Changeset 3306

2016-03-22T13:22:18+01:00 (9 years ago)

Merge: from perso branch revision [3305/perso/albert.jornet/ORCHIDEE-MIC-GLUC-GM31]
Fix: multiple fixes in LUC

New: introduction of GLUC done by Chao
New: GM 3.1 done by Jinfeng
Fix: we pass "veget_lastyear" in the position of "veget_max_new" when calling stomate_main, which is wrong because veget_max_new in stomate.f90 should mean the new veget_max.
Fix: the line "veget_max_tmp(:,:) = veget_max(:,:)" is always executed in the file stomate_lpj.f90, which makes their difficiation when calling either lcchange_deffire or lcchange_main useless.
Fix: multiple fixes in LUC

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