source: tags/ORCHIDEE_4_1/ORCHIDEE/src_stomate/sapiens_forestry.f90 @ 7761

Last change on this file since 7761 was 7555, checked in by sebastiaan.luyssaert, 2 years ago

Contributes to ticket #837. Simplified forest management for young stands a bit

File size: 210.6 KB
1! =================================================================================================================================
2! MODULE       : sapiens_forestry
4! CONTACT      : orchidee-help _at_
6! LICENCE      : IPSL (2006)
7! This software is governed by the CeCILL licence see ORCHIDEE/ORCHIDEE_CeCILL.LIC
9!>\BRIEF       Gathers the main elements for forest management: the "sapiens_forestry_main"
10!! subroutine, which itself calls a set of subroutines
11!! sapiens_forestry_clear, clearcut, thinning, harvest, force_load, QsortC, and
12!! Partition, and a set of functions used in these subroutines.
14!!\n DESCRIPTION: None
18!! REFERENCE(S)   :
19!! - Asael, S., 1999. Typologie des peuplements forestiers du massif vosgiens.
20!! C.R.P.F. Lorraine-Alsace, Nancy, 54 p.
21!! - Bellassen, V., Le Maire, G., Dhote, J.F., Viovy, N., Ciais, P., 2010.
22!! Modeling forest management within a global vegetation model – Part 1:
23!! model structure aSnd general behaviour. Ecological Modelling 221, 2458–2474.
24!! - Bellassen, V., Le Maire, G., Guin, O., Dhote, J.F., Viovy, N., Ciais, P.,
25!! 2011a. Modeling forest management within a global vegetation model – Part 2:
26!! model validation from tree to continental scale. Ecological Modelling 222,
27!! 57–75.
28!! - Bellassen, V., Viovy, N., Luyssaert, S., Le Maire, G., Schelhaas, M.J.,
29!! Ciais, P., 2011b. Reconstruction and attribution of the carbon sink of
30!! European forests between 1950 and 2000. Global Change Biology 17, 3274-3292.
31!! - Bottcher, H., Kurz, W.A., Freibauer, A., 2008. Accounting of forest carbon
32!! sinks and sources under a future climate protocol-factoring out past
33!! disturbance and management effects on age-class structure. Environmental
34!! Science & Policy 11, 669-686.
35!! - Cazin, A., Vallet, P., Dhote, J.F., 2003. Propositions LERFoB pour CARBOFOR
36!! Atelier modélisation.
37!! - Condes, S., Sterba, H., 2005. Derivation of compatible crown width
38!! equations for some important tree species of Spain. Forest Ecology and
39!! Management 217, 203-218.
40!! - Deleuze, C., Pain, O., Dhote, J.F., Herve, J.C., 2004. A flexible radial
41!! increment model for individual trees in pure even-aged stands. Annals of
42!! Forest Science 61, 327-335.
43!! - DhÎte, J.-F., Hervé, J.-C., 2000. Changements de productivité dans quatre
44!! forêts de chênes sessiles depuis 1930 : une approche au niveau du peuplement.
45!! Ann. For. Sci. 57, 651-680.
46!! - DhÎte, J.F., 1999. Compétition entre classes sociales chez le chêne sessile
47!! et le hêtre. Revue ForestiÚre Française, 309-325.
48!! - DhÎte, J.F., Le Moguédec, G., 2003. Présentation du modÚle Fagacées.
49!! INRA, 31 p.
50!! - IFN, 2008. Raw inventory data - 2005-2007 inventory campaigns,
51!! - Kolari, P., Pumpanen, J., Rannik, U., Ilvesniemi, H., Hari, P., Berninger,
52!! F., 2004. Carbon balance of different aged Scots pine forests in Southern
53!! Finland. Global Change Biology 10, 1106-1119.
54!! - Lanier, L., 1994. Précis de sylviculture. Ecole Nationale du Génie Rural,
55!! des Eaux et des Forêts (ENGREF), Nancy, 477 p.
56!! - Law, B.E., Sun, O.J., Campbell, J., Van Tuyl, S., Thornton, P.E., 2003.
57!! Changes in carbon storage and fluxes in a chronosequence of ponderosa pine.
58!! Global Change Biology 9, 510-524.
59!! - Liberloo, M., Calfapietra, C., Lukac, M., Godbold, D., Luos, Z.B., Polle,
60!! A., Hoosbeek, M.R., Kull, O., Marek, M., Raines, C., Rubino, M., Taylor, G.,
61!! Scarascia-Mugnozza, G., Ceulemans, R., 2006. Woody biomass production during
62!! the second rotation of a bio-energy Populus plantation increases in a future
63!! high CO2 world. Global Change Biology 12, 1094-1106.
64!! - Liberloo, M., Luyssaert, S., Bellassen, V., Djomo, S.N., Lukac, M.,
65!! Calfapietra, C., Janssens, I., Hoosbeek, M.R., Viovy, N., Churkina, G.,
66!! Scarascia-Mugnozza, G., Ceulemans, R., 2010. Bio-energy retains its
67!! mitigation potential under elevated CO2. PLOS-one 5, e1 1648.
68!! - Litton, C.M., Raich, J.W., Ryan, M.G., 2007. Carbon allocation in forest
69!! ecosystems. Global Change Biology 13, 2089-2109.
70!! - Luyssaert, S., Inglima, I., Jung, M., Richardson, A.D., Reichsteins, M.,
71!! Papale, D., Piao, S.L., Schulzes, E.D., Wingate, L., Matteucci, G., Aragao,
72!! L., Aubinet, M., Beers, C., Bernhoffer, C., Black, K.G., Bonal, D.,
73!! Bonnefond, J.M., Chambers, J., Ciais, P., Cook, B., Davis, K.J., Dolman,
74!! A.J., Gielen, B., Goulden, M., Grace, J., Granier, A., Grelle, A., Griffis,
75!! T., Grunwald, T., Guidolotti, G., Hanson, P.J., Harding, R., Hollinger, D.
76!! Y., Hutyra, L.R., Kolar, P., Kruijt, B., Kutsch, W., Lagergren, F.,
77!! Laurila, T., Law, B.E., Le Maire, G., Lindroth, A., Loustau, D., Malhi, Y.,
78!! Mateus, J., Migliavacca, M., Misson, L., Montagnani, L., Moncrieff, J.,
79!! Moors, E., Munger, J.W., Nikinmaa, E., Ollinger, S.V., Pita, G.,
80!! Rebmann, C., Roupsard, O., Saigusa, N., Sanz, M.J., Seufert, G., Sierra, C.,
81!! Smith, M.L., Tang, J., Valentini, R., Vesala, T., Janssens, I.A., 2007. CO2
82!! balance of boreal, temperate, and tropical forests derived from a global
83!! database. Global Change Biology 13, 2509-2537.
84!! - Mokany, K., Raison, R.J., Prokushkin, A.S., 2006. Critical analysis of
85!! root: shoot ratios in terrestrial biomes. Global Change Biology 12, 84-96.
86!! - Mund, M., Kummetz, E., Hein, M., Bauer, G.A., Schulze, E.D., 2002. Growth
87!! and carbon stocks of a spruce forest chronosequence in central Europe.
88!! Forest Ecology and Management 171, 275-296.
89!! - Newton, R.F., Amponsah, I.G., 2007. Comparative evaluation of five height-
90!! diameter models developed for black spruce and jack pine stand-types in
91!! terms of goodness-of-fit, lack-of-fit and predictive ability. Forest Ecology
92!! and Management 247, 149-166.
93!! - Numerical Recipes, 2007. Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing.
94!! Cambridge University Press, 1256 p.
95!! - Ovington, J.D., Madgwick, H.A.I., 1957. Afforestation and soil reaction.
96!! Journal of Soil Science 8, 141-149.
97!! - Pontailler, J.Y., Ceulemans, R., Guittet, J., 1999. Biomass yield of poplar
98!! after five 2-year coppice rotations. Forestry 72, 157-163.
99!! - Pretzsch, H., Biber, P., DurskÜ, J., 2002. The single tree-based stand
100!! simulator SILVA: construction, application and evaluation. Forest Ecology and
101!! Management 162, 3.
102!! - Reineke, L.H., 1933. Perfecting a stand-density index for even-aged forests.
103!! Journal of Agricultural Research 46, 627-638.
104!! - Turner, D.P., Ritts, W.D., Cohen, W.B., Maeirsperger, T.K., Gower, S.T.,
105!! Kirschbaum, A.A., Running, S.W., Zhao, M.S., Wofsy, S.C., Dunn, A.L., Law, B.E.,
106!! Campbell, J.L., Oechel, W.C., Kwon, H.J., Meyers, T.P., Small, E.E., Kurc, S.A.,
107!! Gamon, J.A., 2005. Site-level evaluation of satellite-based global terrestrial
108!! gross primary production and net primary production monitoring. Global Change
109!! Biology 11, 666-684.
110!! - Vacchiano, G., Motta, R., Long, J.N., Shaw, J.D., 2008. A density management
111!! diagram for Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.): A tool for assessing the forest's
112!! protective effect. Forest Ecology and Management 255, 2542-2554.
113!! - Vieira, I.C.G., de Almeida, A.S., Davidson, E.A., Stone, T.A., de Carvalho,
114!! C.J.R., Guerrero, J.B., 2003. Classifying successional forests using Landsat
115!! spectral properties and ecological characteristics in eastern Amazonia. Remote
116!! Sensing of Environment 87, 470-481.
117!! - Zianis, D., Mencuccini, M., 2004. On simplifying allometric analyses of forest
118!! biomass. Forest Ecology and Management 187, 311-332.
120!! SVN      :
121!! $HeadURL: $
122!! $Date: $
123!! $Revision: $
124!! \n
125!_ ================================================================================================================================
127MODULE sapiens_forestry
129  ! modules used:
130#ifdef __NAGFOR
134  USE netcdf
135  USE ioipsl_para
136  USE constantes
137  USE grid
138  USE pft_parameters
139  USE function_library,     ONLY: wood_to_volume, wood_to_height, &
140                                  wood_to_circ, Nmax, &
141                                  wood_to_dia, sort_circ_class_biomass, &
142                                  wood_to_qmdia, calculate_rdi, &
143                                  check_vegetation_area, check_mass_balance
144  USE interpol_help,        ONLY: aggregate_p
145  USE stomate_data
149  ! private & public routines
153  PUBLIC sapiens_forestry_main,                sapiens_forestry_clear,               &
154         sapiens_forestry_read_fm,             sapiens_forestry_read_species_change, &
155         sapiens_forestry_read_desired_fm,     sapiens_forestry_read_litter,         &
156         sapiens_forestry_litter_raking,       sapiens_forestry_species_change,      &
157         sapiens_forestry_flag_species_change, sapiens_forestry_read_spinup_clearcut
159  LOGICAL, SAVE                 :: firstcall_sapiens_forestry = .TRUE.   !! first call
160!$OMP THREADPRIVATE(firstcall_sapiens_forestry) 
161  INTEGER(i_std), SAVE          :: printlev_loc                  !! Local level of text output for current module
162!$OMP THREADPRIVATE(printlev_loc)
166!! ================================================================================================================================
167!! SUBROUTINE    : sapiens_forestry_clear
169!>\BRIEF        Set the flag ::firstcall_sapiens_forestry to .TRUE. and as such activate section 2 of the subroutine forestry (see below).
171!_ ================================================================================================================================
173  SUBROUTINE sapiens_forestry_clear
174    firstcall_sapiens_forestry = .TRUE.
175  END SUBROUTINE sapiens_forestry_clear
178!! ================================================================================================================================
179!! SUBROUTINE    : sapiens_forestry_main
181!>\BRIEF        This subroutine is the core of the forest management module. It
182!! has been modified so it only decides if trees are getting cut or not.
184!! DESCRIPTION   : This forest management module has been changed quite a bit
185!! from Valentin's original version (documented in Ballassen et al (2010).  The
186!! biggest reason for these changes is that it is meant to be used with the new
187!! functional allocation scheme.  This scheme already includes circumference
188!! classes.  In each circumference class there are circ_class_n model trees
189!! which are all identical.  Therefore, we don't need to create a picture
190!! of every tree on the stand since in reality we only have ncirc trees, each
191!! of which are replicated.
193!! In addition to this, several other processes that were done here were moved
194!! to other parts of the code.  For example, trees are just scheduled to die
195!! here; the actually killing of the biomass and moving the wood to the harvest
196!! and litter pools is done in sapiens_kill.f90.  All tree establishment after
197!! clearcutting is done in stomate_prescribe.f90.  Self-thinning is a completely
198!! natural process, and therefore done with environmental mortality in
199!! stomate_mark_kill.f90.
201!!++++ CHECK REFERENCE ++++
202!! Liberloo et al. (2010) describes how short
203!! rotation coppices are simulated and validated.\n
206!! The forest management flags have changed as well.
207!! FM = 1 : No human intervention (ORCHIDEE default)
208!!      2 : Thinnings based on the RDI, clearcuts based on tree density,
209!!              annual increment, and tree diameter.  Thinnings from above and
210!!              from below are determined by the sign of thstrat.
211!!      3 : Coppices
212!!      4 : Short rotation coppices
214!! Relative density index (RDI) target of human thinning at the beginning of
215!! the rotation (unitless). This is the value aimed at by human thinning at
216!! the beginning of the rotation. It is necessarily lower than 1. The actual
217!! RDI varies around this target, + or - delta_rdi, when forest_managed = 2.
218!! When forest_managed = 3, human thinning occurs every year.  For FM = 4,
219!! the thinnings occur as a function of stand age.
221!! RECENT CHANGE(S) : None
223!! MAIN OUTPUT VARIABLE(S): ::circ_class_kill
225!! REFERENCE(S)   : See above, module description.
227!! FLOWCHART    :
228!! \n
229!_ ================================================================================================================================
231  SUBROUTINE sapiens_forestry_main (npts, age_stand, last_cut, &
232             circ_class_n, circ_class_kill, forest_managed, spinup_clearcut, & 
233             circ_class_biomass, mai, pai, previous_wood_volume, &
234             mai_count, coppice_dens, veget_max, fm_change_map, &
235             species_change_map)
237 !! 0. Variable and parameter declaration
239    !! 0.1 Input variables
241    INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in)                             :: npts                !! Domain size - number of pixels
242                                                                                  !! (dimensionless)
243    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)                :: veget_max           !! "maximal" coverage fraction of a PFT on
244                                                                                  !! the ground (unitless, 0-1)
245    INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(:,:),INTENT(in)              :: last_cut            !! Years since last thinning (years)
246    INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(:,:),INTENT(in)              :: age_stand           !! Age of stand (years)
247    INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)             :: fm_change_map       !! A map which gives the desired FM strategy when
248                                                                                  !! the PFT will be replanted after a clearcut.
249                                                                                  !! (1-nvm,unitless)
250    INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)             :: species_change_map  !! A map which gives the PFT number that each
251                                                                                  !! PFT will be replanted as in case of a clearcut.
252                                                                                  !! (1-nvm,unitless)
254    !! 0.2 Output
256    !! 0.3 Modified fields
257    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:), INTENT(inout)       :: circ_class_biomass  !! Biomass components of the model tree 
258                                                                                  !! within a circumference class
259                                                                                  !! class @tex $(g C ind^{-1})$ @endtex
260    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(inout)           :: circ_class_n        !! Number of trees in each circumference
261                                                                                  !! class (0-2.2+ and poles-large wood, see
262                                                                                  !! part 12.)
263    INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(inout)          :: forest_managed      !! Forest management flag: 0 = orchidee
264                                                                                  !! standard, 1= self-thinning only, 2=
265                                                                                  !! high-stand, 3= high-stand smoothed, 4=
266                                                                                  !! coppices
267    INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION (:,:), INTENT(in)            :: spinup_clearcut     !! Map to indicate clearcut event during spinup
268                                                                                  !! for a given PFT and pixel (zero = no clearcut; one = clearcut).
269    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:), INTENT(inout)       :: circ_class_kill     !! Number of trees within a circ that needs
270                                                                                  !! to be killed @tex $(ind m^{-2})$ @endtex 
271    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(inout)             :: mai                 !! The mean annual increment
272                                                                                  !! @tex $(m**3 / m**2 / year)$ @endtex
273    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(inout)             :: pai                 !! The period annual increment
274                                                                                  !! @tex $(m**3 / m**2 / year)$ @endtex
275    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(inout)             :: previous_wood_volume!! The volume of the tree trunks
276                                                                                  !! in a stand for the previous year.
277                                                                                  !! @tex $(m**3 / m**2 )$ @endtex
278    INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(:,:),INTENT(inout)           :: mai_count           !! The number of times we've
279                                                                                  !! calculated the volume increment
280                                                                                  !! for a stand
281    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:),INTENT(inout)              :: coppice_dens        !! The density of a coppice at the first
282                                                                                  !! cutting.
283                                                                                  !! @tex $( 1 / m**2 )$ @endtex
285    !! 0.4 Local variables
287    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: icir,ivm,ipts       !! Indexes
288    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: imbc, iele, ipar    !! Indexes
289    REAL(r_std)                                            :: trees,total_trees   !! a number of trees
290    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(ncirc)                          :: diameters_temp      !! Trunk diameter calculated from allometry [m]
291    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(ncirc)                          :: circ_temp           !! Trunk circumference calculated from allometry
292    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm,ncirc)                 :: height,dia,cn       !! Tree height calculated from allometric
293                                                                                  !! relationships (m)
294    REAL(r_std)                                            :: ave_tree_height
295    REAL(r_std)                                            :: woody_biomass
296    REAL(r_std)                                            :: current_wood_volume
297    REAL(r_std)                                            :: current_increment
298    REAL(r_std)                                            :: ave_tree_dia
299    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: nrotations          !! The number of rotations that we've done
300                                                                                  !! for SRC minus one
301    REAL(r_std)                                            :: qm_dia              !! quadratic mean diameter of the forest (m)
302    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: ierr                !! error message
303    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: igroup_new          !! Species group to which the species with which
304                                                                                  !! the stand will be replanted belongs (unitless)
305    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: igroup_old          !! Species group to which the current species
306                                                                                  !! belongs (unitless)
307    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(ncirc)                          :: circ_class_n_new    !! variable used to sort circ_class_n
308    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(ncirc,nparts,nelements)         :: circ_class_biomass_new !! variable used to sort circ_class_biomass
309    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm)                       :: rdi                 !! Relative density index (unitless, 0-2)
310    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm)                       :: rdi_target_upper    !! Upper limit of RDI. When reached the stand
311                                                                                  !! needs to be thinned (unitless)   
312    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm)                       :: rdi_target_lower    !! Lower limit of RDI. When thinned, thin to this             
313                                                                                  !! stand density (unitless)
314    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm,nmbcomp,nelements)     :: check_intern        !! Contains the components of the internal
315                                                                                  !! mass balance chech for this routine
316                                                                                  !! @tex $(gC pixel^{-1} dt^{-1})$ @endtex
317    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm,nelements)             :: closure_intern      !! Check closure of internal mass balance
318                                                                                  !! @tex $(gC pixel^{-1} dt^{-1})$ @endtex
319    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm,nelements)             :: pool_start          !! Start and end pool of this routine
320                                                                                  !! @tex $(gC pixel^{-1} dt^{-1})$ @endtex
321    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm,nelements)             :: pool_end            !! Start and end pool of this routine
322                                                                                  !! @tex $(gC pixel^{-1} dt^{-1})$ @endtex
323!_ ===============================================================================================================================
325 !! 1. Initialize
327   IF (firstcall_sapiens_forestry) THEN   
328       ! Initialize local printlev
329       printlev_loc=get_printlev('sapiens_forestry')
331       firstcall_sapiens_forestry=.FALSE.
332    END IF
334    IF ( printlev.GE.2) WRITE(numout,*) 'Entering sapiens_forestry_main'
336    !! 1.2 Initialize check for mass balance closure
337    !  We don't actually have to do this in sapiens_forestry_main, since none of the
338    !  pools are changed even touched. The sole purpose of this routine
339    !  is to schedule trees for killing which means that only
340    !  ::circ_class_kill is changed. Biomass is sorted so we will check
341    !  wether nothing goes wrong during sorting
342    IF (err_act.GT.1) THEN
344       check_intern(:,:,:,:) = zero
345       pool_start(:,:,:) = zero
346       DO iele = 1,nelements
348          DO ipar = 1,nparts
350             DO icir = 1,ncirc
352                ! Initial biomass pool. Use circ_class_biomass
353                ! because that variable is the prognostic variable
354                ! biomass is syncronized to circ_class_biomass. If
355                ! many diameter classes are used, each diameter class
356                ! separatly passes all criteria but when combined
357                ! a mass balance problem occurs.
358                pool_start(:,:,iele) = pool_start(:,:,iele) + &
359                   circ_class_biomass(:,:,icir,ipar,iele) * &
360                   circ_class_n(:,:,icir) * veget_max(:,:)
362             ENDDO
364          ENDDO
366       ENDDO
368    ENDIF ! err_act.GT.1
370    !! 1.3 Initialize check for surface area conservation
371    !  Veget_max is a INTENT(in) variable and can therefore
372    !  not be changed during the course of this subroutine
373    !  No need to check whether the subroutine preserves the
374    !  total surface area of the pixel.
376    !! 1.4 Sort the diameter classes
377    ! A small number of individuals and distributing small labile and
378    ! carbres pools from the stand level (at which they are calculated) to
379    ! the tree level (at which they are stored) can result in precision
380    ! errors. Sometimes these errors are sufficient to overturn the ascending
381    ! order of tree biomass that is expected in circ_class_biomass.
382    ! sapiens_forestry_main is called after this routine and relies on the
383    ! assumption that the biomass is increasing. When needed, sort biomass
384    ! to make sure this assumption is satisfied. Sorting is enforced at
385    ! several places in the code
386    DO ipts = 1,npts
387       DO ivm = 1,nvm
388          IF (is_tree(ivm)) THEN
389             circ_class_biomass_new = circ_class_biomass(ipts,ivm,:,:,:)
390             circ_class_n_new = circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:)
391             CALL sort_circ_class_biomass(circ_class_biomass_new, &
392                  circ_class_n_new)
393             circ_class_biomass(ipts,ivm,:,:,:) = circ_class_biomass_new
394             circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:) = circ_class_n_new
395          ENDIF
396       ENDDO
397    ENDDO
400 !! 2. Check and apply sapiens_forestry_main
402    ! for every forest stand in the model, we need to decide
403    ! if we are thinning or clearcutting.
404    DO ipts=1,npts
406       pft:DO ivm=1,nvm
408          ! Forest management can only be applied to forests
409          IF(.NOT. is_tree(ivm)) CYCLE
411          ! This PFT is not present, so it can't be managed
412          IF(veget_max(ipts,ivm) == zero) CYCLE
414          ! There is no biomass, so nothing to manage
415          IF(SUM(SUM(circ_class_biomass(ipts,ivm,:,:,icarbon),1),1) .LE. min_stomate) CYCLE
417          ! For unmanaged forests, either we apply clearcut during spinup, or
418          ! simply do nothing.
419          IF ( forest_managed(ipts,ivm) .EQ. ifm_none ) THEN
421             IF ( (spinup_clearcut(ipts,ivm) .EQ. flag_spinup_clearcut) .OR. forced_clear_cut ) THEN
422                CALL clearcut_harvest(circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:), &
423                    circ_class_kill(ipts,ivm,:,ifm_none,icut_clear))
424             ELSE
425                ! Otherwise we just get out of the loop
426                CYCLE
427             ENDIF
429          ELSE
431             ! Managed pft, apply to appropriate management
432             IF(printlev_loc>=4)THEN
433                WRITE(numout,*) 'Sapiens_forestry_main: check whether the stand ',&
434                     'needs management', ivm
435                CALL flush(numout)
436             ENDIF
438             ! Convert the aboveground woody biomass into a wood volume,
439             ! removing the influence of the branches.
440             current_wood_volume = wood_to_volume(npts,&
441                  circ_class_biomass(ipts,ivm,:,:,:),&
442                  circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:),ivm,branch_ratio(ivm),0)
444             ! The mean annual increment is tricky. Need to calculate it
445             ! for the volume, since that is what foresters use and the NPP
446             ! would include leaf NPP.  However, we cannot calculate a
447             ! volume increment immediately after thinning.  Instead, the first
448             ! year after a thinning or after a clearcut (for consistency)
449             ! we just save the current volume.
450             IF(last_cut(ipts,ivm) .EQ. 1)THEN
452                ! do nothing.  We'll save the current wood volume later.
454             ELSEIF(last_cut(ipts,ivm) .GT. 1)THEN
456                current_increment=&
457                     current_wood_volume-previous_wood_volume(ipts,ivm)
458                mai_count(ipts,ivm)=mai_count(ipts,ivm)+1
459                mai(ipts,ivm)=mai(ipts,ivm)*REAL(mai_count(ipts,ivm)-1)/&
460                     REAL(mai_count(ipts,ivm))+current_increment/&
461                     REAL(mai_count(ipts,ivm))
463                ! The periodic annual increment is an average over the past few
464                ! years.  Notice that the first year after a cut that we can
465                ! compute an increment for is year 2 (the difference between
466                ! year 2 and year 1).     
467                IF(last_cut(ipts,ivm) .LT. (n_pai+1))THEN
469                   pai(ipts,ivm)=pai(ipts,ivm)*REAL(last_cut(ipts,ivm)-2)/&
470                        REAL(last_cut(ipts,ivm)-1)+&
471                        current_increment/REAL(last_cut(ipts,ivm)-1)
473                ELSE
475                   pai(ipts,ivm)=pai(ipts,ivm)*REAL(n_pai-1)/REAL(n_pai)+&
476                        (current_wood_volume-previous_wood_volume(ipts,ivm))&
477                        /REAL(n_pai)
479                ENDIF
481             ELSE
483                ! Cannot think of a scenario where last_cut is zero.
484                ! If it is zero, we thinned or clearcut, but that happens
485                ! after this routine and we always increment it before this
486                ! routine.
487                WRITE(numout,*) 'ERROR: Sapiens_forestry_main, why is last_cut equal to zero?'
488                WRITE(numout,*) 'ipts, ivm, last_cut(ipts,ivm) ',&
489                     ipts, ivm, last_cut(ipts,ivm)
490                IF (err_act.GT.1) CALL ipslerr_p (3, &
491                     'sapiens_forestry_main', 'last_cut is zero.',&
492                     'This should not happen.',&
493                     'Look in the output file for ERROR.')
494             ENDIF
496             ! We also need to store the wood volume of this year in order to
497             ! calculate the PAI for next year.
498             previous_wood_volume(ipts,ivm)=current_wood_volume
500             ! The following is specific for each forest management strategy
501             IF(forest_managed(ipts,ivm).EQ.ifm_thin)THEN
503                ! Forests can only be thinned if it is profitable for the
504                ! managers to do so. This profitability is based on the
505                ! average height of the 100 tallest trees per hectare. 
506                ! If it's profitable, the stand is thinned to a target
507                ! relative density index (RDI), which is the ratio of the
508                ! true density to the self thinning density. This target
509                ! depends on the management type, but it is always less
510                ! than unity. Table 1 in Bellassen et al, Ecological
511                ! Modeling (2010) gives values for some of these parameters.
513                ! First, calculate the average height of the 100 tallest
514                ! trees on the hectare. Remember that all our trees are the
515                ! same height in a given circ class. Since we don't explicitly
516                ! track trees, we just start at the largest circ classs and
517                ! add trees to our average until we have 100 (Note that this
518                ! number has been externalised as ::ntress_profit)
519                height(ipts,ivm,:)=&
520                     wood_to_height(circ_class_biomass(ipts,ivm,:,:,icarbon),&
521                     ivm)
523                ! Debug
524                IF(printlev_loc>=4 .AND. ipts == test_grid .AND. &
525                   ivm == test_pft)THEN
526                   WRITE(numout,*) 'Sapiens_forestry_main, check for thinning', ivm
527                   ! just for printing out some information
528                   dia(ipts,ivm,:)= &
529                        wood_to_dia(circ_class_biomass(ipts,ivm,:,:,icarbon),ivm)
530                   DO icir=1,ncirc     
531                      WRITE(numout,*) circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,icir)*m2_to_ha,&
532                           height(ipts,ivm,icir), &
533                           deux*SQRT(cn(ipts,ivm,icir)/pi), dia(ipts,ivm,icir)
534                   ENDDO
535                   CALL flush(numout)
536                ENDIF
538                !-
539                ! condition introduced in order to cut the stand at the end
540                ! of a spinup run. Put forced_clear_cut=n to avoid
541                ! any forced clear-cut
542                IF( forced_clear_cut ) THEN
543                      WRITE(numout,*) 'A clear-cut at the begenning of &
544                                          the simulation is scheduled'
545                         CALL clearcut_harvest(circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:), &
546                              circ_class_kill(ipts,ivm,:,ifm_thin,icut_clear))
547                     CYCLE pft
548                ENDIF
550                ! Select the 100 tallest treesb and calculate their
551                ! average height
552                total_trees=zero
553                ave_tree_height=zero
554                tree:DO icir=ncirc,1,-1
555                   trees=circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,icir)*m2_to_ha
556                   IF(trees .GE. ntrees_profit)THEN
557                      ave_tree_height=height(ipts,ivm,icir)
558                      EXIT tree
559                   ELSEIF((trees + total_trees) .GE. ntrees_profit)THEN
560                      ave_tree_height=ave_tree_height*total_trees/&
561                           REAL(ntrees_profit,r_std)+&
562                           (REAL(ntrees_profit,r_std)-total_trees)/&
563                           REAL(ntrees_profit,r_std)*&
564                           height(ipts,ivm,icir)
565                      EXIT tree
566                   ELSE
567                      ave_tree_height=ave_tree_height*total_trees/&
568                           (total_trees+trees)+&
569                           trees/(total_trees+trees)*height(ipts,ivm,icir)
570                      total_trees=total_trees+trees
571                   ENDIF
573                ENDDO tree
575                ! in order to thin, we need to know the relative
576                ! density index (RDI) of our stand.  This is the
577                ! ratio of the current stand density to
578                ! the self-thinning density, Nmax.
579                diameters_temp(:)= &
580                     wood_to_dia(circ_class_biomass(ipts,ivm,:,:,icarbon),ivm)
582                ! with these diameters, we can check to see if we
583                ! want to clearcut. If the diameters get too big,
584                ! harvesting equipment can't handle the trees anymore.
585                ! On the other hand, we need to make sure there
586                ! are enough big trees that it is worthwhile to cut
587                ! them down.
588                total_trees=zero
589                DO icir=1,ncirc
590                   IF(diameters_temp(icir) .GT. largest_tree_dia(ivm)) THEN
591                      total_trees=total_trees+circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,icir)*&
592                           m2_to_ha
593                   ENDIF
594                ENDDO
596                ! Debug
597                IF(printlev_loc>=4 .AND. ipts == test_grid .AND. &
598                    ivm == test_pft)THEN
599                   WRITE(numout,*) 'Sapiens_forestry_main, testing diameter criterion', ivm
600                   WRITE(numout,*) 'total_trees: ', total_trees
601                   WRITE(numout,*) 'dens_target: ', dens_target(ivm)
602                   WRITE(numout,*) 'largest_tree_dia: ', largest_tree_dia(ivm)
603                   WRITE(numout,*) 'diameters_temp: ', diameters_temp(:)
604                   WRITE(numout,*) 'circ_class_n (in trees per hectare): ', &
605                        circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:)*m2_to_ha
606                   CALL flush(numout)
607                ENDIF
608                !-
610                ! CONDITION 1: there are less than 100 trees left
611                IF( SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:))*m2_to_ha .LT. &
612                     dens_target(ivm)) THEN
614                   ! These are conditions which are suitable for switching
615                   ! from a management to a conservation strategy.
616                   ! Such a switch is not internalized in the code and
617                   ! needs to be prescribed. The way to prescribe it is
618                   ! by using species/management changes and prescribing
619                   ! the desired management for some of all pixels
620                   ! as unmanaged.
621                   IF(ok_change_species)THEN
623                      ! The criteria for a clearcut are met but check
624                      ! whether we want to switch to a conservation
625                      ! strategy on this site.
626                      IF(fm_change_map(ipts,ivm) .EQ. ifm_none) THEN
628                         ! Change the management strategy (most likely
629                         ! high stand management) to conservation
630                         forest_managed(ipts,ivm) = ifm_none
632                         ! Debug
633                         IF(printlev_loc>=4)THEN
634                            WRITE(numout,*) 'species change ',&
635                                 '- conservation strategy, ',&
636                                 'density becoming too low'
637                         ENDIF 
638                         !-             
640                      ELSE
642                         ! The species/management change scenario does
643                         ! not prescribe a change to a conservation strategy
644                         ! but the criteria for a clearcut are met
645                         CALL clearcut_harvest(circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:), &
646                              circ_class_kill(ipts,ivm,:,ifm_thin,icut_clear))
648                      ENDIF
650                   ELSE
652                      ! Species/management changes are not considered. The
653                      ! criteria for a clearcut are met
654                      CALL clearcut_harvest(circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:), &
655                           circ_class_kill(ipts,ivm,:,ifm_thin,icut_clear))
657                   ENDIF
659                   CYCLE pft
661                ENDIF
663                ! CONDITION 2: There are more than 100 trees for which
664                ! the diameter exceeds the threshold, time to cut
665                IF(total_trees .GT. dens_target(ivm))THEN
667                   ! Debug
668                   IF(printlev_loc>=4 .AND. ipts == test_grid .AND. &
669                       ivm == test_pft)THEN
670                      WRITE(numout,*) 'Sapiens_forestry_main, diameter exceeds ',&
671                           'treshold, clearcut', ivm
672                      WRITE(numout,*) 'total_trees: ', total_trees
673                      WRITE(numout,*) 'dens_target: ', dens_target(ivm)
674                      WRITE(numout,*) 'largest_tree_dia: ', &
675                           largest_tree_dia(ivm)
676                      WRITE(numout,*) 'diameters_temp: ', diameters_temp(:)
677                      WRITE(numout,*) 'circ_class_n (trees per hectare): ', &
678                           circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:)*m2_to_ha
679                      CALL flush(numout)
680                   ENDIF
681                   !-
683                   ! These are conditions which are suitable for switching
684                   ! from a management to a conservation strategy. Such a
685                   ! switch is not internalized in the code and needs to be
686                   ! prescribed. The way to prescribe it is by using
687                   ! species/management changes and prescribing the desired
688                   ! management for some of all pixels as unmanaged.
689                   IF(ok_change_species)THEN
691                      ! The criteria for a clearcut are met but check whether
692                      ! we want to switch to a conservation strategy on this
693                      ! site.
694                      IF( fm_change_map(ipts,ivm) .EQ. ifm_none) THEN
696                         ! Change the management strategy (most likely
697                         ! high stand management) to conservation
698                         forest_managed(ipts,ivm) = ifm_none
700                         ! debug
701                         IF(printlev_loc>=4)THEN
702                             WRITE(numout,*) 'species change - ',&
703                                'conservation strategy, ',&
704                                'exceeded largest diameter'
705                         ENDIF
706                         !-
708                      ELSE
710                         ! The species/management change scenario does
711                         ! not prescribe a change to a conservation strategy
712                         ! but the criteria for a clearcut are met
713                         CALL clearcut_harvest(circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:), &
714                              circ_class_kill(ipts,ivm,:,ifm_thin,icut_clear))
716                      ENDIF
718                   ELSE
720                      ! Species/management changes are not considered. The
721                      ! criteria for a clearcut are met
722                      CALL clearcut_harvest(circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:), &
723                           circ_class_kill(ipts,ivm,:,ifm_thin,icut_clear))
725                   ENDIF
727                   CYCLE pft
728                ENDIF
730                ! CONTION 3: a clearcut is expected if the trees start
731                ! growing too slowly. This is measured by looking at
732                ! the mean annual increment, which is simply the trunk
733                ! volume divided by the age of the tree.  We compare
734                ! this to average tree growth over the past five years
735                ! (i.e. the tree volume divided by 5), called the
736                ! periodic annual increment.  If the PAI is smaller than
737                ! the MAI, the trees are past their prime and the owner
738                ! will cut them and plant anew.
740                ! We calculate the MAI and the PAI at the same place where
741                ! we increment the age of the stand, so here we just have
742                ! to compare them.  We need to check that we have enough
743                ! years from the last cut to calculate a good PAI.
744                IF(PAI(ipts,ivm) .LT. MAI(ipts,ivm) .AND. &
745                     last_cut(ipts,ivm) .GT. n_pai)THEN
747                    ! Debug
748                    IF(printlev_loc>=4 .AND. ipts == test_grid .AND. &
749                        ivm == test_pft)THEN
750                       WRITE(numout,*) 'Sapiens_forestry_main, harvesting ',&
751                            'increment PAI<MAI'
752                       WRITE(numout,*) 'ipts, ivm, mai, pai: ',ipts, &
753                            ivm, mai(ipts,ivm), pai(ipts,ivm)
754                    ENDIF
755                    !-
757                    IF(ok_change_species)THEN
759                       ! The criteria for a clearcut are met but check
760                       ! whether we want to switch to a conservation
761                       ! strategy on this site.
762                       IF( fm_change_map(ipts,ivm) .EQ. ifm_none) THEN
764                          ! Change the management strategy (could be
765                          ! high stand, coppice and short rotation
766                          ! coppice) to conservation
767                          forest_managed(ipts,ivm) = ifm_none
769                          IF(printlev_loc>=4)THEN
770                             WRITE(numout,*) 'species change - ',&
771                                  'conservation strategy, ', &
772                                  'stand growth is too low'
773                          ENDIF 
775                      ELSE
777                         ! The species/management change scenario does
778                         ! not prescribe a change to a conservation strategy
779                         ! but the criteria for a clearcut are met
780                         CALL clearcut_harvest(circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:), &
781                              circ_class_kill(ipts,ivm,:,ifm_thin,icut_clear))
783                      ENDIF
785                   ELSE
787                      ! Species/management changes are not considered. The
788                      ! criteria for a clearcut are met
789                      CALL clearcut_harvest(circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:), &
790                           circ_class_kill(ipts,ivm,:,ifm_thin,icut_clear))
792                   ENDIF
794                  CYCLE pft
795                ENDIF
797                ! our rdi_target will become a function of both PFT
798                ! and diameter/density Calculate rdi and rdi_target
799                ! and delta_rdi based on the yield models rdi of the
800                ! stand as it is
801                qm_dia = wood_to_qmdia(&
802                     circ_class_biomass(ipts,ivm,:,:,icarbon), &
803                     circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:), ivm)
805                ! The self-thinning and yield relationships are for
806                ! diameters expressed in cm
807                rdi(ipts,ivm) = (SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:))*m2_to_ha)/ &
808                  Nmax(qm_dia*m_to_cm,ivm) 
810                ! rdi_target_upper (based on the yield tables)
811                ! rdi depends on the observed self-thinning
812                ! relationship and rdi_target_upper
813                rdi_target_upper(ipts,ivm) = MAX(MIN( a_rdi_upper_man(ivm)+ &
814                     qm_dia*m_to_cm*b_rdi_upper_man(ivm),c_rdi_upper_man(ivm)),&
815                     d_rdi_upper_man(ivm))
816                rdi_target_lower(ipts,ivm) = MAX(MIN(a_rdi_lower_man(ivm)+ &
817                     qm_dia*m_to_cm*b_rdi_lower_man(ivm),c_rdi_lower_man(ivm)),&
818                     d_rdi_lower_man(ivm))
820                ! Debug
821                IF(printlev_loc>=4 .AND. ipts == test_grid .AND. &
822                     ivm == test_pft)THEN
823                   WRITE(numout,*) 'rdi', rdi(ipts,ivm)
824                   WRITE(numout,*) 'rdi_target_upper calcul', &
825                        rdi_target_upper(ipts,ivm)
826                   WRITE(numout,*) 'Sapiens_forestry_main, rdi print ',rdi(ipts,ivm),&
827                        rdi_target_upper(ipts,ivm),&
828                        rdi_target_lower(ipts,ivm)
829                   WRITE(numout,*) "Nmax ",Nmax(qm_dia*m_to_cm,ivm)
830                   WRITE(numout,*) "a_rdi_upper_man,b_rdi_upper_man ", &
831                        a_rdi_upper_man(ivm),b_rdi_upper_man(ivm)
832                ENDIF
833                !-
835                ! we only need to thin if the rdi of our stand is outside
836                ! the acceptable rdi range given by rdi_target_upper and
837                ! rdi_target_lower
838                IF(rdi(ipts,ivm) .GT. rdi_target_upper(ipts,ivm)) THEN
840                   ! we need the circumference of each model tree in meters
841                   circ_temp(:)= wood_to_circ(&
842                        circ_class_biomass(ipts,ivm,:,:,icarbon),ivm)
844                   ! Debug
845                   IF(printlev_loc>=4 .AND. ipts == test_grid .AND. &
846                        ivm == test_pft)THEN
847                      DO icir=1,ncirc
848                         WRITE(numout,*) 'Sapiens_forestry_main thinning now: ',&
849                              ipts,ivm,icir
850                         WRITE(numout,*) 'Sapiens_forestry_main height, ccn, ',&
851                              height(ipts,ivm,icir),&
852                              circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,icir)*m2_to_ha
853                      ENDDO
854                      WRITE(numout,*) "circ_temp ",circ_temp(:)
855                      WRITE(numout,*) "NOTE: assumes ncirc = 3"
856                      WRITE(numout,*) "circ_class_biomass(1) ",&
857                           SUM(circ_class_biomass(ipts,ivm,1,:,icarbon))
858                      WRITE(numout,*) "circ_class_biomass(2) ",&
859                           SUM(circ_class_biomass(ipts,ivm,2,:,icarbon))
860                      WRITE(numout,*) "circ_class_biomass(3) ",&
861                           SUM(circ_class_biomass(ipts,ivm,3,:,icarbon))
862                   ENDIF
863                   !-
865                   ! we always thin down to the lower end of this range,
866                   ! which then gives our forest a few years to grow before
867                   ! we need to thin again
868                   CALL thinning(taumin(ivm),taumax(ivm),thinstrat(ivm),&
869                        diameters_temp(:),circ_temp(:),&
870                        circ_class_kill(ipts,ivm,:,ifm_thin,icut_thin),&
871                        circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:),rdi_target_lower(ipts,ivm),&
872                        ivm,ipts)
874                   ! Debug
875                   IF(printlev_loc>=4 .AND. ipts == test_grid .AND. &
876                       ivm == test_pft)THEN
877                      WRITE(numout,*) 'Sapiens_forestry_main, circ_class_kill ',&
878                           circ_class_kill(ipts,ivm,:,ifm_thin,icut_thin)
879                      WRITE(numout,*) 'circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:) ',&
880                           circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:)
881                      DO icir=1,ncirc
882                         WRITE(numout,*) 'Sapiens_forestry_main, circ_biomass(iparts)',&
883                              icir,circ_class_biomass(ipts,ivm,icir,:,icarbon)
884                      ENDDO
885                   ENDIF
886                   !-
888                ENDIF ! rdi .GT. rdi_target_upper
890             ! Coppicing
891             ELSEIF(forest_managed(ipts,ivm).EQ.ifm_cop)THEN
893                ! This is for coppicing.
894                ! It makes no sense to coppice an evergreen tree species.
895                IF(is_needleleaf(ivm))THEN
897                   WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING', is_needleleaf(ivm)
898                   WRITE(numout,*) 'Sapiens_forestry_main, Coppicing (FM = 3) should  ' &
899                        // 'only be done on deciduous trees.'
900                   WRITE(numout,*) 'ipts,ivm,forest_managed(ipts,ivm): ',&
901                        ipts,ivm,forest_managed(ipts,ivm) 
902                   IF (err_act.GT.1) CALL ipslerr (2,'sapiens_forestry_main', &
903                        'Don t coppice conifers','','')
905                ENDIF
907                ! Depending on the age of the stand we have different options.
908                ! The current system is to do nothing until the diameter of the
909                ! trees is greater than a certain value.  Once this happens, we
910                ! coppice, saving the number of trees that exist in this stand.
911                ! The trees then regrow until they reach this diameter again.
912                ! Some trees will have died due to mortality.  At the second
913                ! (and subsequent) cuts, we redistribute the below ground root
914                ! mass to have the same number of trees as the first cut,
915                ! killing the fine roots and harvesting aboveground biomass.
917                ! Check first to see if the average diameter of the
918                ! stand is greater than the prescribed treshold parameter.
919                diameters_temp(:)=wood_to_dia(&
920                     circ_class_biomass(ipts,ivm,:,:,icarbon),ivm)
921                ave_tree_dia=zero
922                DO icir=1,ncirc
923                   ave_tree_dia=ave_tree_dia+diameters_temp(icir)*&
924                        circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,icir)
925                ENDDO
926                ave_tree_dia=ave_tree_dia/SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:))
928                ! Debug
929                IF(printlev_loc>=4)THEN
930                   WRITE(numout,*) 'Sapiens_forestry_main, Do we coppice? '
931                   WRITE(numout,*) 'ipts,ivm,SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:)) ',&
932                        ipts,ivm,SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:))
933                   WRITE(numout,*) 'ave_tree_dia,coppice_diameter, '&
934                        //'coppice_dens(ipts,ivm) ',&
935                        ave_tree_dia,coppice_diameter(ivm),coppice_dens(ipts,ivm)
936                ENDIF
937                !-
939                ! We have already coppiced once, so we know our target
940                ! tree density.
941                IF(ave_tree_dia .GE. coppice_diameter(ivm) .AND. &
942                     coppice_dens(ipts,ivm) .GT. zero)THEN
944                   ! Debug
945                   IF(printlev_loc>=4) WRITE(numout,*) 'Sapiens_forestry_main, '&
946                        // 'Coppicing second cut. '
947                   !-
949                   IF(ok_change_species)THEN
951                      ! The criteria coppicing are met but check whether
952                      ! we want to switch to a conservation strategy on
953                      ! this site.
954                      IF(fm_change_map(ipts,ivm) .EQ. ifm_none) THEN
956                         ! Change the management strategy in this case
957                         ! coppicing to conservation
958                         forest_managed(ipts,ivm) = ifm_none
960                      ELSEIF(fm_change_map(ipts,ivm).EQ.ifm_thin .OR. & 
961                         fm_change_map(ipts,ivm).EQ.ifm_src) THEN   
963                         ! We would like to change the forest management so
964                         ! this is a good opportunity. However, we can not
965                         ! simply coppice because then the roots will stay
966                         ! on the site. We have two options depending on
967                         ! whether we also want to change the species or
968                         ! not.
970                         ! Calculate the pft corresponding with the youngest
971                         ! age class of this species.
972                         igroup_new = species_change_map(ipts,ivm)
973                         igroup_old = agec_group(ivm)
975                         ! Debug
976                         IF(printlev_loc>=4)THEN
977                            WRITE(numout,*) 'replant coppice 1+?'
978                            WRITE(numout,*) 'igroup_new, igroup_old, ivm, ', &
979                                 igroup_new, igroup_old, ivm
980                         ENDIF
981                         !-
983                         IF(igroup_new.EQ.igroup_old)THEN
985                            ! We have the intention to replant with the same
986                            ! species and change to high stand management so
987                            ! it is better not to harvest the trees and let
988                            ! the coppice develop in standards.
989                            forest_managed(ipts,ivm) = ifm_thin
991                         ELSE
993                            ! We want to replace this coppice by another
994                            ! species and to change the management strategy.
995                            ! We have to make sure that the whole stand is
996                            ! harvested. If so biomass will be zero and
997                            ! the sapiens_forestry_flag_species_change routine will flag this
998                            ! PFT to be replanted in species_change the
999                            ! management will be changed
1000                            CALL clearcut_harvest(circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:), &
1001                              circ_class_kill(ipts,ivm,:,ifm_thin,icut_clear))
1003                         ENDIF !species_change
1005                      ELSE
1007                         ! The species/management change scenario does
1008                         ! not prescribe a change to a conservation strategy
1009                         ! but the criteria for coppicing are met. We have
1010                         ! already coppiced once, so we know our target
1011                         ! tree density.  We just have to mark all the trees
1012                         ! for coppicing.
1013                         circ_class_kill(ipts,ivm,:,ifm_cop,icut_cop2) = & 
1014                              circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:)
1016                      ENDIF
1018                   ELSE
1020                      ! Species/management changes are not considered. The
1021                      ! criteria for a coppice are met.  We have already
1022                      ! coppiced once, so we know our target tree density. 
1023                      ! We just have to mark all the trees for coppicing.
1024                      circ_class_kill(ipts,ivm,:,ifm_cop,icut_cop2) = &
1025                           circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:)
1027                   ENDIF
1030                ! First time coppicing still need to save the coppice density
1031                ELSEIF(ave_tree_dia .GE. coppice_diameter(ivm))THEN
1033                   ! debug
1034                   IF(printlev_loc>=4)THEN
1035                      WRITE(numout,*) 'Sapiens_forestry_main, Coppicing first cut. '
1036                      WRITE(numout,*) 'coppice_dens(ipts,ivm): ',&
1037                           SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:))
1038                   ENDIF
1040                   ! save this tree density.  We will reallocate to this in
1041                   ! future cuts.
1042                   coppice_dens(ipts,ivm)=SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:))
1044                   IF(ok_change_species)THEN
1046                      ! The criteria for coppicing are met but check whether
1047                      ! we want to switch to a conservation strategy on this
1048                      ! site.
1049                      IF( fm_change_map(ipts,ivm) .EQ. ifm_none) THEN
1051                         ! Change the management strategy in this case
1052                         ! coppicing to conservation
1053                         forest_managed(ipts,ivm) = ifm_none
1055                      ELSEIF(fm_change_map(ipts,ivm).EQ.ifm_thin .OR. &
1056                         fm_change_map(ipts,ivm).EQ.ifm_src) THEN
1058                         ! We would like to change the forest management so
1059                         ! this is a good opportunity. However, we can not
1060                         ! simply coppice because then the roots will stay
1061                         ! on the site. We have two options depending on
1062                         ! whether we also want to change the species or
1063                         ! not.
1065                         ! Calculate the pft corresponding with the youngest
1066                         ! age class of this species.
1067                         igroup_new = species_change_map(ipts,ivm)
1068                         igroup_old = agec_group(ivm)
1070                         ! Debug
1071                         IF(printlev_loc>=4)THEN
1072                            WRITE(numout,*) 'replant coppice 1?'
1073                            WRITE(numout,*) 'igroup_new, igroup_old, ivm, ', &
1074                                 igroup_new, igroup_old, ivm
1075                         ENDIF
1076                         !-
1078                         IF(igroup_new.EQ.igroup_old)THEN
1080                            ! We have the intention to replant with the same
1081                            ! species and change to high stand management so
1082                            ! it is better not to harvest the trees and let
1083                            ! the coppice develop in standards. Stop coppicing
1084                            ! and change the management
1085                            forest_managed(ipts,ivm) = ifm_thin
1087                         ELSE
1089                            ! We want to replace this coppice by another
1090                            ! species and by another management strategy.
1091                            ! We have to make sure that the whole stand is
1092                            ! harvested. If so, biomass will be zero and
1093                            ! the sapiens_forestry_flag_species_change routine will flag this
1094                            ! PFT to be replanted. In species_change the
1095                            ! management will be changed and the new PFT
1096                            ! will be set.
1097                            CALL clearcut_harvest(circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:), &
1098                              circ_class_kill(ipts,ivm,:,ifm_thin,icut_clear))
1100                         ENDIF !species_change
1102                      ELSE
1104                         ! The species/management change scenario does
1105                         ! not prescribe a change to a conservation strategy
1106                         ! but the criteria for a coppicing are met. This is
1107                         ! the first coppice. Mark all the trees
1108                         ! for coppicing.
1109                         circ_class_kill(ipts,ivm,:,ifm_cop,icut_cop1) = &
1110                              circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:)
1112                      ENDIF
1114                   ELSE
1116                      ! Species/management changes are not considered. The
1117                      ! criteria for a coppice are met. Mark all the trees
1118                      ! for coppicing.
1119                      circ_class_kill(ipts,ivm,:,ifm_cop,icut_cop1) = &
1120                           circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:)
1122                   ENDIF
1124                ELSE
1126                   ! We don't need to coppice anything.
1128                ENDIF
1130             ! This is for short rotation coppices.
1131             ELSEIF(forest_managed(ipts,ivm).EQ.ifm_src)THEN
1133                ! It makes no sense to coppice an evergreen tree. SRC is limited
1134                ! to poplar and willow species.
1135                IF(.NOT. is_deciduous(ivm))THEN
1137                   WRITE(numout,*) 'ERROR: Sapiens_forestry_main, Short rotation ' &
1138                        // ' coppicing (FM = 4)' & 
1139                        // 'should only be done on deciduous trees.'
1140                   WRITE(numout,*) 'ipts,ivm,forest_managed(ipts,ivm): ',&
1141                       ipts,ivm,forest_managed(ipts,ivm) 
1142                   IF (err_act.GT.1) CALL ipslerr (3,'ERROR: sapiens_forestry_main', &
1143                        'SRC should only be done on deciduous trees.',&
1144                        'Look in the output file for ERROR.','')
1146                ENDIF
1148                ! Debug
1149                IF(printlev_loc>=4)THEN
1150                   WRITE(numout,*) 'Sapiens_forestry_main, Do we SRC? '
1151                   WRITE(numout,*) 'ipts,ivm,SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:)) ',&
1152                        ipts,ivm,SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:))
1153                   WRITE(numout,*) 'age_stand(ipts,ivm),src_rot_length(ivm),' &
1154                        // ' coppice_dens(ipts,ivm): ',&
1155                        age_stand(ipts,ivm),src_rot_length(ivm), &
1156                        coppice_dens(ipts,ivm)
1157                   WRITE(numout,*) 'src_nrots(ivm) ',&
1158                        src_nrots(ivm)
1159                ENDIF
1160                !-
1162                ! NOTE: SRC is not implemented as a historic forest
1163                ! management strategy but only used as a future strategy.
1164                ! Hence, for the moment we never have the situation where we
1165                ! decide we want to convert an SRC into an unmanaged forest.
1166                ! This is not a very realist conversion anyway. Contrary to
1167                ! ifm_none, ifm_cop and ifm_thin we don not check whether
1168                ! the future management strategy is ifm_none.
1170                ! The qualifications for doing a short rotation coppice are
1171                ! fairly simple.  It's based on the age of the stand. 
1172                ! We harvest all the aboveground biomass.  After a certain
1173                ! number of rotations, we harvest the aboveground and kill
1174                ! the belowground.
1175                ! says that 30
1176                ! years between total harvests.
1177                IF(MOD(age_stand(ipts,ivm),src_rot_length(ivm)) == 0)THEN
1179                   nrotations=age_stand(ipts,ivm)/src_rot_length(ivm)
1181                   IF(nrotations == src_nrots(ivm))THEN
1183                      ! Debug
1184                      IF(printlev_loc>=4) WRITE(numout,*) 'Sapiens_forestry_main, ' &
1185                           // 'SRC final harvest. '
1186                      !-
1188                      ! This is the final harvest, where we will kill
1189                      ! all belowground biomass.
1190                      circ_class_kill(ipts,ivm,:,ifm_src,icut_cop3)=&
1191                           circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:)
1193                   ELSEIF(nrotations == 1)THEN
1195                      ! Debug
1196                       IF(printlev_loc>=4) WRITE(numout,*) 'Sapiens_forestry_main, '&
1197                           // 'SRC first harvest. '
1198                       !-
1200                      ! This is the first harvest, which will lead
1201                      ! to coppices. Save this tree density. We will
1202                      ! reallocate to this in future cuts.
1203                      coppice_dens(ipts,ivm)=SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:))
1205                      ! Mark all trees for the first coppice cut.
1206                      circ_class_kill(ipts,ivm,:,ifm_src,icut_cop1)= &
1207                           circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:)
1209                   ELSEIF(nrotations < src_nrots(ivm))THEN
1211                      ! Debug
1212                      IF(printlev_loc>=4) WRITE(numout,*) 'Sapiens_forestry_main, ' &
1213                           // 'SRC standard harvest. '
1214                      !-
1216                      ! This is a standard harvest where we take the
1217                      ! aboveground biomass and leave the belowground.
1218                      ! Mark all trees for a standard coppice cut.
1219                      circ_class_kill(ipts,ivm,:,ifm_src,icut_cop2)=&
1220                           circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:)
1222                  ELSE
1224                      WRITE(numout,*) 'ERROR: Sapiens_forestry_main, How did we arrive '&
1225                           // 'here? We must have '
1226                      WRITE(numout,*) 'somehow skipped the harvest in SRC. '
1227                      WRITE(numout,*) 'ipts, ivm: ',ipts,ivm
1228                      WRITE(numout,*) 'nrotations,src_nrots(ivm): ',&
1229                           nrotations,src_nrots(ivm)
1230                      IF(err_act.GT.1) CALL ipslerr(3,'ERROR: sapiens_forestry_main', &
1231                           'Somehow skipped harvest in SRC.',&
1232                           'Look in the output file for ERROR.','')
1234                   ENDIF ! check to see how many rotations we've done
1237                ENDIF ! checking if it's a harvest year
1239             ELSE
1241                WRITE(numout,*) 'Sapiens_forestry_main, We do not have any action '&
1242                     //'for this management strategy'
1243                WRITE(numout,*) 'forest_managed(ipts,ivm),ipts,ivm ', &
1244                     forest_managed(ipts,ivm),ipts,ivm
1245                IF(err_act.GT.1) CALL ipslerr(3,'ERROR: sapiens_forestry_main', &
1246                     'No action for this management strategy.',&
1247                     'Look in the output file for ERROR.','')
1249             ENDIF ! test of management strategy
1251          END IF
1253       ENDDO pft
1255    ENDDO
1257    ! Debug
1258    IF(printlev_loc>=4)THEN
1259       DO ipts=1,npts
1260          DO ivm=1,nvm
1262             DO icir = 1,ncirc
1263                IF(ipts == test_grid .AND. ivm == test_pft)THEN
1264                   WRITE(numout,*) 'Sapiens_forestry_main, How many trees do we kill?'
1265                   WRITE(numout,*) 'Name  icir  test_pft  circ_class_kill  '
1266                   WRITE(numout,*) 'Thin ',icir,test_pft,&
1267                     circ_class_kill(test_grid,test_pft,:,ifm_thin,icut_thin)
1268                   WRITE(numout,*) 'Clearcut ',icir,test_pft,&
1269                        circ_class_kill(test_grid,test_pft,:,ifm_thin,icut_clear)
1270                   WRITE(numout,*) 'Coppice 1 ',icir,test_pft,&
1271                        circ_class_kill(test_grid,test_pft,:,ifm_cop,icut_cop1)
1272                   WRITE(numout,*) 'Coppice 2 ',icir,test_pft,&
1273                        circ_class_kill(test_grid,test_pft,:,ifm_cop,icut_cop2)
1274                   WRITE(numout,*) 'SRC 1 ',icir,test_pft,&
1275                        circ_class_kill(test_grid,test_pft,:,ifm_src,icut_cop1)
1276                   WRITE(numout,*) 'SRC 2 ',icir,test_pft,&
1277                        circ_class_kill(test_grid,test_pft,:,ifm_src,icut_cop2)
1278                   WRITE(numout,*) 'SRC 3 ',icir,test_pft,&
1279                        circ_class_kill(test_grid,test_pft,:,ifm_src,icut_cop3)
1280                ENDIF
1281             ENDDO
1283          ENDDO
1284       ENDDO
1285    ENDIF
1286    !-
1289 !! 4. Check mass balance closure
1291    IF (err_act.GT.1) THEN
1293       ! 3.2 Mass balance closure
1294       ! 3.2.1 Calculate final biomass
1295       pool_end(:,:,:) = zero 
1296       DO ipar = 1,nparts
1297          DO iele = 1,nelements
1298             DO icir = 1,ncirc
1299                pool_end(:,:,iele) = pool_end(:,:,iele) + &
1300                     (circ_class_biomass(:,:,icir,ipar,iele) * &
1301                     circ_class_n(:,:,icir) * veget_max(:,:))
1302             ENDDO
1303          ENDDO
1304       ENDDO
1306       ! 3.2.2 Calculate mass balance
1307       ! Common processes
1308       DO iele=1,nelements
1309          check_intern(:,:,ipoolchange,iele) = -un * (pool_end(:,:,iele) - &
1310               pool_start(:,:,iele)) 
1311       ENDDO
1313       closure_intern(:,:,:) = zero
1314       DO imbc = 1,nmbcomp
1315          DO iele=1,nelements
1316             ! Debug
1317             closure_intern(:,:,iele) = closure_intern(:,:,iele) + &
1318                  check_intern(:,:,imbc,iele)
1319          ENDDO
1320       ENDDO
1322       ! 3.3 Check mass balance closure
1323       CALL check_mass_balance("sapiens_forestry_main", closure_intern, npts, &
1324            pool_end, pool_start, veget_max, 'pft')
1326    ENDIF ! err_act.GT.1
1329    IF (printlev >= 4) WRITE(numout,*) 'Leaving sapiens_forestry_main'
1331  END SUBROUTINE sapiens_forestry_main
1335!! ================================================================================================================================
1336!! SUBROUTINE    : clearcut_harvest
1338!>\BRIEF        Marks all the trees at this point and this PFT for clearing
1340!! DESCRIPTION   : This marks all the trees in this stand for killing.  The
1341!!                 difference between this and clearcut_noharvest is that
1342!!                 these trees are moved into the harvest pools in stomate_kill,
1343!!                 where only the branches should be left onsite.
1345!! RECENT CHANGE(S): None
1347!! MAIN OUTPUT VARIABLE(S): ::circ_class_kill; the number of trees in each circumference class to kill
1349!! REFERENCE(S)   : See above, module description.
1351!! FLOWCHART    :
1352!! \latexonly
1353!! \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{clearcutflow.jpg}
1354!! \endlatexonly
1355!! \n
1356!_ ================================================================================================================================
1358  SUBROUTINE clearcut_harvest(circ_class_n_temp, circ_class_kill_temp)
1362 !! 0  Variable and parameter declaration
1364    !! 0.1 Input variables
1365    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in)            :: circ_class_n_temp          !! Number of trees in each circumference
1366                                                                                   !! class
1367    !! 0.2 Output variables
1368    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(out)           :: circ_class_kill_temp       !! Number of trees within a circ that needs
1369                                                                                   !! to be killed @tex $(ind m^{-2})$ @endtex 
1371    !! 0.3 Modified variables
1373    !! 0.4 Local variables
1376!_ ================================================================================================================================
1379    ! This routine has gotten much simpler.  All we want to do here is to
1380    ! indicate how many trees we want to kill.  The actual killing of
1381    ! the trees will be done in lpj_gap.  As this is a clearcut, we
1382    ! want to kill all of the trees.
1383    circ_class_kill_temp(:)=circ_class_n_temp(:)
1386  END SUBROUTINE clearcut_harvest
1388!! ================================================================================================================================
1389!! SUBROUTINE    : thinning
1391!>\BRIEF        Thinning of the stand in gridpoint i for PFT j according to the
1392!! management type (self-thinning, anthropogenic thinning, smoothed anthropogenic
1393!! thinning or coppicing). Selects which trees are thinned in order to respect
1394!! self-thinning rules or rdi_objective. Only trees with circumference lower than
1395!! circ_lim can be thinned.
1397!! DESCRIPTION   : None
1399!! RECENT CHANGE(S): None
1401!! MAIN OUTPUT VARIABLE(S): ::circ_ij0; circumference of all individual trees
1402!! before thinning for 1 ha at gridpoint i and for PFT j (m), ::vol_thinned
1403!! Volume of thinned trees including waste wood \f$(m^3 ha^{-1})\f$ all other readjusted
1404!! stand-level variables: ::rdi, ::ind, ::av_height, ...
1406!! REFERENCE(S)   : See above, module description.
1408!! FLOWCHART    :
1409!! \latexonly
1410!! \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{thinningflow.jpg}
1411!! \endlatexonly
1412!! \n
1413!_ ================================================================================================================================
1415  SUBROUTINE thinning(tmin,tmax,thstrat,diameters_temp, &
1416       circ_temp,circ_class_kill_temp,circ_class_n_temp,&
1417       rdi_limit,ivm,ipts)
1419 !! 0  Variable and parameter declaration
1421    !! 0.1 Input variables
1422    REAL(r_std), INTENT(in)                      :: tmin
1423    REAL(r_std), INTENT(in)                      :: tmax
1424    REAL(r_std), INTENT(in)                      :: thstrat
1425    REAL(r_std), INTENT(in)                      :: rdi_limit
1426    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in)        :: diameters_temp
1427    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in)        :: circ_temp
1428    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in)        :: circ_class_n_temp
1429    INTEGER(i_std),INTENT(IN)                    :: ivm
1430    INTEGER(i_std),INTENT(IN)                    :: ipts
1433    !! 0.2 Output variables
1434    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(out)       :: circ_class_kill_temp
1436    !! 0.3 Modified variables
1438    !! 0.4 Local variables
1439    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(ncirc)                :: probability
1440    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(ncirc)                :: circ_class_kill_pot
1441    REAL(r_std)                                  :: circmax
1442    REAL(r_std)                                  :: circmin
1443    REAL(r_std)                                  :: current_rdi
1444    REAL(r_std)                                  :: potential_rdi
1445    REAL(r_std)                                  :: dead_trees
1446    REAL(r_std)                                  :: previous_step
1447    INTEGER    :: icir,endcir,startcir,inccir,nsteps_tried
1450   INTEGER :: istep1 
1452!_ ================================================================================================================================   
1454   ! We are going to assign a thinning probability to every
1455   ! circumference class, based on Eq. 12 in Bellassen 2010. 
1456   ! He does it there for individual trees. The equation
1457   ! differs based on the thinning strategy used (from above or below).
1458   ! Note that although the biomasses are sorted this does not guarantee
1459   ! that the circumferences are sorted as well because circumference
1460   ! largely depends on the heartwood mass but biomass also contains
1461   ! more volatile pools such as leaves and roots and these pools
1462   ! are not always in equilibrium (they may have too little leaves/roots for
1463   ! their sapwood). If the model experiences some limitations (for example
1464   ! C-limitation when doing allocation) there are some rules that first
1465   ! allocate to a certain circ_class. If this happened the total biomass
1466   ! of a tree in, e.g. the second circ_class may be higher than total biomass
1467   ! of a tree in the third circ_class but the circumference of the tree in the
1468   ! third class will still exceed that of the second class. Long story to
1469   ! justify why MINVAL and MAXVAL are used instead of circ_temp(1) and
1470   ! circ_temp(ncirc)
1471   circ_class_kill_temp(:)=zero
1472   circmin=MINVAL(circ_temp(:))
1473   circmax=MAXVAL(circ_temp(:))
1474   probability(:)=zero
1476   DO icir=1,ncirc
1478      IF(thstrat .GE. zero)THEN
1480         ! thinning from below         
1481         IF(ncirc == 1)THEN
1483            ! In this case, circmin=circmax and the denominator will be
1484            ! zero.  However, if we have only one circ class it doesn't really
1485            ! matter what the probability is set to, because all the biomass
1486            ! has to come from this circ class.  So we set it equal to the
1487            ! minimum probability.
1488            probability(icir)=tmin
1490         ELSE
1492            probability(icir)=tmin+(tmax-tmin)*((circmax-circ_temp(icir))/&
1493                 (circmax-circmin))**thstrat
1495         ENDIF ! ncirc ==1
1497      ELSE !thstrat
1499         ! thinning from above
1500         IF(ncirc == 1)THEN
1502            ! Same issue as above
1503            probability(icir)=tmin
1505         ELSE
1507            probability(icir)=tmin+(tmax-tmin)*&
1508                 ((circ_temp(icir)-circmin)/(circmax-circmin))**ABS(thstrat)
1510         ENDIF !ncirc == 1
1512      ENDIF ! thstrat
1514      ! Debug
1515      IF(printlev_loc>=4 .AND. ivm == test_pft .AND. ipts == test_grid)THEN
1516         WRITE(numout,*) 'probability',probability(icir),icir
1517         WRITE(numout,*) 'circ_temp',circ_temp(icir),icir
1518         WRITE(numout,*) 'tmin,tmax',tmin,tmax
1519         WRITE(numout,*) 'circmin,circmax',circmin,circmax
1520         WRITE(numout,*) 'thstrat',thstrat
1521      ENDIF
1522      CALL flush(numout)
1523      !-
1525   ENDDO
1527   ! now we need to kill enough trees to get down to the proper density.  If we
1528   ! are thinning from above, we start from the highest class, and from
1529   ! below, we start from the lowest.  One thing to keep in mind here is
1530   ! that it is possible that we have not removed enough trees after looping
1531   ! through all the circ classes one time, so we need to keep looping through
1532   ! until our density is low enough.
1533   IF(thstrat .GE. zero)THEN
1534      startcir=1
1535      endcir=ncirc
1536      inccir=1
1537   ELSE
1538      startcir=ncirc
1539      endcir=1
1540      inccir=-1
1541   ENDIF
1543   istep1=0
1544   thin_out:DO
1545      istep1=istep1+1
1547      IF(istep1 .GT. 1000)THEN
1549         ! Something is wrong.  Why did it take us so many steps?
1550         WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING: Taking too many steps in thinning'
1551         WRITE(numout,*) 'ipts,ivm: ',ipts,ivm
1552         WRITE(numout,*) 'current_rdi, rdi_limit: ',current_rdi,rdi_limit
1553         IF(istep1 .GT. 1001)THEN
1554            WRITE(numout,*) 'Exiting the loop'
1555            CALL flush(numout)
1556            EXIT thin_out
1557         ENDIF
1559      ENDIF
1561      DO icir=startcir,endcir,inccir
1563         ! check the density to see if we have gotten enough trees. 
1564         ! Notice we only want to include the trees that will still
1565         ! be living at the end of this step
1566         current_rdi=calculate_rdi(diameters_temp(:),circ_class_n_temp(:)-&
1567              circ_class_kill_temp(:),ivm)
1569         ! Debug
1570         IF(printlev_loc>=4 .AND. ivm == test_pft .AND. &
1571              ipts == test_grid)THEN
1572            WRITE(numout,*) 'Debugging thinning',ivm
1573            WRITE(numout,*) 'icir,startcir,endcir,inccir',&
1574                 icir,startcir,endcir,inccir
1575            WRITE(numout,*) 'rdi_limit',rdi_limit
1576            WRITE(numout,*) 'current_rdi', current_rdi
1577            CALL flush(numout)
1578         ENDIF
1579         !-
1581         IF( current_rdi .LE. rdi_limit)THEN     
1582            EXIT thin_out
1583         ENDIF
1585         ! if not, we need to kill some or all of the trees in this class
1586         ! this is the maximum number of trees we can kill in this circ class
1587         dead_trees=probability(icir)*&
1588              (circ_class_n_temp(icir)-circ_class_kill_temp(icir))
1590         ! if we kill all these trees, can we get the RDI as low as we want?
1591         circ_class_kill_pot(:)=circ_class_kill_temp(:)
1592         circ_class_kill_pot(icir)=circ_class_kill_temp(icir)+dead_trees
1593         potential_rdi=calculate_rdi(diameters_temp(:),&
1594              circ_class_n_temp(:)-circ_class_kill_pot(:),ivm)
1596         ! Debug
1597         IF(printlev_loc>=4 .AND. ivm == test_pft .AND. ipts == test_grid)THEN
1598            WRITE(numout,*) 'potential_rdi,rdi_limit',potential_rdi,rdi_limit
1599            WRITE(numout,*) 'diameters_tmep',diameters_temp(icir)
1600            WRITE(numout,*) 'circ_class_n_temp',circ_class_n_temp(icir)
1601            WRITE(numout,*) 'circ_class_kill_pot',circ_class_kill_pot(icir)
1602            WRITE(numout,*) 'circ_class_kill_temp',circ_class_kill_temp(icir)
1603            WRITE(numout,*) 'dead_trees',dead_trees
1604            WRITE(numout,*) 'probability',probability(icir)
1605            CALL flush(numout)
1606         ENDIF
1607         !-
1609         IF(circ_class_kill_pot(icir) .LT. -min_stomate)THEN
1610            WRITE(numout,*) 'ERROR: Negative value of circ_class_kill_pot.'
1611            WRITE(numout,*) 'ipts, ivm, icir: ',ipts,ivm,icir
1612            WRITE(numout,*) 'pot ',circ_class_kill_pot(icir)
1613            WRITE(numout,*) 'kill ',circ_class_kill_temp(icir)
1614            WRITE(numout,*) 'n ',circ_class_n_temp(icir)
1615            WRITE(numout,*) 'dead_trees ',dead_trees
1616            WRITE(numout,*) 'probability',probability(icir)
1617            IF (err_act.GT.1) CALL ipslerr_p (3,'forestry', &
1618                 'Bad value of circ_class_kill_pot.',&
1619                 'Look in the output file for ERROR.',&
1620                 '')
1621         ENDIF
1623         IF(potential_rdi .LE. rdi_limit)THEN
1625            ! yes we can.  How do we know how many trees to kill, though? 
1626            ! The problem is that the RDI depends on the diameters of the
1627            ! remaining trees in a non-linear fashion. Let us do a simple
1628            ! bisection search. If we are here, we know that
1629            ! circ_class_kill_pot(icir) is too high. So cut it in half and
1630            ! try again.
1631            previous_step=dead_trees/deux
1632            circ_class_kill_pot(icir)=circ_class_kill_temp(icir)+previous_step
1633            nsteps_tried=0
1634            inner_loop:DO
1636               potential_rdi=calculate_rdi(diameters_temp(:),&
1637                    circ_class_n_temp(:)-circ_class_kill_pot(:),ivm)
1638               nsteps_tried=nsteps_tried+1
1640               !+++CHECK+++
1641               ! this value should be externalised
1642               ! Our RDI is within our tolerance of the target, so we're good.
1643               IF( ABS(potential_rdi - rdi_limit) .LE. 0.001_r_std)THEN
1644                  EXIT inner_loop
1645               ENDIF
1646               !+++++++++++
1648               ! Is our potential RDI too high or too low?
1649               previous_step=previous_step/deux
1650               IF(potential_rdi .GT. rdi_limit)THEN
1652                  ! We need to kill more trees, so we add half of our
1653                  ! previous step size back.
1654                  circ_class_kill_pot(icir)=circ_class_kill_pot(icir)+&
1655                       previous_step
1657               ELSE
1659                  ! We need to kill fewer trees, so we take half of our
1660                  ! previous step size away.
1661                  circ_class_kill_pot(icir)=circ_class_kill_pot(icir)-&
1662                       previous_step
1664               ENDIF
1666               ! Debug
1667               IF(ivm == test_pft .AND. ipts == test_grid .AND. &
1668                    printlev_loc>=4)THEN
1669                  WRITE(numout,*) 'nsteps_tried ',nsteps_tried
1670                  WRITE(numout,*) 'pot ',circ_class_kill_pot(:)
1671                  WRITE(numout,*) 'kill ',circ_class_kill_temp(:)
1672                  WRITE(numout,*) 'n ',circ_class_n_temp(:)
1673                  CALL flush(numout)
1674               ENDIF
1675               !-
1677               !+++CHECK+++
1678               ! this value should be externalised
1679               IF(nsteps_tried .GT. 100)THEN
1680                  WRITE(numout,*) 'ERROR:Trying too many steps in '&
1681                       //'the bisection search in forestry thinning.'
1682                  WRITE(numout,*) 'ivm: ',ivm
1683                  WRITE(numout,*) 'pot ',circ_class_kill_pot(:)
1684                  WRITE(numout,*) 'kill ',circ_class_kill_temp(:)
1685                  WRITE(numout,*) 'n ',circ_class_n_temp(:)
1686                  IF(err_act.GT.1) CALL ipslerr_p (3,'ERROR: forestry', &
1687                       'Too many steps in the bisection.',&
1688                       'Look in the output file for ERROR.','')
1689               ENDIF
1690               !+++++++++++
1692            ENDDO inner_loop
1694            ! Schedule the trees for killing.
1695            circ_class_kill_temp(icir)=circ_class_kill_pot(icir)
1696            EXIT thin_out
1698         ELSE
1700            ! No we can't, so we have to kill all possible trees and
1701            ! move onto the next class
1702            circ_class_kill_temp(icir)=circ_class_kill_temp(icir)+dead_trees
1704         ENDIF
1707      ENDDO
1709      ! check to see if we have any trees left.  We should! 
1710      ! If not, there is a problem, and we need to catch it
1711      ! to avoid an infinite loop.
1712      IF( (SUM(circ_class_n_temp(:)) - SUM(circ_class_kill_temp(:))) .LE. &
1713           min_stomate)THEN
1714         WRITE(numout,*) 'ERROR: We are thinning, but we have no trees left!'
1715         WRITE(numout,*) 'ivm ',ivm
1716         WRITE(numout,*) 'kill ',circ_class_kill_temp(:)
1717         WRITE(numout,*) 'n ',circ_class_n_temp(:)
1718         IF(err_act.GT.1) CALL ipslerr_p (3,'ERROR: forestry', &
1719              'Thinning, but no trees left.',&
1720              'Look in the output file for ERROR.','')
1721       ENDIF
1723    ENDDO thin_out
1725  END SUBROUTINE thinning
1728!! ================================================================================================================================
1729!! SUBROUTINE  sapiens_forestry_species_change
1731!>\BRIEF       When a PFT is harvest a new PFT with another species and management strategy
1732!!             is replanted.
1734!! DESCRIPTION   :   When a PFT is harvest a new PFT with another species and management strategy
1735!!                   is replanted. The routine creates new values for veget_max_new which are then
1736!!                   used in sapiens_lcchange to really change the PFTs.
1738!!                   The routine sapiens_forestry_species_change is only used when ::ok_change_species is .TRUE. and
1739!!                   makes use of the information contained in the species_change map and the
1740!!                   desired_fm_map. As an alternative to these maps single values can be specified
1741!!                   in the run.def for species_change_force and fm_change_force. Although in
1742!!                   species change and management change are more or less independently called in
1743!!                   in the code the objective is to call them at the same time. This independence
1744!!                   was used a bit for debugging but hasn't been tested.
1747!! RECENT CHANGE(S) : None
1749!! MAIN OUTPUT VARIABLE(S): ::forest_managed, ::veget_max_new
1751!! REFERENCE(S)   :
1753!! FLOWCHART    :
1754!! \n
1755!_ ================================================================================================================================
1758  SUBROUTINE sapiens_forestry_species_change(npts, lpft_replant, veget_max_new_species, forest_managed, &
1759       species_change_map, veget_max, fm_change_map)
1763  !! 0. Variable and parameter declaration
1765    !! 0.1 Input variables
1766    INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in)                       :: npts                   !! Domain size (unitless)
1767    INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)       :: species_change_map     !! A map which gives the PFT number that each
1768                                                                               !! PFT will be replanted as in case of a clearcut.
1769                                                                               !! (1-nvm,unitless)
1770    INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)       :: fm_change_map          !! A map which gives the desired FM strategy when
1771                                                                               !! the PFT will be replanted after a clearcut.
1772                                                                               !! (1-nvm,unitless)
1774    !! 0.2 Output variables
1777    !! 0.3 Modified variables
1778    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(inout)       :: veget_max              !! "Maximal" coverage fraction of a PFT (LAI
1779                                                                               !! -> infinity) on ground. Includes
1780                                                                               !! the nobio fraction, so may sum to
1781                                                                               !! less than unity.
1782    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:),INTENT(out)          :: veget_max_new_species  !! New "maximal" coverage fraction of a PFT
1783                                                                               !! (LAI -> infinity)  Includes
1784                                                                               !! the nobio fraction, so may sum to
1785                                                                               !! less than unity. (unitless)
1786    LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(inout)           :: lpft_replant           !! Set to true if a PFT has been clearcut
1787                                                                               !! and needs to be replaced by another species
1788    INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION (:,:), INTENT(inout)   :: forest_managed         !! forest management flag (is the forest
1789                                                                               !! being managed?)
1791    !! 0.4 Local variables
1792    INTEGER                                          :: ipts,ivm,count         !! Indices
1793    INTEGER                                          :: ivm_young_new_species  !! Indices
1794    INTEGER                                          :: ivm_young_old_species  !! Indices
1795    REAL(r_std)                                      :: diff                   !! Difference in surface area before and after
1796                                                                               !! a species change (should be zero!)
1797    REAL(r_std)                                      :: temp_veget_max 
1800    ! Initialize variable(s)
1801    veget_max_new_species(:,:)=zero
1802    count=zero
1804    ! Check whether replanting is required and if so update
1805    ! the management strategy where needed.
1806    DO ipts = 1,npts
1808       ! Search the PFT that needs to be replanted and replant it
1809       DO ivm=1,nvm
1811          IF (is_tree(ivm)) THEN
1813             ! Was the PFT harvested this year? If so, there is an
1814             ! opportunity to replant
1815             IF(lpft_replant(ipts,ivm))THEN
1817                ! Keep track of the number of species changes. In
1818                ! case none occur veget_max_new should equal veget_max
1819                ! else the mass balance check in LCC will think
1820                ! there was a change in PFTs and will generate errors.
1821                count = count + 1
1823                ! Plant the new PFT in the youngest age class. Find
1824                ! out which PFT is the youngest member of the group
1825                ! that we want to regrow.
1826                ivm_young_new_species = zero
1827                DO
1829                   ! Repeat this loop until the matching age class is found
1830                   ! or an error occurs
1831                   ivm_young_new_species=ivm_young_new_species+1
1833                   IF(ivm_young_new_species .GT. nvm)THEN
1834                      WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR: Can not find young PFT for this age class."
1835                      WRITE(numout,*) "ipts, ivm: ",ipts, ivm
1836                      WRITE(numout,*) "species_change_map(ipts,:): ",species_change_map(ipts,:)
1837                      CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry_species_change', &
1838                           'Could not find the youngest PFT in this age class.',&
1839                           'Something may be wrong with the species_change_map.',&
1840                           'Check the out_orchidee file for details.')
1841                   ENDIF
1843                   ! It is confirmed that we found ivm_young_new_species for the pft
1844                   ! under consideration. This test requires that the age classes are
1845                   ! defined such that the youngest age class comes first and that the
1846                   ! age classes of the same species are grouped (see sapiens_lcchange.f90
1847                   ! where the age classes are defined)
1848                   IF(agec_group(ivm_young_new_species) == species_change_map(ipts,ivm))THEN
1849                      EXIT
1850                   ENDIF
1852                ENDDO ! Searching youngest age class for this species
1854                ! The lpft_replant flag is set in sapiens_forestry or stomate_kill.
1855                ! Soon after those routines the killing takes place and when
1856                ! age classes are used veget_max is updated. This means that
1857                ! the veget_max of the oldest age class that was just harvested
1858                ! has been moved to the youngest age class of the species that
1859                ! was harvested. Possibly there was already something in this youngest
1860                ! age class from previous time steps. The veget_max of the youngest
1861                ! ages class may thus be larger than the veget_max of the age class
1862                ! that was harvested at this time step.
1863                ivm_young_old_species = start_index(agec_group(ivm))
1865                ! Is there really a species change?
1866                IF (ivm .EQ. ivm_young_new_species) THEN
1868                   ! lpft_replant is true but there is no real species change
1869                   ! Changes from PFTs earlier in the list could already have
1870                   ! resulted in an increase of veget_max_new_species
1871                   !veget_max_new_species(ipts,ivm) = veget_max_new_species(ipts,ivm) + &
1872                   !     veget_max(ipts,ivm)
1873                   veget_max_new_species(ipts,ivm_young_new_species) = &
1874                        veget_max_new_species(ipts,ivm_young_new_species) + &
1875                        veget_max(ipts,ivm)
1877                   !---TEMP---
1878                   IF(printlev_loc>=4) THEN
1879                      WRITE(numout,*) 'Species change - PFT is the same', ivm
1880                      WRITE(numout,*) 'Management type, ', &
1881                           forest_managed(ipts,ivm)
1882                   ENDIF
1883                   !----------
1885                ELSE
1887                   ! There is a real species change. Add the ground area of the
1888                   ! old PFT to the ground area of the new PFT.
1889                   ! +++CHECK+++
1890                   ! It seems that in relatively few cases the veget_max of the
1891                   ! killed PFT has not been moved to the youngest age class
1892                   ! of that PFT - Need to find when this happens and fix the
1893                   ! problem where it occurs (may be it is related to FM3?)
1894                   ! but here we added a quick patch. Note that
1895                   ! this code is also used in the case where the youngest age
1896                   ! class of the PFT was removed. The code moves the whole PFT
1897                   ! at once the old PFT can be set to zero.
1898                   IF (veget_max(ipts,ivm) .GT. min_stomate) THEN
1900                      ! Replant with the new species
1901                      veget_max_new_species(ipts,ivm_young_new_species) = &
1902                           veget_max_new_species(ipts,ivm_young_new_species) + &
1903                           veget_max(ipts,ivm)
1904                      veget_max_new_species(ipts,ivm) = zero
1906                      ! Patch the old species - in land cover change
1907                      ! (adjust_delta_veget) we check whether the changes make
1908                      ! sense. Those checks will fail unless we make it look
1909                      ! as if the the youngest PFT was replanted by another
1910                      ! species
1911                      IF (ivm .EQ. ivm_young_old_species) THEN
1912                        WRITE(numout,*) &
1913                        '1 st class of age cant be replaced by itself' , ivm, ivm_young_old_species
1914                      ELSE
1915                        !veget_max(ipts,ivm_young_old_species) = &
1916                        !    veget_max(ipts,ivm_young_old_species) + veget_max(ipts,ivm)
1917                        !veget_max(ipts,ivm) = zero
1918                      ENDIF
1919                      !---TEMP---
1920                      IF(printlev_loc>=4) THEN
1921                         WRITE(numout,*) 'Species change - patch', ivm
1922                         WRITE(numout,*) 'Future PFT',veget_max(ipts,ivm_young_old_species)
1923                         WRITE(numout,*) 'current PFT',veget_max(ipts,ivm)
1924                         WRITE(numout,*) 'Management type, ', forest_managed(ipts,ivm)
1925                      ENDIF
1926                      !----------
1928                   ! Pure case
1929                   ELSEIF (veget_max(ipts,ivm_young_old_species) .GT. min_stomate) THEN 
1931                      ! The PFT with the replant label is for example 47. Because the
1932                      ! PFT has been correctly killed it was replanted in PFT 45 but
1933                      ! for PFT 45 the replant flag is FALSE so the surface area will
1934                      ! be copied from veget_max(ipts,45) to
1935                      ! veget_max_new_species(ipts,45). We will first undo the copy
1936                      ! from 47 to 45. Say that,for example, PFT 45 (young_old) had to
1937                      ! become PFT 13 (young_new). We will then replant the correct
1938                      ! surface are with PFT 13.
1939                      veget_max_new_species(ipts,ivm_young_old_species) = &
1940                           veget_max_new_species(ipts,ivm_young_old_species) - &
1941                           veget_max(ipts,ivm_young_old_species)
1942                      veget_max_new_species(ipts,ivm_young_new_species) = &
1943                           veget_max_new_species(ipts,ivm_young_new_species) + &
1944                           veget_max(ipts,ivm_young_old_species)
1946                      !---TEMP---
1947                      IF(printlev_loc>=4) THEN
1948                         WRITE(numout,*) 'Species change - pure case', ivm
1949                         WRITE(numout,*) 'management type, ', &
1950                              forest_managed(ipts,ivm_young_new_species)
1951                      ENDIF
1952                      !----------
1954                   ! Unexpected case
1955                   ELSE
1957                      WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING: species change - unexpected case'
1958                      IF(err_act.GT.1)THEN
1959                         WRITE(numout,*) "ipts, ivm: ",ipts, ivm
1960                         CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry', &
1961                           'Species change','unexpected case in IF-loop','')
1962                      ENDIF
1964                   ENDIF
1965                   ! +++++++++++
1967                ENDIF ! Anthropogenic species change?
1969                ! Use the new management strategy. The way the desired management
1970                ! maps were made follows the species logic. A conifer species will
1971                ! never have FM 3 but a deciduous species can. If a conifer is
1972                ! changed to a deciduous we need to use the FM of the new deciduous
1973                ! species in this example FM3. This is reflected in the code by
1974                ! using the index fom ivm_young_new_species in the left and the right
1975                ! hand side. Note that we don't care whether the new PFT has already
1976                ! some biomass in it or not. Irrespective of its condition we change
1977                ! FM to the desired strategy.
1978                forest_managed(ipts,ivm_young_new_species) = &
1979                     fm_change_map(ipts,ivm_young_new_species)
1981                !---TEMP---
1982                IF(printlev_loc>=4)THEN
1983                   WRITE(numout,*) 'Anthropogenic species change ?'
1984                   WRITE(numout,*) 'ipts, ivm, ',ipts, ivm 
1985                   WRITE(numout,*) 'ivm_young_old_species',ivm_young_old_species
1986                   WRITE(numout,*) 'Species we want to change to, ',species_change_map(ipts,ivm)
1987                   WRITE(numout,*) 'youngest age class for that species, ', &
1988                        ivm_young_new_species                 
1989                   WRITE(numout,*) 'forest_managed, ',forest_managed(ipts,ivm_young_new_species)
1990                ENDIF
1991                !----------
1993             ELSE
1995                ! No replanting !
1996                ! veget_max_new will be the same as the old_veget_max.
1997                ! We add it here just in case another PFT was added to this one
1998                ! above.
1999                veget_max_new_species(ipts,ivm) = &
2000                     veget_max_new_species(ipts,ivm)+veget_max(ipts,ivm)
2002                ! Given that forest_managed is an inout variable nothing should
2003                ! be done because we just keep the initial management strategy
2005             ENDIF
2007          ELSE
2009             ! Bare soil, grassland and cropland
2010             ! veget_max_new will be the same as the old_veget_max.
2011             ! We add it here just in case another PFT was added to this one
2012             ! above.
2013             veget_max_new_species(ipts,ivm) = &
2014                  veget_max_new_species(ipts,ivm) + veget_max(ipts,ivm)
2016          ENDIF
2018       ENDDO !nvm
2020       ! Debug
2021       IF(printlev_loc>=4)THEN
2022          WRITE(numout,*) 'End of routine - final values'
2023          WRITE(numout,*) 'pixel,PFT,  veget_max, veget_max_new_species'
2024          DO ivm=1,nvm
2025             WRITE(numout,*) ipts, ivm,veget_max(ipts,ivm),&
2026                 veget_max_new_species(ipts,ivm)
2027          ENDDO
2029          ! Write warning
2030          diff = SUM(veget_max_new_species(ipts,:)-veget_max(ipts,:)) 
2031          IF( ABS(diff) .GT. min_stomate )THEN
2032             WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING: species - change surface area is not preserved'
2033             CALL ipslerr_p (2,'sapiens_forestry', &
2034                  &          'sapiens_forestry_species_change','surface area is not preserved','')
2035          ELSE
2036              WRITE(numout,*) 'Losses and gains cancel each other out'
2037          ENDIF
2038          diff = veget_max_new_species(ipts,1)-veget_max(ipts,1)
2039          IF( ABS(diff) .GT. min_stomate )THEN
2040             WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING: species - area of PFT1 is not preserved'
2041             CALL ipslerr_p (2,'sapiens_forestry', &
2042                  &          'sapiens_forestry_species_change','PFT1 is not preserved','')
2043          ELSE
2044              WRITE(numout,*) 'No leakage to PFT1'
2045          ENDIF
2046       ENDIF
2047       !-
2049    ENDDO ! npts
2051    ! Reset this variable
2052    lpft_replant(:,:)=.FALSE.
2054    ! In case no species changes occured veget_max_new
2055    ! should equal veget_max else the mass balance
2056    ! check in LCC will think there was a change in
2057    ! PFTs and will generate errors.
2058    IF (count .LT. min_stomate) THEN
2059       veget_max_new_species(:,:) = veget_max(:,:)
2060    ENDIF
2062  END SUBROUTINE sapiens_forestry_species_change
2065!! ================================================================================================================================
2066!! SUBROUTINE  : sapiens_forestry_flag_species_change
2068!>\BRIEF: Check whether there is an opportunity to replant a different species
2070!! DESCRIPTION : PFTs that died or were harvested should all be empty. This
2071!!               is the information that is used to decide whether there is
2072!!               an opportunity to replant.
2074!! RECENT CHANGE(S): None
2078!! REFERENCE(S) : None
2080!! FLOWCHART    : None
2081!! \n
2082!_ ================================================================================================================================
2083SUBROUTINE sapiens_forestry_flag_species_change(npts, veget_max, circ_class_biomass, circ_class_n, &
2084     lpft_replant, forest_managed)
2086 !! 0. Variable and parameter description
2088    !! 0.1 Input variables
2089    INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in)                    :: npts                    !! Number of pixels
2090    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)       :: veget_max               !! Veget_max at the moment this routine is checked
2091    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:), INTENT(in) :: circ_class_biomass      !! ciconference level biomass @tex $(gC m^{-2})$ @endtex
2092    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(in)     :: circ_class_n            !! Density of individuals   
2093    INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION (:,:), INTENT(in)   :: forest_managed          !! forest management flag (is the forest
2094                                                                             !! being managed?)
2096    !! 0.2 Output variables
2098    !! 0.3 Modified variables
2099    LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(inout)        :: lpft_replant            !! Set to true if a PFT has been clearcut
2100                                                                             !! and needs to be replaced by another species
2102    !! 0.4 Local variables
2103    INTEGER(i_std)                                :: ipts,ivm                !! Indices
2104    INTEGER(i_std)                                :: error                   !! Counter for the numbers of errors
2105    REAL(r_std)                                   :: biomass
2106    REAL(r_std)                                   :: ind
2110    IF(printlev_loc.GT.4) WRITE(numout,*) 'Entering: change sapiens_forestry_flag_species_change'
2112    !! 1. Initilaze variables
2113    error = zero
2114    !! 2. Check whether there is an opportunity to change the
2115    !     species. If so flag the opportunity so we can deal
2116    !     with the details later.
2117    DO ivm = 2,nvm
2119       ! Only forest PFT can be replanted for the moment
2120       IF(is_tree(ivm))THEN
2122          DO ipts = 1,npts
2124            biomass=SUM(SUM(circ_class_biomass(ipts,ivm,:,:,icarbon),2))
2125            ind=SUM(circ_class_n(ipts,ivm,:))
2127             ! If the flag is already true, don't change it
2128             IF(.NOT.lpft_replant(ipts,ivm))THEN
2130                ! There is no veget_max. Check whether these PFTs are indeed
2131                ! empty. If not we have a serious problem
2132                IF(veget_max(ipts,ivm).LT.min_stomate)THEN
2134                   IF(biomass.GT.min_stomate .OR. ind.GT.min_stomate)THEN
2136                      WRITE(numout,*) 'ERROR - no veget_max but biomass and/or n',ipts,ivm
2137                      WRITE(numout,*) 'biomass, ind, fm, ',biomass,&
2138                           ind, forest_managed(ipts,ivm)
2139                      error = error+1
2141                   ELSEIF(biomass.LT.min_stomate .AND. ind .LT.min_stomate)THEN
2143                      ! This is the situation we expect. Do nothing
2145                   ELSE
2147                      ! May be we overlooked a condition
2148                      WRITE(numout,*) 'ERROR - overlooked a possible case 1'
2149                      WRITE(numout,*) 'biomass, n, fm, ',biomass,&
2150                           ind, forest_managed(ipts,ivm)
2151                      error = error+1
2153                   ENDIF
2155                ELSEIF(veget_max(ipts,ivm).GT.min_stomate)THEN
2157                   ! There is veget_max. This is where the interesting cases should be
2158                   IF(biomass.GT.min_stomate .AND. ind.GT.min_stomate)THEN
2160                      ! This is a simple case: there is still biomass and individuals
2161                      ! so the stand is alive and there is no opportunity to change
2162                      ! the species. Note that in sapiens_forestry ::forest_managed
2163                      ! may already have been changed in case that the desired fm is
2164                      ! conservation. It is already done in forestry because if
2165                      ! fm 2 to 4 is changed to conservation we will not harvest but
2166                      ! leave the biomass on site.
2167                      lpft_replant(ipts,ivm) = .FALSE.
2169                   ELSEIF( biomass.LT.min_stomate .AND. ind.LT.min_stomate)THEN
2171                      ! The stand was killed or harvest so if the PFT is under
2172                      ! human management here is an opportunity to replant.
2173                      IF(forest_managed(ipts,ivm).EQ.ifm_none)THEN
2175                         ! If the stand is under a conservation strategy the species will
2176                         ! not change. Stands under conservation will switch FM without
2177                         ! a loss of biomass. Hence, there is no chance to replant.
2178                         ! If the stand is under conservation and dies from natural causes
2179                         ! it will be replanted with the same species
2180                         lpft_replant(ipts,ivm) = .FALSE.
2182                         ! Debug
2183                         IF(printlev_loc.GT.4) THEN
2184                            WRITE(numout,*) 'Replant - no biomass & no ind, conservation',ipts,ivm
2185                            WRITE(numout,*) 'biomass, ind, fm, ',biomass,ind, forest_managed(ipts,ivm)
2186                            WRITE(numout,*) 'lpft_replant, ',lpft_replant(ipts,ivm)
2187                         END IF
2188                         ! -
2190                      ELSEIF(forest_managed(ipts,ivm).NE.ifm_none)THEN
2192                         ! The stand was managed. This is a chance to change the species.
2193                         ! May be we wont use the chance but that will only be checked at
2194                         ! the end of the year in sapiens_forestry_species_change (sapiens_forestry.f90)
2195                         lpft_replant(ipts,ivm) = .TRUE.
2197                         ! Debug
2198                         IF(printlev_loc.GT.4) THEN
2199                            WRITE(numout,*) 'Replant - no biomass & no ind, management',ipts,ivm
2200                            WRITE(numout,*) 'biomass, ind, fm, ',biomass,ind, forest_managed(ipts,ivm)
2201                            WRITE(numout,*) 'lpft_replant, ',lpft_replant(ipts,ivm)
2203                         END IF
2204                         !-
2206                      ELSE
2208                         WRITE(numout,*) 'ERROR - overlooked a possible option 1', ipts, ivm
2209                         WRITE(numout,*) 'biomass, ind, fm, ',biomass, ind, forest_managed(ipts,ivm)
2210                         WRITE(numout,*) 'lpft_replant, ',lpft_replant(ipts,ivm)
2211                         error = error+1
2213                      ENDIF
2215                   ELSE
2217                      WRITE(numout,*) 'ERROR - overlooked a possible case 2'
2218                      WRITE(numout,*) 'biomass, ind, fm, ',biomass,ind, forest_managed(ipts,ivm)
2219                      WRITE(numout,*) 'lpft_replant, ',lpft_replant(ipts,ivm)
2220                      error = error+1
2221                   ENDIF
2223                ELSE
2225                   WRITE(numout,*) 'ERROR - overlooked a possible case 3'
2226                   WRITE(numout,*) 'biomass, ind, fm, ',biomass,ind, forest_managed(ipts,ivm)
2227                   WRITE(numout,*) 'lpft_replant, ',lpft_replant(ipts,ivm)
2228                   error = error+1
2230                ENDIF
2232             ENDIF ! lpft_replant
2234          ENDDO ! ivm
2236       ENDIF ! is_tree
2238    ENDDO ! ipts
2240    IF(
2241       CALL ipslerr_p(3,'sapiens_forestry_flag_species_change','ERROR: this subroutine did not function as expected','','')
2242    ENDIF
2244  END SUBROUTINE sapiens_forestry_flag_species_change
2247!! ================================================================================================================================
2248!! SUBROUTINE    : sapiens_forestry_read_fm
2250!>\BRIEF        Read in a map that gives the forest management strategy
2251!!              for each pixel and each PFT.
2253!! DESCRIPTION   : 
2256!! FM = 1 : No human intervention (ORCHIDEE default)
2257!!      2 : Thinnings based on the RDI, clearcuts based on tree density,
2258!!              annual increment, and tree diameter.  Thinnings from above and
2259!!              from below are determined by the sign of thstrat.
2260!!      3 : Coppices
2261!!      4 : Short rotation coppices
2263!!       NOTE: This routine was mostly copied from slowproc where the PFTmap is read in.
2264!!             Grid interpolation is used, but only to look at the nearby pixels to see
2265!!             see which management strategy is dominant.
2267!! RECENT CHANGE(S) : None
2269!! MAIN OUTPUT VARIABLE(S): ::forest_managed
2271!! REFERENCE(S)   :
2273!! FLOWCHART    :
2274!! \n
2275!_ ================================================================================================================================
2277  SUBROUTINE sapiens_forestry_read_fm ( npts, lalo, neighbours, resolution, contfrac, forest_managed )
2279 !! 0. Variable and parameter declaration
2281    !! 0.1 Input variables
2282    INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in)                          :: npts            !! Domain size - number of pixels
2283                                                                           !! (dimensionless)
2284    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)             :: lalo            !! Vector of latitude and longitudes (beware of the order !)
2285    INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)          :: neighbours      !!
2286    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)             :: resolution      !! The size in m of each grid-box in X and Y
2287    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in)               :: contfrac        !! Fraction of continent in the grid
2289    !! 0.2 Output
2290    INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(out)         :: forest_managed  !! Forest management flag: 0 = orchidee
2291                                                                           !! standard, 1= self-thinning only, 2=
2292                                                                           !! high-stand, 3= high-stand smoothed, 4=
2293                                                                           !! coppices
2295    !! 0.3 Modified fields
2298    !! 0.4 Local variables
2299    CHARACTER(LEN=80)                                      :: filename        !! A string to hold the file name
2300    LOGICAL                                                :: debug=.FALSE.   !! A flag to print out debugging information.
2301    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: fid             !! The ID of the NetCDF file.
2302    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: nb_coord        !! The number of coordinates in the NetCDF file   
2303    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: nb_gat          !!
2304    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: nb_var          !! The number of variables in the NetCDF file
2305    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: nb_dim          !! The number of dimensions in the NetCDF file
2306    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: iml, jml, lml,ivm !! indices
2307    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: ip, inbv, jp    !! indices
2308    LOGICAL                                                :: l_ex            !! A flag which indicates if a variable
2309                                                                              !! exists in the NetCDF file
2310    REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)                 :: lat_lu, lon_lu  !! The latitude and longitude read in from
2311                                                                              !! the NetCDF file   
2312    INTEGER,DIMENSION(flio_max_var_dims)                   :: l_d_w           !! List of the dimension lengths of the variable
2313                                                                              !! in the NetCDF file
2314    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: ipts            !! index
2315    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: ALLOC_ERR       !! A flag tripped if we have an error in allocation
2316    REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(:,:,:),ALLOCATABLE               :: fmmap_r         !! The map read in from the NetCDF file
2317    INTEGER(i_std),DIMENSION(:,:,:),ALLOCATABLE            :: fmmap_i         !! The integer form of the map read in
2318    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: closest_lat     !! The index of the closest latitude we found.
2319    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: closest_lon     !! The index of the closest longitude we found.
2320    REAL(r_std)                                            :: distance        !! The distance from the current point to the
2321                                                                              !! point on the map
2322    REAL(r_std)                                            :: closest_dist    !! The distance to the closet point we've found.
2323    INTEGER                                                :: large_int       !! A number which indicates that the grid data
2324                                                                              !! is not available
2325    REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: lat_ful, lon_ful
2326    INTEGER(i_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: mask
2327    REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:)    :: sub_area
2328    INTEGER(i_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:)  :: sub_index
2329    CHARACTER(LEN=30) :: callsign
2330    INTEGER(i_std) :: ibvm, nbvmax,ifm, ivma
2331    LOGICAL ::           ok_interpol ! optionnal return of aggregate_2d
2332    REAL(r_std)                                            :: sum_fm,sumf
2333    REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(nfm_types)                       :: fm_sum
2334    LOGICAL ::           ltemp ! temporary logical variable
2335  !_ ================================================================================================================================
2337    IF ( printlev >= 4 ) WRITE(numout,*) 'Entering sapiens_forestry_read_fm'
2339    ! This integer has to be large enough that it never shows up on the map, without being
2340    ! so large that is causes overflows.  Since none of the points on the map should be
2341    ! larger than the number of FM strategies we have (nfm_types), this is sufficiently big.
2342    large_int = nvmap*nfm_types+1
2344   !
2345    !Config Key   = FM_FILE
2346    !Config Desc  = Name of file from which the forest management map is to be read
2347    !Config If    = OK_STOMATE
2348    !Config Def   =
2349    !Config Help  = The name of the file to be opened to read a forest management
2350    !Config         map (including a layer for every PFT) is given here.
2351    !Config Units = [FILE]
2352    filename = ''
2353    CALL getin_p('FM_FILE',filename)
2355    IF (is_root_prc) THEN
2356       IF (debug) THEN
2357          WRITE(numout,*) "Entering sapiens_forestry_read_fm. Debug mode."
2358          WRITE (*,'(/," --> fliodmpf")')
2359          CALL fliodmpf (TRIM(filename))
2360          WRITE (*,'(/," --> flioopfd")')
2361       ENDIF
2362       CALL flioopfd (TRIM(filename),fid,nb_dim=nb_coord,nb_var=nb_var,nb_gat=nb_gat)
2363       IF (debug) THEN
2364          WRITE (*,'(" Number of coordinate        in the file : ",I2)') nb_coord
2365          WRITE (*,'(" Number of variables         in the file : ",I2)') nb_var
2366          WRITE (*,'(" Number of global attributes in the file : ",I2)') nb_gat
2367       ENDIF
2368    ENDIF
2369    CALL bcast(nb_coord)
2370    CALL bcast(nb_var)
2371    CALL bcast(nb_gat)
2373    ! This finds the number of longitude points in the file.
2374    IF (is_root_prc) &
2375         CALL flioinqv (fid,v_n="lon",l_ex=l_ex,nb_dims=nb_dim,len_dims=l_d_w) 
2376    CALL bcast(l_d_w)
2377    iml=l_d_w(1)
2378    WRITE(numout,*) "FM Map: iml =",iml
2380    ! This finds the number of latitude points in the file.
2381    IF (is_root_prc) &
2382         CALL flioinqv (fid,v_n="lat",l_ex=l_ex,nb_dims=nb_dim,len_dims=l_d_w) 
2383    CALL bcast(l_d_w)
2384    jml=l_d_w(1)
2385    WRITE(numout,*) "FM Map: jml =",jml
2387    ! Now find the number of PFTs in the file.  If this is not equal to the number
2388    ! of PFTs that we actually have, that's a problem and we'll crash.
2389    IF (is_root_prc) &
2390         CALL flioinqv (fid,v_n="FM_STRAT",l_ex=l_ex,nb_dims=nb_dim,len_dims=l_d_w) 
2391    CALL bcast(l_d_w)
2392    lml=l_d_w(3)
2394    IF (lml /= nvmap) THEN
2395       WRITE(numout,*) 'lml = ',lml
2396       WRITE(numout,*) 'nvmap = ',nvmap
2397       WRITE(numout,*) 'Stopping. '
2398       CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry', &
2399            &          'Problem with forest management strategy map.','lml /= nvmap', &
2400            &          '(number of pft must be equal)')
2401    ENDIF
2402    !
2404    ! Allocate the map that will be read in
2405    WRITE(numout,*) 'Reading the Forest Management strategy file'
2406    !
2407    ALLOC_ERR=-1
2408    ALLOCATE(fmmap_r(iml,jml,nvmap), STAT=ALLOC_ERR)
2409    IF (ALLOC_ERR/=0) THEN
2410      WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of fmmap_r : ",ALLOC_ERR
2412    ENDIF
2413    ALLOC_ERR=-1
2414    ALLOCATE(fmmap_i(iml,jml,nvmap), STAT=ALLOC_ERR)
2415    IF (ALLOC_ERR/=0) THEN
2416      WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of fmmap_i : ",ALLOC_ERR
2417      CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry_read_fm', 'error in fmmpap_i','','')
2418    ENDIF
2420    ! This reads in the map that is in the file
2421    IF (is_root_prc) THEN
2422       fmmap_r(:,:,:)=large_int*2.0
2423       CALL fliogetv (fid,"FM_STRAT", fmmap_r, start=(/ 1, 1, 1 /), count=(/ iml, jml, nvmap /))
2424       ! Right now the values are all real, but they should be integers.
2425       ! Careful, NINT might not work if the precision of fmmap_r is not single.
2426       ! In that case, IDNINT should be used.
2427       DO ip=1,iml
2428          DO jp=1,jml
2429             DO ivma=1,nvmap
2430                ! There will be some fill values in here.  If we pass
2431                ! a large fill value to NINT, it crashes.  So let's
2432                ! test for it
2433#ifdef __NAGFOR
2434                ltemp=IEEE_IS_NAN(fmmap_r(ip,jp,ivma))   
2436                ltemp=isnan(fmmap_r(ip,jp,ivma))   
2438                IF(ltemp)THEN
2439                   fmmap_i(ip,jp,ivma)=large_int
2440                ELSE
2441                   IF(fmmap_r(ip,jp,ivma) .GE. 0.0 .AND. fmmap_r(ip,jp,ivma) < large_int)THEN
2442                      fmmap_i(ip,jp,ivma)=NINT(fmmap_r(ip,jp,ivma))
2443                   ELSE
2444                      ! This value should be big enough that we don't barl ourselves
2445                      ! below.
2446                      fmmap_i(ip,jp,ivma)=large_int
2447                   ENDIF
2449                ENDIF
2450             ENDDO
2451          ENDDO
2452       ENDDO
2453    ENDIF
2455    CALL bcast(fmmap_i)
2457    ! Now I need to get the latitude and longitude
2458    ! First, get the axes from the map file.
2459    ALLOC_ERR=-1
2460    ALLOCATE(lat_lu(jml), STAT=ALLOC_ERR)
2461    IF (ALLOC_ERR/=0) THEN
2462      WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of lat_lu : ",ALLOC_ERR
2463      CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry_read_fm', 'error in lat_lu','','') 
2464    ENDIF
2465    ALLOC_ERR=-1
2466    ALLOCATE(lon_lu(iml), STAT=ALLOC_ERR)
2467    IF (ALLOC_ERR/=0) THEN
2468      WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of lon_lu : ",ALLOC_ERR
2469      CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry_read_fm', 'error in lon_lu','','') 
2470    ENDIF
2471    IF (is_root_prc) THEN
2472       CALL fliogstc (fid, x_axis=lon_lu,y_axis=lat_lu)
2473    ENDIF
2474    CALL bcast(lon_lu)
2475    CALL bcast(lat_lu)
2477    ! Now I can interpolate.  Remember that we are dealing with integer
2478    ! values and management strategies.  Therefore, we cannot do a strict
2479    ! interpolation, since that might gives values of the strategy to be
2480    ! 2.3, or something ridiculous.  We cannot just round the number, either,
2481    ! since we could have some squares with 1 (no management) and some with
2482    ! 3 (coppices);  An average of that would be 2 (high stands), which doesn't
2483    ! make any sense.  So we look to see what the most prevalent type of
2484    ! management of nearby pixels is, and then just take that.
2485    ALLOC_ERR=-1
2486    ALLOCATE(lat_ful(iml,jml), STAT=ALLOC_ERR)
2487    IF (ALLOC_ERR/=0) THEN
2488      WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of lat_ful : ",ALLOC_ERR
2489      CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry_read_fm', 'error in lat_ful','','')
2490    ENDIF
2491    ALLOC_ERR=-1
2492    ALLOCATE(lon_ful(iml,jml), STAT=ALLOC_ERR)
2493    IF (ALLOC_ERR/=0) THEN
2494      WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of lon_ful : ",ALLOC_ERR
2495      CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry_read_fm', 'error in lon_ful','','')
2496    ENDIF
2497    !
2498    DO ip=1,iml
2499       lon_ful(ip,:)=lon_lu(ip)
2500    ENDDO
2501    DO jp=1,jml
2502       lat_ful(:,jp)=lat_lu(jp)
2503    ENDDO
2504    !
2505    ! Mask of permitted variables.
2506    !
2507    ALLOC_ERR=-1
2508    ALLOCATE(mask(iml,jml), STAT=ALLOC_ERR)
2509    IF (ALLOC_ERR/=0) THEN
2510      WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of mask : ",ALLOC_ERR
2511      CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry_read_fm', 'error in mask','','')
2512    ENDIF
2513    !
2514    mask(:,:) = 0
2515    DO ip=1,iml
2516       DO jp=1,jml
2517          ! If at least one PFT has a management strategy, we should interpolate
2518          ! this grid point.
2519          sum_fm=SUM(fmmap_i(ip,jp,:))
2520          IF ( sum_fm .GT. min_sechiba .AND. sum_fm .LT. large_int) THEN
2521             mask(ip,jp) = 1
2522             IF (debug) THEN
2523                WRITE(numout,*) "update : SUM(fmmap(",ip,jp,")) = ",sum_fm
2524             ENDIF
2525          ENDIF
2526       ENDDO
2527    ENDDO
2528    !
2529    !
2530    ! The number of maximum vegetation map points in the GCM grid should
2531    ! also be computed and not imposed here.
2532    !
2533    nbvmax = 200
2534    !
2535    callsign="Forest Management map"
2536    !
2537    ok_interpol = .FALSE.
2538    DO WHILE ( .NOT. ok_interpol )
2539       WRITE(numout,*) "Projection arrays for ",callsign," : "
2540       WRITE(numout,*) "nbvmax = ",nbvmax
2541       !
2542       ALLOC_ERR=-1
2543       ALLOCATE(sub_index(npts, nbvmax,2), STAT=ALLOC_ERR)
2544       IF (ALLOC_ERR/=0) THEN
2545          WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of sub_index : ",ALLOC_ERR
2546          CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry_read_fm', 'error in sub_index','','')
2547       ENDIF
2548       sub_index(:,:,:)=0
2550       ALLOC_ERR=-1
2551       ALLOCATE(sub_area(npts, nbvmax), STAT=ALLOC_ERR)
2552       IF (ALLOC_ERR/=0) THEN
2553          WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of sub_area : ",ALLOC_ERR
2554          CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry_read_fm', 'error in sub_area','','') 
2555       ENDIF
2556       sub_area(:,:)=zero
2557       !
2558       CALL aggregate_p(npts, lalo, neighbours, resolution, contfrac, &
2559            &                iml, jml, lon_ful, lat_ful, mask, callsign, &
2560            &                nbvmax, sub_index, sub_area, ok_interpol)
2561       !
2562       IF ( .NOT. ok_interpol ) THEN
2563          DEALLOCATE(sub_area)
2564          DEALLOCATE(sub_index)
2565       ENDIF
2566       !
2567       nbvmax = nbvmax * 2
2568    ENDDO
2570    ! The FM maps with 28 PFTs for Europe were made on the exact grid that
2571    ! is used in the FG4 simulations and therefore avoids the need for
2572    ! interpolation. Moreover, the background value (used outside Europe and
2573    ! within Europe where the PFT is not present) was no fm (=1). Hence, ifm
2574    ! can never by zero (as it should be). Because all difficulties were
2575    ! tackled when making the FM maps, reading the maps is straightforward.
2576    ! The FM maps with 15 PFTs for the world were made on a 0.25 grid which
2577    ! has a much higher resolution than most of the applications (FG1,
2578    ! FG2, and FG3), hence, regridding will be necessary. Also to make better
2579    ! looking maps land without the specific forest PFT got FM strategy zero.
2580    ! Regridding comes with at least two risks: (1) the FM maps use the most
2581    ! frequent FM strategy within the search area. This could be "no
2582    ! management" because the minority of the pixels in the search area
2583    ! contains forest. At the same time the PFT maps will also need to be
2584    ! regridded but they use an average value. This way it seems possible that
2585    ! we have inconsistencies between the PFT maps (forest present) and the FM
2586    ! maps (no management strategy available -> fm = zero). (2) We could also
2587    ! have used 1 as the background values. The maps would then look less
2588    ! realistic but for the simulations itself it would make little difference
2589    ! because the PFT is not present at the pixels were the background values
2590    ! are set. When regridding this could result in an edge effect of having
2591    ! some unmanaged pixels at the edge of a region with  managed forests. The
2592    ! code below is suitable for reading both types of FM maps (FG4 vs
2593    ! FG1, FG2 and FG3).
2594    DO ipts = 1, npts
2595       ! For this point, we need to see what dominant FM types are
2596       ! nearby.
2597       sumf=zero
2598       ! We need to do this for every PFT
2599       DO ivma=1,nvmap
2600          ! If it's not a forest, we don't care.
2601          IF(.NOT. is_tree(start_index(ivma)))THEN
2602             forest_managed(ipts,ivma)=0
2603          ELSE
2604             fm_sum(:)=0.0
2605             DO ibvm=1, nbvmax
2606                ! Leave the do loop if all sub areas are treated, sub_area <= 0
2607                IF ( sub_area(ipts,ibvm) <= zero ) EXIT
2608                ip = sub_index(ipts,ibvm,1)
2609                jp = sub_index(ipts,ibvm,2)
2610                ifm=fmmap_i(ip,jp,ivma)
2611                ! Only calculate the surface area of the forested pixels.
2612                ! This approach should ensure that the regridding of the
2613                ! FM maps and the PFT maps will use exactly the same grid.
2614                IF ( THEN
2615                   fm_sum(ifm)=fm_sum(ifm)+sub_area(ipts,ibvm)
2616                END IF
2617             ENDDO
2618             ! Whichever FM type has the most area, we use that one.
2619             IF (SUM(fm_sum(:)) THEN
2620                ! This is a pixel without forest. Because of the consistency
2621                ! between the PFT and the FM maps it is safe to set FM to zero.
2622                ! The biggest advantage of doing so is that the variable
2623                ! forest_managed should show an intuitive map when being plotted.
2624                forest_managed(ipts,ivma) = zero
2625             ELSE
2626                forest_managed(ipts,ivma)=MAXLOC(fm_sum(:),1)
2627             ENDIF
2628          ENDIF
2629       ENDDO
2630    ENDDO
2632    WRITE(numout,*) 'Done with interpolating the FM map'
2634    !
2635    DEALLOCATE(fmmap_i)
2636    DEALLOCATE(fmmap_r)
2637    DEALLOCATE(lat_lu,lon_lu)
2638    DEALLOCATE(lat_ful,lon_ful)
2639    DEALLOCATE(mask)
2640    IF(ALLOCATED(sub_index)) DEALLOCATE(sub_index)
2641    IF(ALLOCATED(sub_area)) DEALLOCATE(sub_area)
2643   IF ( printlev >= 5 ) WRITE(numout,*) 'Leaving sapiens_forestry_read_fm'
2645  END SUBROUTINE sapiens_forestry_read_fm
2647!! ================================================================================================================================
2648!! SUBROUTINE    : sapiens_forestry_read_spinup_clearcut
2650!>\BRIEF        Read in a map that gives the state of clearcut during spinup
2651!!              for each pixel and each PFT.
2653!! DESCRIPTION   : 
2657!!       NOTE: This routine was mostly copied from slowproc where the PFTmap is read in.
2658!!             Grid interpolation is used, but only to look at the nearby pixels to see
2659!!             see which management strategy is dominant.
2661!! RECENT CHANGE(S) : None
2663!! MAIN OUTPUT VARIABLE(S): ::spinup_clearcut
2665!! REFERENCE(S)   :
2667!! FLOWCHART    :
2668!! \n
2669!_ ================================================================================================================================
2671  SUBROUTINE sapiens_forestry_read_spinup_clearcut ( npts, lalo, neighbours, resolution, contfrac, spinup_clearcut )
2673 !! 0. Variable and parameter declaration
2675    !! 0.1 Input variables
2676    INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in)                          :: npts            !! Domain size - number of pixels
2677                                                                           !! (dimensionless)
2678    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)             :: lalo            !! Vector of latitude and longitudes (beware of the order !)
2679    INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)          :: neighbours      !!
2680    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)             :: resolution      !! The size in m of each grid-box in X and Y
2681    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in)               :: contfrac        !! Fraction of continent in the grid
2683    !! 0.2 Output
2684    INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(out)         :: spinup_clearcut  !! Forest management flag: 0 = orchidee
2685                                                                           !! standard, 1= self-thinning only, 2=
2686                                                                           !! high-stand, 3= high-stand smoothed, 4=
2687                                                                           !! coppices
2689    !! 0.3 Modified fields
2692    !! 0.4 Local variables
2693    CHARACTER(LEN=80)                                      :: filename        !! A string to hold the file name
2694    LOGICAL                                                :: debug=.FALSE.   !! A flag to print out debugging information.
2695    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: fid             !! The ID of the NetCDF file.
2696    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: nb_coord        !! The number of coordinates in the NetCDF file   
2697    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: nb_gat          !!
2698    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: nb_var          !! The number of variables in the NetCDF file
2699    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: nb_dim          !! The number of dimensions in the NetCDF file
2700    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: iml, jml, lml,ivm !! indices
2701    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: ip, inbv, jp    !! indices
2702    LOGICAL                                                :: l_ex            !! A flag which indicates if a variable
2703                                                                              !! exists in the NetCDF file
2704    REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)                 :: lat_lu, lon_lu  !! The latitude and longitude read in from
2705                                                                              !! the NetCDF file   
2706    INTEGER,DIMENSION(flio_max_var_dims)                   :: l_d_w           !! List of the dimension lengths of the variable
2707                                                                              !! in the NetCDF file
2708    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: ipts            !! index
2709    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: ALLOC_ERR       !! A flag tripped if we have an error in allocation
2710    REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(:,:,:),ALLOCATABLE               :: fmmap_r         !! The map read in from the NetCDF file
2711    INTEGER(i_std),DIMENSION(:,:,:),ALLOCATABLE            :: fmmap_i         !! The integer form of the map read in
2712    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: closest_lat     !! The index of the closest latitude we found.
2713    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: closest_lon     !! The index of the closest longitude we found.
2714    REAL(r_std)                                            :: distance        !! The distance from the current point to the
2715                                                                              !! point on the map
2716    REAL(r_std)                                            :: closest_dist    !! The distance to the closet point we've found.
2717    INTEGER                                                :: large_int       !! A number which indicates that the grid data
2718                                                                              !! is not available
2719    REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: lat_ful, lon_ful
2720    INTEGER(i_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: mask
2721    REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:)    :: sub_area
2722    INTEGER(i_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:)  :: sub_index
2723    CHARACTER(LEN=30) :: callsign
2724    INTEGER(i_std) :: ibvm, nbvmax,ifm, ivma
2725    LOGICAL ::           ok_interpol ! optionnal return of aggregate_2d
2726    REAL(r_std)                                            :: sum_fm,sumf
2727    LOGICAL ::           ltemp ! temporary logical variable
2728  !_ ================================================================================================================================
2730    IF ( printlev >= 4 ) WRITE(numout,*) 'Entering sapiens_forestry_read_spinup_clearcut'
2732    ! This integer has to be large enough that it never shows up on the map, without being
2733    ! so large that is causes overflows.  Since none of the points on the map should be
2734    ! larger than the number of FM strategies we have (nfm_types), this is sufficiently big.
2735    large_int = flag_spinup_clearcut + 1
2737   !
2738    !Config Key   = FM_FILE
2739    !Config Desc  = Name of file to be read
2740    !Config If    = OK_STOMATE
2741    !Config Def   =
2742    !Config Help  = The name of the file to be opened to read a forest management
2743    !Config         map (including a layer for every PFT) is given here.
2744    !Config Units = [FILE]
2745    filename = ''
2746    CALL getin_p('SPINUP_CLEARCUT_FILE',filename)
2748    IF (is_root_prc) THEN
2749       IF (debug) THEN
2750          WRITE(numout,*) "Entering sapiens_forestry_read_spinup_clearcut. Debug mode."
2751          WRITE (*,'(/," --> fliodmpf")')
2752          CALL fliodmpf (TRIM(filename))
2753          WRITE (*,'(/," --> flioopfd")')
2754       ENDIF
2755       CALL flioopfd (TRIM(filename),fid,nb_dim=nb_coord,nb_var=nb_var,nb_gat=nb_gat)
2756       IF (debug) THEN
2757          WRITE (*,'(" Number of coordinate        in the file : ",I2)') nb_coord
2758          WRITE (*,'(" Number of variables         in the file : ",I2)') nb_var
2759          WRITE (*,'(" Number of global attributes in the file : ",I2)') nb_gat
2760       ENDIF
2761    ENDIF
2762    CALL bcast(nb_coord)
2763    CALL bcast(nb_var)
2764    CALL bcast(nb_gat)
2766    ! This finds the number of longitude points in the file.
2767    IF (is_root_prc) &
2768         CALL flioinqv (fid,v_n="lon",l_ex=l_ex,nb_dims=nb_dim,len_dims=l_d_w) 
2769    CALL bcast(l_d_w)
2770    iml=l_d_w(1)
2771    WRITE(numout,*) "spinup_clearcut map: iml =",iml
2773    ! This finds the number of latitude points in the file.
2774    IF (is_root_prc) &
2775         CALL flioinqv (fid,v_n="lat",l_ex=l_ex,nb_dims=nb_dim,len_dims=l_d_w) 
2776    CALL bcast(l_d_w)
2777    jml=l_d_w(1)
2778    WRITE(numout,*) "spinup_clearcut map: jml =",jml
2780    ! Now find the number of PFTs in the file.  If this is not equal to the number
2781    ! of PFTs that we actually have, that's a problem and we'll crash.
2782    IF (is_root_prc) &
2783         CALL flioinqv (fid,v_n="Clearcut",l_ex=l_ex,nb_dims=nb_dim,len_dims=l_d_w) 
2784    CALL bcast(l_d_w)
2785    lml=l_d_w(3)
2787    IF (lml /= nvmap) THEN
2788       WRITE(numout,*) 'lml = ',lml
2789       WRITE(numout,*) 'nvmap = ',nvmap
2790       WRITE(numout,*) 'Stopping. '
2791       CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry', &
2792            &          'Problem with spinup clearcut map.','lml /= nvmap', &
2793            &          '(number of pft must be equal)')
2794    ENDIF
2795    !
2797    ! Allocate the map that will be read in
2798    WRITE(numout,*) 'Reading the spinup clearcut strategy file'
2799    !
2800    ALLOC_ERR=-1
2801    ALLOCATE(fmmap_r(iml,jml,nvmap), STAT=ALLOC_ERR)
2802    IF (ALLOC_ERR/=0) THEN
2803      WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of fmmap_r : ",ALLOC_ERR
2805    ENDIF
2806    ALLOC_ERR=-1
2807    ALLOCATE(fmmap_i(iml,jml,nvmap), STAT=ALLOC_ERR)
2808    IF (ALLOC_ERR/=0) THEN
2809      WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of fmmap_i : ",ALLOC_ERR
2810      CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry_read_spinup_clearcut', 'error in fmmpap_i','','')
2811    ENDIF
2813    ! This reads in the map that is in the file
2814    IF (is_root_prc) THEN
2815       fmmap_r(:,:,:)=zero
2816       CALL fliogetv (fid,"Clearcut", fmmap_r, start=(/ 1, 1, 1 /), count=(/ iml, jml, nvmap /))
2817       ! Right now the values are all real, but they should be integers.
2818       ! Careful, NINT might not work if the precision of fmmap_r is not single.
2819       ! In that case, IDNINT should be used.
2820       DO ip=1,iml
2821          DO jp=1,jml
2822             DO ivma=1,nvmap
2823                ! There will be some fill values in here.  If we pass
2824                ! a large fill value to NINT, it crashes.  So let's
2825                ! test for it
2826#ifdef __NAGFOR
2827                ltemp=IEEE_IS_NAN(fmmap_r(ip,jp,ivma))   
2829                ltemp=isnan(fmmap_r(ip,jp,ivma))   
2831                IF(ltemp)THEN
2832                   fmmap_i(ip,jp,ivma)=zero
2833                ELSE
2834                   IF(fmmap_r(ip,jp,ivma) .GE. 0.0 .AND. fmmap_r(ip,jp,ivma) .LE. flag_spinup_clearcut)THEN
2835                      fmmap_i(ip,jp,ivma)=NINT(fmmap_r(ip,jp,ivma))
2836                   ELSE
2837                      ! For the moment there is a strict rule that values of input
2838                      ! cannot be bigger than 1.
2839                      CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry_read_spinup_clearcut', 'value is bigger than 1','','') 
2840                   ENDIF
2842                ENDIF
2843             ENDDO
2844          ENDDO
2845       ENDDO
2846    ENDIF
2848    CALL bcast(fmmap_i)
2850    ! Now I need to get the latitude and longitude
2851    ! First, get the axes from the map file.
2852    ALLOC_ERR=-1
2853    ALLOCATE(lat_lu(jml), STAT=ALLOC_ERR)
2854    IF (ALLOC_ERR/=0) THEN
2855      WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of lat_lu : ",ALLOC_ERR
2856      CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry_read_spinup_clearcut', 'error in lat_lu','','') 
2857    ENDIF
2858    ALLOC_ERR=-1
2859    ALLOCATE(lon_lu(iml), STAT=ALLOC_ERR)
2860    IF (ALLOC_ERR/=0) THEN
2861      WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of lon_lu : ",ALLOC_ERR
2862      CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry_read_spinup_clearcut', 'error in lon_lu','','') 
2863    ENDIF
2864    IF (is_root_prc) THEN
2865       CALL fliogstc (fid, x_axis=lon_lu,y_axis=lat_lu)
2866    ENDIF
2867    CALL bcast(lon_lu)
2868    CALL bcast(lat_lu)
2870    ! Now I can interpolate.  Remember that we are dealing with integer
2871    ! values and management strategies.  Therefore, we cannot do a strict
2872    ! interpolation, since that might gives values of the strategy to be
2873    ! 2.3, or something ridiculous.  We cannot just round the number, either,
2874    ! since we could have some squares with 1 (no management) and some with
2875    ! 3 (coppices);  An average of that would be 2 (high stands), which doesn't
2876    ! make any sense.  So we look to see what the most prevalent type of
2877    ! management of nearby pixels is, and then just take that.
2878    ALLOC_ERR=-1
2879    ALLOCATE(lat_ful(iml,jml), STAT=ALLOC_ERR)
2880    IF (ALLOC_ERR/=0) THEN
2881      WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of lat_ful : ",ALLOC_ERR
2882      CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry_read_spinup_clearcut', 'error in lat_ful','','')
2883    ENDIF
2884    ALLOC_ERR=-1
2885    ALLOCATE(lon_ful(iml,jml), STAT=ALLOC_ERR)
2886    IF (ALLOC_ERR/=0) THEN
2887      WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of lon_ful : ",ALLOC_ERR
2888      CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry_read_spinup_clearcut', 'error in lon_ful','','')
2889    ENDIF
2890    !
2891    DO ip=1,iml
2892       lon_ful(ip,:)=lon_lu(ip)
2893    ENDDO
2894    DO jp=1,jml
2895       lat_ful(:,jp)=lat_lu(jp)
2896    ENDDO
2897    !
2898    ! Mask of permitted variables.
2899    !
2900    ALLOC_ERR=-1
2901    ALLOCATE(mask(iml,jml), STAT=ALLOC_ERR)
2902    IF (ALLOC_ERR/=0) THEN
2903      WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of mask : ",ALLOC_ERR
2904      CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry_read_spinup_clearcut', 'error in mask','','')
2905    ENDIF
2906    !
2907    mask(:,:) = 1
2908    ! DO ip=1,iml
2909    !    DO jp=1,jml
2910    !       ! If at least one PFT has a management strategy, we should interpolate
2911    !       ! this grid point.
2912    !       sum_fm=SUM(fmmap_i(ip,jp,:))
2913    !       IF ( sum_fm .GT. min_sechiba .AND. sum_fm .LT. large_int) THEN
2914    !          mask(ip,jp) = 1
2915    !          IF (debug) THEN
2916    !             WRITE(numout,*) "update : SUM(fmmap(",ip,jp,")) = ",sum_fm
2917    !          ENDIF
2918    !       ENDIF
2919    !    ENDDO
2920    ! ENDDO
2921    !
2922    !
2923    ! The number of maximum vegetation map points in the GCM grid should
2924    ! also be computed and not imposed here.
2925    !
2926    nbvmax = 200
2927    !
2928    callsign="Spinup clearcut map"
2929    !
2930    ok_interpol = .FALSE.
2931    DO WHILE ( .NOT. ok_interpol )
2932       WRITE(numout,*) "Projection arrays for ",callsign," : "
2933       WRITE(numout,*) "nbvmax = ",nbvmax
2934       !
2935       ALLOC_ERR=-1
2936       ALLOCATE(sub_index(npts, nbvmax,2), STAT=ALLOC_ERR)
2937       IF (ALLOC_ERR/=0) THEN
2938          WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of sub_index : ",ALLOC_ERR
2939          CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry_read_spinup_clearcut', 'error in sub_index','','')
2940       ENDIF
2941       sub_index(:,:,:)=0
2943       ALLOC_ERR=-1
2944       ALLOCATE(sub_area(npts, nbvmax), STAT=ALLOC_ERR)
2945       IF (ALLOC_ERR/=0) THEN
2946          WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of sub_area : ",ALLOC_ERR
2947          CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry_read_spinup_clearcut', 'error in sub_area','','') 
2948       ENDIF
2949       sub_area(:,:)=zero
2950       !
2951       CALL aggregate_p(npts, lalo, neighbours, resolution, contfrac, &
2952            &                iml, jml, lon_ful, lat_ful, mask, callsign, &
2953            &                nbvmax, sub_index, sub_area, ok_interpol)
2954       !
2955       IF ( .NOT. ok_interpol ) THEN
2956          DEALLOCATE(sub_area)
2957          DEALLOCATE(sub_index)
2958       ENDIF
2959       !
2960       nbvmax = nbvmax * 2
2961    ENDDO
2963    ! Obtain the majority clearcut flag value after regrdding.
2964    DO ipts = 1, npts
2965       ! We need to do this for every PFT
2966       DO ivma=1,nvmap
2967          ! For this point, we need to see what dominant FM types are
2968          ! nearby.
2969          sumf=zero
2970          ! If it's not a forest, we don't care.
2971          IF(.NOT. is_tree(start_index(ivma)))THEN
2972             spinup_clearcut(ipts,ivma)=0
2973          ELSE
2974             DO ibvm=1, nbvmax
2975                ! Leave the do loop if all sub areas are treated, sub_area <= 0
2976                IF ( sub_area(ipts,ibvm) <= zero ) EXIT
2977                ip = sub_index(ipts,ibvm,1)
2978                jp = sub_index(ipts,ibvm,2)
2979                ifm=fmmap_i(ip,jp,ivma)
2980                sumf = sumf+ifm
2981                !WRITE(numout,*) 'jp: ',jp,'ip: ',ip,'ifm: ',ifm,'sumf: ',sumf,'ibmv: ',ibvm
2982             ENDDO
2983             ! As long as any sub-pixel goes through clearcut, the coarse pixel
2984             ! goes through clearcut.
2985             IF (sumf .GT. zero) THEN
2986                spinup_clearcut(ipts,ivma) = flag_spinup_clearcut
2987             ELSE
2988                spinup_clearcut(ipts,ivma) = zero
2989             ENDIF
2990          ENDIF
2991       ENDDO
2992    ENDDO
2994    WRITE(numout,*) 'Done with interpolating the spinup clearcut map'
2996    !
2997    DEALLOCATE(fmmap_i)
2998    DEALLOCATE(fmmap_r)
2999    DEALLOCATE(lat_lu,lon_lu)
3000    DEALLOCATE(lat_ful,lon_ful)
3001    DEALLOCATE(mask)
3002    IF(ALLOCATED(sub_index)) DEALLOCATE(sub_index)
3003    IF(ALLOCATED(sub_area)) DEALLOCATE(sub_area)
3005   IF ( printlev >= 5 ) WRITE(numout,*) 'Leaving sapiens_forestry_read_spinup_clearcut'
3007  END SUBROUTINE sapiens_forestry_read_spinup_clearcut
3009!! ================================================================================================================================
3010!! SUBROUTINE    : sapiens_forestry_read_litter
3012!>\BRIEF        Read in a map that gives the litter demand for each pixel.
3014!! DESCRIPTION   :  Reads in a map for the litter demand of each pixel and interpolates
3015!!                  to find the demand for all pixels that we are interested in.  The map
3016!!                  in this case has units of gC/year.  We convert it to be gC/m**2/year, since
3017!!                  all the other units in the model are given per square meter.  The litter
3018!!                  demand maps can be calculated based on, for example, the demand needed
3019!!                  per head of livestock for storing them indoors in the winter.  This practice
3020!!                  reached its peak during the 19th century and rapidly declined afterwards
3021!!                  in Europe.  If you are not interested in historical simulations or improved
3022!!                  estimation of soil carbon pools during a historical spinup, you probably
3023!!                  don't need this.
3026!! RECENT CHANGE(S) : None
3028!! MAIN OUTPUT VARIABLE(S): ::litter_demand
3030!! REFERENCE(S)   :
3032!! FLOWCHART    :
3033!! \n
3034!_ ================================================================================================================================
3036  SUBROUTINE sapiens_forestry_read_litter ( npts, lalo, neighbours, resolution, contfrac, litter_demand )
3038 !! 0. Variable and parameter declaration
3040    !! 0.1 Input variables
3041    INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in)                          :: npts            !! Domain size - number of pixels
3042                                                                           !! (dimensionless)
3043    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)             :: lalo            !! Vector of latitude and longitudes (beware of the order !)
3044    INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)          :: neighbours      !!
3045    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)             :: resolution      !! The size in m of each grid-box in X and Y
3046    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in)               :: contfrac        !! Fraction of continent in the grid
3048    !! 0.2 Output
3049    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(out)              :: litter_demand   !! The litter removed from each pixel due
3050                                                                           !! to litter raking at the end of the year.
3051                                                                           !! @tex $(gC year^{-1})$ @endtex
3053    !! 0.3 Modified fields
3056    !! 0.4 Local variables
3057    !
3058    ! PARAMETERS...taken from grid.f90.  I don't know why this variable is not in constants.f90.
3059    ! default resolution (m)
3060    REAL(r_std), PARAMETER :: default_resolution = 250000.
3062    CHARACTER(LEN=80)                                      :: filename        !! A string to hold the file name
3063    LOGICAL                                                :: debug=.FALSE.   !! A flag to print out debugging information.
3064    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: fid             !! The ID of the NetCDF file.
3065    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: nb_coord        !! The number of coordinates in the NetCDF file   
3066    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: nb_gat          !!
3067    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: nb_var          !! The number of variables in the NetCDF file
3068    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: nb_dim          !! The number of dimensions in the NetCDF file
3069    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: iml, jml, lml,ivmi,xxx !! indices
3070    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: ip, inbv, jp    !! indices
3071    LOGICAL                                                :: l_ex            !! A flag which indicates if a variable
3072                                                                              !! exists in the NetCDF file
3073    REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)                 :: lat_lu, lon_lu  !! The latitude and longitude read in from
3074                                                                              !! the NetCDF file   
3075    INTEGER,DIMENSION(flio_max_var_dims)                   :: l_d_w           !! List of the dimension lengths of the variable
3076                                                                              !! in the NetCDF file
3077    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: ipts            !! index
3078    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: ALLOC_ERR       !! A flag tripped if we have an error in allocation
3079    REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(:,:),ALLOCATABLE                 :: littermap       !! The map read in from the NetCDF file
3080    REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: lat_ful, lon_ful
3081    INTEGER(i_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: mask
3082    REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:)    :: sub_area
3083    INTEGER(i_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:)  :: sub_index
3084    CHARACTER(LEN=30) :: callsign
3085    INTEGER(i_std) :: ibvm, nbvmax,ifm
3086    LOGICAL ::           ok_interpol ! optionnal return of aggregate_2d
3087    REAL(r_std)                                            :: area_sum, coslat
3088    REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(nfm_types)                       :: fm_sum
3089    REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:)    :: temp_resolution
3090    REAL(r_std)                :: fillvalue
3091    INTEGER :: i_rc,i_v,no_fill
3092    LOGICAL ::           ltemp ! temporary logical variable
3093!_ ================================================================================================================================
3095    IF ( printlev >= 4 ) WRITE(numout,*) 'Entering sapiens_forestry_read_litter'
3097    litter_demand(:)=zero
3100   !
3101    !Config Key   = LITTER_FILE
3102    !Config Desc  = Name of file from which the litter raking map is to be read
3103    !Config If    = OK_STOMATE
3104    !Config Def   =
3105    !Config Help  =
3106    !Config Units = [FILE]
3107    !
3108    filename = ''
3109    CALL getin_p('LITTER_FILE',filename)
3111    WRITE(numout,*)'reading the litter_map'
3113    IF (is_root_prc) THEN
3114       IF (debug) THEN
3115          WRITE(numout,*) "Entering sapiens_forestry_read_litter. Debug mode."
3116          WRITE (*,'(/," --> fliodmpf")')
3117          CALL fliodmpf (TRIM(filename))
3118          WRITE (*,'(/," --> flioopfd")')
3119       ENDIF
3120       CALL flioopfd (TRIM(filename),fid,nb_dim=nb_coord,nb_var=nb_var,nb_gat=nb_gat)
3121       IF (debug) THEN
3122          WRITE (*,'(" Number of coordinate        in the file : ",I2)') nb_coord
3123          WRITE (*,'(" Number of variables         in the file : ",I2)') nb_var
3124          WRITE (*,'(" Number of global attributes in the file : ",I2)') nb_gat
3125       ENDIF
3126    ENDIF
3127    CALL bcast(nb_coord)
3128    CALL bcast(nb_var)
3129    CALL bcast(nb_gat)
3131    ! I need the fill value of the map.  This doesn't seem to available through
3132    ! the IOISPL routines that I can see.
3133    ! NF90_INQ_VAR_FILL seems to be only valid for NetCDF-'?  So I am going to make
3134    ! a HUGE assumption here about the fill value of the maps.  I hope that none of the values
3135    ! in the maps are above this value.
3136    fillvalue=1e20
3137    WRITE(numout,*) "WARNING: You are using a litter demand map.  I cannot determine"
3138    WRITE(numout,*) "         the fill value of this map.  I am assuming that the fill"
3139    WRITE(numout,*) "         value is 1e20 and that all your real values are below that."
3140    WRITE(numout,*) "         CONFIRM THIS WITH YOUR LITTER MAP!"
3143    ! This finds the number of longitude points in the file.
3144    IF (is_root_prc) &
3145         CALL flioinqv (fid,v_n="lon",l_ex=l_ex,nb_dims=nb_dim,len_dims=l_d_w) 
3146    CALL bcast(l_d_w)
3147    iml=l_d_w(1)
3148    WRITE(numout,*) "Litter map: iml =",iml
3150    ! This finds the number of latitude points in the file.
3151    IF (is_root_prc) &
3152         CALL flioinqv (fid,v_n="lat",l_ex=l_ex,nb_dims=nb_dim,len_dims=l_d_w) 
3153    CALL bcast(l_d_w)
3154    jml=l_d_w(1)
3155    WRITE(numout,*) "Litter map: jml =",jml
3157    ! Now find the number of PFTs in the file.  If this is not equal to the number
3158    ! of PFTs that we actually have, that's a problem and we'll crash.
3159    IF (is_root_prc) &
3160         CALL flioinqv (fid,v_n="LITTER_DEMAND",l_ex=l_ex,nb_dims=nb_dim,len_dims=l_d_w) 
3161    CALL bcast(l_d_w)
3163    !
3165    ! Allocate the map that will be read in
3166    WRITE(numout,*) 'Reading the litter file',l_d_w
3167    !
3168    ALLOC_ERR=-1
3169    ALLOCATE(littermap(iml,jml), STAT=ALLOC_ERR)
3170    IF (ALLOC_ERR/=0) THEN
3171      WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of littermap : ",ALLOC_ERR
3172      CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry_read_litter', 'error in littermap','','')
3173    ENDIF
3174    ALLOC_ERR=-1
3176    ! This reads in the map that is in the file
3177    IF (is_root_prc) THEN
3178       CALL fliogetv (fid,"LITTER_DEMAND", littermap, start=(/ 1, 1 /), count=(/ iml, jml /))
3179    ENDIF
3181    CALL bcast(littermap)
3183    ! Now I need to get the latitude and longitude
3184    ! First, get the axes from the map file.
3185    ALLOC_ERR=-1
3186    ALLOCATE(lat_lu(jml), STAT=ALLOC_ERR)
3187    IF (ALLOC_ERR/=0) THEN
3188      WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of lat_lu : ",ALLOC_ERR
3189      CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry_read_litter', 'error in lat_lu','','')
3190    ENDIF
3191    ALLOC_ERR=-1
3192    ALLOCATE(lon_lu(iml), STAT=ALLOC_ERR)
3193    IF (ALLOC_ERR/=0) THEN
3194      WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of lon_lu : ",ALLOC_ERR
3195      CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry_read_litter', 'error in lon_lu','','')
3196    ENDIF
3197    IF (is_root_prc) THEN
3198       CALL fliogstc (fid, x_axis=lon_lu,y_axis=lat_lu)
3199    ENDIF
3200    ! Do we need to close the file??
3201    !ASLA IF (is_root_prc) THEN
3202    !ASLA   CALL flinclo(fid)
3203    !ASLA ENDIF
3204    CALL bcast(lon_lu)
3205    CALL bcast(lat_lu)
3207    ! Now I can interpolate.  This should be straightforward, since
3208    ! we are interpolating real numbers.
3210    ALLOC_ERR=-1
3211    ALLOCATE(lat_ful(iml,jml), STAT=ALLOC_ERR)
3212    IF (ALLOC_ERR/=0) THEN
3213      WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of lat_ful : ",ALLOC_ERR
3214      CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry_read_litter', 'error in lat_ful','','')
3215    ENDIF
3216    ALLOC_ERR=-1
3217    ALLOCATE(lon_ful(iml,jml), STAT=ALLOC_ERR)
3218    IF (ALLOC_ERR/=0) THEN
3219      WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of lon_ful : ",ALLOC_ERR
3220      CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry_read_litter', 'error in lon_ful','','')
3221    ENDIF
3222    !
3223    DO ip=1,iml
3224       lon_ful(ip,:)=lon_lu(ip)
3225    ENDDO
3226    DO jp=1,jml
3227       lat_ful(:,jp)=lat_lu(jp)
3228    ENDDO
3230    ! The map is in absolute numbers.  We cannot interpolate absolute numbers, we want
3231    ! to add them together (or subtract them, if we are going to finer resolution).  Therefore,
3232    ! let's convert all the map values to per m**2 first, interpolate that, and then
3233    ! convert back to absolute numbers.
3234    ! This is ugly.  Unfortunately, we had to steal this from grid.f90, since the resolution is
3235    ! not passed for every grid square, just those that we are interested in.
3236    ALLOC_ERR=-1
3237    ALLOCATE(temp_resolution(iml,jml,2), STAT=ALLOC_ERR)
3238    IF (ALLOC_ERR/=0) THEN
3239      WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of temp_resolution : ",ALLOC_ERR
3240      CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry_read_litter', 'error in temp_resolution','','')
3241    ENDIF
3242    DO ip=1,iml
3243       DO jp=1,jml
3244          !
3245          ! 2 resolution
3246          !
3248          !
3249          ! 2.1 longitude
3250          !
3252          ! prevent infinite resolution at the pole
3253          coslat = MAX( COS( lat_ful(ip,jp) * pi/180. ), mincos )     
3254          IF ( iml .GT. 1 ) THEN
3256             IF ( ip .EQ. 1 ) THEN
3257                temp_resolution(ip,jp,1) = &
3258                     ABS( lon_ful(ip+1,jp) - lon_ful(ip,jp) ) * &
3259                     pi/180. * R_Earth * coslat
3260             ELSEIF ( ip .EQ. iml ) THEN
3261                temp_resolution(ip,jp,1) = &
3262                     ABS( lon_ful(ip,jp) - lon_ful(ip-1,jp) ) * &
3263                     pi/180. * R_Earth * coslat
3264             ELSE
3265                temp_resolution(ip,jp,1) = &
3266                     ABS( lon_ful(ip+1,jp) - lon_ful(ip-1,jp) )/2. *&
3267                     pi/180. * R_Earth * coslat
3268             ENDIF
3270          ELSE
3272             temp_resolution(ip,jp,1) = default_resolution
3274          ENDIF
3276          !
3277          ! 2.2 latitude
3278          !
3280          IF ( jml .GT. 1 ) THEN
3282             IF ( jp .EQ. 1 ) THEN
3283                temp_resolution(ip,jp,2) = &
3284                     ABS( lat_ful(ip,jp) - lat_ful(ip,jp+1) ) * &
3285                     pi/180. * R_Earth
3286             ELSEIF ( jp .EQ. jml ) THEN
3287                temp_resolution(ip,jp,2) = &
3288                     ABS( lat_ful(ip,jp-1) - lat_ful(ip,jp) ) * &
3289                     pi/180. * R_Earth
3290             ELSE
3291                temp_resolution(ip,jp,2) = &
3292                     ABS( lat_ful(ip,jp-1) - lat_ful(ip,jp+1) )/2. *&
3293                     pi/180. * R_Earth
3294             ENDIF
3296          ELSE
3298             temp_resolution(ip,jp,2) = default_resolution
3300          ENDIF
3302#ifdef __NAGFOR
3303                ltemp=IEEE_IS_NAN(littermap(ip,jp))
3305                ltemp=isnan(littermap(ip,jp))
3307          IF( .NOT. ltemp)THEN
3309             IF(littermap(ip,jp) .LT. fillvalue)THEN
3310                ! Convert to per square meter for the interpolation if this is a real map value.
3311                littermap(ip,jp)=littermap(ip,jp)/temp_resolution(ip,jp,1)/temp_resolution(ip,jp,2)
3312             ENDIF
3314          ENDIF
3316       ENDDO
3318    ENDDO
3320    !
3321    WRITE(numout,*) 'Reading the LITTER file'
3322    !
3323    !
3325    !
3326    ! Mask of permitted variables.
3327    !
3328    ALLOC_ERR=-1
3329    ALLOCATE(mask(iml,jml), STAT=ALLOC_ERR)
3330    IF (ALLOC_ERR/=0) THEN
3331      WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of mask : ",ALLOC_ERR
3332      CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry_read_litter', 'error in mask','','')
3333    ENDIF
3334    !
3335    mask(:,:) = 0
3336    DO ip=1,iml
3337       DO jp=1,jml
3338          ! If the grid has any litter, we should interpolate
3339          ! this grid point.
3340#ifdef __NAGFOR
3341                ltemp=IEEE_IS_NAN(littermap(ip,jp))
3343                ltemp=isnan(littermap(ip,jp))
3345          IF( .NOT. ltemp)THEN
3346             IF ( littermap(ip,jp) .GT. min_sechiba .AND. littermap(ip,jp) .LT. fillvalue ) THEN
3347                mask(ip,jp) = 1
3348                IF (debug) THEN
3349                   WRITE(numout,*) "update : littermap(",ip,jp,")) = ",littermap(ip,jp)
3350                ENDIF
3351             ENDIF
3352          ENDIF
3353       ENDDO
3354    ENDDO
3355    !
3356    !
3357    ! The number of maximum vegetation map points in the GCM grid should
3358    ! also be computed and not imposed here.
3359    !
3360    nbvmax = 200
3361    !
3362    callsign="Litter map"
3363    !
3364    ok_interpol = .FALSE.
3365    DO WHILE ( .NOT. ok_interpol )
3366       WRITE(numout,*) "Projection arrays for ",callsign," : "
3367       WRITE(numout,*) "nbvmax = ",nbvmax
3368       !
3369       ALLOC_ERR=-1
3370       ALLOCATE(sub_index(npts, nbvmax,2), STAT=ALLOC_ERR)
3371       IF (ALLOC_ERR/=0) THEN
3372          WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of sub_index : ",ALLOC_ERR
3373          CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry_read_litter', 'error in sub_index','','')
3374       ENDIF
3375       sub_index(:,:,:)=0
3377       ALLOC_ERR=-1
3378       ALLOCATE(sub_area(npts, nbvmax), STAT=ALLOC_ERR)
3379       IF (ALLOC_ERR/=0) THEN
3380          WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of sub_area : ",ALLOC_ERR
3381          CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry_read_litter', 'error in sub_area','','')
3382       ENDIF
3383       sub_area(:,:)=zero
3384       !
3385       CALL aggregate_p(npts, lalo, neighbours, resolution, contfrac, &
3386            &                iml, jml, lon_ful, lat_ful, mask, callsign, &
3387            &                nbvmax, sub_index, sub_area, ok_interpol)
3388       !
3389       IF ( .NOT. ok_interpol ) THEN
3390          DEALLOCATE(sub_area)
3391          DEALLOCATE(sub_index)
3392       ENDIF
3393       !
3394       nbvmax = nbvmax * 2
3395    ENDDO
3396    !
3397    DO ipts = 1, npts
3399       litter_demand(ipts)=zero
3400       area_sum=zero
3402       DO ibvm=1, nbvmax
3403          ! Leave the do loop if all sub areas are treated, sub_area <= 0
3404          IF ( sub_area(ipts,ibvm) <= zero ) EXIT
3405          ip = sub_index(ipts,ibvm,1)
3406          jp = sub_index(ipts,ibvm,2)
3407          area_sum=area_sum+sub_area(ipts,ibvm)
3408          litter_demand(ipts)=litter_demand(ipts)+sub_area(ipts,ibvm)*littermap(ip,jp)
3409       ENDDO
3411       IF(area_sum .LT. min_stomate)THEN
3412          WRITE(numout,*) 'Missing data for the litter map on this land point!'
3413          WRITE(numout,*) 'ipts,lalo',ipts,lalo(ipts,:)
3414          litter_demand(ipts)=zero
3415       ELSE
3416          litter_demand(ipts)=litter_demand(ipts)/area_sum
3417          ! This is in gC/year/m**2 from the interpolation.  I need to convert it back
3418          ! to absolute numbers.
3419          litter_demand(ipts)=litter_demand(ipts)*resolution(ipts,1)*resolution(ipts,2)
3420       ENDIF
3422    ENDDO
3424    !
3425    DEALLOCATE(littermap)
3426    DEALLOCATE(temp_resolution)
3427    DEALLOCATE(lat_lu,lon_lu)
3428    DEALLOCATE(lat_ful,lon_ful)
3429    DEALLOCATE(mask)
3430    IF(ALLOCATED(sub_index)) DEALLOCATE(sub_index)
3431    IF(ALLOCATED(sub_area)) DEALLOCATE(sub_area)
3434   IF ( printlev >= 5 ) WRITE(numout,*) 'Leaving sapiens_forestry_read_litter'
3436  END SUBROUTINE sapiens_forestry_read_litter
3438!! ================================================================================================================================
3439!! SUBROUTINE    : sapiens_forestry_litter_raking
3441!>\BRIEF       Redistribute litter between PFTs due to litter raking
3443!! DESCRIPTION   : 
3444!!                  (1) The transfer of forest litter to crop lands within each grid cell depends on the litter demands.
3445!!                  This is detemined by carbon litter demand maps read in stomate.f90.
3446!!                  (2) Determine the CN ratio of litter pools, because the CN
3447!!                  ratio should be the same before and after the litter raking.
3448!!                  (3) Determine the amount of litter removed from each PFT. We already know
3449!!                  the total amount af litter to be transfered from the forest
3450!!                  to the crops, but it has to be distibuted amongst the PTF. This is determinde
3451!!                  by the fraction of above ground litter of a given PFT to the total above ground
3452!!                  litter in the grid cell. (The litter fraction of a PFT can very well be
3453!!                  different from veget_max).
3454!!                  (4) Remove nitrogen from the forest litter pools, such that a
3455!!                  constant CN ratio is kept before and after the litter raking.
3456!!                  (5) Move the litter of C and N to the crop PFTs in the grid.
3458!!                  Be obs on the units in this subroutine - the changes between
3459!!                  mass per grid cell and mass per m2, because the litter
3460!!                  demand maps gC per grid cell.
3462!! RECENT CHANGE(S) : Nitrogen was added to the litter raking subroutine during
3463!!                    summer 2019
3465!! MAIN OUTPUT VARIABLE(S): ::litter pools are modified
3467!! REFERENCE(S)   :
3469!! FLOWCHART    :
3470!! \n
3471!_ ================================================================================================================================
3473  SUBROUTINE sapiens_forestry_litter_raking ( npts, veget_max, resolution, litter_demand, litter, lrake_frac )
3475 !! 0. Variable and parameter declaration
3477    !! 0.1 Input variables
3478    INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in)                         :: npts            !! Domain size - number of pixels
3479                                                                          !! (dimensionless)
3480    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)            :: veget_max       !! "Maximal" coverage fraction of a PFT (LAI
3481                                                                          !! -> infinity) on ground
3482    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)            :: resolution      !! The size in m of each grid-box in X and Y
3483    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in)              :: litter_demand   !! The litter removed from each pixel due
3484                                                                          !! to litter raking at the end of the year.
3485                                                                          !! @tex $(gC year^{-1})$ @endtex
3487    !! 0.2 Output
3488    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(out)           :: lrake_frac      !! Relative amount of litter that raked (-)
3490    !! 0.3 Modified fields
3491    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:), INTENT(inout)   :: litter          !! Metabolic and structural litter, above
3492                                                                          !! and below ground
3493                                                                          !! @tex $(gC m^{-2})$ @endtex
3495    !! 0.4 Local variables
3496    INTEGER(i_std)                                     :: ipts, ivm       !! Indices
3497    REAL(r_std)                                        :: total_litter    !! Total amount of aboveground forest litter
3498                                                                          !! on the pixel (gC)
3499    REAL(r_std)                                        :: ind_litter      !! Resulting litter per PFT
3500    REAL(r_std)                                        :: crop_frac       !! Fraction of croplands on the pixel (-)
3501    REAL(r_std)                                        :: forest_frac     !! Fraction of forests on the pixel (-)
3502    REAL(r_std)                                        :: litter_transfer !! Litter that we would like to move (demand)
3503                                                                          !! from the forests to the crops
3504                                                                          !! @tex $(gC year^{-1})$ @endtex
3505    REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(nlitt)                       :: litter_ratio    !! Litter in a PFT as a fraction of all the
3506                                                                          !! forest litter in the pixel (-)
3507    REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(nvm)                         :: lfrac           !! ??? how does this differ from litter_ratio
3508    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm,nmbcomp,nelements) :: check_intern    !! Contains the components of the internal
3509                                                                          !! mass balance chech for this routine
3510                                                                          !! @tex $(gC m^{-2} dt^{-1})$ @endtex
3511    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm,nelements)         :: closure_intern  !! Check closure of internal mass balance
3512                                                                          !! @tex $(gC m^{-2} dt^{-1})$ @endtex
3513    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm,nelements)         :: pool_start      !! Start pool of this routine
3514                                                                          !! @tex $(gC m^{-2} dt^{-1})$ @endtex
3515    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm,nelements)         :: pool_end        !! End pool of this routine
3516                                                                          !! @tex $(gC m^{-2} dt^{-1})$ @endtex
3517    REAL(r_std)                                        :: temp_sum        !! Temporary storage
3518    INTEGER(i_std)                                     :: iele, ilitt     !! Indices
3519    INTEGER(i_std)                                     :: ilevs, imbc     !! Indices
3520    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm)                   :: pft_area        !! The absolute area covered by this PFT
3521                                                                          !! @tex $(m^2)$ @endtex
3522    REAL(r_std)                                        :: litter_lost     !! Litter removed from the forest PFTs
3523    REAL(r_std)                                        :: litter_gained   !! Litter added to the crop PFTs
3524    LOGICAL                                            :: lall_litter     !! Flag to catch numerical issues
3525    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nvm)                   :: veget_max_begin !! temporary storage of veget_max to check area conservation
3526    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nlitt,nvm)                  :: CN_litter       !! CN ratios for the above ground litter pools
3527                                                                          !! before  litter raking
3528    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nlitt,nvm,nelements)        :: litter_lost_pft !! The litter lost due to litter raking for each PFT (gC or gN per grid cell)
3529    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts)                       :: litter_transfer_N !! The total tranfers of N from the forested PFT to the crops (gN per grid cell).
3530    REAL(r_std)                                        :: ind_litter_N    !! Resulting N litter per PFT (gN per m2)
3531!_ ================================================================================================================================
3533   IF (firstcall_sapiens_forestry) THEN
3534       ! Initialize local printlev if it is not already done
3535       printlev_loc=get_printlev('sapiens_forestry')
3537       firstcall_sapiens_forestry=.FALSE.
3538    END IF
3540    IF ( printlev_loc >= 3 ) WRITE(numout,*) 'Entering sapiens_forestry_litter_raking'
3542    !! 1. Initialize biomass at first call
3544    !! 1.2 Initialize check for mass balance closure
3546    !  Initial values of litter
3547    IF (err_act.GT.1) THEN
3549       check_intern(:,:,:,:) = zero
3550       pool_start(:,:,:) = zero
3552       DO iele = 1,nelements
3554          ! Litter pool (gC m-2) *  (m2 m-2)
3555          DO ilitt = 1,nlitt
3556             DO ilevs = 1,nlevs
3557                pool_start(:,:,iele) = pool_start(:,:,iele) + &
3558                     litter(:,ilitt,:,ilevs,iele) * veget_max(:,:)
3559             ENDDO
3560          ENDDO
3562       ENDDO ! # nelements
3564       !! 1.3 Initialize check for area conservation
3565       veget_max_begin(:,:) = veget_max(:,:)
3567    ENDIF ! err_act.GT.1
3569    !! 1.4 Initialize
3570    lrake_frac(:,:) = zero
3571    litter_transfer_N(:) = zero
3573    !! Surface areas in m2
3574    DO ipts=1,npts
3575       pft_area(ipts,:)=area(ipts)* veget_max(ipts,:)
3576    ENDDO
3578    ! We need to find how much litter we can get from the forests for each
3579    ! grid point.
3580    DO ipts=1,npts
3582       litter_lost=zero
3583       litter_gained=zero
3584       total_litter=zero
3585       CN_litter(:,:) = zero
3586       litter_lost_pft(:,:,:) = zero
3589       DO ivm=1,nvm
3590          IF(is_tree(ivm))THEN
3591             ! We will take all the above ground litter, since that is what
3592             ! a farmer could pick up.  Unlikely they dug into the soil to
3593             ! collect litter. Notice these are in absolute units, not per
3594             ! square meter.
3595             total_litter=total_litter+SUM(litter(ipts,:,ivm,iabove,icarbon))&
3596                  *pft_area(ipts,ivm)
3597          ENDIF
3598       ENDDO
3600       ! We need to determine the CN ratio of the above grpund litter pools
3601       ! such that we keep the CN ratios constant before and after the litter
3602       ! raking
3603       DO ivm = 1,nvm
3604          IF(is_tree(ivm)) THEN
3606             IF(SUM(litter(ipts,:,ivm,iabove,icarbon)) .GT. min_stomate &
3607                .AND. SUM(litter(ipts,:,ivm,iabove,initrogen)) .GT. min_stomate)THEN 
3609               ! In case of empty litter N by component   
3610               WHERE(litter(ipts,:,ivm,iabove,initrogen) .GT. zero)   
3611                     CN_litter(:,ivm) =litter(ipts,:,ivm,iabove,icarbon)/ &
3612                              &litter(ipts,:,ivm,iabove,initrogen)
3613               ENDWHERE
3615               IF(ivm .EQ. test_pft .AND. printlev_loc.GE.4) THEN
3616                  WRITE(numout,*)'ivm',ivm
3617                  WRITE(numout,*)'CN_litter before',CN_litter(:,ivm)
3618               ENDIF
3620             ELSEIF(SUM(litter(ipts,:,ivm,iabove,icarbon)) .LT. min_stomate &
3621                   .AND. SUM(litter(ipts,:,ivm,iabove,initrogen)) .LT.min_stomate)THEN
3623             ! If there us no litter, we cannot take the CN ratio
3625             ELSE
3627             ! There is something wrong with the CN ratio of the litter pools
3628                WRITE(numout,*)'ivm',ivm
3629                WRITE(numout,*)'litter C',litter(ipts,:,ivm,iabove,icarbon)
3630                WRITE(numout,*)'litter N',litter(ipts,:,ivm,iabove,initrogen)   
3631                CALL ipslerr_p (3,'ERROR: in litter raking','Something is wrong with the CN ratio of litter &
3632                             pools', 'One pools is empty, while the other is not','')
3633             ENDIF
3634          ENDIF
3635       ENDDO
3637       ! If we have no forest litter, we cannot rake anything.
3638       IF(total_litter .LT. min_stomate)CYCLE
3640       ! The forests are tricky. The litter they produce will not
3641       ! necessarily be proportional to the area they take up. 
3642       ! We want to reduce the amount of litter in each forest in a
3643       ! way that doesn't leave any litter pools negative.
3644       lfrac(:)=zero
3645       DO ivm=1,nvm
3646          IF(is_tree(ivm))THEN
3647             lfrac(ivm)=SUM(litter(ipts,:,ivm,iabove,icarbon))&
3648                  *pft_area(ipts,ivm)/total_litter
3649          ENDIF
3650       ENDDO
3652       ! Now compute the amount of the litter that we need to take to
3653       ! satisfy our demand.
3654       litter_transfer=litter_demand(ipts)
3656       ! We don't take more litter than we have. Putting in
3657       ! a logical flag to prevent us from having numerical
3658       ! issues.
3659       lall_litter=.FALSE.
3660       IF(litter_transfer .GT. total_litter) THEN
3661          lall_litter=.TRUE.
3662          litter_transfer=total_litter
3663       ENDIF
3665       ! How many crop PFTs are present on this grid square?
3666       crop_frac=zero
3667       DO ivm=1,nvm
3668          IF(.NOT. natural(ivm))THEN
3669             crop_frac=crop_frac+veget_max(ipts,ivm)
3670          ENDIF
3671       ENDDO
3673       ! Litter raking is only conducted if we have crops in the grid cell.
3674       IF(crop_frac .GT. min_stomate)THEN
3675          DO ivm=1,nvm
3677             IF(veget_max(ipts,ivm) .LE. min_stomate) CYCLE
3679             ! If we have a forest, we remove litter.  Keep the ratio of
3680             ! the litter pools the same.
3681             IF(is_tree(ivm))THEN
3682                ind_litter=SUM(litter(ipts,:,ivm,iabove,icarbon))*&
3683                     pft_area(ipts,ivm)
3685                ! I guess there is a chance that a forest has no litter. 
3686                ! This means there is nothing to take away.
3687                IF(ind_litter .LE. min_stomate)CYCLE
3689                litter_ratio(:)=litter(ipts,:,ivm,iabove,icarbon)*&
3690                     pft_area(ipts,ivm)/ind_litter
3691                lrake_frac(ipts,ivm)=lfrac(ivm)*litter_transfer/ind_litter
3693                ! We don't want to have negative litter values
3694                IF(lall_litter)THEN
3695                   ind_litter=zero
3696                ELSE
3697                   ind_litter=ind_litter-lfrac(ivm)*litter_transfer
3698                ENDIF
3699                litter_lost=litter_lost-lfrac(ivm)*litter_transfer
3701                ! We need to estimate the lost litter of C for each PFT to
3702                ! calculate lost N as well. But we also need to estimate, to
3703                ! total N lost. The below is total estimates per grid cell
3705                litter_lost_pft(:,ivm,icarbon)=-lfrac(ivm)*litter_transfer*&
3706                                               litter_ratio(:)
3707                WHERE(CN_litter(:,ivm) .GT. zero)
3708                    litter_lost_pft(:,ivm,initrogen)=-lfrac(ivm)*litter_transfer*&
3709                                               litter_ratio(:)/CN_litter(:,ivm)
3710                ENDWHERE
3711                litter_transfer_N(ipts)=litter_transfer_N(ipts)-&
3712                                        SUM(litter_lost_pft(:,ivm,initrogen)) 
3714                ! This is a problem.  We are taking differences of numbers
3715                ! which are 1e9 or so, which means we could have a negative
3716                ! value that is insignificant. I put the flag to try to
3717                ! prevent that.
3718                IF(.NOT. lall_litter .AND. ind_litter .LT. -min_stomate)THEN
3719                   WRITE(numout,*) "Took away too much litter!"
3720                   WRITE(numout,*) "ipts,ivm:",ipts,ivm
3721                   WRITE(numout,*) "lfrac(ivm),ind_litter,litter_transfer: ",&
3722                        lfrac(ivm),SUM(litter(ipts,:,ivm,iabove,icarbon))*&
3723                        pft_area(ipts,ivm),litter_transfer
3724                ENDIF
3725                litter(ipts,:,ivm,iabove,icarbon)=litter_ratio(:)*ind_litter&
3726                     /pft_area(ipts,ivm)
3727                WHERE(CN_litter(:,ivm) .GT. zero)
3728                    litter(ipts,:,ivm,iabove,initrogen)=litter_ratio(:)*ind_litter&
3729                         /pft_area(ipts,ivm)/CN_litter(:,ivm) 
3730                ENDWHERE
3731                ! The resulting litter pool can also be determined be
3732                ! subtraction now that the litter lost per pft has been
3733                ! calculated (litter_lost_pft) to keep constant CN ratio. It
3734                ! might be more intuitive when people are looking into the code.
3735                ! It has been verifyed that both methods gives the same results.
3736                ! litter(ipts,:,ivm,iabove,initrogen)=litter(ipts,:,ivm,iabove,initrogen)+&
3737                !           litter_lost_pft(:,ivm,initrogen)/pft_area(ipts,ivm)
3739                !--- DEBUG ---!
3740                IF (printlev_loc>=4) THEN
3741                   IF(ipts .EQ. test_grid .and.ivm .EQ. test_pft) THEN
3742                      WRITE(numout,*)'ivm',ivm
3743                      WRITE(numout,*)'litter',litter(ipts,:,ivm,iabove,initrogen)
3744                      WRITE(numout,*)'CNratio after',litter(ipts,:,ivm,iabove,icarbon)/&
3745                                           litter(ipts,:,ivm,iabove,initrogen)
3746                      WRITE(numout,*)'litter_lost_pft carbon',litter_lost_pft(:,ivm,icarbon)
3747                      WRITE(numout,*)'litter_lost_pft nitrogen',litter_lost_pft(:,ivm,initrogen)
3748                      WRITE(numout,*)'litter_transfer', litter_transfer
3749                      WRITE(numout,*)'lfrac', lfrac(ivm)
3750                      WRITE(numout,*)'litter_ratio',litter_ratio
3751                   ENDIF
3752                ENDIF 
3754             ELSEIF( .NOT. natural(ivm))THEN
3756                ! If we have a crop, we add litter.
3757                ind_litter=SUM(litter(ipts,:,ivm,iabove,icarbon))* &
3758                     pft_area(ipts,ivm)
3759                ind_litter_N=SUM(litter(ipts,:,ivm,iabove,initrogen))* &
3760                     pft_area(ipts,ivm) 
3762                ! Is it possible that we have no crop litter but we
3763                ! have veget_max?  Maybe.
3764                IF(ind_litter .LT. min_stomate)THEN
3765                   litter_ratio(:)=un/REAL(nlitt)
3766                ELSE
3767                   litter_ratio(:)=litter(ipts,:,ivm,iabove,icarbon)*&
3768                        pft_area(ipts,ivm)/ind_litter
3769                ENDIF
3770                ! This is the total litter we have for this PFT in
3771                ! this pixel
3772                ind_litter=ind_litter+veget_max(ipts,ivm)/crop_frac*&
3773                     litter_transfer
3774                ind_litter_N=ind_litter_N+veget_max(ipts,ivm)/crop_frac*&
3775                             litter_transfer_N(ipts)
3776                ! could add a dimension to ind_litter, in stead of making a new
3777                ! variable.
3778                litter_gained=litter_gained+veget_max(ipts,ivm)/&
3779                     crop_frac*litter_transfer
3780                litter(ipts,:,ivm,iabove,icarbon)=litter_ratio(:)*&
3781                     ind_litter/pft_area(ipts,ivm)
3782                litter(ipts,:,ivm,iabove,initrogen)=litter_ratio(:)*&
3783                     ind_litter_N/pft_area(ipts,ivm)
3786             ENDIF ! checking to see if this PFT is a crop or forest
3788          ENDDO ! loop over PFTs
3790       ELSE
3792          ! We have no agricultural PFTs to move the litter to, so we
3793          ! assume that no litter raking was done in this grid square.
3795       ENDIF ! checking to see if we have crops
3797    ENDDO ! loop over pixels
3799 !! 2. Check numerical consistency of this routine
3801    IF (err_act.GT.1) THEN
3803       ! 2.2 Check surface area
3804       CALL check_vegetation_area("stomate_prescribe", npts, veget_max_begin, &
3805            veget_max,'pft')
3807       ! 2.3 Mass balance closure
3808       ! 2.3.1 Calculate final biomass
3809       pool_end = zero
3810       DO iele = 1,nelements
3811          DO ilitt = 1,nlitt
3812             DO ilevs = 1,nlevs
3813                pool_end(:,:,iele) = pool_end(:,:,iele) + &
3814                     litter(:,ilitt,:,ilevs,iele) * veget_max(:,:)
3815             ENDDO
3816          ENDDO
3817       ENDDO
3819       !! 2.3.2 Calculate mass balance
3820       ! Common processes
3821       DO iele=1,nelements
3822          check_intern(:,:,ipoolchange,iele) = -un * &
3823               (pool_end(:,:,iele) - pool_start(:,:,iele))
3824       ENDDO
3826       closure_intern = zero
3827       DO imbc = 1,nmbcomp
3828          DO iele=1,nelements
3829             ! Debug
3830             IF (printlev_loc>=4) WRITE(numout,*) &
3831                  'check_intern, ivm, imbc, iele, ', imbc, &
3832                  iele, check_intern(:,test_pft,imbc,iele)
3833             !-
3834             closure_intern(:,:,iele) = closure_intern(:,:,iele) + &
3835                  check_intern(:,:,imbc,iele)
3836          ENDDO
3837       ENDDO
3839       ! 4.3.3 Check mass balance closure
3840       CALL check_mass_balance("sapiens_forestry_litter_raking", closure_intern, npts, &
3841            pool_end, pool_start, veget_max, 'pixel')
3843    ENDIF ! err_act.GT.1
3845    IF ( printlev >= 4 ) WRITE(numout,*) 'Leaving sapiens_forestry_litter_raking'
3847  END SUBROUTINE sapiens_forestry_litter_raking
3850!! ================================================================================================================================
3851!! SUBROUTINE    : sapiens_forestry_read_species_change
3853!>\BRIEF        Read in a map that gives the PFT that needs to be planted
3854!!               when the current s PFT is harvested.
3856!! DESCRIPTION   : 
3858!!       NOTE: This routine was mostly copied from slowproc where the PFTmap is read in.
3859!!             Grid interpolation is used, but only to look at the nearby pixels to see
3860!!             see which management strategy is dominant.
3862!! RECENT CHANGE(S) : None
3864!! MAIN OUTPUT VARIABLE(S): ::species_map
3866!! REFERENCE(S)   :
3868!! FLOWCHART    :
3869!! \n
3870!_ ================================================================================================================================
3872  SUBROUTINE sapiens_forestry_read_species_change ( npts, lalo, neighbours, resolution, contfrac, species_map )
3874 !! 0. Variable and parameter declaration
3876    !! 0.1 Input variables
3877    INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in)                          :: npts            !! Domain size - number of pixels
3878                                                                           !! (dimensionless)
3879    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)             :: lalo            !! Vector of latitude and longitudes (beware of the order !)
3880    INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)          :: neighbours      !!
3881    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)             :: resolution      !! The size in m of each grid-box in X and Y
3882    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in)               :: contfrac        !! Fraction of continent in the grid
3884    !! 0.2 Output
3885    INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(out)         :: species_map     !! The number of a PFT that each PFT will
3886                                                                           !! be converted into after death.
3888    !! 0.3 Modified fields
3891    !! 0.4 Local variables
3892    CHARACTER(LEN=80)                                      :: filename        !! A string to hold the file name
3893    LOGICAL                                                :: debug=.FALSE.   !! A flag to print out debugging information.
3894    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: fid             !! The ID of the NetCDF file.
3895    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: nb_coord        !! The number of coordinates in the NetCDF file   
3896    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: nb_gat          !!
3897    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: nb_var          !! The number of variables in the NetCDF file
3898    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: nb_dim          !! The number of dimensions in the NetCDF file
3899    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: iml, jml, lml,ivm !! indices
3900    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: ip, inbv, jp    !! indices
3901    LOGICAL                                                :: l_ex            !! A flag which indicates if a variable
3902                                                                              !! exists in the NetCDF file
3903    REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)                 :: lat_lu, lon_lu  !! The latitude and longitude read in from
3904                                                                              !! the NetCDF file   
3905    INTEGER,DIMENSION(flio_max_var_dims)                   :: l_d_w           !! List of the dimension lengths of the variable
3906                                                                              !! in the NetCDF file
3907    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: ipts            !! index
3908    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: ALLOC_ERR       !! A flag tripped if we have an error in allocation
3909    REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(:,:,:),ALLOCATABLE               :: scmap_r         !! The map read in from the NetCDF file
3910    INTEGER(i_std),DIMENSION(:,:,:),ALLOCATABLE            :: scmap_i         !! The integer form of the map read in
3911    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: closest_lat     !! The index of the closest latitude we found.
3912    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: closest_lon     !! The index of the closest longitude we found.
3913    REAL(r_std)                                            :: distance        !! The distance from the current point to the
3914                                                                              !! point on the map
3915    REAL(r_std)                                            :: closest_dist    !! The distance to the closet point we've found.
3916    INTEGER                                                :: large_int       !! A number which indicates that the grid data
3917                                                                              !! is not available
3918    REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: lat_ful, lon_ful
3919    INTEGER(i_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: mask
3920    REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:)    :: sub_area
3921    INTEGER(i_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:)  :: sub_index
3922    CHARACTER(LEN=30) :: callsign
3923    INTEGER(i_std) :: ibvm, nbvmax,ifm, ivma
3924    LOGICAL ::           ok_interpol ! optionnal return of aggregate_2d
3925    REAL(r_std)                                            :: sum_sc,sumf
3926    REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(nvmap)                       :: sc_sum
3927    LOGICAL ::           ltemp ! temporary logical variable
3928  !_ ================================================================================================================================
3930    !IF ( printlev >= 4 )
3931    WRITE(numout,*) 'Entering sapiens_forestry_read_species_change'
3933    ! This integer has to be large enough that it never shows up on the map, without being
3934    ! so large that is causes overflows.  This needs to be larger than the largest possible
3935    ! value multiplied by the number of PFTs.  Since each value should never be larger than
3936    ! the number of PFTs, this should suffice.
3937    large_int = nvmap*nvmap+1
3939   !
3940    !Config Key   = SPECIES_CHANGE_FILE
3941    !Config Desc  = Name of file from which the species change map is to be read
3942    !Config If    = OK_STOMATE
3943    !Config Def   =
3944    !Config Help  = The name of the file to be opened to read the species to replant
3945    !Config         for each pixel and PFT.
3946    !Config Units = [FILE]
3947    !
3948    filename = ''
3949    CALL getin_p('SPECIES_CHANGE_FILE',filename)
3951    IF (is_root_prc) THEN
3952       IF (debug) THEN
3953          WRITE(numout,*) "Entering sapiens_forestry_read_species_change. Debug mode."
3954          WRITE (*,'(/," --> fliodmpf")')
3955          CALL fliodmpf (TRIM(filename))
3956          WRITE (*,'(/," --> flioopfd")')
3957       ENDIF
3958       CALL flioopfd (TRIM(filename),fid,nb_dim=nb_coord,nb_var=nb_var,nb_gat=nb_gat)
3959       IF (debug) THEN
3960          WRITE (*,'(" Number of coordinate        in the file : ",I2)') nb_coord
3961          WRITE (*,'(" Number of variables         in the file : ",I2)') nb_var
3962          WRITE (*,'(" Number of global attributes in the file : ",I2)') nb_gat
3963       ENDIF
3964    ENDIF
3965    CALL bcast(nb_coord)
3966    CALL bcast(nb_var)
3967    CALL bcast(nb_gat)
3969    ! This finds the number of longitude points in the file.
3970    IF (is_root_prc) &
3971         CALL flioinqv (fid,v_n="lon",l_ex=l_ex,nb_dims=nb_dim,len_dims=l_d_w) 
3972    CALL bcast(l_d_w)
3973    iml=l_d_w(1)
3974    WRITE(numout,*) "Species change Map: iml =",iml
3976    ! This finds the number of latitude points in the file.
3977    IF (is_root_prc) &
3978         CALL flioinqv (fid,v_n="lat",l_ex=l_ex,nb_dims=nb_dim,len_dims=l_d_w) 
3979    CALL bcast(l_d_w)
3980    jml=l_d_w(1)
3981    WRITE(numout,*) "Species change Map: jml =",jml
3983    ! Now find the number of PFTs in the file.  If this is not equal to the number
3984    ! of PFTs that we actually have, that's a problem and we'll crash.
3985    IF (is_root_prc) &
3986         CALL flioinqv (fid,v_n="NEWSPECIES",l_ex=l_ex,nb_dims=nb_dim,len_dims=l_d_w) 
3987    CALL bcast(l_d_w)
3988    lml=l_d_w(3)
3990    IF (lml /= nvmap) THEN
3991       WRITE(numout,*) 'lml = ',lml
3992       WRITE(numout,*) 'nvmap = ',nvmap
3993       WRITE(numout,*) 'Stopping. '
3994       CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapians_forestry', &
3995            &          'Problem with species change map.','lml /= nvmap', &
3996            &          '(number of pft must be equal)')
3997    ENDIF
3998    !
4000    ! Allocate the map that will be read in
4001    WRITE(numout,*) 'Reading the species change map'
4002    !
4003    ALLOC_ERR=-1
4004    ALLOCATE(scmap_r(iml,jml,nvmap), STAT=ALLOC_ERR)
4005    IF (ALLOC_ERR/=0) THEN
4006      WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of scmap_r : ",ALLOC_ERR
4007      CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry_read_species_change', 'error in scmap_r','','')
4008    ENDIF
4009    ALLOC_ERR=-1
4010    ALLOCATE(scmap_i(iml,jml,nvmap), STAT=ALLOC_ERR)
4011    IF (ALLOC_ERR/=0) THEN
4012      WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of scmap_i : ",ALLOC_ERR
4013      CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry_read_species_change', 'error in scmap_i','','') 
4014    ENDIF
4016    ! This reads in the map that is in the file
4017    IF (is_root_prc) THEN
4018       scmap_r(:,:,:)=large_int*2.0
4019       CALL fliogetv (fid,"NEWSPECIES", scmap_r, start=(/ 1, 1, 1 /), count=(/ iml, jml, nvmap /))
4020       ! Right now the values are all real, but they should be integers.
4021       ! Careful, NINT might not work if the precision of scmap_r is not single.
4022       ! In that case, IDNINT should be used.
4023       DO ip=1,iml
4024          DO jp=1,jml
4025             DO ivma=1,nvmap
4026                !  There will be some fill values in here.  If we pass
4027                ! a large fill value to NINT, it crashes.  So let's
4028                ! test for it
4029#ifdef __NAGFOR
4030                ltemp=IEEE_IS_NAN(scmap_r(ip,jp,ivma))   
4032                ltemp=isnan(scmap_r(ip,jp,ivma))   
4034                IF(ltemp)THEN
4035                   scmap_i(ip,jp,ivma)=large_int
4037                ELSE
4038                   IF(scmap_r(ip,jp,ivma) .GE. 0.0 .AND. scmap_r(ip,jp,ivma) < large_int)THEN
4039                      scmap_i(ip,jp,ivma)=NINT(scmap_r(ip,jp,ivma))
4040                   ELSE
4041                      ! This value should be big enough that we don't barl ourselves
4042                      ! below.
4043                      scmap_i(ip,jp,ivma)=large_int
4044                   ENDIF
4045                ENDIF
4046             ENDDO
4047          ENDDO
4048       ENDDO
4049    ENDIF
4051    CALL bcast(scmap_i)
4053    ! Now I need to get the latitude and longitude
4054    ! First, get the axes from the map file.
4055    ALLOC_ERR=-1
4056    ALLOCATE(lat_lu(jml), STAT=ALLOC_ERR)
4057    IF (ALLOC_ERR/=0) THEN
4058      WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of lat_lu : ",ALLOC_ERR
4059      CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry_read_species_change', 'error in lat_lu','','')
4060    ENDIF
4061    ALLOC_ERR=-1
4062    ALLOCATE(lon_lu(iml), STAT=ALLOC_ERR)
4063    IF (ALLOC_ERR/=0) THEN
4064      WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of lon_lu : ",ALLOC_ERR
4065      CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry_read_species_change', 'error in lon_lu','','')
4066    ENDIF
4067    IF (is_root_prc) THEN
4068       CALL fliogstc (fid, x_axis=lon_lu,y_axis=lat_lu)
4069    ENDIF
4070    CALL bcast(lon_lu)
4071    CALL bcast(lat_lu)
4073    ! Now I can interpolate.  Remember that we are dealing with integer
4074    ! values and PFTs.  Therefore, we cannot do a strict
4075    ! interpolation, since that might gives values of the PFT to be
4076    ! 2.3, or something ridiculous.  We cannot just round the number, either,
4077    ! since we could have some squares with poplar (PFT 15) and oak (PFT 13),
4078    ! rounding would give a completely different PFT (14).  So we look to see what the
4079    ! most prevalent type of PFT of nearby pixels is, and then just take that.
4081    ALLOC_ERR=-1
4082    ALLOCATE(lat_ful(iml,jml), STAT=ALLOC_ERR)
4083    IF (ALLOC_ERR/=0) THEN
4084      WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of lat_ful : ",ALLOC_ERR
4085      CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry_read_species_change', 'error in lat_ful','','')
4086    ENDIF
4087    ALLOC_ERR=-1
4088    ALLOCATE(lon_ful(iml,jml), STAT=ALLOC_ERR)
4089    IF (ALLOC_ERR/=0) THEN
4090      WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of lon_ful : ",ALLOC_ERR
4091      CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry_read_species_change', 'error in lon_ful','','')
4092    ENDIF
4093    !
4094    DO ip=1,iml
4095       lon_ful(ip,:)=lon_lu(ip)
4096    ENDDO
4097    DO jp=1,jml
4098       lat_ful(:,jp)=lat_lu(jp)
4099    ENDDO
4100    !
4101    !
4102    WRITE(numout,*) 'Reading the SPECIES CHANGE file'
4103    !
4104    !
4106    !
4107    ! Mask of permitted variables.
4108    !
4109    ALLOC_ERR=-1
4110    ALLOCATE(mask(iml,jml), STAT=ALLOC_ERR)
4111    IF (ALLOC_ERR/=0) THEN
4112      WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of mask : ",ALLOC_ERR
4113      CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry_read_species_change', 'error in mask','','')
4114    ENDIF
4115    !
4116    mask(:,:) = 0
4117    DO ip=1,iml
4118       DO jp=1,jml
4119          ! If at least one PFT has a management strategy, we should interpolate
4120          ! this grid point.
4121          sum_sc=SUM(scmap_i(ip,jp,:))
4122          IF ( sum_sc .GT. min_sechiba .AND. sum_sc .LT. large_int) THEN
4123             mask(ip,jp) = 1
4124             IF (debug) THEN
4125                WRITE(numout,*) "update : SUM(scmap(",ip,jp,")) = ",sum_sc
4126             ENDIF
4127          ENDIF
4128       ENDDO
4129    ENDDO
4130    !
4131    !
4132    ! The number of maximum vegetation map points in the GCM grid should
4133    ! also be computed and not imposed here.
4134    !
4135    nbvmax = 200
4136    !
4137    callsign="Species change map"
4138    !
4139    ok_interpol = .FALSE.
4140    DO WHILE ( .NOT. ok_interpol )
4141       WRITE(numout,*) "Projection arrays for ",callsign," : "
4142       WRITE(numout,*) "nbvmax = ",nbvmax
4143       !
4144       ALLOC_ERR=-1
4145       ALLOCATE(sub_index(npts, nbvmax,2), STAT=ALLOC_ERR)
4146       IF (ALLOC_ERR/=0) THEN
4147          WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of sub_index : ",ALLOC_ERR
4148          CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry_read_species_change', 'error in sub_index','','')
4149       ENDIF
4150       sub_index(:,:,:)=0
4152       ALLOC_ERR=-1
4153       ALLOCATE(sub_area(npts, nbvmax), STAT=ALLOC_ERR)
4154       IF (ALLOC_ERR/=0) THEN
4155          WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of sub_area : ",ALLOC_ERR
4156          CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry_read_species_change', 'error in sub_area','','') 
4157       ENDIF
4158       sub_area(:,:)=zero
4159       !
4160       CALL aggregate_p(npts, lalo, neighbours, resolution, contfrac, &
4161            &                iml, jml, lon_ful, lat_ful, mask, callsign, &
4162            &                nbvmax, sub_index, sub_area, ok_interpol)
4163       !
4164       IF ( .NOT. ok_interpol ) THEN
4165          DEALLOCATE(sub_area)
4166          DEALLOCATE(sub_index)
4167       ENDIF
4168       !
4169       nbvmax = nbvmax * 2
4170    ENDDO
4171    !
4172    DO ipts = 1, npts
4173       ! For this point, we need to see what dominant new species are
4174       ! nearby.
4175       sumf=zero
4176       ! We need to do this for every PFT
4177       DO ivma=1,nvmap
4178          ! If it's not a forest, we don't care.  We will
4179          ! always replant it as the same PFT.
4180          IF(.NOT. is_tree(start_index(ivma)))THEN
4181             species_map(ipts,ivma)=ivma
4182          ELSE
4183             sc_sum(:)=0.0
4184             DO ibvm=1, nbvmax
4185                ! Leave the do loop if all sub areas are treated, sub_area <= 0
4186                IF ( sub_area(ipts,ibvm) <= zero ) EXIT
4187                ip = sub_index(ipts,ibvm,1)
4188                jp = sub_index(ipts,ibvm,2)
4189                ifm=scmap_i(ip,jp,ivma)
4190                sc_sum(ifm)=sc_sum(ifm)+sub_area(ipts,ibvm)
4191             ENDDO
4192             ! Whichever FM type has the most area, we use that one.
4193             species_map(ipts,ivma)=MAXLOC(sc_sum(:),1)
4194          ENDIF
4195       ENDDO
4196    ENDDO
4197    !
4198    DEALLOCATE(scmap_i)
4199    DEALLOCATE(scmap_r)
4200    DEALLOCATE(lat_lu,lon_lu)
4201    DEALLOCATE(lat_ful,lon_ful)
4202    DEALLOCATE(mask)
4203    IF(ALLOCATED(sub_index)) DEALLOCATE(sub_index)
4204    IF(ALLOCATED(sub_area)) DEALLOCATE(sub_area)
4207   IF ( printlev >= 5 ) WRITE(numout,*) 'Leaving sapiens_forestry_read_species_change'
4209 END SUBROUTINE sapiens_forestry_read_species_change
4212!! ================================================================================================================================
4213!! SUBROUTINE    : sapiens_forestry_read_desired_fm
4215!>\BRIEF        Read in a map that gives the desired forest management strategy
4216!!              after a new PFT was planted.
4218!! DESCRIPTION   : 
4221!! FM = 1 : No human intervention (ORCHIDEE default)
4222!!      2 : Thinnings based on the RDI, clearcuts based on tree density,
4223!!              annual increment, and tree diameter.  Thinnings from above and
4224!!              from below are determined by the sign of thstrat.
4225!!      3 : Coppices
4226!!      4 : Short rotation coppices
4228!!       NOTE: This routine was mostly copied from slowproc where the PFTmap is read in.
4229!!             Grid interpolation is used, but only to look at the nearby pixels to see
4230!!             see which management strategy is dominant.
4232!! RECENT CHANGE(S) : None
4234!! MAIN OUTPUT VARIABLE(S): ::forest_managed
4236!! REFERENCE(S)   :
4238!! FLOWCHART    :
4239!! \n
4240!_ ================================================================================================================================
4242  SUBROUTINE sapiens_forestry_read_desired_fm ( npts, lalo, neighbours, resolution, &
4243       contfrac, desired_managed )
4245 !! 0. Variable and parameter declaration
4247    !! 0.1 Input variables
4248    INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in)                          :: npts            !! Domain size - number of pixels
4249                                                                           !! (dimensionless)
4250    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)             :: lalo            !! Vector of latitude and longitudes (beware of the order !)
4251    INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)          :: neighbours      !!
4252    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)             :: resolution      !! The size in m of each grid-box in X and Y
4253    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in)               :: contfrac        !! Fraction of continent in the grid
4255    !! 0.2 Output
4256    INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(out)         :: desired_managed !! Forest management flag: 0 = orchidee
4257                                                                           !! standard, 1= self-thinning only, 2=
4258                                                                           !! high-stand, 3= high-stand smoothed, 4=
4259                                                                           !! coppices
4261    !! 0.3 Modified fields
4264    !! 0.4 Local variables
4265    CHARACTER(LEN=80)                                      :: filename        !! A string to hold the file name
4266    LOGICAL                                                :: debug=.FALSE.   !! A flag to print out debugging information.
4267    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: fid             !! The ID of the NetCDF file.
4268    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: nb_coord        !! The number of coordinates in the NetCDF file   
4269    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: nb_gat          !!
4270    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: nb_var          !! The number of variables in the NetCDF file
4271    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: nb_dim          !! The number of dimensions in the NetCDF file
4272    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: iml,jml,lml,ivm !! indices
4273    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: ip, inbv, jp    !! indices
4274    LOGICAL                                                :: l_ex            !! A flag which indicates if a variable
4275                                                                              !! exists in the NetCDF file
4276    REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)                 :: lat_lu, lon_lu  !! The latitude and longitude read in from
4277                                                                              !! the NetCDF file   
4278    INTEGER,DIMENSION(flio_max_var_dims)                   :: l_d_w           !! List of the dimension lengths of the variable
4279                                                                              !! in the NetCDF file
4280    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: ipts            !! index
4281    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: ALLOC_ERR       !! A flag tripped if we have an error in allocation
4282    REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(:,:,:),ALLOCATABLE               :: fmmap_r         !! The map read in from the NetCDF file
4283    INTEGER(i_std),DIMENSION(:,:,:),ALLOCATABLE            :: fmmap_i         !! The integer form of the map read in
4284    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: closest_lat     !! The index of the closest latitude we found.
4285    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: closest_lon     !! The index of the closest longitude we found.
4286    REAL(r_std)                                            :: distance        !! The distance from the current point to the
4287                                                                              !! point on the map
4288    REAL(r_std)                                            :: closest_dist    !! The distance to the closet point we've found.
4289    INTEGER                                                :: large_int       !! A number which indicates that the grid data
4290                                                                              !! is not available
4291    REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:)               :: lat_ful, lon_ful
4292    INTEGER(i_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:)            :: mask
4293    REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:)               :: sub_area
4294    INTEGER(i_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:)          :: sub_index
4295    CHARACTER(LEN=30)                                      :: callsign
4296    INTEGER(i_std)                                         :: ibvm, nbvmax,ifm, ivma
4297    LOGICAL                                                :: ok_interpol     !! optionnal return of aggregate_2d
4298    REAL(r_std)                                            :: sum_fm,sumf
4299    REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(nfm_types)                       :: fm_sum
4300    LOGICAL                                                :: ltemp           !! temporary logical variable
4301  !_ ================================================================================================================================
4303    IF ( printlev >= 4 ) WRITE(numout,*) 'Entering sapiens_forestry_read_desired_fm'
4305    ! This integer has to be large enough that it never shows up on the map, without being
4306    ! so large that is causes overflows.  Since none of the points on the map should be
4307    ! larger than the number of FM strategies we have (nfm_types), this is sufficiently big.
4308    large_int = nvmap*nfm_types+1
4310    !Config Key   = FM_FILE
4311    !Config Desc  = Name of file from which the forest management map is to be read
4312    !Config If    = OK_STOMATE
4313    !Config Def   =
4314    !Config Help  = The name of the file to be opened to read a forest management
4315    !Config         map (including a layer for every PFT) is given here.
4316    !Config Units = [FILE]
4317    filename = ''
4318    !CALL getin_p('FM_FILE',filename)
4320    IF (is_root_prc) THEN
4321       IF (debug) THEN
4322          WRITE(numout,*) "Entering sapiens_forestry_read_desired_fm. Debug mode."
4323          WRITE (*,'(/," --> fliodmpf")')
4324          CALL fliodmpf (TRIM(filename))
4325          WRITE (*,'(/," --> flioopfd")')
4326       ENDIF
4327       CALL flioopfd (TRIM(filename),fid,nb_dim=nb_coord,nb_var=nb_var,nb_gat=nb_gat)
4328       IF (debug) THEN
4329          WRITE (*,'(" Number of coordinate        in the file : ",I2)') nb_coord
4330          WRITE (*,'(" Number of variables         in the file : ",I2)') nb_var
4331          WRITE (*,'(" Number of global attributes in the file : ",I2)') nb_gat
4332       ENDIF
4333    ENDIF
4334    CALL bcast(nb_coord)
4335    CALL bcast(nb_var)
4336    CALL bcast(nb_gat)
4338    ! This finds the number of longitude points in the file.
4339    IF (is_root_prc) &
4340         CALL flioinqv (fid,v_n="lon",l_ex=l_ex,nb_dims=nb_dim,len_dims=l_d_w) 
4341    CALL bcast(l_d_w)
4342    iml=l_d_w(1)
4343    WRITE(numout,*) "FM desired Map: iml =",iml
4345    ! This finds the number of latitude points in the file.
4346    IF (is_root_prc) &
4347         CALL flioinqv (fid,v_n="lat",l_ex=l_ex,nb_dims=nb_dim,len_dims=l_d_w) 
4348    CALL bcast(l_d_w)
4349    jml=l_d_w(1)
4350    WRITE(numout,*) "FM desired Map: jml =",jml
4352    ! Now find the number of PFTs in the file.  If this is not equal to the number
4353    ! of PFTs that we actually have, that's a problem and we'll crash.
4354    IF (is_root_prc) &
4355         CALL flioinqv (fid,v_n="FM_STRAT",l_ex=l_ex,nb_dims=nb_dim,len_dims=l_d_w) 
4356    CALL bcast(l_d_w)
4357    lml=l_d_w(3)
4359    IF (lml /= nvmap) THEN
4360       WRITE(numout,*) 'lml = ',lml
4361       WRITE(numout,*) 'nvmap = ',nvmap
4362       WRITE(numout,*) 'Stopping. '
4363       CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry', &
4364            &          'Problem with the desired forest management strateg map.',&
4365            &          'lml /= nvmap', '(number of pft must be equal)')
4366    ENDIF
4368    ! Allocate the map that will be read in
4369    WRITE(numout,*) 'Reading the Desired Forest Management strategy file'
4370    ALLOC_ERR=-1
4371    ALLOCATE(fmmap_r(iml,jml,nvmap), STAT=ALLOC_ERR)
4372    IF (ALLOC_ERR/=0) THEN
4373      WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of fmmap_r : ",ALLOC_ERR
4374      CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry_read_desired_fm', 'error in fmmap_r','','') 
4375    ENDIF
4376    ALLOC_ERR=-1
4377    ALLOCATE(fmmap_i(iml,jml,nvmap), STAT=ALLOC_ERR)
4378    IF (ALLOC_ERR/=0) THEN
4379      WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of fmmap_i : ",ALLOC_ERR
4380      CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry_read_desired_fm', 'error in fmmpap_i','','')
4381    ENDIF
4383    ! This reads in the map that is in the file
4384    IF (is_root_prc) THEN
4385       fmmap_r(:,:,:)=large_int*2.0
4386       CALL fliogetv (fid,"FM_STRAT", fmmap_r, start=(/ 1, 1, 1 /), &
4387            count=(/ iml, jml, nvmap /))
4389       ! Right now the values are all real, but they should be integers.
4390       ! Careful, NINT might not work if the precision of fmmap_r is not
4391       ! single. In that case, IDNINT should be used.
4392       DO ip=1,iml
4393          DO jp=1,jml
4394             DO ivma=1,nvmap
4396                ! There will be some fill values in here.  If we pass
4397                ! a large fill value to NINT, it crashes.  So let's
4398                ! test for it
4399#ifdef __NAGFOR
4400                ltemp=IEEE_IS_NAN(fmmap_r(ip,jp,ivma))   
4402                ltemp=isnan(fmmap_r(ip,jp,ivma))   
4404                IF(ltemp)THEN
4405                   fmmap_i(ip,jp,ivma)=large_int
4406                ELSE
4407                   IF(fmmap_r(ip,jp,ivma) .GE. 0.0 .AND. fmmap_r(ip,jp,ivma) < large_int) THEN
4408                      fmmap_i(ip,jp,ivma) = NINT(fmmap_r(ip,jp,ivma))
4409                   ELSE
4411                      ! This value should be big enough that we don't barl ourselves
4412                      ! below.
4413                      fmmap_i(ip,jp,ivma)=large_int
4414                   ENDIF
4415                ENDIF
4416             ENDDO
4417          ENDDO
4418       ENDDO
4419    ENDIF
4421    CALL bcast(fmmap_i)
4423    ! Now I need to get the latitude and longitude
4424    ! First, get the axes from the map file.
4425    ALLOC_ERR=-1
4426    ALLOCATE(lat_lu(jml), STAT=ALLOC_ERR)
4427    IF (ALLOC_ERR/=0) THEN
4428      WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of lat_lu : ",ALLOC_ERR
4429      CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry_read_desired_fm', 'error in lat_lu','','') 
4430    ENDIF
4431    ALLOC_ERR=-1
4432    ALLOCATE(lon_lu(iml), STAT=ALLOC_ERR)
4433    IF (ALLOC_ERR/=0) THEN
4434      WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of lon_lu : ",ALLOC_ERR
4435      CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry_read_desired_fm', 'error in lon_lu','','') 
4436    ENDIF
4437    IF (is_root_prc) THEN
4438       CALL fliogstc (fid, x_axis=lon_lu,y_axis=lat_lu)
4439    ENDIF
4440    CALL bcast(lon_lu)
4441    CALL bcast(lat_lu)
4443    ! Now I can interpolate.  Remember that we are dealing with integer
4444    ! values and management strategies.  Therefore, we cannot do a strict
4445    ! interpolation, since that might gives values of the strategy to be
4446    ! 2.3, or something ridiculous.  We cannot just round the number, either,
4447    ! since we could have some squares with 1 (no management) and some with
4448    ! 3 (coppices);  An average of that would be 2 (high stands), which doesn't
4449    ! make any sense.  So we look to see what the most prevalent type of
4450    ! management of nearby pixels is, and then just take that.
4451    ALLOC_ERR=-1
4452    ALLOCATE(lat_ful(iml,jml), STAT=ALLOC_ERR)
4453    IF (ALLOC_ERR/=0) THEN
4454      WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of lat_ful : ",ALLOC_ERR
4455      CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry_read_desired_fm', 'error in lat_ful','','')
4456    ENDIF
4457    ALLOC_ERR=-1
4458    ALLOCATE(lon_ful(iml,jml), STAT=ALLOC_ERR)
4459    IF (ALLOC_ERR/=0) THEN
4460      WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of lon_ful : ",ALLOC_ERR
4461      CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry_read_desired_fm', 'error in lon_ful','','')
4462    ENDIF
4464    DO ip=1,iml
4465       lon_ful(ip,:)=lon_lu(ip)
4466    ENDDO
4467    DO jp=1,jml
4468       lat_ful(:,jp)=lat_lu(jp)
4469    ENDDO
4471    ! Mask of permitted variables.
4472    ALLOC_ERR=-1
4473    ALLOCATE(mask(iml,jml), STAT=ALLOC_ERR)
4474    IF (ALLOC_ERR/=0) THEN
4475      WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of mask : ",ALLOC_ERR
4476      CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry_read_desired_fm', 'error in mask','','')
4477    ENDIF
4479    mask(:,:) = 0
4480    DO ip=1,iml
4481       DO jp=1,jml
4482          ! If at least one PFT has a management strategy, we should interpolate
4483          ! this grid point.
4484          sum_fm=SUM(fmmap_i(ip,jp,:))
4485          IF ( sum_fm .GT. min_sechiba .AND. sum_fm .LT. large_int) THEN
4486             mask(ip,jp) = 1
4487             IF (debug) THEN
4488                WRITE(numout,*) "update : SUM(fmmap(",ip,jp,")) = ",sum_fm
4489             ENDIF
4490          ENDIF
4491       ENDDO
4492    ENDDO
4495    ! The number of maximum vegetation map points in the GCM grid should
4496    ! also be computed and not imposed here.
4497    nbvmax = 200
4499    callsign="Desired Forest Management map"
4500    ok_interpol = .FALSE.
4501    DO WHILE ( .NOT. ok_interpol )
4502       WRITE(numout,*) "Projection arrays for ",callsign," : "
4503       WRITE(numout,*) "nbvmax = ",nbvmax
4505       ALLOC_ERR=-1
4506       ALLOCATE(sub_index(npts, nbvmax,2), STAT=ALLOC_ERR)
4507       IF (ALLOC_ERR/=0) THEN
4508          WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of sub_index : ",ALLOC_ERR
4509          CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry_read_desired_fm', 'error in sub_index','','')
4510       ENDIF
4511       sub_index(:,:,:)=0
4513       ALLOC_ERR=-1
4514       ALLOCATE(sub_area(npts, nbvmax), STAT=ALLOC_ERR)
4515       IF (ALLOC_ERR/=0) THEN
4516          WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of sub_area : ",ALLOC_ERR
4517          CALL ipslerr_p (3,'sapiens_forestry_read_desired_fm', 'error in sub_area','','') 
4518       ENDIF
4519       sub_area(:,:)=zero
4521       CALL aggregate_p(npts, lalo, neighbours, resolution, contfrac, &
4522            &                iml, jml, lon_ful, lat_ful, mask, callsign, &
4523            &                nbvmax, sub_index, sub_area, ok_interpol)
4525       IF ( .NOT. ok_interpol ) THEN
4526          DEALLOCATE(sub_area)
4527          DEALLOCATE(sub_index)
4528       ENDIF
4530       nbvmax = nbvmax * 2
4531    ENDDO
4533    DO ipts = 1, npts
4535       ! For this point, we need to see what dominant FM types are
4536       ! nearby.
4537       sumf=zero
4539       ! We need to do this for every PFT
4540       DO ivma=1,nvmap
4542          IF(.NOT. is_tree(start_index(ivma)))THEN
4544             ! If it's not a forest, we don't care.
4545             desired_managed(ipts,ivma)=0
4547          ELSE
4549             fm_sum(:)=0.0
4550             DO ibvm=1, nbvmax
4551                ! Leave the do loop if all sub areas are treated,
4552                ! sub_area <= 0
4553                IF ( sub_area(ipts,ibvm) <= zero ) EXIT
4554                ip = sub_index(ipts,ibvm,1)
4555                jp = sub_index(ipts,ibvm,2)
4556                ifm=fmmap_i(ip,jp,ivma)
4557                fm_sum(ifm)=fm_sum(ifm)+sub_area(ipts,ibvm)
4558             ENDDO
4560             ! Whichever FM type has the most area, we use that one.
4561             desired_managed(ipts,ivma)=MAXLOC(fm_sum(:),1)
4562          ENDIF
4563       ENDDO
4564    ENDDO
4566    DEALLOCATE(fmmap_i)
4567    DEALLOCATE(fmmap_r)
4568    DEALLOCATE(lat_lu,lon_lu)
4569    DEALLOCATE(lat_ful,lon_ful)
4570    DEALLOCATE(mask)
4571    IF(ALLOCATED(sub_index)) DEALLOCATE(sub_index)
4572    IF(ALLOCATED(sub_area)) DEALLOCATE(sub_area)
4574    IF ( printlev >= 5 ) WRITE(numout,*) 'Leaving sapiens_forestry_read_desired_fm'
4576  END SUBROUTINE sapiens_forestry_read_desired_fm
4578END MODULE sapiens_forestry
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