source: tags/ORCHIDEE_4_1/ORCHIDEE/src_stomate/stomate_growth_fun_all.f90

Last change on this file was 7615, checked in by sebastiaan.luyssaert, 2 years ago

Enhanced consistency of variable names: input has been changed in n_input throughout the code and the variable name vegstress introduced in sechiba is now also used in stomate. Enhnaced computational consistency: Pgap_cumul is used in stomate rather than recalculating it before calculating light_tran_to_floor_season. Edited getin_p while checking the code (but no real changes were made) and added several missing stomate and sechiba variables to age_class_distr to improve the 1+1=2 issue when comparing a model run with against a run without age classes. Finally: Write warning 10b in allocation to the history file rather than the out_orchidee file

  • Property svn:executable set to *
File size: 401.4 KB
2! MODULE       : stomate_allocation
4! CONTACT      : orchidee-help _at_
6! LICENCE      : IPSL (2006)
7!                This software is governed by the CeCILL licence see ORCHIDEE/ORCHIDEE_CeCILL.LIC
9!>\BRIEF         Plant growth and C-allocation among the biomass components (leaves, wood, roots, fruit, reserves, labile)
10!!               is calculated making use of functional allocation which combines the pipe model and allometric relationships
11!!               proposed by Sitch et al 2003 and adjusted by Zaehle et al 2010.
13!!\n DESCRIPTION: This module calculates three processes: (1) daily maintenance respiration based on the half-hourly
14!!               respiration calculated in stomate_resp.f90, (2) the absolute allocation to the different biomass
15!!               components based on functional allocation approach and (3) the allocatable biomass as the residual
16!!               of GPP-Ra. Multiplication of the allocation fractions and allocatable biomass given the changes in
17!!               biomass pools.
19!! RECENT CHANGE(S): Until 1.9.6 only one allocation scheme was available (now contained in stomate_grwoth_res_lim.f90).
20!!               This module consists of an alternative formalization of plant growth.
22!! REFERENCE(S) : - Sitch, S., Smith, B., Prentice, I.C., Arneth, A., Bondeau, A., Cramer, W.,
23!!               Kaplan, J.O., Levis, S., Lucht, W., Sykes, M.T., Thonicke, K., Venevsky, S. (2003), Evaluation of
24!!               ecosystem dynamics, plant geography and terrestrial carbon cycling in the LPJ Dynamic Global Vegetation
25!!               Model, Global Change Biology, 9, 161-185.\n
26!!               - Zaehle, S. and Friend, A.D. (2010), Carbon and nitrogen cycle dynamics in the O-CN land surface model: 1.
27!!               Model description, site-scale evaluation, and sensitivity to parameter estimates, Global Biogeochemical
28!!               Cycles, 24, GB1005.\n
29!!               - Magnani F., Mencuccini M. & Grace J. 2000. Age-related decline in stand productivity: the role of
30!!               structural acclimation under hydraulic constraints Plant, Cell and Environment 23, 251–263.\n
31!!               - Bloom A.J., Chapin F.S. & Mooney H.A. (1985) Resource limitation in plants. An economic analogy. 
32!!               Annual Review Ecology Systematics 16, 363–392.\n
33!!               - Case K.E. & Fair R.C. (1989) Principles of Economics. Prentice Hall, London.\n
34!!               - McDowell, N., Barnard, H., Bond, B.J., Hinckley, T., Hubbard, R.M., Ishii, H., Köstner, B.,
35!!               Magnani, F. Marshall, J.D., Meinzer, F.C., Phillips, N., Ryan, M.G., Whitehead D. 2002. The
36!!               relationship between tree height and leaf area: sapwood area ratio. Oecologia, 132:12–20.\n
37!!               - Novick, K., Oren, R., Stoy, P., Juang, F.-Y., Siqueira, M., Katul, G. 2009. The relationship between
38!!               reference canopy conductance and simplified hydraulic architecture. Advances in water resources 32,
39!!               809-819.     
41!! SVN          :
42!! $HeadURL$
43!! $Date$
44!! $Revision$
45!! \n
46!_ ===============================================================================================================================
48MODULE stomate_growth_fun_all
50  ! Modules used:
51  USE ioipsl_para
52  USE xios_orchidee
53  USE pft_parameters
54  USE stomate_data
55  USE constantes
56  USE constantes_soil
57  USE function_library,    ONLY: wood_to_qmdia, wood_to_qmheight, &
58                           wood_to_ba_eff, cc_to_lai, lai_to_biomass, &
59                           biomass_to_lai, cc_to_biomass, biomass_to_cc, &
60                           calculate_c0_alloc, wood_to_volume, wood_to_ba, &
61                           check_vegetation_area, check_mass_balance, &
62                           wood_to_height, intermediate_mass_balance_check
66  ! Private & public routines
69  PUBLIC growth_fun_all_clear, growth_fun_all
71 ! Variables shared by all subroutines in this module
73  LOGICAL, SAVE                                             :: firstcall_growth_fun_all = .TRUE.  !! Is this the first call? (true/false)
74!$OMP THREADPRIVATE(firstcall_growth_fun_all)
76  !+++TEMP+++
77  INTEGER, SAVE                                             :: istep = 0
79  INTEGER(i_std), SAVE       :: printlev_loc       !! Local level of text output for current module
80!$OMP THREADPRIVATE(printlev_loc)
85!! ================================================================================================================================
86!! SUBROUTINE   : growth_fun_all_clear
88!>\BRIEF          Set the flag ::firstcall to .TRUE. and as such activate section
89!! 1.1 of the subroutine alloc (see below).\n
91!_ ================================================================================================================================
93  SUBROUTINE growth_fun_all_clear
94    firstcall_growth_fun_all = .TRUE.
95  END SUBROUTINE growth_fun_all_clear
99!! ================================================================================================================================
100!! SUBROUTINE   : growth_fun_all
102!>\BRIEF          Allocate net primary production (= photosynthesis
103!!                minus autothrophic respiration) to: labile carbon pool carbon reserves, aboveground sapwood,
104!!                belowground sapwood, root, fruits and leaves following the pipe model and allometric constraints.
106!! DESCRIPTION  : Total maintenance respiration for the whole plant is calculated by summing maintenance
107!!                respiration of the different plant compartments. Maintenance respiration is subtracted
108!!                from whole-plant allocatable biomass (up to a maximum fraction of the total allocatable biomass).
109!!                Growth respiration is then calculated as a prescribed (0.75) fraction of the allocatable
110!!                biomass. Subsequently NPP is calculated by substracting total autotrophic  respiration from GPP
111!!                i.e. NPP = GPP - maintenance resp - growth resp.
113!!                The pipe model assumes that one unit of leaf mass requires a proportional amount of sapwood to
114!!                transport water from the roots to the leaves. Also a proportional fraction of roots is needed to
115!!                take up the water from the soil. The proportional amounts between leaves, sapwood and roots are
116!!                given by allocation factors. These allocation factors are PFT specific and depend on a parameter
117!!                quantifying the leaf to sapwood area (::k_latosa_target), the specific leaf area (::sla), wood
118!!                density (::pipe_density) and a scaling parameter between leaf and root mass.
120!!                Lai is optimised for mean annual radiation use efficiency and the C cost for producing the
121!!                canopy. The cost-benefit ratio is optimised when the marginal gain / marginal cost = 1 lai target
122!!                is used to calculate whether the reserves are used. This approach allows plants to get out of
123!!                senescence and to start developping a canopy in early spring.
125!!                As soon as a canopy has emerged, C (b_inc_tot) becomes available at the stand level through
126!!                photosynthesis and, C is allocated at the tree level (b_inc) following both the pipe model and
127!!                allometric constraints. Mass conservation requires:
128!!                (1) Cs_inc + Cr_inc + Cl_inc = b_inc
129!!                (2) sum(b_inc) = b_inc_tot
131!!                Wood allocation depends on tree basal area following the rule of Deleuze & Dhote
132!!                delta_ba = gammas*(circ - m*sigmas + sqrt((m*sigmas + circ).^2 - (4*sigmas*circ)))/2
133!!                (3) <=> delta_ba = circ_class_dba*gammas
134!!                Where circ_class_dba = (circ - m*sigmas + sqrt((m*sigmas + circ).^2 - (4*sigmas*circ)))/2
136!!                Allometric relationships
137!!                height = pipe_tune2*(dia.^pipe_tune3)
138!!                Re-write this relationship as a function of ba
139!!                (4) height = pipe_tune2 * (4/pi*ba)^(pipe_tune3/2)
140!!                (5a) Cl/Cs = KF/height for trees
141!!                (5b) Cs = Cl / KF
142!!                (6) Cl = Cr * LF
144!!                Use a linear approximation to avoid iterations. Given that allocation is calculated daily, a
145!!                local lineair assumption is fair. Eq (4) can thus be rewritten as:
146!!                s = step/(pipe_tune2*(4/pi*(ba+step)).^(pipe_tune3/2)-pipe_tune2*(4/pi*ba).^(pipe_tune3/2))
147!!                Where step is a small but realistic (for the time step) change in ba
148!!                (7)  <=> delta_height = delta_ba/s
150!!                Calculate Cs_inc from allometric relationships
151!!                Cs_inc = tree_ff*pipe_density*(ba+delta_ba)*(height+delta_height) - Cs - Ch         
152!!                Cs_inc = tree_ff*pipe_density*(ba+delta_ba)*(height+delta_ba/s) - Cs - Ch
153!!                (8)  <=> Cs_inc = tree_ff*pipe_density*(ba+a*gammas)*(height+(a/s*gammas)) - Cs - Ch
155!!                Rewrite (5) as
156!!                Cl_inc = KF*(Cs_inc+Cs)/(height+delta_height) - Cl
157!!                Substitute (7) in (4) and solve for Cl_inc
158!!                Cl_inc = KF*(tree_ff*pipe_density*(ba+circ_class_dba*gammas)*(height+(circ_class_dba/s*gammas)) - Ch)/ &
159!!                   (height+(circ_class_dba/s*gammas)) - Cl 
160!!                (9)  <=> Cl_inc = KF*tree_ff*pipe_density*(ba+circ_class_dba*gammas) - &
161!!                            (KF*Ch)/(height+(circ_class_dba/s*gammas)) - Cl
163!!                Rewrite (6) as
164!!                Cr_inc = (Cl_inc+Cl)/LF - Cr
165!!                Substitute (9) in (6)
166!!                (10)  <=> Cr_inc = KF/LF*tree_ff*pipe_density*(ba+circ_class_dba*gammas) - &
167!!                            (KF*Ch/LF)/(height+(circ_class_dba/s*gammas)) - Cr
169!!                Depending on the specific case that needs to be solved equations (1) takes one of the following forms:
170!!                (a) b_inc = Cl_inc + Cr_inc + Cs_inc, (b) b_inc = Cl_inc + Cr_inc, (c) b_inc = Cl_inc + Cs_inc or
171!!                (d) b_inc = Cr_inc + Cs_inc. One of these alternative forms of eq. 1 are then combined with
172!!                eqs 8, 9 and 10 and solved for gammas. The details for the solution of these four cases are given in the
173!!                code. Once gammas is know, eqs 6 - 10 are used to calculate the allocation to leaves (Cl_inc),
174!!                roots (Cr_inc) and sapwood (Cs_inc).
176!!                Because of turnover, biomass pools are not all the time in balance according to rules prescribed
177!!                by the pipe model. To test whether biomass pools are balanced, the target biomasses are calculated
178!!                and balance is restored whenever needed up to the level that the biomass pools for leaves, sapwood
179!!                and roots are balanced according to the pipe model. Once the balance is restored C is allocated to
180!!                fruits, leaves, sapwood and roots by making use of the pipe model (below this called ordinary
181!!                allocation).
183!!                Although strictly speaking allocation factors are not necessary in this scheme (Cl_inc could simply
184!!                be added to biomass(:,:,ileaf,icarbon), Cr_inc to biomass(:,:,iroot,icarbon), etc.), they are
185!!                nevertheless calculated because using allocation factors facilitates comparison to the resource
186!!                limited allocation scheme (stomate_growth_res_lim.f90) and it comes in handy for model-data comparison.
188!!                Effective basal area, height and circumferences are use in the allocation scheme because their
189!!                calculations make use of the total (above and belowground) biomass. In forestry the same measures
190!!                exist (and they are also calculated in ORCHIDEE) but only account for the aboverground biomass.
193!! RECENT CHANGE(S): - The code by Sonke Zaehle made use of ::Cl_target that was derived from ::lai_target which in turn
194!!                was a function of ::rue_longterm. Cl_target was then used as a threshold value to decide whether there
195!!                was only phenological growth (just leaves and roots) or whether there was full allometric growth to the
196!!                leaves, roots and sapwood. This approach was inconsistent with the pipe model because full allometric
197!!                growth can only occur if all three biomass pools are in balance. ::lai_target is no longer used as a
198!!                criterion to switch between phenological and full allometric growth. Its use is now restricted to trigger
199!!                the use of reserves in spring.
201!!                Early 2019: Nitrogen limitations to growth were added, primarily based on the ratio of carbon
202!!                            to nitrogen in the leaf.
204!! MAIN OUTPUT VARIABLE(S): ::npp and :: biomass. Seven different biomass compartments (leaves, roots, above and
205!!                belowground wood, carbohydrate reserves, labile and fruits).
207!! REFERENCE(S) :- Sitch, S., Smith, B., Prentice, I.C., Arneth, A., Bondeau, A., Cramer, W.,
208!!                Kaplan, J.O., Levis, S., Lucht, W., Sykes, M.T., Thonicke, K., Venevsky, S. (2003), Evaluation of
209!!                ecosystem dynamics, plant geography and terrestrial carbon cycling in the LPJ Dynamic Global Vegetation
210!!                Model, Global Change Biology, 9, 161-185.\n
211!!                - Zaehle, S. and Friend, A.D. (2010), Carbon and nitrogen cycle dynamics in the O-CN land surface model: 1.
212!!                Model description, site-scale evaluation, and sensitivity to parameter estimates, Global Biogeochemical
213!!                Cycles, 24, GB1005.\n
214!!                - Magnani F., Mencuccini M. & Grace J. 2000. Age-related decline in stand productivity: the role of
215!!                structural acclimation under hydraulic constraints Plant, Cell and Environment 23, 251–263.
216!!                - Bloom A.J., Chapin F.S. & Mooney H.A. (1985) Resource limitation in plants. An economic analogy. Annual
217!!                Review Ecology Systematics 16, 363–392.
218!!                - Case K.E. & Fair R.C. (1989) Principles of Economics. Prentice Hall, London.
219!!                - McDowell, N., Barnard, H., Bond, B.J., Hinckley, T., Hubbard, R.M., Ishii, H., Köstner, B.,
220!!                Magnani, F. Marshall, J.D., Meinzer, F.C., Phillips, N., Ryan, M.G., Whitehead D. 2002. The
221!!                relationship between tree height and leaf area: sapwood area ratio. Oecologia, 132:12–20
222!!                - Novick, K., Oren, R., Stoy, P., Juang, F.-Y., Siqueira, M., Katul, G. 2009. The relationship between
223!!                reference canopy conductance and simplified hydraulic architecture. Advances in water resources 32,
224!!                809-819.
225!!                - Jefferey Amthor. 2000. The McCree-de Wit-Penning de Vries-Thornley Respiration Paradigms: 30 Years Later.
226!!                Annals of Botany 86: 1-20, doi:10.1006/anbo.2000.1175
230!!                Supplement, 2004, pp. S72S88
231!!                -  Teemu HölttÀ, Anna Lintunen, Tommy Chan, Annikki MÀkelÀ and Eero Nikinmaa. 2017. A steady-state stomatal
232!!                model of balanced leaf gas exchange, hydraulics and maximal sourcesink flux. Tree Physiology 37, 851-868.
233!!                doi:10.1093/treephys/tpx011
235!! FLOWCHART    :
237!_ ================================================================================================================================
239  SUBROUTINE growth_fun_all (npts, dt, veget_max, veget, &
240       PFTpresent, plant_status ,when_growthinit, t2m, &
241       nstress_season, vegstress_season, &
242       gpp_daily, gpp_week, resp_maint_part, resp_maint, &
243       resp_growth, npp, bm_alloc, age, &
244       leaf_age, leaf_frac, use_reserve, &
245       lab_fac, rue_longterm, circ_class_n, &
246       circ_class_biomass, KF, sigma, &
247       gammas, longevity_eff_leaf, longevity_eff_sap, &
248       longevity_eff_root, k_latosa_adapt, forest_managed, &
249       circ_class_dist, cn_leaf_min_season, atm_to_bm,  &
250       cn_leaf_min_2D, cn_leaf_max_2D, sugar_load, &
251       n_reserve_balance, n_reserve_longterm)       
253 !! 0. Variable and parameter declaration
255    !! 0.1 Input variables
257    INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in)                        :: npts                   !! Domain size - number of grid cells
258                                                                                !! (unitless)
259    REAL(r_std), INTENT(in)                           :: dt                     !! Time step of the simulations for stomate
260                                                                                !! (days)
261    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in)             :: t2m                    !! Temperature at 2 meter (K)   
262    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)           :: veget_max              !! PFT "Maximal" coverage fraction of a PFT
263                                                                                !! (= ind*cn_ind)
264                                                                                !! @tex $(m^2 m^{-2})$ @endtex
265    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)           :: veget                  !! Fraction of forest floor covered by vegetation (unitless, 0-1)   
266    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)           :: when_growthinit        !! Days since beginning of growing season
267                                                                                !! (days)
268    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)           :: rue_longterm           !! Longterm "radiation use efficicency"
269                                                                                !! calculated as the ratio of GPP over
270                                                                                !! the fraction of radiation absorbed
271                                                                                !! by the canopy
272                                                                                !! @tex $(gC.m^{-2}day^{-1})$ @endtex
273    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)           :: longevity_eff_root     !! Effective root turnover time that accounts
274                                                                                !! waterstress (days)
275    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)           :: longevity_eff_sap      !! Effective sapwood turnover time that accounts
276                                                                                !! waterstress (days)
277    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)           :: longevity_eff_leaf     !! Effective leaf turnover time that accounts
278                                                                                !! waterstress (days)
279    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(inout)      :: circ_class_n           !! Number of individuals in each circ class
280                                                                                !! @tex $(m^{-2})$ @endtex
281    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in)             :: circ_class_dist        !! The probability distribution of trees
282                                                                                !! in a circ class in case of a
283                                                                                !! redistribution (unitless).
284    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(in)         :: resp_maint_part        !! Maintenance respiration of different 
285                                                                                !! plant parts
286                                                                                !! @tex $(gC.m^{-2}dt^{-1})$ @endtex
287    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)           :: plant_status           !! Growth and phenological status of the plant
289    LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)               :: PFTpresent             !! PFT exists (true/false)   
290    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)           :: nstress_season         !! N-related seasonal stress (used for allocation)   
291    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)           :: vegstress_season    !! mean growing season moisture availability
292    INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)        :: forest_managed         !! Forest management flag: 0 = orchidee
293                                                                                !! standard, 1= self-thinning only, 2=
294                                                                                !! high-stand, 3= high-stand smoothed, 4=
295                                                                                !! coppices
296    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)           :: gpp_week               !! PFT gross primary productivity
297    REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(npts,nvm), INTENT(in)       :: cn_leaf_min_2D         !! minimal leaf C/N ratio
298    REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(npts,nvm), INTENT(in)       :: cn_leaf_max_2D         !! maximal leaf C/N ratio
299    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)           :: cn_leaf_min_season     !! Min leaf nitrogen concentration (C:N) of the growing season
300                                                                                !! (gC/gN) 
301    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)           :: n_reserve_longterm     !! "longer term" actual to potential  N reserve pool
302                                                                                !! (0-1, unitless)
304    !! 0.2 Output variables
306    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(out)          :: resp_maint             !! PFT maintenance respiration
307                                                                                !! @tex $(gC.m^{-2}dt^{-1})$ @endtex   
308    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(out)          :: resp_growth            !! PFT growth respiration
309                                                                                !! @tex $(gC.m^{-2}dt^{-1})$ @endtex
310    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(out)          :: npp                    !! PFT net primary productivity
311                                                                                !! @tex $(gC.m^{-2}dt^{-1})$ @endtex
312    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), INTENT(out)      :: bm_alloc               !! PFT biomass increase, i.e. NPP per plant 
313                                                                                !! part @tex $(gC.m^{-2}dt^{-1})$ @endtex
314    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(out)          :: lab_fac                !! Activity of labile pool factor (units??)
315    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(out)          :: sigma                  !! Threshold for indivudal tree growth in
316                                                                                !! the equation of Deleuze & Dhote (2004)(m).
317                                                                                !! Trees whose circumference is smaller than
318                                                                                !! sigma don't grow much
319    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(out)          :: gammas                 !! Slope for individual tree growth in the
320                                                                                !! equation of Deleuze & Dhote (2004) (m)
322    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(out)          :: sugar_load             !! Relative sugar loading of the labile pool (unitless)
323    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(out)          :: n_reserve_balance      !! Actual to potential N reserve pool (unitless)
325    !! 0.3 Modified variables
327    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(inout)        :: gpp_daily              !! PFT gross primary productivity
328                                                                                !! @tex $(gC.m^{-2}dt^{-1})$ @endtex
329    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(inout)        :: use_reserve            !! Flag to use the reserves to support
330                                                                                !! phenological growth (0 or 1)
331    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(inout)        :: age                    !! PFT age (days)     
332    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(inout)      :: leaf_age               !! PFT age of different leaf classes
333                                                                                !! (days)
334    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(inout)      :: leaf_frac              !! PFT fraction of leaves in leaf age class
335                                                                                !! (0-1, unitless)
336    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:), INTENT(inout)  :: circ_class_biomass     !! Biomass components of the model tree 
337                                                                                !! within a circumference class
338                                                                                !! class @tex $(g C ind^{-1})$ @endtex
339    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(inout)        :: KF                     !! Scaling factor to convert sapwood mass
340                                                                                !! into leaf mass (m)
341    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(inout)        :: k_latosa_adapt         !! Leaf to sapwood area adapted for long
342                                                                                !! term water stress (m)
343    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(inout)      :: atm_to_bm              !! Nitrogen and carbon which is added to the ecosystem to
344                                                                                !! support vegetation growth (gC or gN/m2/day)
346    !! 0.4 Local variables
348    CHARACTER(30)                                     :: var_name               !! To store variable names for I/O
349    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm)                  :: c0_alloc               !! Root to sapwood tradeoff parameter
350    LOGICAL                                           :: grow_wood=.TRUE.       !! Flag to grow wood
351    INTEGER(i_std)                                    :: ipts,j,k,l,m           !! Indices(unitless)
352    INTEGER(i_std)                                    :: icir,imed,ipool        !! Indices(unitless)
353    INTEGER(i_std)                                    :: ifm,icut               !! Indices
354    INTEGER(i_std)                                    :: ipar,iele,imbc         !! Indices(unitless)
355    INTEGER(i_std)                                    :: ilev                   !! Indices(unitless)
356    REAL(r_std)                                       :: frac                   !! No idea??
357    REAL(r_std)                                       :: a,b,c                  !! Temporary variables to solve a
358                                                                                !! quadratic equation (unitless)
359    ! Stand level
360    REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(npts,nvm)                   :: gtemp                  !! Turnover coefficient of labile C pool
361                                                                                !! (0-1)
362    REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(npts,nvm,nelements)         :: reserve_target         !! Intentional size of the reserve pool
363                                                                                !! @tex $(gC/N.m^{-2})$ @endtex
364    REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(npts,nvm,nelements)         :: labile_target          !! Intentional size of the labile pool
365                                                                                !! @tex $(gC/N.m^{-2})$ @endtex
366    REAL(r_std)                                       :: reserve_scal           !! Protection of the reserve against
367                                                                                !! overuse (unitless)
368    REAL(r_std)                                       :: use_lab                !! Availability of labile biomass
369                                                                                !! @tex $(gC.m^{-2})$ @endtex
370    REAL(r_std)                                       :: use_res                !! Availability of resource biomass
371                                                                                !! @tex $(gC.m^{-2})$ @endtex
372    REAL(r_std)                                       :: use_max                !! Maximum use of labile and resource pool
373                                                                                !! @tex $(gC.m^{-2})$ @endtex
374    REAL(r_std)                                       :: leaf_meanage           !! Mean age of the leaves (days?)
375    REAL(r_std)                                       :: reserve_time           !! Maximum number of days during which
376                                                                                !! carbohydrate reserve may be used (days)
377    REAL(r_std)                                       :: b_inc_tot              !! Carbon that needs to allocated in the
378                                                                                !! fixed number of trees (gC)
379    REAL(r_std)                                       :: b_inc_temp             !! Temporary b_inc at the stand-level
380                                                                                !! @tex $(gC.plant^{-1})$ @endtex
381    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm)                  :: scal                   !! Scaling factor between average
382                                                                                !! individual and individual plant
383                                                                                !! @tex $(plant.m^{-2})$ @endtex
384    REAL(r_std)                                       :: total_inc              !! Total biomass increase
385                                                                                !! @tex $(gC.plant^{-1})$ @endtex
386    REAL(r_std)                                       :: KF_old                 !! Scaling factor to convert sapwood mass
387                                                                                !! into leaf mass (m) at the previous
388                                                                                !! time step
389    REAL(r_std)                                       :: sla_est                !! A first estimate of sla in case its calculation is
390                                                                                !! dynamic @tex $(m^2.gC^{-1})$ @endtex
391    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nvm)                       :: lai_happy              !! Lai threshold below which carbohydrate
392                                                                                !! reserve may be used
393                                                                                !! @tex $(m^2 m^{-2})$ @endtex
394    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nvm)                       :: deleuze_p              !! Percentile of trees that will receive
395                                                                                !! photosynthates. The proxy for intra stand
396                                                                                !! competition. Depends on the management
397                                                                                !! strategy when ncirc < 6
398    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts)                      :: tl                     !! Long term annual mean temperature (C)
399    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts)                      :: bm_add                 !! Biomass increase
400                                                                                !! @tex $(gC.m^{-2})$ @endtex
401    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts)                      :: bm_new                 !! New biomass @tex $(gC.m^{-2})$ @endtex
402    REAL(r_std)                                       :: alloc_sap_above        !! Fraction allocated to sapwood above
403                                                                                !! ground
404    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm)                  :: residual               !! Copy of b_inc_tot after all C has been
405                                                                                !! allocated @tex $(gC.m^{-2})$ @endtex
406                                                                                !! if all went well the value should be zero
407    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm)                  :: residual_write         !! Copy of b_inc_tot after all C has been
408                                                                                !! allocated @tex $(gC.m^{-2})$ @endtex
409                                                                                !! if all went well the value should be zero. This
410                                                                                !! value is written to the history file to better
411                                                                                !! monitor the residuals
412    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm)                  :: lai_target             !! Target LAI @tex $(m^{2}m^{-2})$ @endtex
413    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm)                  :: ltor                   !! Leaf to root ratio (unitless)   
414    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm)                  :: lstress_fac            !! Light stress factor, based on total
415                                                                                !! transmitted light (unitless, 0-1)
416    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm)                  :: LF                     !! Scaling factor to convert sapwood mass
417                                                                                !! into root mass (unitless)
418    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm)                  :: lm_old                 !! Variable to store leaf biomass from
419                                                                                !! previous time step
420                                                                                !! @tex $(gC m^{-2})$ @endtex
421    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm)                  :: bm_alloc_tot           !! Allocatable biomass for the whole plant
422                                                                                !! @tex $(gC.m^{-2})$ @endtex
423    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm)                  :: temp_bm_alloc_tot      !! Allocatable biomass for the whole plant
424                                                                                !! @tex $(gC.m^{-2})$ @endtex
425    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm)                  :: resid_bm_alloc_tot     !! Allocatable biomass for the whole plant
426                                                                                !! @tex $(gC.m^{-2})$ @endtex
427    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm)                  :: leaf_mass_young        !! Leaf biomass in youngest leaf age class
428                                                                                !! @tex $(gC m^{-2})$ @endtex
429    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm)                  :: lai                    !! PFT leaf area index
430                                                                                !! @tex $(m^2 m^{-2})$ @endtex
431    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm)                  :: qm_dia                 !! Quadratic mean diameter of the stand (m)
432    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm)                  :: qm_height              !! Height of a tree with the quadratic mean
433                                                                                !! diameter (m)
434    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm)                  :: ba                     !! Basal area. variable for histwrite only (m2)
435    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm)                  :: wood_volume            !! wood_volume (m3 m-2)
436    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm,nparts)           :: f_alloc                !! PFT fraction of NPP that is allocated to
437                                                                                !! the different components (0-1, unitless)
438    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,ncirc,nparts)         :: f_alloc_circ           !! Fraction of that is allocated to each circc_class
439                                                                                !! the different components (0-1, unitless)
440    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm,nparts,nelements) :: tmp_bm                 !! temporary variable to indicate biomass for each PFT
441                                                                                !! over per unit PFT area.
442                                                                                !! @tex $(gC m^{-2})$ @endtex
443    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm,nparts,nelements) :: tmp_init_bm            !! temporary variable to use site-level biomass
444                                                                                !! @tex $(gC m^{-2})$ @endtex
446    ! Tree level       
447    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(ncirc)                     :: step                   !! Temporary variables to solve a
448                                                                                !! quadratic equation (unitless)
449    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(ncirc)                     :: s                      !! tree-level linear relationship between
450                                                                                !! basal area and height. This variable is
451                                                                                !! used to linearize the allocation scheme
452    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(ncirc)                     :: Cs_inc_est             !! Initial value estimate for Cs_inc. The
453                                                                                !! value is used to linearize the ba~height
454                                                                                !! relationship
455                                                                                !! @tex $(gC.plant^{-1})$ @endtex
456    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(ncirc)                     :: Cl                     !! Individual plant, leaf compartment
457                                                                                !! @tex $(gC.plant^{-1})$ @endtex
458    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(ncirc)                     :: Cr                     !! Individual plant, root compartment
459                                                                                !! @tex $(gC.plant^{-1})$ @endtex
460    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(ncirc)                     :: Cs                     !! Individual plant, sapwood compartment
461                                                                                !! @tex $(gC.plant^{-1})$ @endtex
462    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(ncirc)                     :: Ch                     !! Individual plant, heartwood compartment
463                                                                                !! @tex $(gC.plant^{-1})$ @endtex
464    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(ncirc)                     :: Cl_inc                 !! Individual plant increase in leaf
465                                                                                !! compartment
466                                                                                !! @tex $(gC.plant^{-1})$ @endtex
467    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(ncirc)                     :: Cr_inc                 !! Individual plant increase in root
468                                                                                !! compartment
469                                                                                !! @tex $(gC.plant^{-1})$ @endtex
470    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(ncirc)                     :: Cs_inc                 !! Individual plant increase in sapwood
471                                                                                !! compartment
472                                                                                !! @tex $(gC.plant^{-1})$ @endtex
473    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(ncirc)                     :: Cf_inc                 !! Individual plant increase in fruit
474                                                                                !! compartment
475                                                                                !! @tex $(gC.plant^{-1})$ @endtex
476    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(ncirc)                     :: Cl_incp                !! Phenology related individual plant
477                                                                                !! increase in leaf compartment
478                                                                                !! @tex $(gC.plant^{-1})$ @endtex
479    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(ncirc)                     :: Cr_incp                !! Phenology related individual plant
480                                                                                !! increase in leaf compartment
481                                                                                !! @tex $(gC.plant^{-1})$ @endtex
482    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(ncirc)                     :: Cs_incp                !! Phenology related individual plant
483                                                                                !! increase in sapwood compartment
484                                                                                !! @tex $(gC.plant^{-1})$ @endtex
485    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(ncirc)                     :: Cl_target              !! Individual plant maximum leaf mass given
486                                                                                !! its current sapwood mass
487                                                                                !! @tex $(gC.plant^{-1})$ @endtex
488    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(ncirc)                     :: Cr_target              !! Individual plant maximum root mass given
489                                                                                !! its current sapwood mass
490                                                                                !! @tex $(gC.plant^{-1})$ @endtex
491    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(ncirc)                     :: Cs_target              !! Individual plant maximum sapwood mass
492                                                                                !! given its current leaf mass or root mass
493                                                                                !! @tex $(gC.plant^{-1})$ @endtex     
494    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(ncirc)                     :: delta_ba               !! Change in basal area for a unit
495                                                                                !! investment into sapwood mass (m)
496    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(ncirc)                     :: delta_height           !! Change in height for a unit
497                                                                                !! investment into sapwood mass (m)
498    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(ncirc)                     :: circ_class_ba          !! Basal area (forestry definition) of the model
499                                                                                !! tree in each circ class
500                                                                                !! @tex $(m^{2} m^{-2})$ @endtex
501    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(ncirc)                     :: circ_class_ba_eff      !! Effective basal area of the model tree in each
502                                                                                !! circ class @tex $(m^{2} m^{-2})$ @endtex
503    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(ncirc)                     :: circ_class_dba         !! Share of an individual tree in delta_ba
504                                                                                !! thus, circ_class_dba*gammas = delta_ba
505    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(ncirc)                     :: circ_class_height_eff  !! Effective tree height calculated from allometric
506                                                                                !! relationships (m)
507    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(ncirc)                     :: circ_class_circ_eff    !! Effective circumference of individual trees (m)
508    REAL(r_std)                                       :: woody_biomass          !! Woody biomass. Temporary variable to
509                                                                                !! calculate wood volume (gC m-2)
510    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(ncirc)                     :: share_ncirc            !! Temporary variable to store the share
511                                                                                !! of biomass of each circumference class
512                                                                                !! to the total biomass
513    REAL(r_std)                                       :: temp_share             !! Temporary variable to store the share
514                                                                                !! of biomass of each circumference class
515                                                                                !! to the total biomass       
516    REAL(r_std)                                       :: temp_class_biomass     !! Biomass across parts for a single circ
517                                                                                !! class @tex $(gC m^{-2})$ @endtex
518    REAL(r_std)                                       :: temp_total_biomass     !! Biomass across parts and circ classes
519                                                                                !! @tex $(gC m^{-2})$ @endtex
520    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm,ncirc)            :: store_delta_ba_eff     !! Store effective delta_ba in this variable before writing
521                                                                                !! to the output file (m). Adding this variable
522                                                                                !! was faster than changing the dimensions
523                                                                                !! of delta_ba which would have been the same
524    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm,ncirc)            :: store_delta_ba
525    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm,ncirc)            :: store_circ_class_ba    !! Store circ_class_ba in this variable before
526                                                                                !! writing to the output file (m). Adding this
527                                                                                !! variable was faster than changing the
528                                                                                !! dimensions of circ_class_ba_ba which would
529                                                                                !! have been the same
530    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm,ncirc)            :: circ_class_ba_init     !! Basal area per diameter class before growth
531    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm,ncirc)            :: ring_width             !! Increase of radius of trunk. Calculated using
532                                                                                !! store_delta_ba which is always positive
533    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm,ncirc)            :: circ_height            !! Height of trees per diameter class
534    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm,nmbcomp,nelements):: check_intern           !! Contains the components of the internal
535                                                                                !! mass balance chech for this routine
536                                                                                !! @tex $(gC pixel^{-1} dt^{-1})$ @endtex
537    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm,nmbcomp,nelements):: check_intern_init      !! Contains the components of the internal
538                                                                                !! mass balance chech for this routine
539                                                                                !! @tex $(gC pixel^{-1} dt^{-1})$ @endtex
540    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm,nelements)        :: closure_intern         !! Check closure of internal mass balance
541                                                                                !! @tex $(gC pixel^{-1} dt^{-1})$ @endtex
542    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm,nelements)        :: pool_start, pool_end   !! Start and end pool of this routine
543                                                                                !! @tex $(gC pixel^{-1} dt^{-1})$ @endtex
544    REAL(r_std)                                       :: median_circ            !! Median circumference (m)
545    REAL(r_std)                                       :: deficit                !! Carbon that needs to be respired in
546                                                                                !! excess of todays gpp 
547                                                                                !! @tex $(gC.m^{-2}dt^{-1})$ @endtex
548    REAL(r_std)                                       :: excess                 !! Carbon that needs to be re-allocated
549                                                                                !! after the needs of the reserve and
550                                                                                !! labile pool are satisfied 
551                                                                                !! @tex $(gC.m^{-2}dt^{-1})$ @endtex
552    REAL(r_std)                                       :: shortage               !! Shortage in the reserves that needs to
553                                                                                !! be re-allocated after to minimise the
554                                                                                !! tension between required and available
555                                                                                !! reserves
556                                                                                !! @tex $(gC.m^{-2}dt^{-1})$ @endtex
557    INTEGER                                           :: i,tempi                !   (temp variables for impose intraseasonal LAI dynamic)   
559    INTEGER                                           :: month_id               !! index of month
560    REAL(r_std)                                       :: ratio_move             !! temperal variable to move the allocatable carbon
561                                                                                !! from leaf to sapwood
562    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(13)                        :: lai_scale              !! monthly lai scaling facter   
563    REAL(r_std)                                       :: daily_lai              !! Daily LAI value interpolated by impose lai & lai_scale
564    CHARACTER(len=256)                                :: temp_text              !! dummy text variable exchange
566    ! Nitrogen cycle
567    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm)                  :: n_alloc_tot            !! nitrogen growth (gN/m2/dt)
568    REAL(r_std) , DIMENSION(npts,nvm)                 :: cn_leaf                !! nitrogen concentration in leaves (gC/gN)
569    REAL(r_std) , DIMENSION(npts,nvm)                 :: transloc               !! Transloc variables
570    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts)                      :: alloc_c,alloc_d,alloc_e!! allocation coefficients of nitrogen to leaves, roots and wood
571    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts)                      :: sum_sap,sum_oth        !! carbon growth of wood and root+fruits (gC/m2)
572    REAL(r_std)                                       :: costf                  !! nitrogen cost of a unit carbon growth given current C partitioning and nitrogen concentration
573    REAL(r_std)                                       :: deltacn,deltacnmax     !! (maximum) change in leaf nitrogen concentration
574    REAL(r_std)                                       :: n_avail                !! nitrogen available for growth (dummy)
575    REAL(r_std)                                       :: bm_supply_n            !! carbon growth sustainable by n_avail, considering costf
576    CHARACTER(LEN=2), DIMENSION(nelements)            :: element_str            !! string suffix indicating element
577    REAL(r_std)                                       :: frac_growthresp_dyn    !! Fraction of gpp used for growth respiration (-)
578                                                                                !! considers the special case at the leaf onset : frac_growthresp_dyn=0
579    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm)                  :: veget_max_begin        !! temporary storage of veget_max to check area conservation
580    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm)                  :: temp
581    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(ncirc)                     :: ba1                    !! for calculating basal area after phenological
582    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(ncirc)                     :: ba2                    !! growth
583    REAL(r_std)                                       :: d_mean                 !! temporal value to calculate deleuze_power
584    REAL(r_std)                                       :: deleuze_power          !! denominator of power of delueze-dhote eq.
585    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(ncirc,nparts)              :: temp_mass              !! same with ba1, ba2
586    REAL(r_std)                                       :: k_latosa_tmp           !! Temporaray variable in the calculation of k_latosa_adapt
587    REAL(r_std)                                       :: optimal_share          !! optimal share between the labile and carbres pools (-)
588    REAL(r_std)                                       :: total_reserves         !! Temporary variable in the calculation of the labile and carbres pools.
589    REAL(r_std)                                       :: update_sugar_load      !! Instantaneous Relative sugar loading of the labile pool (unitless)
590    REAL(r_std)                                       :: n_deficit              !! The amount of nitrogen deficiency in labile nitrogen (dummy)
591                                                                                !! only used when quantifying the nitrogen limitation before allocation
592    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm)                  :: height_rel             !! relative height used to make KF dynamic when the stand height increases
593    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm)                  :: residual10b            !! contains the residual (gC tree-1) for warning 10b
594!_ ================================================================================================================================
596!! 1. Initialize
598    !! 1.1 First call only
599    IF (firstcall_growth_fun_all) THEN
600      !! Initialize local printlev
601      printlev_loc=get_printlev('growth_fun_all')
602      firstcall_growth_fun_all=.FALSE.
603    END IF
605    IF (printlev_loc.GE.2) WRITE(numout,*) 'Entering functional allocation growth'
607    !! 1.3 Initialize variables at every call
608    bm_alloc(:,:,:,:) = zero 
609    n_alloc_tot(:,:) = zero 
610    qm_height(:,:) = zero
611    delta_ba = zero
612    lai_target(:,:) = zero
613    resp_maint(:,:) = zero
614    resp_growth(:,:) = zero
615    lstress_fac(:,:) = zero
616    sigma(:,:) = zero
617    gammas(:,:) = zero
618    bm_alloc_tot(:,:) = zero
619    store_circ_class_ba(:,:,:) = zero
620    store_delta_ba_eff(:,:,:) = zero
621    store_delta_ba(:,:,:) = zero
622    check_intern(:,:,:,:) = zero
623    check_intern_init(:,:,:,:) = zero
624    excess = zero
625    residual(:,:) = zero
626    residual_write(:,:) = zero
627    residual10b(:,:) = zero
628    n_reserve_balance(:,:) = un
629    reserve_target(:,:,:) = zero
630    labile_target(:,:,:) = zero
631    gtemp(:,:) = zero
632    circ_class_ba_init(:,:,:) = zero
633    height_rel(:,:)= zero
635    ! If npp is not initialized, bare soil value is never set.
636    npp(:,:) = zero 
638    ! bare soil never gets set here
639    lab_fac(:,1) = zero
640    c0_alloc(:,1)=zero
642    !! 1.4 Initialize check for mass balance closure
643    !  The mass balance is calculated at the end of this routine
644    !  in section 8
645    IF (err_act.GT.1) THEN
647       pool_start(:,:,:) = zero
648       DO iele = 1,nelements
650          ! atm_to_bm has as intent inout, the variable
651          ! accumulates carbon over the course of a day.
652          ! Use the difference between start and the end of
653          ! this routine
654          check_intern_init(:,:,iatm2land,iele) = - un * &
655               atm_to_bm(:,:,iele) * veget_max(:,:) * dt
657          DO ipar = 1,nparts
658             DO icir = 1,ncirc
659                ! Initial biomass pool
660                pool_start(:,:,iele) = pool_start(:,:,iele) + &
661                     (circ_class_biomass(:,:,icir,ipar,iele) * &
662                     circ_class_n(:,:,icir) * veget_max(:,:))
663             ENDDO
664          ENDDO
666       ENDDO     
668       !! 1.5 Initialize check for surface area conservation
669       !  Veget_max is a INTENT(in) variable and can therefore
670       !  not be changed during the course of this subroutine
671       !  Check it anyway, in case the intent get changed.
672       veget_max_begin(:,:) = veget_max(:,:)
674    ENDIF ! err_act.GT.1
676    !! 1.6 Calculate LAI threshold below which carbohydrate reserve is used.
677    !  Lai_max and lai_max_to_happy are PFT-dependent parameter specified in
678    !  stomate_constants.f90
679    ! +++CHECK+++
680    ! Can we make this a function of Cs or rue_longterm? this double prescribed
681    ! value does not make too much sense to me. It is not really dynamic.
682    lai_happy(:) = lai_max(:) * lai_max_to_happy(:)
683    ! +++++++++++
685    !! 1.7 Store the biomass pools at the beginning of allocation
686    !  These values will be used to calculate the increment in each pool
687    !  at the end of the code. tmp_init_bm should not be changed, updated,
688    !  or overwritten in this subroutine
689    tmp_init_bm(:,:,:,:) = cc_to_biomass(npts,nvm,&
690         circ_class_biomass(:,:,:,:,:),&
691         circ_class_n(:,:,:))
692    ! Store basal area before the growth to calculate basal area increment.   
693    DO j = 2,nvm
694       IF ( is_tree(j) ) THEN
695          DO ipts = 1,npts
696             circ_class_ba_init(ipts,j,:) = wood_to_ba(circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,:,icarbon),j)
697          ENDDO
698       ENDIF
699    ENDDO
701    !! 1.8 Calculate C/N ratio of the leaves
702    !  Nitrogen concentration in leaves as CN. First calculate biomass at the
703    !  stand level as that seems quicker than doing these calculations on
704    ! circ_class_biomass.
705    tmp_bm = tmp_init_bm
706    WHERE( tmp_bm(:,:,ileaf,initrogen).GT.min_stomate .AND. &
707         tmp_bm(:,:,ileaf,icarbon).GT.min_stomate)
709       ! Calculate the C:N ratio
710       cn_leaf(:,:)=tmp_bm(:,:,ileaf,icarbon)/tmp_bm(:,:,ileaf,initrogen) 
714       ! Prescribe the C:N ratio
715       cn_leaf(:,:)=cn_leaf_min_season(:,:)
719    !! 1.8 Save old leaf mass
720    !  biomass got last updated in stomate_phenology.f90
721    lm_old(:,:)=SUM(circ_class_biomass(:,:,:,ileaf,icarbon)*&
722         circ_class_n(:,:,:),3)
724    !! 1.9 Lai for bare soil is by definition zero
725    lai(:,ibare_sechiba) = zero
728    !! 2. Use carbohydrate reserve to support growth
730    DO j = 2, nvm ! Loop over # PFTs
732       !! 2.1 Calculate demand for carbohydrate reserve to support leaf and root growth.
733       !  Maximum time (days) since start of the growing season during which carbohydrate
734       !  may be used
735       IF ( is_tree(j) ) THEN
737          reserve_time = reserve_time_tree   
739       ELSE
741          reserve_time = reserve_time_grass
743       ENDIF
745       !! 2.2 Calculate lai and c0_alloc
746       !  The current functions require a loop over npts
747       !  Calculate lai
749       DO ipts = 1,npts
751          lai(ipts,j) = cc_to_lai(circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,ileaf,icarbon),&
752               circ_class_n(ipts,j,:),j)
754          ! We might need the c0_alloc factor, so let's calculate it.
755          c0_alloc(ipts,j) = calculate_c0_alloc(ipts, j, longevity_eff_root(ipts,j), &
756               longevity_eff_sap(ipts,j))
757       ENDDO
759       !! 2.3 Can the carbohydrate reserves be used?
760       ! Growth is only supported by the use of carbohydrate reserves
761       ! if the following conditions are  statisfied:\n
762       ! - PFT is not senescent;\n
763       ! - LAI must be low (i.e. below ::lai_happy) and\n
764       ! - Day of year of the simulation is in the beginning of the
765       !   growing season.     
767       ! CYmark:
768       ! CYclean: if use_reserve is obesolete. Cleanning of codes is needed.
769       ! the use_reserve variable causes a lot confusions. Now it becomes useless
770        WHERE ( ( SUM(circ_class_biomass(:,j,:,ileaf,icarbon),2) .GT. min_stomate ) .AND. & 
771             ( plant_status(:,j) .EQ. ibudbreak .OR. &
772               plant_status(:,j) .EQ. icanopy .OR. &
773               plant_status(:,j) .EQ. ipresenescence).AND. &
774             ( lai(:,j) .LT. lai_happy(j) ) .AND. &
775             ( when_growthinit(:,j) .LT. reserve_time ) )
777           ! Tell the labile and resource pool to use its reserve
778           use_reserve(:,j) = 1.0
780        ENDWHERE
782    ENDDO ! loop over # PFTs
785 !! 3. Initialize allocation
787    DO j = 2, nvm ! Loop over # PFTs
789       !! 3.1 Calculate scaling factors, temperature sensitivity, target
790       !  lai to decide on reserve use, labile fraction, labile biomass
791       !  and total allocatable biomass. Convert temperature from K to C
792       tl(:) = t2m(:) - ZeroCelsius
794       DO ipts = 1, npts
796          IF (veget_max(ipts,j) .LE. min_stomate .OR. &
797               SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) .LE. min_stomate) THEN
799              ! This vegetation type is not present, so no reason to do the
800              ! calculation. CYCLE will take us out of the innermost DO loop
801               CYCLE
803          ENDIF
805          !! 3.1 Water stress
806          !  The waterstress factor varies between 0.1 and 1 and is calculated
807          !  from ::vegstress_season. The latter is only used in the allometric
808          !  allocation and its time integral is determined by longevity_sap for trees
809          !  (see constantes_mtc.f90 for longevity_sap and see pft_constantes.f90 for
810          !  the definition of tau_hum_growingseason). The time integral for
811          !  grasses and crops is a prescribed constant (see constantes.f90). For
812          !  trees KF (and indirecrtly LF) and for grasses LF are multiplied
813          !  by wstress. Because the calculated values are too low for its purpose
814          !  Sonke Zhaele multiply it by two in the N-branch (see stomate_season.f90).
815          !  This approach maintains the physiological basis of KF while combining it
816          !  with a simple multiplicative factor for water stress. Clearly after
817          !  multiplication with 2, wstress is closer to 1 and will thus result in a
818          !  KF values closer to the physiologically expected KF. We did not see the
819          !  need to multiply by 2 because the way we now calculate ::vegstress_season
820          !  is less volatile than before. Before it ranged between 0 and 1, now the
821          !  range is more like 0.4 to 0.9.
823          ! Veget is now calculated from Pgap to be fully consistent within the model. Hence
824          ! dividing by veget_max gives a value between 0 and 1 that denotes the amount of
825          ! light reaching the forest floor.
826          IF (veget_max(ipts,j) .GT. min_stomate) THEN
828             ! Basically recalculate Pgap and use it as the lstress. We do not use
829             ! light_tran_to_floor_season here because that variables takes the annual
830             ! mean and we want a quicker response here. veget is recalculated daily
831             ! starting from Pgap_cumul (in slowproc.f90)
832             lstress_fac(ipts,j) = un - (veget(ipts,j) / veget_max(ipts,j))
834             ! +++CHECK+++
835             ! This is not rocket science so there are a couple
836             ! of alternative functions. Some of these functions
837             ! try to account for the gaps in the canopy which  has
838             ! already been taken care of in Pgap and is reflected
839             ! in the ORCHIDEE-CAN way of calculating ::veget. I did
840             ! follow these changes.
841             ! Alternative 1
842             ! lstress_fac(ipts,j) = (un - (veget(ipts,j) / veget_max(ipts,j)))**(0.5)
843             ! Alternative 2
844             ! lai_temp=-LOG(1-veget(ipts,j))/0.5
845             ! veget_temp=1-exp(-0.5*(lai_temp**1.5))
846             ! lstress_fac(ipts,j) = (un - (veget_temp ))**(0.3)
847             ! Alternative 3
848             ! veget_temp=1-exp(-0.5*(lai_temp**3.0))
849             ! lstress_fac(ipts,j) = (un - (veget_temp ))**(0.05)
850             ! ++++++++++
852          ELSE
854             lstress_fac(ipts,j) = zero
856          ENDIF
858          !! 3.2 Initialize scaling factors
859          ! Stand level scaling factors
860          LF(ipts,j) = 1._r_std
862          ! Tree level scaling factors
863          ltor(ipts,j) = 1._r_std
864          circ_class_height_eff(:) = 1._r_std
866          !! 3.3 Calculate structural characteristics
867          !  Target lai is calculated at the stand level for the tree
868          !  height of a virtual tree with the mean basal area or the
869          !  so called quadratic mean diameter
870          qm_dia(ipts,j) = &
871               wood_to_qmdia(circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,:,icarbon), &
872               circ_class_n(ipts,j,:), j)
873          qm_height(ipts,j) = &
874               wood_to_qmheight(circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,:,icarbon), &
875               circ_class_n(ipts,j,:), j)
877          !! 3.4 Calculate allocation factors for trees and grasses
878          IF ( SUM(SUM(circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,:,icarbon),1)) .GT. min_stomate ) THEN
880             ! Note that KF may already be calculated in stomate_prescribe.f90 (if called)
881             ! it is recalculated because the biomass pools for grasses and crops
882             ! may have been changed in stomate_phenology.f90. Trees were added to this
883             ! calculation just to be consistent.
885             ! Scaling factor to convert sapwood mass into leaf mass (KF)
886             ! derived from
887             ! LA_ind = k1 * SA_ind, k1=latosa (pipe-model)
888             ! <=> Cl * vm/ind * sla = k1 * Cs * vm/ind / wooddens / tree_ff / height_new
889             ! <=> Cl = Cs * k1 / wooddens / tree_ff/ height_new /sla
890             ! <=> Cl = Cs * KF / height_new, where KF = k1 / (wooddens * sla * tree_ff)
891             ! (1) Cl = Cs * KF / height_new
892             KF_old = KF(ipts,j)
894             ! To be fully consistent with the hydraulic limitations and pipe theory,
895             ! k_latosa_zero should be calculated from equation (18) in Magnani et al.
896             ! To do so, total hydraulic resistance and tree height need to be known. This
897             ! poses a problem as the resistance depends on the leaf area and the leaf
898             ! area on the resistance. There is no independent equation and equations 12
899             ! and 18 depend on each other and substitution would be circular. Hence
900             ! prescribed k_latosa_adapt values were obtained from observational records
901             ! and are given in mtc_parameters.f90
903             ! The most simple approach to estimate k_latosa is by prescribing it. Note
904             ! that for the moment lstress = 0. We decided to keep k_latosa_min and
905             ! k_latosa_max just in case we want to test more complex relationships. Note
906             ! as well that in the parameter files k_latosa_max = k_latosa_min.
907             ! This approach is not fully able to compensate for the increase in height
908             ! Cl = KF*Cs/height. If height increases, KF should increase as well
909             ! to maintain the lai. Lstress = Pgap and saturates above an
910             ! lai of 4-5. If Lai drops from 7 to 6, this approach does not respond
911             ! sufficiently. Part of this drop was found to be due to a quick drop in
912             ! N-availability during the spinup (that is the purpose of the spinup). If the
913             ! model is resarted after a clear cut (r7250), this big drop in lai largely
914             ! disappears and lai decreases 0.5 to 1.5 units over a 200 year long simulation.
915             ! That is considered acceptable.
916             k_latosa_tmp = (k_latosa_adapt(ipts,j) + (lstress_fac(ipts,j) * &
917                  (k_latosa_max(j)-k_latosa_min(j))))
919             !+++ALTERNATIVES+++
920             ! At one point it looked like a good idea to take the max of two
921             ! options but by doing so we cannot recalculate KF in phenology.
922             ! It has not been confirmed that this is really a problem. Use the
923             ! simpelest approach but leave the alternative in the code as a
924             ! suggestion of a possible solution in case something goes wrong.
925             !!$             k_latosa_tmp = MAX(k_latosa_min(ivm),k_latosa_adapt(ipts,ivm) + &
926             !!$                 (lstress_fac(ipts,ivm) * &
927             !!$                 (k_latosa_max(ivm)-k_latosa_min(ivm))))
929             ! The relationship between height and k_latosa as reported in McDowell
930             ! et al 2002 and Novick et al 2009 is implemented to adjust k_latosa for
931             ! the height of the stand. The slope of the relationship is calculated in
932             ! stomate_data.f90 This did NOT result in a realistic model behavior.
933             !!$             k_latosa(ipts,j) = wstress_fac(ipts,j) * &
934             !!$            (k_latosa_max(j) - latosa_height(j) * qm_height(ipts,j))
935             ! Another relationship with height was implemented. This resulted in acceptable
936             ! model behavior (r7250) but had very little impact on the temporal patterns.
937             ! For that reason the most simple formulation was favored over this approach
938             !!$             height_rel(ipts,j) = MAX(MIN((qm_height(ipts,j)/pipe_tune2(j))**
939             !!$                  (1/exp_kf),un),zero)
940             !!$             k_latosa_tmp = k_latosa_adapt(ipts,j) + height_rel(ipts,j) * &
941             !!$                  (k_latosa_max(j)-k_latosa_min(j))
943             ! Alternatively, k_latosa is also reported to be a function of diameter
944             ! (i.e. stand thinning, Simonin et al 2006, Tree Physiology, 26:493-503).
945             ! Here the relationship with thinning was interpreted as a realtionship with
946             ! light stress. This is the same formulation as we use now but to make it
947             ! function l_stress should be calculated and the parameters for k_latosa_min
948             ! and k_latosa_max should differ from each other.
949             ! k_latosa(ipts,j) = (k_latosa_adapt(ipts,j) + &
950             !     (lstress_fac(ipts,j) * &
951             !     (k_latosa_max(j)-k_latosa_min(j))))
953             ! Also k_latosa has been reported to be a function of CO2 concentration
954             ! (Atwell et al. 2003, Tree Physiology, 23:13-21 and Pakati et al. 2000,
955             ! Global Change Biology, 6:889-897). This effect is not accounted for in
956             ! the current code
958             ! How dow we want to account for waterstress?
959             !!$             k_latosa(ipts,j) = k_latosa_min(j) + (wstress_fac(ipts,j) * &
960             !!$             lstress_fac(ipts,j) * &
961             !!$             (k_latosa_max(j)-k_latosa_min(j)))
962             !!$             k_latosa(ipts,j) = wstress_fac(ipts,j) * (k_latosa_min(j) + &
963             !!$             (lstress_fac(ipts,j) * &
964             !!$             (k_latosa_max(j)-k_latosa_min(j))))
965             !++++++++++++++++++
967             ! Calculate the sla for the current amount of leaf biomass. Use a trick.
968             ! use biomass_to_lai to calculate the lai with a dynamic or a
969             ! static sla calculation. Then divide the lai by the biomass to
970             ! obtain the actual value for sla (m2 g-1).
971             IF (sla_dyn) THEN
972                IF (tmp_init_bm(ipts,j,ileaf,icarbon).GT.min_stomate) THEN
973                   ! Calculate a dynamic sla
974                   sla_est = biomass_to_lai(tmp_init_bm(ipts,j,ileaf,icarbon),j) / &
975                        tmp_init_bm(ipts,j,ileaf,icarbon)
976                ELSE
977                   ! Nothing changes, calculate sla_est such that KF will remain
978                   ! the same in the KF calculation below this IF-statement.
979                   sla_est = k_latosa_tmp / &
980                        (KF_old *  pipe_density(j) * tree_ff(j))
981                ENDIF
982             ELSE
983                ! Use the prescribed fixed sla
984                sla_est = sla(j)
985             ENDIF
987             ! Calculate the actual KF
988             KF(ipts,j) = k_latosa_tmp / &
989                  (sla_est * pipe_density(j) * tree_ff(j))
991             ! KF of the previous time step was stored in ::KF_old to check its absolute
992             ! change. If this absolute change is too big the whole allocation will crash
993             ! because it will calculate negative increments which are compensated by
994             ! positive increments that exceed the available carbon for allocation. This
995             ! would suggest that for example the plant destroys leaves and uses the
996             ! available carbon to produce more roots. This would represent an unwanted
997             ! outcome. Large changes from one time step to another makes it difficult for
998             ! the scheme to ever reach allometric balance. This balance is needed for the
999             ! allocation scheme to allow 'ordinary allocation', which in turn is needed
1000             ! to make use of the allocation rule of Dhote and Deleuze. It needs to be
1001             ! avoided that the code spends too much time in phenological growth and the
1002             ! if-then statements that help to restore allometric balance. For this reason
1003             ! the absolute changes in KF from one time step to another are truncated.
1004             IF (KF_old - KF(ipts,j) .GT. max_delta_KF ) THEN
1006                IF(printlev_loc>=4)THEN
1007                   WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 2: KF was truncated'
1008                   WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 2: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
1009                   WRITE(numout,'(A,3F20.10)') 'WARNING 2: KF_old, KF(ipts,j), '//&
1010                        'max_delta_KF: ', KF_old, KF(ipts,j), max_delta_KF
1011                ENDIF
1013                ! Add maximum absolute change
1014                KF(ipts,j) = KF_old - max_delta_KF
1016                IF(printlev_loc>=4)THEN
1017                   WRITE(numout,'(A,3F20.10)') 'WARNING 2: Reset, KF_old, KF(ipts,j): ',&
1018                        KF_old, KF(ipts,j)
1019                ENDIF
1021             ELSEIF (KF_old - KF(ipts,j) .LT. -max_delta_KF) THEN
1023                IF(printlev_loc>=4)THEN
1024                   WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 3: KF was truncated'
1025                   WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 3: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
1026                   WRITE(numout,'(A,3F20.10)') 'WARNING 3: KF_old, KF(ipts,j), '//&
1027                        'max_delta_KF: ', KF_old, KF(ipts,j), -max_delta_KF
1028                ENDIF
1030                ! Remove maximum absolute change
1031                KF(ipts,j) = KF_old + max_delta_KF
1033                IF(printlev_loc>=4)THEN
1034                   WRITE(numout,'(A,3F20.10)') 'WARNING 3: Reset, KF_old, KF(ipts,j): ',&
1035                        KF_old, KF(ipts,j)
1036                ENDIF
1038             ELSE
1040                ! The change in KF is acceptable no action required
1042             ENDIF
1044             ! Scaling factor to convert sapwood mass into root mass  (LF)
1045             ! derived from
1046             ! Cs = c0 * height * Cr (Magnani 2000)
1047             ! Cr = Cs / c0 / height_new
1048             ! scaling parameter between leaf and root mass, derived from
1049             ! Cr = Cs / c0 / height_new
1050             ! let Cs = Cl / KF * height_new
1051             ! <=> Cr = ( Cl * height_new / KF ) / ( c0 * height_new )
1052             ! <=> Cl = Cr * KF * c0
1053             ! <=> Cl = Cr * LF, where LF = KF * c0
1054             LF(ipts,j) = c0_alloc(ipts,j) * KF(ipts,j) 
1056             ! Calculate non-nitrogen stressed leaf to root ratio to calculate the
1057             ! allocation to the reserves. Should be multiplied by a nitrogen stress
1058             ! have a look in OCN. This code should be considered as a placeholder
1059             ltor(ipts,j) = c0_alloc(ipts,j) * KF(ipts,j)
1061             ! Debug
1062             IF (j.EQ.test_pft .AND. printlev_loc.GE.4 .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid) THEN
1063                WRITE(numout,*) 'Updating KF and related variables'
1064                WRITE(numout,*) 'KF, LF, ', KF(ipts,j), LF(ipts,j)
1065                WRITE(numout,*) 'c0_alloc, ', c0_alloc(ipts,j)
1066                WRITE(numout,*) 'longevity_root, longevity_sap, ', longevity_eff_root(ipts,j), &
1067                     longevity_eff_sap(ipts,j)
1068                WRITE(numout,*) 'k_belowground, k_sap, ', k_belowground(j), k_sap(j)
1069                WRITE(numout,*) 'ltor, ', ltor(ipts,j)
1070             ENDIF
1071             !-
1073          ENDIF ! SUM(circ_class_biomass) .gt. zero
1075          !+++CHECK+++
1076          !! 3.5 Calculate optimal LAI
1077          !  The calculation of the optimal LAI was copied and adjusted from O-CN.
1078          !  In O-CN it was also used in the allocation but that seems to be
1079          !  inconsistent with the allometric rules that are implemented. Say that
1080          !  the actual LAI is below the optimal LAI. Then the O-CN approach will
1081          !  keep pumping carbon to grow the optimal LAI. If we would apply
1082          !  the same method it means that during this phase the rule of Deleuze
1083          !  and Dhote would not be used. For that reason we dropped the use of
1084          !  LAI_optimal and replaced it by an allometric-based Cl_target value.
1085          !  Initially, lai_target was still calculated as described below and used
1086          !  in the calculation of the reserves. Further testing showed that for
1087          !  some parameter sets lai_target was over 8 whereas the realized lai was
1088          !  close to 4. This leaves us with a frustrated plant that will invest a
1089          !  lot in its reserves but can never use them because it is constrained by
1090          !  the allometric rules. To grow an LAI of 8 it would need to have a crazy
1091          !  sapwoodmass. At a more fundamental level it is clear why the plant's
1092          !  LAI should not exceed lai_target because then it costs more to produce
1093          !  and maintain the leaf than what the new leaf can produce but there is no
1094          !  reason why the plant should try to reach lai_target. For these
1095          !  reasons it was decided to abandon this approach to lai_target and simply
1096          !  replace lai_target by Cl_target * sla
1098          !! 3.5.1 Scaling factor
1099          !  Scaling factor to convert variables to the individual plant
1100          !  Different approach between the DGVM and statitic approach
1101          IF (ok_dgvm) THEN
1103             ! The DGVM does currently NOT work with the new allocation, consider this as
1104             ! placeholder. The original code had two different transformations to
1105             ! calculate the scalars. Both could be used but the units will differ.
1106             ! When fixing the DGVM check which quantities need to be multiplied by scal
1107             ! scal = ind(ipts,j) * cn_ind(ipts,j) / veget_max(ipts,j)
1108             scal(ipts,j) = veget_max(ipts,j) / SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) 
1110          ELSE
1112             ! circ_class_biomass contain the data at the tree level
1113             ! no conversion required
1114             scal(ipts,j) = 1.
1116          ENDIF
1118          !! 3.5.2 Calculate lai_target based on the allometric rules
1119          IF ( SUM(SUM(circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,:,icarbon),1)) .GT. min_stomate ) THEN
1121             IF ( is_tree(j)) THEN
1123                ! Basal area at the tree level (m2 tree-1)
1124                circ_class_ba_eff(:) = wood_to_ba_eff(circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,:,icarbon),j)
1126                ! Current biomass pools per tree (gC tree^-1)
1127                ! We will have different trees so this has to be calculated from the
1128                ! diameter relationships           
1129                Cs(:) = ( circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,isapabove,icarbon) + &
1130                     circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,isapbelow,icarbon) ) * scal(ipts,j)
1131                Cr(:) = circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,iroot,icarbon) * scal(ipts,j)
1132                Cl(:) = circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,ileaf,icarbon) * scal(ipts,j)
1133                Ch(:) = ( circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,iheartabove,icarbon) + &
1134                     circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,iheartbelow,icarbon) ) * scal(ipts,j)
1136                DO l = 1,ncirc 
1138                   !  Calculate tree height
1139                   circ_class_height_eff(l) = pipe_tune2(j)*(4/pi*circ_class_ba_eff(l))**&
1140                        (pipe_tune3(j)/2)
1142                   ! Debug
1143                   IF(printlev>=4 .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. j.EQ.test_pft)THEN
1144                      WRITE(numout,*) 'circ_class_height, ',circ_class_height_eff(l)
1145                      WRITE(numout,*) 'KF, ',  KF(ipts,j)
1146                   ENDIF
1147                   !-
1149                   !  Do the biomass pools respect the pipe model?
1150                   !  Do the current leaf, sapwood and root components respect the allometric
1151                   !  constraints? Due to plant phenology it is possible that we have too much
1152                   !  sapwood compared to the leaf and root mass (i.e. in early spring).
1153                   !  Calculate the optimal root and leaf mass, given the current wood mass
1154                   !  by using the basic allometric relationships. Calculate the optimal sapwood
1155                   !  mass as a function of the current leaf and root mass.
1156                   Cl_target(l) = MAX( KF(ipts,j) * Cs(l) / circ_class_height_eff(l), &
1157                        Cr(l) * LF(ipts,j) , Cl(l))
1158                   Cs_target(l) = MAX( Cl(l) / KF(ipts,j) * circ_class_height_eff(l), &
1159                        Cr(l) * LF(ipts,j) / KF(ipts,j) * circ_class_height_eff(l) , Cs(l))
1161                   ! Check dimensions of the trees
1162                   ! If Cs = Cs_target then ba and height are correct, else calculate the
1163                   ! correct dimensions
1165                   IF ( Cs_target(l) - Cs(l) .GT. min_stomate ) THEN
1167                      ! If Cs = Cs_target then dia and height are correct. However, if
1168                      ! Cl = Cl_target or Cr = Cr_target then dia and height need to be
1169                      ! re-estimated. Cs_target should satify the relationship
1170                      ! Cl/Cs = KF/height where height is a function of Cs_target
1171                      ! Search Cs needed to sustain the max of Cl or Cr.
1172                      ! Search max of Cl and Cr first
1173                      !
1174                      ! [UPDATE] After the code passes through turnover or mortality
1175                      ! we may end up in a situation where we have lost more
1176                      ! sapwood than leaves and roots (i.e. sapwood turnover).
1177                      ! The model would then suggest that at time=t+1 the tree
1178                      ! should be smaller than at time=t0.  From a physiological
1179                      ! standpoint this is not possible for the heartwood. If
1180                      ! we now calculate Cs_target on the basis of the actual Cl
1181                      ! or Cr, we find that Cs_target > Cs. The first priority
1182                      ! of the allocation scheme will be to allocate C to Cs.
1183                      ! Because we don't know yet whether the actual Cr or Cl is
1184                      ! what drives the need to allocate to Cs, we calculate
1185                      ! Cl_target first.
1186                      Cl_target(l) = MAX(Cl(l), Cr(l)*LF(ipts,j))
1188                      ! Debug
1189                      IF (ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. j.EQ.test_pft .AND. printlev_loc.GE.4) THEN
1190                         WRITE(numout,*) 'Does the tree need reshaping? ipts, class: ', &
1191                              ipts,l
1192                         WRITE(numout,*) 'circ_class_height_eff, ', circ_class_height_eff(l)
1193                         WRITE(numout,*) 'KF, LF, ', KF(ipts,j), LF(ipts,j)
1194                         WRITE(numout,*) 'Cl_target-Cl, ', Cl_target(l)-Cl(l), Cl_target(l), Cl(l)
1195                         WRITE(numout,*) 'Cs, ', Cs(l)
1196                         WRITE(numout,*) 'Cr, ', Cr(l)
1197                         WRITE(numout,*) 'Ch, ', Ch(l)
1198                      ENDIF
1199                      !-
1201                      ! We now have the Cl_target that we will use to calculate
1202                      ! Cs_target. Given the allometric relationships we can
1203                      ! calculate Cs_target as Cl_target*height/KF.
1204                      ! height is a function of ba, which in turn is a function
1205                      ! of woodmass (Woodmass = Cs+Ch (sapwood+heartwood) ). We
1206                      ! therefore substitute the following equations into one
1207                      ! another:
1208                      ! (1) Cs_target = Cl_target*height/KF
1209                      ! (2) height = as a function of ba
1210                      ! (3) ba = as a function of woodmass_ind
1211                      !
1212                      ! This gives:
1213                      ! (4) Cl_target = (KF*Cs_target)/(pipe_tune2*(Cs_target+Ch)/ &
1214                      !                 & pi/4)**(pipe_tune3/(2+pipe_tune3))
1215                      !
1216                      ! The function newX searches for the value for Cs_target
1217                      ! that satisfies this equation (4).
1218                      Cs_target(l) =  newX(KF(ipts,j), Ch(l),pipe_tune2(j), &
1219                           & pipe_tune3(j), Cl_target(l), Cs_target(l),&
1220                           & tree_ff(j)*pipe_density(j)*pi/4*pipe_tune2(j), Cs(l),&
1221                           & 2*Cs(l), 2, j, ipts)
1223                      ! Recalculate height and ba from the correct
1224                      ! Cs_target
1225                      circ_class_height_eff(l) = Cs_target(l)*KF(ipts,j)&
1226                           &/Cl_target(l)
1227                      circ_class_ba_eff(l) = pi/4*(circ_class_height_eff(l)&
1228                           &/pipe_tune2(j))**(2/pipe_tune3(j))
1229                      Cl_target(l) = KF(ipts,j) * Cs_target(l) /&
1230                           & circ_class_height_eff(l)
1231                      Cr_target(l) = Cl_target(l) / LF(ipts,j)
1233                      ! Debug
1234                      IF (printlev_loc.GE.4 .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. j.EQ.test_pft) THEN
1235                         WRITE(numout,*) 'New Cl_target, ', Cl_target(l)
1236                         WRITE(numout,*) 'New Cs_target, ', Cs_target(l)
1237                         WRITE(numout,*) 'New Cr_target, ', Cr_target(l)       
1238                      ENDIF
1239                      !-
1241                   ENDIF
1243                ENDDO
1245                ! Calculate lai_target
1246                lai_target(ipts,j) = cc_to_lai(Cl_target(:),circ_class_n(ipts,j,:),j)
1248             ELSEIF ( .NOT. is_tree(j)) THEN
1250                ! Grasses and croplands
1251                ! Current biomass pools per grass/crop (gC ind^-1)
1252                ! Cs has too many dimensions for grass/crops. To have a consistent
1253                ! notation the same variables are used as for trees but the dimension
1254                ! of Cs, Cl and Cr i.e. ::ncirc should be ignored           
1255                Cs(1) = circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,1,isapabove,icarbon) * scal(ipts,j)
1256                Cr(1) = circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,1,iroot,icarbon) * scal(ipts,j)
1257                Cl(1) = circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,1,ileaf,icarbon) * scal(ipts,j)
1258                Ch(1) = zero
1260                ! Do the biomass pools respect the pipe model?
1261                ! Do the current leaf, sapwood and root components respect the allometric
1262                ! constraints? Calculate the optimal root and leaf mass, given the current
1263                ! wood mass by using the basic allometric relationships. Calculate the
1264                ! optimal sapwood mass as a function of the current leaf and root mass.
1265                Cl_target(1) = MAX( Cs(1) * KF(ipts,j) , Cr(1) * LF(ipts,j), Cl(1) )
1266                Cs_target(1) = MAX( Cl_target(1) / KF(ipts,j), &
1267                     Cr(1) * LF(ipts,j) / KF(ipts,j), Cs(1) ) 
1268                Cr_target(1) = MAX( Cl_target(1) / LF(ipts,j), &
1269                     Cs_target(1) * KF(ipts,j) / LF(ipts,j), Cr(1) )
1271                ! Calculate lai_target
1272                lai_target(ipts,j) = cc_to_lai(Cl_target(:),circ_class_n(ipts,j,:), j)
1274                ! Debug
1275                IF (printlev_loc.GE.4 .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. j.EQ.test_pft) THEN
1276                   WRITE(numout,*) 'KF, LF, ', KF(ipts,j), LF(ipts,j)
1277                ENDIF
1278                !-
1280             ENDIF
1282          ELSE
1284             ! circ_class_biomass is empty 
1285             lai_target(ipts,j) = zero
1287          ENDIF ! SUM(circ_class_biomass) .GT. min_stomate
1289!!$          !! 3.5 Calculate optimum LAI
1290!!$          !  Lai is optimised for mean annual radiation use efficiency and the C costs
1291!!$          !  for producing the canopy. The cost-benefit ratio is optimised when the
1292!!$          !  marginal gain / marginal cost = 1
1293!!$          !  Investing 1 gC in the canopy comes at a total cost that is composed by the
1294!!$          !  C required for the canopy in addition to the roots and the sapwood to support
1295!!$          !  the canopy. The total cost (C) is thus calculated as C:
1296!!$          !  LAI/sla * ( (one_year/longevity_leaf) + (one_year/longevity_root)/LF + &
1297!!$          !  (one_year/longevity_sap)*height/KF))
1298!!$          !  The marginal cost for one unit of LAI is then dC/dLAI :
1299!!$          !  (one_year/longevity_leaf)/sla + (one_year/longevity_root)/LF/sla + é
1300!!$          !  (one_year/longevity_sap)*height/KF/sla)
1301!!$          !  Where, longevity_leaf is given by ::longevity_leaf in days, longevity_root by ::longevity_root in
1302!!$          !  days and longevity_sap by ::longevity_sap in days. LF is unitless, KF is expressed in meters
1303!!$          !  and sla in m^2.gC^{-1}. The unit of dC/dLAI is thus gC.m^{-2} but all turnover
1304!!$          !  times need to be expressed on an annual scale. 
1305!!$          !  Investing 1gC in the canopy enables the plant to assimilate more carbon
1306!!$          !  The gain (G) can be approximated by using the 'radiation use efficiency' as
1307!!$          !  follows: RUE * one_year ( 1. - exp (-0.5 * LAI ))
1308!!$          !  Where, 0.5 is the extinction factor that accounts for the fact the lower parts
1309!!$          !  of the canopy receive less light. Note that RUE has a peculiar definition
1310!!$          !  and is calculated as the ratio of GPP over the fraction of radiation
1311!!$          !  absorbed by the canopy.
1312!!$          !  Hence the unit of RUE is gC.m^{-2}.day^{-1}. The marginal gain of one
1313!!$          !  unit of LAI is dG/dLAI:
1314!!$          !  0.5 * one_year * RUE * exp (-0.5 * LAI).
1315!!$          !  Subsequently, the optimal LAI is approximated by
1316!!$          !  LAI_opt = -2. * log(2*(dC/dt)/(RUE*one_year))           
1317!!$          !  Added the qm_height requirement since for a grass, it had no biomass
1318!!$          !  but it did have individuals.  This caused qm_height to be zero and a crash
1319!!$          !  in the calculation of lai_target.
1320!!$          IF ( (rue_longterm(ipts,j) .GT. min_stomate) .AND. (ind(ipts,j) .NE. zero &
1321!!$               .AND. qm_height(ipts,j) .NE. 0) ) THEN
1323!!$             ! Scheme in line with the documentation
1324!!$             lai_target(ipts,j) = -deux* log( (deux * (one_year/longevity_leaf(j))/sla(j) + &
1325!!$                  ((one_year/longevity_root(j))/LF(ipts,j))/sla(j) + &
1326!!$                  ((one_year/longevity_sap(j))*qm_height(ipts,j)/KF(ipts,j))/sla(j)) / &
1327!!$                  (rue_longterm(ipts,j)*one_year))
1328!!$             lai_target(ipts,j) = MAX(MIN(lai_target(ipts,j),12.),.5)
1330!!$          ELSE
1332!!$             lai_target(ipts,j) = 0.5
1334!!$          ENDIF
1335          !++++++++++
1337          !! 3.6 Calculate mean leaf age
1338          leaf_meanage = zero
1339          DO m = 1,nleafages
1341             leaf_meanage = leaf_meanage + &
1342                  leaf_age(ipts,j,m) * leaf_frac(ipts,j,m)
1344          ENDDO
1346          !! 3.7 Calculate labile fraction
1347          ! +++CHECK+++
1348          ! When we have leaf biomass, labile fraction is found to fluctuate
1349          ! between ~0.1 and ~0.15. Hence, we do not fully explore the range
1350          ! 0.1-0.7 for lab_fac as suggested by the code below. However, we
1351          ! do not think this is a problem for now, as lab_fac is mostly used
1352          ! to control restoring the reserves and the labile carbon pool.
1353          ! Nevertheless the different options below suggest a false level of
1354          ! confidence in what is really happening with the labile fraction.
1355          ! A simpler solution could be just to use a fixed fraction of the
1356          ! labile pool.
1357          IF ( (SUM(circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,ileaf,icarbon)) .LE. min_stomate) .AND. &
1358               (use_reserve(ipts,j) .GT. min_stomate) ) THEN
1360             ! Use constant labile fraction to initiate on-set of
1361             ! leaves in spring. This only happens for crops and
1362             ! grasslands on the first day of the growing season.
1363             lab_fac(ipts,j) = 0.7
1365          ELSEIF ( (SUM(circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,ileaf,icarbon)) .GT. min_stomate) .AND. & 
1366               (lai_target(ipts,j) .GT. min_stomate) .AND. &
1367               ( plant_status(ipts,j) .EQ. ibudbreak .OR. &
1368                 plant_status(ipts,j) .EQ. icanopy .OR. &
1369                 plant_status(ipts,j) .EQ. ipresenescence) ) THEN
1371             ! Calculate labile fraction when a canopy is present but its lai
1372             ! is below ::lai_target. This function scales lab_fac to a value between
1373             ! 0.1 and 0.7. Its scientific basis remains unclear.
1374             IF ( is_tree(j)) THEN 
1376                ! labile fraction for trees. This is rather fast and thus
1377                ! short-lived. Consequently lab_fac is close to 0.1 most of
1378                ! the growing season for both evergreen and deciduous trees.
1379                lab_fac(ipts,j) = 0.1 + 0.6 * &
1380                     MAX(0.0,1.-MAX(ecureuil(j)*leaf_meanage/45., &   
1381                     (cc_to_lai(circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,ileaf,icarbon),&
1382                     circ_class_n(ipts,j,:),j)/&
1383                     lai_target(ipts,j))))
1384             ELSE
1386                ! labile fraction for grasses. This is much slower than the
1387                ! function used for trees. Hence lab_fac may take several weeks
1388                ! if not the best part of the growing season to decrease.
1389                lab_fac(ipts,j) = 0.1 + 0.6 * &
1390                     MAX(0.0,1.-(ecureuil(j)*when_growthinit(ipts,j)/70.))
1392             ENDIF
1394          ELSE
1396             ! If the canopy has reached lai_target or is senescent lab_fac = 0.1
1397             lab_fac(ipts,j) = 0.1
1399          ENDIF ! SUM(circ_class_biomass) .gt. zero and  use_reserve .gt. zero
1400          !+++++++++++
1402          !+++HACK+++
1403          ! Testing whether we really need lab_fac
1404          lab_fac(ipts,j) = 0.1
1405          !++++++++++
1407          !! 3.8 Calculate total allocatable biomass during this time step determined from GPP.
1408          ! It is bit easier to deal with this issue at the stand level because
1409          ! gpp_daily, the reserve, and labile pool are calculated at the
1410          ! stand level. After making stand level calculations the updated
1411          ! pools will have to be converted to the plant level.
1412          ! Calculate stand level biomass
1413          tmp_bm(ipts,j,:,:) = cc_to_biomass(npts,j,&
1414               circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,:,:),&
1415               circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))
1417          ! Debug
1418          IF(printlev_loc.GE.3 .AND. ipts == test_grid .AND. j == test_pft)THEN
1419             WRITE(numout,*) 'Initial labile and carbres pools'
1420             WRITE(numout,*) 'gpp_daily(ipts,j)',gpp_daily(ipts,j)
1421             WRITE(numout,*) 'biomass(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon)',&
1422                  tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon)
1423             WRITE(numout,*) 'biomass(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon)',&
1424                  tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon)
1425             WRITE(numout,*) 'biomass(ipts,j,ilabile,initrogen)',&
1426                  tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,initrogen)
1427             WRITE(numout,*) 'biomass(ipts,j,icarbres,initrogen)',&
1428                  tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,initrogen)
1429          ENDIF
1430          !-
1432          ! If plant goes to senescence or ipresenescence, gpp
1433          ! goes to reserve pool. This is to make the fresh GPP not readily
1434          ! available for allocation, in order to preserve the reserve pool.
1435          IF ( plant_status(ipts,j).EQ.isenescent .OR. &
1436               plant_status(ipts,j).EQ.ipresenescence ) THEN
1438             ! The plant is in senescence or pre-senescence: icarbres should be used
1440             ! GPP was calculated as CO2 assimilation in enerbil.f90
1441             ! Under some exceptional conditions :gpp could be negative when
1442             ! the dark respiration exceeds the photosynthesis. When this happens
1443             ! the dark respiration is paid for by the labile and carbres pools
1444             ! Account for dark respiration if needed
1445             IF ( (tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon) + &
1446                  gpp_daily(ipts,j) * dt) .LT. zero ) THEN
1448                deficit = (tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon) + gpp_daily(ipts,j) * dt)
1450                ! The deficit is less than the carbon reserve
1451                IF (-deficit .LE. tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon)) THEN
1453                   ! Pay the deficit from the reserve pool
1454                   tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) = &
1455                        tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) + deficit
1456                   tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon) = &
1457                        tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon) - deficit
1459                ELSE
1461                   ! Not enough carbon to pay the deficit, the individual
1462                   ! is going to die at the end of this day
1463                   tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon) = &
1464                        tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) + &
1465                        tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon) 
1466                   tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) = zero
1468                   ! Truncate the dark respiration to the available carbon.  Now we
1469                   ! should use up all the reserves.  If the plant has no leaves, it
1470                   ! will die quickly after this.
1471                   gpp_daily(ipts,j) = - tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon)/dt 
1473                ENDIF
1475             ENDIF ! labile pool is empty
1477             ! Not senescent add GPP (irrespective of whether it is positive or
1478             ! negativeto labile pool
1479             tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon) = tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon) + &
1480                  gpp_daily(ipts,j) * dt
1482          ELSE
1484             ! The plant is still growing: gpp should go into ilabile
1486             ! GPP was calculated as CO2 assimilation in enerbil.f90
1487             ! Under some exceptional conditions :gpp could be negative when
1488             ! the dark respiration exceeds the photosynthesis. When this happens
1489             ! the dark respiration is paid for by the labile and carbres pools
1490             ! Account for dark respiration if needed
1491             IF ( (tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) + &
1492                  gpp_daily(ipts,j) * dt) .LT. zero ) THEN
1494                deficit = (tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) + gpp_daily(ipts,j) * dt)
1496                ! The deficit is less than the carbon reserve
1497                IF (-deficit .LE. tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon)) THEN
1499                   ! Pay the deficit from the reserve pool
1500                   tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon) = &
1501                        tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon) + deficit
1502                   tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) = &
1503                        tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) - deficit
1505                ELSE
1507                   ! Not enough carbon to pay the deficit, the individual
1508                   ! is going to die at the end of this day
1509                   tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) = &
1510                        tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) + &
1511                        tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon) 
1512                   tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon) = zero
1514                   ! Truncate the dark respiration to the available carbon.  Now we
1515                   ! should use up all the reserves.  If the plant has no leaves, it
1516                   ! will die quickly after this.
1517                   gpp_daily(ipts,j) = - tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon)/dt 
1519                ENDIF
1521             ENDIF ! labile pool is empty
1523             ! Not senescent add GPP (irrespective of whether it is positive or
1524             ! negativeto labile pool
1525             tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) = tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) + &
1526                  gpp_daily(ipts,j) * dt
1528          ENDIF ! check plant_status
1530          ! This would be a good place to update the plant level
1531          ! labile and carbres pool but as it may be subject to
1532          ! further modifications in the next block of code, it
1533          ! will be done later
1535          ! Debug
1536          IF(printlev_loc.GE.3 .AND. ipts == test_grid .AND. j == test_pft)THEN
1537             WRITE(numout,*) 'Added gpp to labile pool'
1538             WRITE(numout,*) 'gpp_daily(ipts,j)',gpp_daily(ipts,j)
1539             WRITE(numout,*) 'biomass(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon)',&
1540                  tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon)
1541             WRITE(numout,*) 'biomass(ipts,j,ilabile,initrogen)',&
1542                  tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,initrogen)
1543          ENDIF
1544          !-
1546          !! 3.9 Calculate activity of labile carbon pool 
1548          ! Similar relationship as that used for the temperature
1549          ! response of maintenance respiration but the parameters were
1550          ! tuned to reflect a temperature-growth relationships.
1551          ! The parameters have no longer a physiological
1552          ! meaning. The parameters in the equation were calibrated to
1553          ! give no growth below -2, at 0 degrees only 3% of the labile
1554          ! pool can be allocated to growth and at 5 degrees 100% of the
1555          ! labile pool can be allocated to growth if there is enough
1556          ! nitrogen. This equation partly decouples growth and gpp for
1557          ! days that it is warm enough of gpp (above 0 degrees) but
1558          ! probably too cold to grow (above 5 degrees). This is our
1559          ! partial answer to the sink/source discussion bu Fatichi et al
1560          ! 2013 in New Phytologist. Note that this has little effect on
1561          ! the evergreen species and results in a couple of sudden
1562          ! small dips in for example the LAI in winter in the temperate zone.
1563          ! This approach has even less effect on the deciduous species
1564          ! because for those species phenology typically happens after
1565          ! the 5 degree threshold has been passed. At the time the
1566          ! deciduous trees get their leaves, gpp and growth are coupled
1567          ! to the extent that there is enough nitrogen to support the
1568          ! growth.
1569          IF (tl(ipts) .GT. tmin_labile(j)) THEN
1570             gtemp(ipts,j) = EXP((e0_labile(j))*(1.0/(tref_labile(j)-tmin_labile(j)) - &
1571                  1.0/(tl(ipts)-tmin_labile(j))))
1572          ELSE
1573             ! Too cold to grow
1574             gtemp(ipts,j) = zero           
1575          ENDIF
1577          !  If there is a plant, and we are either at the very start or in
1578          !  the growing season not during senescences, calculate labile
1579          !  pool use for growth.
1580          ! CYmark: we allow calculation of bm_alloc_tot as well for ipresenescence
1581          ! stage.
1582          IF ( SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) .GT. min_stomate .AND. &
1583               ( plant_status(ipts,j) .EQ. ibudbreak .OR. &
1584                 plant_status(ipts,j) .EQ. icanopy .OR. &
1585                 plant_status(ipts,j) .EQ. ipresenescence ) .AND. &
1586               SUM(circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,ileaf,icarbon)) .GT. min_stomate ) THEN
1588             IF ( (tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) .GT. min_stomate) .OR. &
1589                  (tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon) .GT. min_stomate) ) THEN
1591                ! Truncate gtemp between zero and 1. If we set the upper
1592                ! bound to one, we may run into numerical (precision) problems
1593                ! later caused by very small (10e-15) negative values. Rather
1594                ! than dealing with the precision issues it is easier to use
1595                ! 0.99 instead. 0.99 may be too high so this parameter was
1596                ! externalized and is pft-dependent.
1597                gtemp(ipts,j) = MAX(MIN(gtemp(ipts,j), un-always_labile(j)), zero)           
1599             ELSE
1601                ! There is nothing to allocate so we could as well set
1602                ! gtemp to zero
1603                gtemp(ipts,j) = zero
1605             ENDIF
1607             ! Prioritize the use of the carbohydrate pool. Move
1608             ! carbohydrates to the labile pool.
1609             ! CYmark: Such moving reserve  to labile pool is not allowed for
1610             ! ipresenescence stage.
1611             IF ( ( plant_status(ipts,j) .EQ. ibudbreak .OR. &
1612                    plant_status(ipts,j) .EQ. icanopy ) .AND. &
1613                  (tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon) .GT. min_stomate) ) THEN
1615                tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) = &
1616                     tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) + 0.05 * &
1617                     tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon)
1618                tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon) = & 
1619                     tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon) * 0.95
1620             ENDIF
1622             ! This would be a good place to update the plant level
1623             ! labile and carbres pool but as it may be subject to
1624             ! further modifications in the next block of code, it
1625             ! will be done later
1627          ELSE
1629             ! The plant is absent, senescent or dead so there will be
1630             ! no allocation. Set gtemp to zero to keep the output files
1631             ! clean. Due to this line, gtemp will be zero as soon as
1632             ! plant_status becomes isenescent or idormant.
1633             gtemp(ipts,j) = zero
1635          ENDIF
1637          ! Since the plant is in ipresenescence, we want to stop allocating gpp (i.e.,
1638          ! actually allocatable biomass) to tissue growth. This means: that
1639          ! if allocatable biomass is higher than Rm, we have to give this
1640          ! surplus back to reserve pool.
1642          !! 3.10 Calculate allocatable part of the labile pool
1643          !  If there is a plant and not in senescence or dormancy phase,
1644          !  we calculate labile pool use for growth.
1645          IF (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) .GT. min_stomate .AND. &
1646               ( plant_status(ipts,j) .EQ. ibudbreak .OR. &
1647                 plant_status(ipts,j) .EQ. icanopy .OR. & 
1648                 plant_status(ipts,j) .EQ. ipresenescence) .AND. &
1649               SUM(circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,ileaf,icarbon)) .GT. min_stomate ) THEN
1651             ! Use carbon from the labile pool to allocate. The allometric (or
1652             ! functional) allocation scheme transfers gpp to the labile pool
1653             ! (see above) and then uses the labile pool (gpp + labile(t-1)) to sustain
1654             ! growth. The fraction of the labile pool that can be used is a
1655             ! function is given by gtemp (see above). bm_alloc_tot is in
1656             ! gC m-2 dt-1
1657             bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) = gtemp(ipts,j)*tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon)
1659             ! Avoid issues with small estimates for bm_alloc_tot. Such small
1660             ! number issues could result in mass balance problems.
1661             IF (bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) .LE. min_stomate) THEN
1663                ! Not enough C to calculate the allocation. Keep this carbon
1664                ! in the labile pool and try again later
1665                bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) = zero
1667             END IF
1669             ! Update the labile carbon pool
1670             tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) = tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) - &
1671                  bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j)
1673          ELSE
1675             ! The conditions do not support growth
1676             bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) = zero
1678          ENDIF
1680          ! Debug
1681          IF(printlev_loc.GE.3 .AND. ipts == test_grid .AND. j == test_pft)THEN
1682             WRITE(numout,*) "First bm_alloc_tot ", bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j)
1683             WRITE(numout,*) "plant_status(ipts,j) ", plant_status(ipts,j)
1684             WRITE(numout,*) "gtemp ", gtemp(ipts,j)
1685             WRITE(numout,*) "biomass(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) ", &
1686                  tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon)
1687             WRITE(numout,*) "biomass(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon) ", &
1688                  tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon)
1689          ENDIF
1690          !-
1692          !! 3.11 Maintenance respiration
1693          !  First, total maintenance respiration for the whole plant is
1694          !  calculated by summing maintenance respiration of the
1695          !  different plant compartments. This simply recalculates the
1696          !  maintenance respiration from stomate_resp.f90. Maintenance
1697          !  respiration of the different plant parts is calculated in
1698          !  stomate_resp.f90 as a function of the plant's temperature,
1699          !  the long term temperature and plant coefficients:
1700          !  The unit of ::resp_maint is gC m-2 dt-1
1701          resp_maint(ipts,j) = resp_maint(ipts,j) + &
1702               SUM(resp_maint_part(ipts,j,:))
1704          ! Following the calculation of hourly maintenance respiration,
1705          ! verify that the PFT has not been killed after calcul of
1706          ! resp_maint_part in stomate. Can this generaly calculated
1707          ! ::resp_maint be use under the given conditions? Surpress
1708          ! the respiration for deciduous PFTs as long as they haven't
1709          ! carried leaves at least once. When starting from scratch
1710          ! there is no budburst in the first year because the longterm
1711          ! phenological parameters are not initialized yet. If not
1712          ! surpressed respiration consumes all the reserves before the
1713          ! PFT can start growing. The code would establish a new PFT
1714          ! but it was decided to surpress this respiration because 
1715          ! it has no physiological bases.
1716          IF (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) .GT. min_stomate .AND. &
1717               rue_longterm(ipts,j) .NE. un) THEN
1719             !+++CHECK+++
1720             ! Can the calculated maintenance respiration be used ? Or
1721             ! does it have to be adjusted for special cases. Maintenance
1722             ! respiration should be positive. In case it is very low, use 20%
1723             ! (::maint_from_labile) of the active labile carbon pool
1724             ! (gC m-2 dt-1)
1725             ! resp_maint(ipts,j) = MAX(zero, MAX(maint_from_labile * gtemp *
1726             ! tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon), resp_maint(ipts,j)))
1727             ! Calculate resp_maint for the labile pool as well,
1728             ! no need to have the above threshold. Make sure resp_maint
1729             ! is not zero
1730             resp_maint(ipts,j) = MAX(zero, resp_maint(ipts,j))
1731             !+++++++++++
1733             ! Phenological growth makes use of the reserves. Some carbon
1734             ! needs to remain to support the growth, hence, respiration
1735             ! will be limited. In this case resp_maint ((gC m-2 dt-1)
1736             ! should not be more than 80% (::maint_from_gpp) of the GPP
1737             ! (gC m-2 s-1)
1738             IF (lab_fac(ipts,j) .GT. 0.3) THEN
1740                resp_maint(ipts,j) = MIN( MAX(zero, &
1741                     maint_from_gpp * gpp_daily(ipts,j) * dt), &
1742                     resp_maint(ipts,j))
1744             ENDIF
1746          ELSE
1748             ! No plants, no respiration
1749             resp_maint(ipts,j) = zero
1751          ENDIF
1753          ! The calculation of ::resp_maint is solely based on the demand i.e.
1754          ! given the biomass and the condition of the plant, how much should be
1755          ! respired. It is not sure that this demand can be satisfied i.e. the
1756          ! calculated maintenance respiration may exceed the available carbon.
1757          IF ( bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) - resp_maint(ipts,j) .LT. zero ) THEN
1759             IF (plant_status(ipts,j) .EQ. isenescent .OR. & 
1760                 plant_status(ipts,j) .EQ. idormant .OR. &
1761                 plant_status(ipts,j) .EQ. ibudsavail) THEN
1763                ! Under these conditions, bm_alloc_tot will be zero.
1764                ! this line essentially sets resp_maint as zero during these
1765                ! stages. This is to not lose the accumulated reserve during
1766                ! active growing phase.
1767                resp_maint(ipts,j) = bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j)
1769             ELSE
1771                ! the deficit in Rm will be paid by reserve when plant is in stages
1772                ! of ibudbreak, icanopy, and ipresenescence.
1773                deficit = bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) - resp_maint(ipts,j)
1774                ! The deficit is less than the carbon reserve
1775                IF (-deficit .LE. tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon)) THEN
1777                   ! Pay the deficit from the reserve pool
1778                   tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon) = &
1779                        tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon) + deficit
1780                   bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) = bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) - deficit
1782                ELSE
1784                   ! Not enough carbon to pay the deficit, the individual
1785                   ! is going to die at the end of this day
1786                   bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) = bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) + &
1787                        tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon) 
1788                   tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon) = zero
1790                   ! Truncate the maintenance respiration to the available carbon
1791                   resp_maint(ipts,j) = bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j)
1792                ENDIF
1794             ENDIF
1795          ENDIF
1797          ! Final ::resp_maint is known
1798          bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) = bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) - resp_maint(ipts,j)
1800          ! CYmark: if plant_status is ipresenescence, we don't
1801          ! want any allocation to tissue growth. Therefore we put it back to
1802          ! reserve pool.
1803          IF ( plant_status(ipts,j) .EQ. ipresenescence ) THEN
1804            tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon) = tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon) + &
1805                bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j)
1806            bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) = zero
1807          ENDIF
1809          ! Debug
1810          IF(printlev_loc.GE.3 .AND. ipts == test_grid .AND. j == test_pft)THEN
1811             WRITE(numout,*) 'remaining bm_alloc_tot, ',bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j)
1812             WRITE(numout,*) "resp_maint ", resp_maint(ipts,j)
1813          ENDIF
1814          !-
1816          !+++CHECK+++
1817          ! It is more logical to deal with all the respiration terms at the
1818          ! same time (as being done right here) but there are good reason to calculate
1819          ! growth respiration in the end. Especialy if in the future we want
1820          ! to have different growth respiration factors for different tissues.
1822          !  Surpress the respiration for deciduous PFTs as long as they haven't
1823          !  carried leaves at least once. If not surpressed respiration consumes
1824          !  all the reserves before the PFT can start growing. The code would
1825          !  establish a new PFT but it was decided to surpress this respiration
1826          !  because it has no physiological bases (in reality the new PFT does
1827          !  not start to grow on January 1st as in the model but will be established
1828          !  at the beginning of the growing season).
1829          IF (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) .GT. min_stomate .AND. &
1830               rue_longterm(ipts,j) .NE. un) THEN
1832             frac_growthresp_dyn = frac_growthresp(j)
1834          ELSE
1836             frac_growthresp_dyn = zero
1838          ENDIF
1840          !! 3.12 Growth respiration
1841          !  Reserve enough carbon to pay for growth respiration in case all
1842          !  the available carbon can be allocated. Ideally, growth respiration
1843          !  should be included as an additional component in the allocation.
1844          !  That way the model could even have different growth respiration
1845          !  costs for the different plant organs and/or tissues. The unit of
1846          !  resp_growth is gC m-2 dt-1. Calculate resp_growth such that it is
1847          !  28% of bm_alloc_tot after resp_growth has been subtracted from
1848          !  bm_alloc_tot.
1849          !  resp_growth = (bm_alloc_tot - resp_growth) * frac_growthresp
1850          resp_growth(ipts,j) = MAX(zero, bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j)) * &
1851               (frac_growthresp_dyn / (1 + frac_growthresp_dyn))
1853          !+++CHECK+++
1854          ! Set to zero to follow the trunk but it would more straightforward
1855          ! to delete this parameter from the equations where it is now used but
1856          ! set to zero
1857          frac_growthresp_dyn = 0.
1858          !+++++++++++
1860          ! First estimate of ::resp_growth is known. If there is enough
1861          ! nitrogen to allocate all the C there is no need to recalculate
1862          ! bm_alloc_tot and resp_growth and so this may be the final
1863          ! estimate.
1864          bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) = bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) - resp_growth(ipts,j)
1866          ! Debug
1867          IF(printlev_loc.GE.3 .AND. ipts == test_grid .AND. j == test_pft)THEN
1868             WRITE(numout,*) 'remaining bm_alloc_tot, ',bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j)
1869             WRITE(numout,*) 'resp_growth ', resp_growth(ipts,j)
1870             IF(bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j).GT.min_stomate)THEN
1871                WRITE(numout,*) 'ratio resp_growth/bm_alloc_tot, ', &
1872                     resp_growth(ipts,j)/bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j)
1873             ENDIF
1874          ENDIF
1875          !-
1877          ! Occasionally, there is a very special situation which arises, where
1878          ! bm_alloc_tot is greater than min_stomate before accounting for growth
1879          ! respiration, but not afterwards.  This causes a mass balance error
1880          ! because growth respiration is non-zero but bm_alloc_tot is too small
1881          ! to trigger loops below, so nothing is done with that carbon. In this
1882          ! situation, the amout of carbon to allocate is so low that nothing
1883          ! really changes.  We set the growth respiration to zero in this special
1884          ! case to avoid mass imbalance, even though this will not effect the
1885          ! trajectory of the plant.  It seems to happen on the same day as leaves
1886          ! start growing, before any GPP is calculated.
1887          IF(((bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) + resp_growth(ipts,j)) .GT. min_stomate) &
1888               .AND. (bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) .LT. min_stomate)) THEN
1890             bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) = bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) + resp_growth(ipts,j)
1891             resp_growth(ipts,j) = zero
1893             ! Debug
1894             IF(printlev_loc.GE.3 .AND. j == test_pft .AND. ipts == test_grid)THEN
1895                WRITE(numout,*) 'stomate_allocation - Hit exception 25'
1896                WRITE(numout,*) 'bm_alloc_tot-resp_growth, ',bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j)
1897                WRITE(numout,*) 'resp_growth ', resp_growth(ipts,j)
1898                IF (bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j).GT.min_stomate)THEN
1899                   WRITE(numout,*) 'ratio resp_growth/bm_alloc_tot, ', &
1900                        resp_growth(ipts,j)/bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j)
1901                ENDIF
1902             ENDIF
1903             !-
1905          ENDIF
1907          !! 3.13 Distribute stand level ilabile and icarbres at the tree level
1908          !  The labile and carbres pools are calculated at the stand level but
1909          !  are then redistributed at the tree level. Tree level biomass is the
1910          !  prognostic variable in ORCHIDEE. Biomass is here used as a local
1911          !  variable to deal with the reserve and labile pools.
1912          circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,ilabile,icarbon) = &
1913               biomass_to_cc(tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon),&
1914               circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,ilabile,icarbon),&
1915               circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))
1916          circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,icarbres,icarbon) = &
1917               biomass_to_cc(tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon),&
1918               circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,icarbres,icarbon),&
1919               circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))
1921       ENDDO ! npts
1923       ! Intermediate mass balance check. Note that this part of
1924       ! the code is within a DO-loop over nvm so the ipft check
1925       ! should be used.
1926       IF (err_act.EQ.4) THEN
1928          ! Reset pool_end
1929          pool_end(:,:,:) = zero
1931          ! Add bm_alloc_tot into the pool
1932          pool_end(ipts,j,icarbon) = pool_end(ipts,j,icarbon) + &
1933               bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) * veget_max(ipts,j)
1935          ! Check mass balance closure. The code above intializes many of the
1936          ! variables/parameters used in allocation. gpp_daily is allocated
1937          ! maintenance respiration is calculated and growth respiration is
1938          ! reserved. There has been no allocation to leaves, roots and stems yet.
1939          CALL intermediate_mass_balance_check(pool_start, pool_end, circ_class_biomass, &
1940               circ_class_n, veget_max, bm_alloc_tot, gpp_daily, atm_to_bm, dt, npts, &
1941               resp_maint, resp_growth, check_intern_init, ipts, j, '1', 'ipft')
1943       ENDIF ! err_act.GT.4
1946 !! 5. Allometric allocation
1948       DO ipts = 1, npts
1950          !!  5.1 Initialize allocated biomass pools
1951          f_alloc(ipts,j,:) = zero
1952          f_alloc_circ(ipts,:,:) = zero
1953          Cl_inc(:) = zero
1954          Cs_inc(:) = zero
1955          Cr_inc(:) = zero
1956          Cf_inc(:) = zero
1957          Cl_incp(:) = zero
1958          Cs_incp(:) = zero
1959          Cr_incp(:) = zero 
1960          Cs_inc_est(:) = zero
1961          Cl_target(:) = zero
1962          Cr_target(:) = zero
1963          Cs_target(:) = zero
1964          ba1(:) = zero
1965          ba2(:) = zero
1966          b_inc_tot = zero
1968          IF (veget_max(ipts,j) .LE. min_stomate .OR. &
1969               SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) .LE. min_stomate) THEN
1971             ! This vegetation type is not present, so no reason to do the
1972             ! calculation. CYCLE will take us out of the innermost DO loop
1973             CYCLE
1975          ENDIF
1977          !! 5.2 Calculate allocated biomass pools for trees
1978          !! 5.2.1 Stand to tree allocation rule of Deleuze & Dhote
1979          IF ( is_tree(j) .AND. bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) .GT. min_stomate ) THEN
1981             !  Basal area at the tree level (m2 tree-1)
1982             circ_class_ba_eff(:) = wood_to_ba_eff(circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,:,icarbon),j)
1983             circ_class_circ_eff(:) = 2 * pi * SQRT(circ_class_ba_eff(:)/pi)
1985             ! According to equation (-) in Bellasen et al 2010.
1986             ! ln(sigmas) = a_sig * ln(circ_med) + b_sig
1987             ! sigmas = exp(a_sig*log(median(circ_med))+b_sig);
1988             ! However, in the code (sapiens_forestry.f90) a different expression was used
1989             ! sigmas = 0.023+0.58*prctile(circ_med,0.05);
1990             ! Any of these implementations could work but seem to be more suited for
1991             ! continues or nearly continuous diameter distributions, say n_circ > 10
1992             ! For a small number of diameter classes sigma depends on a prescribed
1993             ! circumference percentile.
1994             IF (ncirc .GE. 6) THEN         
1996                ! Calculate the median circumference
1997                DO l = 1,ncirc
1999                   IF (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,1:l)) .GE. &
2000                        0.5 * SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))) THEN
2002                      median_circ  = circ_class_circ_eff(l) - 5 * min_stomate
2003                      EXIT
2005                   ENDIF
2007                ENDDO
2009                sigma(ipts,j) = deleuze_a(j) + deleuze_b(j) * median_circ
2011             ELSE
2013                ! The X percentile of the trees that will receive the photosynthates
2014                ! depends on the FM type. In a coppice stand there is a lot of
2015                ! competition between the shoots and only the top half of the shoots
2016                ! will receive GPP, the other half receives only little GPP. This was
2017                ! implemnted to get a reasonable diameter growth of coppice stands.
2018                ! If deleuze_p is independent from FM, FM strategies with high densities
2019                ! have very slow diameter growth because the GPP has to be distributed
2020                ! over a large number of individuals.
2021                IF (forest_managed(ipts,j) == ifm_cop) THEN
2023                   deleuze_p(j) = deleuze_p_coppice(j)
2025                ELSEIF (forest_managed(ipts,j) == ifm_none .OR. &
2026                     forest_managed(ipts,j) == ifm_thin .OR. &
2027                     forest_managed(ipts,j) == ifm_src) THEN
2029                   deleuze_p(j) = deleuze_p_all(j)
2031                ELSE
2033                   WRITE(numout, *) 'forest management, ',ipts,j,forest_managed(ipts,j)
2034                   CALL ipslerr_p (3,'growth_fun_all', &
2035                        'Forest management strategy does not exist','','')
2037                ENDIF
2039                ! Search for the X percentile, where X is given by ::deleuze_p
2040                ! Substract a very small number (5*min_stomate) just to be sure that
2041                ! the circ_class will be corectly accounted for in GE or LE statements
2042                DO l = 1,ncirc
2043                      IF (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,1:l)) .GE. deleuze_p(j) * &
2044                          SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))) THEN
2045                         sigma(ipts,j) = circ_class_circ_eff(l) - 5 * min_stomate
2046                         EXIT
2047                      ENDIF
2048                ENDDO
2049             ENDIF
2051             !! 5.2 Calculate allocated biomass pools for trees
2052             !  Only possible if there is biomass to allocate
2053             !  Use sigma and m_dv to calculate a single coefficient that can be
2054             !  used in the subsequent allocation scheme.
2056             ! In the original deleuze-dhote equation, basal area increment
2057             ! linearly increases by the size of trees. But as the diameter and
2058             ! crown volume increment have saturation points, it can be hypothesized
2059             ! that basal increment has the saturation point, as well.
2060             ! Based on this assumption, decreasing power of deleuze-dhote equation
2061             ! deleuze-dhote equation is implemented here, the simple function of
2062             ! mean-diameter. The range of delueze_power was set empirically.
2063             ! Growth diversity between size classes can be highly sensitive to
2064             ! deleuze_power_a, which determines a degree of decrease of power
2065             ! of deleuze_dhote eq. If deleuze_power_a the equation work as
2066             ! its original but if it is bigger than 0 growth diversity will decrease.
2067             d_mean = 0
2068             DO l = 1,ncirc
2069                d_mean = d_mean + ((circ_class_circ_eff(l)/pi)*circ_class_n(ipts,j,l))
2070             ENDDO
2071             d_mean = d_mean/SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))
2073             deleuze_power = 1.8 + deleuze_power_a(j)*d_mean
2075             IF (deleuze_power .LE. 2.0) THEN
2076                deleuze_power = 2.0
2077             ELSEIF (deleuze_power .GE. 3.5) THEN
2078                deleuze_power = 3.5
2079             ENDIF
2081             circ_class_dba(:) = (circ_class_circ_eff(:) - m_dv(j)*sigma(ipts,j) + &
2082                  ((m_dv(j)*sigma(ipts,j) + circ_class_circ_eff(:))**2 - &
2083                  (4*sigma(ipts,j)*circ_class_circ_eff(:)))**(1/deleuze_power))/ 2
2085             !! 5.2.2 Scaling factor to convert variables to the individual plant
2086             !  Allocation is on an individual basis. Stand-level variables need to
2087             !  convert to a single individual. Different approach between the DGVM
2088             !  and statitic approach
2089             IF (ok_dgvm) THEN
2091                ! The DGVM does currently NOT work with the new allocation, consider this as
2092                ! placeholder. The original code had two different transformations to
2093                ! calculate the scalars. Both could be used but the units will differ.
2094                ! When fixing the DGVM check which quantities need to be multiplied by scal
2095                ! scal = ind(ipts,j) * cn_ind(ipts,j) / veget_max(ipts,j)
2096                scal(ipts,j) = veget_max(ipts,j) / SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) 
2098             ELSE
2100                ! circ_class_biomass contain the data at the tree level
2101                ! no conversion required
2102                scal(ipts,j) = 1.
2104             ENDIF       
2106             !! 5.2.3 Current biomass pools per tree (gC tree^-1)
2107             ! We will have different trees so this has to be calculated from the
2108             ! diameter relationships           
2109             Cs(:) = ( circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,isapabove,icarbon) + &
2110                  circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,isapbelow,icarbon) ) * scal(ipts,j)
2111             Cr(:) = circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,iroot,icarbon) * scal(ipts,j)
2112             Cl(:) = circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,ileaf,icarbon) * scal(ipts,j)
2113             Ch(:) = ( circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,iheartabove,icarbon) + &
2114                  circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,iheartbelow,icarbon) ) * scal(ipts,j)
2116             ! Make a crude estimate of how much carbon can be allocated given
2117             ! the available nitrogen. The same code as in the section 5.4 is used exept
2118             ! that we don't use allocation coeff to modulate n_avail. So
2119             ! costf=1. It is a strong assumption compared to previous versions.
2120             ! It means that ordinary allocation can only happens when phenological
2121             ! allocation is ok. In other case no wood growth is allowed.
2122             ! In the case of a strong limitation by Nitrogen, the growth period
2123             ! for sapwood will be shorten because we reach allometry late in
2124             ! the growing season.
2125             n_avail = MAX(tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,initrogen)*0.9,0.0)
2127             ! Calculate how much carbon could be allocated with the available nitrogen
2128             bm_supply_n = n_avail  / (1.-frac_growthresp_dyn) * &
2129                  cn_leaf(ipts,j)
2131             ! If there is not enough nitrogen, move nitrogen from the reserve
2132             ! as much as needed, keeping 10% of reserve (arbitral portion)
2133             IF(bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) .GT. bm_supply_n &
2134                  .AND. n_avail .GT. zero) THEN
2136                ! Calculate the deficit
2137                n_deficit = bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) * (1.-frac_growthresp_dyn) / &
2138                     cn_leaf(ipts,j) - n_avail
2140                IF(n_deficit .LE. tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,initrogen) * 0.9) THEN
2142                   ! Enougn N in the reserve pools to fill the labile pool
2143                   n_avail = n_avail + n_deficit
2144                   bm_supply_n = n_avail / (1.-frac_growthresp_dyn) * &
2145                        cn_leaf(ipts,j)
2146                   tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,initrogen) = tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,initrogen) - &
2147                        (n_avail/0.9 - tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,initrogen))
2148                   tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,initrogen) = n_avail/0.9
2150                   ! tmp_bm is a temporary varaiable so the prognostic variable, i.e.,
2151                   ! circ_class_biomass also needs to be updated.
2152                   circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,icarbres,initrogen) = &
2153                        biomass_to_cc(tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,initrogen),&
2154                        circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,icarbres,initrogen),&
2155                        circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))
2156                   circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,ilabile,initrogen) = &
2157                        biomass_to_cc(tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,initrogen),&
2158                        circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,ilabile,initrogen),&
2159                        circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))
2161                ELSE
2163                   ! Deficit exceeds 90% of reserve. fill labile as much as
2164                   ! possible
2165                   tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,initrogen) = tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,initrogen) + &
2166                        tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,initrogen) * 0.9
2167                   tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,initrogen) = tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,initrogen) - &
2168                        tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,initrogen) * 0.9
2170                   ! tmp_bm is a temporary varaiable so the prognostic variable, i.e.,
2171                   ! circ_class_biomass also needs to be updated.
2172                   circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,icarbres,initrogen) = &
2173                        biomass_to_cc(tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,initrogen),&
2174                        circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,icarbres,initrogen),&
2175                        circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))
2176                   circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,ilabile,initrogen) = &
2177                        biomass_to_cc(tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,initrogen),&
2178                        circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,ilabile,initrogen),&
2179                        circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))
2181                   ! Update the available nitrogen and the carbon that could be allocated
2182                   ! with that amount of nitrogen
2183                   n_avail = MAX(tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,initrogen)*0.9,0.0)
2184                   bm_supply_n = n_avail / (1.-frac_growthresp_dyn) * &
2185                        cn_leaf(ipts,j)
2186                ENDIF
2188             ENDIF
2190             deltacnmax = 1. - exp(-((1.6 * MIN((1./cn_leaf(ipts,j))-&
2191                          (1./cn_leaf_min_2D(ipts,j)),0.) / &
2192                          ( (1./(cn_leaf_max_2D(ipts,j))) - &
2193                          (1./cn_leaf_min_2D(ipts,j)) ) )**4.1))
2195             IF ( bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) .GT. bm_supply_n ) THEN
2197                IF (impose_cn) THEN
2199                   ! Calculate how much nitrogen is missing to allocate all the
2200                   ! carbon contained in bm_alloc_tot
2201                   n_deficit = (bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j)-bm_supply_n) * &
2202                        (1.-frac_growthresp_dyn) / cn_leaf(ipts,j)/0.9
2204                   ! The nitrogen missing to allocate the entire bm_alloc_tot will be taken
2205                   ! from the atmosphere and put in the labile pool.
2206                   atm_to_bm(ipts,j,initrogen) = atm_to_bm(ipts,j,initrogen) + &
2207                        n_deficit/dt
2208                   tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,initrogen) = &
2209                        tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,initrogen) + n_deficit
2211                   ! tmp_bm is a temporary varaiable so the prognostic variable, i.e.,
2212                   ! circ_class_biomass also needs to be updated.
2213                   circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,ilabile,initrogen) = &
2214                        biomass_to_cc(tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,initrogen),&
2215                        circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,ilabile,initrogen),&
2216                        circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))
2218                   ! Estimate the nitrogen pool that is required to allocate all the
2219                   ! carbon in bm_alloc_tot.
2220                   n_alloc_tot(ipts,j) = bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) * &
2221                        (1.-frac_growthresp_dyn)/cn_leaf(ipts,j)
2223                ELSE
2225                   IF (printlev_loc .GE. 4 .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. j.EQ.test_pft) THEN
2226                      WRITE(numout,*) 'N-limitation before allocation'
2227                   ENDIF
2228                   deltacnmax = Dmax * (1.-deltacnmax) 
2229                   deltacn = n_avail /  ( bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) * &
2230                        (1.-frac_growthresp_dyn) * 1./cn_leaf(ipts,j) )
2231                   deltacn = MIN(MAX(deltacn,1.0-deltacnmax),1.0)
2233                   n_alloc_tot(ipts,j) =  MIN( n_avail , & 
2234                        bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) * (1.-frac_growthresp_dyn) * &
2235                        MAX(MIN( 1./cn_leaf(ipts,j)*deltacn, 1./cn_leaf_min_2D(ipts,j)), &
2236                        1./cn_leaf_max_2D(ipts,j)) ) 
2238                   tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) = &
2239                        tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) + &
2240                        bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j)
2242                   bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) = MIN( bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) , &
2243                        n_alloc_tot(ipts,j) / (1.-frac_growthresp_dyn) / &
2244                        MAX(MIN(1./cn_leaf(ipts,j)*deltacn, &
2245                        1./cn_leaf_min_2D(ipts,j)), 1./cn_leaf_max_2D(ipts,j)) )
2247                   tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) = tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) - &
2248                        bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) 
2250                ENDIF ! if impose_cn
2252             ELSE
2254                IF (printlev_loc .GE. 4 .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. j.EQ.test_pft) THEN
2255                      WRITE(numout,*) 'Sufficient nitrogen before allocation'
2256                ENDIF
2258                deltacnmax=Dmax * deltacnmax
2259                deltacn = n_avail / ( bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) * &
2260                     (1.-frac_growthresp_dyn) * 1./cn_leaf(ipts,j) ) 
2261                deltacn=MIN(MAX(deltacn,1.0),1.+deltacnmax)
2263                n_alloc_tot(ipts,j) =  MIN( n_avail , & 
2264                     bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) * (1.-frac_growthresp_dyn) * &
2265                     MAX(MIN(1./cn_leaf(ipts,j)*deltacn, & 
2266                     1./cn_leaf_min_2D(ipts,j)),1./cn_leaf_max_2D(ipts,j)) )
2268             ENDIF
2270             ! Total amount of carbon that needs to ba allocated (::bm_alloc_tot).
2271             ! bm_alloc_tot is in gC m-2 day-1. At 1 m2 there are ::ind number of
2272             ! trees. We calculate the allocation for ::ncirc trees. Hence b_inc_tot
2273             ! needs to be scaled in the allocation routines. For all cases were
2274             ! allocation takes place for a single circumference class, scaling
2275             ! could be done before the allocation. In the ordinary allocation
2276             ! allocation takes place to all circumference classes at the same time.
2277             ! Hence scaling takes place in that step for consistency we scale during
2278             ! allocation. Note that b_inc (the carbon allocated to an individual
2279             ! circumference class cannot be estimates at this point.
2280             IF (bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j).GT.min_stomate) THEN
2282                ! There is enough carbon to allocate
2283                b_inc_tot = bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j)
2285             ELSE
2287                ! There is so little carbon that it is not worth the hassle
2288                ! to allocate. Allocating very small amounts increases the
2289                ! risk to run into precision errors.
2290                tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) = tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) + &
2291                     bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j)
2292                b_inc_tot = zero
2294             ENDIF
2296              ! Labile carbon is updated in consequence
2297             circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,ilabile,icarbon) = &
2298                  biomass_to_cc(tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon),&
2299                  circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,ilabile,icarbon),&
2300                  circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))
2302          END IF
2304          ! Intermediate mass balance check. Note that this part of
2305          ! the code is in DO-loops over nvm and npts so the
2306          ! 'ipts' label is used in the mass balance check
2307          IF(err_act.EQ.4 .AND.is_tree(j)) THEN
2309             ! Reset pool_end
2310             pool_end(:,:,:) = zero
2312             ! Add bm_alloc_tot into the pool
2313             pool_end(ipts,j,icarbon) = pool_end(ipts,j,icarbon) + &
2314                  b_inc_tot * veget_max(ipts,j)
2316             ! Check mass balance closure. Between intermediate check 1 and 2a
2317             ! bm_inc_tot was recalculated by accounting for the available nitrogen
2318             CALL intermediate_mass_balance_check(pool_start, pool_end, circ_class_biomass, &
2319                  circ_class_n, veget_max, bm_alloc_tot, gpp_daily, atm_to_bm, dt, npts, &
2320                  resp_maint, resp_growth, check_intern_init, ipts, j, '2a', 'ipft')
2322          END IF ! err_act.EQ.4
2324          ! The initial estimate of bm_alloc_tot was high enough to consider allocation
2325          ! but after accounting for the available nitrogen bm_alloc_tot may have
2326          ! dropped below the min_stomate threshold so it needs to be tested again
2327          IF ( is_tree(j) .AND. bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) .GT. min_stomate ) THEN
2329             !! 5.2.4 C-allocation for trees
2330             !  The mass conservation equations are detailed in the header of this subroutine.
2331             !  The scheme assumes a functional relationships between leaves, sapwood and
2332             !  roots. When carbon is added to the leaf biomass pool, an increase in the root
2333             !  biomass is to be expected to sustain water transport from the roots to the
2334             !  leaves. Also sapwood is needed to sustain this water transport and to support
2335             !  the leaves.
2336             DO l = 1,ncirc 
2338                !! Calculate tree height
2339                circ_class_height_eff(l) = pipe_tune2(j)* & 
2340                     (4/pi*circ_class_ba_eff(l))**(pipe_tune3(j)/2)
2342                !! Do the biomass pools respect the pipe model?
2343                !  Do the current leaf, sapwood and root components respect the allometric
2344                !  constraints? Due to plant phenology it is possible that we have too much
2345                !  sapwood compared to the leaf and root mass (i.e. in early spring).
2346                !  Calculate the optimal root and leaf mass, given the current wood mass
2347                !  by using the basic allometric relationships. Calculate the optimal sapwood
2348                !  mass as a function of the current leaf and root mass.
2349                Cl_target(l) = MAX( KF(ipts,j) * Cs(l) / circ_class_height_eff(l), &
2350                     Cr(l) * LF(ipts,j) , Cl(l))
2351                Cr_target(l) = MAX( Cl_target(l) / LF(ipts,j), &
2352                     Cs(l) * KF(ipts,j) / LF(ipts,j) / circ_class_height_eff(l) , Cr(l))
2353                Cs_target(l) = MAX( Cl(l) / KF(ipts,j) * circ_class_height_eff(l), &
2354                     Cr(l) * LF(ipts,j) / KF(ipts,j) * circ_class_height_eff(l) , Cs(l))
2356                ! Debug
2357                IF (printlev_loc.GE.4 .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. j.EQ.test_pft) THEN
2358                   WRITE(numout,*) 'bm_alloc_tot, ', bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j)
2359                   WRITE(numout,*) 'Does the tree need reshaping? Class: ',l
2360                   WRITE(numout,*) 'circ_class_height_eff, ', circ_class_height_eff(l)
2361                   WRITE(numout,*) 'KF, LF, ', KF(ipts,j), LF(ipts,j)
2362                   WRITE(numout,*) 'Cl_target-Cl, ', Cl_target(l)-Cl(l), Cl_target(l), Cl(l)
2363                   WRITE(numout,*) 'Cs_target-Cs, ', Cs_target(l)-Cs(l), Cs_target(l), Cs(l)
2364                   WRITE(numout,*) 'Cr_target-Cr, ', Cr_target(l)-Cr(l), Cr_target(l), Cr(l)
2365                ENDIF
2367                !-
2369                !! Check dimensions of the trees
2370                ! If Cs = Cs_target then ba and height are correct, else calculate
2371                ! the correct dimensions
2372                IF ( Cs_target(l) - Cs(l) .GT. min_stomate ) THEN
2374                   ! If Cs = Cs_target then dia and height are correct. However,
2375                   ! if Cl = Cl_target or Cr = Cr_target then dia and height
2376                   ! need to be re-estimated. Cs_target should satify the relationship
2377                   ! Cl/Cs = KF/height where height is a function of Cs_target
2378                   ! Search Cs needed to sustain the max of Cl or Cr.
2379                   ! Search max of Cl and Cr first
2380                   !
2381                   ! [UPDATE] After the code passes through turnover or mortality
2382                   ! we may end up in a situation where we have lost more sapwood
2383                   ! than leaves and roots (i.e. sapwood turnover). The model would
2384                   ! then suggest that at time=t+1 the tree should be smaller than
2385                   ! at time=t0.  From a physiological standpoint this is not
2386                   ! possible for the heartwood. If we now calculate Cs_target on
2387                   ! the basis of Cl or Cr, we find that Cs_target > Cs. The first
2388                   ! priority of the allocation scheme will be to allocate C to Cs.
2389                   ! Because we don't know yet whether the actual Cr or Cl is what
2390                   ! drives the need to allocate to Cs, we calculate Cl_target first.
2391                   Cl_target(l) = MAX(Cl(l), Cr(l)*LF(ipts,j))
2393                   ! Debug
2394                   IF (printlev_loc.GE.4 .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. j.EQ.test_pft) THEN
2395                      WRITE(numout,*) 'Does the tree need reshaping? ipts, class:',ipts, l
2396                      WRITE(numout,*) 'circ_class_height_eff, ', circ_class_height_eff(l)
2397                      WRITE(numout,*) 'KF, LF, ', KF(ipts,j), LF(ipts,j)
2398                      WRITE(numout,*) 'Cl_target-Cl, ', Cl_target(l)-Cl(l), Cl_target(l), Cl(l)
2399                      WRITE(numout,*) 'Cs, ', Cs(l)
2400                      WRITE(numout,*) 'Cs_target', Cs_target(l)
2401                      WRITE(numout,*) 'Cr, ', Cr(l)
2402                      WRITE(numout,*) 'Ch, ', Ch(l)
2403                   ENDIF
2404                   !-
2406                   ! We now have the Cl_target that we will use to calculate
2407                   ! Cs_target. Given the allometric relationships we can
2408                   ! calculate Cs_target as Cl_target*height/KF.
2409                   ! height is a function of ba, which in turn is a function
2410                   ! of woodmass (Woodmass = Cs+Ch (sapwood+heartwood) ). We
2411                   ! therefore substitute the following equations into one another:
2412                   !
2413                   ! (1) Cs_target = Cl_target*height/KF
2414                   ! (2) height = as a function of ba
2415                   ! (3) ba = as a function of woodmass_ind
2416                   !
2417                   ! This gives:
2418                   !
2419                   ! (4) Cl_target = (KF*Cs_target)/(pipe_tune2*(Cs_target+Ch)/ &
2420                   !                 & pi/4)**(pipe_tune3/(2+pipe_tune3))
2421                   !
2422                   ! The function newX searches for the value for Cs_target
2423                   ! that satisfies this equation (4).
2424                   Cs_target(l) =  newX(KF(ipts,j), Ch(l), pipe_tune2(j), &
2425                        pipe_tune3(j), Cl_target(l), Cs_target(l), &
2426                        tree_ff(j)*pipe_density(j)*pi/4*pipe_tune2(j), &
2427                        Cs(l), 2*Cs(l), 2, j, ipts)
2429                   ! Recalculate height and ba from the correct Cs_target
2430                   circ_class_height_eff(l) = Cs_target(l)*KF(ipts,j)/Cl_target(l)
2431                   circ_class_ba_eff(l) = pi/4*(circ_class_height_eff(l)/ & 
2432                        pipe_tune2(j))**(2/pipe_tune3(j))
2433                   Cl_target(l) = KF(ipts,j) * Cs_target(l) / circ_class_height_eff(l)
2434                   Cr_target(l) = Cl_target(l) / LF(ipts,j)
2436                ENDIF
2438                ! Debug
2439                IF (printlev_loc.GE.4 .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. j.EQ.test_pft) THEN
2440                   WRITE(numout,*) 'Target values were adjusted if needed, ',ipts,j,l
2441                   WRITE(numout,*) 'height_fin, ba_fin, ', circ_class_height_eff(l), &
2442                        circ_class_ba_eff(l)
2443                   WRITE(numout,*) 'Cl_target, Cs_target, Cr_target, ', Cl_target(l), &
2444                        Cs_target(l), Cr_target(l)
2445                   WRITE(numout,*) 'New target values'
2446                   WRITE(numout,*) 'Cl_target-Cl, ', Cl_target(l)-Cl(l), Cl_target(l), Cl(l)
2447                   WRITE(numout,*) 'Cs_target-Cs, ', Cs_target(l)-Cs(l), Cs_target(l), Cs(l)
2448                   WRITE(numout,*) 'Cr_target-Cr, ', Cr_target(l)-Cr(l), Cr_target(l), Cr(l)
2449                ENDIF
2450                !-
2452             ENDDO !ncirc
2454             ! The step estimate is used to linearalize the diameter vs height
2455             ! relationship. Use a prior to distribute b_inc_tot over the individual
2456             ! trees. The share of the total sapwood mass is used as a prior.
2457             ! Subsequently, estimate the change in diameter by assuming all the
2458             ! available C for allocation will be used in Cs. Hence, this represents
2459             ! the maximum possible diameter increase. It was not tested whether
2460             ! this is the best prior but it seems to work OK although it often
2461             ! results in very small (1e-8) negative values, with even more rare
2462             ! 1e-6 negative values. A C-balance closure check could reveal
2463             ! whether this is a real issue and requires to change the prior or not.
2464             ! Calculate the linear slope (::s) of the relationship between ba and h as
2465             ! (1) s = (ba2-ba)/(height2-height).
2466             ! The goal is to approximate the ba2 that is predicted through the
2467             ! non-linear ordinary allocation approach, as this will keep the
2468             ! trees in allometric balance. In the next time step, allometric
2469             ! balance is recalculated and can be corrected through the so-called
2470             ! phenological growth; hence, small deviations resulting from the
2471             ! linearization will not accumulate with time.
2472             ! Note that ba2 = ba + delta_ba and that height and ba are related as
2473             ! (2) height = k2*(4*ba/pi)**(k3/2)
2474             ! At this stage the only information we have is that there is b_inc_tot
2475             ! (gC m-2) available for allocation. There are two obvious approximations
2476             ! both making use of the same assumption, i.e. that for the initial
2477             ! estimate of delta_ba height is constant. The first approximation is
2478             ! crude and assumes that all the available C is used in Cs_inc
2479             ! (thus Cs_inc = b_inc_tot / ind ). The second approximation,
2480             ! implemented here, makes use of the allometric rules and thus accounts
2481             ! for the knowledge that allocating one unit the sapwood comes with a cost
2482             ! in leaves and roots thus:
2483             ! b_inc_temp = Cs_inc+Cl_inc+Cr_inc
2484             ! (3) <=> b_inc_temp ~= (Cs_inc_est+Cs) + KF*(Cs_inc_est+Cs)/H + ...
2485             !    KF/LF*(Cs_inc_est+Cs)/H - Cs - Cl - Cr
2486             ! b_inc_temp is the amount of carbon that can be allocated to each diameter
2487             ! class. However, only the total amount i.e. b_inc_tot is known. Total
2488             ! allocatable carbon is distributed over the different diameter classes
2489             ! proportional to their share of the total wood biomass. Divide by
2490             ! circ_class_n to get the correct units (gC tree-1)
2491             ! (4)  b_inc_temp ~= b_inc_tot / circ_class_n * (circ_class_n * ba**(1+k3)) / ...
2492             !    sum(circ_class_n * ba**(1+k3))
2493             ! By substituting (4) in (3) an expression is obtained to approximate the
2494             ! carbon that will be allocated to sapwood growth per diameter class
2495             ! ::Cs_inc_est. This estimate is then used to calculate delta_ba
2496             ! (called ::step)
2497             ! step = (Cs+Ch+Cs_inc_set)/(tree_ff*pipe_density*height) - ba
2498             ! where height is calculated from (2) after replacing ba by ba+delta_ba
2500             ! Keep it simple - as described in the documentation
2501             ! Cs_inc_est(:) = ( b_inc_tot / circ_class_n(ipts,j,:) * &
2502             !     (circ_class_n(ipts,j,:) * circ_class_ba_eff(:)**(un+pipe_tune3(j))) / &
2503             !     (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:) * circ_class_ba_eff(:)**(un+pipe_tune3(j)))))
2505             ! We implemented a more precise approach following the same principles
2506             Cs_inc_est(:) = ( b_inc_tot / circ_class_n(ipts,j,:) * &
2507                  (circ_class_n(ipts,j,:) * circ_class_ba_eff(:)**(un+pipe_tune3(j))) / &
2508                  (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:) * circ_class_ba_eff(:)**(un+pipe_tune3(j)))) + &
2509                  Cs(:) + Cl(:) + Cr(:)) * circ_class_height_eff(:) / &
2510                  (circ_class_height_eff(:) + KF(ipts,j) + KF(ipts,j)/LF(ipts,j)) - Cs(:)
2511             step(:) = ((Ch(:)+Cs(:)+Cs_inc_est(:)) / (tree_ff(j)*pipe_density(j)* &
2512                  circ_class_height_eff(:))) - circ_class_ba_eff(:)
2514             ! Debug
2515             IF (printlev_loc.GE.4 .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. j.EQ.test_pft) THEN
2516                WRITE(numout,*) 'ipts, j, ', ipts, j
2517                WRITE(numout,*) 'initial guess for step, ', step(:)
2518             END IF
2520             ! It can happen that step is equal to zero sometimes.  I'm not sure why, but
2521             ! there was a case where it was nonzero for circ classes 1 and 3, and zero
2522             ! for 2.  This causes s to be zero and provokes a divide by zero error later
2523             ! on.  What if we make it not zero?  This might cause a small mass balance
2524             ! error for this timestep, but I would rather have that than getting an
2525             ! infinite biomass, which is what happened in the other case.  These limits
2526             ! are arbitrary and adjusted by hand.  If the output file doesn't show this
2527             ! warning very often, I think we're okay, since the amount of carbon is really
2528             ! small.
2529             DO l=1,ncirc
2530                IF(step(l) .LT. min_stomate*0.01 .AND. step(l) .GE. zero)THEN
2531                   step(l)=min_stomate*0.02
2532                   IF (printlev_loc.GE.4) THEN
2533                      WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING: Might cause mass balance problems '//&
2534                           'in fun_all, position 1'
2535                      WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING: ipts,j ',ipts,j
2536                   END IF
2537                ELSEIF(step(l) .GT. -min_stomate*0.01 .AND. step(l) .LT. zero)THEN
2538                   step(l)=-min_stomate*0.02
2539                   IF (printlev_loc.GE.4) THEN
2540                      WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING: Might cause mass balance problems '//&
2541                           'in fun_all, position 2'
2542                      WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING: ipts,j ',ipts,j
2543                   END IF
2544                ENDIF
2545             ENDDO
2546             s(:) = step(:)/(pipe_tune2(j)*(4.0_r_std/pi*(circ_class_ba_eff(:)+step(:)))**&
2547                  (pipe_tune3(j)/deux) - &
2548                  pipe_tune2(j)*(4.0_r_std/pi*circ_class_ba_eff(:))**(pipe_tune3(j)/deux))
2550             ! Debug
2551             IF (printlev_loc.GE.4 .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. j.EQ.test_pft) THEN
2552                WRITE(numout,*) 'ipts, j, ', ipts, j
2553                WRITE(numout,*) 'final value for step, ', step(:)
2554                WRITE(numout,*) 's, ', s(:)
2555             END IF
2557             !! Phenological growth
2558             !  Phenological growth and reshaping of the tree in line with the pipe model.
2559             !  Turnover removes C from the different plant components but at a
2560             !  component-specific rate, as such the allometric constraints are distorted
2561             !  at every time step and should be restored before ordinary growth can
2562             !  take place
2563             l = ncirc
2564             DO WHILE ((l .GT. zero) .AND. (b_inc_tot .GT. min_stomate))
2566                !! The available wood can sustain the available leaves and roots
2567                !  Calculate whether the wood is in allometric balance. The target values
2568                !  should always be larger than the current pools so the use of ABS is
2569                !  redundant but was used to be on the safe side (here and in the rest
2570                !  of the module) as it could help to find logical flaws.
2571                IF ( ABS(Cs_target(l) - Cs(l)) .LT. min_stomate ) THEN
2573                   ! Use the difference between the target and the actual to
2574                   ! ensure mass balance closure because l times a values
2575                   ! smaller than min_stomate can still add up to a value
2576                   ! exceeding min_stomate.
2577                   Cs_incp(l) = MAX(zero, Cs_target(l) - Cs(l))
2579                   ! Enough leaves and wood, only grow roots
2580                   IF ( ABS(Cl_target(l) - Cl(l))  .LT. min_stomate ) THEN
2582                      ! Allocate at the tree level to restore allometric balance
2583                      ! Some carbon may have been used for Cs_incp and Cl_incp
2584                      ! adjust the total allocatable carbon
2585                      Cl_incp(l) = MAX(zero, Cl_target(l) - Cl(l))
2586                      Cr_incp(l) = MAX( MIN(b_inc_tot / circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) - &
2587                           Cs_incp(l) - Cl_incp(l), Cr_target(l) - Cr(l)), zero )
2589                      ! Write debug comments to output file
2590                      IF ((j.EQ.test_pft .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. printlev_loc.GE.4) .OR. printlev_loc>=5) THEN
2591                         CALL comment(npts, Cl_target, Cl, Cs_target, Cs, Cr_target, Cr, &
2592                              delta_ba, ipts, j, l, b_inc_tot, Cl_incp, Cs_incp, Cr_incp, &
2593                              KF, LF, Cl_inc, Cs_inc, Cr_inc, Cf_inc, grow_wood, &
2594                              circ_class_n, 1)
2595                      ENDIF
2597                   ! Sufficient wood and roots, allocate C to leaves
2598                   ELSEIF ( ABS(Cr_target(l) - Cr(l)) .LT. min_stomate ) THEN
2600                      ! Allocate at the tree level to restore allometric balance
2601                      ! Some carbon may have been used for Cs_incp and Cr_incp
2602                      ! adjust the total allocatable carbon
2603                      Cr_incp(l) = MAX(zero, Cr_target(l) - Cr(l))
2604                      Cl_incp(l) = MAX( MIN(b_inc_tot / circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) - &
2605                           Cs_incp(l) - Cr_incp(l), Cl_target(l) - Cl(l)), zero )
2607                      ! Write debug comments to output file
2608                      IF ((j.EQ.test_pft .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. printlev_loc.GE.4) .OR. printlev_loc>=5) THEN
2609                         CALL comment(npts, Cl_target, Cl, Cs_target, Cs, Cr_target, Cr, &
2610                              delta_ba, ipts, j, l, b_inc_tot, Cl_incp, Cs_incp, Cr_incp, &
2611                              KF, LF, Cl_inc, Cs_inc, Cr_inc, Cf_inc, &
2612                              grow_wood, circ_class_n, 2)
2613                      ENDIF
2615                   ! Both leaves and roots are needed to restore the allometric relationships
2616                   ELSEIF ( ABS(Cl_target(l) - Cl(l)) .GT. min_stomate .AND. &
2617                        ABS(Cr_target(l) - Cr(l)) .GT. min_stomate ) THEN                 
2619                      ! Allocate at the tree level to restore allometric balance
2620                      !  The equations can be rearanged and written as
2621                      !  (i) b_inc = Cl_inc + Cr_inc
2622                      !  (ii) Cr_inc = (Cl_inc+Cl)/LF - Cr
2623                      !  Substitue (ii) in (i) and solve for Cl_inc
2624                      !  <=> Cl_inc = (LF*(b_inc+Cr)-Cl)/(1+LF)
2625                      Cl_incp(l) = MIN( ((LF(ipts,j) * ((b_inc_tot/circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) - &
2626                           Cs_incp(l)) + Cr(l))) - Cl(l)) / & 
2627                           (1 + LF(ipts,j)), Cl_target(l) - Cl(l) )
2628                      Cr_incp(l) = MIN ( ((Cl_incp(l) + Cl(l)) / LF(ipts,j)) - Cr(l), &
2629                           Cr_target(l) - Cr(l))
2631                      ! The imbalance between Cr and Cl can be so big that (Cl+Cl_inc)/LF
2632                      ! is still less then the available root carbon (observed!). This would
2633                      ! result in a negative Cr_incp
2634                      IF ( Cr_incp(l) .LT. zero ) THEN
2636                         Cl_incp(l) = MIN( b_inc_tot/circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) - Cs_incp(l), &
2637                              Cl_target(l) - Cl(l) )
2638                         Cr_incp(l) = (b_inc_tot/circ_class_n(ipts,j,l)) - Cs_incp(l) - &
2639                              Cl_incp(l)
2641                      ELSEIF (Cl_incp(l) .LT. zero) THEN
2643                         Cr_incp(l) = MIN( b_inc_tot/circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) - Cs_incp(l), &
2644                              Cr_target(l) - Cr(l) )
2645                         Cl_incp(l) = (b_inc_tot/circ_class_n(ipts,j,l)) - &
2646                              Cs_incp(l) - Cr_incp(l)
2648                      ENDIF                         
2650                      ! Write debug comments to output file
2651                      IF ((j.EQ.test_pft .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. printlev_loc.GE.4) .OR. printlev_loc>=5) THEN
2652                         CALL comment(npts, Cl_target, Cl, Cs_target, Cs, Cr_target, Cr, &
2653                              delta_ba, ipts, j, l, b_inc_tot, Cl_incp, Cs_incp, Cr_incp, &
2654                              KF, LF, Cl_inc, Cs_inc, Cr_inc, Cf_inc, &
2655                              grow_wood, circ_class_n, 3)
2656                      ENDIF
2658                   ELSE
2660                      WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 1-3: unexpected exception' 
2661                      IF(err_act.GT.1)THEN
2662                         CALL ipslerr_p (3,'growth_fun_all',&
2663                              'Exc 1-3: unexpected exception','','')
2664                      ENDIF
2666                   ENDIF
2668                !! Enough leaves to sustain the wood and roots
2669                ELSEIF ( ABS(Cl_target(l) - Cl(l)) .LT. min_stomate ) THEN
2671                   ! Use the difference between the target and the actual to
2672                   ! ensure mass balance closure because l times a values
2673                   ! smaller than min_stomate can still add up to a value
2674                   ! exceeding min_stomate.
2675                   Cl_incp(l) = MAX(zero, Cl_target(l) - Cl(l))
2677                   ! Enough leaves and wood, only grow roots
2678                   ! This duplicates Exc 1 and these lines should never be called
2679                   IF ( ABS(Cs_target(l) - Cs(l)) .LT. min_stomate ) THEN
2681                      ! Allocate at the tree level to restore allometric balance
2682                      ! Some carbon may have been used for Cs_incp and Cl_incp
2683                      ! adjust the total allocatable carbon
2684                      Cs_incp(l) = MAX(zero, ABS(Cs_target(l) - Cs(l)))
2685                      Cr_incp(l) = MAX( MIN(b_inc_tot/circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) - &
2686                           Cl_incp(l) - Cs_incp(l), Cr_target(l) - Cr(l)), zero )
2688                      ! Write debug comments to output file
2689                      IF ((j.EQ.test_pft .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. printlev_loc.GE.4) .OR. printlev_loc>=5) THEN
2690                         CALL comment(npts, Cl_target, Cl, Cs_target, Cs, Cr_target, Cr, &
2691                              delta_ba, ipts, j, l, b_inc_tot, Cl_incp, Cs_incp, Cr_incp, &
2692                              KF, LF, Cl_inc, Cs_inc, Cr_inc, Cf_inc, grow_wood, &
2693                              circ_class_n, 4)
2694                      ENDIF
2696                   ! Enough leaves and roots. Need to grow sapwood to support the available
2697                   ! canopy and roots
2698                   ELSEIF ( ABS(Cr_target(l) - Cr(l)) .LT. min_stomate ) THEN
2700                      ! In truth, there might be a little root carbon to allocate here,
2701                      ! since min_stomate is not equal to zero.  If there is
2702                      ! enough of this small carbon in every circ class, and there
2703                      ! are enough circ classes, ordinary allocation will be skipped
2704                      ! below and we might try to force allocation, which is silly
2705                      ! if the different in the root masses is around 1e-8. This
2706                      ! means we will allocate a tiny amount to the roots to make
2707                      ! sure they are exactly in balance.                 
2708                      Cr_incp(l) = MAX(zero, ABS(Cr_target(l) - Cr(l)))
2709                      Cs_incp(l) = MAX( MIN(b_inc_tot/circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) - &
2710                           Cl_incp(l) - Cr_incp(l), Cs_target(l) - Cs(l)), zero )
2712                      ! Write debug comments to output file
2713                      IF ((j.EQ.test_pft .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. printlev_loc.GE.4) .OR. printlev_loc>=5) THEN
2714                         CALL comment(npts, Cl_target, Cl, Cs_target, Cs, Cr_target, Cr, &
2715                              delta_ba, ipts, j, l, b_inc_tot, Cl_incp, Cs_incp, Cr_incp, &
2716                              KF, LF, Cl_inc, Cs_inc, Cr_inc, Cf_inc, &
2717                              grow_wood, circ_class_n, 5)
2718                      ENDIF                     
2720                   ! Need both wood and roots to restore the allometric relationships
2721                   ELSEIF ( ABS(Cs_target(l) - Cs(l) ) .GT. min_stomate .AND. &
2722                        ABS(Cr_target(l) - Cr(l)) .GT. min_stomate ) THEN
2724                      ! circ_class_ba_eff and circ_class_height_eff are already calculated
2725                      ! for a tree in balance. It would be rather complicated to follow
2726                      ! the allometric rules for wood allocation (implying changes in height
2727                      ! and basal area) because the tree is not in balance yet. First try
2728                      ! if we can simply satisfy the allocation needs
2729                      IF (Cs_target(l) - Cs(l) + Cr_target(l) - Cr(l) .LE. &
2730                           b_inc_tot/circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) - Cl_incp(l)) THEN
2732                         Cr_incp(l) = Cr_target(l) - Cr(l)
2733                         Cs_incp(l) = Cs_target(l) - Cs(l)
2735                      ! Try to satisfy the need for roots
2736                      ELSEIF (Cr_target(l) - Cr(l) .LE. b_inc_tot/circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) - &
2737                           Cl_incp(l)) THEN
2739                         Cr_incp(l) = Cr_target(l) - Cr(l)
2740                         Cs_incp(l) = b_inc_tot/circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) - &
2741                              Cl_incp(l) - Cr_incp(l)
2743                      ! There is not enough use whatever is available
2744                      ELSE
2746                         Cr_incp(l) = b_inc_tot/circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) - Cl_incp(l)
2747                         Cs_incp(l) = zero
2749                      ENDIF
2751                      ! Write debug comments to output file
2752                      IF ((j.EQ.test_pft .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. printlev_loc.GE.4) .OR. printlev_loc>=5) THEN
2753                         CALL comment(npts, Cl_target, Cl, Cs_target, Cs, Cr_target, Cr, &
2754                              delta_ba, ipts, j, l, b_inc_tot, Cl_incp, Cs_incp, Cr_incp, &
2755                              KF, LF, Cl_inc, Cs_inc, Cr_inc, Cf_inc, grow_wood, &
2756                              circ_class_n, 6)
2757                      ENDIF   
2759                   ELSE
2761                      WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 4-6: unexpected exception'
2762                      IF(err_act.GT.1)THEN
2763                         CALL ipslerr_p (3,'growth_fun_all',&
2764                              'Exc 4-6: unexpected exception','','')
2765                      ENDIF
2767                   ENDIF
2769                !! Enough roots to sustain the wood and leaves
2770                ELSEIF ( ABS(Cr_target(l) - Cr(l)) .LT. min_stomate ) THEN
2772                   ! Use the difference between the target and the actual to
2773                   ! ensure mass balance closure because l times a values
2774                   ! smaller than min_stomate can still add up to a value
2775                   ! exceeding min_stomate.
2776                   Cr_incp(l) = MAX(zero, Cr_target(l) - Cr(l))
2778                   ! Enough roots and wood, only grow leaves
2779                   ! This duplicates Exc 2 and these lines should thus never be called
2780                   IF ( ABS(Cs_target(l) - Cs(l)) .LT. min_stomate ) THEN
2782                      ! Allocate at the tree level to restore allometric balance
2783                      Cs_incp(l) = MAX(zero, Cs_target(l) - Cs(l))
2784                      Cl_incp(l) = MAX( MIN(b_inc_tot/circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) - &
2785                           Cs_incp(l) - Cr_incp(l), &
2786                           Cl_target(l) - Cl(l)), zero )
2788                      ! Write debug comments to output file
2789                      IF ((j.EQ.test_pft .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. printlev_loc.GE.4) .OR. printlev_loc>=5) THEN
2790                         CALL comment(npts, Cl_target, Cl, Cs_target, Cs, Cr_target, Cr, &
2791                              delta_ba, ipts, j, l, b_inc_tot, Cl_incp, Cs_incp, Cr_incp, &
2792                              KF, LF, Cl_inc, Cs_inc, Cr_inc, Cf_inc, grow_wood, &
2793                              circ_class_n, 7)
2794                      ENDIF
2795                   ! Enough leaves and roots. Need to grow sapwood to support the
2796                   ! available canopy and roots. Duplicates Exc. 4 and these lines
2797                   ! should thus never be called
2798                   ELSEIF ( ABS(Cl_target(l) - Cl(l)) .LT. min_stomate ) THEN
2800                      ! Allocate at the tree level to restore allometric balance
2801                      Cl_incp(l) = MAX(zero, Cl_target(l) - Cl(l))
2802                      Cs_incp(l) = MAX( MIN(b_inc_tot/circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) - &
2803                           Cr_incp(l) - Cl_incp(l), Cs_target(l) - Cs(l) ), zero )
2805                      ! Write debug comments to output file
2806                      IF ((j.EQ.test_pft .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. printlev_loc.GE.4) .OR. printlev_loc>=5) THEN
2807                         CALL comment(npts, Cl_target, Cl, Cs_target, Cs, Cr_target, Cr, &
2808                              delta_ba, ipts, j, l, b_inc_tot, Cl_incp, Cs_incp, Cr_incp, &
2809                              KF, LF, Cl_inc, Cs_inc, Cr_inc, Cf_inc, grow_wood, &
2810                              circ_class_n, 8)
2811                      ENDIF
2813                   ! Need both wood and leaves to restore the allometric relationships
2814                   ELSEIF ( ABS(Cs_target(l) - Cs(l)) .GT. min_stomate .AND. &
2815                        ABS(Cl_target(l) - Cl(l)) .GT. min_stomate ) THEN
2817                      ! circ_class_ba_eff and circ_class_height_eff are already calculated
2818                      ! for a tree in balance. It would be rather complicated to follow
2819                      ! the allometric rules for wood allocation (implying changes in height
2820                      ! and basal area) because the tree is not in balance.First try if we
2821                      ! can simply satisfy the allocation needs
2822                      IF (Cs_target(l) - Cs(l) + Cl_target(l) - Cl(l) .LE. &
2823                           b_inc_tot/circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) - Cr_incp(l)) THEN
2825                         Cl_incp(l) = Cl_target(l) - Cl(l)
2826                         Cs_incp(l) = Cs_target(l) - Cs(l)
2828                      ! Try to satisfy the need for leaves
2829                      ELSEIF (Cl_target(l) - Cl(l) .LE. b_inc_tot/circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) - &
2830                           Cr_incp(l)) THEN
2832                         Cl_incp(l) = Cl_target(l) - Cl(l)
2833                         Cs_incp(l) = b_inc_tot/circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) - &
2834                              Cr_incp(l) - Cl_incp(l)
2836                      ! There is not enough use whatever is available
2837                      ELSE
2839                         Cl_incp(l) = b_inc_tot/circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) - Cr_incp(l)
2840                         Cs_incp(l) = zero
2842                      ENDIF
2844                      ! Write debug comments to output file
2845                      IF ((j.EQ.test_pft .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. printlev_loc.GE.4) .OR. printlev_loc>=5) THEN
2846                         CALL comment(npts, Cl_target, Cl, Cs_target, Cs, Cr_target, Cr, &
2847                              delta_ba, ipts, j, l, b_inc_tot, Cl_incp, Cs_incp, Cr_incp, &
2848                              KF, LF, Cl_inc, Cs_inc, Cr_inc, Cf_inc, grow_wood, &
2849                              circ_class_n, 9)
2850                      ENDIF
2852                   ELSE
2854                      WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 7-9: unexpected exception'
2855                      IF(err_act.GT.1)THEN
2856                         CALL ipslerr_p (3,'growth_fun_all',&
2857                              'Exc 7-9: unexpected exception','','')
2858                      ENDIF
2860                   ENDIF
2863                ELSE
2865                   ! Either Cl_target, Cs_target or Cr_target should be zero
2866                   ! Something possibly important was overlooked                   
2867                   WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 4: logical flaw in the phenological '//&
2868                        'allocation, PFT, class: ', j, l
2869                   WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 4: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
2870                   WRITE(numout,*) 'Cs - Cs_target', Cs(l), Cs_target(l)
2871                   WRITE(numout,*) 'Cl - Cl_target', Cl(l), Cl_target(l)
2872                   WRITE(numout,*) 'Cr - Cr_target', Cr(l), Cr_target(l)
2873                   IF(err_act.GT.1)THEN
2874                       CALL ipslerr_p (3,'growth_fun_all',&
2875                            'WARNING 4: logical flaw in the phenological allocation','','')
2876                   ENDIF
2878                ENDIF
2880                IF ( Cl_incp(l) .GE. zero .OR. Cr_incp(l) .GE. zero .OR. &
2881                     Cs_incp(l) .GE. zero) THEN
2883                   ! Prevent overspending for leaves
2884                   IF (b_inc_tot - circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) * Cl_incp(l) .LT. zero) THEN
2885                      Cl_incp(l) = b_inc_tot/circ_class_n(ipts,j,l)
2886                   ENDIF
2887                   b_inc_tot = MAX(zero,b_inc_tot - circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) * Cl_incp(l))
2889                   ! Prevent overspending for roots
2890                   IF (b_inc_tot - circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) * Cr_incp(l) .LT. zero) THEN 
2891                      Cr_incp(l) = b_inc_tot/circ_class_n(ipts,j,l)
2892                   ENDIF
2893                   b_inc_tot = MAX(zero,b_inc_tot - circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) * Cr_incp(l))
2895                   ! Prevent overspending for sapwood
2896                   IF (b_inc_tot - circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) * Cs_incp(l) .LT. zero) THEN 
2897                      Cs_incp(l) = b_inc_tot/circ_class_n(ipts,j,l)
2898                   ENDIF
2899                   b_inc_tot = MAX(zero,b_inc_tot - circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) * Cs_incp(l))
2901                   ! Fake allocation for less messy equations in next case,
2902                   ! incp needs to be added to inc at the end.
2903                   Cl(l) = Cl(l) + Cl_incp(l)
2904                   Cr(l) = Cr(l) + Cr_incp(l)
2905                   Cs(l) = Cs(l) + Cs_incp(l)
2907                   IF (b_inc_tot .LT. zero) THEN
2908                      WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 5: numerical problem, '//&
2909                           'overspending in phenological allocation'
2910                      WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 5: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
2911                      WRITE(numout,*) 'b_inc_tot, ',b_inc_tot
2912                      WRITE(numout,*) 'Cl_incp(l), Cr_incp(l), Cs_incp(l), ', &
2913                           l, Cl_incp(l), Cr_incp(l), Cs_incp(l)
2914                      CALL ipslerr_p (3,'growth_fun_all',&
2915                           'WARNING 5: numerical problem, overspending in',&
2916                           'phenological allocation','')
2917                   ENDIF
2919                ELSE
2921                   ! The code was written such that the increment pools should be
2922                   ! greater than or equal to zero. If this is not the case, something
2923                   ! fundamental is wrong with the if-then constructs under §
2924                   WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 6: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
2925                   CALL ipslerr_p (3,'growth_fun_all',&
2926                        'WARNING 6: numerical problem,',&
2927                        'one of the increment pools is less than zero','')
2928                ENDIF
2930                ! Set counter for next circumference class
2931                l = l-1
2933             ENDDO ! DO WHILE l.GE.1 .AND. b_inc_tot .GT. min_stomate
2935             ! Intermediate mass balance check. Note that this part of
2936             ! the code is in DO-loops over nvm and npts so the
2937             ! 'ipts' label is used in the mass balance check
2938             IF(err_act.EQ.4) THEN
2940                ! Reset pool_end
2941                pool_end(:,:,:) = zero
2943                ! Add allocated pools to pool_end
2944                pool_end(ipts,j,icarbon) = pool_end(ipts,j,icarbon) + &
2945                     (SUM((Cl_incp(:) + Cs_incp(:) + Cr_incp(:)) * circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) + &
2946                     b_inc_tot) * veget_max(ipts,j)
2948                ! Check mass balance closure. Between intermediate check 2a and 2b
2949                ! phenological allocation was accounted for.
2950                CALL intermediate_mass_balance_check(pool_start, pool_end, circ_class_biomass, &
2951                     circ_class_n, veget_max, bm_alloc_tot, gpp_daily, atm_to_bm, dt, npts, &
2952                     resp_maint, resp_growth, check_intern_init, ipts, j, '2b', 'ipft')
2954             END IF ! err_act.EQ.4
2956             !! 5.2.4 Record basal area growth during phenological growth
2957             ! During phenological growth, some carbon may have been allocated
2958             ! to the sapwood which then resulted in an increase in basal area
2959             ! This increase in basal area has not been recorded yet. This
2960             ! is done below. Later in the code, this increase is then added to
2961             ! the increase in basal area due to ordinary growth to obtain the
2962             ! total increase which is an output variable and is used to
2963             ! calculate the tree ring width.
2964             ba1(:) = wood_to_ba_eff(circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,:,icarbon),j)
2965             temp_mass(:,:) = circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,:,icarbon)
2966             temp_mass(:,isapabove) = temp_mass(:,isapabove) + Cs_incp(:)
2967             ba2(:) = wood_to_ba_eff(temp_mass,j)
2968             store_delta_ba_eff(ipts,j,:) = ba2(:) - ba1(:)
2970             !! 5.2.5 Calculate the expected size of the reserve pool
2971             !  Reserve and labile pools are calculated at the stand level so
2972             !  first calculate the stand level biomass from the tree level
2973             !  biomass and the number of trees. Note that this value might
2974             !  be different from the previous values calculated in biomass
2975             !  because phenological growth could have increased the
2976             !  sapwood biomass.
2977             tmp_bm(ipts,j,:,:) = cc_to_biomass(ipts,j,&
2978                  circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,:,:),&
2979                  circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))
2981             ! use the minimum of either (1) 2% of the total sapwood biomass
2982             ! or (2) the amount of carbon needed to develop the optimal LAI
2983             ! and the roots. This reserve pool estimate is only used to decide
2984             ! whether wood should be grown or not. When really dealing with
2985             ! the reserves the reserve pool is recalculated (and the fraction
2986             ! is 12% rather than the 2% used here). See further below §7.1.
2987             reserve_target(ipts,j,icarbon) = &
2988                  MIN( 0.02 * ( tmp_bm(ipts,j,isapabove,icarbon) + & 
2989                  tmp_bm(ipts,j,isapbelow,icarbon)), &
2990                  lai_to_biomass(lai_target(ipts,j),j) * &
2991                  (1.+root_reserve(j)/ltor(ipts,j)))               
2992             grow_wood = .TRUE.
2994             ! If the carbohydrate pool is too small, don't grow wood
2995             IF ( (pheno_type(j) .NE. 1) .AND. &
2996                  (tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon) .LE. reserve_target(ipts,j,icarbon)) ) THEN
2997                grow_wood = .FALSE.
2998                ! Debug
2999                IF(printlev_loc.GE.4 .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. j.EQ.test_pft)THEN
3000                   WRITE(numout,*) 'Not enough carbres to develop the optimal LAI ',j,ipts
3001                   WRITE(numout,*) 'Reserve pool:',tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon)
3002                ENDIF
3003                !-
3004             ENDIF
3006             ! Write debug comments to output file
3007             IF ((j.EQ.test_pft .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. printlev_loc.GE.4) .OR. printlev_loc>=5) THEN
3008                CALL comment(npts, Cl_target, Cl, Cs_target, Cs, Cr_target, Cr, &
3009                     delta_ba, ipts, j, l, b_inc_tot, Cl_incp, Cs_incp, Cr_incp, &
3010                     KF, LF, Cl_inc, Cs_inc, Cr_inc, Cf_inc, grow_wood, &
3011                     circ_class_n, 10)
3012             ENDIF
3014             !! 5.2.6 Ordinary growth
3015             !  Allometric relationship between components is respected, sustain
3016             !  ordinary growth and allocate biomass to leaves, wood, roots and
3017             !  fruits.
3018             IF ( (SUM(ABS(Cl_target(:)-Cl(:))) .LE. min_stomate) .AND. &
3019                  (SUM(ABS(Cr_target(:)-Cr(:))) .LE. min_stomate) .AND. &
3020                  (SUM(ABS(Cs_target(:)-Cs(:))) .LE. min_stomate) .AND. &
3021                  grow_wood .AND. b_inc_tot .GT. min_stomate  ) THEN
3023                ! Allocate fraction of carbon to fruit production (at the tree level)
3024                Cf_inc(:) = b_inc_tot / SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) * fruit_alloc(j)
3026                ! Residual carbon is allocated to the other components (b_inc_tot is
3027                ! at the stand level)
3028                b_inc_tot = b_inc_tot * (un-fruit_alloc(j))
3030                ! Substitute (7), (8) and (9) in (1)
3031                ! b_inc = tree_ff*pipe_density*(ba+circ_class_dba*gammas)*...
3032                ! (height+(circ_class_dba/s*gammas)) - Cs - Ch + ...
3033                !    KF*tree_ff*pipe_density*(ba+circ_class_dba*gammas) - ...
3034                !    (KF*Ch)/(height+(circ_class_dba/s*gammas)) - Cl + ...
3035                !    KF/LF*tree_ff*pipe_density*(ba+circ_class_dba*gammas) - ...
3036                !    (KF*Ch/LF)/(height+(circ_class_dba/s*gammas)) - Cr
3037                !
3038                ! b_inc+Cs+Ch+Cl+Cr = tree_ff*pipe_density*(ba+circ_class_dba*gammas)*...
3039                !    (height+(circ_class_dba/s*gammas))  + ...
3040                !    KF*tree_ff*pipe_density*(ba+circ_class_dba*gammas) - ...
3041                !    (KF*Ch)/(height+(circ_class_dba/s*gammas)) + ...
3042                !    KF/LF*tree_ff*pipe_density*(ba+circ_class_dba*gammas) - ...
3043                !    (KF*Ch/LF)/(height+(circ_class_dba/s*gammas))
3044                ! <=> b_inc+Cs+Ch+Cl+Cr = circ_class_dba^2/s*tree_ff*...
3045                !    pipe_density*gammas^2 + circ_class_dba/s*ba*tree_ff*...
3046                !    pipe_density*gammas + ...
3047                !    circ_class_dba*height*tree_ff*pipe_density*gammas + ...
3048                !    bcirc_class_dba*height*tree_ff*pipe_density - ...
3049                !    (Ch*KF*s)/(circ_class_dba*gammas+height*s) + ...
3050                !    circ_class_dba*KF*tree_ff*pipe_density*gammas + ...
3051                !    ba*KF*tree_ff*pipe_density - ...
3052                !    (Ch*KF*s)/(LF*(circ_class_dba*gammas+height*s)) + ...
3053                !    circ_class_dba*KF/LF*tree_ff*pipe_density*gammas + ...
3054                !    ba*KF/LF*tree_ff*pipe_density
3055                ! (10) b_inc+Cs+Ch+Cl+Cr = (circ_class_dba^2/s*tree_ff*...
3056                !    pipe_density)*gammas^2 + ...
3057                !    (circ_class_dba/s*ba*tree_ff*pipe_density + ...
3058                !    circ_class_dba*height*tree_ff*pipe_density + ...
3059                !    circ_class_dba*KF*tree_ff*pipe_density + ...
3060                !    circ_class_dba*KF/LF*tree_ff*pipe_density)*gammas - ...
3061                !    (Ch*KF*s)(1+1/LF)/(circ_class_dba*gammas+height*s) + ...
3062                !    bcirc_class_dba*height*tree_ff*pipe_density + ...
3063                !    ba*KF*tree_ff*pipe_density + ba*KF/LF*tree_ff*pipe_density
3064                !
3065                ! Note that b_inc is not known, only b_inc_tot (= sum(b_inc) is known.
3066                ! The above equations are for individual trees, at the stand level we
3067                ! have to take the sum over the individuals which is
3068                ! equivalant to substituting (10) in (2)
3069                ! (11) sum(b_inc) + sum(Cs+Ch+Cl+Cr) = ...
3070                !    sum(circ_class_dba^2/s*tree_ff*pipe_density) * gammas^2 + ...
3071                !    sum(circ_class_dba/s*ba*tree_ff*pipe_density + ...
3072                !    circ_class_dba*height*tree_ff*pipe_density + ...
3073                !    circ_class_dba*KF*tree_ff*pipe_density + ...
3074                !    circ_class_dba*KF/LF*tree_ff*pipe_density) * gammas - ...
3075                !    sum[(Ch*KF*s)(1+1/LF)/(circ_class_dba*gammas+height*s)] + ...
3076                !    sum(bcirc_class_dba*height*tree_ff*pipe_density + ...
3077                !    ba*KF*tree_ff*pipe_density + ba*KF/LF*tree_ff*pipe_density)
3078                !
3079                ! The term sum[(Ch*KF*s)(1+1/LF)/(circ_class_dba*gammas+height*s)]
3080                ! can be approximated by a series expansion
3081                ! (12) sum((Ch*KF*s)(1+1/LF)/(height*s) + ...
3082                !    sum((Ch*KF*s)(1+1/LF)*circ_class_dba/(height*s)^2)*gammas + ...
3083                !    sum((Ch*KF*s)(1+1/LF)*circ_class_dba^2/(height*s)^3)*gammas^2
3084                !
3085                ! Substitute (12) in (11)
3086                ! sum(b_inc) + sum(Cs+Ch+Cl+Cr) = ...
3087                !    sum(circ_class_dba^2/s*tree_ff*pipe_density - ...
3088                !    (Ch*KF*s)*(1+1/LF)*circ_class_dba^2/(height*s)^3) * gammas^2 + ...
3089                !    sum(circ_class_dba/s*ba*tree_ff*pipe_density + ...
3090                !    circ_class_dba*height*tree_ff*pipe_density + ...
3091                !    circ_class_dba*KF*tree_ff*pipe_density + ...
3092                !    circ_class_dba*KF/LF*tree_ff*pipe_density + ...
3093                !    (Ch*KF*s)*(1+1/LF)*circ_class_dba/(height*s)^2) * gammas + ...
3094                !    sum(bcirc_class_dba*height*tree_ff*pipe_density + ...
3095                !    ba*KF*tree_ff*pipe_density + ba*KF/LF*tree_ff*pipe_density - ...
3096                !    (Ch*KF*s)*(1+1/LF)/(height*s))
3097                !
3098                ! Solve this quadratic equation for gammas.
3099                a = SUM( circ_class_n(ipts,j,:) * &
3100                     (circ_class_dba(:)**2/s(:)*tree_ff(j)*pipe_density(j) - &
3101                     (Ch(:)*KF(ipts,j)*s(:))*(1+1/LF(ipts,j))*&
3102                     (circ_class_dba(:)**2/(circ_class_height_eff(:)*s(:))**3)) )
3103                b = SUM( circ_class_n(ipts,j,:) * &
3104                     (circ_class_dba(:)/s(:)*circ_class_ba_eff(:)*tree_ff(j)*pipe_density(j) + &
3105                     circ_class_dba(:)*circ_class_height_eff(:)*tree_ff(j)*pipe_density(j) + &
3106                     circ_class_dba(:)*KF(ipts,j)*tree_ff(j)*pipe_density(j) + &
3107                     circ_class_dba(:)*KF(ipts,j)/LF(ipts,j)*tree_ff(j)*pipe_density(j) + &
3108                     (Ch(:)*KF(ipts,j)*s(:))*(1+1/LF(ipts,j))*circ_class_dba(:)/&
3109                     (circ_class_height_eff(:)*s(:))**2) )
3110                c = SUM( circ_class_n(ipts,j,:) * &
3111                     (circ_class_ba_eff(:)*circ_class_height_eff(:)*&
3112                     tree_ff(j)*pipe_density(j) + &
3113                     circ_class_ba_eff(:)*KF(ipts,j)*tree_ff(j)*pipe_density(j) + &
3114                     circ_class_ba_eff(:)*KF(ipts,j)/LF(ipts,j)*tree_ff(j)*pipe_density(j) - &
3115                     (Ch(:)*KF(ipts,j)*s(:))*(1+1/LF(ipts,j))/&
3116                     (circ_class_height_eff(:)*s(:)) - &
3117                     (Cs(:) + Ch(:) + Cl(:) + Cr(:))) ) - b_inc_tot
3119                ! Solve the quadratic equation a*gammas2 + b*gammas + c = 0, for gammas.
3120                gammas(ipts,j) = (-b + sqrt(b**2-4*a*c)) / (2*a)
3122                ! After thousands of simulation years we had a single pixel where
3123                ! some of the three circ_class got a negative growth. This was because
3124                ! both roots of the quadratic equation were negative. If both roots are
3125                ! negative, we don't allocate and simply leave the carbon in the labile
3126                ! pool. We will try again with more carbon the next day.
3127                IF (gammas(ipts,j) THEN
3129                   ! Move the unallocatable carbon back into the labile
3130                   ! pool. Update related variables to pass the mass balance
3131                   ! check. Put the fruit allocation back first. That will give
3132                   ! more carbon at the next time step.
3133                   b_inc_tot = b_inc_tot + SUM(Cf_inc(:) * circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))
3134                   Cf_inc(:) = zero
3135                   tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) = &
3136                        tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) + b_inc_tot
3137                   bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) = bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) - b_inc_tot
3139                   ! Calculate C that was not allocated (b_inc_tot), the
3140                   ! equation should read b_inc_tot = b_inc_tot - b_inc_tot
3141                   b_inc_tot = zero
3143                   IF (printlev_loc.GE.4 .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. j.EQ.test_pft) THEN
3144                      WRITE(numout,*) 'Both roots are negative for PFT, ', j
3145                      WRITE(numout,*) 'bm_alloc_tot, ', bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j)
3146                   ENDIF
3148                ELSE
3150                   ! One gammas is positive. The solution for gammas is now used to
3151                   ! calculate delta_ba (eq. 3), delta_height (eq. 6), Cs_inc (eq. 7),
3152                   ! Cl_inc (eq. 8) and Cr_inc (eq. 9). See comment on the calculation
3153                   ! of delta_height and its implications on numerical consistency at
3154                   ! the similar statement in §
3155                   ! Tree rings: delta_ba is a sum of phenological and ordinary growth
3156                   ! but for further calculation, re-calculate delta_ba considering
3157                   ! only ordinary growth. Note that calculated delta_ba is effectvie
3158                   ! basal area increment.
3159                   delta_ba(:) = circ_class_dba(:) * gammas(ipts,j)               
3160                   store_delta_ba_eff(ipts,j,:) = store_delta_ba_eff(ipts,j,:) + delta_ba(:)
3161                   delta_height(:) = delta_ba(:)/s(:)             
3162                   Cs_inc(:) = tree_ff(j)*pipe_density(j)*(circ_class_ba_eff(:) + &
3163                        delta_ba(:))*(circ_class_height_eff(:) + &
3164                        delta_height(:)) - Cs(:) - Ch(:)
3165                   Cl_inc(:) = KF(ipts,j)*tree_ff(j)*pipe_density(j)*&
3166                        (circ_class_ba_eff(:)+delta_ba(:)) - &
3167                        (KF(ipts,j)*Ch(:))/(circ_class_height_eff(:)+delta_height(:)) - Cl(:)
3168                   Cr_inc(:) = KF(ipts,j)/LF(ipts,j)*tree_ff(j)*pipe_density(j)*&
3169                        (circ_class_ba_eff(:)+delta_ba(:)) - &
3170                        (KF(ipts,j)*Ch(:)/LF(ipts,j))/(circ_class_height_eff(:)+&
3171                        delta_height(:)) - Cr(:)
3173                   ! Write the initial residual to the history file to check
3174                   ! whether all goes well (or to see how often and where it goes
3175                   ! wrong).
3176                   residual_write(ipts,j) = b_inc_tot - SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)* &
3177                        (Cl_inc(:) + Cr_inc(:) + Cs_inc(:)))
3179                   ! Debug
3180                   IF (printlev_loc.GE.4 .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. j.EQ.test_pft) THEN
3181                      WRITE(numout,*) 'One gamma is positive, ', j, gammas(ipts,j)
3182                      WRITE(numout,*) 'delta_ba, ', delta_ba(:)
3183                      WRITE(numout,*) 'Cl_inc, Cr_inc, Cs_inc, ', &
3184                           Cl_inc(:), Cr_inc(:), Cs_inc(:)
3185                   ENDIF
3186                   !-
3188                   ! There are two possible problems: (1) one of the Cx_inc is negative or
3189                   ! (2) all Cx_inc are positive but we are (slightly) overspending.
3190                   IF (MINVAL(Cs_inc(:)) .LT. zero .OR. MINVAL(Cr_inc(:)) .LT. zero .OR. &
3191                        MINVAL(Cl_inc(:)) .LT. zero) THEN
3193                      ! The first (rare) problem we need to catch is when one of the increment
3194                      ! pools is negative. This is an undesired outcome (see comment where
3195                      ! ::KF_old is calculated in this routine. In that case we write a
3196                      ! warning, set all increment pools to zero and try it again at the
3197                      ! next time step. A likely cause of this problem is a too large change
3198                      ! in KF from one time step to another (note that at this point both
3199                      ! roots should be positive - so that can no longer be the cause). Try
3200                      ! decreasing the acceptable value for an absolute increase in KF.
3202                      ! Do not allocate - save the carbon for the next time step
3204                      ! Debug
3205                      IF(err_act.GT.1) THEN
3206                         WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 10a: numerical problem, '//&
3207                              'one of the increment pools is less than zero'
3208                         WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 10a: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
3209                         WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 10a: Cl_inc(:): ',Cl_inc(:)
3210                         WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 10a: Cr_inc(:): ',Cr_inc(:)
3211                         WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 10a: Cs_inc(:): ',Cs_inc(:)
3212                         WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 10a: We will revert the allocation'
3213                         WRITE(numout,*) ' and save the carbon for the next day'
3214                      END IF
3215                      !-
3217                      ! Move the unallocatable carbon back into the labile
3218                      ! pool. Update related variables to pass the mass balance check.
3219                      b_inc_tot = b_inc_tot + SUM(Cf_inc(:) * circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))
3220                      bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) = bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) - b_inc_tot
3221                      tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) = &
3222                           tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) + b_inc_tot 
3224                      ! Revert the allocation
3225                      store_delta_ba_eff(ipts,j,:) = store_delta_ba_eff(ipts,j,:) - delta_ba(:)
3226                      delta_ba(:) = zero
3227                      delta_height(:) = zero
3228                      Cl_inc(:) = zero
3229                      Cs_inc(:) = zero
3230                      Cr_inc(:) = zero
3231                      Cf_inc(:) = zero
3233                      ! Calculate C that was not allocated (b_inc_tot), the
3234                      ! equation should read b_inc_tot = b_inc_tot - b_inc_tot
3235                      ! note that Cf_inc was already accounted for.
3236                      b_inc_tot = zero
3238                      IF (printlev_loc.GE.4 .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. j.EQ.test_pft) THEN
3239                         WRITE(numout,*) 'Negative increment pools, ', j
3240                         WRITE(numout,*) 'Allocation was reverted' 
3241                         WRITE(numout,*) 'bm_alloc_tot, ', bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j)
3242                      ENDIF
3244                   ELSEIF (b_inc_tot - SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)* &
3245                        (Cl_inc(:) + Cr_inc(:) + Cs_inc(:))).LT. zero) THEN
3247                      ! We should only be here if there is a positive root and all
3248                      ! increment pools are positive. Overspending should thus be
3249                      ! a numerical issue and is expected to be small (less than 10-8)
3250                      ! If the residual is larger than expected, reduce gamma a bit and
3251                      ! recalculate the allocation. The residual is added then back into
3252                      ! the labile pool. Do not allocate - save the carbon for the next
3253                      ! time step
3254                      residual10b(ipts,j) = b_inc_tot - SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:) * &
3255                           (Cl_inc(:) + Cr_inc(:) + Cs_inc(:)))
3257!!$                      ! Debug
3258!!$                      IF(err_act.EQ.3) THEN
3259!!$                         WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 10b: numerical problem, '//&
3260!!$                              'residual is negative we are overspending'
3261!!$                         WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 10b: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
3262!!$                         WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 10b: residual, ', residual10b
3263!!$                         WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 10b: allocation is being adjusted'
3264!!$                      ENDIF
3265!!$                      !-
3267                      ! It is considered too large so we try to reduce the residual with
3268                      ! some brute force. First revert the previous store_delta_ba_eff
3269                      ! else we will double count tree ring width growth.
3270                      store_delta_ba_eff(ipts,j,:) = store_delta_ba_eff(ipts,j,:)-delta_ba(:)
3271                      ! Calculate new delta_ba (note the reduction factor 0.99)
3272                      ! and update the other variables. The reduction factor of 0.99
3273                      ! could be too large, In that case we won't allocate.
3274                      delta_ba(:) = circ_class_dba(:) * gammas(ipts,j) * 0.99
3275                      store_delta_ba_eff(ipts,j,:) = store_delta_ba_eff(ipts,j,:)+delta_ba(:)
3276                      delta_height(:) = delta_ba(:)/s(:)             
3277                      Cs_inc(:) = MAX(zero,tree_ff(j)*pipe_density(j)*(circ_class_ba_eff(:) + &
3278                           delta_ba(:))*(circ_class_height_eff(:) + &
3279                           delta_height(:)) - Cs(:) - Ch(:))
3280                      Cl_inc(:) = MAX(zero,KF(ipts,j)*tree_ff(j)*pipe_density(j)*&
3281                           (circ_class_ba_eff(:)+delta_ba(:)) - &
3282                           (KF(ipts,j)*Ch(:)) / &
3283                           (circ_class_height_eff(:)+delta_height(:)) - Cl(:))
3284                      Cr_inc = MAX(zero,KF(ipts,j)/LF(ipts,j)*tree_ff(j)*pipe_density(j)*&
3285                           (circ_class_ba_eff(:)+delta_ba(:)) - &
3286                           (KF(ipts,j)*Ch(:)/LF(ipts,j))/(circ_class_height_eff(:)+&
3287                           delta_height(:)) - Cr(:))
3289                      ! Debug
3290                      IF (printlev_loc.GE.4 .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. j.EQ.test_pft) THEN
3291                         WRITE(numout,*) 'adjusted after overspending, ', j
3292                         WRITE(numout,*) 'delta_ba, ', delta_ba(:)
3293                         WRITE(numout,*) 'Cl_inc, Cr_inc, Cs_inc, ', &
3294                              Cl_inc(:), Cr_inc(:), Cs_inc(:)
3295                      ENDIF
3296                      !-
3298                      ! Check whether the recalculation worked
3299                      IF (b_inc_tot - SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:) * &
3300                        (Cl_inc(:) + Cr_inc(:) + Cs_inc(:))) .LT. zero) THEN
3302                         ! Debug
3303                         IF(err_act.GT.1) THEN
3304                            WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 10c: numerical problem, '//&
3305                                 'residual is still negative we are still overspending'
3306                            WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 10c: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
3307                            WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 10c: residual, ',b_inc_tot - &
3308                                 SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)* &
3309                                 (Cl_inc(:) + Cr_inc(:) + Cs_inc(:)))
3310                            WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 10b: allocation is being adjusted'
3311                         ENDIF
3312                         !-
3314                         ! Move the unallocatable carbon back into the labile
3315                         ! pool. Update related variables to pass the mass balance
3316                         ! check.
3317                         b_inc_tot = b_inc_tot + SUM(Cf_inc(:) * circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))
3318                         tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) = &
3319                              tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) + b_inc_tot 
3320                         bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) = bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) - b_inc_tot
3322                         ! The residual is still negative. We will give up.
3323                         ! Revert the allocation
3324                         store_delta_ba_eff(ipts,j,:) = store_delta_ba_eff(ipts,j,:) - delta_ba(:)
3325                         delta_ba(:) = zero
3326                         delta_height(:) = zero
3327                         Cl_inc(:) = zero
3328                         Cs_inc(:) = zero
3329                         Cr_inc(:) = zero
3330                         Cf_inc(:) = zero
3332                         ! Calculate C that was not allocated (b_inc_tot), the
3333                         ! equation should read b_inc_tot = b_inc_tot - b_inc_tot
3334                         ! note that Cf_inc was already accounted for.
3335                         b_inc_tot = zero
3337                         IF (printlev_loc.GE.4 .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. j.EQ.test_pft) THEN
3338                            WRITE(numout,*) 'Initial solution did not work, ', j
3339                            WRITE(numout,*) 'Allocation was reverted' 
3340                            WRITE(numout,*) 'bm_alloc_tot, ', bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j)
3341                         ENDIF
3343                      ELSE
3345                         ! Debug
3346                         IF (printlev_loc.GE.4 .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. j.EQ.test_pft) THEN
3347                            WRITE(numout,*) 'Initial b_inc_tot, ', j, b_inc_tot
3348                            WRITE(numout,*) 'Initial tmp_bm, ', tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon)
3349                            WRITE(numout,*) 'circ_class_n, ',circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)
3350                            WRITE(numout,*) 'Cl_inc, Cr_inc, Cs_inc, ', &
3351                                 Cl_inc(:), Cr_inc(:), Cs_inc(:)
3352                         ENDIF
3353                         !-
3355                         ! The adjustment was succesful. Finish the allocation.
3356                         ! Reduce b_inc_tot and move the difference back into the
3357                         ! labile pool where it comes from. Thanks to the IF we know
3358                         ! for sure that the new b_inc_tot (calculated on the next
3359                         ! line) is positive.
3360                         b_inc_tot =  b_inc_tot - SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:) * &
3361                              (Cl_inc(:) + Cr_inc(:) + Cs_inc(:)))
3362                         tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) = tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) + &
3363                              b_inc_tot
3365                         ! Debug
3366                         IF (printlev_loc.GE.4 .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. j.EQ.test_pft) THEN
3367                            WRITE(numout,*) 'Recalculated b_inc_tot, ', j, b_inc_tot
3368                            WRITE(numout,*) 'Recalculated tmp_bm, ', tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon)
3369                            WRITE(numout,*) 'Initial bm_alloc_tot, ', bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) 
3370                         ENDIF
3371                         !-
3373                         ! What is left in b_inc_tot was not allocated so adjust
3374                         ! the total allocation.
3375                         bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) = bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) - b_inc_tot
3377                         ! There is nothing left to allocate
3378                         b_inc_tot = zero
3380                         ! Debug
3381                         IF (printlev_loc.GE.4 .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. j.EQ.test_pft) THEN
3382                            WRITE(numout,*) 'Recalculated bm_alloc_tot, ', bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j)
3383                         ENDIF
3384                         !-
3386                      END IF
3388                   ELSE
3390                      ! All is well, wrap up the allocation
3391                      ! Wrap-up ordinary growth calculate C that was not allocated, note
3392                      ! that Cf_inc was already subtracted. We know from the IF
3393                      ! loops above that the new b_inc_tot (calculated at the next line
3394                      ! of code) will be positive
3395                      b_inc_tot = b_inc_tot - SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:) * &
3396                           (Cl_inc(:) + Cr_inc(:) + Cs_inc(:)))
3398                      ! If all went well b_inc_tot should now be very close to zero. Due
3399                      ! to numerical approximations some C may be left. Whatever is
3400                      ! left is moved back into the labile pool to conserve mass.
3401                      tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) = tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) + &
3402                           b_inc_tot
3403                      bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) = bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) - b_inc_tot
3404                      b_inc_tot = zero
3406                      ! Debug
3407                      IF ((j.EQ.test_pft .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. printlev_loc.GE.4) .OR. printlev_loc>=5) THEN
3408                         WRITE(numout,*) 'wrap-up ordinary allocation, left b_in_tot, ', &
3409                              b_inc_tot 
3410                         WRITE(numout,*) 'a, b, c, gammas, ', a, b, c, gammas(ipts,j)
3411                         WRITE(numout,*) 'delta_height, ', delta_height(:)
3412                         CALL comment(npts, Cl_target, Cl, Cs_target, Cs, Cr_target, Cr, &
3413                              delta_ba, ipts, j, l, b_inc_tot, Cl_incp, Cs_incp, Cr_incp, &
3414                              KF, LF, Cl_inc, Cs_inc, Cr_inc, Cf_inc, grow_wood, &
3415                              circ_class_n, 11)
3416                      ENDIF
3417                      !-   
3419                   END IF
3421                END IF ! postive root for quadratic equation
3423                ! Intermediate mass balance check. Note that this part of
3424                ! the code is in DO-loops over nvm and npts so the
3425                ! 'ipts' label is used in the mass balance check
3426                IF(err_act.EQ.4) THEN
3428                   ! Update circ_class_biomass
3429                   circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,ilabile,icarbon) = &
3430                        biomass_to_cc(tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon),&
3431                        circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,ilabile,icarbon),&
3432                        circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))
3433                   circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,icarbres,icarbon) = &
3434                        biomass_to_cc(tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon),&
3435                        circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,icarbres,icarbon),&
3436                        circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))
3438                   ! All carbon should have been allocated and the remainder was moved
3439                   ! back into the labile pool. b_inc_tot should be zero. If not, the
3440                   ! calculation of pool_end is wrong.
3441                   IF(ABS(b_inc_tot).GT.min_stomate)THEN
3442                      WRITE(numout,*) 'b_inc_tot differs from zero, ', ipts,j,b_inc_tot
3443                      CALL ipslerr_p(3,'stomate_growth_fun_all.f90','intermediate mbcheck 2c',&
3444                           'b_inc_tot differs from zero','')
3445                   END IF
3447                   ! Reset pool_end
3448                   pool_end(:,:,:) = zero
3450                   ! Update pool_end
3451                   pool_end(ipts,j,icarbon) = pool_end(ipts,j,icarbon) + &
3452                        SUM((Cl_incp(:) + Cs_incp(:) + Cr_incp(:) + &
3453                        Cl_inc(:) + Cs_inc(:) + Cr_inc(:) + Cf_inc(:)) * circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) * &
3454                        veget_max(ipts,j)
3456                   ! Check mass balance closure. Between intermediate check 2a and 2b
3457                   ! phenological allocation was accounted for.
3458                   CALL intermediate_mass_balance_check(pool_start, pool_end, circ_class_biomass, &
3459                        circ_class_n, veget_max, bm_alloc_tot, gpp_daily, atm_to_bm, dt, npts, &
3460                        resp_maint, resp_growth, check_intern_init, ipts, j, '2c', 'ipft')
3462                END IF ! err_act.EQ.4
3464             !! 5.2.7 Don't grow wood, use C to fill labile pool
3465             ELSEIF ( ((.NOT. grow_wood) .AND. (b_inc_tot .GT. min_stomate)) ) THEN
3467                ! Calculate the C that needs to be distributed to the
3468                ! labile pool. The fraction is proportional to the ratio
3469                ! between the total allocatable biomass and the unallocated
3470                ! biomass per tree (b_inc now contains the unallocated
3471                ! biomass). At the end of the allocation scheme bm_alloc_tot
3472                ! is substracted from the labile biomass pool to update the
3473                ! biomass pool (tmp_bm(:,:,ilabile) = tmp_bm(:,:,ilabile) -
3474                ! bm_alloc_tot(:,:)). At that point, the scheme puts the
3475                ! unallocated b_inc into the labile pool. What we
3476                ! want is that the unallocated fraction is removed from
3477                ! ::bm_alloc_tot such that only the allocated C is removed
3478                ! from the labile pool. b_inc_tot will be moved back into
3479                ! the labile pool in 5.2.11
3480                bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) = bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) - b_inc_tot
3481                tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) = &
3482                     tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) + b_inc_tot 
3484                ! Wrap-up ordinary growth 
3485                ! Calculate C that was not allocated (b_inc_tot), the
3486                ! equation should read b_inc_tot = b_inc_tot - b_inc_tot
3487                ! note that Cf_inc was already substracted
3488                b_inc_tot = zero 
3490                ! Debug
3491                IF (printlev_loc.GE.4 .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. j.EQ.test_pft) THEN
3492                   WRITE(numout,*) 'No wood growth, move remaining C to labile pool'
3493                   WRITE(numout,*) 'bm_alloc_tot_new, ',bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j)
3494                   WRITE(numout,*) 'wrap-up ordinary allocation, left b_inc_tot, ', &
3495                        b_inc_tot 
3497                ENDIF
3498                !-
3500             !! 5.2.8 Error - the allocation scheme is overspending
3501             ELSEIF (b_inc_tot .LT. min_stomate) THEN
3503                IF (b_inc_tot .LT. -10*EPSILON(zero)) THEN
3505                   ! Something is wrong with the calculations
3506                   WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 7: numerical problem overspending '//&
3507                        'in ordinary allocation'
3508                   WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 7: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
3509                   WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 7: b_inc_tot', b_inc_tot
3510                   IF(err_act.GT.1)THEN
3511                      CALL ipslerr_p (3,'growth_fun_all',&
3512                           'WARNING 7: numerical problem',&
3513                           'overspending in ordinary allocation','')
3514                   ENDIF
3516                ELSE
3518                   IF (printlev_loc.GE.4 .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. j.EQ.test_pft) THEN
3520                      ! Succesful allocation
3521                      WRITE(numout,*) 'Insufficient carbon for ordinary &
3522                                        allocation'
3524                   ENDIF
3526                ENDIF
3528                ! Although the biomass components respect the allometric
3529                ! relationships, there is no carbon left to allocate                     
3530                b_inc_tot = zero
3532             ENDIF !End ordinary allocation
3534             ! Update circ_class_biomass
3535             circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,ilabile,icarbon) = &
3536                  biomass_to_cc(tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon),&
3537                  circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,ilabile,icarbon),&
3538                  circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))
3539             circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,icarbres,icarbon) = &
3540                  biomass_to_cc(tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon),&
3541                  circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,icarbres,icarbon),&
3542                  circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))
3544             !! 5.2.9 Error checking
3545             IF ( b_inc_tot .GT. min_stomate) THEN
3547                ! Although this should not happen. In case the functional
3548                ! allocation did not consume all the allocatable carbon,
3549                ! the remaining C is left for the next day. The numerical
3550                ! precision of the allocation scheme (i.e. the linearisation)
3551                ! is similar to min_stomate (i.e. 10-8) resulting in 'false'
3552                ! warnings.
3553                WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 8: b_inc_tot greater than min_stomate '//&
3554                     'force allocation'
3555                WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 8: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
3556                WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 8: b_inc_tot, ', b_inc_tot
3557                IF(err_act.GT.1)THEN
3558                   CALL ipslerr_p (3,'growth_fun_all',&
3559                        'WARNING 8: b_inc_tot greater than min_stomate',&
3560                        'force allocation','')
3561                ENDIF
3563             ELSEIF ( (b_inc_tot .LT. min_stomate) .AND. (b_inc_tot .GE. zero) ) THEN
3565                ! Successful allocation
3566                IF (printlev_loc.GE.4 .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. j.EQ.test_pft) THEN
3567                   WRITE(numout,*) 'Successful allocation'
3568                ENDIF
3570             ELSE
3572                ! Something possibly important was overlooked
3573                IF ( (b_inc_tot .LT. zero) .AND. &
3574                     (b_inc_tot .GE. -100*min_stomate) ) THEN
3575                   IF (printlev_loc.GE.4 .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. j.EQ.test_pft) THEN
3576                      WRITE(numout,*) 'Marginally successful allocation - '//&
3577                           'precision better than 5 10-6'
3578                      WRITE(numout,*) 'PFT, b_inc_tot', j, b_inc_tot
3579                   ENDIF
3580                ELSE
3581                   WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 9: Logical flaw '//&
3582                        'unexpected result in the ordinary allocation'
3583                   WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 9: b_inc_tot, ',b_inc_tot
3584                   WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 9: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
3585                   IF(err_act.GT.1)THEN
3586                      CALL ipslerr_p (3,'growth_fun_all',&
3587                           'WARNING 9: Logical flaw',&
3588                           'unexpected result in the ordinary allocation','')
3589                   ENDIF
3590                ENDIF
3592             ENDIF
3594             !Debug
3595             IF (printlev_loc.GE.4 .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. j.EQ.test_pft) THEN
3596                WRITE(numout,*) 'Final allocation', ipts, j
3597                WRITE(numout,*) 'Cl, Cs, Cr', Cl(:), Cs(:), Cr(:) 
3598                WRITE(numout,*) 'Cl_incp, Cs_incp, Cr_incp, ', &
3599                     Cl_incp(:), Cs_incp(:), Cr_incp(:)
3600                WRITE(numout,*) 'Cl_inc, Cs_ins, Cr_inc, Cf_inc, ', &
3601                     Cl_inc(:), Cs_inc(:), Cr_inc(:), Cf_inc(:)
3602                WRITE(numout,*) 'b_inc_tot, ', b_inc_tot
3603                WRITE(numout,*) 'Old ba, delta_ba, new ba, ', circ_class_ba_eff(:), &
3604                     delta_ba(:), circ_class_ba_eff(:)+delta_ba(:)
3605                DO l=1,ncirc
3606                   WRITE(numout,*) 'Circ_class_biomass, ', &
3607                        circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,l,:,icarbon)
3608                ENDDO
3609             ENDIF
3610             !-
3612             !! 5.2.10 Wrap-up phenological and ordinary allocation
3613             Cl_inc(:) = Cl_inc(:) + Cl_incp(:)
3614             Cr_inc(:) = Cr_inc(:) + Cr_incp(:)
3615             Cs_inc(:) = Cs_inc(:) + Cs_incp(:)
3616             residual(ipts,j) = b_inc_tot
3618             !+++CHECK+++
3619             ! All options to leave allocation have a b_inc_tot of zero.
3620             ! This code may no longer be needed. As we are working towards
3621             ! a dealine it was left in. It should not be harmful, it may
3622             ! just complexify the code and slowdown the model a bit.
3624             !! 5.2.11 Account for the residual
3625             !  The residual is usually around ::min_stomate but we deal
3626             !  with it anyway to make sure the mass balance is closed
3627             !  and as a way to detect errors. Move the unallocated carbon
3628             !  back into the labile pool
3629             IF (tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) + residual(ipts,j) .LE. min_stomate) THEN
3631                deficit = tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) + residual(ipts,j)
3633                ! The deficit is less than the carbon reserve
3634                IF (-deficit .LE. tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon)) THEN
3636                   ! Pay the deficit from the reserve pool
3637                   tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon) = &
3638                        tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon) + deficit
3639                   tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon)  = &
3640                        tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) - deficit
3642                ELSE
3644                   ! Not enough carbon to pay the deficit
3645                   ! There is likely a bigger problem somewhere in
3646                   ! this routine
3647                   WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 11: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
3648                   WRITE(numout,*) 'resiudal, labile, deficit, ', &
3649                        residual(ipts,j), tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon), &
3650                        deficit, tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon) 
3651                   CALL ipslerr_p (3,'growth_fun_all',&
3652                        'WARNING 11: numerical problem overspending ',&
3653                        'when trying to account for unallocatable C ','')
3655                ENDIF
3657             ELSE
3659                ! Move the unallocated carbon back into the labile pool
3660                tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) = &
3661                     tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) + residual(ipts,j)
3663             ENDIF
3664             !+++++++++++
3666             !! 5.2.12 Distribute stand level ilabile and icarbres at the tree level
3667             !  The labile and carbres pools are calculated at the stand level but
3668             !  have to be redistributed at the tree level. Tree level biomass is the
3669             !  prognostic variable in ORCHIDEE. Biomass is sometimes used as a local
3670             !  variable mainly to deal with the reserve and labile pools.
3671             circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,ilabile,icarbon) = &
3672                  biomass_to_cc(tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon),&
3673                  circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,ilabile,icarbon),&
3674                  circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))
3675             circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,icarbres,icarbon) = &
3676                  biomass_to_cc(tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon),&
3677                  circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,icarbres,icarbon),&
3678                  circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))
3680             !! 5.2.13 Standardise allocation factors
3681             !  Strictly speaking the allocation factors do not need to be
3682             !  calculated because the functional allocation scheme allocates
3683             !  absolute amounts of carbon. Hence, Cl_inc could simply be
3684             !  added to tmp_bm(:,:,ileaf,icarbon), Cr_inc to
3685             !  tmp_bm(:,:,iroot,icarbon), etc. However, using allocation
3686             !  factors bears some elegance in respect to distributing the
3687             !  growth respiration if this would be required. Further it
3688             !  facilitates comparison to the resource limited allocation
3689             !  scheme (stomate_growth_res_lim.f90) and it comes in handy
3690             !  for model-data comparison. This allocation takes place at
3691             !  the tree level - note that ::biomass is the only prognostic
3692             !  variable from the tree-based allocation
3693             !  WARNING: the reserves pools are ignored when calculating
3694             !  the allocation factors. Make sure this is OK for you before
3695             !  using these factors.
3697             !  Allocation   
3698             Cl_inc(:) = MAX(zero, circ_class_n(ipts,j,:) * Cl_inc(:))
3699             Cr_inc(:) = MAX(zero, circ_class_n(ipts,j,:) * Cr_inc(:))
3700             Cs_inc(:) = MAX(zero, circ_class_n(ipts,j,:) * Cs_inc(:))
3701             Cf_inc(:) = MAX(zero, circ_class_n(ipts,j,:) * Cf_inc(:))
3703             ! Total_inc is based on the updated Cl_inc, Cr_inc, Cs_inc and
3704             ! Cf_inc. Therefore, do not multiply
3705             ! circ_class_n(ipts,j,:) again
3706             total_inc = SUM(Cf_inc(:) + Cl_inc(:) + Cs_inc(:) + Cr_inc(:))
3708             ! Relative allocation
3709             IF ( total_inc .GT. min_stomate ) THEN
3711                Cl_inc(:) = Cl_inc(:) / total_inc
3712                Cs_inc(:) = Cs_inc(:) / total_inc
3713                Cr_inc(:) = Cr_inc(:) / total_inc
3714                Cf_inc(:) = Cf_inc(:) / total_inc
3716             ELSE
3718                bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) = zero
3719                Cl_inc(:) = zero
3720                Cs_inc(:) = zero
3721                Cr_inc(:) = zero
3722                Cf_inc(:) = zero
3724             ENDIF
3726             !! 5.2.13 Convert allocation to allocation facors
3727             !  Convert allocation of individuals to ORCHIDEE's allocation
3728             !  factors - see comment for 5.2.5. Aboveground sapwood
3729             !  allocation is age dependent in trees. ::alloc_min and
3730             !  ::alloc_max must range between 0 and 1.
3731             alloc_sap_above = alloc_min(j) + ( alloc_max(j) - alloc_min(j) ) * &
3732                  ( 1. - EXP( -age(ipts,j) / demi_alloc(j) ) )
3734             ! Leaf, wood, root and fruit allocation. Note that the X_inc
3735             ! are normalized before being used here.
3736             f_alloc(ipts,j,ileaf) = SUM(Cl_inc(:))
3737             f_alloc(ipts,j,isapabove) = SUM(Cs_inc(:)*alloc_sap_above)
3738             f_alloc(ipts,j,isapbelow) = SUM(Cs_inc(:)*(1.-alloc_sap_above))
3739             f_alloc(ipts,j,iroot) = SUM(Cr_inc(:))
3740             f_alloc(ipts,j,ifruit) = SUM(Cf_inc(:))
3742             ! Store f_alloc per circ_class to calculate the allocation
3743             ! in circ_class_biomass after bm_alloc_tot has been checked
3744             ! for the N availability. Note that the X_inc
3745             ! are normalized before being used here.
3746             f_alloc_circ(ipts,:,ileaf) = Cl_inc(:)
3747             f_alloc_circ(ipts,:,isapabove) = Cs_inc(:)*alloc_sap_above
3748             f_alloc_circ(ipts,:,isapbelow) = Cs_inc(:)*(1.-alloc_sap_above)
3749             f_alloc_circ(ipts,:,iroot) = Cr_inc(:)
3750             f_alloc_circ(ipts,:,ifruit) = Cf_inc(:)
3752             ! Debug
3753             IF (printlev_loc.GE.4 .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. j.EQ.test_pft) THEN
3754                tempi = zero
3755                DO icir = 1,ncirc
3756                   IF (Cl_inc(icir) .LT. zero .OR. &
3757                        Cs_inc(icir) * alloc_sap_above .LT. zero .OR. &
3758                        Cs_inc(icir) * (un - alloc_sap_above) .LT. zero .OR. &
3759                        Cr_inc(icir) .LT. zero .OR. & 
3760                        Cf_inc(icir) .LT. zero .OR. &
3761                        total_inc .LT. zero .OR. &
3762                        circ_class_n(ipts,j,icir) .LT. zero) THEN
3763                      WRITE(numout,*) 'Cl_inc, ', j, Cl_inc(icir)
3764                      WRITE(numout,*) 'Cs_inc aboveground, ', j, &
3765                           Cs_inc(icir) * alloc_sap_above
3766                      WRITE(numout,*) 'Cs_inc aboveground, ', j, &
3767                           Cs_inc(icir) * (un-alloc_sap_above)
3768                      WRITE(numout,*) 'Cr_inc, ', j, Cr_inc(icir)
3769                      WRITE(numout,*) 'Cf_inc, ', j, Cf_inc(icir)
3770                      WRITE(numout,*) 'total_inc, ', j, total_inc
3771                      WRITE(numout,*) 'circ_class_n, ', j, circ_class_n(ipts,j,icir)
3772                      CALL ipslerr_p (3,'growth_fun_all',&
3773                           'WARNING 11bis: the solution has negative values',&
3774                           'None of these variables should be negative','')
3775                   ENDIF
3776                ENDDO
3777             ENDIF
3778             !-
3780          ELSEIF (is_tree(j)) THEN
3782             ! bm_alloc_tot was less than min_stomate. No effort
3783             ! to allocate but this little bit of carbon should be
3784             ! correctly accounted for.
3785             residual(ipts,j) = bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j)
3787             ! Debug
3788             IF(printlev_loc.GE.4 .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. j.EQ.test_pft) WRITE(numout,*) &
3789                  'there is no tree biomass to allocate, PFT, ', j
3790             !-
3792          ENDIF ! Is there biomass to allocate (§5.2 - far far up)
3794          !! 5.3 Calculate allocated biomass pools for grasses and crops
3795          !  Only possible if there is biomass to allocate
3796          IF ( .NOT. is_tree(j) .AND. bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) .GT. min_stomate ) THEN
3798             !! 5.3.1 Scaling factor to convert variables to the individual plant
3799             !  Allocation is on an individual basis (gC ind-1). Stand-level variables
3800             !  need to convert to a single individual. The absence of sapwood makes
3801             !  this irrelevant because the allocation reduces to a linear function
3802             !  (contrary to the non-linearity of tree allocation). For the
3803             !  beauty of consistency, the transformations will be implemented.
3804             !  Different approach between the DGVM and statitic approach
3805             IF (ok_dgvm) THEN
3807                ! The DGVM does NOT work with the functional allocation. Consider
3808                ! this code as a placeholder. The original code had two different
3809                ! transformations to calculate the scalars. Both could be used but
3810                ! the units will differ. For consistency only one was retained
3811                ! scal = ind(ipts,j) * cn_ind(ipts,j) / veget_max(ipts,j)
3812                scal(ipts,j) = veget_max(ipts,j) / circ_class_n(ipts,j,1)
3814             ELSE
3816                ! By dividing the actual biomass by the number of individuals
3817                ! the biomass of an individual is obtained. Note that a grass/crop
3818                ! individual was defined as 1m-2 of vegetation
3819                scal(ipts,j) = 1./ circ_class_n(ipts,j,1)
3821             ENDIF
3823             !! 5.3.2 Current biomass pools per grass/crop (gC ind^-1)
3824             !  Cs has too many dimensions for grass/crops. To have a consistent
3825             !  notation the same variables are used as for trees but the dimension
3826             !  of Cs, Cl and Cr i.e. ::ncirc should be ignored           
3827             Cs(:) = circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,1,isapabove,icarbon) * scal(ipts,j)
3828             Cr(:) = circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,1,iroot,icarbon) * scal(ipts,j)
3829             Cl(:) = circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,1,ileaf,icarbon) * scal(ipts,j)
3830             Ch(:) = zero
3832             ! Quantify and account for nitrogen limitation on allometric
3833             ! allocation. The same code as in the section 5.4 is used exept
3834             ! that we don't use allocation coeff to modulate n_avail. So
3835             ! costf=1. It is a strong assamption compared to the previous version.
3836             ! It means that ordinary allocation can only happens when allometric
3837             ! allocation is is ok. In other case no wood growth is allowed.
3838             ! In the case of a strong limitation by Nitrogen, the growth period
3839             ! for sapwood will be shorten because we reach allometry late in
3840             ! the growing season.
3841             n_avail = MAX(tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,initrogen)*0.9,0.0)
3842             bm_supply_n = n_avail  / (1.-frac_growthresp_dyn) * &
3843                           cn_leaf(ipts,j)
3845             ! Calculate how much carbon could be allocated with the available nitrogen
3846             bm_supply_n = n_avail  / (1.-frac_growthresp_dyn) * &
3847                  cn_leaf(ipts,j)
3849             ! If there is not enough nitrogen, move nitrogen from the reserve
3850             ! as much as needed, keeping 10% of reserve (arbitral portion)
3851             IF(bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) .GT. bm_supply_n &
3852                  .AND. n_avail .GT. zero) THEN
3854                ! Calculate the deficit
3855                n_deficit = bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) * (1.-frac_growthresp_dyn) / &
3856                     cn_leaf(ipts,j) - n_avail
3858                IF(n_deficit .LE. tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,initrogen) * 0.9) THEN
3860                   ! Enougn N in the reserve pools to fill the labile pool
3861                   n_avail = n_avail + n_deficit
3862                   bm_supply_n = n_avail / (1.-frac_growthresp_dyn) * &
3863                        cn_leaf(ipts,j)
3864                   tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,initrogen) = tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,initrogen) - &
3865                        (n_avail/0.9 - tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,initrogen))
3866                   tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,initrogen) = n_avail/0.9
3868                   ! tmp_bm is a temporary varaiable so the prognostic variable, i.e.,
3869                   ! circ_class_biomass also needs to be updated.
3870                   circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,icarbres,initrogen) = &
3871                        biomass_to_cc(tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,initrogen),&
3872                        circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,icarbres,initrogen),&
3873                        circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))
3874                   circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,ilabile,initrogen) = &
3875                        biomass_to_cc(tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,initrogen),&
3876                        circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,ilabile,initrogen),&
3877                        circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))
3879                ELSE
3881                   ! Deficit exceeds 90% of reserve. fill labile as much as
3882                   ! possible
3883                   tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,initrogen) = tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,initrogen) + &
3884                        tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,initrogen) * 0.9
3885                   tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,initrogen) = tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,initrogen) - &
3886                        tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,initrogen) * 0.9
3888                   ! tmp_bm is a temporary varaiable so the prognostic variable, i.e.,
3889                   ! circ_class_biomass also needs to be updated.
3890                   circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,icarbres,initrogen) = &
3891                        biomass_to_cc(tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,initrogen),&
3892                        circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,icarbres,initrogen),&
3893                        circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))
3894                   circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,ilabile,initrogen) = &
3895                        biomass_to_cc(tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,initrogen),&
3896                        circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,ilabile,initrogen),&
3897                        circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))
3899                   ! Update the available nitrogen and the carbon that could be allocated
3900                   ! with that amount of nitrogen
3901                   n_avail = MAX(tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,initrogen)*0.9,0.0)
3902                   bm_supply_n = n_avail / (1.-frac_growthresp_dyn) * &
3903                        cn_leaf(ipts,j)
3904                ENDIF
3906             ENDIF
3908             deltacnmax = 1. - exp(-((1.6 * MIN((1./cn_leaf(ipts,j))-&
3909                  (1./cn_leaf_min_2D(ipts,j)),0.) / &
3910                  ( (1./(cn_leaf_max_2D(ipts,j))) - &
3911                  (1./cn_leaf_min_2D(ipts,j)) ) )**4.1))
3913             IF ( bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) .GT. bm_supply_n ) THEN
3915                IF (impose_cn) THEN
3917                   ! Calculate how much nitrogen is missing to allocate all the
3918                   ! carbon contained in bm_alloc_tot
3919                   n_deficit = (bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j)-bm_supply_n) * &
3920                        (1.-frac_growthresp_dyn) / cn_leaf(ipts,j)/0.9
3922                   ! The nitrogen missing to allocate the entire bm_alloc_tot will be taken
3923                   ! from the atmosphere and put in the labile pool.
3924                   atm_to_bm(ipts,j,initrogen) = atm_to_bm(ipts,j,initrogen) + &
3925                        n_deficit/dt
3926                   tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,initrogen) = &
3927                        tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,initrogen) + n_deficit
3929                   ! tmp_bm is a temporary varaiable so the prognostic variable, i.e.,
3930                   ! circ_class_biomass also needs to be updated.
3931                   circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,ilabile,initrogen) = &
3932                        biomass_to_cc(tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,initrogen),&
3933                        circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,ilabile,initrogen),&
3934                        circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))
3936                   ! Estimate the nitrogen pool that is required to allocate all the
3937                   ! carbon in bm_alloc_tot.
3938                   n_alloc_tot(ipts,j) = bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) * &
3939                        (1.-frac_growthresp_dyn)/cn_leaf(ipts,j)
3941                ELSE
3943                   IF (printlev_loc .GE. 4 .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. j.EQ.test_pft) THEN
3944                      WRITE(numout,*) 'N-limitation before allocation'
3945                   ENDIF
3946                   deltacnmax = Dmax * (1.-deltacnmax) 
3947                   deltacn = n_avail /  ( bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) * &
3948                        (1.-frac_growthresp_dyn) * 1./cn_leaf(ipts,j) )
3949                   deltacn = MIN(MAX(deltacn,1.0-deltacnmax),1.0)
3951                   n_alloc_tot(ipts,j) =  MIN( n_avail , & 
3952                        bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) * (1.-frac_growthresp_dyn) * &
3953                        MAX(MIN( 1./cn_leaf(ipts,j)*deltacn, 1./cn_leaf_min_2D(ipts,j)), &
3954                        1./cn_leaf_max_2D(ipts,j)) ) 
3956                   tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) = &
3957                        tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) + &
3958                        bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j)
3960                   bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) = MIN( bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) , &
3961                        n_alloc_tot(ipts,j) / (1.-frac_growthresp_dyn) / &
3962                        MAX(MIN(1./cn_leaf(ipts,j)*deltacn, &
3963                        1./cn_leaf_min_2D(ipts,j)), 1./cn_leaf_max_2D(ipts,j)) )
3965                   tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) = tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) - &
3966                        bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) 
3968                ENDIF ! if impose_cn
3970             ELSE
3972                deltacnmax=Dmax * deltacnmax
3973                deltacn = n_avail / ( bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) * &
3974                     (1.-frac_growthresp_dyn) * 1./cn_leaf(ipts,j) ) 
3975                deltacn=MIN(MAX(deltacn,1.0),1.+deltacnmax)
3977                n_alloc_tot(ipts,j) =  MIN( n_avail , & 
3978                     bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) * (1.-frac_growthresp_dyn) * &
3979                     MAX(MIN(1./cn_leaf(ipts,j)*deltacn, & 
3980                     1./cn_leaf_min_2D(ipts,j)),1./cn_leaf_max_2D(ipts,j)) )
3982             ENDIF
3984             ! Total amount of carbon that needs to ba allocated (::bm_alloc_tot).
3985             ! bm_alloc_tot is in gC m-2 day-1. At 1 m2 there are ::ind number of
3986             ! trees. We calculate the allocation for ::ncirc trees. Hence b_inc_tot
3987             ! needs to be scaled in the allocation routines. For all cases were
3988             ! allocation takes place for a single circumference class, scaling
3989             ! could be done before the allocation. In the ordinary allocation
3990             ! allocation takes place to all circumference classes at the same time.
3991             ! Hence scaling takes place in that step for consistency we scale during
3992             ! allocation. Note that b_inc (the carbon allocated to an individual
3993             ! circumference class cannot be estimates at this point.
3994             IF (bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j).GT.min_stomate) THEN
3996                ! There is enough carbon to allocate
3997                b_inc_tot = bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j)
3999             ELSE
4001                ! There is so little carbon that it is not worth the hassle
4002                ! to allocate. Allocating very small amounts increases the
4003                ! risk to run into precision errors.
4004                tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) = tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) + &
4005                     bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j)
4006                b_inc_tot = zero
4008             ENDIF
4010             ! Labile carbon is updated in consequence
4011             circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,ilabile,icarbon) = &
4012                  biomass_to_cc(tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon),&
4013                  circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,ilabile,icarbon),&
4014                  circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))
4016          END IF
4018          ! Intermediate mass balance check
4019          IF (err_act.EQ.4 .AND. .NOT.is_tree(j)) THEN
4021             ! Reset entire array to zero to calculate mass balance for each
4022             ! pixel x pft separatly
4023             pool_end(:,:,:) = zero
4025             ! Add bm_alloc_tot into the pool
4026             pool_end(ipts,j,icarbon) = pool_end(ipts,j,icarbon) + &
4027                     b_inc_tot * veget_max(ipts,j)
4029             ! Check mass balance closure. Between intermediate check 1 and 3a
4030             ! bm_inc_tot was recalculated by accounting for the available nitrogen
4031             CALL intermediate_mass_balance_check(pool_start, pool_end, circ_class_biomass, &
4032                  circ_class_n, veget_max, bm_alloc_tot, gpp_daily, atm_to_bm, dt, npts, &
4033                  resp_maint, resp_growth, check_intern_init, ipts, j, '3a', 'ipft')
4035          ENDIF ! err_act.EQ.4
4037          ! The initial estimate of bm_alloc_tot was high enough to consider allocation
4038          ! but after accounting for the available nitrogen bm_alloc_tot may have
4039          ! dropped below the min_stomate threshold so it needs to be tested again
4040          IF ( .NOT. is_tree(j) .AND. bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) .GT. min_stomate ) THEN
4042             !! 5.3.3 C-allocation for crops and grasses
4043             !  The mass conservation equations are detailed in the header of
4044             !  this subroutine. The scheme assumes a functional relationships
4045             !  between leaves and roots for grasses and crops. When carbon is
4046             !  added to the leaf biomass pool, an increase in the root biomass
4047             !  is to be expected to sustain water transport from the roots to
4048             !  the leaves.
4050             !! Do the biomass pools respect the pipe model?
4051             !  Do the current leaf, sapwood and root components respect the
4052             !  allometric constraints? Calculate the optimal root and leaf mass,
4053             !  given the current wood mass by using the basic allometric
4054             !  relationships. Calculate the optimal sapwood mass as a function
4055             !  of the current leaf and root mass.
4056             Cl_target(1) = MAX( Cs(1) * KF(ipts,j) , Cr(1) * LF(ipts,j), Cl(1) )
4057             Cs_target(1) = MAX( Cl_target(1) / KF(ipts,j), &
4058                  Cr(1) * LF(ipts,j) / KF(ipts,j), Cs(1) ) 
4059             Cr_target(1) = MAX( Cl_target(1) / LF(ipts,j), &
4060                  Cs_target(1) * KF(ipts,j) / LF(ipts,j), Cr(1) )
4062             ! Debug
4063             IF (printlev_loc.GE.4 .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. j.EQ.test_pft) THEN
4064                WRITE(numout,*) 'bm_alloc_tot, ',bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j)
4065                WRITE(numout,*) 'Does the grass/crop needs reshaping?'
4066                WRITE(numout,*) 'KF, LF, ', KF(ipts,j), LF(ipts,j)
4067                WRITE(numout,*) 'Cl_target-Cl, ', Cl_target(1)-Cl(1), Cl_target(1), Cl(1)
4068                WRITE(numout,*) 'Cs_target-Cs, ', Cs_target(1)-Cs(1), Cs_target(1), Cs(1)
4069                WRITE(numout,*) 'Cr_target-Cr, ', Cr_target(1)-Cr(1), Cr_target(1), Cr(1)
4070             ENDIF
4071             !-
4073             !! Phenological growth
4074             !  Phenological growth and reshaping of the grass/crop in line with
4075             !  the pipe model. Turnover removes C from the different plant components
4076             !  but at a component-specific rate, as such the allometric constraints
4077             !  are distorted at every time step and should be restored before ordinary
4078             !  growth can take place
4080             !! The available C can sustain the present leaves and roots
4081             !  Calculate whether the structural c is in allometric balance. The target
4082             !  values should always be larger than the current pools so the use of ABS
4083             !  is redundant but was used to be on the safe side (here and in the rest
4084             !  of the module) as it could help to find logical flaws.       
4085             IF ( ABS(Cs_target(1) - Cs(1)) .LT. min_stomate ) THEN
4087                Cs_incp(1) = MAX(zero, Cs_target(1) - Cs(1))
4089                ! Enough leaves and structural biomass, only grow roots
4090                IF ( ABS(Cl_target(1) - Cl(1))  .LT. min_stomate ) THEN
4092                   ! Allocate at the tree level to restore allometric balance
4093                   Cl_incp(1) = MAX(zero, Cl_target(1) - Cl(1))
4094                   Cr_incp(1) = MAX( MIN(b_inc_tot / circ_class_n(ipts,j,1) - &
4095                        Cs_incp(1) - Cl_incp(1), Cr_target(1) - Cr(1)), zero )
4097                   ! Write debug comments to output file
4098                   IF ((j.EQ.test_pft .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. printlev_loc.GE.4) .OR. printlev_loc>=5) THEN
4099                      CALL comment(npts, Cl_target, Cl, Cs_target, Cs, Cr_target, Cr, &
4100                           delta_ba, ipts, j, l, b_inc_tot, Cl_incp, Cs_incp, Cr_incp, &
4101                           KF, LF, Cl_inc, Cs_inc, Cr_inc, Cf_inc, grow_wood, &
4102                           circ_class_n, 12)
4103                   ENDIF
4105                ! Sufficient structural C and roots, allocate C to leaves
4106                ELSEIF ( ABS(Cr_target(1) - Cr(1)) .LT. min_stomate ) THEN
4108                   ! Allocate at the tree level to restore allometric balance
4109                   Cr_incp(1) = MAX(zero, Cr_target(1) - Cr(1))
4110                   Cl_incp(1) = MAX( MIN(b_inc_tot / circ_class_n(ipts,j,1) - &
4111                        Cs_incp(1) - Cr_incp(1), Cl_target(1) - Cl(1)), zero )
4113                   ! Update vegetation height
4114                   qm_height = biomass_to_lai(Cl(1) + Cl_incp(1),j) * lai_to_height(j)
4116                   ! Write debug comments to output file
4117                   IF ((j.EQ.test_pft .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. printlev_loc.GE.4) .OR. printlev_loc>=5) THEN
4118                      CALL comment(npts, Cl_target, Cl, Cs_target, Cs, Cr_target, Cr, &
4119                           delta_ba, ipts, j, l, b_inc_tot, Cl_incp, Cs_incp, Cr_incp, &
4120                           KF, LF, Cl_inc, Cs_inc, Cr_inc, Cf_inc, grow_wood, &
4121                           circ_class_n, 13)
4122                   ENDIF
4124                ! Both leaves and roots are needed to restore the allometric relationships
4125                ELSEIF ( ABS(Cl_target(1) - Cl(1)) .GT. min_stomate .AND. &
4126                     ABS(Cr_target(1) - Cr(1)) .GT. min_stomate ) THEN                 
4128                   ! Allocate at the tree level to restore allometric balance
4129                   !  The equations can be rearanged and written as
4130                   !  (i) b_inc = Cl_inc + Cr_inc
4131                   !  (ii) Cr_inc = (Cl_inc+Cl)/LF - Cr
4132                   !  Substitue (ii) in (i) and solve for Cl_inc
4133                   !  <=> Cl_inc = (LF*(b_inc+Cr)-Cl)/(1+LF)
4134                   Cl_incp(1) = MIN( ((LF(ipts,j) * ((b_inc_tot/circ_class_n(ipts,j,1)) - &
4135                        Cs_incp(1) + Cr(1))) - Cl(1)) / (1 + LF(ipts,j)), &
4136                        Cl_target(1) - Cl(1) )
4137                   Cr_incp(1) = MIN ( ((Cl_incp(1) + Cl(1)) / LF(ipts,j)) - Cr(1), &
4138                        Cr_target(1) - Cr(1))
4140                   ! The imbalance between Cr and Cl can be so big that (Cl+Cl_inc)/LF
4141                   ! is still less then the available root carbon (observed!). This
4142                   ! would result in a negative Cr_incp
4143                   IF ( Cr_incp(1) .LT. zero ) THEN
4145                      Cl_incp(1) = MIN( b_inc_tot/circ_class_n(ipts,j,1) - &
4146                           Cs_incp(1), Cl_target(1) - Cl(1) )
4147                      Cr_incp(1) = b_inc_tot/circ_class_n(ipts,j,1) - &
4148                           Cs_incp(1) - Cl_incp(1)
4150                   ELSEIF (Cl_incp(1) .LT. zero) THEN
4152                      Cr_incp(1) = MIN( b_inc_tot/circ_class_n(ipts,j,1) - &
4153                           Cs_incp(1), Cr_target(1) - Cr(1) )
4154                      Cl_incp(1) = (b_inc_tot/circ_class_n(ipts,j,1)) - &
4155                           Cs_incp(1) - Cr_incp(1)
4157                   ENDIF
4159                   ! Update vegetation height
4160                   qm_height = biomass_to_lai(Cl(1) + Cl_incp(1),j) * lai_to_height(j)
4162                   ! Write debug comments to output file
4163                   IF ((j.EQ.test_pft .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. printlev_loc.GE.4) .OR. printlev_loc>=5) THEN
4164                      CALL comment(npts, Cl_target, Cl, Cs_target, Cs, Cr_target, Cr, &
4165                           delta_ba, ipts, j, l, b_inc_tot, Cl_incp, Cs_incp, Cr_incp, &
4166                           KF, LF, Cl_inc, Cs_inc, Cr_inc, Cf_inc, grow_wood, &
4167                           circ_class_n, 14)
4168                   ENDIF   
4170                ELSE
4172                   WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 12: Exc 1-3 unexpected exception'
4173                   WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 12: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
4174                   IF(err_act.GT.1)THEN
4175                      CALL ipslerr_p (3,'growth_fun_all',&
4176                          'WARNING 12: Exc 1-3 unexpected exception','','') 
4177                   ENDIF
4179                ENDIF
4181             !! Enough leaves to sustain the structural C and roots
4182             ELSEIF ( ABS(Cl_target(1) - Cl(1)) .LT. min_stomate ) THEN
4184                Cl_incp(1) = MAX(zero, Cl_target(1) - Cl(1))
4186                ! Enough leaves and structural C, only grow roots
4187                ! This duplicates Exc 1 and these lines should never be called
4188                IF ( ABS(Cs_target(1) - Cs(1)) .LT. min_stomate ) THEN
4190                   ! Allocate at the tree level to restore allometric balance
4191                   Cs_incp(1) = MAX(zero, Cs_target(1) - Cs(1))
4192                   Cr_incp(1) = MAX( MIN(b_inc_tot/circ_class_n(ipts,j,1) - &
4193                        Cl_incp(1) - Cs_incp(1), Cr_target(1) - Cr(1)), zero )
4195                   ! Write debug comments to output file
4196                   IF ((j.EQ.test_pft .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. printlev_loc.GE.4) .OR. printlev_loc>=5) THEN
4197                      CALL comment(npts, Cl_target, Cl, Cs_target, Cs, Cr_target, Cr, &
4198                           delta_ba, ipts, j, l, b_inc_tot, Cl_incp, Cs_incp, Cr_incp, &
4199                           KF, LF, Cl_inc, Cs_inc, Cr_inc, Cf_inc, grow_wood, &
4200                           circ_class_n, 15)
4201                   ENDIF 
4203                ! Enough leaves and roots. Need to grow structural C to support
4204                ! the available canopy and roots
4205                ELSEIF ( ABS(Cr_target(1) - Cr(1)) .LT. min_stomate ) THEN
4207                   Cr_incp(1) = MAX(zero, Cr_target(1) - Cr(1))
4208                   Cs_incp(1) = MAX( MIN(b_inc_tot/circ_class_n(ipts,j,1) - &
4209                        Cr_incp(1) - Cl_incp(1), Cs_target(1) - Cs(1)), zero )
4211                   ! Write debug comments to output file
4212                   IF ((j.EQ.test_pft .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. printlev_loc.GE.4) .OR. printlev_loc>=5) THEN
4213                      CALL comment(npts, Cl_target, Cl, Cs_target, Cs, Cr_target, Cr, &
4214                           delta_ba, ipts, j, l, b_inc_tot, Cl_incp, Cs_incp, Cr_incp, &
4215                           KF, LF, Cl_inc, Cs_inc, Cr_inc, Cf_inc, grow_wood, &
4216                           circ_class_n, 16)
4217                   ENDIF
4219                ! Need both structural C and roots to restore the allometric relationships
4220                ELSEIF ( ABS(Cs_target(1) - Cs(1) ) .GT. min_stomate .AND. &
4221                     ABS(Cr_target(1) - Cr(1)) .GT. min_stomate ) THEN
4223                   !  First try if we can simply satisfy the allocation needs
4224                   IF (Cs_target(1) - Cs(1) + Cr_target(1) - Cr(1) .LE. &
4225                        b_inc_tot/circ_class_n(ipts,j,1) - Cl_incp(1)) THEN
4227                      Cr_incp(1) = Cr_target(1) - Cr(1)
4228                      Cs_incp(1) = Cs_target(1) - Cs(1)
4230                   ! Try to satisfy the need for the roots
4231                   ELSEIF (Cr_target(1) - Cr(1) .LE. &
4232                        b_inc_tot/circ_class_n(ipts,j,1) - Cl_incp(1)) THEN
4234                      Cr_incp(1) = Cr_target(1) - Cr(1)
4235                      Cs_incp(1) = b_inc_tot/circ_class_n(ipts,j,1) - &
4236                           Cl_incp(1) - Cr_incp(1)
4239                   ! There is not enough use whatever is available
4240                   ELSE
4242                      Cr_incp(1) = b_inc_tot/circ_class_n(ipts,j,1) - Cl_incp(1)
4243                      Cs_incp(1) = zero
4245                   ENDIF
4247                   ! Write debug comments to output file
4248                   IF ((j.EQ.test_pft .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. printlev_loc.GE.4) .OR. printlev_loc>=5) THEN
4249                      CALL comment(npts, Cl_target, Cl, Cs_target, Cs, Cr_target, Cr, &
4250                           delta_ba, ipts, j, l, b_inc_tot, Cl_incp, Cs_incp, Cr_incp, &
4251                           KF, LF, Cl_inc, Cs_inc, Cr_inc, Cf_inc, grow_wood, &
4252                           circ_class_n, 17)
4253                   ENDIF
4255                ELSE
4257                   WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 13: Exc 4-6 unexpected exception'
4258                   WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 13: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
4259                   IF(err_act.GT.1)THEN
4260                      CALL ipslerr_p (3,'growth_fun_all',&
4261                           'WARNING 13: Exc 4-6 unexpected exception','','')
4262                   ENDIF
4264                ENDIF
4266             !! Enough roots to sustain the wood and leaves
4267             ELSEIF ( ABS(Cr_target(1) - Cr(1)) .LT. min_stomate ) THEN
4269                Cr_incp(1) = MAX(zero, Cr_target(1) - Cr(1)) 
4271                ! Enough roots and wood, only grow leaves
4272                ! This duplicates Exc 2 and these lines should thus never be called
4273                IF ( ABS(Cs_target(1) - Cs(1)) .LT. min_stomate ) THEN
4275                   ! Allocate at the tree level to restore allometric balance
4276                   Cs_incp(1) = MAX(zero, Cs_target(1) - Cs(1)) 
4277                   Cl_incp(1) = MAX( MIN(b_inc_tot/circ_class_n(ipts,j,1) - &
4278                        Cr_incp(1) - Cs_incp(1), Cl_target(1) - Cl(1)), zero )
4280                   ! Update vegetation height
4281                   qm_height = biomass_to_lai(Cl(1) + Cl_incp(1),j) * lai_to_height(j)
4283                   ! Write debug comments to output file
4284                   IF ((j.EQ.test_pft .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. printlev_loc.GE.4) .OR. printlev_loc>=5) THEN
4285                      CALL comment(npts, Cl_target, Cl, Cs_target, Cs, Cr_target, Cr, &
4286                           delta_ba, ipts, j, l, b_inc_tot, Cl_incp, Cs_incp, Cr_incp, &
4287                           KF, LF, Cl_inc, Cs_inc, Cr_inc, Cf_inc, grow_wood, &
4288                           circ_class_n, 18)
4289                   ENDIF 
4291                ! Enough leaves and roots. Need to grow sapwood to support the
4292                ! available canopy and roots. Duplicates Exc. 4 and these lines
4293                ! should thus never be called
4294                ELSEIF ( ABS(Cl_target(1) - Cl(1)) .LT. min_stomate ) THEN
4296                   ! Allocate at the tree level to restore allometric balance
4297                   Cl_incp(1) = MAX(zero, Cl_target(1) - Cl(1)) 
4298                   Cs_incp(1) = MAX( MIN(b_inc_tot/circ_class_n(ipts,j,1) - &
4299                        Cr_incp(1) - Cl_incp(1), Cs_target(1) - Cs(1) ), zero )
4301                   ! Write debug comments to output file
4302                   IF ((j.EQ.test_pft .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. printlev_loc.GE.4) .OR. printlev_loc>=5) THEN
4303                      CALL comment(npts, Cl_target, Cl, Cs_target, Cs, Cr_target, Cr, &
4304                           delta_ba, ipts, j, l, b_inc_tot, Cl_incp, Cs_incp, Cr_incp, &
4305                           KF, LF, Cl_inc, Cs_inc, Cr_inc, Cf_inc, grow_wood, &
4306                           circ_class_n, 19)
4307                   ENDIF                       
4309                ! Need both wood and leaves to restore the allometric relationships
4310                ELSEIF ( ABS(Cs_target(1) - Cs(1)) .GT. min_stomate .AND. &
4311                     ABS(Cl_target(1) - Cl(1)) .GT. min_stomate ) THEN
4313                   ! circ_class_ba_eff and circ_class_height_eff are already calculated
4314                   ! for a tree in balance. It would be rather complicated to follow
4315                   ! the allometric rules for wood allocation (implying changes in height
4316                   ! and basal area) because the tree is not in balance.First try if we
4317                   ! can simply satisfy the allocation needs
4318                   IF (Cs_target(1) - Cs(1) + Cl_target(1) - Cl(1) .LE. &
4319                        b_inc_tot/circ_class_n(ipts,j,1) - Cr_incp(1)) THEN
4321                      Cl_incp(1) = Cl_target(1) - Cl(1)
4322                      Cs_incp(1) = Cs_target(1) - Cs(1)
4324                   ! Try to satisfy the need for leaves
4325                   ELSEIF (Cl_target(1) - Cl(1) .LE. &
4326                        b_inc_tot/circ_class_n(ipts,j,1) - Cr_incp(1)) THEN
4328                      Cl_incp(1) = Cl_target(1) - Cl(1)
4329                      Cs_incp(1) = b_inc_tot/circ_class_n(ipts,j,1) - &
4330                           Cr_incp(1) - Cl_incp(1)
4332                   ! There is not enough use whatever is available
4333                   ELSE
4335                      Cl_incp(1) = b_inc_tot/circ_class_n(ipts,j,1) - Cr_incp(1)
4336                      Cs_incp(1) = zero
4338                   ENDIF
4340                   ! Calculate the height of the expanded canopy
4341                   qm_height(ipts,j) = biomass_to_lai(Cl(1) + Cl_inc(1),j) * lai_to_height(j)
4343                   ! Write debug comments to output file
4344                   IF ((j.EQ.test_pft .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. printlev_loc.GE.4) .OR. printlev_loc>=5) THEN
4345                      CALL comment(npts, Cl_target, Cl, Cs_target, Cs, Cr_target, Cr, &
4346                           delta_ba, ipts, j, l, b_inc_tot, Cl_incp, Cs_incp, Cr_incp, &
4347                           KF, LF, Cl_inc, Cs_inc, Cr_inc, Cf_inc, grow_wood, &
4348                           circ_class_n, 20)
4349                   ENDIF
4351                ELSE
4353                   WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 14: Exc 7-9 unexpected exception'
4354                   WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 14: PFT, ipts: ',j, ipts
4355                   IF(err_act.GT.1)THEN
4356                      CALL ipslerr_p (3,'growth_fun_all',&
4357                           'WARNING 14: Exc 7-9 unexpected exception','','')
4358                   ENDIF
4360                ENDIF
4362             ! Either Cl_target, Cs_target or Cr_target should be zero
4363             ELSE
4365                ! Something possibly important was overlooked
4366                WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 15: Logical flaw in phenological allocation '
4367                WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 15: PFT, ipts: ',j, ipts
4368                WRITE(numout,*) 'Cs - Cs_target', Cs(1), Cs_target(1)
4369                WRITE(numout,*) 'Cl - Cl_target', Cl(1), Cl_target(1)
4370                WRITE(numout,*) 'Cr - Cr_target', Cr(1), Cr_target(1)
4371                IF(err_act.GT.1)THEN
4372                   CALL ipslerr_p (3,'growth_fun_all',&
4373                        'WARNING 15: Logical flaw in phenological allocation','','')
4374                ENDIF
4376             ENDIF
4378             !! 5.3.4 Wrap-up phenological allocation
4379             IF ( Cl_incp(1) .GE. zero .OR. Cr_incp(1) .GE. zero .OR. &
4380                  Cs_incp(1) .GE. zero) THEN
4382                ! Prevent overspending for leaves
4383                IF (b_inc_tot - circ_class_n(ipts,j,1) * Cl_incp(1) .LT. zero) THEN
4384                   Cl_incp(1) = b_inc_tot/circ_class_n(ipts,j,1)
4385                ENDIF
4386                b_inc_tot = MAX(zero,b_inc_tot - circ_class_n(ipts,j,1) * Cl_incp(1))
4388                ! Prevent overspending for roots
4389                IF (b_inc_tot - circ_class_n(ipts,j,1) * Cr_incp(1) .LT. zero) THEN 
4390                   Cr_incp(1) = b_inc_tot/circ_class_n(ipts,j,1)
4391                ENDIF
4392                b_inc_tot = MAX(zero,b_inc_tot - circ_class_n(ipts,j,1) * Cr_incp(1))
4394                ! Prevent overspending for sapwood
4395                IF (b_inc_tot - circ_class_n(ipts,j,1) * Cs_incp(1) .LT. zero) THEN 
4396                   Cs_incp(1) = b_inc_tot/circ_class_n(ipts,j,1)
4397                ENDIF
4398                b_inc_tot = MAX(zero,b_inc_tot - circ_class_n(ipts,j,1) * Cs_incp(1))
4400                ! Fake allocation for less messy equations in next case,
4401                ! incp needs to be added to inc at the end.
4402                Cl(1) = Cl(1) + Cl_incp(1)
4403                Cr(1) = Cr(1) + Cr_incp(1)
4404                Cs(1) = Cs(1) + Cs_incp(1)
4406             ELSE
4408                ! The code was written such that the increment pools should be greater
4409                ! than or equal to zero. If this is not the case, something fundamental
4410                ! is wrong with the if-then constructs under §
4411                WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 16: numerical problem, '//&
4412                     'one of the increment pools is less than zero'
4413                WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 16: Cl_incp(1), Cr_incp(1), Cs_incp(1), j, ipts',&
4414                     Cl_incp(1), Cr_incp(1), Cs_incp(1), j, ipts
4415                IF(err_act.GT.1)THEN
4416                   CALL ipslerr_p (3,'growth_fun_all',&
4417                        'WARNING 16: numerical problem',&
4418                        'one of the increment pools is less than zero','')
4419                ENDIF
4421             ENDIF
4423             ! Something is wrong with the calculations
4424             IF (b_inc_tot .LT. zero) THEN
4426                WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 17: numerical problem overspending '//&
4427                     'in the phenological allocation'
4428                WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 17: b_inc_tot, j, ipts',b_inc_tot, j, ipts 
4429                WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 17: Cl_incp, Cr_incp, Cs_incp, ', &
4430                     Cl_incp(1), Cr_incp(1), Cs_incp(1)
4431                IF(err_act.GT.1)THEN
4432                    CALL ipslerr_p (3,'growth_fun_all',&
4433                         'WARNING 17: numerical problem',&
4434                         'overspending in the phenological allocation','')
4435                ENDIF
4437             ENDIF
4439             ! Intermediate mass balance check. Note that this part of
4440             ! the code is in DO-loops over nvm and npts so the
4441             ! 'ipts' label is used in the mass balance check
4442             IF(err_act.EQ.4) THEN
4444                ! Reset pool_end
4445                pool_end(:,:,:) = zero
4447                ! Add bm_alloc_tot into the pool
4448                pool_end(ipts,j,icarbon) = pool_end(ipts,j,icarbon) + &
4449                     (SUM((Cl_incp(1) + Cs_incp(1) + Cr_incp(1)) * circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) + &
4450                     b_inc_tot) * veget_max(ipts,j)
4452                ! Check mass balance closure. Between intermediate check 2b and 3b
4453                CALL intermediate_mass_balance_check(pool_start, pool_end, circ_class_biomass, &
4454                     circ_class_n, veget_max, bm_alloc_tot, gpp_daily, atm_to_bm, dt, npts, &
4455                     resp_maint, resp_growth, check_intern_init, ipts, j, '3b', 'ipft')
4457             END IF ! err_act.EQ.4
4459             ! Height depends on Cl, so update height when Cl gets updated
4460             qm_height(ipts,j) = biomass_to_lai(Cl(1),j) * lai_to_height(j) 
4461             grow_wood = .TRUE.
4463             ! Write debug comments to output file
4464             IF ((j.EQ.test_pft .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. printlev_loc.GE.4) .OR. printlev_loc>=5) THEN
4465                CALL comment(npts, Cl_target, Cl, Cs_target, Cs, Cr_target, Cr, &
4466                     delta_ba, ipts, j, l, b_inc_tot, Cl_incp, Cs_incp, Cr_incp, &
4467                     KF, LF, Cl_inc, Cs_inc, Cr_inc, Cf_inc, grow_wood, &
4468                     circ_class_n, 21)
4469             ENDIF
4471             !! 5.3.6 Ordinary growth
4472             !  Allometric relationship between components is respected, sustain
4473             !  ordinary growth and allocate biomass to leaves, wood, roots and fruits.
4474             IF ( (ABS(Cl_target(1) - Cl(1) ) .LE. min_stomate) .AND. &
4475                  (ABS(Cs_target(1) - Cs(1) ) .LE. min_stomate) .AND. &
4476                  (ABS(Cr_target(1) - Cr(1) ) .LE. min_stomate) .AND. &
4477                  (grow_wood) .AND. &
4478                  (b_inc_tot .GT. min_stomate) ) THEN 
4480                ! Allocate fraction of carbon to fruit production (at the plant level)
4481                Cf_inc(1) = b_inc_tot * fruit_alloc(j)/circ_class_n(ipts,j,1)
4483                ! Residual carbon is allocated to the other components (b_inc_tot is
4484                ! at the stand level)
4485                b_inc_tot = b_inc_tot * (1-fruit_alloc(j))
4487                ! Following allometric allocation
4488                ! (i) b_inc = Cl_inc + Cr_inc + Cs_inc
4489                ! (ii) Cr_inc = (Cl + Cl_inc)/LF - Cr
4490                ! (iii) Cs_inc = (Cl + Cl_inc) / KF - Cs
4491                ! Substitue (ii) and (iii) in (i) and solve for Cl_inc
4492                ! <=> b_inc = Cl_inc + ( Cl_inc + Cl ) / KF - Cs + ( Cl_inc + Cl ) / LF - Cr
4493                ! <=> b_inc = Cl_inc * ( 1.+ 1/KF + 1./LF ) + Cl/LF - Cs - Cr
4494                ! <=> Cl_inc = ( b_inc - Cl/LF + Cs + Cr ) / ( 1.+ 1/KF + 1./LF )
4495                Cl_inc(1) = MAX( (b_inc_tot/circ_class_n(ipts,j,1) - Cl(1)/LF(ipts,j) - &
4496                     Cl(1)/KF(ipts,j) + Cs(1) + Cr(1)) / &
4497                     (1. + 1./KF(ipts,j) + 1./LF(ipts,j)), zero)
4499                IF (Cl_inc(1) .LE. zero) THEN
4501                   Cr_inc(:) = zero
4502                   Cs_inc(:) = zero
4504                ELSE
4506                   ! Wrap-up ordinary growth. Calculate C that was not allocated, note
4507                   ! that Cf_inc was already substracted
4508                   ! Prevent overspending for leaves
4509                   IF (b_inc_tot - circ_class_n(ipts,j,1) * Cl_inc(1) .LT. zero) THEN
4511                      Cl_inc(1) = b_inc_tot/circ_class_n(ipts,j,1)
4512                      b_inc_tot = MAX(zero,b_inc_tot - circ_class_n(ipts,j,1) * Cl_inc(1))
4514                      ! All carbon was used for leaves. No new growth for the roots and the stems
4515                      Cs_inc(1) = zero
4516                      Cr_inc(1) = zero
4518                   ELSE
4520                      ! If we end up here we can allocate the calculated Cl_inc
4521                      b_inc_tot = b_inc_tot - circ_class_n(ipts,j,1) * Cl_inc(1)
4523                      ! Calculate the height of the expanded canopy
4524                      qm_height(ipts,j) = biomass_to_lai(Cl(1) + Cl_inc(1),j) * &
4525                           lai_to_height(j)
4527                      ! Use the solution for Cl_inc to calculate Cr_inc and
4528                      ! Cs_inc according to (ii) and (iii)
4529                      Cr_inc(1) = (Cl(1) + Cl_inc(1)) / LF(ipts,j) - Cr(1)
4531                      IF (b_inc_tot - circ_class_n(ipts,j,1) * Cr_inc(1) .LT. zero) THEN
4533                         Cr_inc(1) = b_inc_tot/circ_class_n(ipts,j,1)
4534                         b_inc_tot = MAX(zero, b_inc_tot - circ_class_n(ipts,j,1) * Cr_inc(1))
4536                         ! No C left to grow new stems
4537                         Cs_inc(1) = zero
4539                      ELSE
4541                         ! If we end up here we can allocate the calculated Cr_inc
4542                         b_inc_tot = b_inc_tot - circ_class_n(ipts,j,1) * Cr_inc(1)
4544                         ! Still carbon left so allocate it to the stems
4545                         ! Cs_inc(1) can be calculated as follows
4546                         ! Cs_inc(1) = (Cl(1) + Cl_inc(1)) / KF(ipts,j) - Cs(1)
4547                         ! It is easier and better for the mass balance closure to move
4548                         ! all the remaining b_inc_tot in the Cs_inc. Should be the
4549                         ! same except for the rounding and precision issues
4550                         Cs_inc(1) = MAX(zero,b_inc_tot/circ_class_n(ipts,j,1))
4551                         b_inc_tot = zero
4553                      END IF
4555                   END IF
4557                END IF ! Cl_inc(1). LE. zero
4559                ! Write debug comments to output file
4560                IF ((j.EQ.test_pft .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. printlev_loc.GE.4) .OR. printlev_loc>=5) THEN
4561                   CALL comment(npts, Cl_target, Cl, Cs_target, Cs, Cr_target, Cr, &
4562                        delta_ba, ipts, j, l, b_inc_tot, Cl_incp, Cs_incp, Cr_incp, &
4563                        KF, LF, Cl_inc, Cs_inc, Cr_inc, Cf_inc, grow_wood, &
4564                        circ_class_n, 22)
4565                ENDIF
4567                ! Debug
4568                IF (printlev_loc.GE.4 .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. j.EQ.test_pft) THEN
4569                   WRITE(numout,*) 'wrap-up ordinary allocation, left b_in_tot, ', &
4570                        b_inc_tot 
4571                ENDIF
4572                !-
4574                ! Intermediate mass balance check. Note that this part of
4575                ! the code is in DO-loops over nvm and one over npts so the
4576                ! 'ipts' label is used in the mass balance check
4577                IF (err_act.EQ.4) THEN
4579                   ! All carbon should have been allocated and the remainder was moved
4580                   ! back into the labile pool. b_inc_tot should be zero. If not, the
4581                   ! calculation of pool_end is wrong.
4582                   IF(ABS(b_inc_tot).GT.min_stomate)THEN
4583                      WRITE(numout,*) 'b_inc_tot differs from zero, ', ipts,j,b_inc_tot
4584                      CALL ipslerr_p(3,'stomate_growth_fun_all.f90','intermediate mbcheck 3c',&
4585                           'b_inc_tot differs from zero','')
4586                   END IF
4588                   ! Reset pool_end
4589                   pool_end(:,:,:) = zero
4590                   WRITE(numout,*) 'Cl, ', Cl_incp(1)*circ_class_n(ipts,j,1)*veget_max(ipts,j), Cl_inc(1)*circ_class_n(ipts,j,1)*veget_max(ipts,j)
4591                   WRITE(numout,*) 'Cs, ', Cs_incp(1)*circ_class_n(ipts,j,1)*veget_max(ipts,j), Cs_inc(1)*circ_class_n(ipts,j,1)*veget_max(ipts,j)
4592                   WRITE(numout,*) 'Cr, ', Cr_incp(1)*circ_class_n(ipts,j,1)*veget_max(ipts,j), Cr_inc(1)*circ_class_n(ipts,j,1)*veget_max(ipts,j)
4593                   WRITE(numout,*) 'Cf, ', Cf_inc(1)*circ_class_n(ipts,j,1)
4594                   ! Add bm_alloc_tot into the pool
4595                   pool_end(ipts,j,icarbon) = ((Cl_incp(1) + Cr_incp(1) + Cs_incp(1) + &
4596                        Cl_inc(1) + Cs_inc(1) + Cr_inc(1) + Cf_inc(1)) * &
4597                        circ_class_n(ipts,j,1)) * veget_max(ipts,j)
4599                   ! Check mass balance closure. Between intermediate check 3b and 3c ordinary
4600                   ! allocation was accounted for. However, ordinary allocation was calculated in
4601                   ! temporary variables but has not been accounted for yet. This check comes at
4602                   ! the end of the allocation for grasses and crops.
4603                   CALL intermediate_mass_balance_check(pool_start, pool_end, circ_class_biomass, &
4604                        circ_class_n, veget_max, bm_alloc_tot, gpp_daily, atm_to_bm, dt, npts, &
4605                        resp_maint, resp_growth, check_intern_init, ipts, j, '3c', 'ipft')
4607                ENDIF ! err_act.EQ.4
4609             !! 5.3.7 Don't grow wood, use C to fill labile pool
4610             ELSEIF ( (.NOT. grow_wood) .AND. (b_inc_tot .GT. min_stomate) ) THEN
4612                ! grow_wood is always .TRUE. see 5.3.5 around line 3652. Is this
4613                ! intended or did we delete an if-statement?
4614                ! Calculate the C that needs to be distributed to the
4615                ! labile pool. The fraction is proportional to the ratio
4616                ! between the total allocatable biomass and the unallocated
4617                ! biomass per tree (b_inc now contains the unallocated
4618                ! biomass). At the end of the allocation scheme bm_alloc_tot
4619                ! is substracted from the labile biomass pool to update the
4620                ! biomass pool (tmp_bm(:,:,ilabile) = tmp_bm(:,:,ilabile) -
4621                ! bm_alloc_tot(:,:)). At that point, the scheme puts the
4622                ! unallocated b_inc into the labile pool. What we
4623                ! want is that the unallocated fraction is removed from
4624                ! ::bm_alloc_tot such that only the allocated C is removed
4625                ! from the labile pool. b_inc_tot will be moved back into
4626                ! the labile pool in 5.2.11. resp_growth will be adjusted
4627                ! later in the code.
4628                bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) = bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) - b_inc_tot
4629                circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,1,ilabile,icarbon) = &
4630                     circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,1,ilabile,icarbon) + &
4631                     b_inc_tot
4633                ! Wrap-up ordinary growth 
4634                ! Calculate C that was not allocated (b_inc_tot), the
4635                ! equation should read b_inc_tot = b_inc_tot - b_inc_tot
4636                ! note that Cf_inc was already substracted
4637                b_inc_tot = zero
4640                ! Debug
4641                IF (printlev_loc.GE.3 .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. j.EQ.test_pft) THEN
4642                   WRITE(numout,*) 'No wood growth, move remaining C to labile pool'
4643                   WRITE(numout,*) 'bm_alloc_tot, ',bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j)
4644                   WRITE(numout,*) 'wrap-up ordinary allocation, left b_inc_tot, ', &
4645                        b_inc_tot 
4646                ENDIF
4647                !-
4649             !! 5.3.8 Error - the allocation scheme is overspending
4650             ELSEIF (b_inc_tot .LE. min_stomate) THEN 
4652                IF (b_inc_tot .LT. zero) THEN
4654                   ! Something is wrong with the calculations
4655                   WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 18: numerical problem'//&
4656                        'overspending in ordinary allocation'
4657                   WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 18: PFT, ipts, b_inc_tot: ', &
4658                        j, ipts,b_inc_tot
4659                   IF(err_act.GT.1)THEN
4660                      CALL ipslerr_p (3,'growth_fun_all',&
4661                           'WARNING 18: numerical problem',&
4662                           'overspending in ordinary allocation','')
4663                   ENDIF
4665                ELSE
4667                   IF (j .EQ. test_pft .AND. printlev_loc.GE.4) THEN
4669                      ! Succesful allocation
4670                      WRITE(numout,*) 'Successful allocation'
4672                   ENDIF
4674                ENDIF
4676                ! Althought the biomass components respect the allometric
4677                ! relationships, there is less than min_stomate carbon left
4678                ! to allocate. Put this little carbon in the leaves to
4679                ! preserve mass balance closure.
4680                Cl_inc(1) = Cl_inc(1) + b_inc_tot/circ_class_n(ipts,j,1)
4681                b_inc_tot = zero
4682                Cs_inc(1) = zero
4683                Cr_inc(1) = zero
4684                Cf_inc(1) = zero
4686             ELSE
4688                WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 19: Logical flaw'//&
4689                     'unexpected result in ordinary allocation'
4690                WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 19: PFT, ipts: ', j, ipts
4691                WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 19: ',ABS(Cl_target(1) - Cl(1) ) , Cl(1)
4692                WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 19: ',ABS(Cs_target(1) - Cs(1) )  , Cs(1)
4693                WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 19: ',ABS(Cr_target(1) - Cr(1) )  , Cr(1)
4694                WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 19: ',grow_wood
4695                WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 19: ',b_inc_tot,circ_class_n(ipts,j,1),&
4696                     b_inc_tot/circ_class_n(ipts,j,1)
4697                IF(err_act.GT.1)THEN
4698                   CALL ipslerr_p (3,'growth_fun_all',&
4699                        'WARNING 19: Logical flaw',&
4700                        'unexpected result in ordinary allocation','')
4701                ENDIF
4703             ENDIF ! Ordinary allocation
4705             !! 5.3.9 Error checking
4706             IF ( b_inc_tot .GT. min_stomate ) THEN 
4708                ! This should not happen, in case the functional allocation
4709                ! did not consume all the allocatable carbon, the remaining C
4710                ! is left for the next day.
4711                WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 20: unexpected outcome force allocation'
4712                WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 20: grow_wood, b_inc_tot: ', grow_wood, b_inc_tot
4713                WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 20: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
4714                IF(err_act.GT.1)THEN
4715                   CALL ipslerr_p (3,'growth_fun_all',&
4716                        'WARNING 20: unexpected outcome force allocation','','')
4717                ENDIF
4719             ELSEIF ( (b_inc_tot .LT. min_stomate) .AND. &
4720                  (b_inc_tot .GE. zero) ) THEN
4722                ! Successful allocation
4723                ! Debug
4724                IF (printlev_loc.GE.4 .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. j.EQ.test_pft) THEN
4725                   WRITE(numout,*) 'Successful allocation'
4726                ENDIF
4727                !----------
4729             ELSE
4731                ! Something possibly important was overlooked
4732                IF ( (b_inc_tot .LT. zero) .AND. &
4733                     (b_inc_tot .GE. -100*min_stomate) ) THEN
4734                   IF (printlev_loc.GE.4 .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. j.EQ.test_pft) THEN
4735                      WRITE(numout,*) 'Marginally successful allocation - '//&
4736                           'precision is better than 10-6', j
4737                   ENDIF
4738                ELSE
4739                   WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 21: Logical flaw '//&
4740                        'unexpected result in ordinary allocation'
4741                   WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 21: b_inc_tot',b_inc_tot
4742                   WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 21: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
4743                   CALL ipslerr_p (3,'growth_fun_all',&
4744                        'WARNING 21: Logical flaw unexpected result',&
4745                        'in ordinary allocation','')
4746                ENDIF
4748             ENDIF
4750             ! The second problem we need to catch is when one of the increment
4751             ! pools is negative. This is an undesired outcome (see comment where
4752             ! ::KF_old is calculated in this routine. In that case we write a
4753             ! warning, set all increment pools to zero and try it again at the
4754             ! next time step. A likely cause of this problem is a too large change
4755             ! in KF from one time step to another. Try decreasing the acceptable
4756             ! value for an absolute increase in KF.
4757             IF (Cs_inc(1) .LT. zero .OR. & 
4758                Cr_inc(1) .LT. zero .OR. &
4759                Cs_inc(1) .LT. zero) THEN
4761                ! Do not allocate - save the carbon for the next time step
4762                Cl_inc(1) = zero
4763                Cr_inc(1) = zero
4764                Cs_inc(1) = zero
4765                WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 22: numerical problem, one of the increment '//&
4766                     'pools is less than zero'
4767                WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 22: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
4769             ENDIF
4771             !! 5.3.10 Wrap-up phenological and ordinary allocation
4772             Cl_inc(1) = Cl_inc(1) + Cl_incp(1)
4773             Cr_inc(1) = Cr_inc(1) + Cr_incp(1)
4774             Cs_inc(1) = Cs_inc(1) + Cs_incp(1)
4775             residual(ipts,j) = b_inc_tot
4777             ! Debug
4778             IF (printlev_loc.GE.4 .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. j.EQ.test_pft) THEN
4779                WRITE(numout,*) 'Final allocation', ipts, j 
4780                WRITE(numout,*) 'Cl, Cs, Cr', Cl(1), Cs(1), Cr(1) 
4781                WRITE(numout,*) 'Cl_incp, Cs_incp, Cr_incp, ', &
4782                     Cl_incp(1), Cs_incp(1), Cr_incp(1)
4783                WRITE(numout,*) 'Cl_inc, Cs_ins, Cr_inc, Cf_inc, ', &
4784                     Cl_inc(1), Cs_inc(1), Cr_inc(1), Cf_inc(1)
4785                WRITE(numout,*) 'unallocated/residual, ', b_inc_tot
4786             ENDIF
4787             !-
4789             !! 5.3.11 Account for the residual
4790             !  The residual is usually around ::min_stomate but we deal
4791             !  with it anyway to make sure the mass balance is closed
4792             !  and as a way to detect errors. Move the unallocated carbon
4793             !  back into the labile pool
4794             IF (circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,1,ilabile,icarbon) + &
4795                  residual(ipts,j) .LE. min_stomate) THEN
4797                deficit = circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,1,ilabile,icarbon) + residual(ipts,j)
4799                ! The deficit is less than the carbon reserve
4800                IF (-deficit .LE. circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,1,icarbres,icarbon)) THEN
4802                   ! Pay the deficit from the reserve pool
4803                   circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,1,icarbres,icarbon) = &
4804                        circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,1,icarbres,icarbon) + deficit
4805                   circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,1,ilabile,icarbon)  = &
4806                        circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,1,ilabile,icarbon) - deficit
4808                ELSE
4810                   ! Not enough carbon to pay the deficit
4811                   ! There is likely a bigger problem somewhere in
4812                   ! this routine
4813                   WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 23: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
4814                   CALL ipslerr_p (3,'growth_fun_all',&
4815                        'WARNING 23: numerical problem overspending ',&
4816                        'when trying to account for unallocatable C ','')
4818                ENDIF
4820             ELSE
4822                ! Move the unallocated carbon back into the labile pool
4823                circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,1,ilabile,icarbon) = &
4824                     circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,1,ilabile,icarbon) + residual(ipts,j)
4826             ENDIF
4829             !! 5.3.12 Standardise allocation factors
4830             !  Strictly speaking the allocation factors do not need to be
4831             !  calculated because the functional allocation scheme allocates
4832             !  absolute amounts of carbon. Hence, Cl_inc could simply be added to
4833             !  tmp_bm(:,:,ileaf,icarbon), Cr_inc to tmp_bm(:,:,iroot,icarbon),
4834             !  etc. However, using allocation factors bears some elegance in
4835             !  respect to distributing the growth respiration if this would be
4836             !  required. Further it facilitates comparison to the resource
4837             !  limited allocation scheme (stomate_growth_res_lim.f90) and it
4838             !  comes in handy for model-data comparison. This allocation
4839             !  takes place at the tree level - note that ::biomass is the only
4840             !  prognostic variable from the tree-based allocation
4842             !  Allocation   
4843             Cl_inc(1) = MAX(zero, circ_class_n(ipts,j,1) * Cl_inc(1))
4844             Cr_inc(1) = MAX(zero, circ_class_n(ipts,j,1) * Cr_inc(1))
4845             Cs_inc(1) = MAX(zero, circ_class_n(ipts,j,1) * Cs_inc(1))
4846             Cf_inc(1) = MAX(zero, circ_class_n(ipts,j,1) * Cf_inc(1))
4848             ! Total_inc is based on the updated Cl_inc, Cr_inc,
4849             ! Cs_inc and Cf_inc. Therefore, do not multiply
4850             ! ind(ipts,j) again
4851             total_inc = (Cf_inc(1) + Cl_inc(1) + Cs_inc(1) + Cr_inc(1))
4853             ! Relative allocation
4854             IF ( total_inc .GT. min_stomate ) THEN
4856                Cl_inc(1) = Cl_inc(1) / total_inc
4857                Cs_inc(1) = Cs_inc(1) / total_inc
4858                Cr_inc(1) = Cr_inc(1) / total_inc
4859                Cf_inc(1) = Cf_inc(1) / total_inc
4861             ELSE
4863                bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) = zero
4864                Cl_inc(1) = zero
4865                Cs_inc(1) = zero
4866                Cr_inc(1) = zero
4867                Cf_inc(1) = zero
4869             ENDIF
4871             !! 5.3.13 Convert allocation to allocation facors
4872             !  Convert allocation of individuals to ORCHIDEE's allocation
4873             !  factors - see comment for 5.2.5
4874             !  Aboveground sapwood allocation is age dependent in trees,
4875             !  but there is only aboveground allocation in grasses
4876             alloc_sap_above = un
4878             ! Leaf, wood, root and fruit allocation. Note that the X_inc
4879             ! are normalized before being used here. Calculate f_alloc(fruit)
4880             ! as the residual to enhance mass balance closure
4881             f_alloc(ipts,j,ileaf) = Cl_inc(1)
4882             f_alloc(ipts,j,isapabove) = Cs_inc(1)*alloc_sap_above
4883             f_alloc(ipts,j,isapbelow) = Cs_inc(1)*(1.-alloc_sap_above)
4884             f_alloc(ipts,j,iroot) = Cr_inc(1)
4885             f_alloc(ipts,j,ifruit) = Cf_inc(1)
4887             ! Store f_alloc per circ_class to calculate the allocation
4888             ! in circ_class_biomass after bm_alloc_tot has been checked
4889             ! for the N availability. Note that the X_inc
4890             ! are normalized before being used here. Calculate f_alloc_circ(fruit)
4891             ! as the residual to enhance mass balance closure
4892             f_alloc_circ(ipts,1,ileaf) = Cl_inc(1)
4893             f_alloc_circ(ipts,1,isapabove) = Cs_inc(1)*alloc_sap_above
4894             f_alloc_circ(ipts,1,isapbelow) = Cs_inc(1)*(1.-alloc_sap_above)
4895             f_alloc_circ(ipts,1,iroot) = Cr_inc(1)
4896             f_alloc_circ(ipts,1,ifruit) = Cf_inc(1)
4898          ELSEIF (.NOT. is_tree(j)) THEN
4900             ! The first option is IF ( .NOT. is_tree(j) .AND. &
4901             ! bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) .GT. min_stomate ) THEN
4902             ! If we end up here there is not enough biomass to allocate
4903             f_alloc(ipts,j,ileaf) = zero
4904             f_alloc(ipts,j,isapabove) = zero
4905             f_alloc(ipts,j,isapbelow) = zero
4906             f_alloc(ipts,j,iroot) = zero
4907             f_alloc(ipts,j,ifruit) = zero
4908             residual(ipts,j) = zero
4910             ! Debug
4911             IF(printlev_loc.GE.4 .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. j.EQ.test_pft) WRITE(numout,*) &
4912                  'there is no non-tree biomass '//&
4913                  'to allocate, PFT, ', ipts, j
4914             !-
4916          ENDIF ! .NOT. is_tree(j) and there is biomass to allocate (§5.3 - far far up)
4918          ! Intermediate mass balance check. Note that this part of
4919          ! the code is in DO-loops over nvm and npts so the
4920          ! 'ipts' label is used in the mass balance check
4921          IF(err_act.EQ.4) THEN
4923             ! Reset pool_end
4924             pool_end(:,:,:) = zero
4926             ! The error check makes use of Cx_inc and Cx_incp so it should be
4927             ! done in the DO-loop for npts.
4928             pool_end(ipts,j,icarbon) = pool_end(ipts,j,icarbon) + &
4929                  bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) * veget_max(ipts,j)             
4931             ! Check mass balance closure. Between intermediate check 3a/b and 4
4932             ! allocation factors were calculated but not used. Residuals
4933             ! was moved back into the labile pool.
4934             CALL intermediate_mass_balance_check(pool_start, pool_end, circ_class_biomass, &
4935                  circ_class_n, veget_max, bm_alloc_tot, gpp_daily, atm_to_bm, dt, npts, &
4936                  resp_maint, resp_growth, check_intern_init, ipts, j, '4', 'ipft')
4938          END IF ! err_act.EQ.4
4940       ENDDO ! npts
4942       ! Account for the residual (carbon that could not be allocated
4943       ! during phenological or ordinary growth) before using bm_alloc_tot.
4944       bm_alloc_tot(:,j)= bm_alloc_tot(:,j) - residual(:,j)
4946       ! Debug
4947       IF (printlev_loc.GE.4 .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. j.EQ.test_pft) THEN
4948          WRITE(numout,*) 'Accounted for residual'
4949          WRITE(numout,*) 'bm_alloc_tot_new, ',ipts, j, bm_alloc_tot(test_grid,j)
4950       ENDIF
4951       !-   
4953       !! 5.4 Quantify and account for nitrogen limitation on growth
4954       DO ipts = 1 , npts 
4956          ! This far we calculated how we would like to allocate the available
4957          ! carbon (::f_alloc) and how much carbon of the available carbon we
4958          ! can allocate (typically except for some exceptional cases and numerical
4959          ! residuals). Nothing has yet been allocated. Allocation itself, meaning
4960          ! the updating of biomass pools is taken care off in the subsequent parts
4961          ! of the code. circ_class_biomass contains the latest information for
4962          ! all the biomass pools. The next section is generic for trees, grasses and
4963          ! crops so we first have to update the information in the biomass variable
4964          ! so it can be used later
4965          !+++CHECK+++
4966          ! replace by biomass_to_cc_2d
4967!!$       tmp_bm(:,:,:,:) = cc_to_biomass(npts,nvm,&
4968!!$            circ_class_biomass(:,:,:,:,:),&
4969!!$            circ_class_n(:,:,:))
4970          DO iele = 1,nelements
4971             DO ipar = 1,nparts
4972                tmp_bm(ipts,j,ipar,iele) = &
4973                     SUM(circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,ipar,iele)*&
4974                     circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))
4975             ENDDO
4976          ENDDO
4978          !++++++++++++
4980          ! Initialize
4981          deltacn=1.0
4983          ! Nitrogen cost, given required N for a given allocatable
4984          ! biomass C, and an intended leaf CN as N = C * costf / C:N
4985          ! Note that fcn is not a classic c/n ratio but is the c/n ratio
4986          ! compared to the c/n ratio for leaves. When bm_supply_n is
4987          ! calculated this is accounted for through multiplying
4988          ! with cn_leaf. The unit of costf is gN required per gN in the leaf
4989          costf = f_alloc(ipts,j,ileaf) + fcn_wood(j) * &
4990               (f_alloc(ipts,j,isapabove)+f_alloc(ipts,j,isapbelow)) + &
4991               fcn_root(j) * ( f_alloc(ipts,j,iroot) + f_alloc(ipts,j,ifruit))
4993          ! Debug
4994          IF (printlev_loc.GE.4 .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. j.EQ.test_pft) THEN
4995             WRITE(numout,*) 'costf, ', ipts,j, costf
4996             WRITE(numout,*) 'bm_alloc_tot, ',bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j)
4997             WRITE(numout,*) 'f_alloc, ', f_alloc(ipts,j,ileaf),&
4998               f_alloc(ipts,j,isapabove), f_alloc(ipts,j,isapbelow),&
4999               f_alloc(ipts,j,iroot),f_alloc(ipts,j,ifruit)
5000             WRITE(numout,*) 'fcn, ',fcn_wood(j), fcn_root(j)
5001          ENDIF
5002          !-
5004          ! Only check if there is biomass growth
5005          IF ( costf.GT.min_stomate ) THEN
5007             ! fraction of labile N allocatable for growth
5008             ! no growth respiration calculated here!
5009             n_avail = MAX(tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,initrogen)*0.9,0.0)
5011             ! carbon growth possible given nitrogen availability and
5012             ! current nitrogen concentration
5013             bm_supply_n = n_avail / costf / (1.-frac_growthresp_dyn) * &
5014                  cn_leaf(ipts,j) 
5016             ! elasticity of leaf nitrogen concentration
5017             ! deltacnmax=exp(-(1./(cn_leaf(ipts,j)*0.5*(1./cn_leaf_max(j)+1./&
5018             ! cn_leaf_min(j))))**8)
5019             deltacnmax = 1. - exp(-((1.6 * MIN((1./cn_leaf(ipts,j))-(1./cn_leaf_min_2D(ipts,j)),0.) / &
5020                  ( (1./(cn_leaf_max_2D(ipts,j))) - (1./cn_leaf_min_2D(ipts,j)) ) )**4.1))
5022             ! Debug
5023             IF (printlev_loc.GE.3) THEN
5024                IF((test_grid == ipts).AND.(test_pft==j)) THEN
5025                   WRITE(numout,*) 'cn_leaf: ', cn_leaf(ipts,j)
5026                   WRITE(numout,*) 'bm_supply_n: ', bm_supply_n
5027                   WRITE(numout,*) 'bm_alloc_tot: ', bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j)
5028                ENDIF
5029             ENDIF
5030             !-
5032             ! Check whether we can allocate all the carbon or whether we
5033             ! have N-limitation.
5034             IF ( bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) .GT. bm_supply_n ) THEN
5036                IF (impose_cn) THEN
5038                   ! Debug
5039                   IF (printlev_loc.GT.4) THEN
5040                      IF((test_grid == ipts) .AND. (test_pft==j)) THEN
5041                         WRITE(numout,*) "atm_to_bm(initrogen)",atm_to_bm(ipts,j,initrogen)
5042                         WRITE(numout,*) 'bm_alloc_tot, ',bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j)
5043                         WRITE(numout,*) "bm_supply_n:",bm_supply_n
5044                         WRITE(numout,*) 'frac_growthresp_dyn,  ', &
5045                              1.-frac_growthresp_dyn
5046                         WRITE(numout,*) 'biomass ilabile N L4090, ', j,test_pft, &
5047                              tmp_bm(test_grid,test_pft,ilabile,initrogen)
5048                      ENDIF
5049                   ENDIF
5050                   !-
5052                   ! Impose_cn = y so just take the required nitrogen from
5053                   ! the atmosphere and add it to the labile pool of the plant
5054                   atm_to_bm(ipts,j,initrogen) = atm_to_bm(ipts,j,initrogen) + &
5055                        ((bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j)-bm_supply_n)&
5056                        *costf*(1.-frac_growthresp_dyn) / &
5057                        cn_leaf(ipts,j)/0.9)/dt
5058                   tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,initrogen) = &
5059                        tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,initrogen) + &
5060                        (bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j)-bm_supply_n)&
5061                        *costf*(1.-frac_growthresp_dyn) / &
5062                        cn_leaf(ipts,j)/0.9
5064                   ! tmp_bm(ilabile) has changed, update circ_class_biomass
5065                   circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,ilabile,initrogen) = &
5066                        biomass_to_cc(tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,initrogen),&
5067                        circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,ilabile,initrogen),&
5068                        circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))
5070                   n_alloc_tot(ipts,j) =  bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) * &
5071                        (1.-frac_growthresp_dyn) * costf / cn_leaf(ipts,j)
5073                   ! Debug
5074                   IF (printlev_loc.GT.4) THEN   
5075                      IF((test_grid == ipts).AND.(test_pft==j)) THEN
5076                         WRITE(numout,*) "atm_to_bm(nitrogen)",atm_to_bm(ipts,j,initrogen)
5077                         WRITE(numout,*) 'biomass ilabile N L4121, ', j,test_pft, &
5078                              tmp_bm(test_grid,test_pft,ilabile,initrogen)
5079                      ENDIF
5080                   ENDIF
5082                ELSE 
5084                   !Do not impose_cn thus use the dynamic N-cycle
5085                   IF (printlev_loc .GE. 4 .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. j.EQ.test_pft) THEN
5086                      WRITE(numout,*) 'N-limitation is a fact'
5087                   ENDIF
5089                   ! case of not enough nitrogen to sustain intended growth,
5090                   ! reduce carbon allocation to meet nitrogen availability
5091                   ! taking into account the maximal change of nitrogen
5092                   ! concentrations. delta of nitrogen concentrations in
5093                   ! response to nitrogen deficit
5094                   deltacnmax=Dmax * (1.-deltacnmax)
5095                   deltacn = n_avail /  ( bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) * &
5096                        (1.-frac_growthresp_dyn) * costf * &
5097                        1./cn_leaf(ipts,j) ) 
5098                   deltacn=MIN(MAX(deltacn,1.0-deltacnmax),1.0)
5100                   ! nitrogen demand given possible nitrogen concentration change
5101                   n_alloc_tot(ipts,j) =  MIN( n_avail , & 
5102                        bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) * (1.-frac_growthresp_dyn) * costf * &
5103                        MAX(MIN( 1./cn_leaf(ipts,j)*deltacn, 1./cn_leaf_min_2D(ipts,j)), &
5104                        1./cn_leaf_max_2D(ipts,j)) ) 
5106                   ! if not successful, reduce growth
5107                   ! constrain carbon used for growth dependent on available
5108                   ! nitrogen under the assumption that the f_allocs are
5109                   ! piecewise linear with bm_alloc_tot, which is first-order
5110                   ! correct. Remember that at the start of this module we
5111                   ! took bm_alloc_tot from the labile pool. Put it back,
5112                   ! recalculate bm_alloc_tot and than take it back from the
5113                   ! labile pool.
5114                   tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) = &
5115                        tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) + &
5116                        bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) 
5117                   bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) = MIN( bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) , &
5118                        n_alloc_tot(ipts,j) / costf / (1.-frac_growthresp_dyn) / &
5119                        MAX(MIN(1./cn_leaf(ipts,j)*deltacn, &
5120                        1./cn_leaf_min_2D(ipts,j)), 1./cn_leaf_max_2D(ipts,j)) )
5122                   ! If bm_alloc_tot did not change, the labile pool will not
5123                   ! have changed either. In case bm_alloc_tot was adjusted in
5124                   ! line with n_alloc_tot (line above), then the excess
5125                   ! carbon is stored in the labile pool
5126                   tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) = &
5127                        tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) - &
5128                        bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) 
5130                ENDIF !impose_cn
5132             ELSE
5134                IF (printlev_loc .GE. 4 .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. j.EQ.test_pft) THEN
5135                    WRITE(numout,*) 'Sufficient nitrogen'
5136                ENDIF
5137                ! Sufficient nitrogen, increase of leaf nitrogen concentration
5138                ! dependent on distance to maximal leaf nitrogen concentration
5139                ! cannot change leaf C:N in bud burst period nitrogen
5140                ! constrained such that nitrogen concentration can only
5141                ! increase 1% per day
5142                deltacnmax=Dmax * deltacnmax
5143                deltacn = n_avail /  &
5144                     ( bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) * (1.-frac_growthresp_dyn) * costf * 1./cn_leaf(ipts,j) ) 
5146                deltacn=MIN(MAX(deltacn,1.0),1.+deltacnmax)
5148                ! Debug
5149                IF((printlev_loc.GT.4) .AND. &
5150                     (test_grid == ipts).AND.(test_pft==j)) THEN
5151                   WRITE(numout,*) 'biomass ilabile N L4028, ', j,test_pft, &
5152                        tmp_bm(test_grid,test_pft,ilabile,initrogen)
5153                ENDIF
5154                !-
5156                n_alloc_tot(ipts,j) =  MIN( n_avail , & 
5157                     bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) * (1.-frac_growthresp_dyn) * &
5158                     costf * MAX(MIN(1./cn_leaf(ipts,j)*deltacn, & 
5159                     1./cn_leaf_min_2D(ipts,j)),1./cn_leaf_max_2D(ipts,j)) )
5161             ENDIF
5163          ENDIF ! costf.GT.min_stomate
5165          !! 5.X Calculate final growth respiration
5166          !  Since growth respiration was estimated at the start
5167          !  of this routine, bm_alloc_tot and thus the respiration
5168          !  associated to the growth may have changed. Here
5169          !  growth respiration is recalculated. This is the final
5170          !  calculation. Move the initial estimate back into the
5171          !  labile pool. Then recalculate resp_growth and finally
5172          !  take it out of the labile pool again. The labile pool
5173          !  may have changed so it needs to be updated.
5174          tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) = tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) + &
5175               resp_growth(ipts,j)
5177          ! Resp_growth may have been set to zero (see exception 25). So use
5178          ! the lowest estimate for resp_growth
5179          resp_growth(ipts,j) = MIN(resp_growth(ipts,j), &
5180               frac_growthresp(j) * bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j))
5182          ! Take resp_growth from the labile pool
5183          tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) = tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) - &
5184               resp_growth(ipts,j)
5186          ! tmp_bm(ilabile) has changed, update circ_class_biomass
5187          circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,ilabile,icarbon) = &
5188               biomass_to_cc(tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon),&
5189               circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,ilabile,icarbon),&
5190               circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))
5192      ENDDO ! # domain npts
5194      ! Debug
5195      IF(printlev_loc.GE.4 .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. j.EQ.test_pft) THEN
5196         WRITE(numout,*) 'stomate_allocation - bm_alloc_tot may have been adjusted'
5197         WRITE(numout,*) 'bm_alloc_tot, ',bm_alloc_tot(test_grid,j)
5198         WRITE(numout,*) 'resp_growth ', resp_growth(test_grid,j)
5199         IF(bm_alloc_tot(test_grid,j).GT.min_stomate)THEN
5200            WRITE(numout,*) 'ratio resp_growth/bm_alloc_tot, ', &
5201                  resp_growth(test_grid,j)/bm_alloc_tot(test_grid,j)
5202         ENDIF
5203       ENDIF
5204       !-
5206       !! 5.5 Allocate allocatable biomass to different plant compartments   
5207       !  Absolute allocation at the tree level and for an individual tree (gC tree-1)
5208       !  The labile and reserve pools are not allocated at the tree level. However,
5209       !  stand level ilabile and icarbres biomass will be redistributed at the tree
5210       !  level later in this subroutine. This is done after the relative allocation
5211       !  beacuse now ::alloc_sap_above is known
5212       DO ipts = 1,npts
5213          DO icir = 1,ncirc
5214             DO ipar = 1,nparts
5215                IF (ipar.EQ.ileaf .OR. ipar.EQ.isapabove .OR. &
5216                     ipar.EQ.isapbelow .OR. ipar.EQ.iroot .OR. &
5217                     ipar.EQ.ifruit) THEN
5219                   ! Check whether the allocation factor is defined
5220                   ! and whether there are trees in this circ_class
5221                   IF (f_alloc_circ(ipts,icir,ipar) .AND. &
5222                        f_alloc_circ(ipts,icir,ipar).LE.un .AND. &
5223                        circ_class_n(ipts,j,icir).GT.min_stomate) THEN
5225                      ! Calculate circ_class biomass with the latest and
5226                      ! final bm_alloc_tot
5227                      circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,icir,ipar,icarbon) = &
5228                           circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,icir,ipar,icarbon) + &
5229                           ( f_alloc_circ(ipts,icir,ipar) * bm_alloc_tot(ipts,j) / &
5230                           circ_class_n(ipts,j,icir) )
5232                   ENDIF ! f_alloc is defined
5233                ENDIF ! select plant parts
5234             ENDDO ! ipar
5235          ENDDO ! icir
5236       ENDDO ! ipts
5238       !  The amount of allocatable carbon biomass to each compartment is a
5239       !  fraction ::f_alloc of the total allocatable biomass
5240       DO k = 1, nparts
5242          bm_alloc(:,j,k,icarbon) = f_alloc(:,j,k) * bm_alloc_tot(:,j) 
5244       ENDDO
5246       ! All the carbon contained in bm_alloc_tot has been allocated
5247       bm_alloc_tot(:,j) = zero
5249       ! Zero the array for PFT 1, since it has not been calculated but it
5250       ! is used in implict loops below
5251       bm_alloc_tot(:,1) = zero
5252       bm_alloc(:,1,:,:) = zero
5254    ENDDO ! # End Loop over # of PFTs 
5257    ! Intermediate mass balance check. N has not been allocated yet. It is
5258    ! tested but the test is not very informative.
5259    IF (err_act.EQ.4) THEN
5261       ! Reset pool_end
5262       pool_end(:,:,:) = zero
5264       ! Check mass balance closure. Between intermediate check 4 and 5
5265       ! the carbon allocation was checked against the available nitrogen
5266       ! and was finally allocated.
5267       CALL intermediate_mass_balance_check(pool_start, pool_end, circ_class_biomass, &
5268            circ_class_n, veget_max, bm_alloc_tot, gpp_daily, atm_to_bm, dt, npts, &
5269            resp_maint, resp_growth, check_intern_init, ipts, j, '5', 'pft')
5271    ENDIF ! err_act.EQ.4
5273 !! 6. Calculate nitrogen fluxes associated with biomass growth
5275    ! this is the case of dynamic allocation of nitrogen taken up from the soil
5276    ! The principles of this allocation are
5277    ! 1) nitrogen allocated to the plant tissue is dependent on the
5278    !    labile nitrogen/carbon ratio i.e. carbon_alloc*(N/C)_labile
5279    ! 2) the proportions of C/N ratios between different compartments
5280    !    are prescribed as in Hybrid 3
5281    ! 3) since different to Hybrid, grasses have sapwood (...) the
5282    !    proportions have be adjusted for grasses, since their tillers
5283    !    are not lignified...
5284    DO j = 2, nvm
5286       DO ipts = 1, npts
5288          IF (veget_max(ipts,j) .LE. min_stomate) THEN
5290             ! This vegetation type is not present, so no reason to do the
5291             ! calculation. CYCLE will take us out of the innermost DO loop
5292             CYCLE
5294          ENDIF
5296          ! only allocate nitrogen when there is construction of new biomass
5297          IF(SUM(bm_alloc(ipts,j,:,icarbon)).GT.min_stomate) THEN
5299             alloc_c(ipts)=0.0
5300             alloc_d(ipts)=0.0
5301             alloc_e(ipts)=0.0
5303             ! pool sapwood and roots+fruits into each on pool
5304             sum_sap(ipts) = bm_alloc(ipts,j,isapabove,icarbon) + &
5305                  bm_alloc(ipts,j,isapbelow,icarbon)
5306             sum_oth(ipts) = bm_alloc(ipts,j,iroot,icarbon) + &
5307                  bm_alloc(ipts,j,ifruit,icarbon)
5309             IF((sum_sap(ipts)+sum_oth(ipts)).GT.min_stomate) THEN
5311                IF(bm_alloc(ipts,j,ileaf,icarbon).GT.min_stomate) THEN
5313                   ! in case there is new allocation to leaves
5314                   alloc_c(ipts) = 1./(1.+(fcn_wood(j)*sum_sap(ipts) + &
5315                        fcn_root(j)*sum_oth(ipts))/bm_alloc(ipts,j,ileaf,icarbon))
5316                   alloc_d(ipts) = fcn_wood(j)*sum_sap(ipts) / &
5317                        bm_alloc(ipts,j,ileaf,icarbon)*alloc_c(ipts)
5318                   alloc_e(ipts) = fcn_root(j)*sum_oth(ipts) / &
5319                        bm_alloc(ipts,j,ileaf,icarbon)*alloc_c(ipts)
5321                ELSE
5323                   ! otherwise add no nitrogen to leaves and alocate the N
5324                   ! to whatever is constructed
5325                   alloc_c(ipts)=0.0
5326                   alloc_d(ipts)=sum_sap(ipts)/(sum_sap(ipts)+fcn_root(j) / &
5327                        fcn_wood(j)*sum_oth(ipts))
5328                   alloc_e(ipts)=1.-alloc_d(ipts)
5330                ENDIF
5332             ELSEIF(bm_alloc(ipts,j,ileaf,icarbon).GT.min_stomate)THEN
5334                ! case of only allocation to leaves!
5335                alloc_c(ipts)=1.0
5337             ENDIF
5339             !calculate allocation
5340             bm_alloc(ipts,j,ileaf,initrogen) = alloc_c(ipts)*n_alloc_tot(ipts,j)
5342             ! Debug
5343             IF((test_grid == ipts).AND.(test_pft==j).AND. printlev_loc.GE.4)THEN
5344                WRITE(numout,*) 'alloc_c(ipts)=',alloc_c(ipts) 
5345                WRITE(numout,*) 'n_alloc_tot(ipts,j)=',n_alloc_tot(ipts,j)
5346                WRITE(numout,*) 'bm_alloc(ipts,j,ileaf,initrogen)=', &
5347                     bm_alloc(ipts,j,ileaf,initrogen)
5348                WRITE(numout,*) 'bm_alloc(ipts,j,ileaf,icarbon)=', &
5349                     bm_alloc(ipts,j,ileaf,icarbon)
5350                WRITE(numout,*) 'bm_alloc(ipts,j,:,icarbon)=',&
5351                     SUM(bm_alloc(ipts,j,:,icarbon))
5352                IF (bm_alloc(ipts,j,ileaf,initrogen) THEN
5353                   WRITE(numout,*) "((bm_alloc(ipts,j,ileaf,icarbon)/'//&
5354                        'bm_alloc(ipts,j,ileaf,initrogen)):",&
5355                        (bm_alloc(ipts,j,ileaf,icarbon)/&
5356                        bm_alloc(ipts,j,ileaf,initrogen))
5357                ENDIF
5358             ENDIF
5359             !-
5361             IF(sum_sap(ipts).GT.min_stomate) THEN
5362                bm_alloc(ipts,j,isapabove,initrogen)=alloc_d(ipts)* & 
5363                     bm_alloc(ipts,j,isapabove,icarbon)/sum_sap(ipts)* &
5364                     n_alloc_tot(ipts,j)
5365                bm_alloc(ipts,j,isapbelow,initrogen) = alloc_d(ipts)* &
5366                     bm_alloc(ipts,j,isapbelow,icarbon)/sum_sap(ipts)* &
5367                     n_alloc_tot(ipts,j)
5368             ENDIF
5369             IF(sum_oth(ipts).GT.min_stomate) THEN
5370                bm_alloc(ipts,j,iroot,initrogen) = alloc_e(ipts) * & 
5371                     bm_alloc(ipts,j,iroot,icarbon)/sum_oth(ipts) * &
5372                     n_alloc_tot(ipts,j)
5373                bm_alloc(ipts,j,ifruit,initrogen) = alloc_e(ipts) * & 
5374                     bm_alloc(ipts,j,ifruit,icarbon)/sum_oth(ipts) * &
5375                     n_alloc_tot(ipts,j)
5376             ENDIF
5378             ! Necessary because bm_alloc_tot can be positive in deciduous,
5379             ! but all C is put into the reserve in this case, all fractions
5380             ! are set to zero, thus no nitrogen is allocated alternatively
5381             ! formulation is minus (c+d+e)*n_alloc_tot
5382             n_alloc_tot(ipts,j) = (alloc_c(ipts) + &
5383                  alloc_d(ipts) + alloc_e(ipts)) * &
5384                  n_alloc_tot(ipts,j)
5386          ELSE !IF bm_alloc carbon > min_stomate
5388             n_alloc_tot(ipts,j) = zero
5390          ENDIF
5392       ENDDO ! # npts
5394    ENDDO ! #PFT
5397    !! 6.3 Retrieve allocated biomass from labile pool
5398    !  Only now the allocatable nitrogen is known
5399    !  so we will take it from the labile pool.
5400    tmp_bm(:,:,ilabile,initrogen) = tmp_bm(:,:,ilabile,initrogen) - &
5401         n_alloc_tot(:,:)
5403    ! Some temporary variables to simplify the calculations
5404    tmp_bm(:,:,ileaf,:) = zero
5405    DO icir = 1,ncirc
5406       DO iele = 1,nelements
5407          tmp_bm(:,:,ileaf,iele) = tmp_bm(:,:,ileaf,iele) + &
5408               circ_class_biomass(:,:,icir,ileaf,iele) * &
5409               circ_class_n(:,:,icir)
5410          tmp_bm(:,:,iroot,iele) = tmp_bm(:,:,iroot,iele) + &
5411               circ_class_biomass(:,:,icir,iroot,iele) * &
5412               circ_class_n(:,:,icir)
5413       ENDDO
5414    ENDDO
5416    ! Nitrogen allocation is now accounted for in tmp_bm(ilabile,initrogen)
5417    ! n_alloc_tot should be set to zero
5418    n_alloc_tot(:,:) = zero
5420    ! Calculate the nitrogen that is being translocated from the leaves
5421    ! back to the labile pool. If ORCHIDEE can allocate more than the
5422    ! current N/C ratio it will irrespective of whether we are below
5423    ! or above the optimal C/N ratio. If leaf N/C is already low but
5424    ! bm_all_N/bm_alloc_C is even lower we will take N out of the leaves
5425    ! and make the N-limitation even worse. Although seems counterintuitive
5426    ! it will decrease NUE, Vcmax and thus the GPP at the next time step.
5427    ! transloc is thus a short term control of N-allocation reflecting the
5428    ! higher reactivity of nitrogen compared to carbon. As a test transloc
5429    ! was set to zero after it was calculated. This resulted in 0 to 5%
5430    ! changes in GPP for all PFTs except PFT5 and PFT15. Without transloc
5431    ! PFT5 did not grow very well. For PFT15 the effect of transloc was
5432    ! mixed showing pixels where the PFT grew better as well as pixel where
5433    ! it grew worse than with transloc. transloc seems to be a more
5434    ! short term response that is more or less trying to do the same as
5435    ! sugar_load. sugar_load is much slower but also much more intrusive.
5436    ! Although it appears that this block of code is intended to represent
5437    ! a real process (and was unlikely added as a fix afterward), it is
5438    ! explicitly described in Zaehle et al 2010 (incl the SI).
5440    ! Set to zero for ileaf
5441    transloc(:,:) = zero
5443    WHERE((tmp_bm(:,:,ileaf,icarbon).GT.min_stomate).AND.&
5444         (bm_alloc(:,:,ileaf,icarbon).GT.min_stomate))
5446       transloc(:,:) = tmp_bm(:,:,ileaf,icarbon) * 0.05 * & 
5447            (bm_alloc(:,:,ileaf,initrogen)/bm_alloc(:,:,ileaf,icarbon) - & 
5448            tmp_bm(:,:,ileaf,initrogen) / &
5449            tmp_bm(:,:,ileaf,icarbon))
5450       transloc(:,:) = MAX(MIN(tmp_bm(:,:,ilabile,initrogen)*0.7,&
5451            transloc(:,:)), -bm_alloc(:,:,ileaf,initrogen))
5452       tmp_bm(:,:,ilabile,initrogen) = tmp_bm(:,:,ilabile,initrogen) - &
5453            transloc(:,:)
5454       bm_alloc(:,:,ileaf,initrogen) = bm_alloc(:,:,ileaf,initrogen) + &
5455            transloc(:,:) 
5457    ENDWHERE
5459    ! Set to zero for iroot
5460    transloc(:,:) = zero
5462    WHERE((tmp_bm(:,:,iroot,icarbon).GT.min_stomate).AND. &
5463         (bm_alloc(:,:,iroot,icarbon).GT.min_stomate))
5465       transloc(:,:) = tmp_bm(:,:,iroot,icarbon) * 0.05 * &
5466            (bm_alloc(:,:,iroot,initrogen)/bm_alloc(:,:,iroot,icarbon) - &
5467            tmp_bm(:,:,iroot,initrogen) / &
5468            tmp_bm(:,:,iroot,icarbon))
5469       transloc(:,:) = MAX(MIN(tmp_bm(:,:,ilabile,initrogen)*0.7,&
5470            transloc(:,:)), -bm_alloc(:,:,iroot,initrogen))
5471       tmp_bm(:,:,ilabile,initrogen) = tmp_bm(:,:,ilabile,initrogen) - &
5472            transloc(:,:)
5473       bm_alloc(:,:,iroot,initrogen) = bm_alloc(:,:,iroot,initrogen) + &
5474            transloc(:,:)
5475    ENDWHERE
5477 !! 7. Update the biomass with newly allocated nitrogen biomass
5479    ! For icarbon, circ_class_biomass contains the latest information
5480    ! for all its pools, For nitrogen this is also the case except for
5481    ! the labile pool. Account for the latest changes in tmp_bm(ilabile)
5482    ! and update circ_class_biomass so it contains the latest values
5483    ! for all pools for both elements.
5484    circ_class_biomass(:,:,:,ilabile,initrogen) = &
5485         biomass_to_cc(tmp_bm(:,:,ilabile,initrogen),&
5486         circ_class_biomass(:,:,:,ilabile,initrogen),&
5487         circ_class_n(:,:,:),npts,nvm)
5489    ! Now convert circ_class_biomass to biomass to do all subsequent
5490    ! calculations. This needs to recalculated because it is possible
5491    ! that circ_class_biomass has changed since the last time we
5492    ! calculated biomass (see 5.4)
5493    tmp_bm(:,:,:,:) = cc_to_biomass(npts,nvm,&
5494         circ_class_biomass(:,:,:,:,:),&
5495         circ_class_n(:,:,:))
5497    ! circ_class_biomass has not changed since the last time biomass
5498    ! was calculated so there is no need to recalculate it
5499    tmp_bm(:,:,:,initrogen) = tmp_bm(:,:,:,initrogen) + bm_alloc(:,:,:,initrogen)
5501    ! All the biomass pools may have increased for nitrogen so update
5502    ! circ_class_biomass. After this operation circ_class_biomass and
5503    ! biomass are in sync for carbon and nitrogen
5504    DO ipar = 1,nparts
5505       circ_class_biomass(:,:,:,ipar,initrogen) = &
5506            biomass_to_cc(tmp_bm(:,:,ipar,initrogen),&
5507            circ_class_biomass(:,:,:,ipar,initrogen),&
5508            circ_class_n(:,:,:),npts,nvm)
5509    ENDDO
5512    ! Intermediate mass balance check. Both C and N can be checked.
5513    IF (err_act.EQ.4) THEN
5515       ! calculate pool_end
5516       pool_end(:,:,:) = zero
5518       ! Check mass balance closure. Between intermediate check 5 and 6
5519       ! n has been allocated to the different pools. Both C and N are now
5520       ! really being checked.
5521       CALL intermediate_mass_balance_check(pool_start, pool_end, circ_class_biomass, &
5522            circ_class_n, veget_max, bm_alloc_tot, gpp_daily, atm_to_bm, dt, npts, &
5523            resp_maint, resp_growth, check_intern_init, ipts, j, '6', 'pft')
5525    ENDIF ! err_act.EQ.4
5527    !! 8. Use or fill reserve pools depending on relative size of the labile and reserve C pool
5529    ! +++ CHECK +++
5530    ! Externalize all the hard coded values i.e. 0.3
5531    ! Calculate the labile pool for all plants and also the reserve pool for trees     
5532    DO j = 2,nvm
5534       DO ipts = 1,npts
5536          ! Initialize
5537          labile_target(ipts,j,:) = zero 
5538          reserve_target(ipts,j,:) = zero 
5540          IF ( (veget_max(ipts,j) .LE. min_stomate) .OR. &
5541               (SUM(tmp_bm(ipts,j,:,icarbon)) .LT. min_stomate) ) THEN
5543             ! This vegetation type is not present, so no reason to do the
5544             ! calculation. CYCLE will take us out of the innermost DO loop
5545             CYCLE
5547          ENDIF
5549          !! 8.2 Calculate the reserves
5550          !  There is vegetation present and it has started growing. The second and
5551          !  third condition required to make the PFT survive the first year during
5552          !  which the long term climate variables are initialized for the phenology.
5553          !  If these conditions are not added, the reserves are respired well
5554          !  before growth ever starts
5555          IF ( veget_max(ipts,j) .GT. min_stomate .AND. &
5556               rue_longterm(ipts,j) .GE. zero .AND. &                 
5557               rue_longterm(ipts,j) .NE. un) THEN
5559             !! 8.3 Calculate the optimal size of the pools   
5560             ! We had an endless series of problems which were often difficult to
5561             ! understand but which always seemed to be related to a sudden drop
5562             ! in tmp_bm(ilabile). This drop was often the result of a sudden
5563             ! change in labile_target. Given that there is not much science behind
5564             ! this approach it seems a good idea to remove this max statement to
5565             ! avoid sudden changes. Rather than using the actual biomass we propose
5566             ! to use the target biomass. This assumes that the tree would like to
5567             ! fill its labile pool to be optimal when it would be in allometric
5568             ! balance.
5569             IF (is_tree(j)) THEN
5571                ! We will make use of the actual sapwood, heartwood and effective height
5572                ! and then calculate the target leaves and roots. This approach gives
5573                ! us a target for a labile_target of a tree in allometric balance.
5574                ! Basal area at the tree level (m2 tree-1)
5575                circ_class_ba_eff(:) = &
5576                     wood_to_ba_eff(circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,:,icarbon),j)             
5578                ! Current biomass pools per tree (gC tree^-1)
5579                ! We will have different trees so this has to be calculated from the
5580                ! diameter relationships           
5581                Cs(:) = (circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,isapabove,icarbon) + &
5582                     circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,isapbelow,icarbon)) * scal(ipts,j)
5583                Cr(:) = (circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,iroot,icarbon)) * scal(ipts,j)
5584                Cl(:) = (circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,ileaf,icarbon)) * scal(ipts,j)
5586                DO l = 1,ncirc 
5588                   !  Calculate tree height
5589                   circ_class_height_eff(l) = pipe_tune2(j) * &
5590                        (4/pi*circ_class_ba_eff(l))**(pipe_tune3(j)/2)       
5592                ENDDO
5594                ! Use the pipe model to calculate the target leaf and root
5595                ! biomasses
5596                DO l = 1,ncirc
5597                   IF(circ_class_height_eff(l) .GT. min_stomate) THEN
5598                      Cl_target(l) = KF(ipts,j) * Cs(l) / circ_class_height_eff(l)
5600                   ELSE
5601                      Cl_target(l) = MAX((KF(ipts,j) * Cs(l) / circ_class_height_eff(l)), &
5602                           (MAX(Cs(1)*KF(ipts,j), Cr(1)*LF(ipts,j), Cl(1))))
5604                   ENDIF
5605                ENDDO
5607                DO l = 1,ncirc
5608                   Cr_target(l) = Cl_target(l) / LF(ipts,j)
5609                ENDDO
5611             ELSEIF ( .NOT. is_tree(j)) THEN
5613                ! grasses and crops
5614                ! Initialize
5615                Cs(:) = zero
5616                Cl_target(:) = zero 
5617                Cr_target(:) = zero
5619                ! Current biomass pools per grass/crop (gC ind^-1)
5620                ! Cs has too many dimensions for grass/crops. To have a consistent
5621                ! notation the same variables are used as for trees but the dimension
5622                ! of Cs, Cl and Cr i.e. ::ncirc should be ignored           
5623                Cs(1) = tmp_bm(ipts,j,isapabove,icarbon) * scal(ipts,j)
5625                ! Use the pipe model to calculate the target leaf and root
5626                ! biomasses
5627                Cl_target(1) = Cs(1) * KF(ipts,j)
5628                Cr_target(1) = Cl_target(1) / LF(ipts,j)
5630             ENDIF !is_tree
5632             ! Accounting for the N-concentration of the tissue as a proxy
5633             ! of tissue activity. There were some problems for the deciduous trees, when the
5634             ! targeted labile pool was calculated based on the targeted values from the allometric
5635             ! allocation (see previous versions). There was an inconsistency in the units, Therefore
5636             ! a corrected approach has been introduced. With the corrected approach the labile_target
5637             ! typically exceeds 10*gpp_week during the growing season. With a too low labile_target
5638             ! the feedback through sugar_load was way too strong.
5639             labile_target(ipts,j,icarbon)=gtemp(ipts,j)*labile_reserve(j)*(tmp_bm(ipts,j,ileaf,initrogen)+ &
5640                                           tmp_bm(ipts,j,iroot,initrogen) + tmp_bm(ipts,j,ifruit,initrogen) + &
5641                                           tmp_bm(ipts,j,isapabove,initrogen)+ tmp_bm(ipts,j,isapbelow,initrogen))     
5642             labile_target(ipts,j,icarbon) = MAX ( labile_target(ipts,j,icarbon), 10. * gpp_week(ipts,j) )
5644             ! Debug
5645             IF (printlev_loc.GE.4 .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. j.EQ.test_pft) THEN
5646                WRITE(numout,*) 'circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,isapbelow,icarbon)=', &
5647                     circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,isapbelow,icarbon)
5648                WRITE(numout,*) 'circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,isapabove,icarbon)=', &
5649                     circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,isapabove,icarbon)
5650                WRITE(numout,*) 'scal=',scal(ipts,j)
5651                WRITE(numout,*) 'labile_reserve(j)=',labile_reserve(j)
5652                WRITE(numout,*) 'Cl_target(:)=',Cl_target(:)
5653                WRITE(numout,*) 'Cr_target(:)=',Cr_target(:)
5654                WRITE(numout,*) 'Cs(:)=',Cs(:)
5655                WRITE(numout,*) 'fcn_root(j)=',fcn_root(j)
5656                WRITE(numout,*) 'fcn_wood(j)=',fcn_wood(j)
5657                WRITE(numout,*) 'cn_leaf(ipts,j)=',cn_leaf(ipts,j)
5658                WRITE(numout,*) 'lab_fac, labile_target, ', lab_fac(ipts,j), labile_target(ipts,j,icarbon)
5659             ENDIF
5660             !-
5662             ! The max size of reserve pool is proportional to the size of the
5663             ! storage organ (the sapwood) and a the leaf functional trait of the
5664             ! PFT (::phene_type_tab). The reserve pool is constrained by the mass
5665             ! needed to replace foliage and roots. This constraint prevents the
5666             ! scheme from putting too much reserves in big trees (which have a lot
5667             ! of sapwood compared to small trees). Exessive storage would hamper
5668             ! tree growth and would make mortality less likely.
5669             IF(is_tree(j)) THEN
5671                IF (pheno_type(j).EQ.1) THEN 
5673                   ! Evergreen trees are not very conservative with respect to
5674                   ! C-storage. Therefore, only 5% of their sapwood mass is stored
5675                   ! in their reserve pool.
5676                   reserve_target(ipts,j,icarbon) = MIN(evergreen_reserve(j) * &
5677                        ( tmp_bm(ipts,j,isapabove,icarbon) + &
5678                        tmp_bm(ipts,j,isapbelow,icarbon)), &
5679                        lai_to_biomass(lai_target(ipts,j),j)*&
5680                        (1.+root_reserve(j)/ltor(ipts,j)))
5682                   ! Debug
5683                   IF (printlev_loc.GE.4 .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. j.EQ.test_pft) THEN
5684                      WRITE(numout,*) 'What happens to the reserve and labile &
5685                           & pools? Evergreen'
5686                      WRITE(numout,*) 'carbres, reserve_target: ',&
5687                           tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon),reserve_target(ipts,j,icarbon)
5688                      WRITE(numout,*) 'ilabile, labile_target: ',&
5689                           tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon),labile_target(ipts,j,icarbon)
5690                      WRITE(numout,*) 'evergreen_reserve(j): ',&
5691                           evergreen_reserve(j)
5692                      WRITE(numout,*) 'isapabove,isapbelow: ',&
5693                           tmp_bm(ipts,j,isapabove,icarbon), &
5694                           tmp_bm(ipts,j,isapbelow,icarbon)
5695                   ENDIF
5696                   !-
5698                ELSE
5700                   ! Deciduous trees are more conservative and 12% of their sapwood mass
5701                   ! is stored in the reserve pool. The scheme avoids that during the
5702                   ! growing season too much reserve are accumulated (which would hamper
5703                   ! growth), therefore, the reduced rate of 12% is used until scenecence.
5704                   IF (SUM(bm_alloc(ipts,j,:,icarbon)) .GT. min_stomate) THEN
5706                      reserve_target(ipts,j,icarbon) = deciduous_reserve(j) * &
5707                           ( tmp_bm(ipts,j,isapabove,icarbon) + & 
5708                           tmp_bm(ipts,j,isapbelow,icarbon) )
5710                      ! Debug
5711                      IF (printlev_loc.GE.4 .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. j.EQ.test_pft) THEN
5712                         WRITE(numout,*) 'What happens to the reserve and '//&
5713                              'labile pools? Deciduous'
5714                         WRITE(numout,*) 'carbres, reserve_target: ',&
5715                              tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon),reserve_target(ipts,j,icarbon)
5716                         WRITE(numout,*) 'deciduous_reserve: ',&
5717                              deciduous_reserve(j)
5718                         WRITE(numout,*) 'isapabove,isapbelow: ',&
5719                              tmp_bm(ipts,j,isapabove,icarbon), &
5720                              tmp_bm(ipts,j,isapbelow,icarbon)
5721                      ENDIF
5722                      !-
5724                   ELSE 
5726                      ! If the plant is senescent, allow for a higher reserve mass. Plants
5727                      ! can then use the excess labile C, that is no longer used for growth
5728                      ! and would be respired otherwise, to regrow leaves after the dormant
5729                      ! period. This code is a more stable alternative by Nicolas
5730                      reserve_target(ipts,j,icarbon) = senescense_reserve(j) * &
5731                           ( tmp_bm(ipts,j,isapabove,icarbon) + & 
5732                           tmp_bm(ipts,j,isapbelow,icarbon))
5734                      ! Debug
5735                      IF (j .EQ. test_pft .AND. printlev_loc.GE.4 .AND. &
5736                           ipts == test_grid) THEN
5737                         WRITE(numout,*) 'What happens to the reserve and labile pools? '//&
5738                              'Senescent'
5739                         WRITE(numout,*) 'carbres, reserve_target: ',&
5740                              tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon),reserve_target(ipts,j,icarbon)
5741                         WRITE(numout,*) 'senescense_reserve(j): ',&
5742                              senescense_reserve(j)
5743                         WRITE(numout,*) 'isapabove,isapbelow: ',&
5744                              tmp_bm(ipts,j,isapabove,icarbon), &
5745                              tmp_bm(ipts,j,isapbelow,icarbon)
5746                      ENDIF
5748                   ENDIF ! Scenecent
5750                ENDIF ! Phenology type
5753             ELSE
5755                ! Grasses
5756                ! The min criterion results in the reserves being zero because
5757                ! isapabove goes to zero when the reserves are most needed. Use
5758                ! lai_to_biomass to account for a dynamic sla. Some high latitude
5759                ! pixels were found to have very low biomasses which result in
5760                ! a zero lai_target (10e-15) which in turn results for a reserve_target
5761                ! of zero. This may cause problems later on.
5762                reserve_target(ipts,j,icarbon) = &
5763                     MIN(deciduous_reserve(j) * (tmp_bm(ipts,j,iroot,icarbon) + &
5764                     tmp_bm(ipts,j,isapabove,icarbon) + & 
5765                     tmp_bm(ipts,j,isapbelow,icarbon)), &
5766                     lai_to_biomass(lai_target(ipts,j),j) * &
5767                     (1.+root_reserve(j)/ltor(ipts,j)))
5769                ! Debug
5770                IF (j .EQ. test_pft .AND. printlev_loc.GE.4 .AND. ipts == test_grid) THEN
5771                   WRITE(numout,*) 'reserve target, ', reserve_target(ipts,j,icarbon)
5772                ENDIF
5773                !-
5775             ENDIF
5777             !! 8.5 Move carbon between the reserve and labile pools
5778             !  Fill the reserve pools up to their optimal level or until the min/max
5779             !  limits are reached. The original approach in OCN resulted in
5780             !  instabilities and sometimes oscilations. For this reason a more
5781             !  simple and straightforward transfer between the pools has been
5782             !  implemented. After sugar loading was implemeted this simplified
5783             !  approach was found to come with some sudden regime switches because
5784             !  C was only transfered from one pool to another if one pool was full.
5785             !  The latest approach tries to fill both pools at the same time but
5786             !  with a different (arbitrary speed). At present there are only two
5787             !  important differences between the reserve and the labile pool in
5788             !  ORCHIDEE: (1) only the labile pool is used in the allocation (hence,
5789             !  we should try to store as much carbon as possible in the labile pool)
5790             !  and (2) the reserve pool comes without autotrophic respiration (hence,
5791             !  we should try to store as much carbon in the reserve pool as possible
5792             !  because that will enable us to grow more leaves in spring). These
5793             !  conflicting considerations were translated in the idea that
5794             !  reserve_target X**2 + labile_target X = total reserves. Where X is the share
5795             !  of the labile pool in the total reserves (= labile + reservers) In other
5796             !  words the labile pool gets priority over the reserve pool but the model
5797             !  will try to fill both pools at the same time. The optimal pools can
5798             !  therefore be calculated by solving a simple quadratic eaqutions:
5799             !  X = -b - sqrt(b² - 4ac)/(2a) where b = labile_target, and
5800             !  c = tmp_bm(labile+reserve).
5801             !  Another way of looking at this approach is assuming that the labile pool
5802             !  fills up linearly and the reserve pool quadratically. As long as the labile
5803             !  pool is below its optimal, it will thus have priority. As soon as the labile
5804             !  pool is reached up to its target value (=considered the optimum) the reserve
5805             !  pool will start taking in more carbon. For simplicity it was assumed that
5806             !  carbon can move freely between both pools.
5807             total_reserves = tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon) + tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon)
5808             optimal_share = zero
5810             ! Only calculate a solution if there is carbon in the reserve pool
5811             IF (total_reserves.GT.min_stomate) THEN
5813                ! Avoid divide by zero in case the reserve_target = zero
5814                IF (reserve_target(ipts,j,icarbon).GT.min_stomate) THEN
5816                   ! First solution of a quadratic equation. Note: the quadratic solution
5817                   ! is based on aX2+bX+c=0. c is thus -total_reserves
5818                   optimal_share =(-labile_target(ipts,j,icarbon) + SQRT(labile_target(ipts,j,icarbon)**2 + &
5819                           4*reserve_target(ipts,j,icarbon)*total_reserves)) / (2*reserve_target(ipts,j,icarbon))
5821                   IF ( THEN
5823                      ! Second solution of a quadartic equation in case the first solution
5824                      ! turned out to be the negative solution which we don want.
5825                      optimal_share =(-labile_target(ipts,j,icarbon) - SQRT(labile_target(ipts,j,icarbon)**2 + &
5826                           4*reserve_target(ipts,j,icarbon)*total_reserves)) / (2*reserve_target(ipts,j,icarbon))
5827                   ENDIF
5829                END IF
5831             END IF
5833             ! Error checking
5834             IF ( THEN
5835                WRITE(numout,*) 'Tried both roots of the quadratic equation and both were negative', &
5836                     optimal_share
5837                CALL ipslerr_p(3,'growth_fun_all', 'Both solutions are negative',&
5838                     'something must be wrong with the calculation of the labile', &
5839                     'and reserve pools')
5840             END IF
5841             !-
5843             ! Calculate the optimal distribution between the reserve and the
5844             ! labile pool. Assume full mobility between both pools and ignore
5845             ! possible constraints during dormacy. Calculate ilabile as the
5846             ! residual term to avoid mass balance problems (the alternative way
5847             ! to calculate it is tmp_bm(ilabile) = labile_target*optimal_share.     
5848             ! Optimal share was calculated with the equation above.
5849             ! This solution can result in precision issues and it can deplete the
5850             ! carbres pool. Add a safety valve.
5851             tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon) = MAX(total_reserves * 0.1, &
5852                  MIN(reserve_target(ipts,j,icarbon)*(optimal_share**2), 0.9 * total_reserves))
5853             tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) = MAX(zero,total_reserves - &
5854                  tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon))
5856             ! For evergreen PFTs with total reserves well below the optimal the code
5857             ! above may results in reducing the reserves pools every day. If this
5858             ! happens, the labile carbon becomes e-68 within 3 years and soon after
5859             ! causes an overflow error with e-302. The lines below should avoid this
5860             ! to happen.
5861             total_reserves = tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon) + tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon)
5862             IF (total_reserves .LT. 1000 * EPSILON(zero)) THEN
5863                tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon) = zero
5864                tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) = zero
5865                circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,1,isapabove,icarbon) = &
5866                     circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,1,isapabove,icarbon) + &
5867                     total_reserves
5868             END IF
5870             ! Error checking
5871             IF (tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) .OR. &
5872                  tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon) THEN
5873                WRITE(numout,*) 'The reserve pool is negative after &
5874                     & re-allocation.  Not good!'
5875                WRITE(numout,*) 'tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon): ',&
5876                     tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon)
5877                WRITE(numout,*) 'ipts,j : ',ipts,j
5878                WRITE(numout,*) 'total_reserves : ',total_reserves
5879                WRITE(numout,*) 'optimal_share : ',optimal_share
5880                CALL ipslerr_p(3,'growth_fun_all', 'Negative reserves after re-distruting',&
5881                     'carbon between the labile and reserve pools.  Not sure', &
5882                     'how this happened.')
5883             ENDIF
5884             !-
5886          ELSEIF ( veget_max(ipts,j) .GT. min_stomate .AND. &
5887               rue_longterm(ipts,j) .EQ. un) THEN
5889             ! There hasn't been any photosynthesis yet. This happens when a
5890             ! new vegetation is prescribed and the longterm phenology variables
5891             ! are not initialized yet. These conditions happen when the model is
5892             ! started from scratch (no restart files). Because the plants are
5893             ! very small, they contain little reserves. We increased the amount
5894             ! of reserves by a factor ::tune_r_in_sapling where r stands for
5895             ! reserves. However, this amount gets simply respired before it is
5896             ! needed because the reserve_target is calculated as a function of the
5897             ! sapwood biomass which is very low because the plants are really
5898             ! small. Here we skip recalculating the reserve_target until the day
5899             ! we start using it.
5901          ELSE
5903             ! No reason to be here
5904             WRITE(numout,*) 'Error: unexpected condition for the reserve pools, pft, ',j
5905             WRITE(numout,*) 'veget_max, rue_longterm, ', veget_max(ipts,j), &
5906                  rue_longterm(ipts,j)
5908          ENDIF ! rue_longterm
5910          ! The model code does not control the C/N ratio of the labile pool hence, 
5911          ! even if there is a strong N-limitation, the model can accumulate lots 
5912          ! of carbon in the labile pool. The first CN-version was indeed doing this 
5913          ! the plant could easily store several 1000 gC m-2. As this was considered 
5914          ! unrealistic the excess C in the labile pool was burned-off by some excess 
5915          ! respiration. Although this luxury/wastage respiration has been suggested 
5916          ! in the literature (see Amthor et al 2000 and Chamber et al 2004) it is 
5917          ! not confirmed by many observations. We first tried to control the C/N ratio 
5918          ! of the labile pool but ran into several numerical issues with small numbers 
5919          ! and some of the dynamics of the pool during phenology and senescence 
5920          ! (N-resorption). It was then decided to simply control the size of the 
5921          ! labile pool. The model already had an estimate of the optimal pool size of 
5922          ! the labile and carbres pools. If the plant has more labile carbon than the 
5923          ! optimal, GPP is downregulated (too much sugars in the leaves will increase 
5924          ! the viscosity and hamper the sapflow in the phloem. The viscosity can be 
5925          ! decreased again by closing the stomata and transpiring less of the sapflow 
5926          ! in the xylem. By closing the stomata, GPP will be downregulated. See Holtta 
5927          ! et al 2017). Because ORCHIDEE has no sapflow, turgor and viscosity yet, we 
5928          ! used a simple ratio to downregulate NUE. The regulation is smoothened by 
5929          ! setting boundaries to avoid sudden decreases in GPP (which are not apparent 
5930          ! in the data). Smoothing is taken care of in stomate_vmax.f90. If the plant 
5931          ! has less carbon in its labile and carbres pools than wanted, the NUE is 
5932          ! upregulated. Up regulation is also capped to avoid crazy NUE values and high 
5933          ! frequency changes between up and downregulation. Up and downregulation are
5934          ! done in stomate_vmax.f90.
5935          ! CYmark: we think the active regulation of sugar load only occurs in active growth
5936          ! stage, i.e., when plant_status is equal to icanopy.
5937          IF (tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon)+tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon) .AND.& 
5938               plant_status(ipts,j).EQ.icanopy) THEN
5940             ! First priority: too much sugar in the labile pool-> downregulate
5941             update_sugar_load = (labile_target(ipts,j,icarbon)+reserve_target(ipts,j,icarbon)) / &
5942                  (tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) + tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon))
5944             sugar_load(ipts,j) = (sugar_load(ipts,j) * (tau_sugarload_week - dt ) + & 
5945                  max(sugar_load_min,min(update_sugar_load,sugar_load_max)) &
5946                  * dt) /tau_sugarload_week
5948          ELSEIF (tmp_bm(ipts,j,ileaf,icarbon) THEN
5949             sugar_load(ipts,j)  = (sugar_load(ipts,j) * (tau_sugarload_week - dt ) + & 
5950                  sugar_load_max * dt) /tau_sugarload_week
5951          ELSE
5952             ! Out of growing season, too much labile but not enough reserves, etc
5953             ! -> do nothing
5954             sugar_load(ipts,j) = un             
5955          ENDIF
5958          !! 8.1 Calculate NPP
5959          !  Calculate the NPP @tex $(gC.m^{-2}dt^{-1})$ @endtex as the difference
5960          !  between GPP and the two components of autotrophic respiration
5961          !  (maintenance and growth respiration). GPP, R_maint and R_growth
5962          !  are prognostic variables, NPP is calculated as the residuals and is
5963          !  thus a diagnostic variable. Note that NPP is not used in the
5964          !  allocation scheme, instead bm_alloc_tot is allocated. The
5965          !  physiological difference between both is that bm_alloc_tot does no
5966          !  longer contain the reserves and labile pools and is only the carbon
5967          !  that needs to go into the biomass pools. NPP contains the reserves
5968          !  and labile carbon. Note that GPP is in gC m-2 s-1 whereas the
5969          !  respiration terms were calculated in gC m-2 dt-1
5970          npp(ipts,j) = gpp_daily(ipts,j) - resp_growth(ipts,j)/dt - &
5971               resp_maint(ipts,j)/dt 
5973          !! 8.6 Use or fill reserve pools depending on relative size of the
5974          !  labile and reserve N pool
5975          IF(veget_max(ipts,j) .GT. min_stomate) THEN
5977             costf = f_alloc(ipts,j,ileaf) + fcn_wood(j) * &
5978                  (f_alloc(ipts,j,isapabove)+f_alloc(ipts,j,isapbelow)) + &
5979                  fcn_root(j) * ( f_alloc(ipts,j,iroot) + f_alloc(ipts,j,ifruit) )
5981             IF (costf.EQ.0.0) costf=1.
5983             !+++CHECK+++
5984             ! Should we calculate the target for labile nitrogen based on the
5985             ! target labile carbon or the actual labile carbon?
5986!!$             labile_target(ipts,j,initrogen) = tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,icarbon) / &
5987!!$                  cn_leaf(ipts,j) * costf
5988             labile_target(ipts,j,initrogen) = labile_target(ipts,j,icarbon) / &
5989                  cn_leaf(ipts,j) * costf
5990             !+++++++++++
5992             ! excess or deficit of nitrogen in the labile pool
5993             use_lab = tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,initrogen) - labile_target(ipts,j,initrogen)
5995             !+++CHECK+++
5996             ! CN-CAN proposed a simplified approach that seems more consistent.
5997             ! Rather than recalculating the carbres pool the calculation starts
5998             ! from the the carbon that is in carbres pool.
5999!!$          IF(is_tree(j))THEN
6000!!$             reserve_target = 0.12 * ( tmp_bm(ipts,j,isapabove,icarbon) + &
6001!!$                  tmp_bm(ipts,j,isapbelow,icarbon))/cn_leaf(ipts,j) * &
6002!!$                  (1.+fcn_root(j)/ltor(ipts,j))/(1.+0.3/ltor(ipts,j))
6003!!$          ELSE
6004!!$             reserve_target = 0.3 * ( tmp_bm(ipts,j,iroot,icarbon) + &
6005!!$                  tmp_bm(ipts,j,isapabove,icarbon) + &
6006!!$                  tmp_bm(ipts,j,isapbelow,icarbon))/cn_leaf(ipts,j) * &
6007!!$                  (1.+fcn_root(j)/ltor(ipts,j))/(1.+0.3/ltor(ipts,j))
6008!!$          ENDIF
6010             !+++CHECK+++
6011             ! Should we calculate the target for reserve nitrogen based on the
6012             ! target reserve carbon or the actual reserve carbon?
6013!!$             reserve_target(ipts,j,initrogen) = tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon)/cn_leaf(ipts,j) * &
6014!!$                  (1.+fcn_root(j)/ltor(ipts,j))/(1.+root_reserve(j)/ltor(ipts,j))
6015             reserve_target(ipts,j,initrogen) = reserve_target(ipts,j,icarbon)/cn_leaf(ipts,j) * &
6016                  (1.+fcn_root(j)/ltor(ipts,j))/(1.+root_reserve(j)/ltor(ipts,j))
6017             !+++++++++++
6019             ! It needs to be avoided that the labile N can increase during the
6020             ! dormancy (which includes the period that the buds are available
6021             ! but still closed). If labile N increases, nitrogen uptake from
6022             ! plant can be zero followed by unrealistic peak because it is the
6023             ! function of labile nitrogen and carbon. Since this issue was fixed,
6024             ! the code does no longer allow the labile N to exceed the reserve
6025             ! nitrogen during dormancy. This avoids earlier on in the code that
6026             ! the labile pool can increase. This code is no longer needed and
6027             ! was therefore commented out but it was left as a reminder of the issue.
6028!             IF(plant_status(ipts,j) .EQ. idormant .OR. &
6029!                plant_status(ipts,j) .EQ. ibudsavail) THEN
6030!                     use_max=-use_lab
6031!             ENDIF
6033             ! Sudden growth in diameter can occur if all of the following conditions
6034             ! are satisfied: 1) leaf C:N ratio and little allocation to root decreased
6035             ! the estimated N targets for labileN and reserveN; 2) high reserveN;
6036             ! 3) then both labileN and reserveN were above the target; 4) no N
6037             ! movement between pools; 5) extra N accumulates in labile; 6) n_alloc_tot
6038             ! increases; and 7) a lot of growth. To solve the problem the following
6039             ! approach was implemented: 1) IF labileN is over the target, move extra
6040             ! labileN to reserve.  Because N Growth is a lot dependent on the labile
6041             ! pool in the current version so it is better to be cleaned. At a single
6042             ! test site, remaining labile N as just much as the target pool resulted
6043             ! in a slower initial increase in GPP but differences in endpoints were
6044             ! negligible  2) IF labileN is under the target, move from reserve pool as
6045             ! much as extra N the reserve pool has. Move N from
6046             ! reserve pool much as needed but less than 90% of total reserve nitrogen.
6047             ! Note that as there is a weak scientific basis for the movement of
6048             ! non-structural nitrogen, this redistribution of N is a numerical
6049             ! solution that aims at stabilizing the model.
6050             IF(use_lab .GT. 0.0) THEN 
6051                ! Enough N in labile: move N from labile to reserve
6052                use_max = -use_lab
6053             ELSE   
6054                ! depleted N in labile
6055                ! Fill the labile N as much as needed unless it acceeds 90% of
6056                ! reserveN. Before r6825 there is no N mobility when either
6057                ! labile and nitrogen are depleted. This change was made to use
6058                ! reserve N and reduce N limitation when the plant has nitrogen
6059                ! in its reserves
6060                use_max = MIN(-use_lab,0.9*tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,initrogen))
6061             ENDIF
6063             tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,initrogen) = tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,initrogen)-use_max
6064             tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,initrogen) = tmp_bm(ipts,j,ilabile,initrogen)+use_max
6065             bm_alloc(ipts,j,icarbres,initrogen) = bm_alloc(ipts,j,icarbres,initrogen)-use_max
6067             ! We need to keep the reserve nitrogen pool filled according to
6068             ! the filling status of the carbon reserve to allow decidiuous PFTs
6069             ! to grow when we initialize an impose_cn=n run with the restarts
6070             ! from an impose_cn=y simulation; if we don't ensure that there is
6071             ! enough reserve N the PFT will get extinct.
6072             IF(is_tree(j)) THEN
6073                IF (pheno_type(j).NE.1) THEN
6074                   IF (impose_cn) THEN
6076                      ! take what is needed to keep nitrogen reserves optimal
6077                      atm_to_bm(ipts,j,initrogen) = atm_to_bm(ipts,j,initrogen) + &
6078                            MAX((tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon)/cn_leaf(ipts,j) * & 
6079                            (1.+fcn_root(j)/ltor(ipts,j)) / &
6080                            (1.+root_reserve(j)/ltor(ipts,j))) - &
6081                            tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,initrogen),zero)
6083                      ! fill the pool
6084                      tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,initrogen) = &
6085                           MAX(tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,initrogen), &
6086                           tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,icarbon)/cn_leaf(ipts,j) * & 
6087                           (1.+fcn_root(j)/ltor(ipts,j))/(1.+root_reserve(j)/ltor(ipts,j)))
6089                      ! tmp_bm(icarbres) has changed, circ_class_biomass needs to be updated
6090                      circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,icarbres,initrogen) = &
6091                           biomass_to_cc(tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,initrogen),&
6092                           circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,icarbres,initrogen),&
6093                           circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))
6095                   ENDIF !impose_cn
6096                ENDIF
6097             ENDIF !is_tree
6099          ENDIF !IF_vegetmax
6101          ! Calculate demand or excess of nitrogen in the reserve
6102          ! reserve_target is the amount of nitrogen that is being targeted,
6103          ! icrabes is the actual amount of nitrogen. The balance is the
6104          ! ratio between the actual and the target and its long-term mean is
6105          ! used to modulate n-uptake by the roots.
6106          IF (reserve_target(ipts,j,initrogen) .GT. min_stomate) THEN
6107             n_reserve_balance(ipts,j) = tmp_bm(ipts,j,icarbres,initrogen) / &
6108                  reserve_target(ipts,j,initrogen) 
6109          ELSE
6110             ! If the reserver pool is zero the model might just be at an
6111             ! early time step. In that case n_reserve_balance should
6112             ! probably be neutral (thus 1). If this happens later in the
6113             ! simulation, the model might be really short of nitrogen so
6114             ! stimulating root uptake (n_reserve_balance << 1) is probably
6115             ! what is needed. Unless reserve_target suddenly dropped to zero,
6116             ! n_reserve_longeterm should be adjusted and is likley a good
6117             ! estimate for n_reserve_balance.
6118             n_reserve_balance(ipts,j) = n_reserve_longterm(ipts,j)
6119             ! As an alternative: compromise between the two options described
6120             ! above but chose in favor of n-uptake
6121             !n_reserve_balance(ipts,j) = 0.5
6122          ENDIF
6124          ! tmp_bm can be very low. Truncate the distribution of n_reserve_balance
6125          n_reserve_balance(ipts,j) = MAX(zero, MIN(2.,n_reserve_balance(ipts,j)))
6127          ! biomass has changed so update circ_class_biomass
6128          DO ipar = 1,nparts
6129             circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,ipar,icarbon) = &
6130                  biomass_to_cc(tmp_bm(ipts,j,ipar,icarbon),&
6131                  circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,ipar,icarbon),&
6132                  circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))
6133             circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,ipar,initrogen) = &
6134                  biomass_to_cc(tmp_bm(ipts,j,ipar,initrogen),&
6135                  circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,ipar,initrogen),&
6136                  circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))
6137          ENDDO
6139       ENDDO ! npts
6141    ENDDO ! PFTs
6144 !! 9. Check mass balance closure
6146   IF (err_act.GT.1) THEN
6148      ! 9.2 Check surface area
6149      CALL check_vegetation_area("stomate_allocation", npts, veget_max_begin, &
6150           veget_max,'pft')
6152      ! 9.3 Mass balance closure
6153      ! 9.3.1 Calculate final biomass
6154      pool_end(:,:,:) = zero
6155      DO ipar = 1,nparts
6156         DO iele = 1,nelements
6157            DO icir = 1,ncirc
6158               pool_end(:,:,iele) = pool_end(:,:,iele) + &
6159                    (circ_class_biomass(:,:,icir,ipar,iele) * &
6160                    circ_class_n(:,:,icir) * veget_max(:,:))
6161            ENDDO
6162         ENDDO
6163      ENDDO
6165      ! 9.3.2 Calculate mass balance
6166      ! Specific processes for carbon
6167      check_intern(:,:,:,:) = zero
6168      check_intern(:,:,iatm2land,icarbon) = &
6169           check_intern_init(:,:,iatm2land,icarbon) + &
6170           (gpp_daily(:,:) + atm_to_bm(:,:,icarbon)) * dt * veget_max(:,:)
6171      check_intern(:,:,iatm2land,initrogen) = &
6172           check_intern_init(:,:,iatm2land,initrogen) + & 
6173           atm_to_bm(:,:,initrogen) * dt * veget_max(:,:)
6174      check_intern(:,:,iland2atm,icarbon) = -un * &
6175           (resp_maint(:,:) + resp_growth(:,:)) * &
6176           veget_max(:,:)
6178      ! Common processes for icarbon and initrogen
6179      DO iele=1,nelements
6180         check_intern(:,:,ipoolchange,iele) = -un * (pool_end(:,:,iele) - &
6181              pool_start(:,:,iele))
6182      ENDDO
6184      closure_intern = zero
6186      DO imbc = 1,nmbcomp
6187         DO iele=1,nelements
6188            ! Debug
6189             IF (printlev_loc>=4 .AND. ipts.EQ.test_grid .AND. j.EQ.test_pft) THEN
6190                WRITE(numout,*) 'check_intern, imbc, iele, ', imbc, &
6191                     iele, check_intern(:,test_pft,imbc,iele)
6192             ENDIF
6193             !-
6194            closure_intern(:,:,iele) = closure_intern(:,:,iele) + &
6195                 check_intern(:,:,imbc,iele)
6196         ENDDO
6197      ENDDO
6199      ! 9.3.3 Check mass balance closure
6200      CALL check_mass_balance("stomate_allocation", closure_intern, npts, pool_end, &
6201           pool_start, veget_max, 'pft')
6203   ENDIF ! err_act.GT.1
6206   !! 10. Update leaf age
6207   !  Leaf age is needed to calculate the turnover and vmax in the
6208   !  stomate_turnover.f90 and stomate_vmax.f90 routines. Leaf biomass
6209   !  is distributed according to its age into several "age classes"
6210   !  with age class=1 representing the youngest class, and consisting
6211   !  of the most newly allocated leaf biomass.
6213   !  Update biomass first
6214   tmp_bm(:,:,:,:) = cc_to_biomass(npts,nvm,circ_class_biomass(:,:,:,:,:),&
6215        circ_class_n(:,:,:))
6217   !! 9.1 Update quantity and age of the leaf biomass in the youngest class
6218   !  The new amount of leaf biomass in the youngest age class
6219   !  (leaf_mass_young) is the sum of :
6220   !  - the leaf biomass that was already in the youngest age class
6221   !  (leaf_frac(:,j,1) * lm_old(:,j)) with the leaf age given in
6222   !  leaf_age(:,j,1)
6223   !  - and the new biomass allocated to leaves
6224   !  (bm_alloc(:,j,ileaf,icarbon)) with a leaf age of zero.
6225   leaf_mass_young(:,:) = leaf_frac(:,:,1) * lm_old(:,:) + bm_alloc(:,:,ileaf,icarbon)
6227   ! The age of the updated youngest age class is the average of the ages of
6228   ! its 2 components: bm_alloc(leaf) of age '0', and leaf_frac * &
6229   ! lm_old(=leaf_mass_young-bm_alloc) of age 'leaf_age(:,:,1)'
6230   DO ipts=1,npts
6232      DO j=1,nvm
6234         ! IF(veget_max(ipts,j) == zero)THEN
6235         !     ! this vegetation type is not present, so no reason to do the
6236         !     ! calculation
6237         !     CYCLE
6238         ! ENDIF
6240         IF( (bm_alloc(ipts,j,ileaf,icarbon) .GT. min_stomate ) .AND. &
6241              ( leaf_mass_young(ipts,j) .GT. min_stomate ) )THEN
6243            leaf_age(ipts,j,1) = MAX ( zero, leaf_age(ipts,j,1) * &
6244                 ( leaf_mass_young(ipts,j) - bm_alloc(ipts,j,ileaf,icarbon) ) / &
6245                 & leaf_mass_young(ipts,j) )
6247         ENDIF
6249      ENDDO
6251   ENDDO
6253   !! 11 Update leaf age
6254   !  Update fractions of leaf biomass in each age class (fraction
6255   !  in youngest class increases)
6257   !! 11.1 Update age of youngest leaves
6258   !  For age class 1 (youngest class), because we have added biomass
6259   !  to the youngest class, we need to update the fraction of total
6260   !  leaf biomass that belongs to the youngest age class : updated mass
6261   !  in class divided by new total leaf mass
6262   WHERE ( tmp_bm(:,:,ileaf,icarbon) .GT. min_stomate )
6264      leaf_frac(:,:,1) = leaf_mass_young(:,:) / tmp_bm(:,:,ileaf,icarbon)
6269   !! 11.2 Update age of other age classes
6270   !  Because the total leaf biomass has changed, we need to update the
6271   !  fraction of leaves in each age class: mass in leaf age class (from
6272   !  previous fraction of leaves in this class and previous total leaf
6273   !  biomass) divided by new total mass
6274   DO m = 2, nleafages ! Loop over # leaf age classes
6276      WHERE ( tmp_bm(:,:,ileaf,icarbon) .GT. min_stomate )
6278         leaf_frac(:,:,m) = leaf_frac(:,:,m) * lm_old(:,:) / tmp_bm(:,:,ileaf,icarbon)
6280      ENDWHERE
6282   ENDDO       ! Loop over # leaf age classes
6283   !-----
6286   !! 12. Update whole-plant age
6287   !! 12.1 PFT age
6288   !  At every time step, increase age of the biomass that was already
6289   !  present at previous time step. Age is expressed in years, and
6290   !  the time step 'dt' in days so age increase is: dt divided by number
6291   !  of days in a year.
6292   WHERE ( PFTpresent(:,:) )
6294      age(:,:) = age(:,:) + dt/one_year
6298      age(:,:) = zero
6303   !! 12.2 Age of grasses and crops
6304   !  For grasses and crops, biomass with age 0 has been added to the
6305   !  whole plant with age 'age'. New biomass is the sum of the current
6306   !  total biomass in all plant parts (bm_new), bm_new(:) =
6307   !  SUM( tmp_bm(:,j,:), DIM=2 ). The biomass that has just been added
6308   !  is the sum of the allocatable biomass of all plant parts (bm_add),
6309   !  its age is zero. bm_add(:) = SUM( bm_alloc(:,j,:,icarbon), DIM=2 ).
6310   !  Before allocation, the plant biomass is bm_new-bm_add, its age is
6311   !  "age(:,j)". The age of the new biomass is the average of the ages
6312   !  of previous and added biomass. For trees, age is treated in
6313   !  "establish" if vegetation is dynamic, and in turnover routines if
6314   !  it is static (in this case, only the age of the heartwood is
6315   !  accounted for).
6316   DO j = 2,nvm
6318      IF ( .NOT. is_tree(j) ) THEN
6320         bm_new(:) = tmp_bm(:,j,ileaf,icarbon) + tmp_bm(:,j,isapabove,icarbon) + &
6321              tmp_bm(:,j,iroot,icarbon) + tmp_bm(:,j,ifruit,icarbon)
6322         bm_add(:) = bm_alloc(:,j,ileaf,icarbon) + bm_alloc(:,j,isapabove,icarbon) + &
6323              bm_alloc(:,j,iroot,icarbon) + bm_alloc(:,j,ifruit,icarbon)
6325         WHERE ( ( bm_new(:) .GT. min_stomate ) .AND. ( bm_add(:) .GT. min_stomate ) )
6327            age(:,j) = age(:,j) * ( bm_new(:) - bm_add(:) ) / bm_new(:)
6329         ENDWHERE
6331      ENDIF ! is .NOT. tree
6333   ENDDO  ! Loop over #PFTs
6335   !! 13. Write history files
6337   ! Save in history file the variables describing the biomass allocated to the plant parts
6338   ! Calculate the change in biomass at the end of the routine
6339   tmp_bm(:,:,:,:) = cc_to_biomass(npts,nvm,circ_class_biomass(:,:,:,:,:),&
6340         circ_class_n(:,:,:)) - tmp_init_bm(:,:,:,:)
6342    DO l=1,nelements
6343       IF     (l == icarbon) THEN
6344          element_str(l) = '_c'
6345       ELSEIF (l == initrogen) THEN
6346          element_str(l) = '_n'
6347       ELSE
6348          STOP 'Define element_str'
6349       ENDIF
6351       CALL histwrite_p (hist_id_stomate, 'BM_ALLOC_LEAF'//TRIM(element_str(l)), itime, &
6352            tmp_bm(:,:,ileaf,l), npts*nvm, horipft_index)
6353       CALL histwrite_p (hist_id_stomate, 'BM_ALLOC_SAP_AB'//TRIM(element_str(l)), itime, &
6354            tmp_bm(:,:,isapabove,l), npts*nvm, horipft_index)
6355       CALL histwrite_p (hist_id_stomate, 'BM_ALLOC_SAP_BE'//TRIM(element_str(l)), itime, &
6356            tmp_bm(:,:,isapbelow,l), npts*nvm, horipft_index)
6357       CALL histwrite_p (hist_id_stomate, 'BM_ALLOC_ROOT'//TRIM(element_str(l)), itime, &
6358            tmp_bm(:,:,iroot,l), npts*nvm, horipft_index)
6359       CALL histwrite_p (hist_id_stomate, 'BM_ALLOC_FRUIT'//TRIM(element_str(l)), itime, &
6360            tmp_bm(:,:,ifruit,l), npts*nvm, horipft_index)
6361       CALL histwrite_p (hist_id_stomate, 'BM_ALLOC_RES'//TRIM(element_str(l)), itime, &
6362            tmp_bm(:,:,icarbres,l), npts*nvm, horipft_index)
6363       CALL histwrite_p (hist_id_stomate, 'BM_ALLOC_LABILE'//TRIM(element_str(l)), itime, &
6364            tmp_bm(:,:,ilabile,l), npts*nvm, horipft_index)
6366        CALL xios_orchidee_send_field('BM_ALLOC_LEAF'//TRIM(element_str(l)), tmp_bm(:,:,ileaf,l))
6367        CALL xios_orchidee_send_field('BM_ALLOC_SAP_AB'//TRIM(element_str(l)), tmp_bm(:,:,isapabove,l))
6368        CALL xios_orchidee_send_field('BM_ALLOC_SAP_BE'//TRIM(element_str(l)), tmp_bm(:,:,isapbelow,l))
6369        CALL xios_orchidee_send_field('BM_ALLOC_ROOT'//TRIM(element_str(l)), tmp_bm(:,:,iroot,l))
6370        CALL xios_orchidee_send_field('BM_ALLOC_FRUIT'//TRIM(element_str(l)), tmp_bm(:,:,ifruit,l))
6371        CALL xios_orchidee_send_field('BM_ALLOC_RES'//TRIM(element_str(l)), tmp_bm(:,:,icarbres,l))
6372        CALL xios_orchidee_send_field('BM_ALLOC_LABILE'//TRIM(element_str(l)), tmp_bm(:,:,ilabile,l))       
6374    ENDDO
6376    CALL histwrite_p (hist_id_stomate, 'RUE_LONGTERM', itime, &
6377         rue_longterm(:,:), npts*nvm, horipft_index)
6378    CALL histwrite_p (hist_id_stomate, 'KF', itime, &
6379         KF(:,:), npts*nvm, horipft_index)
6380    CALL histwrite_p (hist_id_stomate, 'LAB_FAC' , itime, &
6381         lab_fac(:,:), npts*nvm, horipft_index)
6383    CALL xios_orchidee_send_field('RUE_LONGTERM', rue_longterm(:,:))
6384    CALL xios_orchidee_send_field('KF', KF(:,:))
6385    CALL xios_orchidee_send_field('REL_HEIGHT', height_rel(:,:)) 
6386    CALL xios_orchidee_send_field('C0_ALLOC', c0_alloc(:,:))
6387    CALL xios_orchidee_send_field('LAB_FAC', lab_fac(:,:))
6388    CALL xios_orchidee_send_field('RESERVE_TARGET_c', reserve_target(:,:,icarbon))
6389    CALL xios_orchidee_send_field('LABILE_TARGET_c', labile_target(:,:,icarbon))
6390    CALL xios_orchidee_send_field('RESERVE_TARGET_n', reserve_target(:,:,initrogen))
6391    CALL xios_orchidee_send_field('LABILE_TARGET_n', labile_target(:,:,initrogen))
6392    CALL xios_orchidee_send_field('GTEMP_ALLOC', gtemp(:,:))
6393    CALL xios_orchidee_send_field('N_RESERVE_BALANCE',n_reserve_balance(:,:))
6395    ! Initilaize
6396    ring_width(:,:,:) = zero
6397    circ_height(:,:,:) = zero
6399    DO ipts = 1,npts
6400       DO j = 1,nvm
6401          IF(is_tree(j))THEN
6403             ! Calculate the forestry basal area (thus NOT the effective ba)
6404             circ_class_ba(:) = wood_to_ba(circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,:,icarbon),j)
6405             ba(ipts,j) = SUM(circ_class_ba(:)*circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) * m2_to_ha
6406             wood_volume(ipts,j) = wood_to_volume(npts,circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,:,:),&
6407                  circ_class_n(ipts,j,:),j,branch_ratio(j),0)
6408             store_circ_class_ba(ipts,j,:) = circ_class_ba(:)
6409             store_delta_ba(ipts,j,:) = circ_class_ba(:) - circ_class_ba_init(ipts,j,:)
6411             ! Calculate radius increment using store_delta_ba (which is alway
6412             ! positive)
6413             ring_width(ipts,j,:) = SQRT(circ_class_ba(:)/pi) - SQRT(circ_class_ba_init(ipts,j,:)/pi)
6415             ! Calculate height per diameter class (above ground, not eff)
6416             circ_height(ipts,j,:) = wood_to_height(circ_class_biomass(ipts,j,:,:,icarbon),j) 
6418          ELSE
6419             ba(ipts,j) = val_exp
6420             wood_volume(ipts,j) = val_exp
6421             store_circ_class_ba(ipts,j,:) = val_exp 
6422          ENDIF
6423       ENDDO
6424    ENDDO
6427    CALL histwrite_p (hist_id_stomate, 'BA', itime, &
6428         ba(:,:), npts*nvm, horipft_index)
6429    CALL histwrite_p (hist_id_stomate, 'WOOD_VOL', itime, &
6430         wood_volume(:,:), npts*nvm, horipft_index)
6431    CALL histwrite_p (hist_id_stomate, 'RESIDUAL', itime, &
6432         residual_write(:,:), npts*nvm, horipft_index)
6434    ! Some of these variables should only be used when the model
6435    ! does not account for land cover changes and does not make
6436    ! use of age classes. When using land cover changes and
6437    ! age classes the biomass pool may get diluted which results
6438    ! in shrinking trees. This doesn't make sense at the tree
6439    ! level but is an acceptable approach at the landscape
6440    ! level. 
6441    DO icir = 1,ncirc
6442       WRITE(var_name,'(A,I3.3)') 'CCBA_',icir
6443       CALL histwrite_p (hist_id_stomate, var_name, itime, &
6444            store_circ_class_ba(:,:,icir), npts*nvm, horipft_index)
6445       WRITE(var_name,'(A,I3.3)') 'CCDELTABA_',icir
6446       CALL histwrite_p (hist_id_stomate, VAR_NAME, itime, &
6447            store_delta_ba(:,:,icir), npts*nvm, horipft_index)
6448       WRITE(var_name,'(A,I3.3)') 'CCN_',icir
6449       CALL histwrite_p (hist_id_stomate, VAR_NAME, itime, &
6450            circ_class_n(:,:,icir), npts*nvm, horipft_index)
6451       WRITE(var_name,'(A,I3.3)') 'CCTRW_',icir
6452       CALL histwrite_p (hist_id_stomate, VAR_NAME, itime, &
6453            ring_width(:,:,icir), npts*nvm, horipft_index)
6454       WRITE(var_name,'(A,I3.3)') 'CCH_',icir
6455       CALL histwrite_p (hist_id_stomate, VAR_NAME, itime, &
6456            circ_height(:,:,icir), npts*nvm, horipft_index)
6457    ENDDO
6459    CALL xios_orchidee_send_field('WOOD_VOL',wood_volume(:,:))
6460    CALL xios_orchidee_send_field('BA',ba(:,:))
6461    CALL xios_orchidee_send_field('RESIDUAL',residual_write(:,:))
6462    CALL xios_orchidee_send_field('CCBA', store_circ_class_ba(:,:,:))
6463    CALL xios_orchidee_send_field('CCDELTABA', store_delta_ba(:,:,:)) 
6464    CALL xios_orchidee_send_field('CCIND', circ_class_n(:,:,:)) 
6465    CALL xios_orchidee_send_field('CCTRW', ring_width(:,:,:))
6466    CALL xios_orchidee_send_field('CCHEIGHT', circ_height(:,:,:))
6467    CALL xios_orchidee_send_field('CCDIAMETER', SQRT(4/pi*store_circ_class_ba(:,:,:)))
6468    CALL xios_orchidee_send_field('CCSAP_M_AB_c', circ_class_biomass(:,:,:,isapabove,icarbon))
6469    CALL xios_orchidee_send_field('CCSAP_M_BE_c', circ_class_biomass(:,:,:,isapbelow,icarbon))
6470    CALL xios_orchidee_send_field('CCTOTAL_M_c', SUM(circ_class_biomass(:,:,:,:,icarbon),DIM=4))
6472    ! Send value that caused a warning to xios
6473    CALL xios_orchidee_send_field('MBC_alloc10b_c', residual10b(:,:))
6475    ! Debug
6476    IF (printlev_loc.GE.4) THEN
6477       WRITE(numout,*) 'leaf_biomass C:', tmp_bm(test_grid,test_pft,ileaf,icarbon)
6478       WRITE(numout,*) 'leaf_biomass N:', tmp_bm(test_grid,test_pft,ileaf,initrogen)
6479       WRITE(numout,*) 'reserve_biomass C:', tmp_bm(test_grid,test_pft,icarbres,icarbon)
6480       WRITE(numout,*) 'reserve_biomass N:', tmp_bm(test_grid,test_pft,icarbres,initrogen)
6481    ENDIF 
6482    !-
6484    IF (printlev.GE.3) WRITE(numout,*) 'Leaving functional allocation growth'
6487END SUBROUTINE growth_fun_all
6491!! ================================================================================================================================
6492!! FUNCTION     : func_derfunc
6494!>\BRIEF        Calculate value for a function and its derivative
6497!! DESCRIPTION  : the routine describes the function and its derivative. Both function and derivative are used
6498!!              by the optimisation scheme. Hence, this function is part of the optimisation scheme and is only
6499!!              called by the optimisation
6505!! REFERENCE(S) : Numerical recipies in Fortran 77
6507!! FLOWCHART :
6508!! \n
6509!_ ================================================================================================================================
6511 SUBROUTINE func_derfunc(x, n, o, p, q, r, t, eq_num, f, df)
6513!! 0. Variable and parameter declaration
6515    !! 0.1 Input variables
6516    REAL(r_std), INTENT(in)                :: x           !! x value for which the function f(x) will be evaluated
6517    REAL(r_std), INTENT(in)                :: n,o,p,q,r,t !! Coefficients of the equation. Not all equations use all coefficients
6518    INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in)             :: eq_num      !! Function i.e. f(x), g(x), ...
6520    !! 0.2 Output variables
6521    REAL(r_std), INTENT(out)               :: f           !! Value y for f(x)
6522    REAL(r_std), INTENT(out)               :: df          !! Value y for derivative[f(x)]   
6524    !! 0.3 Modified variables
6526    !! 0.4 Local variables
6527!_ ================================================================================================================================
6529!! 1. Calculate f(x) and df(x)
6531    IF (eq_num .EQ. 1) THEN
6533       !f = n*x**4 + o*x**3 + p*x**2 + q*x + r 
6534       !df = 4*n*x**3 + 3*o*x**2 + 2*p*x + q
6536    ELSEIF (eq_num .EQ. 2) THEN
6538       f = ( (n*x)/(p*((x+o)/t)**(q/(2+q))) ) - r
6539       df = ( n*(o*(q+2)+2*x)*((o+x)/t)**(-q/(q+2)) ) / ( p*(q+2)*(o+x) )
6541    ENDIF
6543 END SUBROUTINE func_derfunc
6546!! ================================================================================================================================
6547!! FUNCTION     : iterative_solver
6549!>\BRIEF        find best fitting x for f(x)
6552!! DESCRIPTION  : The function makes use of an iterative approach to optimise the value for X. The solver
6553!!              splits the search region in two but there is an additional check to ensure that bounds are not
6554!!              exceeded.
6556!!              Use the derivative (df) of the function (f) calculated in func_derfunc to narrow down the
6557!!              search range for X using the Newton-Raphson method for convergence as described in Numerical
6558!!              Recipes in Fortran 77 (page 355-360).           
6564!! REFERENCE(S) : Numerical recipies in Fortran 77
6566!! FLOWCHART :
6567!! \n
6568!_ ================================================================================================================================
6570  FUNCTION newX(n, o, p, q, r, s, t, x1, x2, eq_num, j, ipts)
6572!! 0. Variable and parameter declaration
6574    !! 0.1 Input variables
6575    REAL(r_std), INTENT(in)        :: n,o,p,q,r,s,t    !! Coefficients of the equation. Not all
6576                                                       !! equations use all coefficients
6577    REAL(r_std), INTENT(in)        :: x1               !! Lower boundary off search range
6578    REAL(r_std), INTENT(in)        :: x2               !! Upper boundary off search range
6579    INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in)     :: eq_num           !! Function for which an iterative solution is
6580                                                       !! searched
6581    INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in)     :: j                !! Number of PFT
6582    INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in)     :: ipts             !! Number of grdi square...for debugging
6584    !! 0.2 Output variables
6586    !! 0.3 Modified variables
6588    !! 0.4 Local variables
6589    INTEGER(i_std), PARAMETER      :: maxit = 20       !! Maximum number of iterations
6590    INTEGER(i_std), PARAMETER      :: max_attempt = 5  !! Maximum number of iterations
6591    INTEGER(i_std)                 :: i, attempt       !! Index
6592    REAL(r_std)                    :: newX             !! New estimate for X
6593    REAL(r_std)                    :: fl, fh, f        !! Value of the function for the lower bound (x1),
6594                                                       !! upper bound (x2) and the new value (newX)
6595    REAL(r_std)                    :: xh, xl           !! Checked lower and upper bounds
6596    REAL(r_std)                    :: df               !! Value of the derivative of the function for newX
6597    REAL(r_std)                    :: dx, dxold        !! Slope of improvement
6598    REAL(r_std)                    :: temp             !! Dummy variable for value swaps
6599    REAL(r_std)                    :: low, high        !! temporary variables for x1 and x2 to avoid
6600                                                       !! intent in/out conflicts with Cs
6601    LOGICAL                        :: found_range      !! Flag indicating whether the range in which
6602                                                       !! a solution exists was identified.
6605!_ ================================================================================================================================   
6607!! 1. Find solution for X
6609    ! Not sure whether our initial range is large enough. We will
6610    ! start with a narrow range so we are more likely to find the
6611    ! solution witin ::maxit iterations. If there is no solution
6612    ! in the initial range we will expand the range and try again
6614    ! Initilaze flags and counters
6615    attempt = 1
6616    found_range = .FALSE.
6617    low = x1
6618    high = x2
6620    ! Calculate y for the upper and lower bound
6621    DO WHILE (.NOT. found_range .AND. attempt .LE. max_attempt)
6623       CALL func_derfunc(low, n, o, p, q, r, t, eq_num, fl, df)
6624       CALL func_derfunc(high, n, o, p, q, r, t, eq_num, fh, df)
6626       IF ((fl .GT. 0.0 .AND. fh .GT. 0.0) .OR. &
6627            (fl .LT. 0.0 .AND. fh .LT. 0.0)) THEN
6629          ! Update counter
6630          attempt = attempt + 1
6632          IF (attempt .GT. max_attempt) THEN
6634             ! If the sign of y does not changes between the upper
6635             ! and lower bound there no solution with the specified range
6636             found_range = .FALSE.
6638          ELSE
6640             IF ( THEN
6642                ! Both values are positive
6643                IF (fh.GT.fl) THEN
6645                   ! the only option to get a difference in sign
6646                   ! is by decreasing the lower boundary such that
6647                   ! fl can become negative. Both fh and fl are too
6648                   ! large so the current lower boundary could be
6649                   ! used as the upper boundary in the next attampt.
6650                   temp = low
6651                   low = low / 2
6652                   high = temp
6654                ELSE
6656                   ! Strange. We should decrease the higher bound
6657                   ! to find a solution. the uper bound will thus approach
6658                   ! the lower bound. The solution should alreday be in the
6659                   ! initial range. Unless we are searching for a local
6660                   ! minimum in the range. This is possible when the initial
6661                   ! range is too large. Try swapping the values and hope
6662                   ! that the next attempt will be more logic.
6663                   temp = low
6664                   low = high
6665                   high = temp
6667                ENDIF
6669             ELSEIF ( THEN
6671                IF (fh.GT.fl) THEN
6673                   ! the only option to get a difference in sign
6674                   ! is by increasing the upper boundary such that
6675                   ! fh can become psitive. Both boundaries were
6676                   ! too low so it is safe to give the lower boundary
6677                   ! the value of the higher boundary and to
6678                   ! increase the higher boundary. Increase the
6679                   ! higher boundary by a factor of 10.
6680                   temp = high
6681                   high = high * 10
6682                   low = temp
6684                ELSE
6686                   ! Srange. Swap the values. See above for more
6687                   ! details on the reasoning.
6688                   temp = low
6689                   low = high
6690                   high = temp
6692                ENDIF
6694             ELSE
6696                ! Overlooked something
6697                CALL ipslerr(3,'logical flaw in an IF-statement', &
6698                     'case 1 in newX', '','')
6699             ENDIF !
6701             ! Enlarge the search range
6702             IF(printlev_loc.GE.4)THEN
6703                WRITE(numout,*) 'Iterative procedure - enlarge the search range'
6704                WRITE(numout,*) 'New range: ', low, high
6705                WRITE(numout,*) 'PFT, grid square, range: ',j,ipts,attempt
6706             ENDIF
6708          ENDIF ! attempt.GT.max_attempt
6710       ELSE
6712          found_range = .TRUE.
6714       ENDIF ! fl and fh have the same sign
6716    ENDDO ! .NOT. found_range .AND. attempt .LE. max_attempt
6718    ! Only when we found a range we will search for the solution
6719    IF (found_range) THEN
6721       ! If the sign of y changes between the upper and lower bound there is a solution
6722       IF ( ABS(fl) .LT. min_stomate ) THEN         
6724          ! The lower bound is the solution
6725          newX = low
6726          RETURN
6728       ELSEIF ( ABS(fh) .LT. min_stomate ) THEN
6730          ! The upper bound is the solution
6731          newX = high
6732          RETURN
6734       ELSEIF (fl .LT. 0.0) THEN
6736          ! Accept the lower and upper bounds as specified
6737          xl = low
6738          xh = high
6740       ELSE
6742          ! Lower and upper bounds were swapped, correct their ranking
6743          xh = low
6744          xl = high
6746       ENDIF
6748       ! Estimate the initial newX value       
6749       newX = 0.5 * (low+high)
6750       dxold = ABS(high-low)
6751       dx = dxold
6753       ! Calculate y=f(x) and df(x) for initial guess of newX
6754       CALL func_derfunc(newX, n, o, p, q, r, t, eq_num, f, df)
6756       ! Evaluate for the maximum number of iterations 
6757       DO  i = 1,maxit
6759          IF ( ((newX-xh)*df-f)*((newX-xl)*df-f) .GT. 0.0 .OR. ABS(deux*f) > ABS(dxold*df) ) THEN
6761             ! Bisection
6762             dxold = dx
6763             dx = 0.5 * (xh-xl)
6764             newX = xl+dx
6765             IF (xl .EQ. newX) RETURN
6767          ELSE
6769             ! Newton
6770             dxold = dx
6771             dx = f/df
6772             temp = newX
6773             newX = newX-dx
6774             IF (temp .EQ. newX) RETURN
6776          ENDIF
6778          ! Precision reached
6779          IF ( ABS(dx) .LT. min_stomate) RETURN
6781          ! Precision was not reached calculate f(x) and df(x) for newX
6782          CALL func_derfunc(newX, n, o, p, q, r, t, eq_num, f, df)
6784          ! Narrow down the range
6785          IF (f .LT. 0.0) then
6786             xl = newX
6787          ELSE
6788             xh = newX
6789          ENDIF
6791       ENDDO ! maximum number of iterations
6793    ELSE
6795       ! The fact that we did not find a solution in the initial range or
6796       ! a slightly adjusted range suggests that the new value of X (= Cs)
6797       ! is very different from its current value. That is a bit strange;
6798       ! something crazy may have happened with Cs. No optimal solution was
6799       ! found but we will just adjust newX to our first guess of Cl_target.
6800       ! Note that if we get too many suboptimal solution in a row, the error
6801       ! will propagate in the code resulting in unrealistic biomasses. At one
6802       ! point LAIs of 5000 were observed. It is important that this suboptimal
6803       ! solution is as realistic as possible.
6804       IF ( .AND. fh.GT.fl) THEN
6805          newX = s
6806       ELSEIF ( .AND. fh.LE.fl) THEN
6807          newX = s 
6808       ELSEIF ( .AND. fh.LE.fl) THEN
6809          newX = s 
6810       ELSEIF ( .AND. fh.GT.fl) THEN
6811          newX = s 
6812       ELSE
6813          ! Overlooked something
6814          CALL ipslerr(3,'logical flaw in an IF-statement', &
6815               'case 1 in newX', '','')
6816       ENDIF
6818       WRITE(numout,*) 'PFT, grid square: ',j,ipts
6819       CALL ipslerr_p (2,'growth_fun_all','newX',&
6820            'Iterative procedure - tried really hard but failed',&
6821            'had to use a suboptimal solution instead')
6823    ENDIF
6828!! ================================================================================================================================
6829!! SUBROUTINE   : comments
6831!>\BRIEF        Contains all comments to check the code
6834!! DESCRIPTION  : contains all comments to check the code. By setting pft_test to 0, this routine is not called
6840!! REFERENCE(S) : none
6842!! FLOWCHART :
6843!! \n
6844!_ ================================================================================================================================
6846  SUBROUTINE comment(npts, Cl_target, Cl, Cs_target, & 
6847       Cs, Cr_target, Cr, delta_ba, &
6848       ipts, j, l, b_inc_tot, & 
6849       Cl_incp, Cs_incp, Cr_incp, KF, LF, &
6850       Cl_inc, Cs_inc, Cr_inc, Cf_inc, &
6851       grow_wood, circ_class_n, n_comment)
6853    !! 0. Variable and parameter declaration
6855    !! 0.1 Input variables
6856    INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in)                         :: npts                              !! Defined in stomate_growth_fun_all
6857    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in)              :: Cl_target, Cs_target, Cr_target   !! Defined in stomate_growth_fun_all
6858    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in)              :: Cl_incp, Cs_incp, Cr_incp         !! Defined in stomate_growth_fun_all
6859    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in)              :: Cl_inc, Cs_inc, Cr_inc, Cf_inc    !! Defined in stomate_growth_fun_all
6860    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(in)          :: circ_class_n                      !! Defined in stomate_growth_fun_all
6861    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in)              :: Cl, Cs, Cr                        !! Defined in stomate_growth_fun_all
6862    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in)              :: delta_ba                          !! Defined in stomate_growth_fun_all
6863    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)            :: KF, LF                            !! Defined in stomate_growth_fun_all
6864    REAL(r_std), INTENT(in)                            :: b_inc_tot                         !! Defined in stomate_growth_fun_all
6865    INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in)                         :: ipts, j, l                        !! Defined in stomate_growth_fun_all
6866    LOGICAL, INTENT(in)                                :: grow_wood                         !! Defined in stomate_growth_fun_all
6868    !! 0.2 Output variables
6870    !! 0.3 Modified variables
6872    !! 0.4 Local variables
6873    INTEGER(i_std)                                     :: n_comment                         !! Comment number 
6874    !_ ================================================================================================================================
6876    SELECT CASE (n_comment)
6877    CASE (1)
6878       ! Enough leaves and wood, grow roots
6879       WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 1: Cl_incp(=0), Cs_incp (=0), Cr_incp (<>0), unallocated, class, '
6880       WRITE(numout,*) Cl_incp(l), Cs_incp(l), Cr_incp(l), &
6881            b_inc_tot - (circ_class_n(ipts,j,l)*(Cl_incp(l)+Cs_incp(l)+Cr_incp(l)) ), l
6882       IF (b_inc_tot - (circ_class_n(ipts,j,l)*(Cl_incp(l)+Cs_incp(l)+Cr_incp(l)) ) .LT. -10*EPSILON(zero)) THEN
6883          WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 1.1: unallocated less then 0: overspending, ', b_inc_tot - &
6884               (circ_class_n(ipts,j,l)*(Cl_incp(l)+Cs_incp(l)+Cr_incp(l)))
6885       ELSE
6886          IF ( (b_inc_tot - ( circ_class_n(ipts,j,l)*(Cl_incp(l)+Cs_incp(l)+Cr_incp(l)) ) .GE. -10*EPSILON(zero)) .AND. &
6887               ((circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) * ABS(Cr_target(l)-Cr(l)-Cr_incp(l))) .LE. min_stomate) ) THEN
6888             WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 1.2: unallocated <>= 0 but tree is in good shape: successful allocation'
6889          ELSEIF ( (b_inc_tot - ( circ_class_n(ipts,j,l)*(Cl_incp(l)+Cs_incp(l)+Cr_incp(l)) ) &
6890               .LE. min_stomate) .AND. &
6891               (circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) * ABS(Cr_target(l)-Cr(l)-Cr_incp(l)) .GT. min_stomate) ) THEN
6892             WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 1.3: unallocated = 0, but the tree needs more reshaping: successful allocation'
6893          ELSE
6894             WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 24: Exc 1.4 unexpected result'
6895             WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 24: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
6896          ENDIF
6897       ENDIF
6899    CASE (2)
6900       ! Enough wood and roots, grow leaves
6901       WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 2: Cl_incp(<>0), Cs_incp (=0), Cr_incp (=0), unallocated, class, '
6902       WRITE(numout,*) Cl_incp(l), Cs_incp(l), Cr_incp(l), &
6903            b_inc_tot - (circ_class_n(ipts,j,l)*(Cl_incp(l)+Cs_incp(l)+Cr_incp(l)) ), l
6904       IF (b_inc_tot - (circ_class_n(ipts,j,l)*(Cl_incp(l)+Cs_incp(l)+Cr_incp(l)) ) .LT. -10*EPSILON(zero)) THEN
6905          WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 2.1: unallocated less then 0: overspending, ', b_inc_tot - &
6906               (circ_class_n(ipts,j,l)*(Cl_incp(l)+Cs_incp(l)+Cr_incp(l)))
6907       ELSE
6908          IF ( (b_inc_tot - ( circ_class_n(ipts,j,l)*(Cl_incp(l)+Cs_incp(l)+Cr_incp(l)) ) .GE. -10*EPSILON(zero)) .AND. &
6909               ((circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) * ABS(Cl_target(l)-Cl(l)-Cl_incp(l))) .LE. min_stomate) ) THEN
6910             WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 2.2: unallocated <>= 0 but tree is in good shape: successful allocation'
6911          ELSEIF ( (b_inc_tot - ( circ_class_n(ipts,j,l)*(Cl_incp(l)+Cs_incp(l)+Cr_incp(l)) ) &
6912               .LE. min_stomate) .AND. &
6913               ((circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) * ABS(Cl_target(l)-Cl(l)-Cl_incp(l))) .GT. min_stomate) ) THEN
6914             WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 2.3: unallocated = 0, but the tree needs more reshaping: successful allocation'
6915          ELSE
6916             WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 25: Exc 2.4 unexpected result'
6917             WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 25: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
6918          ENDIF
6919       ENDIF
6922    CASE (3)
6924       ! Enough wood, grow leaves and roots
6925       WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 3: Cl_incp(<>0), Cs_incp(=0), Cr_incp(<>0), unallocated, class, '
6926       WRITE(numout,*) Cl_incp(l), Cs_incp(l), Cr_incp(l), b_inc_tot - & 
6927            (circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) * (Cl_incp(l)+Cs_incp(l)+Cr_incp(l))), l
6928       IF (b_inc_tot - circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) * (Cl_incp(l) + Cs_incp(l) + Cr_incp(l))  &
6929            .LT. -10*EPSILON(zero)) THEN
6930          WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 3.1: unallocated less then 0: overspending, ', b_inc_tot - &
6931               (circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) * (Cl_incp(l)+Cs_incp(l)+Cr_incp(l)) )
6932       ELSE
6933          IF ( (b_inc_tot - (circ_class_n(ipts,j,l)*(Cl_incp(l)+Cs_incp(l)+Cr_incp(l))) &
6934               .GE. min_stomate) .AND. &
6935               ((circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) * ABS(Cl_target(l)-Cl(l)-Cl_incp(l)) ) .LE. min_stomate) .AND. &
6936               ((circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) * ABS(Cr_target(l)-Cr(l)-Cr_incp(l)) ) .LE. min_stomate) ) THEN
6937             WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 3.2: unallocated <>= 0 but tree is in good shape: successful allocation'
6938          ELSEIF ( (b_inc_tot - (circ_class_n(ipts,j,l)*(Cl_incp(l)+Cs_incp(l)+Cr_incp(l)) ) &
6939               .LE. min_stomate) .AND. &
6940               ((circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) * ABS(Cl_target(l)-Cl(l)-Cl_incp(l)) ) .GT. min_stomate) .AND. &
6941               ((circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) * ABS(Cr_target(l)-Cr(l)-Cr_incp(l)) ) .GT. min_stomate) ) THEN
6942             WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 3.3: unallocated = 0, but the tree needs more reshaping: successful allocation'
6943          ELSE
6944             WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 26: Exc 3.4 unexpected result'
6945             WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 26: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
6946          ENDIF
6947       ENDIF
6949    CASE(4)
6950       ! Enough leaves and wood, grow roots
6951       WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 4: Cl_incp(=0), Cs_incp (=0), Cr_incp (<>0), unallocated, class, '
6952       WRITE(numout,*) Cl_incp(l), Cs_incp(l), Cr_incp(l), &
6953            b_inc_tot - (circ_class_n(ipts,j,l)*(Cl_incp(l)+Cs_incp(l)+Cr_incp(l)) ), l
6954       IF (b_inc_tot - (circ_class_n(ipts,j,l)*(Cl_incp(l)+Cs_incp(l)+Cr_incp(l)) ) .LT. -10*EPSILON(zero)) THEN
6955          WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 4.1: unallocated less then 0: overspending, ', b_inc_tot - &
6956               (circ_class_n(ipts,j,l)*(Cl_incp(l)+Cs_incp(l)+Cr_incp(l)))
6957       ELSE
6958          IF ( (b_inc_tot - ( circ_class_n(ipts,j,l)*(Cl_incp(l)+Cs_incp(l)+Cr_incp(l)) ) .GE. -10*EPSILON(zero)) .AND. &
6959               ((circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) * ABS(Cr_target(l)-Cr(l)-Cr_incp(l))) .LE. min_stomate) ) THEN
6960             WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 4.2: unallocated <>= 0 but tree is in good shape: successful allocation'
6961          ELSEIF ( (b_inc_tot - ( circ_class_n(ipts,j,l)*(Cl_incp(l)+Cs_incp(l)+Cr_incp(l)) ) &
6962               .LE. min_stomate) .AND. &
6963               ((circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) * ABS(Cr_target(l)-Cr(l)-Cr_incp(l))) .GT. min_stomate) ) THEN
6964             WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 4.3: unallocated = 0, but the tree needs more reshaping: successful allocation'
6965          ELSE
6966             WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 27: Exc 4.4 unexpected result'
6967             WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 27: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
6968          ENDIF
6969       ENDIF
6971    CASE(5)
6972       ! Enough leaves and roots, grow wood
6973       WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 5: Cl_incp(=0), Cs_incp (<>0), Cr_incp (=0), unallocated, class, '
6974       WRITE(numout,*) Cl_incp(l), Cs_incp(l), Cr_incp(l), &
6975            b_inc_tot - (circ_class_n(ipts,j,l)*(Cl_incp(l)+Cs_incp(l)+Cr_incp(l)) ), l
6976       IF (b_inc_tot - (circ_class_n(ipts,j,l)*(Cl_incp(l)+Cs_incp(l)+Cr_incp(l)) ) .LT. -10*EPSILON(zero)) THEN
6977          WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 5.1: unallocated less then 0: overspending, ', b_inc_tot - &
6978               (circ_class_n(ipts,j,l)*(Cl_incp(l)+Cs_incp(l)+Cr_incp(l)))
6979       ELSE
6980          IF ( (b_inc_tot - ( circ_class_n(ipts,j,l)*(Cl_incp(l)+Cs_incp(l)+Cr_incp(l)) ) .GE. -10*EPSILON(zero)) .AND. &
6981               ((circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) * ABS(Cs_target(l)-Cs(l)-Cs_incp(l))) .LE. min_stomate) ) THEN
6982             WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 5.2: unallocated <>= 0 but tree is in good shape: successful allocation'
6983          ELSEIF ( (b_inc_tot - ( circ_class_n(ipts,j,l)*(Cl_incp(l)+Cs_incp(l)+Cr_incp(l)) ) &
6984               .LE. min_stomate) .AND. &
6985               ((circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) * ABS(Cs_target(l)-Cs(l)-Cs_incp(l))) .GT. min_stomate) ) THEN
6986             WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 5.3: unallocated = 0, but the tree needs more reshaping: successful allocation'
6987          ELSE
6988             WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 28: Exc 5.4 unexpected result'
6989             WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 28: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
6990          ENDIF
6991       ENDIF
6993    CASE(6)
6994       ! Enough leaves, grow wood and roots
6995       WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 6: Cl_incp(=0), Cs_incp(<>0), Cr_incp(<>0), unallocated'
6996       WRITE(numout,*) Cl_incp(l), Cs_incp(l), Cr_incp(l), &
6997            b_inc_tot - (circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) * (Cl_incp(l)+Cs_incp(l)+Cr_incp(l)))
6998       IF (b_inc_tot - (circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) * (Cl_incp(l)+Cs_incp(l)+Cr_incp(l))) .LT. -10*EPSILON(zero)) THEN
6999          WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 6.1: unallocated less then 0: overspending, ', &
7000               b_inc_tot - (circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) * (Cl_incp(l)+Cs_incp(l)+Cr_incp(l)))
7001       ELSE
7002          IF ( (b_inc_tot - (circ_class_n(ipts,j,l)*(Cl_incp(l)+Cs_incp(l)+Cr_incp(l))) .GE. -10*EPSILON(zero)) .AND. &
7003               ((circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) * ABS(Cs_target(l)-Cs(l)-Cs_incp(l))) .LE. min_stomate) .AND. &
7004               ((circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) * ABS(Cr_target(l)-Cr(l)-Cr_incp(l))) .LE. min_stomate) ) THEN
7005             WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 6.2: unallocated <>= 0 but tree is in good shape: successful allocation'
7006          ELSEIF ( (b_inc_tot - (circ_class_n(ipts,j,l)*(Cl_incp(l)+Cs_incp(l)+Cr_incp(l))) .LE. min_stomate) .AND. &
7007               ((circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) * ABS(Cs_target(l)-Cs(l)-Cs_incp(l))) .GT. min_stomate) .OR. &
7008               ((circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) * ABS(Cr_target(l)-Cr(l)-Cr_incp(l))) .GT. min_stomate) ) THEN
7009             WRITE(numout,*) &
7010                  'Exc 6.3: unallocated = 0, but the tree needs more reshaping: successful allocation'
7011          ELSE
7012             WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 29: Exc 6.4 unexpected result'
7013             WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 29: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
7014          ENDIF
7015       ENDIF
7017    CASE(7)
7018       ! Enough leaves and wood, grow roots
7019       WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 7: Cl_incp(=0), Cs_incp (=0), Cr_incp (<>0), unallocated, class, '
7020       WRITE(numout,*) Cl_incp(l), Cs_incp(l), Cr_incp(l), &
7021            b_inc_tot - (circ_class_n(ipts,j,l)*(Cl_incp(l)+Cs_incp(l)+Cr_incp(l)) ), l
7022       IF (b_inc_tot - (circ_class_n(ipts,j,l)*(Cl_incp(l)+Cs_incp(l)+Cr_incp(l)) ) .LT. -10*EPSILON(zero)) THEN
7023          WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 7.1: unallocated less then 0: overspending, ', b_inc_tot - &
7024               (circ_class_n(ipts,j,l)*(Cl_incp(l)+Cs_incp(l)+Cr_incp(l)))
7025       ELSE
7026          IF ( (b_inc_tot - ( circ_class_n(ipts,j,l)*(Cl_incp(l)+Cs_incp(l)+Cr_incp(l)) ) .GE. -10*EPSILON(zero)) .AND. &
7027               ((circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) * ABS(Cl_target(l)-Cl(l)-Cl_incp(l))) .LE. min_stomate) ) THEN
7028             WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 7.2: unallocated <>= 0 but tree is in good shape: successful allocation'
7029          ELSEIF ( (b_inc_tot - ( circ_class_n(ipts,j,l)*(Cl_incp(l)+Cs_incp(l)+Cr_incp(l)) ) &
7030               .LE. min_stomate) .AND. &
7031               ((circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) * ABS(Cl_target(l)-Cl(l)-Cl_incp(l))) .GT. min_stomate) ) THEN
7032             WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 7.3: unallocated = 0, but the tree needs more reshaping: successful allocation'
7033          ELSE
7034             WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 30: Exc 7.4 unexpected result'
7035             WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 30: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
7036          ENDIF
7037       ENDIF
7039    CASE(8)
7040       ! Enough leaves and roots, grow wood
7041       WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 8: Cl_incp(=0), Cs_incp (<>0), Cr_incp (=0), unallocated, class, '
7042       WRITE(numout,*) Cl_incp(l), Cs_incp(l), Cr_incp(l), &
7043            b_inc_tot - (circ_class_n(ipts,j,l)*(Cl_incp(l)+Cs_incp(l)+Cr_incp(l)) ), l
7044       IF (b_inc_tot - (circ_class_n(ipts,j,l)*(Cl_incp(l)+Cs_incp(l)+Cr_incp(l)) ) .LT. -10*EPSILON(zero)) THEN
7045          WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 8.1: unallocated less then 0: overspending, ', b_inc_tot - &
7046               (circ_class_n(ipts,j,l)*(Cl_incp(l)+Cs_incp(l)+Cr_incp(l)))
7047       ELSE
7048          IF ( (b_inc_tot - ( circ_class_n(ipts,j,l)*(Cl_incp(l)+Cs_incp(l)+Cr_incp(l)) ) .GE. -10*EPSILON(zero)) .AND. &
7049               ((circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) * ABS(Cs_target(l)-Cs(l)-Cs_incp(l))) .LE. min_stomate) ) THEN
7050             WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 8.2: unallocated <>= 0 but tree is in good shape: successful allocation'
7051          ELSEIF ( (b_inc_tot - ( circ_class_n(ipts,j,l)*(Cl_incp(l)+Cs_incp(l)+Cr_incp(l)) ) &
7052               .LE. min_stomate) .AND. &
7053               ((circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) * ABS(Cs_target(l)-Cs(l)-Cs_incp(l))) .GT. min_stomate) ) THEN
7054             WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 8.3: unallocated = 0, but the tree needs more reshaping: successful allocation'
7055          ELSE
7056             WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 31: Exc 8.4 unexpected result'
7057             WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 31: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
7058          ENDIF
7059       ENDIF
7061    CASE(9)
7062       ! Enough roots, grow leaves and wood
7063       WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 9: delta_ba, Cl_incp(<>0), Cs_incp(<>0), Cr_incp(=0), unallocated, class, '
7064       WRITE(numout,*) delta_ba(:), Cl_incp(l), Cs_incp(l), Cr_incp(l), &
7065            b_inc_tot - (circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) * (Cl_incp(l)+Cs_incp(l)+Cr_incp(l))), l
7066       IF (b_inc_tot - (circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) * (Cl_incp(l)+Cs_incp(l)+Cr_incp(l))) .LT. -10*EPSILON(zero)) THEN
7067          WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 9.1: unallocated less then 0: overspending, ', &
7068               b_inc_tot - (circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) * (Cl_incp(l)+Cs_incp(l)+Cr_incp(l)))
7069       ELSE
7070          IF ( (b_inc_tot - (circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) * (Cl_incp(l)+Cs_incp(l)+Cr_incp(l))) .GE. -10*EPSILON(zero)) .AND. &
7071               ((circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) * ABS(Cl_target(l)-Cl(l)-Cl_incp(l))) .LE. min_stomate) .AND. &
7072               ((circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) * ABS(Cs_target(l)-Cs(l)-Cs_incp(l))) .LE. min_stomate) ) THEN
7073             WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 9.2: unallocated <>= 0 but tree is in good shape: successful allocation'
7074          ELSEIF ( (b_inc_tot - (circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) * (Cl_incp(l)+Cs_incp(l)+Cr_incp(l))) &
7075               .LE. min_stomate) .AND. &
7076               ((circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) * ABS(Cl_target(l)-Cl(l)-Cl_incp(l))) .GT. min_stomate) .OR. &
7077               ((circ_class_n(ipts,j,l) * ABS(Cs_target(l)-Cs(l)-Cs_incp(l))) .GT. min_stomate) ) THEN
7078             WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 9.3: unallocated = 0, but the tree needs more reshaping: successful allocation'
7079          ELSE
7080             WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 32: Exc 9.4 unexpected result'
7081             WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 32: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
7082          ENDIF
7083       ENDIF
7085    CASE(10)
7086       ! Ready for ordinary allocation
7087       WRITE(numout,*) 'Ready for ordinary allocation?'
7088       WRITE(numout,*) 'KF, LF, ', KF(ipts,j), LF(ipts,j)
7089       WRITE(numout,*) 'b_inc_tot, ', b_inc_tot
7090       WRITE(numout,*) 'Cl, Cs, Cr', Cl(:), Cs(:), Cr(:)
7091       WRITE(numout,*) 'Cl_target-Cl, ', Cl_target(:)-Cl(:)
7092       WRITE(numout,*) 'Cs_target-Cs, ', Cs_target(:)-Cs(:)
7093       WRITE(numout,*) 'Cr_target-Cr, ', Cr_target(:)-Cr(:)
7094       IF (b_inc_tot .GT. min_stomate) THEN
7095          IF (SUM(ABS(Cl_target(:)-Cl(:))) .LE. min_stomate) THEN
7096             IF (SUM(ABS(Cs_target(:)-Cs(:))) .LE. min_stomate) THEN
7097                IF (SUM(ABS(Cr_target(:)-Cr(:))) .LE. min_stomate) THEN
7098                   IF (grow_wood) THEN
7099                      WRITE(numout,*) 'should result in exc 10.1 or 10.2'
7100                   ELSE
7101                      WRITE(numout,*) 'No wood growth.  Not a problem!  Just an observation.'
7102                   ENDIF
7103                ELSE
7104                   WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 34: problem with Cr_target'
7105                   WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 34: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
7106                ENDIF
7107             ELSE
7108                WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 35: problem with Cs_target'
7109                WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 35: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
7110             ENDIF
7111          ELSE
7112             WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 36: problem with Cl_target'
7113             WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 36: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
7114          ENDIF
7115       ELSEIF(b_inc_tot .LT. -min_stomate) THEN
7116          WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 37: problem with b_inc_tot'
7117          WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 37: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
7118       ELSE
7119          WRITE(numout,*) 'no unallocated fraction'
7120       ENDIF
7122    CASE(11)
7123       ! Ordinary allocation
7124       WRITE(numout,*) 'delta_ba, ', delta_ba
7125       IF ( (SUM(Cl_inc(:)) .GE. zero) .AND. (SUM(Cs_inc(:)) .GE. zero) .AND. &
7126            (SUM(Cr_inc(:)) .GE. zero) .AND. &
7127            ( b_inc_tot - SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:) * (Cl_inc(:)+Cs_inc(:)+Cr_inc(:))) .GT. -1*min_stomate) .AND. &
7128            ( b_inc_tot - SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:) * (Cl_inc(:)+Cs_inc(:)+Cr_inc(:))) .LT. min_stomate ) ) THEN
7129          WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 10.1: Ordinary allocation was succesful'
7130          WRITE(numout,*) 'Cl_inc, Cs_inc, Cr_inc, unallocated', Cl_inc(:), Cs_inc(:), Cr_inc(:), & 
7131               b_inc_tot - SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:) * (Cl_inc(:)+Cs_inc(:)+Cr_inc(:)))
7132       ELSE
7133          WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 38: Exc 10.2 problem with ordinary allocation'
7134          WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 38: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
7135          WRITE(numout,*) 'Cl_inc, Cs_inc, Cr_inc, unallocated', Cl_inc(:), Cs_inc(:), Cr_inc(:), & 
7136               b_inc_tot - SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:) * (Cl_inc(:)+Cs_inc(:)+Cr_inc(:)))
7137       ENDIF
7139    CASE(12)
7140       ! Enough leaves and structure, grow roots
7141       WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 1: Cl_incp(=0), Cs_incp (=0), Cr_incp (<>0), unallocated, '
7142       WRITE(numout,*) Cl_incp(1), Cs_incp(1), Cr_incp(1), &
7143            b_inc_tot - (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))*(Cl_incp(1)+Cs_incp(1)+Cr_incp(1)) )
7144       IF (b_inc_tot - (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))*(Cl_incp(1)+Cs_incp(1)+Cr_incp(1)) ) .LT. -10*EPSILON(zero)) THEN
7145          WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 1.1: unallocated less then 0: overspending, ', b_inc_tot - &
7146               (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))*(Cl_incp(1)+Cs_incp(1)+Cr_incp(1)))
7147       ELSE
7148          IF ( (b_inc_tot - ( SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))*(Cl_incp(1)+Cs_incp(1)+Cr_incp(1)) ) .GE. -10*EPSILON(zero)) .AND. &
7149               ((SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) * ABS(Cr_target(1)-Cr(1)-Cr_incp(1))) .LE. min_stomate) ) THEN
7150             WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 1.2: unallocated <>= 0 but tree is in good shape: successful allocation'
7151          ELSEIF ( (b_inc_tot - ( SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))*(Cl_incp(1)+Cs_incp(1)+Cr_incp(1)) ) &
7152               .LE. min_stomate) .AND. &
7153               (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) * ABS(Cr_target(1)-Cr(1)-Cr_incp(1)) .GT. min_stomate) ) THEN
7154             WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 1.3: unallocated = 0, but the tree needs more reshaping: successful allocation'
7155          ELSE
7156             WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 39: Exc 1.4 unexpected result'
7157             WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 39: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
7158          ENDIF
7159       ENDIF
7161    CASE(13)
7162       ! Enough structural C and roots, grow leaves
7163       WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 2: Cl_incp(<>0), Cs_incp (=0), Cr_incp (=0), unallocated, '
7164       WRITE(numout,*) Cl_incp(1), Cs_incp(1), Cr_incp(1), &
7165            b_inc_tot - (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))*(Cl_incp(1)+Cs_incp(1)+Cr_incp(1)) )
7166       IF (b_inc_tot - (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))*(Cl_incp(1)+Cs_incp(1)+Cr_incp(1)) ) .LT. -10*EPSILON(zero)) THEN
7167          WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 2.1: unallocated less then 0: overspending, ', b_inc_tot - &
7168               (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))*(Cl_incp(1)+Cs_incp(1)+Cr_incp(1)))
7169       ELSE
7170          IF ( (b_inc_tot - ( SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))*(Cl_incp(1)+Cs_incp(1)+Cr_incp(1)) ) .GE. -10*EPSILON(zero)) .AND. &
7171               ((SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) * ABS(Cl_target(1)-Cl(1)-Cl_incp(1))) .LE. min_stomate) ) THEN
7172             WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 2.2: unallocated <>= 0 but tree is in good shape: successful allocation'
7173          ELSEIF ( (b_inc_tot - ( SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))*(Cl_incp(1)+Cs_incp(1)+Cr_incp(1)) ) &
7174               .LE. min_stomate) .AND. &
7175               ((SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) * ABS(Cl_target(1)-Cl(1)-Cl_incp(1))) .GT. min_stomate) ) THEN
7176             WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 2.3: unallocated = 0, but the tree needs more reshaping: successful allocation'
7177          ELSE
7178             WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 40: Exc l.4 unexpected result'
7179             WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 40: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
7180          ENDIF
7181       ENDIF
7183    CASE(14)
7184       ! Enough structural C and root, grow leaves
7185       WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 3: Cl_incp(<>0), Cs_incp(=0), Cr_incp(<>0), unallocated, '
7186       WRITE(numout,*) Cl_incp(1), Cs_incp(1), Cr_incp(1), b_inc_tot - & 
7187            (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) * (Cl_incp(1)+Cs_incp(1)+Cr_incp(1)))
7188       IF (b_inc_tot - SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) * (Cl_incp(1) + Cs_incp(1) + Cr_incp(1))  &
7189            .LT. -10*EPSILON(zero)) THEN
7190          WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 3.1: unallocated less then 0: overspending, ', b_inc_tot - &
7191               (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) * (Cl_incp(1)+Cs_incp(1)+Cr_incp(1)) )
7192       ELSE
7193          IF ( (b_inc_tot - (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))*(Cl_incp(1)+Cs_incp(1)+Cr_incp(1))) &
7194               .GE. min_stomate) .AND. &
7195               ((SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) * ABS(Cl_target(1)-Cl(1)-Cl_incp(1)) ) .LE. min_stomate) .AND. &
7196               ((SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) * ABS(Cr_target(1)-Cr(1)-Cr_incp(1)) ) .LE. min_stomate) ) THEN
7197             WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 3.2: unallocated <>= 0 but tree is in good shape: successful allocation'
7198          ELSEIF ( (b_inc_tot - (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))*(Cl_incp(1)+Cs_incp(1)+Cr_incp(1)) ) &
7199               .LE. min_stomate) .AND. &
7200               ((SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) * ABS(Cl_target(1)-Cl(1)-Cl_incp(1)) ) .GT. min_stomate) .AND. &
7201               ((SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) * ABS(Cr_target(1)-Cr(1)-Cr_incp(1)) ) .GT. min_stomate) ) THEN
7202             WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 3.3: unallocated = 0, but the tree needs more reshaping: successful allocation'
7203          ELSE
7204             WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 41: Exc 3.4 unexpected result'
7205             WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 41: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
7206          ENDIF
7207       ENDIF
7209    CASE(15)
7210       ! Enough leaves and structural C, grow roots
7211       WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 4: Cl_incp(=0), Cs_incp (=0), Cr_incp (<>0), unallocated, '
7212       WRITE(numout,*) Cl_incp(1), Cs_incp(1), Cr_incp(1), &
7213            b_inc_tot - (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))*(Cl_incp(1)+Cs_incp(1)+Cr_incp(1)) )
7214       IF (b_inc_tot - (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))*(Cl_incp(1)+Cs_incp(1)+Cr_incp(1)) ) .LT. -10*EPSILON(zero)) THEN
7215          WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 4.1: unallocated less then 0: overspending, ', b_inc_tot - &
7216               (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))*(Cl_incp(1)+Cs_incp(1)+Cr_incp(1)))
7217       ELSE
7218          IF ( (b_inc_tot - ( SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))*(Cl_incp(1)+Cs_incp(1)+Cr_incp(1)) ) .GE. -10*EPSILON(zero)) .AND. &
7219               ((SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) * ABS(Cr_target(1)-Cr(1)-Cr_incp(1))) .LE. min_stomate) ) THEN
7220             WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 4.2: unallocated <>= 0 but tree is in good shape: successful allocation'
7221          ELSEIF ( (b_inc_tot - ( SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))*(Cl_incp(1)+Cs_incp(1)+Cr_incp(1)) ) &
7222               .LE. min_stomate) .AND. &
7223               ((SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) * ABS(Cr_target(1)-Cr(1)-Cr_incp(1))) .GT. min_stomate) ) THEN
7224             WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 4.3: unallocated = 0, but the tree needs more reshaping: successful allocation'
7225          ELSE
7226             WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 42: Exc 4.4 unexpected result'
7227             WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 42: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
7228          ENDIF
7229       ENDIF
7231    CASE(16)
7232       ! Enough leaves and roots, grow structural C           
7233       WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 5: Cl_incp(=0), Cs_incp (<>0), Cr_incp (=0), unallocated, '
7234       WRITE(numout,*) Cl_incp(1), Cs_incp(1), Cr_incp(1), &
7235            b_inc_tot - (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))*(Cl_incp(1)+Cs_incp(1)+Cr_incp(1)) )
7236       IF (b_inc_tot - (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))*(Cl_incp(1)+Cs_incp(1)+Cr_incp(1)) ) .LT. -10*EPSILON(zero)) THEN
7237          WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 5.1: unallocated less then 0: overspending, ', b_inc_tot - &
7238               (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))*(Cl_incp(1)+Cs_incp(1)+Cr_incp(1)))
7239       ELSE
7240          IF ( (b_inc_tot - ( SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))*(Cl_incp(1)+Cs_incp(1)+Cr_incp(1)) ) .GE. -10*EPSILON(zero)) .AND. &
7241               ((SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) * ABS(Cs_target(1)-Cs(1)-Cs_incp(1))) .LE. min_stomate) ) THEN
7242             WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 5.2: unallocated <>= 0 but tree is in good shape: successful allocation'
7243          ELSEIF ( (b_inc_tot - ( SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))*(Cl_incp(1)+Cs_incp(1)+Cr_incp(1)) ) &
7244               .LE. min_stomate) .AND. &
7245               ((SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) * ABS(Cs_target(1)-Cs(1)-Cs_incp(1))) .GT. min_stomate) ) THEN
7246             WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 5.3: unallocated = 0, but the tree needs more reshaping: successful allocation'
7247          ELSE
7248             WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 43: Exc 5.4 unexpected result'
7249             WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 43: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
7250          ENDIF
7251       ENDIF
7253    CASE(17)
7254       ! Enough leaves, grow structural C and roots
7255       WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 6: Cl_incp(=0), Cs_incp(<>0), Cr_incp(<>0), unallocated'
7256       WRITE(numout,*) Cl_incp(1), Cs_incp(1), Cr_incp(1), &
7257            b_inc_tot - (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) * (Cl_incp(1)+Cs_incp(1)+Cr_incp(1)))
7258       IF (b_inc_tot - (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) * (Cl_incp(1)+Cs_incp(1)+Cr_incp(1))) .LT. -10*EPSILON(zero)) THEN
7259          WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 6.1: unallocated less then 0: overspending, ', &
7260               b_inc_tot - (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) * (Cl_incp(1)+Cs_incp(1)+Cr_incp(1)))
7261       ELSE
7262          IF ( (b_inc_tot - SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))*(Cl_incp(1)+Cs_incp(1)+Cr_incp(1)) .GE. -10*EPSILON(zero)) .AND. &
7263               ((SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) * ABS(Cs_target(1)-Cs(1)-Cs_incp(1))) .LE. min_stomate) .AND. &
7264               ((SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) * ABS(Cr_target(1)-Cr(1)-Cr_incp(1))) .LE. min_stomate) ) THEN
7265             WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 6.2: unallocated <>= 0 but tree is in good shape: successful allocation'
7266          ELSEIF ( (b_inc_tot - SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))*(Cl_incp(1)+Cs_incp(1)+Cr_incp(1)) .LE. min_stomate) .AND. &
7267               ((SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) * ABS(Cs_target(1)-Cs(1)-Cs_incp(1))) .GT. min_stomate) .AND. &
7268               ((SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) * ABS(Cr_target(1)-Cr(1)-Cr_incp(1))) .GT. min_stomate) ) THEN
7269             WRITE(numout,*) &
7270                  'Exc 6.3: unallocated = 0, but the tree needs more reshaping: successful allocation'
7271          ELSE
7272             WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 44: Exc 6.4 unexpected result'
7273             WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 44: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
7274          ENDIF
7275       ENDIF
7277    CASE(18)
7278       ! Enough leaves and structural C, grow roots
7279       WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 7: Cl_incp(=0), Cs_incp (=0), Cr_incp (<>0), unallocated, '
7280       WRITE(numout,*) Cl_incp(1), Cs_incp(1), Cr_incp(1), &
7281            b_inc_tot - (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))*(Cl_incp(1)+Cs_incp(1)+Cr_incp(1)) )
7282       IF (b_inc_tot - (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))*(Cl_incp(1)+Cs_incp(1)+Cr_incp(1)) ) .LT. -10*EPSILON(zero)) THEN
7283          WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 7.1: unallocated less then 0: overspending, ', b_inc_tot - &
7284               (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))*(Cl_incp(1)+Cs_incp(1)+Cr_incp(1)))
7285       ELSE
7286          IF ( (b_inc_tot - ( SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))*(Cl_incp(1)+Cs_incp(1)+Cr_incp(1)) ) .GE. -10*EPSILON(zero)) .AND. &
7287               ((SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) * ABS(Cl_target(1)-Cl(1)-Cl_incp(1))) .LE. min_stomate) ) THEN
7288             WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 7.2: unallocated <>= 0 but tree is in good shape: successful allocation'
7289          ELSEIF ( (b_inc_tot - ( SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))*(Cl_incp(1)+Cs_incp(1)+Cr_incp(1)) ) &
7290               .LE. min_stomate) .AND. &
7291               ((SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) * ABS(Cl_target(1)-Cl(1)-Cl_incp(1))) .GT. min_stomate) ) THEN
7292             WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 7.3: unallocated = 0, but the tree needs more reshaping: successful allocation'
7293          ELSE
7294             WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 45: Exc 7.4 unexpected result'
7295             WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 45: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
7296          ENDIF
7297       ENDIF
7299    CASE(19)
7300       ! Enough leaves and roots, grow structural C
7301       WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 8: Cl_incp(=0), Cs_incp (<>0), Cr_incp (=0), unallocated, '
7302       WRITE(numout,*) Cl_incp(1), Cs_incp(1), Cr_incp(1), &
7303            b_inc_tot - (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))*(Cl_incp(1)+Cs_incp(1)+Cr_incp(1)) )
7304       IF (b_inc_tot - (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))*(Cl_incp(1)+Cs_incp(1)+Cr_incp(1)) ) .LT. -10*EPSILON(zero)) THEN
7305          WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 8.1: unallocated less then 0: overspending, ', b_inc_tot - &
7306               (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))*(Cl_incp(1)+Cs_incp(1)+Cr_incp(1)))
7307       ELSE
7308          IF ( (b_inc_tot - ( SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))*(Cl_incp(1)+Cs_incp(1)+Cr_incp(1)) ) .GE. -10*EPSILON(zero)) .AND. &
7309               ((SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) * ABS(Cs_target(1)-Cs(1)-Cs_incp(1))) .LE. min_stomate) ) THEN
7310             WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 8.2: unallocated <>= 0 but tree is in good shape: successful allocation'
7311          ELSEIF ( (b_inc_tot - ( SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:))*(Cl_incp(1)+Cs_incp(1)+Cr_incp(1)) ) &
7312               .LE. min_stomate) .AND. &
7313               ((SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) * ABS(Cs_target(1)-Cs(1)-Cs_incp(1))) .GT. min_stomate) ) THEN
7314             WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 8.3: unallocated = 0, but the tree needs more reshaping: successful allocation'
7315          ELSE
7316             WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 46: Exc 8.4 unexpected result'
7317             WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 46: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
7318          ENDIF
7319       ENDIF
7321    CASE(20)
7322       ! Enough roots, grow structural C and leaves
7323       WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 9: Cl_incp(<>0), Cs_incp(<>0), Cr_incp(=0), unallocated, '
7324       WRITE(numout,*) Cl_incp(1), Cs_incp(1), Cr_incp(1), &
7325            b_inc_tot - (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) * (Cl_incp(1)+Cs_incp(1)+Cr_incp(1)))
7326       WRITE(numout,*) 'term 1', b_inc_tot - (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) * (Cl_incp(1)+Cs_incp(1)+Cr_incp(1)))
7327       WRITE(numout,*) 'term 2', (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) * ABS(Cl_target(1)-Cl(1)-Cl_incp(1)))
7328       WRITE(numout,*) 'term 3', (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) * ABS(Cs_target(1)-Cs(1)-Cs_incp(1)))
7329       IF (b_inc_tot - (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) * (Cl_incp(1)+Cs_incp(1)+Cr_incp(1))) .LT. -10*EPSILON(zero)) THEN
7330          WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 9.1: unallocated less then 0: overspending, ', &
7331               b_inc_tot - (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) * (Cl_incp(1)+Cs_incp(1)+Cr_incp(1)))
7332       ELSE
7333          IF ( (b_inc_tot - (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) * (Cl_incp(1)+Cs_incp(1)+Cr_incp(1))) .GE. -10*EPSILON(zero)) .AND. &
7334               ((SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) * ABS(Cl_target(1)-Cl(1)-Cl_incp(1))) .LE. min_stomate) .AND. &
7335               ((SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) * ABS(Cs_target(1)-Cs(1)-Cs_incp(1))) .LE. min_stomate) ) THEN
7336             WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 9.2: unallocated <>= 0 but tree is in good shape: successful allocation'
7337          ELSEIF ( (b_inc_tot - (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) * (Cl_incp(1)+Cs_incp(1)+Cr_incp(1))) .LE. min_stomate) .AND. &
7338               (((SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) * ABS(Cl_target(1)-Cl(1)-Cl_incp(1))) .GT. min_stomate) .OR. &
7339               ((SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) * ABS(Cs_target(1)-Cs(1)-Cs_incp(1))) .GT. min_stomate) ) ) THEN
7340             WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 9.3: unallocated = 0, but the tree needs more reshaping: successful allocation'
7341          ELSE
7342             WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 47: Exc 9.4 unexpected result'
7343             WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 47: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
7344          ENDIF
7345       ENDIF
7347    CASE(21)
7348       ! Ready for ordinary allocation
7349       WRITE(numout,*) 'Ready for ordinary allocation?'
7350       WRITE(numout,*) 'KF, LF, ', KF(ipts,j), LF(ipts,j)
7351       WRITE(numout,*) 'b_inc_tot, ', b_inc_tot
7352       WRITE(numout,*) 'Cl, Cs, Cr', Cl(1), Cs(1), Cr(1)
7353       WRITE(numout,*) 'Cl_target-Cl, ', Cl_target(1)-Cl(1)
7354       WRITE(numout,*) 'Cs_target-Cs, ', Cs_target(1)-Cs(1)
7355       WRITE(numout,*) 'Cr_target-Cr, ', Cr_target(1)-Cr(1)
7356       IF (b_inc_tot .GT. min_stomate) THEN
7357          IF (ABS(Cl_target(1)-Cl(1)) .LE. min_stomate) THEN
7358             IF (ABS(Cs_target(1)-Cs(1)) .LE. min_stomate) THEN
7359                IF (ABS(Cr_target(1)-Cr(1)) .LE. min_stomate) THEN
7360                   IF (b_inc_tot .GT. min_stomate) THEN
7361                      IF (grow_wood) THEN
7362                         WRITE(numout,*) 'should result in exc 10.1 or 10.2'
7363                      ELSE
7364                         WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 48: no wood growth'
7365                         WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 48: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
7366                      ENDIF
7367                   ENDIF
7368                ELSE
7369                   WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 49: problem with Cr_target'
7370                   WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 49: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
7371                ENDIF
7372             ELSE
7373                WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 50: problem with Cs_target'
7374                WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 50: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
7375             ENDIF
7376          ELSE
7377             WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 51: problem with Cl_target'
7378             WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 51: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
7379          ENDIF
7380       ELSEIF(b_inc_tot .LT. -min_stomate) THEN
7381          WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 52: problem with b_inc_tot'
7382          WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 52: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
7383       ELSE
7384          WRITE(numout,*) 'no unallocated fraction'
7385       ENDIF
7387    CASE(22)
7388       ! Ordinary allocation
7389       IF ( ((Cl_inc(1)) .GE. zero) .AND. ((Cs_inc(1)) .GE. zero) .AND. &
7390            ((Cr_inc(1)) .GE. zero) .AND. &
7391            ( b_inc_tot - (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) * (Cl_inc(1)+Cs_inc(1)+Cr_inc(1))) .LT. min_stomate ) ) THEN
7392          WRITE(numout,*) 'Exc 10.1: Ordinary allocation was succesful'
7393          WRITE(numout,*) 'Cl_inc, Cs_inc, Cr_inc, unallocated', Cl_inc(1), Cs_inc(1), Cr_inc(1), & 
7394               b_inc_tot - (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) * (Cl_inc(1)+Cs_inc(1)+Cr_inc(1)))
7395       ELSE
7396          WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 53: Exc 10.2 problem with ordinary allocation'
7397          WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING 53: PFT, ipts: ',j,ipts
7398          WRITE(numout,*) 'Cl_inc, Cs_inc, Cr_inc, unallocated', Cl_inc(1), Cs_inc(1), Cr_inc(1), & 
7399               b_inc_tot - (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,j,:)) * (Cl_inc(1)+Cs_inc(1)+Cr_inc(1)))
7400       ENDIF
7402    END SELECT
7404  END SUBROUTINE comment
7406END MODULE stomate_growth_fun_all
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