Changeset 3968

2016-12-14T09:47:50+01:00 (8 years ago)

intermediate version:
trying to fix issue detected from in depth analysis of simulations with data:
non-nutrient stuff:

  1. way too much wood growth (post-poned); this seems to be a long time issue with ORCHIDEE
  2. water stress on GPP is way too high, messing up all nutrient interactions

2.1 already implemented updates from ORCHIDEE-CN regarding soil hydrology
2.2 ongoing: take over the stuff being tested for the trunk (
phosphorus stuff:

  1. control of BNF and phosphatase is now given to soil mineral pool instead of plant NP;

this is in line with the growing evidence that microbes are key here;
still mineral P can get overdepleted-> I need to balance the BCM rates for the SOM pools
or take over the DNDC approach


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