Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Branches/MergeOCN/Goll

2015-05-07T09:02:31+02:00 (9 years ago)



  • Branches/MergeOCN/Goll

    v1 v2  
    11= Daniel's page = 
     2CNP-Dev version based on MERGE-OCN revision 2567 
     7== '''1. Mass conservation issue: stomate_growth_fun_all.f90''' == 
     9The carbon being allocated to biomass pools must no be substracted before nutrient limitation of allocation is computed. 
     10This can be fixed by: 
     12          ! The calculation of ::resp_maint is solely based on the demand i.e. 
     13          ! given the biomass and the condition of the plant, how much should be 
     14          ! respired. It is not sure that this demand can be satisfied i.e. the  
     15          ! calculated maintenance respiration may exceed the available carbon 
     17          !DSGdebug_01 
     18          deficit = zero 
     19          !DSGdebug_01 
     21          IF ( bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) - resp_maint(ipts,j) .LT. zero ) THEN 
     25                ! Not enough carbon to pay the deficit, the individual  
     26                ! is going to die at the end of this day 
     27                bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) = bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) + & 
     28                     biomass(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon)  
     29                biomass(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon) = zero 
     31                ! Truncate the maintenance respiration to the available carbon 
     32                resp_maint(ipts,j) = bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) 
     34                !DSGdebug_01 
     35                deficit = zero 
     36                !DSGdebug_01 
     37             ENDIF 
     42          ! Final ::resp_maint is know 
     43          bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) = bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) - resp_maint(ipts,j) 
     45          !DSGdebug_01 
     46          biomass(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) = biomass(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) - & 
     47                                            (resp_maint(ipts,j) + deficit) 
     48          !DSGdebug_01 
     50          !! 3.11 Growth respiration 
     51          !  Calculate total growth respiration and update allocatable carbon 
     52          !  Growth respiration is a tax on productivity, not actual allocation 
     53          !  Total growth respiration has be calculated before the allocation  
     54          !  takes place because the allocation itself is not linear. After  
     55          !  the allocation has been calculated, growth respiration can be  
     56          !  calculated for each biomass component separatly. The unit of 
     57          !  resp_growth is gC m-2 dt-1 
     58          resp_growth(ipts,j)  = frac_growthresp(j) * MAX(zero, bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j)) 
     59          bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) = bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) - resp_growth(ipts,j) 
     61          !DSGdebug_01 
     62          biomass(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) = biomass(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) - & 
     63                                            resp_growth(ipts,j) 
     64          !DSGdebug_01 
     70    !======================================================= 
     71    ! Block from OCN but I did not find it in DOFOCO ??? 
     72    ! 
     73    ! 5.1 retrieve allocated biomass from labile pool (nitrogen, or new allocation) 
     74    ! 
     76    !DSGdebug_01 
     77    biomass(:,:,ilabile,icarbon)   = biomass(:,:,ilabile,icarbon)   - bm_alloc_tot(:,:) 
     78    !DSGdebug_01 
     79    biomass(:,:,ilabile,initrogen) = biomass(:,:,ilabile,initrogen) - n_alloc_tot(:,:) 