11 years |
xiuchen.wu |
change the tempgdh for calculating Udev and ircarb function as f(time)
11 years |
chao.yue |
restrict the daily burned area to the area occupied by ony natural PFTs
11 years |
xiuchen.wu |
minor revision for LAI senescence
11 years |
xiuchen.wu |
modified the deltaimaxi calculation and the decrease rate of LAI during …
11 years |
josefine.ghattas |
Use newer cdo.
11 years |
josefine.ghattas |
Remove variables LandPoints? from sechiba output files. This variables is …
11 years |
josefine.ghattas |
Added test on output
11 years |
josefine.ghattas |
Added daily output.
11 years |
josefine.ghattas |
separated trusting_info file for specific host. Update.
11 years |
josefine.ghattas |
Separated trusting_info file for different host. Update.
11 years |
josefine.ghattas |
Added copie to dods at LSCE/obelix.
11 years |
josefine.ghattas |
Added first result files for obelix trusting.
11 years |
josefine.ghattas |
Find automatically which host is running.
11 years |
josefine.ghattas |
11 years |
josefine.ghattas |
First modifications for obelix.
11 years |
bertrand.guenet |
update from the trunk rev 1652
11 years |
bertrand.guenet |
update from the trunk rev 1652
11 years |
xiuchen.wu |
change germination density for two-year crops germinated in spring
11 years |
xiuchen.wu |
improve processes regarding spring emergence and growing season length
11 years |
josefine.ghattas |
Changed to use LMDZOR_v5.2 configurationg
11 years |
josefine.ghattas |
Small update in trusting script.
11 years |
xiuchen.wu |
remove teststomate
11 years |
xiuchen.wu |
add some necessary files to the model
11 years |
xiuchen.wu |
Updated compiling environement for the latest one at ORCHIDEE/trunk.
11 years |
xiuchen.wu |
Correct the carbon allocation on the beginning of growth and reservoire …
11 years |
bertrand.guenet |
update regarding the new input in stomate_soicarbon
11 years |
bertrand.guenet |
incorporation of the new decomposition scheme
11 years |
bertrand.guenet |
update regarding the new input in stomate_soicarbon
11 years |
bertrand.guenet |
bug correction
11 years |
bertrand.guenet |
bug correction
11 years |
bertrand.guenet |
update to read a flag to activate priming
11 years |
bertrand.guenet |
able to read a flag to active priming
11 years |
bertrand.guenet |
able to read a flag to active priming
11 years |
bertrand.guenet |
New parameters added for the priming formulation
11 years |
bertrand.guenet |
New parameters added for the priming formulation
11 years |
bertrand.guenet |
copy of the trunk to insert priming
11 years |
chao.yue |
make human ignitions as spatial dataset
11 years |
chao.yue |
trendy vcmax update
11 years |
marta.camino |
Copy ORCHIDEE_OL from tag 1_9_5_2 into my personal directory
11 years |
marta.camino |
Copy ORCHIDEE from tag 1_9_5_2 into my personal directory
11 years |
chao.yue |
add human suppression function for lightning ignited fires
12 years |
xiuchen.wu |
change the carbon allocation processes for crop
12 years |
josefine.ghattas |
Recreate makefiles.
12 years |
josefine.ghattas |
Update reference version.
12 years |
josefine.ghattas |
Update trusting log files for curie.
12 years |
xiuchen.wu |
the first version which passes the compilation
12 years |
xiuchen.wu |
Initialization of the parameters and build the linkage of the parameters …
12 years |
xiuchen.wu |
finish the read/write restart for stics variables
12 years |
xiuchen.wu |
This is the first commit of the version ORCSTICS
12 years |
xiuchen.wu |
Start from Tag 196 version
12 years |
xiuchen.wu |
Start from Tag 196 version
12 years |
xiuchen.wu |
Creation of a new ORCHIDEE-STICS version
12 years |
josefine.ghattas |
Create personal folder for Simon Benavides
12 years |
chao.yue |
add PFT dependent maximum combustion completeness
12 years |
chao.yue |
add PFT dependent maximum combustion completeness
12 years |
chao.yue |
add the ignition efficiency by fuel amount
12 years |
jinfeng.chang |
Validate get_map, fix divided by 0
12 years |
josefine.ghattas |
Add specification file for ada.
12 years |
josefine.ghattas |
Removed exception for IOIPSL sources => Now using the default version …
12 years |
chao.yue |
Add cap for CF for fuel of 100hr/1000hr
12 years |
chao.yue |
correct the writing history of FIRE_NUMDAY
12 years |
jinfeng.chang |
add grass selection processes and be able to get map of management
12 years |
chao.yue |
change lightning efficiecy to 0.04 and clean the code
12 years |
chao.yue |
change ligthnning efficiecy to 0.04, human/lightning_firenum as area based
12 years |
josefine.ghattas |
Changed some path on curie to be the same as for ada.
12 years |
josefine.ghattas |
Adding files for curie.
12 years |
josefine.ghattas |
Added correct directory containing all information that will be visulaized …
12 years |
josefine.ghattas |
Wrong directory. This is old.
12 years |
josefine.ghattas |
Added on svn depot also directory DODS.
12 years |
josefine.ghattas |
Added config.card to svn depot.
12 years |
josefine.ghattas |
Added script to update copy to dods for result file.
12 years |
josefine.ghattas |
Updated trusting.
12 years |
xuhui.wang |
12 years |
chao.yue |
12 years |
pascal.maugis |
Version a utiliser pour l'assimilation sur conseil de Martial et Ernest …
12 years |
josefine.ghattas |
Create personal folder.
12 years |
josefine.ghattas |
change file to test. stomate_Cforcing.nc file is not written anymore.
12 years |
josefine.ghattas |
small modification in sed
12 years |
josefine.ghattas |
Created SCRIPT dir and moved script in there.
12 years |
josefine.ghattas |
Adapted install due to commit 2003 in mod.def.
12 years |
jinfeng.chang |
Put grassland management module in order, and add number of grazing days
12 years |
sebastiaan.luyssaert |
copy trunk into my perso directory
12 years |
chao.yue |
make READ_RATIO, READ_RATIO_FLAG as True by default
12 years |
chao.yue |
solve the bug that wind speed is always zero in lpj_spitfire
12 years |
josefine.ghattas |
Some corrections for logging messages.
12 years |
josefine.ghattas |
Changed reference revision due to commit 1172
12 years |
didier.solyga |
Copy MERGE_FORESTRY branch into Marc directory.
12 years |
didier.solyga |
Create Marc Peaucelle personal directory.
12 years |
josefine.ghattas |
Added script for ORCHIDEE Trusting. This first revision is only adapted …
12 years |
josefine.ghattas |
Add new directory ORCHIDEE TRUSTING.
12 years |
didier.solyga |
Bug fixes thanks to Sebastiaan and Matthew.
12 years |
sebastiaan.luyssaert |
added the routines that replace stomate-alloc.f90 and stomate_npp.f90
12 years |
sebastiaan.luyssaert |
added a new folder to my personal directory
12 years |
sebastiaan.luyssaert |
Re-organized alloc and npp into a new growth module
12 years |
josefine.ghattas |
Create new personal folder.
12 years |
jinfeng.chang |
Add module - grassland management
12 years |
jinfeng.chang |
Copy ORCHIDEE from tag 1_9_6 into my personal directory
12 years |
chao.yue |
fire_numday added to record number of days with fire occurring
12 years |
chao.yue |
correct bug ni_acc being overwritten as 0 by the firstcall error; add …
12 years |
chao.yue |
code clean for lpj_spitfire.90