== Reports of technical meeting ORCHIDEE == === 17/11/2010 === Presentation of the new versioning system '''svn''' by Martial Mancip [[BR]] [[BR]] 1 - Design (see https://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/browser) [[BR]] * The '''tag''' directory was first created by importing the last cvs 1_9_5 tag (AR5 version) including both ORCHIDEE and ORCHIDEE_OL (meaning source code, scripts, diagnostics and documentation). [[BR]] * The '''trunk''' directory was then created by copying this first tag. This directory represents the current version under development and is to be tagged when ready. [[BR]] * The '''branches''' directory will include separately the major on-going developments (nitrogen, phenology, assimilation, ...). When ready, they will be merged into the trunk directory. [[BR]] * The '''perso''' directory will include separately all developments made by students and post-docts. [[BR]] * Note that the release number is globally incremented each time any file is modified (this is a major difference from cvs). [[BR]] * Click on '''Revtree''' (upper right) to visualize the Revision Tree and see the model evolution (select options then click on 'Update'). [[BR]] 2 - Project Management Tools (labels 'See Tickets', 'New Ticket', 'Roadmap', 'Timeline') [[BR]] * A '''New Ticket''' is created each time an action is required (bug to resolve, new branch to create, enhancement required, ...). [[BR]] * Tickets are associated to '''Milestones''', defining the main objectives we are currently trying to reach. [[BR]] * ''Tickets are listed and discussed every two weeks during the technical meetings.'' [[BR]] * The '''Roadmap''' enables to visualize the different Milestones completion. [[BR]] 3 - Authorizations [[BR]] * Each '''user''' will have a wiki login and password. [[BR]] * Already existing '''group'''s are admin (Martial Mancip, Nicolas Vuichard, Didier Solyga, Fabienne Maignan) and users. A group can be created for each corresponding branch (e.g. assim, pheno). * ''Trunk commits are decided within the orchidee project meetings.'' [[BR]] 4 - Next actions [[BR]] * Decide which commits are sent by e-mail to which list. [[BR]] * Foresee another technical meeting to declare Milestones, create branches, ... [[BR]] === 18/10/2010 === * Work on the externalisation of the I/O of ORCHIDEE. Yann Meurdesoif presents the development of XMLIO-Server aiming at replacing IOIPSL in the future. Before this, it can serve as an interface between a code (such as ORCHIDEE) and IOIPSL. It is based on a XML file and a library (initially written in Fortran -> move to C). (see attached file [http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/attachment/wiki/TechnicalReports/XMLIO_SERVER_ORCHIDEE.pdf pdf])[[BR]] * We can expect to have a version of ORCHIDEE using XMLIO-Server for February 2011.[[BR]] * We can already work on the groups of variables that have to be defined in the XML file.[[BR]] * Point on the SVN server: We agree to move now from CVS to SVN. We will maintain the CVS system as long as needed for the CMIP5 exercise (normally just one update has to be done when Patricia will be back). * Next technical meeting : '''4th November 2010 10pm''' [[BR]] Suggested topics : 1. report of Didier on the externalization === 30/09/2010 === * Bug report on interpolation of a 6-hourly climate dataset (see attached file [http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/attachment/wiki/TechnicalReports/6_hourly_interpolation.pdf pdf])[[BR]] The routine 'forcing_read_interpol' in readdim2.f90 file works fine with climate datasets such as NCEP/NCAR in which:[[BR]] * State variables are forecasts valid 6 hours after the reference time[[BR]] * Flux variables are 6 hour averages starting at the reference time[[BR]] For dataset such as ERA-interim, there are different time lags for state variables and flux variables and a specific problem [[BR]] for the interpolation of SWdown. Cédric Bacour already fixed this last bug.[[BR]] '''To be done''' * To define different flags helping to characterize the temporal structure of a climate dataset: [[BR]] Instanteous vs Average variables, Centered vs shifted(+1 timestep) value, GMT vs local-time data * To auto-document any Netcdf dataset used by ORCHIDEE with these flags. This will prevent of using datasets without knowing these characteristics * To modify the 'forcing_read_interpol' routine in order to account for these flags[[BR]] * Output variables[[BR]] In order to reduce the number of output variables (ie avoid 2 variables for a same physical entity), we (N. Vuichard and M. Mancip) will circulate the ALMA and CMIP5 standard and the list of output variables that are not in these 2 standards. [[BR]] Specific request : * to modify the standard driver for being able to specify as a list, the variables that a user wants as outputs * modification of the call to histdef function : loop over the outputs variables stored in a text file (like in viovy's driver)[[BR]] * Next technical meeting : '''14th October 2010 10pm''' [[BR]] Suggested topics : 1. report of Didier on the externalization 1. work on the output variables (to continue) === 16/09/2010 === * introduction on forge ORCHIDEE wiki : create this page * short words from Phillipe on the organization of those meetings * every two weeks * organized by Martial, supplied by Nicolas Vuichard * reports are done during the meeting or just after [[BR]] and all participants have to read and perhaps correct the report * presentation of work on externalization of parameters (see attached file [http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/attachment/wiki/TechnicalReports/Orchidee_meeting_1609.pdf pdf]) * definition of readding PFTs versus Meta-Classes : discution of idea of Didier versus Sebastiaan. [[BR]] We don't keep idea that definition of PFT are in MTC sets (Sebastiaan) [[BR]] But for clearing the def file, Nicolas has proposed that we give number of MTC for each PFT per line. Accepted. * simplification of all parameters in code : regroup all constant modules (MTC parameters) in src_parameters and stomate_constants (all participant are agreed ). [[BR]] Discussion on initialization functions [[BR]] We have to talk to all ORCHIDEE developpers before this fusion. Two steps[[BR]] 1. put all STOMATE constant in src_parameter 1. fusion if needed all constant files. Some SAVE values are not parameters and lot of MTC array are SAVE and will be PARAMETER. * Possible flags related to the externalization [[BR]] 1. flag CONFIG_AR5 in order to get back to the AR5 config (13 PFT with default values for all PFT parametes) [[BR]] This corresponds to only define nvm=13 and pft_to_mtc = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 [[BR]] We wont' implement the CONFIG_AR5 flag[[BR]] 1. flag IMPOSE_PARAM : a user has developed a orchidee.def with for instance 16 PFT and has modified some parameter values [[BR]] In order to be able to use this .def file but for a run with default values (eg without removing the lines in the .def that redefined the parameter values)[[BR]] we set IMPOSE_PARAM to FALSE else we set it to TRUE. * All vegetation maps for variable number of PFTs will be land use like maps (result of pre-process in the right number of types). * Spacialization of variables : Didier has asked for a list of spatialization parameters to begin change in the code. [[BR]] We decide to begin the work with vcmax_opt. Nicolas Viovy has proposed to build a map by PFTs.[[BR]] * Next technical meeting : '''30th September 2010 2pm''' [[BR]] Suggested topics (to be confirmed) : 1. interpolation of 6-hourly climatology 1. bug reported by Tea/Pierre on water stress