! ================================================================================================================================= ! MODULE : solar ! ! CONTACT : orchidee-help _at_ listes.ipsl.fr ! ! LICENCE : IPSL (2011) ! This software is governed by the CeCILL licence see ORCHIDEE/ORCHIDEE_CeCILL.LIC ! !>\BRIEF This module define solar !! !!\n DESCRIPTION: !! !! RECENT CHANGE(S): None !! !! REFERENCE(S) : None !! !! SVN : !! $HeadURL$ !! $Date$ !! $Revision$ !! \n !_ ================================================================================================================================ MODULE solar USE defprec USE constantes USE ioipsl_para IMPLICIT NONE CONTAINS !! ================================================================================================================================ !! SUBROUTINE : solarang !! !>\BRIEF This subroutine computes the solar angle according to the method used by GSWP and developed by J.C. Morill. !! !! DESCRIPTION : None !! !! RECENT CHANGE(S): None !! !! MAIN OUTPUT VARIABLE(S): ::csang !! !! REFERENCE(S) : See for further details : !! http://www.atmo.arizona.edu/~morrill/swrad.html !! !! FLOWCHART : None !! \n !_ ================================================================================================================================ SUBROUTINE solarang (julian, julian0, iim, jjm, lon, lat, csang) USE calendar IMPLICIT NONE !! 0. Parameters and variables declaration !! 0.1 Input variables INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: iim, jjm !! REAL, INTENT(in) :: julian !! REAL, INTENT(in) :: julian0 !! REAL, DIMENSION(iim,jjm), INTENT(in) :: lon, lat !! !! 0.2 Output variables REAL, DIMENSION(iim,jjm), INTENT(out) :: csang !! !! 0.4 Local variables REAL :: gamma !! REAL :: dec !! REAL :: decd !! REAL :: et !! REAL :: gmt !! REAL :: le !! REAL :: ls !! REAL :: lcorr !! REAL :: latime !! REAL :: omega !! REAL :: omegad !! REAL :: llatd, llat !! INTEGER :: igmt !! INTEGER :: ilon, ilat !! INTEGER, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: zone !! !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(zone) REAL, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: lhour !! !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(lhour) ! LOGICAL :: check = .FALSE. !! !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(check) !_ ================================================================================================================================ IF (check) WRITE(numout,*) 'Calendar information', julian, julian0 !- !- 1) Day angle gamma !- ! gamma = 2.*pi*MOD(julian,one_year)/one_year gamma = 2.*pi*(julian-julian0)/one_year !- !- 2) Solar declination (assumed constant for a 24 hour period) page 7 !- in radians !- IF (check) WRITE(numout,*) 'Solar declination', gamma, one_year ! dec = ( 0.006918-0.399912*COS(gamma)+0.070257*SIN(gamma) & & -0.006758*COS(2*gamma)+0.000907*SIN(2*gamma) & & -0.002697*COS(3*gamma)+0.00148*SIN(3*gamma)) decd = dec*(180/pi) !- !- maximum error 0.0006 rad (<3'), leads to error !- of less than 1/2 degree in zenith angle !- IF (check) WRITE(numout,*) 'Equation of time', decd !- 3) Equation of time page 11 !- et = ( 0.000075+0.001868*COS(gamma)-0.032077*SIN(gamma)& & -0.014615*COS(2*gamma)-0.04089*SIN(2*gamma))*229.18 !- !- Get the time zones for the current time !- gmt = 24.*(julian-INT(julian)) IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(zone)) ALLOCATE(zone(iim)) IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(lhour)) ALLOCATE(lhour(iim)) !- !igmt = NINT(gmt) IF (check) WRITE(numout,*) 'Get time zone', et, gmt CALL time_zone(gmt, iim, jjm, lon, zone, lhour) !- !- Start a loop through the grid !- IF (check) WRITE(numout,*) 'Start a loop through the grid' DO ilon=1,iim !--- !--- 4) Local apparent time page 13 !--- !--- ls standard longitude (nearest 15 degree meridian) !--- le local longtitude !--- lhour local standard time !--- latime local apparent time !--- lcorr longitudunal correction (minutes) !--- le = lon(ilon,1) ls = ((zone(ilon)-1)*15)-180. lcorr = 4.*(ls-le)*(-1) latime = lhour(ilon)+lcorr/60.+et/60. IF (latime < 0.) latime = latime+24 IF (latime > 24.) latime = latime-24 !--- !--- 5) Hour angle omega page 15 !--- !--- hour angle is zero at noon, positive in the morning !--- It ranges from 180 to -180 !--- !--- omegad is omega in degrees, omega is in radians !--- omegad = (latime-12.)*(-15.) omega = omegad*pi/180. !--- DO ilat=1,jjm !----- !----- 6) Zenith angle page 15 !----- !----- csang cosine of zenith angle (radians) !----- llatd = local latitude in degrees !----- llat = local latitude in radians !----- llatd = lat(1,ilat) llat = llatd*pi/180. csang(ilon,ilat) = & & MAX(zero,SIN(dec)*SIN(llat)+COS(dec)*COS(llat)*COS(omega)) ENDDO ENDDO !---------------------- END SUBROUTINE solarang !! ================================================================================================================================ !! SUBROUTINE : time_zone !! !>\BRIEF !! !! DESCRIPTION : None !! !! RECENT CHANGE(S): None !! !! MAIN OUTPUT VARIABLE(S): ::zone, ::lhour !! !! REFERENCE(S) : None !! !! FLOWCHART : None !! \n !_ ================================================================================================================================ SUBROUTINE time_zone (gmt, iim, jjm, lon, zone, lhour) IMPLICIT NONE !! 0. Parameters and variables declaration !! 0.1 Input variables INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: iim, jjm !! REAL, DIMENSION(iim,jjm), INTENT(in) :: lon !! REAL, INTENT(in) :: gmt !! !! 0.2 Output variables INTEGER, DIMENSION(iim), INTENT(out) :: zone !! REAL, DIMENSION(iim), INTENT(out) :: lhour !! !! 0.4 Local variables INTEGER :: deg !! !!?? REAL :: deg INTEGER :: i, ilon, change !! Indices !_ ================================================================================================================================ DO ilon=1,iim !--- !--- Convert longitude index to longtitude in degrees !--- deg = lon(ilon,1) !--- !--- Determine into which time zone (15 degree interval) the !--- longitude falls. !--- DO i=1,25 IF (deg < (-187.5+(15*i))) THEN zone(ilon) = i IF (zone(ilon) == 25) zone(ilon) = 1 EXIT ENDIF ENDDO !--- !--- Calculate change (in number of hours) from GMT time to !--- local hour. Change will be negative for zones < 13 and !--- positive for zones > 13. !--- !--- There is also a correction for lhour < 0 and lhour > 23 !--- to lhour between 0 and 23. !--- IF (zone(ilon) < 13) THEN change = zone(ilon)-13 lhour(ilon) = gmt+change ENDIF !--- IF (zone(ilon) == 13) THEN lhour(ilon) = gmt ENDIF !--- IF (zone(ilon) > 13) THEN change = zone(ilon)-13 lhour(ilon) = gmt+change ENDIF IF (lhour(ilon) < 0) lhour(ilon) = lhour(ilon)+24 IF (lhour(ilon) >= 24) lhour(ilon) = lhour(ilon)-24 !--- ENDDO !----------------------- END SUBROUTINE time_zone !! ================================================================================================================================ !! SUBROUTINE : downward_solar_flux !! !>\BRIEF !! !! DESCRIPTION : None !! !! RECENT CHANGE(S): None !! !! MAIN OUTPUT VARIABLE(S): ::solad, ::solai !! !! REFERENCE(S) :See for further details : !! http://www.atmo.arizona.edu/~morrill/swrad.html !! !! FLOWCHART : None !! \n !_ ================================================================================================================================ SUBROUTINE downward_solar_flux (npoi,latitude,calendar_str,jday,rtime,cloud,nband,solad,solai) IMPLICIT NONE !! 0. Parameter and variables declaration !! 0.1 Input variables INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: npoi !! number of grid points (unitless) REAL, DIMENSION(npoi), INTENT(in) :: latitude !! latitude in degrees CHARACTER(LEN=20),INTENT(in) :: calendar_str !! Calendar type REAL, INTENT(in) :: jday REAL,INTENT(in) :: rtime REAL, DIMENSION(npoi), INTENT(in) :: cloud !! cloud fraction (0-1, unitless) INTEGER,INTENT(in) :: nband !! number of visible bands (unitless) !! 0.2 Output variables REAL, DIMENSION(npoi,nband), INTENT(out) :: solad !! direct downward solar flux !! @tex $(W.m^{-2})$ @endtex REAL, DIMENSION(npoi,nband), INTENT(out) :: solai !! diffuse downward solar flux !! @tex $(W.m^{-2})$ @endtex !! 0.4 Local variables ! Parametres orbitaux: REAL, SAVE :: ecc !! Eccentricity !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(ecc) REAL, SAVE :: perh !! Longitude of perihelie !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(perh) REAL, SAVE :: xob !! obliquity !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(xob) REAL, PARAMETER :: pir = pi/180. !! REAL, SAVE :: step !! !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(step) REAL :: xl !! REAL :: so !! REAL :: xllp !! REAL :: xee !! REAL :: xse !! REAL :: xlam !! REAL :: dlamm !! REAL :: anm !! REAL :: ranm !! REAL :: ranv !! REAL :: anv !! REAL :: tls !! REAL :: rlam !! REAL :: sd !! REAL :: cd !! REAL :: deltar !! REAL :: delta !! REAL :: Dis_ST !! REAL :: ddt !! REAL :: orbit !! REAL :: angle !! REAL :: xdecl !! REAL :: xlat !! REAL, DIMENSION(npoi) :: trans !! REAL, DIMENSION(npoi) :: fdiffuse !! REAL, DIMENSION(npoi) :: coszen !! cosine of solar zenith angle REAL :: sw !! REAL :: frac !! INTEGER :: i,ib !! LOGICAL, SAVE :: lstep_init = .TRUE. !! !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(lstep_init) !_ ================================================================================================================================ IF (lstep_init) THEN IF ( TRIM(calendar_str) .EQ. 'gregorian' ) THEN step = 1.0 ELSE step = one_year/365.2425 ENDIF !- ! Read Orbital Parameters !- !Config Key = ECCENTRICITY !Config Desc = Use prescribed values !Config If = ALLOW_WEATHERGEN !Config Def = 0.016724 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] ecc = 0.016724 CALL getin_p ('ECCENTRICITY',ecc) WRITE(numout,*) 'ECCENTRICITY: ',ecc ! !Config Key = PERIHELIE !Config Desc = Use prescribed values !Config If = ALLOW_WEATHERGEN !Config Def = 102.04 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] perh = 102.04 CALL getin_p ('PERIHELIE',perh) WRITE(numout,*) 'PERIHELIE: ',perh ! !Config Key = OBLIQUITY !Config Desc = Use prescribed values !Config If = ALLOW_WEATHERGEN !Config Def = 23.446 !Config Help = !Config Units = [Degrees] xob = 23.446 CALL getin_p ('OBLIQUITY',xob) WRITE(numout,*) 'OBLIQUITY: ',xob lstep_init = .FALSE. ENDIF !- ! calendar and orbital calculations !- !- ! calculate the earth's orbital angle (around the sun) in radians orbit = 2.0*pi*jday/365.2425 !- ! calculate the solar hour angle in radians angle = 2.0*pi*(rtime-12.0)/24.0 !- ! calculate the current solar declination angle ! ref: global physical climatology, hartmann, appendix a ! ! xdecl = 0.006918 & ! -0.399912*cos(orbit) & ! +0.070257*sin(orbit) & ! -0.006758*cos(2.0*orbit) & ! +0.000907*sin(2.0*orbit) & ! -0.002697*cos(3.0*orbit) & ! +0.001480*sin(3.0*orbit) ! ! calculate the effective solar constant, ! including effects of eccentricity ! ref: global physical climatology, hartmann, appendix a ! ! sw = 1370.*( 1.000110 & ! +0.034221*cos(orbit) & ! +0.001280*sin(orbit) & ! +0.000719*cos(2.0*orbit) & ! +0.000077*sin(2.0*orbit)) ! ! correction Marie-France Loutre ! ! orbital parameters ! ! ecc = 0.016724 ! perh = 102.04 ! xob = 23.446 !- xl = perh+180.0 ! so : sinus of obliquity so = sin(xob*pir) !- xllp = xl*pir xee = ecc*ecc xse = sqrt(1.0d0-xee) ! xlam : true long. sun for mean long. = 0 xlam = (ecc/2.0+ecc*xee/8.0d0)*(1.0+xse)*sin(xllp)-xee/4.0 & & *(0.5+xse)*sin(2.0*xllp)+ecc*xee/8.0*(1.0/3.0+xse) & & *sin(3.0*xllp) xlam =2.0d0*xlam/pir ! dlamm : mean long. sun for ma-ja dlamm =xlam+(INT(jday)-79)*step anm = dlamm-xl ranm = anm*pir xee = xee*ecc ! ranv : anomalie vraie (radian) ranv = ranm+(2.0*ecc-xee/4.0)*sin(ranm)+5.0/4.0*ecc*ecc & & *sin(2.0*ranm)+13.0/12.0*xee*sin(3.0*ranm) ! anv : anomalie vraie (degrees) anv = ranv/pir ! tls : longitude vraie (degrees) tls = anv+xl ! rlam : longitude vraie (radian) rlam = tls*pir ! sd and cd: cosinus and sinus of solar declination angle (delta) ! sinus delta = sin (obl)*sin(lambda) with lambda = real longitude ! (Phd. thesis of Marie-France Loutre, ASTR-UCL, Belgium, 1993) sd = so*sin(rlam) cd = sqrt(1.0d0-sd*sd) ! delta : Solar Declination (degrees, angle sun at equator) deltar = atan(sd/cd) delta = deltar/pir !- ! Eccentricity Effect !- Dis_ST =(1.0-ecc*ecc)/(1.0+ecc*cos(ranv)) ! ddt : 1 / normalized earth's sun distance ddt = 1.0/Dis_ST !- ! Insolation normal to the atmosphere (W/m2) !- sw = ddt *ddt *1370.d0 !- xdecl = deltar !- ! solar calculations !- do i=1,npoi !--- !-- calculate the latitude in radians !--- xlat = latitude(i)*pi/180.0 !--- !-- calculate the cosine of the solar zenith angle !--- coszen(i) = MAX(0.0, (sin(xlat)*sin(xdecl) & & + cos(xlat)*cos(xdecl)*cos(angle))) !--- !-- calculate the solar transmission through the atmosphere !-- using simple linear function of tranmission and cloud cover !--- !-- note that the 'cloud cover' data is typically obtained from !-- sunshine hours -- not direct cloud observations !--- !-- where, cloud cover = 1 - sunshine fraction !--- !-- different authors present different values for the slope and !-- intercept terms of this equation !--- !-- Friend, A: Parameterization of a global daily weather generator !-- for terrestrial ecosystem and biogeochemical modelling, !-- Ecological Modelling !--- !-- Spitters et al., 1986: Separating the diffuse and direct component !-- of global radiation and its implications for modeling canopy !-- photosynthesis, Part I: Components of incoming radiation, !-- Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 38, 217-229. !--- !-- A. Friend : trans = 0.251+0.509*(1.0-cloud(i)) !-- Spitters et al. : trans = 0.200+0.560*(1.0-cloud(i)) !--- !-- we are using the values from A. Friend !--- trans(i) = 0.251+0.509*(1.0-cloud(i)) !--- !-- calculate the fraction of indirect (diffuse) solar radiation !-- based upon the cloud cover !--- !-- note that these relationships typically are measured for either !-- monthly or daily timescales, and may not be exactly appropriate !-- for hourly calculations -- however, in ibis, cloud cover is fixed !-- through the entire day so it may not make much difference !--- !-- method i -- !--- !-- we use a simple empirical relationships !-- from Nikolov and Zeller (1992) !--- !-- Nikolov, N. and K.F. Zeller, 1992: A solar radiation algorithm !-- for ecosystem dynamics models, Ecological Modelling, 61, 149-168. !--- fdiffuse(i) = 1.0045+trans(i)*( 0.0435+trans(i) & & *(-3.5227+trans(i)*2.6313)) !--- IF (trans(i) > 0.75) fdiffuse(i) = 0.166 !--- !-- method ii -- !--- !-- another method was suggested by Spitters et al. (1986) based on !-- long-term data from the Netherlands !-- !-- Spitters et al., 1986: Separating the diffuse and direct component !-- of global radiation and its implications for modeling canopy !-- photosynthesis, Part I: Components of incoming radiation, !-- Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 38, 217-229. !--- !-- if ((trans == 0.00).and.(trans < 0.07)) then !-- fdiffuse = 1.0 !-- else if ((trans >= 0.07).and.(trans < 0.35)) then !-- fdiffuse = 1.0-2.3*(trans-0.07)**2 !-- else if ((trans >= 0.35).and.(trans < 0.75)) then !-- fdiffuse = 1.33-1.46*trans !-- ELSE !-- fdiffuse = 0.23 !-- endif !--- ENDDO !----------------------- !- ! do for each waveband !- DO ib=1,nband !--- !-- calculate the fraction in each waveband !--- !-- GK010200 IF (nband == 2) then frac = 0.46+0.08*REAL(ib-1) ELSE frac = 1./REAL(nband) ENDIF !--- DO i=1,npoi !----- !---- calculate the direct and indirect solar radiation !----- solad(i,ib) = sw*coszen(i)*frac*trans(i)*(1.-fdiffuse(i)) solai(i,ib) = sw*coszen(i)*frac*trans(i)*fdiffuse(i) ENDDO ENDDO END SUBROUTINE downward_solar_flux END MODULE solar