = MIN( biomass(i,j,ilabile,icarbon) + biomass(i,j,icarbres,icarbon), & bm_wanted(i) ) !DSGdebug_02 ! the nutrients need to support the biomass: !DSGdebug_02 bm_wanted_n(i) = (Cl_init + Cr_init*fcn_root(j))/cn_leaf_prescribed(j) }}} [...] {{{ ! In case nitrogen or phosphorus is not sufficiently available ! downregulate new leaf biomass to respect leaf stoichiometry; ! DSG: this violates the ratio used to calculate the ! leave-root-sapwood relationships: is this OK? !DSGdebug_02: moved after Cl_init and Cr_init are updated ! the nutrients need to support the biomass: bm_wanted_n(i) = (Cl_init + Cr_init*fcn_root(j))/cn_leaf_prescribed(j) !DSGdebug_02 }}} = Bugs not fixed = == '''1. Mass conservation issue: stomate_phenology.f90''' == detected, but not fixed yet This piece of code leads that less biomass is allocated to leaf and root than was subtracted earlier from labile and rescarb using variable bm_use; I guess this mass leak is related to the in code comment. SOLUTION -> I WAIT till MERGE-OCN is merged with new DOFOCO code. {{{ ! +++CHECK+++ ! Cl_init + Cr_init can exceed bm_use. bm_use should be used in these equations circ_class_biomass(i,j,l,ileaf,icarbon) = circ_class_biomass(i,j,l,ileaf,icarbon) + & Cl_init * ( KF(i,j) * Cs_tree(l) / height(i,j,l) * circ_class_n(i,j,l) ) / & SUM( KF(i,j) * Cs_tree(:) / height(i,j,:) * circ_class_n(i,j,:) ) circ_class_biomass(i,j,l,iroot,icarbon) = circ_class_biomass(i,j,l,iroot,icarbon) + & Cr_init * ( KF(i,j) * Cs_tree(l) / height(i,j,l) * circ_class_n(i,j,l) ) / & SUM( KF(i,j) * Cs_tree(:) / height(i,j,:) * circ_class_n(i,j,:) ) !++++++++++++ }}} = '''Mass conservation checks''' = Mass closure given by: mass_before + mass_change = mass_after == '''stomate_lpj.f90''' == {{{ !DSG mass conservation ======================================== mass_before(:,:,:) = SUM(biomass(:,:,:,:),DIM=3) !! 5. Grow new biomass - respiration, npp and allocation ! Call the allometry based allocation (based on Sitch et al 2003 and Zaehle et al 2010) CALL growth_fun_all (npts, dt_days, veget_max, PFTpresent, & senescence, when_growthinit, moiavail_growingseason, t2m_week, & gpp_daily, gpp_week, resp_maint_part, resp_maint, & resp_growth, npp_daily, biomass, age, & leaf_age, leaf_frac, use_reserve, t_photo_stress, & lab_fac, lai_target, ind, rue_longterm, & circ_class_n, circ_class_biomass, c0_alloc, cn_leaf_season, np_leaf_season, & KF, n_uptake_daily, p_uptake_daily) !DSG mass conservation ============================================ mass_change(:,:,icarbon) = npp_daily(:,:)*dt_days mass_change(:,:,initrogen) = SUM(n_uptake_daily(:,:,:),DIM=3) mass_change(:,:,iphosphorus) = p_uptake_daily(:,:) }}} {{{ !DSG mass conservation ======================================== mass_before(:,:,:) = SUM(biomass(:,:,:,:),DIM=3) CALL phenology_prognostic (npts, dt_days, PFTpresent, veget_max, & tlong_ref, t2m_month, t2m_week, gpp_daily, & maxmoiavail_lastyear, minmoiavail_lastyear, moiavail_month, moiavail_week, & gdd_m5_dormance, gdd_midwinter, ncd_dormance, ngd_minus5, & senescence, time_hum_min, biomass, leaf_frac, & leaf_age, when_growthinit, co2_to_bm, circ_class_n, & circ_class_biomass, ind, c0_alloc, KF) !DSG mass conservation ============================================ mass_change(:,:,icarbon) = zero mass_change(:,:,initrogen) = zero mass_change(:,:,iphosphorus) = zero }}}