


14:47 Changeset [6447] by jan.polcher
Correcting some aspects in the GRDC diagnostics and looking for ocean …


12:25 Documentation/UserGuide edited by jgipsl
12:11 Documentation/UserGuide edited by jgipsl
11:54 Documentation/UserGuide edited by jgipsl
11:51 Documentation/UserGuide/BeforeUsingNewPlatform created by jgipsl
11:34 Documentation/UserGuide/InstallingORCHIDEEBasic edited by jgipsl
11:04 Documentation/UserGuide edited by jgipsl


17:24 Documentation/UserGuide edited by jgipsl
17:23 Documentation/UserGuide/CompileMethods edited by jgipsl
17:21 Documentation/UserGuide edited by jgipsl
17:08 Documentation/UserGuide/DifferentLogin edited by jgipsl
16:57 Documentation/UserGuide edited by jgipsl
16:56 Documentation/UserGuide edited by jgipsl
16:55 Documentation/ProfileDDTmap created by jgipsl
16:55 Documentation/ProfileVtune created by jgipsl
16:55 Documentation/ProfileGprof created by jgipsl
16:53 Documentation/UserGuide/svnGetCode edited by jgipsl
16:47 Documentation/UserGuide edited by jgipsl
16:46 Documentation/svnGetCode created by jgipsl
Documentation/svnGetCode → …
16:45 Documentation/UserGuide/svnGetCode edited by jgipsl
16:41 Documentation/UserGuide edited by jgipsl
15:08 Changeset [6446] by nicolas.vuichard
remove constrain on leaf cn ratio at budburst period
12:28 Documentation/UserGuide/TestCase1 edited by jgipsl
12:26 Documentation/UserGuide/TestCase1 edited by jgipsl
12:23 Documentation/UserGuide/TestCase1 edited by jgipsl
12:09 Documentation/UserGuide/TestCase1 edited by jgipsl


18:06 Changeset [6445] by nicolas.vuichard
implemention of the sugar loading. See ticket #476
11:35 Changeset [6444] by sebastiaan.luyssaert
DEV: making the calculations in stomate_soilcarbon.f90 more robust against …


19:30 Changeset [6443] by sebastiaan.luyssaert
DEV: cleaning the code
19:29 Changeset [6442] by sebastiaan.luyssaert
DEV: enhancing the robusness of the quality checks in the code


17:52 Changeset [6441] by sebastiaan.luyssaert
DEV: deleted unnecessary files
17:49 Changeset [6440] by sebastiaan.luyssaert
DEV: deleted unnecessary files
17:44 Changeset [6439] by sebastiaan.luyssaert
DEV: contributes to tickets #568
17:43 Changeset [6438] by sebastiaan.luyssaert
DEV: contributes to tickets #568
15:41 Changeset [6437] by guillaume.marie
Fix ticket #640
14:28 Changeset [6436] by sebastiaan.luyssaert
DEV: tested for 50 years over Europe with land cover change. Contributes …


12:18 Changeset [6435] by sebastiaan.luyssaert
DEV: contributes to but does not fix ticket #645


09:01 Changeset [6434] by sebastiaan.luyssaert
DEV: set-up and tested a historical run over Europe with climate change, …
08:45 Changeset [6433] by sebastiaan.luyssaert
DEV: tested 5 years over Europe with all features: climate, nitrogen, CO2, …


18:06 Changeset [6432] by sebastiaan.luyssaert
DEV: cleaning r6411 to r6430. Consistency checks for the new hydraulic …
17:15 DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-DOFOCO edited by luyssaert
16:16 DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-DOFOCO edited by luyssaert


19:12 Changeset [6431] by anne-sofie.lanso
UPDATE: updated orchidee.def in all ORCHIDEE_OL config folders by changing …
19:10 Changeset [6430] by anne-sofie.lanso
Small adjustments in text explaining the energy_control flag in …
18:54 Changeset [6429] by anne-sofie.lanso
DEV: multi_layer_control renamed to energy_control that has 5 possible …


20:01 Changeset [6428] by anne-sofie.lanso
DEV: contributes to ticket #638, the code is now prepared for using …
19:11 DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-DOFOCO edited by luyssaert
19:10 DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-DOFOCO edited by luyssaert
18:16 Changeset [6427] by sebastiaan.luyssaert
DEV: the variable transpir_unstressed is defined in src_xml
18:03 Changeset [6426] by sebastiaan.luyssaert
DEV: improved the code to produce the orchidee_pft.def for only 3 PFTs of …


23:02 Changeset [6425] by kim.naudts
cleaning hydraulic_arch + set psi_root to psi_leaf +added docu
22:59 Changeset [6424] by kim.naudts
changed parameters psi_leaf and k_root
22:59 Changeset [6423] by kim.naudts
changed parameters psi_leaf and k_root
22:59 Changeset [6422] by kim.naudts
changed parameters psi_leaf and k_root
22:58 Changeset [6421] by kim.naudts
changed parameters psi_leaf and k_root
22:58 Changeset [6420] by kim.naudts
changed parameters psi_leaf and k_root
22:58 Changeset [6419] by kim.naudts
changed parameters psi_leaf and k_root
22:58 Changeset [6418] by kim.naudts
changed parameters psi_leaf and k_root
22:56 Changeset [6417] by kim.naudts
changed psi_leaf and k_root
20:08 Changeset [6416] by sebastiaan.luyssaert
DEV: updated the model configurations with a orchidee_pft file for …
19:58 Changeset [6415] by sebastiaan.luyssaert
DEV: fixes a typo in stomate_prescribe.f90 that contributes to fixing …
17:41 Documentation/UserGuide/FLUXNETValidation edited by mmcgrath
17:06 Documentation/UserGuide/FLUXNETValidation edited by mmcgrath
Documentation for running FLUXNET comparisions with a clean SVN install … (diff)
11:44 Documentation/UserGuide/FLUXNETValidation edited by mmcgrath
Refining the instructions to work from a fresh svn install...not yet there … (diff)
10:30 Changeset [6414] by anne.cozic
Change to use grid_ref definitions in field_def instead of domain_ref and …
10:22 Changeset [6413] by albert.jornet
Fix: missing import of xios_field_is_active in thermosoil


16:32 GroupActivities/CodeAvalaibilityPublication edited by luyssaert
16:29 GroupActivities/CodeAvalaibilityPublication edited by luyssaert
16:17 DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-DOFOCO edited by gmarie
15:48 DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-DOFOCO edited by luyssaert
14:50 GroupActivities/CodeAvalaibilityPublication/ORCHIDEE_CAN_r3069 edited by luyssaert
14:47 GroupActivities/CodeAvalaibilityPublication/ORCHIDEE_CN_CAN_r5698 edited by luyssaert
14:47 GroupActivities/CodeAvalaibilityPublication/ORCHIDEE_CN_CAN_r5698 created by luyssaert
14:39 GroupActivities/CodeAvalaibilityPublication edited by luyssaert
14:32 Changeset [6412] by sebastiaan.luyssaert
copy r5698 for publication
13:50 Changeset [6411] by jina.jeong
Tested for 1 pixel, 20 years. diffuco_trans_co2_short is added. Due to too …
13:49 Changeset [6410] by albert.jornet
Change: dettach pcapa_spec calculation from thermosoil_freeze_thermix into …
12:36 Changeset [6409] by albert.jornet
New: average_weight subroutine and its tests Fix: pcapa_spec is now …


17:19 DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-DOFOCO edited by luyssaert
15:10 DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK edited by msaad
13:41 Changeset [6408] by anne-sofie.lanso
13:25 Changeset [6407] by albert.jornet
Fix: recalculate snowdz at the end of explicitsnow_main. ticket:642
13:14 Changeset [6406] by albert.jornet
Fix: taking soil volume into account when calculating vertical soil heat …
11:11 Changeset [6405] by james.ryder
update following matching output with v3641 of ORCHIDEE_CN
11:05 Changeset [6404] by josefine.ghattas
Correction and modifications for forcesoil. Including some bug corrections …
10:09 Changeset [6403] by fabienne.maignan
Personal branch for Zhe Zhao
09:44 DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-DOFOCO edited by luyssaert


17:17 DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK edited by msaad
17:16 N_FERT_90S_90N_1980.2.gif attached to DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK by msaad
17:13 DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK edited by msaad
17:11 DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK edited by msaad
17:10 DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK edited by msaad
17:04 DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK edited by msaad
17:02 begin_leaves_90S_90N.gif attached to DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK by msaad
16:54 DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK edited by msaad
16:47 begin_leaves_30N_90N_1980.gif attached to DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK by msaad
16:47 begin_leaves_90S_30S_1980.gif attached to DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK by msaad
16:47 begin_leaves_90S_90N_1980.gif attached to DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK by msaad
16:47 begin_leaves_30S_30N_1980.gif attached to DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK by msaad
16:46 begin_leaves_30S_0_1980.gif attached to DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK by msaad
16:43 begin_leaves_30N_0_1980.gif attached to DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK by msaad
16:43 N_FERT_90S_90N_1980.gif attached to DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK by msaad
16:43 N_FERT_90S_30S_1980.gif attached to DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK by msaad
16:43 N_FERT_30S_30N_1980.gif attached to DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK by msaad
16:42 N_FERT_30S_0_1980.gif attached to DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK by msaad
16:42 N_FERT_30N_90N_1980.gif attached to DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK by msaad
16:42 N_FERT_0_30N_1980.gif attached to DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK by msaad
16:32 DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK edited by msaad
16:30 begin_leaves_1980.gif attached to DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK by msaad
15:25 Changeset [6402] by josefine.ghattas
Recalculate snowdz, see ticket #642
15:15 DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK edited by msaad
15:14 DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK edited by msaad
15:13 DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK edited by msaad
15:09 N_fert_1980.gif attached to DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK by msaad
15:09 N_manure_1980.gif attached to DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK by msaad
15:09 fertrest_1980.gif attached to DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK by msaad
15:08 manurerest_1980.gif attached to DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK by msaad
13:46 Changeset [6401] by guillaume.marie
bugfix in bark beetle code + add three new historical variables related to …
13:43 Changeset [6400] by albert.jornet
Clean: improve documentation
11:30 Changeset [6399] by albert.jornet
Merge: revisions from [6373:6385/trunk/ORCHIDEE]
11:19 DevelopmentActivities/Branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT-IMBALANCE-P/Compile edited by ajornet
10:17 DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK edited by msaad
10:15 N_manure_1980_daily_test.gif attached to DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK by msaad
10:15 N_fert_1980_daily_test.2.gif attached to DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK by msaad
10:15 N_fert_1980_daily_test.gif attached to DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK by msaad
10:12 DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK edited by msaad
10:08 DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK edited by msaad
10:06 N_manure_1980_test.gif attached to DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK by msaad
10:06 N_manure_1980_trans2.gif attached to DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK by msaad
10:06 N_fert_1980_test.gif attached to DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK by msaad
10:06 N_fert_1980_trans2.gif attached to DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK by msaad


14:20 Changeset [6398] by anne-sofie.lanso
DEV: made sure that all the parameter values needed for the bark beetle …
12:45 Changeset [6397] by josefine.ghattas
Changed to have the same min_vegfrac as in the trunk. This helps the …
12:37 Changeset [6396] by josefine.ghattas
Added link to ticket for information
12:35 Changeset [6395] by josefine.ghattas
Added link to ticket for information
12:15 Changeset [6394] by sebastiaan.luyssaert
DEV: tested for 5 years with nagec set to 1 and 4. Fixes ticket #634.
12:11 Changeset [6393] by josefine.ghattas
As done in ORCHIDEE_2_0: Added new option for downregulation …
11:44 Changeset [6392] by josefine.ghattas
Added new option for downregulation parametrization. Set …
10:43 Changeset [6391] by guillaume.marie
Second revision of the bark beetle module


23:58 GroupActivities/UseOfORCHIDEEpolicy edited by peylin
23:57 GroupActivities/UseOfORCHIDEEpolicy edited by peylin
21:41 Changeset [6390] by sebastiaan.luyssaert
DEV: contributes to a solution for ticket #636
19:47 Changeset [6389] by sebastiaan.luyssaert
DEV: temporary fix for a divide by zero caused by the seasonal variables …


15:20 DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-DOFOCO edited by luyssaert
15:14 DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-DOFOCO edited by luyssaert
14:36 DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-DOFOCO edited by luyssaert
14:31 DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-DOFOCO edited by luyssaert
13:52 DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-DOFOCO edited by luyssaert


16:38 DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-DOFOCO edited by luyssaert
13:41 Changeset [6388] by sebastiaan.luyssaert
DEV: changes finalize #620
10:22 Changeset [6387] by anne-sofie.lanso
CLEANING: removed unused subroutine (mleb_pottemp) from mleb.
10:03 Changeset [6386] by anne-sofie.lanso
COMMENTS added to the mleb module, conditions extented in diffuco in …


17:30 Changeset [6385] by josefine.ghattas
Interpolation using aggregate_p is now done in parallel. No change in …
16:22 DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK edited by msaad
16:21 Bilan_glob_orc1_orc2_fert_manure_ceds_edgar.gif attached to DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK by msaad
15:56 Changeset [6384] by albert.jornet
Fix: initialize local variables in soil_gasdiff_coeff Clean: add some …
14:44 Changeset [6383] by albert.jornet
Fix: intialize grid
14:36 Changeset [6382] by sebastiaan.luyssaert
DEV: tested for a single pixel over Europe. Externalized a threshold value …
14:21 DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK edited by msaad
14:21 DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK edited by msaad
14:20 DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK edited by msaad
14:19 DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK edited by msaad
14:19 DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK edited by msaad
14:17 emission_orc_PFT10_15_2003_2012_NH3.gif attached to DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK by msaad
14:16 emission_orc_2003_2012_NH3.gif attached to DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK by msaad
14:16 emission_orc_PFT10_15_2003_2012_NH3.gif attached to DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/plot_rapport by msaad
14:16 emission_orc_2003_2012_NH3.gif attached to DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/plot_rapport by msaad
13:42 Changeset [6381] by albert.jornet
Clean: remove debugging code
11:38 Changeset [6380] by josefine.ghattas
Removed diagnostic output variable leafci which was badly implemented. See …
09:29 Documentation/UserGuide/FLUXNETValidation edited by mmcgrath
Refining the instructions to work from a fresh svn install...not yet there (diff)


18:58 Changeset [6379] by sebastiaan.luyssaert
DEV: changes contribute to #620
16:54 Documentation/UserGuide/FLUXNETValidation edited by mmcgrath
Adding more details about the Job_ENSEMBLE script, and which input … (diff)
16:36 bilan_glob_orc1(pft10_13)_orc2(pft10_15)_ceds_edgar.gif attached to DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK by msaad
16:36 bilan_glob_orc1_orc2_ceds_edgar.gif attached to DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK by msaad
13:56 DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD/CTRLTRUNK created by nvuilsce
13:55 DevelopmentActivities/ORCHIDEE-CN/MSAAD edited by nvuilsce
09:08 Documentation/UserGuide/DifferentLogin edited by jgipsl


17:08 Changeset [6378] by guillaume.marie
first revision of the bark beetle module
16:24 Changeset [6377] by albert.jornet
Fix: initialize vertical_soil_init in forcesoil Fix: enable …


16:15 Changeset [6376] by guillaume.marie
bugfix restget into resget_p for legacy_time
14:22 Documentation/Archive edited by jgipsl
14:21 Documentation edited by jgipsl
Restructuration done by A. Ducharne, B. Guenet, J. Ghattas (diff)
14:17 Documentation/UserGuide edited by jgipsl


18:17 Changeset [6375] by sebastiaan.luyssaert
DEV: tested for 110 years over western Europe with LCC. The activity of …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.