1 | ! ================================================================================================================================= |
2 | ! PROGRAM : testrouting |
3 | ! |
4 | ! CONTACT : jan.polcher _at_ lmd.jussieu.fr |
5 | ! |
6 | ! LICENCE : :) |
7 | ! |
8 | !>\BRIEF This program tests routing scheme (from routing.f90) which routes the water over the continents |
9 | !! into the oceans and computes the water stored in floodplains or taken for irrigation. |
10 | !! |
11 | !!\n DESCRIPTION: None |
12 | !! |
13 | !! RECENT CHANGE(S): None |
14 | !! |
15 | !! REFERENCE(S) : |
16 | !! |
17 | !! SVN : |
18 | !! $HeadURL : svn://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/trunk/ORCHIDEE/[somewhere]/testrouting.f90 $ |
19 | !! $Date: 2014-10-27 10:39:00 +0200 (Mon, 27 Oct 2014) $ |
20 | !! $Revision: XXXX $ |
21 | !! \n |
22 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
23 | PROGRAM testrouting |
24 | ! |
25 | USE ioipsl_para |
26 | USE pft_parameters |
27 | USE mod_orchidee_para |
28 | USE control |
29 | USE constantes_soil_var |
30 | USE constantes_var |
31 | USE constantes |
32 | USE routing |
33 | USE timer |
34 | USE grid |
35 | ! |
36 | USE getlandseamask |
37 | ! |
39 | ! |
40 | INTEGER(i_std) :: nbseg !! |
41 | ! |
42 | INTEGER(i_std) :: iim !! Size in longitude of coarser grid |
43 | INTEGER(i_std) :: jjm !! Size in latitude of coarser grid |
44 | INTEGER(i_std) :: i, j !! Integer variable for loops |
45 | INTEGER(i_std) :: ibegt, iendt |
46 | INTEGER(i_std) :: ni !! For checking nbindex |
47 | REAL(r_std) :: nbyears !! Lenght of simulation in years |
48 | INTEGER(i_std) :: simlen !! Lenght of simulation: simlen = 365*48*nbyears |
49 | REAL(r_std) :: dx, dy !! Lon/Lat resolution of coarser grid |
50 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: lon, lat !! Lon/lat of coarser grid |
51 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: orog !! New orography after interpolation |
52 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: orog_land, orog_loc |
53 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: lalo_land |
54 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: contfrac_land, contfrac_loc |
55 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: contfrac_2d |
56 | ! |
57 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (1) :: lev !! Number of level (requested by restini routine) (unitless) |
58 | CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: histname !! Name of history file (can not find HISTNAME?) |
59 | INTEGER(i_std) :: hori_id !! ID of the default horizontal longitude and latitude map. |
60 | INTEGER(i_std) :: hist_id !! History file identification for ??? |
61 | INTEGER(i_std) :: rest_id !! ID of the restart file |
62 | ! |
63 | REAL(r_std) :: date0 !! Initial date |
64 | REAL(r_std) :: date0_rest !! Initial date from restart file |
65 | REAL(r_std) :: date !! Current date |
66 | REAL(r_std) :: dt !! Same as dtradia ??? |
67 | REAL(r_std) :: dw !! 86400. ??? |
68 | REAL(r_std) :: one_day_loc |
69 | ! |
70 | CHARACTER(LEN=40) :: flux_op !! Operations to be performed on fluxes |
71 | CHARACTER(LEN=40) :: flux_scinsec !! Operation in seconds |
72 | CHARACTER(LEN=40) :: avescatter, once_wrt !! The various operation to be performed |
73 | ! |
74 | ! Input for routing_main |
75 | ! |
76 | INTEGER(i_std) :: kjit !! Time step number |
77 | INTEGER(i_std) :: nbindex !! Number of local continental points |
78 | REAL(r_std) :: dtradia !! Timestep length |
79 | ! |
80 | INTEGER(i_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: kindex_g !! Index of land point on 2D map (in local position) |
81 | INTEGER(i_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: kindex !! index of land point per proc |
82 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: runoff !! Grid-point runoff (kg/m^2/dt) |
83 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: drainage !! Grid-point drainage (kg/m^2/dt) |
84 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: humrel !! Soil moisture stress, root extraction potential (unitless) |
85 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: stempdiag !! Diagnostic soil temperature profile |
86 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:) :: totfrac_nobio !! Total fraction of continental ice+lakes+cities+... |
87 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: veget_max !! Max. fraction of vegetation type (LAI -> infty, unitless) |
88 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:) :: floodout !! Flow out of floodplains from hydrol |
89 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: transpot !! Potential Transpiration (needed for irrigation) |
90 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:) :: precip_rain !! Rainfall (kg/m^2/dt) |
91 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:) :: k_litt !! Averaged conductivity for saturated infiltration in the 'litter' layer (kg/m^2/dt) |
92 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:) :: reinf_slope !! Coefficient which determines the reinfiltration ratio in the grid box due to flat areas (unitless;0-1) |
93 | INTEGER(i_std) :: hist2_id !! Access to history file 2 (unitless) |
94 | ! |
95 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: evapot_corr !! Soil Potential Evaporation |
96 | ! |
97 | ! Output from routing_main |
98 | ! |
99 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: returnflow !! The water flow from lakes and swamps which returns to the grid box (kg/m^2/dt) |
100 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: irrigation !! This is the water taken from the reservoirs and beeing put into the upper layers of the soil (kg/m^2/dt) |
101 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: riverflow !! Outflow of the major rivers, will be located on the continental grid but this should be a coastal point (kg/dt) |
102 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: coastalflow !! Outflow on coastal points by small basins, the water which flows in a disperse way into the ocean (kg/dt) |
103 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:) :: reinfiltration !! Water flow from ponds and floodplains which returns to the grid box (kg/m^2/dt) |
104 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:) :: flood_res !! Diagnostic of water amount in the floodplains reservoir (kg) |
105 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:) :: flood_frac !! Flooded fraction of the grid box (unitless;0-1) |
106 | ! |
107 | ! |
108 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
109 | ! |
110 | ! |
111 | CALL Init_orchidee_para() |
112 | ! |
113 | CALL getlandseamask_init(iim, jjm, nbindex) |
114 | ALLOCATE(lon(iim,jjm)) |
115 | ALLOCATE(lat(iim,jjm)) |
116 | ALLOCATE(orog(iim,jjm)) |
117 | ALLOCATE(contfrac_2d(iim,jjm)) |
118 | CALL getlandseamask_read(lon, lat, contfrac_2d, orog) |
119 | ! |
120 | ! ALLOCATE memory needed |
121 | ! |
122 | ALLOCATE(kindex_g(nbindex)) |
123 | ALLOCATE(lalo_land(nbindex,2)) |
124 | ALLOCATE(contfrac_land(nbindex)) |
125 | ALLOCATE(orog_land(nbindex)) |
126 | ! |
127 | ! |
128 | ! |
129 | ni=0 |
130 | DO j=1,jjm |
131 | DO i=1,iim |
132 | IF ( contfrac_2d(i,j) > 0.0 ) THEN |
133 | ni = ni + 1 |
134 | IF ( ni .GT. nbindex ) THEN |
135 | WRITE(*,*) "We are expecting ", nbindex, "point." |
136 | WRITE(*,*) "We are at : ", i, j, orog(i,j) |
137 | STOP 'Too many continental points' |
138 | ENDIF |
139 | kindex_g(ni) = (j-1)*iim + i |
140 | lalo_land(ni,1) = lat(i,j) |
141 | lalo_land(ni,2) = lon(i,j) |
142 | contfrac_land(ni) = contfrac_2d(i,j) |
143 | orog_land(ni) = orog(i,j) |
144 | ENDIF |
145 | ENDDO |
146 | ENDDO |
147 | ! |
148 | ! |
149 | nbseg = 4 |
150 | ! |
151 | ! |
152 | CALL grid_set_glo(iim, jjm, nbindex) |
153 | CALL grid_allocate_glo(nbseg) |
154 | ! |
155 | CALL bcast(nbindex) |
156 | ALLOCATE(index_g(nbindex)) |
157 | IF ( is_root_prc ) index_g(:) = kindex_g(:) |
158 | CALL bcast(index_g) |
159 | ! |
160 | WRITE(*,*) "GOING INTO Init_orchidee_data_para_driver", nbindex, index_g(1), SIZE(kindex_g) |
161 | CALL Init_orchidee_data_para_driver(nbindex, index_g) |
162 | WRITE(*,*) "OUT OF Init_orchidee_data_para_driver" |
163 | CALL init_ioipsl_para |
164 | ! |
165 | WRITE(*,*) mpi_rank, "DIMENSIONS of grid on processor : iim, jjm, nbindex = ", iim, jjm, nbindex, nbp_loc |
166 | ! |
167 | CALL grid_init (nbp_loc, nbseg, "RegLonLat", "ForcingGrid") |
168 | ! |
169 | !========================================================================== |
170 | ! |
171 | ! Transfer the global grid variables to the root proc |
172 | ! *_glo -> *_g |
173 | ! Variables *_g were allocated with the CALL init_grid |
174 | ! |
175 | IF ( is_root_prc) THEN |
176 | ! |
177 | lalo_g(:,:) = lalo_land(:,:) |
178 | lon_g(:,:) = lon(:,:) |
179 | lat_g(:,:) = lat(:,:) |
180 | contfrac_g(:) = contfrac_land(:) |
181 | ! |
182 | ENDIF |
183 | ! |
184 | CALL grid_stuff(nbindex, iim, jjm, lon_g, lat_g, index_g) |
185 | ! |
186 | ! |
187 | ! Distribute the grid to all processors |
188 | ! |
189 | ! Redistribute the indeces on all procs (apple distribution of land points) |
190 | ! |
191 | ALLOCATE(kindex(nbp_loc)) |
192 | ALLOCATE(orog_loc(nbp_loc), contfrac_loc(nbp_loc)) |
193 | CALL bcast(lon_g) |
194 | CALL bcast(lat_g) |
195 | CALL scatter(index_g, kindex) |
196 | CALL scatter(lalo_land, lalo) |
197 | CALL scatter(orog_land, orog_loc) |
198 | CALL scatter(contfrac_land, contfrac_loc) |
199 | ! |
200 | ! |
201 | ! Apply the offset needed so that kindex refers to the index of the land point |
202 | ! on the current region, i.e. the local lon lat domain. |
203 | ! |
204 | kindex(1:nbp_loc)=kindex(1:nbp_loc)-(jj_begin-1)*iim |
205 | ! |
206 | ! |
207 | !========================================================================================== |
208 | ! |
209 | ! The grid is in place and we can start to prepare the time of integration. |
210 | ! |
211 | CALL ioconf_calendar("gregorian") |
212 | ! |
213 | ! |
214 | ! Determine initial step or restart one |
215 | ! |
216 | !Config Key = RESTART_IN |
217 | !Config Desc = Name of restart file to read at restart |
218 | !Config If = [-] |
219 | !Config Def = NONE |
220 | !Config Help = This function allows to select a restart file with which |
221 | ! the simulation will be initialized. |
222 | !Config Units = [-] |
223 | !- |
224 | ! |
225 | restname_in="NONE" |
226 | CALL getin('RESTART_IN', restname_in) |
227 | ! |
228 | !Config Key = RESTART_OUT |
229 | !Config Desc = Name of restart file to be written at the end of the simulation. |
230 | !Config If = [-] |
231 | !Config Def = NONE |
232 | !Config Help = This function allows to select a restart file which will be written by the |
233 | ! model and which can be used as input for a future restart. |
234 | !Config Units = [-] |
235 | !- |
236 | ! |
237 | restname_out="restart_out.nc" |
238 | CALL getin('RESTART_OUT', restname_out) |
239 | ! |
240 | !Config Key = SIMULATION_LEN |
241 | !Config Desc = Time step length in years for "testrouting" |
242 | !Config If = [-] |
243 | !Config Def = 1 |
244 | !Config Help = This is time step length for testrouting |
245 | !Config Units = [-] |
246 | nbyears=1.0 |
247 | CALL getin('SIMULATION_LEN', nbyears) |
248 | ! |
249 | !Config Key = DTRADIA |
250 | !Config Desc = Time step length for "testrouting" |
251 | !Config If = [-] |
252 | !Config Def = 1800. |
253 | !Config Help = This is time step length for testrouting |
254 | !Config Units = [-] |
255 | !- |
256 | !DTRADIA = 1800. |
257 | dtradia = 1800. |
258 | CALL getin('DTRADIA', dtradia) |
259 | ! |
260 | !- Initial date |
261 | CALL ymds2ju (2000,1,1,0.0, date0) |
262 | date0_rest = date0 |
263 | ! |
264 | dt = dtradia |
265 | dw = 86400. |
266 | ! |
267 | CALL control_initialize(dt) |
268 | ! |
269 | CALL ioget_calendar(one_year,one_day_loc) |
270 | ! |
271 | ! We have all we need and we can start to work |
272 | ! |
273 | ! |
274 | IF (is_root_prc) THEN |
275 | CALL restini(restname_in, iim, jjm, lon_g, lat_g, 1, lev, & |
276 | & restname_out, ibegt, date0_rest, dtradia, rest_id, .FALSE.) |
277 | ELSE |
278 | rest_id=0 |
279 | ENDIF |
280 | CALL bcast (ibegt) |
281 | CALL bcast (date0_rest) |
282 | CALL bcast (dtradia) |
283 | ! |
284 | ! |
285 | IF ( INDEX(restname_in, "NONE") > 0 ) THEN |
286 | kjit = 1 |
287 | ibegt = 1 |
288 | ELSE |
289 | kjit = ibegt |
290 | date0 = date0_rest |
291 | ENDIF |
292 | WRITE(*,*) 'Out of restini : kjit=',kjit, " ibegt=", ibegt, " date0=", date0 |
293 | ! |
294 | !- time step length |
295 | ! |
296 | ! Set up the history file |
297 | ! |
298 | !Config Key = HISTNAME |
299 | !Config Desc = Name of the history file |
300 | !Config If = [-] |
301 | !Config Def = out_testrouting |
302 | !Config Help = The name of the file which will contain all the diagnostics of routing. |
303 | !Config Units = [-] |
304 | !- |
305 | WRITE(flux_op,'("ave(scatter(X*",F8.1,"))")') one_day_loc/dt |
306 | WRITE(flux_scinsec,'("ave(scatter(X*",F8.6,"))")') 1.0/dt |
307 | avescatter = 'ave(scatter(X))' |
308 | once_wrt = 'once(scatter(X))' |
309 | ! |
310 | histname="out_testrouting" |
311 | CALL getin('HISTNAME', histname) |
312 | ! |
313 | CALL histbeg(histname, iim, lon, jjm, lat, 1, iim, 1, jjm, & |
314 | & kjit-1, date0, dtradia, hori_id, hist_id, domain_id=orch_domain_id) |
315 | ! |
316 | CALL histdef(hist_id, 'Orog', 'Orography', ' ', & |
317 | & iim, jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, once_wrt, dt, dw) |
318 | CALL histdef(hist_id, 'Contfrac', 'Fraction of continent', ' ', & |
319 | & iim, jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, once_wrt, dt, dw) |
320 | CALL histdef(hist_id, 'Areas', 'Mesh areas', 'm2', & |
321 | & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, once_wrt, dt, dw) |
322 | ! |
323 | CALL histdef(hist_id, 'riversret', 'Return from endorheic rivers', 'mm/d', & |
324 | & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, flux_op, dt,dw) |
325 | CALL histdef(hist_id, 'hydrographs', 'Hydrographs of gridbox outflow', 'm^3/s', & |
326 | & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, flux_scinsec, dt,dw) |
327 | ! |
328 | CALL histdef(hist_id, 'fastr', 'Fast flow reservoir', 'kg/m^2', & |
329 | & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter, dt,dw) |
330 | CALL histdef(hist_id, 'slowr', 'Slow flow reservoir', 'kg/m^2', & |
331 | & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter, dt,dw) |
332 | CALL histdef(hist_id, 'streamr', 'Stream flow reservoir', 'kg/m^2', & |
333 | & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter, dt,dw) |
334 | CALL histdef(hist_id, 'pondr', 'Volume in pond reservoir', 'kg/m^2', & |
335 | & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter, dt,dw) |
336 | CALL histdef(hist_id, 'lakevol', 'Volume in lake reservoir', 'kg/m^2', & |
337 | & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter, dt,dw) |
338 | ! |
339 | CALL histdef(hist_id, 'basinmap', 'Aproximate map of the river basins', ' ', & |
340 | & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter, dt,dw) |
341 | CALL histdef(hist_id, 'nbrivers', 'Number or rivers in the outflow grid box', ' ', & |
342 | & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter, dt,dw) |
343 | ! |
344 | CALL histend(hist_id) |
345 | ! |
346 | ! Put a copy of the orography into the restart |
347 | ! |
348 | ! |
349 | CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, 'Orog', kjit+1, orog_loc, nbp_loc, kindex) |
350 | CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, 'Contfrac', kjit+1, contfrac_loc, nbp_loc, kindex) |
351 | CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, 'Areas', kjit+1, area, nbp_loc, kindex) |
352 | ! |
353 | ! Override some settings as testrouting is not as flexible as the rest of ORCHIDEE. |
354 | ! |
355 | hist2_id=-1 |
356 | almaoutput=.FALSE. |
357 | !================================================================================ |
358 | ! |
359 | ! Set up the routing schemes |
360 | ! |
361 | ! |
362 | ! Allocate all the physical variables |
363 | ! |
364 | ! Input variables |
365 | ALLOCATE(runoff(nbp_loc), drainage(nbp_loc), humrel(nbp_loc), stempdiag(nbp_loc,nbdl), transpot(nbp_loc,nvmc)) |
366 | ALLOCATE(totfrac_nobio(nbp_loc), veget_max(nbp_loc,nvmc), floodout(nbp_loc)) |
367 | ALLOCATE(precip_rain(nbp_loc), k_litt(nbp_loc),reinf_slope(nbp_loc)) |
368 | ALLOCATE(evapot_corr(nbp_loc)) |
369 | ! Output variables |
370 | ALLOCATE(returnflow(nbp_loc), irrigation(nbp_loc), riverflow(nbp_loc), coastalflow(nbp_loc), reinfiltration(nbp_loc)) |
371 | ALLOCATE(flood_frac(nbp_loc), flood_res(nbp_loc)) |
372 | ! |
373 | ! Get some fake value for input arrays |
374 | ! |
375 | runoff(:) = 1.0 |
376 | drainage(:) = 1.0 |
377 | humrel(:) = 0.75 |
378 | stempdiag(:,:) = 273.5 |
379 | transpot(:,:)=0.0 |
380 | reinfiltration(:)=0.0 |
381 | flood_frac(:)=0.0 |
382 | flood_res(:)=0.0 |
383 | totfrac_nobio = 0.1 |
384 | veget_max = 0.2 |
385 | floodout = 0.0 |
386 | precip_rain = 0.0 |
387 | k_litt = 0.0 |
388 | reinf_slope = 0.1 |
389 | evapot_corr(:) = 10.0 |
390 | ! |
391 | ! |
392 | ! |
393 | CALL routing_initialize( kjit, nbp_loc, kindex, & |
394 | & rest_id, hist_id, hist2_id, lalo, & |
395 | & neighbours, resolution, contfrac, stempdiag, & |
396 | & returnflow, reinfiltration, irrigation, riverflow, & |
397 | & coastalflow, flood_frac, flood_res) |
398 | ! |
399 | ! Do loop over a number of time-steps |
400 | ! |
401 | simlen = NINT(nbyears*365*one_day_loc/dtradia) |
402 | ibegt=kjit |
403 | iendt=kjit+simlen |
404 | WRITE(*,*) "The simulation will go from ", ibegt, " to ", iendt |
405 | ! |
406 | DO kjit = ibegt,iendt |
407 | ! |
408 | date = date0 + (kjit-1)*(dtradia/one_day_loc) |
409 | ! |
410 | IF ( date < date0+1 ) THEN |
411 | ! During one day one kg/m^2d divided up in runoff and drainage |
412 | runoff(:) = 0.5/48. |
413 | drainage(:) = 0.5/48. |
414 | ELSE |
415 | runoff(:) = 0.0 |
416 | drainage(:) = 0.0 |
417 | ENDIF |
418 | ! |
419 | CALL routing_main(kjit, nbp_loc, kindex, & |
420 | & lalo, neighbours, resolution, contfrac, totfrac_nobio, veget_max, floodout, runoff, & |
421 | & drainage, transpot, precip_rain, humrel, k_litt, flood_frac, flood_res, & |
422 | & stempdiag, reinf_slope, returnflow, reinfiltration, irrigation, riverflow, coastalflow, rest_id, hist_id, hist2_id) |
423 | ! |
424 | WRITE(*,*) "Out of routing at time step = ",kjit,' Seconds since start', (kjit-ibegt)*dtradia |
425 | ! |
426 | ENDDO |
427 | ! |
428 | ! Shut everything down |
429 | ! |
430 | CALL routing_finalize(kjit, nbp_loc, rest_id, flood_frac, flood_res) |
431 | ! |
432 | ! |
433 | CALL histclo |
434 | IF ( is_root_prc) THEN |
435 | CALL restclo |
436 | ENDIF |
437 | ! |
438 | CALL Finalize_mpi |
439 | ! |
440 | END PROGRAM testrouting |
441 | ! |