Changes between Version 56 and Version 57 of Branches/Driver_Improvements

2016-06-15T20:39:28+02:00 (8 years ago)



  • Branches/Driver_Improvements

    v56 v57  
    233233>> '''NVui'''(09/06/16) Looking at the interpolations done by orchideedriver, I think there is a problem with the interpolation of SWdown. As already mentioned above, there are systematic spikes at 6pm which can not only be explained by clouds or other 'noise' sources. In addition, there time period (between midnight and 6am for instance with CRU-NCEP, where the forcing indicates a non-null radiation, while the interpolated values are 0 over the entire time period. This does not preserve the mean value. 
     236>>> '''JP''' (15/06/16) : Both drivers use the same code for the temporal interpolation of SWdown. The difference is only in the way they phase the 3 hourly forcing with the computed solar angle. This has important consequences at the beginning and end of the day. Perhaps one solution would be to allow some solar radiation (diffuse !) also when the sun is under the horizon. 
    235238>> I'd like also to understand why there is a difference in the wind speed 'downscaling' from 10m to 2m between the drivers (look at the comparison for CRU-NCEP where the 2 interpolated time-series are in phase but with different values). Is it due to the displacement height ? In the current ORCHIDEE, the displacement height is set to 0.75*veget_height but we often find in the literature a value of 0.66*veget_height. Is this later value used in orchideedriver ? 
     240>>> '''JP''' (15/06/16) : Here also both drivers use exactly the same code and find that they produce about the same values of wind. So I do not understand your question. 
    237242== Conclusions ==