# $HeadURL: svn://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/trunk/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC_STO_FG3/config.card $ # $Date: 2018-02-19 16:34:48 +0100 (Mon, 19 Feb 2018) $ # $Revision: 5020 $ # #======================================================================== #D-- Compatibility - [Compatibility] libIGCM=1.0 #======================================================================== #D-- UserChoices - [UserChoices] #============================ #-- Output will be stored in IGCM_OUT/TagName/SpaceName/ExperimentName/JobName JobName=FG3nd #----- LongName : Some words describing the experiment. LongName will be added in all output files produced by XIOS. LongName="Reference simulation for New Driver" TagName=OL2 #------ SpaceName = DEVT/TEST/PROD SpaceName=TEST #----- ExperimentName : Short Name of Experiment ExperimentName=secsto #============================ #-- leap(gregorian), noleap, 360d CalendarType=leap #-- Start and End of Job #-- "YYYY-MM-DD" DateBegin=1979-01-01 DateEnd=2013-12-31 #============================ #-- 1Y, 1M, 5D, 1D PeriodLength=1Y #======================================================================== #D-- ListOfComponents - [ListOfComponents] #D- For each component: (Component name, tag/version name) SRF= (sechiba, orchidee) SBG= (stomate, orchidee) OOL= (orchideedriver, orchidee) IOS= (xios, XIOS) #======================================================================== #D-- Executable - [Executable] #D- For each component: #D (Real executable name, temorary name during run, number of process MPI) SRF= ("", "") SBG= ("", "") OOL= (orchideedriver, orchideedriver, 63MPI) IOS= (xios_server.exe, xios.x, 1MPI) #======================================================================== #D-- Restarts - [Restarts] #D- OverRule=y : All component will restart from the same simulation OverRule=n #D- Date of restart file to be used RestartDate=... #D- JobName for the restart file RestartJobName=... #D- Path to directory where the RestartJobName directory is stored #D- NB! ${ARCHIVE} depend on login. The full path can also be set RestartPath=... #======================================================================== #D-- Post - [Post] #D- Do we archive the output text files and restart files? #D- frequency to create the archives (by default RebuildFrequency) PackFrequency=1Y #D- Frequency of rebuild submission. Only set NONE if running with 1 XIOS server RebuildFrequency=NONE #D- If you want to produce time series, this flag determines #D- frequency of post-processing submission TimeSeriesFrequency=10Y #D- Activate IgnoreNonMonotonic only when cycling over the same forcing files as for a spin up. IgnoreNonMonotonic=FALSE #D- If you want to produce seasonal average, this flag determines #D- the period of this average SeasonalFrequency=10Y #D- Offset for seasonal average first start dates ; same unit as SeasonalFrequency #D- Usefull if you do not want to consider the first X simulation's years SeasonalFrequencyOffset=1 #D- If you want to produce compute PCMDI metrics from seasonal average #D- Set TRUE or FALSE to activate/deactivate the metrics computation. MetricsPCMDI=FALSE #======================================================================== #D-- SRF - SECHIBA # Use this section to start from restart file for SRF if OverRule=n # WriteFrequency is not used any more for ORCHIDEE # Output files are now managed in sechiba.card [SRF] WriteFrequency="" Restart=n RestartDate=... RestartJobName=... RestartPath=... #======================================================================== #D-- SBG - STOMATE # Use this section to start from restart file for SBG if OverRule=n # WriteFrequency is not used any more for ORCHIDEE # Output files are now managed in stomate.card [SBG] WriteFrequency="" Restart=n RestartDate=... RestartJobName=... RestartPath=... #======================================================================== #D-- OOL - Offline driver # There is no need to change this section [OOL] WriteFrequency="" Restart=n RestartDate=... RestartJobName=... RestartPath=... #======================================================================== #D-- IOS - XIOS # There is no need to change this section [IOS] WriteFrequency="" Restart=n RestartDate=... RestartJobName=... RestartPath=... #========================================================================