1 | ! ================================================================================================================================ |
2 | ! MODULE : vertical_soil |
3 | ! |
4 | ! CONTACT : orchidee-help _at_ listes.ipsl.fr |
5 | ! |
6 | ! LICENCE : IPSL (2006) |
7 | ! This software is governed by the CeCILL licence see ORCHIDEE/ORCHIDEE_CeCILL.LIC |
8 | ! |
9 | !>\BRIEF Initialization of vertical discretization in the soil for hydrology and thermodynamics |
10 | !! |
11 | !!\n DESCRIPTION: Initialization of vertical discretization in the soil for hydrology and thermodynamics |
12 | !! |
14 | !! |
15 | !! REFERENCE(S) : None |
16 | !! |
17 | !! SVN : |
18 | !! $HeadURL$ |
19 | !! $Date$ |
20 | !! $Revision$ |
21 | !! \n |
22 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
23 | MODULE vertical_soil |
24 | |
25 | USE defprec |
26 | USE ioipsl_para |
27 | USE vertical_soil_var |
28 | USE constantes_var |
29 | |
31 | |
32 | |
33 | PUBLIC :: vertical_soil_init |
34 | |
36 | !! ================================================================================================================================ |
37 | !! SUBROUTINE : vertical_soil_init |
38 | !! |
39 | !>\BRIEF Initialization of vertical discretization in the soil for hydrology and thermodynamics |
40 | !! |
41 | !! DESCRIPTION : To define the total number of layers |
42 | !! for hydrology model (nslm), |
43 | !! and for thermodynamics model ngrnd. |
44 | !! |
45 | !! We have 2 type of levels in the hydrology and the thermodynamics : |
46 | !! (1) the nodes where the scalar variables are computed. |
47 | !! (2) the intermediate levels: these are the bounds of the layers and thus the |
48 | !! contact point between layer i and i+1. |
49 | !! |
50 | !! Situation in hydrol.f90 |
51 | !! The CWRR model only uses two variables to describe the vertical discretization : |
52 | !! (1) znh : the depth of the nodes where soil moisture is computed. The nodes are not |
53 | !! supposed to be in the middle of the layer. For the first and last layers the |
54 | !! nodes are put onto the intermediate level. At 0 for the first layer and |
55 | !! zmaxh for the last layer. |
56 | !! (2) dnh : the distance between two nodes |
57 | !! |
58 | !! Situation in thermosoil.f90 : |
59 | !! For the thermodynamics other variables are needed to describe the vertical structure : |
60 | !! (1) znt(znh) : the depth of the nodes are the same as in hydrol.f90 except for |
61 | !! the first and last levels. In older versions than revision XXXX of thermosoil it is |
62 | !! computed with fz(i+1/2) |
63 | !! (2) zlt (Zint) (zz_coef in thermosoil) : is the depth of the intermediate levels. |
64 | !! In revision before XXXX of thermosoil.f90 it's computed by fz(i). |
65 | !! Since revision XXXX, in the new formulation (vertical.f90) it is computed as |
66 | !! zint(i) = (znh(i)+znh(i+1))/2 |
67 | !! (3) dlt(dz_tmp) (dz2 in thermosoil): This is the thickness of the layer, i.e the |
68 | !! distance between the top and bottom of the layer. Thus it is given by |
69 | !! zint(i+1)-zint(i). It should not be confused with dnh in hydrology which is the |
70 | !! distance between nodes. |
71 | !! |
72 | !! in standard hydrology model (de Rosnay Patricia, 2000; depth_topthickness = 9.77517107e-04, zmaxh=2.0, refinebottom = .FALSE.): |
73 | !! |
74 | !! Example for standard depth of the hydrology |
75 | !! Number of layers in hydrol = 11 |
76 | !! znh = depth of nodes |
77 | !! [ 0.00000000e+00 1.95503421e-03 5.86510264e-03 1.36852395e-02 |
78 | !! 2.93255132e-02 6.06060606e-02 1.23167155e-01 2.48289345e-01 |
79 | !! 4.98533725e-01 9.99022483e-01 2.00000000e+00 ] |
80 | !! dnh = internode distance |
81 | !! [ 0. 0.00195503 0.00391007 0.00782014 0.01564027 0.03128055 |
82 | !! 0.06256109 0.12512219 0.25024438 0.50048876 1.00097752 ] |
83 | !! dlh = soil layer thickness |
84 | !! [ 0.00097752 0.00293255 0.0058651 0.01173021 0.02346041 0.04692082 |
85 | !! 0.09384164 0.18768328 0.37536657 0.75073314 0.50048876 ] |
86 | !! hcum = depth of soil layer bottom |
87 | !! [ 9.77517107e-04 3.91006843e-03 9.77517107e-03 2.15053764e-02 |
88 | !! 4.49657869e-02 9.18866081e-02 1.85728250e-01 3.73411535e-01 |
89 | !! 7.48778104e-01 1.49951124e+00 2.00000000e+00 ] |
90 | !! |
91 | !! |
92 | !! In thermal model (an example of: depth_topthickness = 9.77517107e-04, zmaxt=10, depth_geom=10, refinebottom = .FALSE.): |
93 | !! Number of layers in thermosoil = 19 |
94 | !! The approximate maximal depth for thermosoil = 10.0078201332 |
95 | !! The actual maximal depth for thermosoil = 10.0 |
96 | !! znt= |
97 | !! [ 4.88758554e-04 1.95503421e-03 5.86510264e-03 1.36852395e-02 |
98 | !! 2.93255132e-02 6.06060606e-02 1.23167155e-01 2.48289345e-01 |
99 | !! 4.98533725e-01 9.99022483e-01 1.74975562e+00 2.50048876e+00 |
100 | !! 3.50146627e+00 4.50244379e+00 5.50342131e+00 6.50439882e+00 |
101 | !! 7.50537634e+00 8.50635386e+00 9.50733137e+00 ] |
102 | !! dlt= |
103 | !! [ 9.77517107e-04 2.93255132e-03 5.86510264e-03 1.17302053e-02 |
104 | !! 2.34604106e-02 4.69208211e-02 9.38416423e-02 1.87683285e-01 |
105 | !! 3.75366569e-01 7.50733138e-01 5.00488758e-01 1.00097752e+00 |
106 | !! 1.00097752e+00 1.00097752e+00 1.00097752e+00 1.00097752e+00 |
107 | !! 1.00097752e+00 1.00097752e+00 9.93157383e-01 ] |
108 | !! zlt= |
109 | !! [ 9.77517107e-04 3.91006843e-03 9.77517107e-03 2.15053764e-02 |
110 | !! 4.49657869e-02 9.18866081e-02 1.85728250e-01 3.73411535e-01 |
111 | !! 7.48778104e-01 1.49951124e+00 2.00000000e+00 3.00097752e+00 |
112 | !! 4.00195503e+00 5.00293255e+00 6.00391007e+00 7.00488758e+00 |
113 | !! 8.00586510e+00 9.00684262e+00 1.00000000e+01 ] |
114 | !! |
115 | !! |
116 | !! A simple figure below shows the discretization. ^ |
117 | !! '------' means interface; 'X' means node; '...' means many layers; | means distance. |
118 | !! v |
119 | !! Keep in mind that the nodes are not necessarly in the middle of the layers. |
120 | !! |
121 | !! Hydrology Thermodynamics |
122 | !! |
123 | !! --------X------- znh(1) ^ ------------------- 1st ^ |
124 | !! | | |
125 | !! | X znt(1) | depth_topthickness, dlt(1) |
126 | !! |dnh(2) | |
127 | !! ----------------- | ------------------- 2nd zlt(1) v ^ |
128 | !! | | |
129 | !! X znh(2) v ^ X znt(2) |dlt(2) |
130 | !! | | |
131 | !! ----------------- |dnh(3) ------------------- 3rd zlt(2) v |
132 | !! | |
133 | !! X znh(3) v X znt(3) |
134 | !! |
135 | !! ----------------- ... ------------------- ... |
136 | !! |
137 | !! ... X ... |
138 | !! |
139 | !! --------X------- znh(nslm) ------------------- nslm zlt(nslm) |
140 | !! |
141 | !! X znt(nslm) |
142 | !! |
143 | !! ------------------- nslm+1 zlt(nslm+1) |
144 | !! |
145 | !! X znt(nslm+1) |
146 | !! |
147 | !! ------------------- ... |
148 | !! |
149 | !! X znt(ngrnd) |
150 | !! |
151 | !! ------------------- ngrnd zlt(ngrnd) |
152 | !! |
153 | !! |
154 | !! RECENT CHANGE(S): None |
155 | !! |
157 | !! |
158 | !! REFERENCE(S) : |
159 | !! |
160 | !! FLOWCHART : |
161 | !! \n |
162 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
163 | |
164 | SUBROUTINE vertical_soil_init |
165 | |
166 | !! 0. Variable and parameter declaration |
167 | !! 0.1 Local variables |
168 | INTEGER(i_std), PARAMETER :: nblayermax=500 !! Preset 500 for max. number of soil layers. |
169 | INTEGER(i_std) :: i, irev, iref, ntmp, ier |
170 | REAL(r_std) :: zgeoend !! The node position where the geometrical increases of nodes stopped. (m) |
171 | REAL(r_std) :: dgeoend !! The distance of the node at zgeoend and the node above. (m) |
172 | REAL(r_std) :: dcst !! Related to refine at bottom. Work in progress... |
173 | REAL(r_std) :: cstint !! Related to refine at bottom. Work in progress... |
174 | REAL(r_std) :: hh !! Temporay variable, to calculate the layer thickness for temperature at zmaxh. |
175 | REAL(r_std) :: ratio !! The ratio of geometric increas. |
176 | INTEGER(i_std) :: nbrefine !! Related to refine at bottom. Work in progress... |
177 | INTEGER(i_std) :: nbcst !! Related to refine at bottom. Work in progress... |
178 | INTEGER(i_std) :: igeo !! Related to refine at bottom. Work in progress... |
179 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nblayermax+1) :: ztmp !! Depth at the node of each layer (m) |
180 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nblayermax+1) :: zint !! Depth at the interface of each layer (m) |
181 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nblayermax+1) :: dtmp !! Distance between the current node and the one above (m) |
182 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nblayermax+1) :: drefine !! Related to refine at bottom. Work in progress... |
183 | INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(1) :: imin !! Related to refine at bottom. Work in progress... |
184 | |
185 | !! Variables controling the vertical discretiztaion |
186 | REAL(r_std) :: depth_topthickness !! Thickness of the top Layer (m) |
187 | REAL(r_std) :: depth_cstthickness !! Depth at which constant layer thickness start (m) |
188 | REAL(r_std) :: depth_geom !! Depth at which we resume geometrical increases for temperature (m) |
189 | REAL(r_std) :: ratio_geom_below !! Ratio of the geometrical series defining the thickness below DEPTH_GEOM. |
190 | LOGICAL :: refinebottom !! Whether or not the hydrology layers will be refined towards the bottom. |
191 | |
192 | |
193 | !! 1. Read parameters from run.def file |
194 | |
195 | !Config Key = DEPTH_MAX_T |
196 | !Config Desc = Maximum depth of the soil thermodynamics |
197 | !Config If = |
198 | !Config Def = 90.0 |
199 | !Config Help = Maximum depth of soil for temperature. |
200 | !Config Units = m |
201 | zmaxt = 90.0 |
202 | CALL getin_p("DEPTH_MAX_T",zmaxt) |
203 | |
204 | !Config Key = DEPTH_MAX_H |
205 | !Config Desc = Maximum depth of soil moisture |
206 | !Config If = |
207 | !Config Def = 2.0 or 4.0 depending on hydrol_cwrr |
208 | !Config Help = Maximum depth of soil for soil moisture (CWRR). |
209 | !Config Units = m |
210 | ! Default value for CWRR (only CWRR enters this subroutine) |
211 | zmaxh=2.0 |
212 | CALL getin_p("DEPTH_MAX_H",zmaxh) |
213 | |
214 | ! Verification |
215 | IF ( zmaxh > zmaxt) THEN |
216 | CALL ipslerr_p(3,'vertical_soil_init',"ERROR : zmaxh needs to be smaller than zmaxt.", & |
217 | "Correction : zmaxh set to zmaxt", " ") |
218 | ENDIF |
219 | |
220 | !Config Key = DEPTH_TOPTHICK |
221 | !Config Desc = Thickness of upper most Layer |
222 | !Config If = |
223 | !Config Def = 9.77517107e-04 |
224 | !Config Help = Thickness of top hydrology layer for soil moisture (CWRR). |
225 | !Config Units = m |
226 | depth_topthickness = 9.77517107e-04 |
227 | CALL getin_p("DEPTH_TOPTHICK",depth_topthickness) |
228 | |
229 | !Config Key = DEPTH_CSTTHICK |
230 | !Config Desc = Depth at which constant layer thickness start |
231 | !Config If = |
232 | !Config Def = DEPTH_MAX_H |
233 | !Config Help = Depth at which constant layer thickness start (smaller than zmaxh/2) |
234 | !Config Units = m |
235 | depth_cstthickness=zmaxh |
236 | CALL getin_p("DEPTH_CSTTHICK",depth_cstthickness) |
237 | |
238 | IF ( (depth_cstthickness /= zmaxh) .AND. (depth_cstthickness > zmaxh/2.0) ) THEN |
239 | CALL ipslerr_p(2,'vertical_soil_init',"ERROR : depth_cstthickness needs to be smaller than zmaxh/2.0", & |
240 | "Correction : Constant thickness disabled", " ") |
241 | depth_cstthickness = zmaxh |
242 | ENDIF |
243 | |
244 | ! REFINEBOTTOM option is under work... This option can not be set from the parameter file for the moment. |
245 | ! All the related code for refinebottom except this getin are found in this module but needs to be tested. |
246 | !!$ !Config Key = REFINEBOTTOM |
247 | !!$ !Config Desc = Depth at which the hydrology layers will be refined towards the bottom. |
248 | !!$ !Config If = |
249 | !!$ !Config Def = .FALSE. |
250 | !!$ !Config Help = Depth at which the hydrology layers will be refined towards the bottom. |
251 | !!$ ! This is important when lower boundary conditions is different from a free drainage. |
252 | !!$ !Config Units = - |
253 | !!$ ! |
254 | refinebottom = .FALSE. |
255 | !!$ CALL getin_p("REFINEBOTTOM",refinebottom) |
256 | |
257 | !Config Key = DEPTH_GEOM |
258 | !Config Desc = Depth at which we resume geometrical increases for temperature |
259 | !Config If = |
260 | !Config Def = DEPTH_MAX_H |
261 | !Config Help = Depth at which the thickness increases again for temperature. |
262 | ! This depth has to be deeper than the bottom of the hydrology. |
263 | !Config Units = m |
264 | depth_geom=zmaxh |
265 | CALL getin_p("DEPTH_GEOM",depth_geom) |
266 | |
267 | IF ( depth_geom < zmaxh ) THEN |
268 | CALL ipslerr_p(3,'vertical_soil_init',"ERROR : depth_geom needs to be larger than zmaxh", & |
269 | "Correction : setting depth_geom to zmaxh", " ") |
270 | ENDIF |
271 | |
272 | !Config Key = RATIO_GEOM_BELOW |
273 | !Config Desc = Ratio of the geometrical series defining the thickness below DEPTH_GEOM |
274 | !Config If = |
275 | !Config Def = 2 |
276 | !Config Help = Ratio of the geometrical series defining the thickness below DEPTH_GEOM. |
277 | ! This parameter allows to cover the depth needed for temperature with fewer layers. |
278 | !Config Units = - |
279 | ratio_geom_below=2 |
280 | CALL getin_p("RATIO_GEOM_BELOW",ratio_geom_below) |
281 | |
282 | ! |
283 | ! Computing the layer depth for soil moisture. This defines the number of layers needed. |
284 | ! |
285 | ztmp(:) = 0.0 |
286 | dtmp(:) = 0.0 |
287 | DO i=1,nblayermax |
288 | IF ( ztmp(i) < depth_cstthickness ) THEN |
289 | ztmp(i+1) = depth_topthickness*2.0*((2**i)-1) |
290 | dtmp(i+1) = ztmp(i+1)-ztmp(i) |
291 | igeo=i+1 |
292 | zgeoend=ztmp(i+1) |
293 | dgeoend=dtmp(i+1) |
294 | ELSE |
295 | ztmp(i+1) = ztmp(i)+dtmp(i) |
296 | dtmp(i+1) = dtmp(i) |
297 | ENDIF |
298 | ENDDO |
299 | ! |
300 | ! refine at bottom. Work in progress... |
301 | ! |
302 | nbrefine = 1 |
303 | drefine(:) = 0.0 |
304 | IF (refinebottom) THEN |
305 | ! |
306 | ! Compute parameters for the constant increment interval before refining, |
307 | ! If needed ! |
308 | cstint=zmaxh-(2.0*zgeoend) |
309 | nbcst=MAX(INT(cstint/dgeoend), 0) |
310 | IF ( nbcst > 0 ) THEN |
311 | dcst=cstint/nbcst |
312 | ELSE |
313 | dcst=dgeoend |
314 | ENDIF |
315 | ! |
316 | ! If we have to add constant increments |
317 | ! |
318 | IF ( nbcst > 0 ) THEN |
319 | ! Add linear levels |
320 | DO i=igeo,igeo+nbcst-1 |
321 | ztmp(i+1) = ztmp(i)+dcst |
322 | dtmp(i+1) = dcst |
323 | ENDDO |
324 | ! Refine the levels toward the bottom |
325 | DO i=igeo+nbcst,2*igeo+nbcst-2 |
326 | irev=(2*igeo+nbcst-1)-i |
327 | ztmp(i+1) = ztmp(i)+dtmp(irev+1) |
328 | dtmp(i+1) = ztmp(i+1)-ztmp(i) |
329 | drefine(nbrefine)=dtmp(i+1) |
330 | nbrefine=nbrefine+1 |
331 | ENDDO |
332 | ! Without constant increments |
333 | ELSE |
334 | imin=MINLOC(ABS(ztmp(:)-(zmaxh/2.0))) |
335 | igeo=imin(1) |
336 | ztmp(igeo)=zmaxh/2.0 |
337 | dtmp(igeo) = ztmp(igeo)-ztmp(igeo-1) |
338 | DO i=igeo,2*igeo |
339 | irev=(2*igeo)-i |
340 | ztmp(i+1) = ztmp(i)+dtmp(irev) |
341 | dtmp(i+1) = ztmp(i-1)-ztmp(i) |
342 | drefine(nbrefine)=dtmp(i+1) |
343 | nbrefine=nbrefine+1 |
344 | ENDDO |
345 | ENDIF |
346 | ENDIF |
347 | |
348 | ! Find the index (nslm) of the node closest to the zmaxh |
349 | imin=MINLOC(ABS(ztmp(:)-zmaxh)) |
350 | nslm=imin(1) |
351 | ! |
352 | ! ALLOCATE the arrays we need to keep |
353 | ! |
354 | ALLOCATE(znh(nslm), stat=ier) |
355 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'vertical_soil_init','Problem in allocate of variable znh','','') |
356 | ALLOCATE(dnh(nslm), stat=ier) |
357 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'vertical_soil_init','Problem in allocate of variable dnh','','') |
358 | ALLOCATE(dlh(nslm), stat=ier) |
359 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'vertical_soil_init','Problem in allocate of variable dlh','','') |
360 | ALLOCATE(zlh(nslm), stat=ier) |
361 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'vertical_soil_init','Problem in allocate of variable zlh','','') |
362 | ! |
363 | ! Extract now the values we need to reach zmaxh |
364 | ! |
365 | znh(:)=ztmp(1:nslm) |
366 | |
367 | ! Force the last hydrological layer and node to be zmaxh |
368 | znh(nslm)=zmaxh |
369 | dnh(:)=dtmp(1:nslm) |
370 | ! Recalculate the distance between the last 2 nodes |
371 | dnh(nslm) = ztmp(nslm)-ztmp(nslm-1) |
372 | |
373 | ! Calculate the thickness of the layers |
374 | DO i = 1, nslm-1 |
375 | dlh(i) = (dnh(i) + dnh(i+1)) / 2.0 |
376 | ENDDO |
377 | dlh(nslm) = dnh(nslm)/2 |
378 | |
379 | ! |
380 | ! Extension for the thermodynamics below zmaxh |
381 | ! |
382 | ntmp = nslm |
383 | ztmp(:)=0.0 |
384 | ! Exception for the first layer. It is at the top in the hydrology and in |
385 | ! the middle for temperature. |
386 | ztmp(1)=depth_topthickness/2 |
387 | DO i=2,ntmp |
388 | ztmp(i)=znh(i) |
389 | ENDDO |
390 | |
391 | ! Exception for the last layer where again temperature needs to be in |
392 | ! the middle of the layer. Also add a layer with the same thickness |
393 | hh=dnh(ntmp)/2.0 |
394 | ztmp(ntmp)=ztmp(ntmp)-hh/2.0 |
395 | ztmp(ntmp+1)=ztmp(ntmp)+hh*1.5 |
396 | ztmp(ntmp+2)=ztmp(ntmp+1)+hh*2.0 |
397 | ntmp=ntmp+2 |
398 | |
399 | ! If we have created a refined region at the bottom of the soil moisture. We need to |
400 | ! unwinde it for temperature below zmaxh |
401 | IF ( nbrefine > 1 ) THEN |
402 | DO i=ntmp,ntmp+nbrefine |
403 | iref=(nbrefine+1)-(i-ntmp) |
404 | ztmp(i+1)=ztmp(i)+drefine(iref) |
405 | ENDDO |
406 | ntmp=ntmp+nbrefine |
407 | ENDIF |
408 | ! |
409 | ! Resume the geometric increas of thickness |
410 | DO i=ntmp,nblayermax |
411 | IF ( ztmp(i) < depth_geom ) THEN |
412 | ratio = 1.0 |
413 | ELSE |
414 | ratio = ratio_geom_below |
415 | ENDIF |
416 | ztmp(i+1)=ztmp(i)+ratio*(ztmp(i)-ztmp(i-1)) |
417 | ENDDO |
418 | |
419 | ! Compute the depth of the lower interface of each layer. |
420 | ! |
421 | zint(1) = depth_topthickness |
422 | DO i=2,nblayermax-1 |
423 | zint(i) = (ztmp(i)+ztmp(i+1))/2.0 |
424 | ENDDO |
425 | zint(nslm-1) = (znh(nslm-1) + znh(nslm))/2.0 |
426 | zint(nslm) = (znh(nslm)) |
427 | zint(nblayermax) = ztmp(nblayermax)+(ztmp(nblayermax)-ztmp(nblayermax-1))/2.0 |
428 | |
429 | ! Determine the total number of layers for thermal (ngrnd). |
430 | ! |
431 | imin=MINLOC(ABS(zint(:)-zmaxt)) |
432 | ngrnd=imin(1) |
433 | ALLOCATE(znt(ngrnd), stat=ier) |
434 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'vertical_soil_init','Problem in allocate of variable znt','','') |
435 | ALLOCATE(dlt(ngrnd), stat=ier) |
436 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'vertical_soil_init','Problem in allocate of variable dlt','','') |
437 | ALLOCATE(zlt(ngrnd), stat=ier) |
438 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'vertical_soil_init','Problem in allocate of variable zlt','','') |
439 | |
440 | ! Assign values for znt, zlt, dlt |
441 | ! |
442 | znt(:)=ztmp(1:ngrnd) |
443 | zlt(:) = zint(1:ngrnd) |
444 | dlt(1) = zint(1) |
445 | DO i=2,ngrnd |
446 | dlt(i) = zint(i)-zint(i-1) |
447 | ENDDO |
448 | ! Depth of layers for the hydrology are the same as for thermosoil but only the upper nslm layers are used |
449 | zlh(:) = zlt(1:nslm) |
450 | |
451 | ! Force the last thermal layer and node to be zmaxt |
452 | zlt(ngrnd) = zmaxt |
453 | dlt(ngrnd) = zmaxt-zint(ngrnd-1) |
454 | |
455 | |
456 | |
457 | |
458 | IF (printlev >=2) THEN |
459 | WRITE(numout,*) "=== Vertical discretization for hydrology ===================================" |
460 | WRITE(numout,*) "Number of layers in hydrology: nslm=", nslm |
461 | WRITE(numout,*) "Total depth in hydrology (DEPTH_MAX_H) (m): znh(nslm)=", znh(nslm) |
462 | WRITE(numout,*) "Depth of nodes in hydrology (m): znh=", znh |
463 | WRITE(numout,*) "Depth of lower layer-interface for hydrology (m): zlh=", zlh |
464 | WRITE(numout,*) "Layer thickness for hydrology (m): dlh=",dlh |
465 | WRITE(numout,*) "Internode distance for hydrology (m): dnh=",dnh |
466 | WRITE(numout,*) "=== Vertical discretization for thermosoil ==================================" |
467 | WRITE(numout,*) "Number of layers in thermosoil: ngrnd=", ngrnd |
468 | WRITE(numout,*) "Total depth for thermosoil (DEPTH_MAX_T) (m): zlt=", zlt(ngrnd) |
469 | WRITE(numout,*) "to be compared with calculated total depth for thermosoil (not used) zint=", zint(ngrnd) |
470 | WRITE(numout,*) "Depth of the nodes in thermosoil (m): znt=",znt |
471 | WRITE(numout,*) "Depth of lower layer-interface for thermosoil (m): zlt=", zlt(1:ngrnd) |
472 | WRITE(numout,*) "Layer thickness for thermosoil (m): dlt=", dlt |
473 | WRITE(numout,*) "=============================================================================" |
474 | END IF |
475 | END SUBROUTINE vertical_soil_init |
476 | |
477 | END MODULE vertical_soil |