Changeset 4848

2017-12-18T18:22:38+01:00 (7 years ago)

Update set up for ORCHIDEE offline experiemnts according to the best choice done by the Orchidee group. This set up is also the same as used in IPSLCM6.0.14 coupled configuration to be used for CMIP6 simulations.

Main changes are:

  • use new pftmap files "ESA-LUH2v2/historical/15PFT.v1" containing 15 pfts and without nobio
  • activate wood harvest
  • deactivate soil resistance: DO_RSOIL=n
  • optimized parametres for carbon
  • Suppressed vertical dependencies for parameters alpha and n of Van Genuchten: CWRR_AKS_A0 = 0., CWRR_AKS_POWER = 0., CWRR_NKS_A0 = 0., CWRR_NKS_POWER = 0.
(No files)

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