Changeset 2910

2015-09-14T16:01:43+02:00 (9 years ago)

Fix: gthick, gtemp and gpkappa variables were not saved in the restart file in thermosoil_finalize
Fix: writerestart call was not consistent with arguments
Fix: ratio_C3_livegrass, ratio_C4_livegrass and char_dens_fuel_ave were not initiliazed in lpj_spitfire.f90
Fix: 0 is replaced by min_stomate in stomate_permafrost_carbon.f90. It might lead to a precission error.
Fix: stomate_Cforcing_name and stomate_forcing_name variables were already declared in stomate.f90 in module, in stomate_main subroutine and constantes_var.f90 file. Corrected and simplified.

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