source: tags/ORCHIDEE_4_1/ORCHIDEE/src_stomate/stomate_mark_kill.f90 @ 7761

Last change on this file since 7761 was 7555, checked in by sebastiaan.luyssaert, 2 years ago

Contributes to ticket #837. Simplified forest management for young stands a bit

File size: 52.7 KB
1! =================================================================================================================================
2! MODULE       : stomate_mark_kill
4! CONTACT      : orchidee-help _at_
6! LICENCE      : IPSL (2006)
7! This software is governed by the CeCILL licence see ORCHIDEE/ORCHIDEE_CeCILL.LIC
9!>\BRIEF         Marks vegetation for killing by natural causes.  Replaces
10!                lpj_kill.  Does not work with the DGVM.
12!!\n DESCRIPTION: None
18!! SVN          :
19!! $HeadURL: svn:// $
20!! $Date: 2013-09-13 17:14:52 +0200 (Fri, 13 Sep 2013) $
21!! $Revision: 1470 $
22!! \n
23!_ ================================================================================================================================
26MODULE stomate_mark_kill
28  ! modules used:
30  USE ioipsl_para
31  USE xios_orchidee
32  USE stomate_data
33  USE pft_parameters
34  USE constantes
35  USE function_library,       ONLY : nmax, wood_to_qmdia, check_vegetation_area, &
36                                     check_mass_balance, biomass_to_lai, Nmax
40  ! private & public routines
43  PUBLIC mark_to_kill, distribute_mortality_biomass
45  INTEGER(i_std), SAVE       :: printlev_loc       !! Local level of text output for this module
46!$OMP THREADPRIVATE(printlev_loc)
47  LOGICAL, SAVE              :: firstcall_mark_kill = .TRUE.   !! first call flag
48!$OMP THREADPRIVATE(firstcall_mark_kill)
51!! ================================================================================================================================
52!! SUBROUTINE  : mark_to_kill
54!>\BRIEF       Kills natural pfts that have low biomass or low number of individuals.
55!!             Does not change the biomass or litter pools.
57!! DESCRIPTION : Kills natural PFTS.  Forests can die through self-thinning or
58!!             environmental conditions.  Crops can die through environmental
59!!             conditions, and grasses don't die at all.  The total number
60!!             of individuals to be killed in each circ class are outputted
61!!             in circ_class_kill, and the biomass is actually killed in
62!!             gap_prognostic.
66!! MAIN OUTPUT VARIABLE(S): ::circ_class_kill
68!! REFERENCE(S) : None
70!! FLOWCHART    : None
71!! \n
72!_ ================================================================================================================================
74  SUBROUTINE mark_to_kill (npts, whichroutine, lm_lastyearmax, &
75       PFTpresent, npp_longterm, circ_class_biomass, &
76       circ_class_n, circ_class_kill, rue_longterm, turnover_longterm, &
77       dt, veget_max, st_dist, forest_managed, qmd_init, dia_init)
79 !! 0. Variable and parameter description
81    !! 0.1 Input variables
83    INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in)                                :: npts                !! Domain size (unitless)
84    CHARACTER(LEN=10), INTENT(in)                             :: whichroutine        !! Message (unitless)
85    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)                   :: veget_max           !! "maximal" coverage fraction of a PFT on
86                                                                                     !! the ground (unitless, 0-1)
87    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)                   :: lm_lastyearmax      !! Last year's maximum leaf mass, for each
88                                                                                     !! PFT @tex $(gC.m^{-2})$ @endtex
89    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)                   :: rue_longterm        !! Longterm radiation use efficiency
90                                                                                     !! (??units??)
91    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), INTENT(in)               :: turnover_longterm   !! "Long term" (default 3-year) turnover
92                                                                                     !! rate @tex $(gC m^{-2} year^{-1})$ @endtex
93    REAL(r_std), INTENT(in)                                   :: dt                  !! Time step (days)
94    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)                   :: npp_longterm        !! "Long term" (default = 3-year) net primary
95                                                                                     !! productivity
96                                                                                     !! @tex $(gC.m^{-2} year^{-1})$ @endtex
97    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in)                     :: st_dist             !! The probability distribution of trees
98                                                                                     !! removed from a circ class in case of
99                                                                                     !! self thinning (unitless).
100    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in)                    :: qmd_init             !! quadratic mean diameter of a newly planted PFT (m)
101    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)                  :: dia_init             !! Initial diameter distribution of a newly planted PFT (m)
103    !! 0.2 Output variables
106    !! 0.3 Modified variables
108    LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(inout)                    :: PFTpresent          !! Is pft there (true/false)
109    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:), INTENT(inout)          :: circ_class_biomass  !! Biomass of the componets of the model
110                                                                                     !! tree within a circumference
111                                                                                     !! class @tex $(gC ind^{-1})$ @endtex
112    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(inout)              :: circ_class_n        !! Number of individuals in each circ class
113                                                                                     !! @tex $(m^{-2})$ @endtex
114    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:), INTENT(inout)          :: circ_class_kill     !! Number of trees within a circ that needs
115                                                                                     !! to be killed @tex $(ind m^{-2})$ @endtex
116    INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION (:,:), INTENT(inout)            :: forest_managed      !! forest management flag (is the forest
117                                                                                     !! being managed?)
119    !! 0.4 Local variables
121    INTEGER(i_std)                                            :: ipts, ivm,icir,ipar !! Indices       (unitless)
122    INTEGER(i_std)                                            :: iele, imbc, istep   !! Indices       (unitless)
123    INTEGER(i_std)                                            :: ifm                 !! Indices       (unitless)
124    LOGICAL, DIMENSION(npts)                                  :: was_killed          !! Bookkeeping   (true/false)
125    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(ncirc)                             :: diameters_temp      !! Trunk diameter calculated from allometry
126    REAL(r_std)                                               :: Dg                  !! Quadratic mean diameter of the stand (cm)
127    REAL(r_std)                                               :: bm_difference       !! the difference between self-thinning biomass
128                                                                                     !! and that due to environmental mortality
129    REAL(r_std)                                               :: difference          !! the difference between the self-thinning
130                                                                                     !! density
131                                                                                     !! and the true density (individuals per m**2)
132    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm)                          :: rdi                 !! Relative density index (unitless, 0-2)
133    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm)                          :: rdi_target_upper    !! Upper limit of RDI. When reached the stand
134                                                                                     !! needs to be thinned (managed) / kille (unmanaged) (unitless)   
135    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm)                          :: rdi_target_lower    !! Lower limit of RDI. When thin/kill, thin/kill to this             
136                                                                                     !! stand density (unitless)
137    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm)                          :: st_dens             !! the self-thinning density of the stand
138                                                                                     !! (individuals per m**2)
139    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm)                          :: st_mortality        !! biomass killed due to self-thinning density
140    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm)                          :: d_mortality         !! biomass killed due to the environment
141    REAL(r_std)                                               :: delta_biomass       !! Net biomass increase for the previous
142                                                                                     !! year @tex $(gC m^{-2} year^{-1})$ @endtex
143    REAL(r_std)                                               :: vigour              !! Growth efficiency, an indicator of tree
144                                                                                     !! vitality, used to calculate mortality
145    REAL(r_std)                                               :: mortality_greff     !! Mortality rate derived by growth
146                                                                                     !! efficiency @tex $(year^{-1})$ @endtex
147    REAL(r_std)                                               :: mortality           !! Mortality (fraction of trees that is
148                                                                                     !! dying per time step)
149    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm,nmbcomp,nelements)        :: check_intern        !! Contains the components of the internal
150                                                                                     !! mass balance chech for this routine
151                                                                                     !! @tex $(gC pixel^{-1} dt^{-1})$ @endtex
152    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm,nelements)                :: closure_intern      !! Check closure of internal mass balance
153                                                                                     !! @tex $(gC pixel^{-1} dt^{-1})$ @endtex
154    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm,nelements)                :: pool_start, pool_end!! Start and end pool of this routine
155                                                                                     !! @tex $(gC pixel^{-1} dt^{-1})$ @endtex
156    LOGICAL                                                   :: lconverged          !! Checking for loop convergence
157    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(ncirc)                             :: target_st_kill      !! How many trees from each circumference
158                                                                                     !! class we would like to kill.
159                                                                                     !! @tex $(trees m^{-2})$ @endtex
160    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(ncirc)                             :: true_st_kill        !! How many trees from each circumference
161                                                                                     !! class that we actually killed.
162                                                                                     !! @tex $(trees m^{-2})$ @endtex
163    REAL(r_std)                                               :: excess_ind          !! THe difference between the amount of
164                                                                                     !! trees we want to kill and how many we
165                                                                                     !! can actually kill based on our
166                                                                                     !! circ_class distribution.
167                                                                                     !! @tex $(trees m^{-2})$ @endtex
168    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm)                          :: veget_max_begin     !! temporary storage of veget_max to check area conservation
169    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm,ncirc)                    :: tmp                 !! Temporary variable to prepare information for xios
170    REAL(r_std)                                               :: n_init              !! Initial number of individuals calculated
171                                                                                     !! based on gradient calculation (ind m^(-2))
172!_ ================================================================================================================================
174   IF (firstcall_mark_kill) THEN
175      !! Initialize local printlev
176      printlev_loc=get_printlev('mark_kill')
178      firstcall_mark_kill=.FALSE.
179   END IF
181   IF (printlev_loc >= 2) WRITE(numout,*) 'Entering mark_to_kill'
183 !! 1. Initialize
185   !! 1.2 Initialize check for mass balance closure
186   IF (err_act.GT.1) THEN
188      check_intern = zero
189      pool_start = zero
190      DO ipar = 1,nparts
191         DO iele = 1,nelements
192            DO icir = 1,ncirc
194               !  Initial biomass pool
195               pool_start(:,:,iele) = pool_start(:,:,iele) + &
196                    circ_class_biomass(:,:,icir,ipar,iele) * &
197                    circ_class_n(:,:,icir) * veget_max(:,:)
199            ENDDO
200         ENDDO
201      ENDDO
203      !! 1.3 Initialize check for area conservation
204       veget_max_begin(:,:) = veget_max(:,:)
206    ENDIF ! err_act.GT.1
208    !! 1.4 Initialize variables
209    d_mortality(:,:)=zero
210    st_mortality(:,:)=zero
213 !! 2. Kill PFTs
215   ! Kill plants if number of individuals or last year's leaf mass is close to zero.
216   ! the "was_killed" business is necessary for a more efficient code on the VPP
217   ! processor
218   DO ivm = 2,nvm ! loop plant functional types
220      was_killed(:) = .FALSE.
221      IF ( natural(ivm) ) THEN
223         !! 2.2 Kill natural PFTs when running STOMATE without DGVM
225         !! 2.2.1 Kill PFTs
226         !  Kill PFTs but not in the first year because one year
227         !  is needed to fill the long-term and seasonal variables.
228         !  Therefore no leaves are grown in the first year. As
229         !  long as the plant has never grown leaves, ::rue_longterm
230         !  keeps its initial value of 1. Note that the logic of
231         !  this statement differs from the original verison that
232         !  was used for the resource limited allocation where the
233         !  carbohydrate reserves pool was treated differently than
234         !  in the functional allocation.
235         WHERE ( PFTpresent(:,ivm) .AND. &
236              (rue_longterm(:,ivm) .NE. un) .AND. & 
237              (SUM(circ_class_biomass(:,ivm,:,icarbres,icarbon)*circ_class_n(:,ivm,:),2) .LE. min_stomate .AND. & 
238              SUM(circ_class_biomass(:,ivm,:,ilabile,icarbon)*circ_class_n(:,ivm,:),2) .LE. min_stomate .AND. &
239              SUM(circ_class_biomass(:,ivm,:,ileaf,icarbon)*circ_class_n(:,ivm,:),2) .LE. min_stomate ) .AND. & 
240              SUM(circ_class_n(:,ivm,:),2) .GT. zero)
242            was_killed(:) = .TRUE.
244         ENDWHERE         
246         !+++CHECK+++
247         ! If the density of a forest goes below a certain level,
248         ! the forest dies off. The density limit is referred to
249         ! in Bellasen et al 2010. Because the dying was very abrupt
250         ! resulting in a huge litter input in a single time step
251         ! this cause of mortality has been moved in stomate_kill
252         ! where the trees are made to die slowly (thus over the
253         ! course of several years) resulting in more realistic
254         ! litter inputs. The benefit of having this code here is
255         ! that it makes use circ_cass_kill and therefore enables
256         ! dealing with several mortality causes in a single time
257         ! step. Ideally mortality caused by exceeding a density
258         ! treshold should be taken out of stomate_kill and moved
259         ! backed in stomate_mark_kill.
260         !+++++++++++
262         !+++CHECK+++
263         ! When running the model with a poor parameter set for PFT9, the
264         ! wood turnover exceeded wood growth for a pixel in Greenland.
265         ! This resulted in a Cs of zero which was causing mass balance
266         ! problems in stomate_phenology. This should not happen with
267         ! reasonable parameters but we check for it anyway. Ideally only
268         ! the circumference class with a Cs = zero should be killed and
269         ! mortality_clean should take care of it. As we are working towards
270         ! a dealine and this is a rare case (happened after 355 years of a
271         ! global simulation with 15 PFTs) we implemented a more quick and
272         ! dirty solution.
273         IF(is_tree(ivm))THEN
275            DO icir = 1,ncirc
277               WHERE ( circ_class_n(:,ivm,icir) .AND. &
278                    (circ_class_biomass(:,ivm,icir,isapabove,icarbon) + &
279                    circ_class_biomass(:,ivm,icir,isapbelow,icarbon)) .LE. min_stomate)
281                  was_killed(:) = .TRUE.
283               ENDWHERE
285            END DO
287         END IF
288         !+++++++++++
290         ! Debug
291         IF(printlev_loc>4)THEN
292            IF(is_tree(ivm))THEN
293               DO ipts=1,npts
294                  IF( PFTpresent(ipts,ivm) .AND. &
295                       (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:)) .LE. dens_target(ivm)*ha_to_m2))THEN
296                     WRITE(numout,*) 'Killing PFT, ipts: ',ivm,ipts
297                     WRITE(numout,*) 'Forest density too low'
298                     WRITE(numout,*) 'circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:)',circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:)
299                     WRITE(numout,*) 'dens_target(ivm)*ha_to_m2',dens_target(ivm)*ha_to_m2
300                  ENDIF
301               ENDDO
302            ENDIF
304            DO ipts=1,npts
305               IF ( PFTpresent(ipts,ivm) .AND. &
306                    (rue_longterm(ipts,ivm) .NE. un) .AND. & 
307                    (SUM(circ_class_biomass(ipts,ivm,:,icarbres,icarbon)) .LE. min_stomate .AND. & 
308                    SUM(circ_class_biomass(ipts,ivm,:,ilabile,icarbon)) .LE. min_stomate .AND. &
309                    SUM(circ_class_biomass(ipts,ivm,:,ileaf,icarbon)) .LE. min_stomate ) .AND. & 
310                    SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:)) .GT. zero)THEN
311                  WRITE(numout,*) 'Killing PFT, ipts: ',ivm,ipts
312                  WRITE(numout,*) 'No roots, leaves, labile pool.'
313                  WRITE(numout,*) 'circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:)',SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:))
314                  WRITE(numout,*) 'Reserve pool',SUM(circ_class_biomass(ipts,ivm,:,icarbres,icarbon))
315                  WRITE(numout,*) 'Labile pool',SUM(circ_class_biomass(ipts,ivm,:,ilabile,icarbon))
316                  WRITE(numout,*) 'Leaves',SUM(circ_class_biomass(ipts,ivm,:,ileaf,icarbon))
317               ENDIF
318            ENDDO
319         ENDIF
320         !-
322         !! 2.3 Bookkeeping for PFTs that were killed
323         !  For PFTs that were killed, return biomass pools to litter
324         !  and update biomass pools to zero         
325         DO ipts = 1,npts
327            IF ( was_killed(ipts) ) THEN
329               ! If a PFT is killed, this just means that we mark all the
330               ! individuals for a natural death (all debris stays on site).
331               ! The killing actually takes place in lpj_gap.f90.
332               ! We have to do this differently for trees and non-trees, since
333               ! circ_class_n is not defined for non-trees.
334               IF(is_tree(ivm))THEN
336                  ! In reality, if the forest is managed we will not lose this
337                  ! wood. The forest would be harvested. So, let's put these into
338                  ! different pools depending on the management type.
339                  ifm=forest_managed(ipts,ivm)
341                  DO icir=1,ncirc
342                     circ_class_kill(ipts,ivm,icir,ifm,icut_clear)=&
343                          circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,icir)
344                  ENDDO
346               ELSE
348                  ! Since stomate_mortality only knows about circ_class_kill and circ_class_biomass,
349                  ! we need to give values to icir=1 for these variables for grasses
350                  ! and crops so that the correct amount of biomass is killed.
351                  circ_class_kill(ipts,ivm,1,ifm_none,icut_clear) = &
352                       SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:))
354               ENDIF ! is_tree(ivm)
356               !! 2.7 Print sub routine messages
357               IF (printlev_loc>=4) THEN
359                  WRITE(numout,*) 'kill: eliminated ',PFT_name(ivm)
360                  WRITE(numout,*) '  pft number: ',ivm
361                  WRITE(numout,*) '  at grid: ',ipts
363               ENDIF
365            ENDIF ! was_killed
367         ENDDO ! loop over points
369      ENDIF ! PFT is natural
371      !! We need to enforce two different types of killing at the moment,
372      !! self-thinning and environmental mortality. Self-thinning is due
373      !! to resouce competition in dense stands, and environmental
374      !! mortality is due to environmental stress. Self-thinning is
375      !! only applicable to forests.
376      DO ipts=1,npts
378         ! Don't waste time if the whole PFT was already scheduled to die,
379         ! or if the PFT is not here.
380         IF(was_killed(ipts))CYCLE
381         IF(.NOT.PFTpresent(ipts,ivm))CYCLE
383         !! let's calculate the self-thinning limit first
384         ! Number of indiviudals for trees and grasses are calculated
385         ! differently
386         IF ( is_tree(ivm) ) THEN
388            ! Calculate the self-thinning density.  This is the target density
389            ! for which small trees are killed until the selfthinning relationship
390            ! is satisfied. There are unit conversions here because the forestry
391            ! routines prefer to work with trees per hectare. Convert everything to
392            ! individuals per m**2 when possible. Self-thinning relationship
393            ! is fitted for the aboveground biomass/diameter so wood_to_qmdia
394            ! should be used here (wood_to_dia_eff accounts for both the above
395            ! and belowground biomass).
396            Dg = wood_to_qmdia(circ_class_biomass(ipts,ivm,:,:,icarbon), &
397                 circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:),ivm)
399            ! After a coppice at the end of the year, it's possible that all
400            ! the aboveground biomass is killed, but we still have individuals
401            ! because the roots are alive. This means we don't have
402            ! a diameter, though, and therefore we will divide by zero
403            ! in the next block of code. So we skip it, which is okay because
404            ! there will be no self-thinning in this case anyways.
405            IF(Dg .LT. min_stomate) CYCLE
407            ! Focus on unmanaged forests. Managed forests are mostly dealt
408            ! with in sapiens_forestry.f90 ecept for overstocking (see below).
409            IF( forest_managed(ipts,ivm) .EQ. ifm_none) THEN
411               ! Although the underlying ecology might be very different
412               ! i.e. thinning (managed) vs gap dynamics (unmanaged) both
413               ! processes can be described by an RDI approach but with
414               ! different parameters. One of the strengths of the RDI
415               ! approach is that it can reduce the number of indiviudals
416               ! rather quickly.
417               ! It is a bit strange to start the model with a high
418               ! number of indiviudal (n_init, based on qmd_init
419               ! calculated as a parameter in stomate.f90) and then kill
420               ! many of them in a relatively short time period. The high
421               ! initial number is needed because we plant small trees
422               ! but require a reasonable total LAI to get enough GPP
423               ! to actually grow. This transition phase is also needed
424               ! to get OK tree ring width at the start of a simulation.
426               ! The self-thinning relationships are for
427               ! diameters expressed in cm. rdi itself is unitless
428               rdi(ipts,ivm) = (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:))*m2_to_ha)/ &
429                    Nmax(Dg*m_to_cm,ivm)
431               ! Calculate the rdi boundaries for unmanaged forests
432               rdi_target_upper(ipts,ivm) = MAX(MIN( a_rdi_upper_unman(ivm)+ &
433                    Dg*m_to_cm*b_rdi_upper_unman(ivm),c_rdi_upper_unman(ivm)),&
434                    d_rdi_upper_unman(ivm))
435               rdi_target_lower(ipts,ivm) = MAX(MIN(a_rdi_lower_unman(ivm)+ &
436                    Dg*m_to_cm*b_rdi_lower_unman(ivm),c_rdi_lower_unman(ivm)),&
437                    d_rdi_lower_unman(ivm))
439               ! We initiate some gap-dynamics and self-thinning if rdi
440               ! of our stand is outside rdi range thought to be
441               ! acceptable for unmanaged forests
442               IF(rdi(ipts,ivm) .GT. rdi_target_upper(ipts,ivm)) THEN
444                  ! Reduce the stand density to the lower rdi
445                  st_dens(ipts,ivm) = Nmax(Dg*m_to_cm,ivm)*ha_to_m2 * &
446                       rdi_target_lower(ipts,ivm)
447               ELSE
449                  ! Don't apply gap dynamics and/or self thinning
450                  st_dens(ipts,ivm) = SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:))
452               ENDIF
454            ELSE
456               ! For all management strategies except unmanaged forests
457               st_dens(ipts,ivm) = SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:))
459            END IF
461            ! Debug
462            IF(printlev_loc>=4 .AND. ivm == test_pft .AND. &
463                 ipts == test_grid)THEN
464               WRITE(numout,*) 'Does self thinning happen?'
465               WRITE(numout,*) 'ipts,ivm: ',ipts,ivm
466               WRITE(numout,*) 'circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:),st_dens(ipts,ivm): ',&
467                    SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:)),st_dens(ipts,ivm)
468            ENDIF
469            !-
471            ! Actual density exceeds the expected density so trees will be removed
472            IF(SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:)) .GT. st_dens(ipts,ivm))THEN
474               IF(printlev_loc>=4 .AND. ivm == test_pft)THEN
475                  WRITE(numout,*) 'Self thinning is taking place.'
476                  WRITE(numout,*) 'ipts,ivm: ',ipts,ivm
477                  WRITE(numout,*) 'circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:),st_dens(ipts,ivm): ',&
478                       SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:)),st_dens(ipts,ivm)
479                  WRITE(numout,*) 'difference: ',&
480                       SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:))-st_dens(ipts,ivm)
481                  WRITE(numout,*) 'st_dist: ',&
482                       st_dist(:)
483               ENDIF
485               ! Here is where we actually do the self thinning.  The number of
486               ! trees that we want to kill is the differnce between the
487               ! self thinning density and the true density.  Originally, we
488               ! killed only small trees until the densities were equal, the
489               ! reason being that self-thinning represents competition
490               ! driven mortality, and small trees are not able to compete for
491               ! resources (e.g. light) as well as larger trees. However, this
492               ! seemed to cause strange results for both temperate and tropical
493               ! PFTs, so now we kill trees based on a user-defined distribution.
495               ! The self-thinning relationship is a theoretical maximum for a
496               ! relative large region (because it is based on inventory data)
497               ! We can use this observed relationship for managed forests because
498               ! the RDI will keep us below this maximum. It has been observed that
499               ! unmanaged forests are also below the maximum (Luyssaert et al 2011).
500               ! This is accounted for here. Being below the self-thinning, especially
501               ! at early stages when canopy closure has not been reached yet, should
502               ! help to make unmanaged forest grow faster (reaching more realistic
503               ! heights).
504               ! This is what we want to kill.
505               difference=SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:)) - st_dens(ipts,ivm)
506               target_st_kill(:)=st_dist(:)*difference
508               ! However, we may not have a sufficient number of trees in each class,
509               ! so we might have to adjust things a bit.
510               true_st_kill(:)=target_st_kill(:)
511               istep=1
513               DO
515                  lconverged=.FALSE.
517                  ! Find out how many indivuals we cannot kill with the current
518                  ! distribution.
519                  excess_ind=zero
520                  DO icir=1,ncirc
521                     IF(circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,icir) .LT. true_st_kill(icir))THEN
522                        excess_ind=excess_ind+true_st_kill(icir)-circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,icir)
523                        true_st_kill(icir)=circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,icir)
524                     ENDIF
525                  ENDDO
527                  IF(excess_ind .GT. zero)THEN
528                     ! We have something to redistribute.
529                     ! Put all of the excess in the first class which is not already completely
530                     ! killed.  If we add too much, we'll catch it in the next loop.
531                     DO icir=1,ncirc
532                        IF(circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,icir) .GT. true_st_kill(icir))THEN
533                           true_st_kill(icir)=true_st_kill(icir)+excess_ind
534                           excess_ind=zero
535                        ENDIF
536                     ENDDO
537                  ELSE
538                     ! Done.
539                     lconverged=.TRUE.
540                  ENDIF
542                  IF(lconverged)EXIT
544                  istep=istep+1
545                  IF(istep .GT. 100)THEN
547                     ! This is an arbitrary exit here, just to make sure
548                     ! we don't get stuck in an infinite loop.  We should
549                     ! exit before we ever get here.  Otherwise, you can increase
550                     ! the number in the if statement and try again.
551                     WRITE (numout,*) 'ipts, ivm : ',ipts,ivm
552                     CALL ipslerr_p (3,'stomate_mark_kill', &
553                          'Was not able to distribute self-thinning individuals!', &
554                          'See the comments at this part of the code for a solution','')
556                  END IF
557               ENDDO
559               ! It is now known how many trees in each diameter class need to be killed
560               circ_class_kill(ipts,ivm,:,ifm_none,icut_thin)=true_st_kill(:)
562               ! Debug
563               IF(printlev_loc>=4 .AND. ivm == test_pft)THEN
564                  WRITE(numout,*) 'After self thinning.'
565                  WRITE(numout,*) 'circ_class_kill: ',&
566                       circ_class_kill(ipts,ivm,:,ifm_none,icut_thin)
567               ENDIF
568               !-
570            ENDIF ! SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:)) .GT. st_dens(ipts,ivm)
572            !+++CEHCK+++
573            ! now let's look at environmental mortality.  The calculation of this
574            ! rate depends on if it is fixed for the whole simulation or if it's
575            ! allowed to respond to things like NPP. The more the disturbances and
576            ! mortality are developed in ORCHIDEE the less clear the difference between
577            ! a non-stand replacing disturbance, self-thinning and background mortality
578            ! becomes. This environmental background moratlity is left in the code as
579            ! a sort of safety valve. It ensures that the number of individuals
580            ! changes a little bit every time step which prevents ORCHIDEE from being
581            ! stuck. For the moment the environmental mortality is so small that
582            ! it is too little to result in realistic results with (self)-thinning.
583            ! As environmental mortality depends on a statistical description, i.e.,
584            ! residence time, this approach should (one day) be replaced by a more
585            ! mechanistic approach that simulates different casuses of mortality:
586            ! drought, storms, pests, fire, competition, ...
587            ! We tried running ORCHIDEE r7529 with this mortality. Running without
588            ! environmenatl mortality resulted in pixels where the growth increased
589            ! as well as pixel where the growth decreased. For most PFTs changes in
590            ! growth were reslatively small. At this time it was decided to keep this
591            ! code as a safety valve.
593            !! 3.1 Use growth efficiency or constant mortality?
594            IF ( .NOT. ok_constant_mortality  ) THEN
596               ! Was the PFT alive last year?
597               IF ( ( lm_lastyearmax(ipts,ivm) .GT. min_stomate ) ) THEN
599                  !! 3.1.1 Estimate net biomass increment
600                  ! Estimate net biomass increment by subtracting turnover from
601                  ! last year's NPP.
602                  ! Note that npp_longterm is the longterm growth efficiency
603                  ! (NPP/LAI) to be fair to deciduous trees
604                  delta_biomass = MAX( npp_longterm(ipts,ivm) - &
605                       ( turnover_longterm(ipts,ivm,ileaf,icarbon) + &
606                       turnover_longterm(ipts,ivm,iroot,icarbon) + &
607                       turnover_longterm(ipts,ivm,ifruit,icarbon) + & 
608                       turnover_longterm(ipts,ivm,isapabove,icarbon) + &
609                       turnover_longterm(ipts,ivm,isapbelow,icarbon) ), zero)
611                  !! 3.1.2 Calculate growth efficiency
612                  !  Calculate growth efficiency by dividing net biomass increment
613                  !  by last year's maximum LAI. (corresponding actually to the
614                  !  maximum LAI of the previous year). By using the function
615                  !  biomass_to_lai dynamic sla is accounted for.
616                  vigour = delta_biomass / biomass_to_lai(lm_lastyearmax(ipts,ivm),ivm)
618               ELSE
620                  ! PFT does not exist or is dead
621                  vigour = zero
623               END IF ! ( lm_lastyearmax(ipts,ivm) .GT. min_stomate)
625               !! 3.1.3 Calculate growth efficiency mortality rate
626               mortality_greff = mortality_max(ivm) / &
627                    ( un + ref_mortality(ivm) * vigour )
629               ! Scale mortality rate (fraction, 0-1) by timesteps per year
630               mortality = MAX(mortality_min(ivm), mortality_greff) * dt/&
631                    one_year 
633            ELSE ! .NOT. ok_constant_mortality
635               !! 3.2 Use constant mortality accounting for the residence time
636               !! of each tree PFT
638               !  Scale mortality rate (fraction, 0-1) by timesteps per year
639               !  NOTE: the meaning of residence_time is very different between
640               !  the DOFOCO branch and the trunk. In the trunk biomass has no age
641               !  thus the residence time accounts for all forest dynamics including
642               !  self-thinning, pests, diseases and windthrow. In the DOFOCO branch
643               !  biomass does have an age and self-thinning is explicitly accounted
644               !  for, hence, the residence time should be much higher as it only
645               !  accounts for pest, diseases and windthrow. Even the latter is not
646               !  exact because as long as those disturbances are small scale they
647               !  are probably accounted for in the parametrization of self-thinning.
648               mortality = dt/(residence_time(ivm)*one_year)
650            ENDIF ! .NOT.  ok_constant_mortality
651            !+++++++++++
653            ! Debug
654            IF (printlev_loc>=4 .AND. ivm .EQ. test_pft) THEN
655               WRITE(numout,*) 'Mortality rate (0-1), ', mortality
656            ENDIF
657            !-
659            ! Now the mortality is just a percentage of the total biomass
660            ! on the site.  Since the main variable we output here is
661            ! circ_class_kill, we need to convert that biomass into the
662            ! number of individuals that are killed, and from which
663            ! circumference classes.  Mortality in excess of the self-thinning
664            ! mortality will preferenctially kill large trees, since they are
665            ! assumed to be less resistant to climatic change.
667            ! Aggregate over the different biomass components
668            DO ipar = 1,nparts
670               ! Aggregate over the different circumference classes
671               DO icir = 1,ncirc
673                  ! Mortality from self-thinning
674                  ! Note that the unit of st_mortaility (g C m-2 dt-1) differs
675                  ! from that of mortality (rate dt-1)
676                  st_mortality(ipts,ivm) = st_mortality(ipts,ivm) + &
677                       circ_class_kill(ipts,ivm,icir,ifm_none,icut_thin) * &
678                       circ_class_biomass(ipts,ivm,icir,ipar,icarbon)
680               ENDDO
682               ! Ageing and environmental mortality
683               ! Note that the unit of d_mortaility (g C m-2 dt-1) differs from
684               ! that of mortality (rate dt-1)
685               d_mortality(ipts,ivm) =  d_mortality(ipts,ivm) + &
686                    mortality * SUM(circ_class_biomass(ipts,ivm,:,ipar,icarbon)*&
687                    circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:))
689            ENDDO ! ipar = 1,nparts
691            IF(printlev_loc>=4 .AND. test_pft .EQ. ivm .AND. &
692                 test_grid == ipts)THEN
693               WRITE(numout,*) 'Does mortality happen?'
694               WRITE(numout,*) 'ipts,ivm: ',ipts,ivm
695               WRITE(numout,*) 'd_mortality(ipts,ivm): ',d_mortality(ipts,ivm)
696               WRITE(numout,*) 'st_mortality(ipts,ivm): ',st_mortality(ipts,ivm)
697            ENDIF
700            !+++CHECK+++
701            ! There are different ways to combine these two sources of
702            ! mortality. First one could argue that self-thinning
703            ! includes the background mortality. If background mortality
704            ! exceeds self-thinning this is due to the simplified way
705            ! background mortality is calculated.
706            IF (st_mortality(ipts,ivm) .GT. min_stomate) THEN
708               ! There is self-thinning mortality, no need to account
709               ! for environmental mortality
710               bm_difference = zero
712            ELSE
714               ! There is no self_thinning mortality, use the
715               ! environmental mortality
716               bm_difference = d_mortality(ipts,ivm)
718            ENDIF
720            ! The second way of looking at this is that the calculation of
721            ! background mortality is reliable and should therefore always
722            ! be taken into account. In this reasoning self-thinning is
723            ! considered part of the background mortality. Account for both
724            ! but avoid double counting. Only one approach can be used.
725            !bm_difference=d_mortality(ipts,ivm) - st_mortality(ipts,ivm)
726            !+++++++++++
728            !+++CHECK +++
729            ! The question still stands of which trees we kill with the
730            ! environmental mortality.  If we only kill the biggest, we
731            ! lose a circ class within the first year sometimes.
732            IF(bm_difference .GT. zero )THEN
734               ! We know the total biomass that we want to kill.  Let's partition
735               ! this biomass among all our circumference classes based on an
736               ! exponential distribution which takes more biomass from
737               ! the largest class than the smallest.  There is a chance that we
738               ! will not have enough biomass to kill in some classes, in which
739               ! case we need to rearrange it a bit.
741               ! Debug
742               IF(printlev_loc>=4 .AND. ivm == test_pft .AND. &
743                    ipts == test_grid)THEN
744                  WRITE(numout,*) 'Mortality is taking place.'
745                  WRITE(numout,*) 'ipts,ivm: ',ipts,ivm
746                  WRITE(numout,*) 'bm_difference: ',bm_difference
747                  WRITE(numout,*) 'circ_class_kill init: ', &
748                       circ_class_kill(ipts,ivm,:,ifm_none,icut_thin)
749                  WRITE(numout,*) 'circ_class_n init: ', &
750                        circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:)
751               ENDIF
752               !-
754               CALL distribute_mortality_biomass( bm_difference, &
755                    death_distribution_factor(ivm), circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:), &
756                    circ_class_biomass(ipts,ivm,:,:,icarbon), &
757                    circ_class_kill(ipts,ivm,:,ifm_none,icut_thin) )
759               ! Debug
760               IF(printlev_loc>=4 .AND. ivm == test_pft .AND. &
761                    ipts == test_grid)THEN
762                  WRITE(numout,*) 'after circ_class_kill: ', &
763                       circ_class_kill(ipts,ivm,:,ifm_none,icut_thin)
764                  WRITE(numout,*) 'after circ_class_n : ', &
765                       circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:)
766               ENDIF
767               !-
769            ENDIF ! bm_difference .GT. zero
771         ELSE ! IF(is_tree(ivm))
773            ! we don't seem to use self thinning for grasses, since grasses have
774            ! a constant density of 1/m**2.  This is the original code for the
775            ! mortality.  Notice that it doesn't actually do anything, due to
776            ! Sebastiaan's changes and CHECK statement, so I will leave it
777            ! commented out for now.
779            ! one thing I will set is
780            ! circ_class_kill(ipts,ivm,1,ifm_none,icut_thin) and
781            ! circ_class_biomass(:,:,1,:,:), since if we decide to
782            ! use grass/crop mortality later on we will use these variables
783            ! to tell lpj_gap how much biomass to actually kill.
784            circ_class_kill(ipts,ivm,:,ifm_none,icut_thin)=zero
786!!$             IF ( ok_dgvm .OR. .NOT. ok_constant_mortality) THEN
788!!$                ! +++CHECK+++
789!!$                ! For grasses, if last year's NPP is very small (less than 10 gCm^{-2}year{-1})
790!!$                ! the grasses completely die. Grasses and crops are deciduous so in the first
791!!$                ! year they have no leaves. Consequently npp_longterm is less then
792!!$                ! ::npp_longterm_init. At the beginning of the second year when rue_longterm is
793!!$                ! no longer 1, the PFT is killed immediatly. The IF statement needs to be refined
794!!$                ! to properly allow for this type of PFT killing.
795!!$                ! The more fundamental and conceptual question is whether we want to kill grasses?
796!!$                ! Unless we simulate desertification, it is not clear why we would kill the grass
797!!$                ! most likely to replace it by ... grass. Because grass has hardly any biomass it
798!!$                ! seem unlikely that killing the grass will affect the C-fluxes.
799!!$                ! For both reasons i.e. the technical and conceptual, it was decided NOT to kill
800!!$                ! the grass PFTs
801!!$                IF ( PFTpresent(ipts,ivm) .AND. ( npp_longterm(ipts,ivm) .LE. npp_longterm_init ) ) THEN
803!!$                   ! ORIGINAL code - see above to justify the change
804!!$                   !!$mortality = un
805!!$                   mortality = zero
807!!$                END IF
808!!$                ! +++++++++++
810!!$                ! Update biomass and litter pools
811!!$                DO ielem = 1,nelements
813!!$                   DO ipart = 1, nparts
815!!$                      IF ( PFTpresent(ipts,ivm) ) THEN
817!!$                         d_mortality(ipts,ivm) =  mortality * biomass(ipts,ivm,ipart,ielem)
818!!$                         bm_to_litter(ipts,ivm,ipart,ielem) = bm_to_litter(ipts,ivm,ipart,ielem) + &
819!!$                              d_mortality(ipts,ivm)
820!!$                         biomass(ipts,ivm,ipart,ielem) = biomass(ipts,ivm,ipart,ielem) - &
821!!$                              d_mortality(ipts,ivm)
823!!$                      END IF ! PFTpresent(ipts,ivm)
825!!$                   ENDDO ! nparts
827!!$                END DO ! nelements
829!!$             ENDIF ! .NOT.ok_dgvm .AND. .NOT.ok_constant_mortality
831         ENDIF ! end check for trees
833      ENDDO ! loop over grid points
837   ENDDO ! loop over PFTs
839   ! Note that here we only write self-thinning mortality. This variable was added to
840   ! the output files for a specific application. Needs to be further developed if
841   ! mortality from management should be included.
842   CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("CCMORTALITY",circ_class_kill(:,:,:,ifm_none,icut_thin))
843   ! Use same definition for aboveground and belowground components as for the recruits
844   tmp(:,:,:) = (circ_class_biomass(:,:,:,isapabove,icarbon) + &
845        circ_class_biomass(:,:,:,iheartabove,icarbon)) * &
846        circ_class_kill(:,:,:,ifm_none,icut_thin)
847   CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("CCMORTALITY_M_AB_c",tmp(:,:,:))
848   tmp(:,:,:) = (circ_class_biomass(:,:,:,isapbelow,icarbon) + &
849        circ_class_biomass(:,:,:,iheartbelow,icarbon)) * &
850        circ_class_kill(:,:,:,ifm_none,icut_thin)
851   CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("CCMORTALITY_M_BE_c",tmp(:,:,:))
853 !! 4. Check numerical consistency of this routine
855    IF (err_act.GT.1) THEN
857       ! 4.2 Check surface area
858       CALL check_vegetation_area("stomate_mark_to_kill", npts, veget_max_begin, &
859            veget_max,'pft')
861       ! 4.3 Mass balance closure
862       ! 4.3.1 Calculate final biomass
863       pool_end = zero
864       DO ipar = 1,nparts
865          DO iele = 1,nelements
866             DO icir = 1,ncirc
867                pool_end(:,:,iele) = pool_end(:,:,iele) + &
868                     circ_class_biomass(:,:,icir,ipar,iele) * &
869                     circ_class_n(:,:,icir) * veget_max(:,:)
870             ENDDO
871          ENDDO
872       ENDDO
874       !! 4.2 Calculate components of the mass balance
875       ! 4.3.2 Calculate mass balance
876       ! Common processes
877       DO iele=1,nelements
878          check_intern(:,:,ipoolchange,iele) = -un * (pool_end(:,:,iele) - &
879               pool_start(:,:,iele)) 
880       ENDDO
882       closure_intern = zero
883       DO imbc = 1,nmbcomp
884          DO iele=1,nelements
885             ! Debug
886             IF (printlev_loc>=4) WRITE(numout,*) &
887                  'check_intern, ivm, imbc, iele, ', imbc, &
888                  iele, check_intern(:,test_pft,imbc,iele)
889             !-
890             closure_intern(:,:,iele) = closure_intern(:,:,iele) + &
891                  check_intern(:,:,imbc,iele)
892          ENDDO
893       ENDDO
895       ! 4.3.3 Check mass balance closure
896       CALL check_mass_balance("stomate_mark_to_kill", closure_intern, npts, &
897            pool_end, pool_start, veget_max, 'pft')
899    ENDIF ! err_act.GT.1
901    IF (printlev>=4) WRITE(numout,*) 'Leaving mark_to_kill'
903 END SUBROUTINE mark_to_kill
905!! ================================================================================================================================
906!! SUBROUTINE  : distribute_mortality_biomass
908!>\BRIEF       Distributes biomass that is going to be killed by natural
909!!             causes (not self thinning) over circ classes.
911!! DESCRIPTION : Mortality is going to kill a certain amount of biomass
912!!               in forests every day.  Since we have circumference classes
913!!               now for our forests, we need to determine which classes
914!!               of trees will suffer from this environmental mortality.
915!!               Right now we are taking an exponential distribution.
916!!               Notice that this is NOT the same as redistributing biomass
917!!               after one of the circ classes becomes empty.
919!! RECENT CHANGE(S): None
921!! MAIN OUTPUT VARIABLE(S): ::circ_class_kill
923!! REFERENCE(S) : None
925!! FLOWCHART    : None
926!! \n
927!_ ================================================================================================================================
928  SUBROUTINE distribute_mortality_biomass ( bm_difference, ddf_temp, circ_class_n_temp, &
929       circ_class_biomass_temp, circ_class_kill_temp )
931 !! 0. Variable and parameter description
933    !! 0.1 Input variables
934    REAL(r_std),INTENT(in)                       :: bm_difference           !! the biomass to distribute
935    REAL(r_std),INTENT(in)                       :: ddf_temp                !! the death_distribution_factor for this pft
936    REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(:),INTENT(in)          :: circ_class_n_temp       !! circ_class_n for this point/PFT
937    REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(:,:),INTENT(in)        :: circ_class_biomass_temp !! circ_class_biomass for this point/PFT
939   !! 0.2 Output variables
941    !! 0.3 Modified variables
942    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(out)      :: circ_class_kill_temp     !! Number of trees within a circ that needs
943                                                                            !! to be killed @tex $(ind m^{-2})$ @endtex
945    !! 0.4 Local variables
946    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(ncirc)               :: biomass_desired          !! The biomass that dies naturally
947    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(ncirc)               :: death_distribution       !! The fraction of biomass taken from
948                                                                            !! each circ class for mortality.
949    LOGICAL                                     :: ldone                    !! Flag to exit a loop
950    REAL(r_std)                                 :: scale_factor             !!
951    REAL(r_std)                                 :: sum_total                !!
952    REAL(r_std)                                 :: leftover_bm              !! excess biomass that we need to kill
953    REAL(r_std)                                 :: living_biomass           !! summed biomass
954    REAL(r_std)                                 :: living_trees             !! summed biomass
955    INTEGER                                     :: icir
957!_ ================================================================================================================================
959    IF(ncirc == 1)THEN
961       ! This is the easy case.  All of our biomass will be taken from the only
962       ! circumference class that we have.
963       circ_class_kill_temp(1)=circ_class_kill_temp(1)+&
964            bm_difference/SUM(circ_class_biomass_temp(1,:))
966       RETURN
967    ENDIF
969    ! Here we assume an exponential distribution, arranged so that
970    ! ddf_temp times more biomass is taken from the largest circ class
971    ! compared to the smallest.
972    biomass_desired(:)=zero
973    death_distribution(:)=un
974    scale_factor=ddf_temp**(un/REAL(ncirc-1))
975    DO icir=2,ncirc
976       death_distribution(icir)=death_distribution(icir-1)*scale_factor
977    ENDDO
978    ! Normalize it
979    sum_total=SUM(death_distribution(:))
980    death_distribution(:)=death_distribution(:)/sum_total
982    ! Ideally, how much is killed from each class?  Be careful to include
983    ! what was killed in self-thinning here!  If we don't, we may try to kill
984    ! more biomass than is available in the loop below.
985    DO icir=1,ncirc
986       biomass_desired(icir)=death_distribution(icir)*bm_difference+&
987            circ_class_kill_temp(icir)*SUM(circ_class_biomass_temp(icir,:))
988    ENDDO
990    ! Right now, we know how much biomass we want to kill in each
991    ! class (biomass_desired).  What we will do now is to loop through
992    ! all the circ_classes and see if we have this much biomass
993    ! in each class still alive.  The total amount of vegetation still
994    ! alive is circ_class_n_temp(icir)-circ_class_kill_temp(icir).  If
995    ! this number of individuals cannot give us the total biomass that
996    ! we need, we keep track of a residual quantity, leftover_bm, which
997    ! we try to take from other circ_classes.  It's possible that we
998    ! will have to loop several times, which makes things more complicated.
1000    ldone=.FALSE.
1001    leftover_bm=zero
1002    DO
1003       DO icir=ncirc,1,-1
1005          living_trees=circ_class_n_temp(icir)-circ_class_kill_temp(icir)
1006          living_biomass=&
1007               SUM(circ_class_biomass_temp(icir,:))*living_trees
1008          biomass_desired(icir)=biomass_desired(icir)+leftover_bm
1010          IF(living_biomass .LE. biomass_desired(icir))THEN
1012             ! We can't get everything from this class, so we kill whatever is left.
1013             leftover_bm=biomass_desired(icir)-living_biomass
1014             biomass_desired(icir)=zero
1015             circ_class_kill_temp(icir)=circ_class_kill_temp(icir)+&
1016                  living_trees
1018          ELSE
1020             ! We have enough in this class.
1021             circ_class_kill_temp(icir)=circ_class_kill_temp(icir)+&
1022                  biomass_desired(icir)/SUM(circ_class_biomass_temp(icir,:))
1023             biomass_desired(icir)=zero
1024             leftover_bm=zero
1026          ENDIF ! living_biomass .LE. biomass_desired(icir)
1028       ENDDO ! loop over circ classes
1030       IF(leftover_bm .LE. min_stomate) EXIT
1032       ! it's possible that we don't have enough biomass left to kill what needs to be
1033       ! killed, so everything just dies.  I cannot think of a case where this
1034       ! would happen, though, since mortality should always be a percentage of the
1035       ! total biomass.
1036       ldone=.TRUE.
1037       DO icir=1,ncirc
1039          IF( circ_class_kill_temp(icir) .LT. circ_class_n_temp(icir) ) &
1040               ldone=.FALSE. 
1042       ENDDO
1044       IF(ldone)EXIT ! All our biomass is dead, and we still want to kill more!
1046    ENDDO
1048  END SUBROUTINE distribute_mortality_biomass
1050END MODULE stomate_mark_kill
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