Changeset 8667

2024-09-19T16:59:36+02:00 (3 months ago)

3 types of corrections were needed to compile with gfortran:

1) INDEX returns an integer and can therefor not be compared directly with a logcial. Check first if >0 before comparing with logical:
IF ( INDEX(lowercase(varname), 'Areas') > 0 .AND. if_unstructured ) THEN

2) Following can not be set: IF (ok_force_pheno .EQ. .TRUE.)
or IF (ok_snow_albedo_clm3==.FALSE.)
Compiler message:
Logicals at (1) must be compared with .eqv. instead of .eq.

Following should be used instead: IF (ok_force_pheno)
or IF (.NOT. ok_snow_albedo_clm3)

3) MPI_COMM_ORCH can not be used as an argumet as it is already acceced by module. Change to a local name MPI_COMM_ORCH_loc

Ticket #1013

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