1 | <!-- =========================================================================================================== --> |
2 | <!-- field_def_orchidee.xml : Definition of all existing variables --> |
3 | <!-- This file must only be changed if a call xios_orchidee_send_field is added, changed or removed --> |
4 | <!-- =========================================================================================================== --> |
5 | |
6 | <field_definition id="orchidee" prec="4" domain_ref="domain_landpoints" operation="average" freq_op="1ts" enabled=".TRUE." default_value="9.96921e+36"> |
7 | |
8 | |
9 | <!-- Definition of all variables in sechiba --> |
10 | <field_group id="sechiba"> |
11 | <field id="mrsos" name="mrsos" long_name="Moisture in Upper 0.1 m of Soil Column" unit="kg m-2"/> |
12 | <field id="Areas" name="Areas" long_name="Mesh areas" unit="m2" operation="once"/> |
13 | <field id="LandPoints" name="LandPoints" long_name="Land Points" unit="1" operation="once"/> |
14 | <field id="Contfrac" name="Contfrac" long_name="Continental fraction" unit="1" operation="once"/> |
15 | <field id="mrro" name="mrro" long_name="Total Runoff" unit="kg m-2 s-1"/> |
16 | <field id="ptn" name="ptn" long_name="Deep ground temperature" unit="K" axis_ref="solth"/> |
17 | <field id="npp" name="npp" long_name="Net Primary Production" unit="gC/m^2/s" axis_ref="veget"/> |
18 | <field id="cdrag" name="cdrag" long_name="Drag coefficient for LE and SH" unit="?"/> |
19 | <field id="soilalb_vis" name="soilalb_vis" long_name="Soil Albedo visible" unit="1"/> |
20 | <field id="soilalb_nir" name="soilalb_nir" long_name="Soil Albedo near infrared" unit="1"/> |
21 | <field id="vegalb_vis" name="vegalb_vis" long_name="Vegetation Albedo visible" unit="1"/> |
22 | <field id="vegalb_nir" name="vegalb_nir" long_name="Vegetation Albedo near infrared" unit="1"/> |
23 | <field id="z0" name="z0" long_name="Surface roughness" unit="m"/> |
24 | <field id="evap" name="evap" long_name="Evaporation" unit="mm/d"/> |
25 | <field id="coastalflow" name="coastalflow" long_name="Diffuse coastal flow" unit="m^3/s"/> |
26 | <field id="riverflow" name="riverflow" long_name="River flow to the oceans" unit="m^3/s"/> |
27 | <field id="tsol_rad" name="tsol_rad" long_name="Radiative surface temperature" unit="C"/> |
28 | <field id="vevapnu" name="vevapnu" long_name="Bare soil evaporation" unit="mm/d"/> |
29 | |
30 | <field id="temp_sol_C" name="temp_sol" long_name="New Surface Temperature" unit="C"/> |
31 | <field id="temp_sol_K" name="AvgSurfT" long_name="Average surface temperature" unit="K"/> |
32 | <field id="tsol_max" name="tsol_max" field_ref="temp_sol_C" long_name="Maximum Surface Temperature" unit="C" operation="maximum"/> |
33 | <field id="tsol_min" name="tsol_min" field_ref="temp_sol_C" long_name="Minimum Surface Temperature" unit="C" operation="minimum"/> |
34 | <field id="temp_sol_Cloc" name="temp_sol_Cloc" field_ref="temp_sol_K" long_name="New Surface Temperature" unit="C"> temp_sol_K - 273.15 </field> |
35 | |
36 | <field id="qsurf" name="qsurf" long_name="Near surface specific humidity" unit="g/g"/> |
37 | <field id="albedo" name="albedo" long_name="Albedo" unit="1" axis_ref="albtyp"/> |
38 | <field id="fluxsens" name="fluxsens" long_name="Sensible Heat Flux" unit="W/m^2"/> |
39 | <field id="fluxlat" name="fluxlat" long_name="Latent Heat Flux" unit="W/m^2"/> |
40 | <field id="emis" name="emis" long_name="Surface emissivity" unit="1"/> |
41 | <field id="rain" name="rain" long_name="Rainfall" unit="mm/d"/> |
42 | <field id="snowf" name="snowf" long_name="Snowfall" unit="mm/d"/> |
43 | <field id="netrad" name="netrad" long_name="Net radiation" unit="W/m^2"/> |
44 | <field id="lai" name="lai" long_name="Leaf Area Index" unit="1" axis_ref="veget"/> |
45 | <field id="reinf_slope" name="reinf_slope" long_name="Slope index for each grid box" unit="1" operation="once"/> |
46 | <field id="soilindex" name="soilindex" long_name="Soil index" unit="1" operation="once"/> |
47 | <field id="basinmap" name="basinmap" long_name="Aproximate map of the river basins" operation="once"/> |
48 | <field id="nbrivers" name="nbrivers" long_name="Number or rivers in the outflow grid box" operation="once"/> |
49 | <field id="subli" name="subli" long_name="Sublimation" unit="mm/d"/> |
50 | <field id="runoff" name="runoff" long_name="Surface runoff" unit="mm/d"/> |
51 | <field id="drainage" name="drainage" long_name="Deep drainage" unit="mm/d"/> |
52 | <field id="riversret" name="riversret" long_name="Return from endorheic riversD" unit="mm/d"/> |
53 | <field id="hydrographs" name="hydrographs" long_name="Hydrographs of gridbox outflow" unit="m^3/s"/> |
54 | <field id="evapnu_soil" name="evapnu_soil" long_name="Bare soil evap for soil type" unit="mm/d" axis_ref="soiltyp"/> |
55 | <field id="drainage_soil" name="drainage_soil" long_name="Drainage for soil type" unit="mm/d" axis_ref="soiltyp"/> |
56 | <field id="transpir_soil" name="transpir_soil" long_name="Transpir for soil type" unit="mm/d" axis_ref="soiltyp"/> |
57 | <field id="runoff_soil" name="runoff_soil" long_name="Runoff for soil type" unit="mm/d" axis_ref="soiltyp"/> |
58 | <field id="tair" name="tair" long_name="Air Temperature" unit="K"/> |
59 | <field id="qair" name="qair" long_name="Air Humidity" unit="g/g"/> |
60 | <field id="q2m" name="q2m" long_name="2m Air Humidity" unit="g/g"/> |
61 | <field id="t2m" name="t2m" long_name="2m Air temperature" unit="K"/> |
62 | <field id="alb_vis" name="alb_vis" long_name="Albedo visible" unit="1"/> |
63 | <field id="alb_nir" name="alb_nir" long_name="Albedo near infrared" unit="1"/> |
64 | <field id="roughheight" name="roughheight" long_name="Effective roughness height" unit="m"/> |
65 | <field id="transpir" name="transpir" long_name="Transpiration" unit="mm/d" axis_ref="veget"/> |
66 | <field id="inter" name="inter" long_name="Interception loss" unit="mm/d" axis_ref="veget"/> |
67 | <field id="evapnu" name="evapnu" long_name="Bare soil evaporation" unit="mm/d"/> |
68 | <field id="snow" name="snow" long_name="Snow mass" unit="kg/m^2"/> |
69 | <field id="snowage" name="snowage" long_name="Snow age" unit="?"/> |
70 | <field id="snownobio" name="snownobio" long_name="Snow on other surfaces" unit="kg/m^2" axis_ref="nobio"/> |
71 | <field id="snownobioage" name="snownobioage" long_name="Snow age on other surfaces" unit="d" axis_ref="nobio"/> |
72 | <field id="vegetfrac" name="vegetfrac" long_name="Fraction of vegetation" unit="1" axis_ref="veget"/> |
73 | <field id="maxvegetfrac" name="maxvegetfrac" long_name="Maximum fraction of vegetation" unit="1" axis_ref="veget"/> |
74 | <field id="tot_bare_soil" name="tot_bare_soil" long_name="Total Bare Soil Fraction" unit="%"/> |
75 | <field id="nobiofrac" name="nobiofrac" long_name="Fraction of other surface types" unit="1" axis_ref="nobio"/> |
76 | <field id="flood_frac" name="flood_frac" long_name="Flooded fraction" unit="1"/> |
77 | <field id="reinfiltration" name="reinfiltration" long_name="Reinfiltration from floodplains" unit="mm/d"/> |
78 | <field id="frac_bare" name="frac_bare" long_name="Bare soil fraction for each tile" unit="-" axis_ref="veget"/> |
79 | <field id="soiltile" name="soiltile" long_name="Fraction of soil tiles" unit="%" axis_ref="soiltyp" operation="once"/> |
80 | <field id="dss" name="dss" long_name="Up-reservoir Height" unit="m" axis_ref="veget"/> |
81 | <field id="gqsb" name="gqsb" long_name="Upper Soil Moisture" unit="Kg/m^2"/> |
82 | <field id="bqsb" name="bqsb" long_name="Lower Soil Moisture" unit="Kg/m^2"/> |
83 | <field id="humtot" name="humtot" long_name="Soil Moisture for soil type" unit="Kg/m^2"/> |
84 | <field id="humtot_soil" name="humtot_soil" long_name="Soil Moisture for soil type" unit="Kg/m^2" axis_ref="soiltyp"/> |
85 | <field id="SWI" name="SWI" long_name="Soil wetness index" unit="-"/> |
86 | <field id="njsc" name="njsc" long_name="Soil class used for hydrology" unit="-" operation="once"/> |
87 | <field id="qsintveg" name="qsintveg" long_name="Water on canopy" unit="Kg/m^2" axis_ref="veget"/> |
88 | <field id="rstruct" name="rstruct" long_name="Structural resistance" unit="s/m" axis_ref="veget"/> |
89 | <field id="gpp" name="gpp" long_name="Net assimilation of carbon by the vegetation" unit="gC/m^2/s" axis_ref="veget"/> |
90 | <field id="nee" name="nee" long_name="Net Ecosystem Exchange" unit="gC/m^2/s" axis_ref="veget"/> |
91 | <field id="maint_resp" name="maint_resp" long_name="Maintenance respiration" unit="gC/m^2/s" axis_ref="veget"/> |
92 | <field id="hetero_resp" name="hetero_resp" long_name="Heterotrophic respiration" unit="gC/m^2/s" axis_ref="veget"/> |
93 | <field id="growth_resp" name="growth_resp" long_name="Growth respiration" unit="gC/m^2/s" axis_ref="veget"/> |
94 | <field id="precisol" name="precisol" long_name="Throughfall" unit="mm/d" axis_ref="veget"/> |
95 | <field id="drysoil_frac" name="drysoil_frac" long_name="Fraction of visibly dry soil" unit="1"/> |
96 | <field id="evapot" name="evapot" long_name="Potential evaporation" unit="mm/d"/> |
97 | <field id="evapot_corr" name="evapot_corr" long_name="Potential evaporation" unit="mm/d"/> |
98 | <field id="swnet" name="swnet" long_name="Net solar radiation" unit="W/m^2"/> |
99 | <field id="swdown" name="swdown" long_name="Incident solar radiation" unit="W/m^2"/> |
100 | <field id="lwdown" name="lwdown" long_name="Absorbed downward longwave radiation" unit="W/m^2"/> |
101 | <field id="lwnet" name="lwnet" long_name="Net surface longwave radiation" unit="W/m^2"/> |
102 | <field id="fastr" name="fastr" long_name="Fast flow reservoir" unit="kg/m^2"/> |
103 | <field id="slowr" name="slowr" long_name="Slow flow reservoir" unit="kg/m^2"/> |
104 | <field id="streamr" name="streamr" long_name="Stream flow reservoir" unit="kg/m^2"/> |
105 | <field id="lakevol" name="lakevol" long_name="Volume in lake reservoir" unit="kg/m^2"/> |
106 | <field id="pondr" name="pondr" long_name="Ponds reservoir" unit="kg/m^2"/> |
107 | <field id="swampmap" name="swampmap" long_name="Map of swamps" unit="m^2" operation="once"/> |
108 | <field id="irrigation" name="irrigation" long_name="Net irrigation" unit="mm/d"/> |
109 | <field id="netirrig" name="netirrig" long_name="Net irrigation requirement" unit="mm/d"/> |
110 | <field id="irrigmap" name="irrigmap" long_name="Map of irrigated surfaces" unit="m^2" operation="once"/> |
111 | <field id="floodmap" name="floodmap" long_name="Map of floodplains" unit="m^2" operation="once"/> |
112 | <field id="floodh" name="floodh" long_name="Floodplains height" unit="mm"/> |
113 | <field id="floodr" name="floodr" long_name="Floodplains reservoir" unit="kg/m^2"/> |
114 | <field id="floodout" name="floodout" long_name="Flow out of floodplains" unit="mm/d"/> |
115 | <field id="TotWater" name="TotWater" long_name="Total amount of water at end of time step" unit="mm/d"/> |
116 | <field id="TotWaterFlux" name="TotWater" long_name="Total water flux" unit="mm/d"/> |
117 | <field id="evapflo" name="evapflo" long_name="Floodplains evaporation" unit="mm/d"/> |
118 | <field id="k_litt" name="k_litt" long_name="Litter cond" unit="mm/d"/> |
119 | <field id="beta" name="beta" long_name="Beta Function" unit="1"/> |
120 | <field id="raero" name="raero" long_name="Aerodynamic resistance" unit="s/m"/> |
121 | <field id="Wind" name="Wind" long_name="Wind speed" unit="m/s"/> |
122 | <field id="qsatt" name="qsatt" long_name="Surface saturated humidity" unit="g/g"/> |
123 | <field id="vbeta1" name="vbeta1" long_name="Beta for sublimation" unit="1"/> |
124 | <field id="vbeta4" name="vbeta4" long_name="Beta for bare soil" unit="1"/> |
125 | <field id="vbeta5" name="vbeta5" long_name="Beta for floodplains" unit="1"/> |
126 | <field id="vbetaco2" name="vbetaco2" long_name="beta for CO2" unit="mm/d" axis_ref="veget"/> |
127 | <field id="humrel" name="humrel" long_name="Soil moisture stress" unit="-" axis_ref="veget"/> |
128 | <field id="cimean" name="cimean" long_name="Stomatal CO2 concentation" unit="mmole/m2/s" axis_ref="veget"/> |
129 | <field id="vbeta3" name="vbeta3" long_name="Beta for Transpiration" unit="mm/d" axis_ref="veget"/> |
130 | <field id="rveget" name="rveget" long_name="Canopy resistance" unit="s/m" axis_ref="veget"/> |
131 | <field id="rsol" name="rsol" long_name="Soil resistance" unit="s/m"/> |
132 | <field id="vbeta2" name="vbeta2" long_name="Beta for Interception loss" unit="mm/d" axis_ref="veget"/> |
133 | <field id="qsintmax" name="qsintmax" long_name="Maximum Interception capacity" unit="Kg/m^2" axis_ref="veget"/> |
134 | <field id="mrso" name="mrso" long_name="Total Soil Moisture Content" unit="kg m-2"/> |
135 | <field id="mrros" name="mrros" long_name="Surface Runoff" unit="kg m-2 s-1"/> |
136 | <field id="prveg" name="prveg" long_name="Precipitation onto Canopy" unit="kg m-2 s-1"/> |
137 | <field id="evspsblveg" name="evspsblveg" long_name="Evaporation from Canopy" unit="kg m-2 s-1"/> |
138 | <field id="evspsblsoi" name="evspsblsoi" long_name="Water Evaporation from Soil" unit="kg m-2 s-1"/> |
139 | <field id="tran" name="tran" long_name="Transpiration" unit="kg m-2 s-1"/> |
140 | <field id="treeFrac" name="treeFrac" long_name="Tree Cover Fraction" unit="%"/> |
141 | <field id="grassFrac" name="grassFrac" long_name="Natural Grass Fraction" unit="%"/> |
142 | <field id="cropFrac" name="cropFrac" long_name="Crop Fraction" unit="%"/> |
143 | <field id="baresoilFrac" name="baresoilFrac" long_name="Bare Soil Fraction" unit="%"/> |
144 | <field id="residualFrac" name="residualFrac" long_name="Fraction of Grid Cell that is Land but Neither Vegetation-Covered nor Bare Soil" unit="%"/> |
145 | <field id="PAR" name="PAR" long_name="PAR" unit="umol phot/m^2/s"/> |
146 | <field id="PARsun" name="PARsun" long_name="Sunlit Leaf PAR" unit="umol phot/m^2/s" axis_ref="veget"/> |
147 | <field id="PARsh" name="PARsh" long_name="Shaded Leaf Area PAR" unit="umol phot/m^2/s" axis_ref="veget"/> |
148 | <field id="laisun" name="laisun" long_name="Sunlit Leaf Area Index" unit="1" axis_ref="veget"/> |
149 | <field id="laish" name="laish" long_name="Shaded Leaf Area Index" unit="1" axis_ref="veget"/> |
150 | <field id="Fdf" name="Fdf" long_name="Fdf" unit="1"/> |
151 | <field id="PARsuntab" name="PARsuntab" long_name="Sunlit Leaf PAR" unit="umol phot/m^2/s" axis_ref="laiax"/> |
152 | <field id="PARshtab" name="PARshtab" long_name="Shaded Leaf Area PAR" unit="umol phot/m^2/s" axis_ref="laiax"/> |
153 | <field id="Sinang" name="Sinang" long_name="Sinang" unit="1"/> |
154 | <field id="PARdf" name="PARdf" long_name="PARdf" unit="1"/> |
155 | <field id="PARdr" name="PARdr" long_name="PARdr" unit="1"/> |
156 | <field id="Trans" name="Trans" long_name="Trans" unit="1"/> |
157 | <field id="Day" name="Day" long_name="Day" unit="1"/> |
158 | <field id="Year_length" name="Year_length" long_name="Year_length" unit="1"/> |
159 | <field id="flx_fertil_no" name="flx_fertil_no" long_name="flx_fertil_no" unit="ngN/m^2/s" axis_ref="veget"/> |
160 | <field id="CRF" name="CRF" long_name="CRF" unit="1"/> |
161 | <field id="flx_co2_bbg_year" name="flx_co2_bbg_year" long_name="flx_co2_bbg_year" unit="kgC/m^2/yr" operation="once"/> |
162 | <field id="N_qt_WRICE_year" name="N_qt_WRICE_year" long_name="N_qt_WRICE_year" unit="kgN/yr" operation="once"/> |
163 | <field id="N_qt_OTHER_year" name="N_qt_OTHER_year" long_name="N_qt_OTHER_year" unit="kgN/yr" operation="once"/> |
164 | <field id="ptnlev1" name="ptnlev1" long_name="ptnlev1" unit="K"/> |
165 | <field id="flx_iso" name="flx_iso" long_name="flx_iso" unit="kgC/m^2/s"/> |
166 | <field id="flx_mono" name="flx_mono" long_name="flx_mono" unit="kgC/m^2/s"/> |
167 | <field id="flx_ORVOC" name="flx_ORVOC" long_name="flx_ORVOC" unit="kgC/m^2/s"/> |
168 | <field id="flx_MBO" name="flx_MBO" long_name="flx_MBO" unit="kgC/m^2/s"/> |
169 | <field id="flx_methanol" name="flx_methanol" long_name="flx_methanol" unit="kgC/m^2/s"/> |
170 | <field id="flx_acetone" name="flx_acetone" long_name="flx_acetone" unit="kgC/m^2/s"/> |
171 | <field id="flx_acetal" name="flx_acetal" long_name="flx_acetal" unit="kgC/m^2/s"/> |
172 | <field id="flx_formal" name="flx_formal" long_name="flx_formal" unit="kgC/m^2/s"/> |
173 | <field id="flx_acetic" name="flx_acetic" long_name="flx_acetic" unit="kgC/m^2/s"/> |
174 | <field id="flx_formic" name="flx_formic" long_name="flx_formic" unit="kgC/m^2/s"/> |
175 | <field id="flx_no_soil" name="flx_no_soil" long_name="flx_no_soil" unit="ngN/m^2/s"/> |
176 | <field id="flx_no" name="flx_no" long_name="flx_no" unit="ngN/m^2/s"/> |
177 | |
178 | <!-- ALMA --> |
179 | <field id="Qg" name="Qg" long_name="Ground heat flux" unit="W/m^2"/> |
180 | <field id="Qf" name="Qf" long_name="Energy of fusion" unit="W/m^2"/> |
181 | <field id="Qv" name="Qv" long_name="Energy of sublimation" unit="W/m^2"/> |
182 | <field id="DelSurfHeat" name="DelSurfHeat" long_name="Change in surface layer heat" unit="J/m^2" operation="accumulate"/> |
183 | <field id="DelColdCont" name="DelColdCont" long_name="Change in snow surface layer cold content" unit="J/m^2" operation="accumulate"/> |
184 | <field id="snowf_alma" name="Snowf" long_name="Snowfall rate" unit="kg/m^2/s"/> |
185 | <field id="rain_alma" name="Rainf" long_name="Rainfall rate" unit="kg/m^2/s"/> |
186 | <field id="evap_alma" name="evap_alma" long_name="Total Evapotranspiration" unit="kg/m^2/s"/> |
187 | <field id="Qs" name="Qs" long_name="Surface runoff" unit="kg/m^2/s"/> |
188 | <field id="Qsb" name="Qsb" long_name="Sub-surface runoff" unit="kg/m^2/s"/> |
189 | <field id="Qsm" name="Qsm" long_name="Snowmelt" unit="kg/m^2/s"/> |
190 | <field id="DelSoilMoist" name="DelSoilMoist" long_name="Change in soil moisture" unit="kg/m^2" operation="accumulate"/> |
191 | <field id="DelSurfStor" name="DelSurfStor" long_name="Change in Surface Water Storage" unit="kg/m^2" operation="accumulate"/> |
192 | <field id="DelIntercept" name="DelIntercept" long_name="Change in interception storage" unit="kg/m^2" operation="accumulate"/> |
193 | <field id="DelSWE" name="DelSWE" long_name="Change in Snow Water Equivalent" unit="kg/m^2" operation="accumulate"/> |
194 | <field id="irrigation_alma" name="Qirrig" long_name="Irrigation" unit="kg/m^2/s"/> |
195 | <field id="netirrig_alma" name="Qirrig_req" long_name="Irrigation requirement" unit="kg/m^2/s"/> |
196 | <field id="PotSurfT" name="PotSurfT" long_name="Potential (Unstressed) surface temperature" unit="K"/> |
197 | <field id="albedo_alma" name="Albedo" long_name="Albedo" unit="1"/> |
198 | <field id="SurfStor" name="SurfStor" long_name="Surface Water Storage" unit="kg/m^2"/> |
199 | <field id="SoilMoist" name="SoilMoist" long_name="3D average layer soil moisture" unit="kg/m^2" axis_ref="solay"/> |
200 | <field id="RootMoist" name="RootMoist" long_name="Root zone soil water" unit="kg/m^2"/> |
201 | <field id="SoilWet" name="SoilWet" long_name="Total soil wetness" unit="-"/> |
202 | <field id="evapot_corr_alma" name="PotEvap" long_name="Potential evapotranspiration" unit="kg/m^2/s"/> |
203 | <field id="evapot_alma" name="PotEvapOld" long_name="Potential evapotranspiration old method" unit="kg/m^2/s"/> |
204 | <field id="ECanop" name="ECanop" long_name="Interception evaporation" unit="kg/m^2/s"/> |
205 | <field id="TVeg" name="TVeg" long_name="Transpiration" unit="kg/m^2/s"/> |
206 | <field id="vevapnu_alma" name="ESoil" long_name="Bare soil evaporation" unit="kg/m^2/s"/> |
207 | <field id="evapflo_alma" name="EWater" long_name="Floodplains evaporation" unit="kg/m^2/s"/> |
208 | <field id="SubSnow" name="SubSnow" long_name="Snow sublimation" unit="kg/m^2/s"/> |
209 | <field id="ACond" name="ACond" long_name="Aerodynamic conductance" unit="m/s"/> |
210 | <field id="SAlbedo" name="SAlbedo" long_name="Snow albedo" unit="1"/> |
211 | <field id="SnowDepth" name="SnowDepth" long_name="3D snow depth" unit="m"/> |
212 | <field id="moistc_1" name="moistc_1" long_name="Soil Moisture profile for soil type 1" unit="m3/m3" axis_ref="solay"/> |
213 | <field id="moistc_2" name="moistc_2" long_name="Soil Moisture profile for soil type 2" unit="m3/m3" axis_ref="solay"/> |
214 | <field id="moistc_3" name="moistc_3" long_name="Soil Moisture profile for soil type 3" unit="m3/m3" axis_ref="solay"/> |
215 | <field id="kfactroot_1" name="kfactroot_1" long_name="Root fraction profile for soil type 1" unit="%" axis_ref="solay"/> |
216 | <field id="kfactroot_2" name="kfactroot_2" long_name="Root fraction profile for soil type 2" unit="%" axis_ref="solay"/> |
217 | <field id="kfactroot_3" name="kfactroot_3" long_name="Root fraction profile for soil type 3" unit="%" axis_ref="solay"/> |
218 | <field id="vegetsoil_1" name="vegetsoil_1" long_name="Fraction of vegetation on soil type 1" unit="%" axis_ref="veget"/> |
219 | <field id="vegetsoil_2" name="vegetsoil_2" long_name="Fraction of vegetation on soil type 2" unit="%" axis_ref="veget"/> |
220 | <field id="vegetsoil_3" name="vegetsoil_3" long_name="Fraction of vegetation on soil type 3" unit="%" axis_ref="veget"/> |
221 | </field_group> |
222 | |
223 | |
224 | <!-- Definition of all variables in stomate --> |
225 | <field_group id="stomate"> |
226 | <field id="T2M_MONTH" name="T2M_MONTH" long_name="Monthly 2 m temperature" unit="K"/> |
227 | <field id="T2M_WEEK" name="T2M_WEEK" long_name="Weekly 2 m temperature" unit="K"/> |
228 | <field id="HET_RESP" name="HET_RESP" long_name="heterotr. resp. from ground" unit="gC/m^2 tot/pft/day" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
229 | <field id="FIREFRAC" name="FIREFRAC" long_name="Fire fraction on ground " unit="1/day" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
230 | <field id="CO2FLUX" name="CO2FLUX" long_name="CO2 flux " unit="gC/m^2/pft/mth" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
231 | <field id="CO2_FIRE" name="CO2_FIRE" long_name="Output CO2 flux from fire " unit="gC/day/m^2/pft" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
232 | <field id="CO2_TAKEN" name="CO2_TAKEN" long_name="CO2 taken from atmosphere for initiate growth " unit="gC/day/m^2/pft" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
233 | <field id="LAI" name="LAI" long_name="Leaf Area Index " unit="-" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
234 | <field id="VEGET_MAX" name="VEGET_MAX" long_name="Maximum vegetation fraction (LAI -> infinity) " unit="-" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
235 | <field id="NPP_STOMATE" name="NPP" long_name="Net primary productivity " unit="gC/day/(m^2 tot)" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
236 | <field id="GPP" name="GPP" long_name="Gross primary productivity " unit="gC/day/m^2" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
237 | <field id="LEAF_M" name="LEAF_M" long_name="Leaf mass" unit="gC/m^2 " axis_ref="PFT"/> |
238 | <field id="SAP_M_AB" name="SAP_M_AB" long_name="Sap mass above ground" unit="gC/m^2" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
239 | <field id="SAP_M_BE" name="SAP_M_BE" long_name="Sap mass below ground" unit="gC/m^2" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
240 | <field id="HEART_M_AB" name="HEART_M_AB" long_name="Heartwood mass above ground" unit="gC/m^2" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
241 | <field id="HEART_M_BE" name="HEART_M_BE" long_name="Heartwood mass below ground" unit="gC/m^2" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
242 | <field id="ROOT_M" name="ROOT_M" long_name="Root mass" unit="gC/m^2" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
243 | <field id="FRUIT_M" name="FRUIT_M" long_name="Fruit mass" unit="gC/m^2" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
244 | <field id="RESERVE_M" name="RESERVE_M" long_name="Carbohydrate reserve mass" unit="gC/m^2" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
245 | <field id="MAINT_RESP" name="MAINT_RESP" long_name="Maintenance respiration" unit="gC/m^2/day" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
246 | <field id="GROWTH_RESP" name="GROWTH_RESP" long_name="Growth respiration" unit="gC/m^2/day" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
247 | <field id="IND" name="IND" long_name="Density of individuals" unit="1/ m^2" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
248 | <field id="ADAPTATION" name="ADAPTATION" long_name="Adaptation to climate (DGVM)" unit="-" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
249 | <field id="REGENERATION" name="REGENERATION" long_name="Probability from regenerative (DGVM)" unit="-" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
250 | <field id="CN_IND" name="CN_IND" long_name="crown area of individuals" unit="m^2" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
251 | <field id="WOODMASS_IND" name="WOODMASS_IND" long_name="Woodmass of individuals" unit="gC/pft" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
252 | <field id="TOTAL_M" name="TOTAL_M" long_name="Total living biomass" unit="gC/m^2/pft" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
253 | <field id="MOISTRESS" name="MOISTRESS" long_name="weekly moisture stress" unit="-" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
254 | <field id="TOTAL_TURN" name="TOTAL_TURN" long_name="total turnover rate" unit="gC/m^2/day " axis_ref="PFT"/> |
255 | <field id="LEAF_TURN" name="LEAF_TURN" long_name="Leaf turnover" unit="gC/m^2/day " axis_ref="PFT"/> |
256 | <field id="SAP_AB_TURN" name="SAP_AB_TURN" long_name="Sap turnover above" unit="gC/m^2/day " axis_ref="PFT"/> |
257 | <field id="ROOT_TURN" name="ROOT_TURN" long_name="Root turnover" unit="gC/m^2/day " axis_ref="PFT"/> |
258 | <field id="FRUIT_TURN" name="FRUIT_TURN" long_name="Fruit turnover" unit="gC/m^2/day" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
259 | <field id="TOTAL_BM_LITTER" name="TOTAL_BM_LITTER" long_name="total conversion of biomass to litter" unit="gC/m^2/day" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
260 | <field id="LEAF_BM_LITTER" name="LEAF_BM_LITTER" long_name="Leaf death" unit="gC/m^2/day" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
261 | <field id="SAP_AB_BM_LITTER" name="SAP_AB_BM_LITTER" long_name="Sap death above ground" unit="gC/m^2/day" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
262 | <field id="SAP_BE_BM_LITTER" name="SAP_BE_BM_LITTER" long_name="Sap death below ground" unit="gC/m^2/day" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
263 | <field id="HEART_AB_BM_LITTER" name="HEART_AB_BM_LITTER" long_name="Heartwood death above ground" unit="gC/m^2/day" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
264 | <field id="HEART_BE_BM_LITTER" name="HEART_BE_BM_LITTER" long_name="Heartwood death below ground" unit="gC/m^2/day" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
265 | <field id="ROOT_BM_LITTER" name="ROOT_BM_LITTER" long_name="Root death" unit="gC/m^2/day" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
266 | <field id="FRUIT_BM_LITTER" name="FRUIT_BM_LITTER" long_name="Fruit death" unit="gC/m^2/day" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
267 | <field id="RESERVE_BM_LITTER" name="RESERVE_BM_LITTER" long_name="Carbohydrate reserve death" unit="gC/m^2/day" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
268 | <field id="LITTER_STR_AB" name="LITTER_STR_AB" long_name="structural litter above ground" unit="gC/m^2/pft" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
269 | <field id="LITTER_MET_AB" name="LITTER_MET_AB" long_name="metabolic litter above ground" unit="gC/m^2/pft" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
270 | <field id="LITTER_STR_BE" name="LITTER_STR_BE" long_name="structural litter below ground" unit="gC/m^2/pft" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
271 | <field id="LITTER_MET_BE" name="LITTER_MET_BE" long_name="metabolic litter below ground" unit="gC/m^2/pft" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
272 | <field id="DEADLEAF_COVER" name="DEADLEAF_COVER" long_name="fraction of soil covered by dead leaves" unit="-"/> |
273 | <field id="TOTAL_SOIL_CARB" name="TOTAL_SOIL_CARB" long_name="total soil and litter carbon" unit="gC/m^2" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
274 | <field id="CARBON_ACTIVE" name="CARBON_ACTIVE" long_name="active soil carbon in ground " unit="gC/m^2/pft" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
275 | <field id="CARBON_SLOW" name="CARBON_SLOW" long_name="slow soil carbon in ground" unit="gC/m^2/pft" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
276 | <field id="CARBON_PASSIVE" name="CARBON_PASSIVE" long_name="passive soil carbon in ground" unit="gC/m^2/pft" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
277 | <field id="LITTERHUM" name="LITTERHUM" long_name="Litter humidity" unit="-"/> |
278 | <field id="BM_ALLOC_LEAF" name="BM_ALLOC_LEAF" long_name="biomass allocated to leaves" unit="gC/m**2/pft/dt" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
279 | <field id="BM_ALLOC_SAP_AB" name="BM_ALLOC_SAP_AB" long_name="biomass allocated to sapwood above ground" unit="gC/m**2/pft/dt" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
280 | <field id="BM_ALLOC_SAP_BE" name="BM_ALLOC_SAP_BE" long_name="biomass allocated to sapwood below ground" unit="gC/m**2/pft/dt" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
281 | <field id="BM_ALLOC_ROOT" name="BM_ALLOC_ROOT" long_name="biomass allocated to roots" unit="gC/m**2/pft/dt" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
282 | <field id="BM_ALLOC_FRUIT" name="BM_ALLOC_FRUIT" long_name="biomass allocated to fruits" unit="gC/m**2/pft/dt" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
283 | <field id="BM_ALLOC_RES" name="BM_ALLOC_RES" long_name="biomass allocated to carbohydrate reserve" unit="gC/m**2/pft/dt" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
284 | <field id="HERBIVORES" name="HERBIVORES" long_name="time constant of herbivore activity" unit="days" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
285 | <field id="TURNOVER_TIME" name="TURNOVER_TIME" long_name="turnover time for grass leaves" unit="days" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
286 | <field id="PROD10" name="PROD10" long_name="10 year wood product pool" unit="gC/m**2" axis_ref="P11"/> |
287 | <field id="FLUX10" name="FLUX10" long_name="annual flux for each 10 year wood product pool" unit="gC/m**2/yr" axis_ref="P10"/> |
288 | <field id="PROD100" name="PROD100" long_name="100 year wood product pool" unit="gC/m**2" axis_ref="P101"/> |
289 | <field id="FLUX100" name="FLUX100" long_name="annual flux for each 100 year wood product pool" unit="gC/m**2/yr" axis_ref="P100"/> |
290 | <field id="CONVFLUX" name="CONVFLUX" long_name="annual release right after deforestation" unit="gC/m**2/day"/> |
291 | <field id="CFLUX_PROD10" name="CFLUX_PROD10" long_name="annual release from all 10 year wood product pools" unit="gC/m**2/day"/> |
292 | <field id="CFLUX_PROD100" name="CFLUX_PROD100" long_name="annual release from all 100 year wood product pools" unit="gC/m**2/day"/> |
293 | <field id="HARVEST_ABOVE" name="HARVEST_ABOVE" long_name="annual release product after harvest" unit="gC/m**2/day"/> |
294 | <field id="RESOLUTION_X" name="RESOLUTION_X" long_name="E-W resolution" unit="m" operation="once"/> |
295 | <field id="RESOLUTION_Y" name="RESOLUTION_Y" long_name="N-S resolution" unit="m" operation="once"/> |
296 | <field id="CONTFRAC_STOMATE" name="CONTFRAC" long_name="Continental fraction" unit="1" operation="once"/> |
297 | <field id="VCMAX" name="VCMAX" long_name="Maximum rate of carboxylation" unit="-" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
298 | <field id="LEAF_AGE" name="LEAF_AGE" long_name="leaf age" unit="days" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
299 | <field id="MORTALITY" name="MORTALITY" long_name="Fraction of trees that dies (gap)" unit="1/day" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
300 | <field id="FIREDEATH" name="FIREDEATH" long_name="Fraction of plants killed by fire" unit="1/day" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
301 | <field id="IND_ESTAB" name="IND_ESTAB" long_name="Density of newly established saplings" unit="1/day" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
302 | <field id="ESTABTREE" name="ESTABTREE" long_name="Rate of tree establishement" unit="1/day"/> |
303 | <field id="ESTABGRASS" name="ESTABGRASS" long_name="Rate of grass establishement" unit="1/day"/> |
304 | <field id="LIGHT_DEATH" name="LIGHT_DEATH" long_name="Fraction of plants that dies (light competition)" unit="1/day" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
305 | <field id="AGE" name="AGE" long_name="age" unit="years" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
306 | <field id="HEIGHT" name="HEIGHT" long_name="height" unit="m" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
307 | <field id="WHEN_GROWTHINIT" name="WHEN_GROWTHINIT" long_name="Time elapsed from season beginning" unit="d" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
308 | <field id="PFTPRESENT" name="PFTPRESENT" long_name="PFT exists" unit="d" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
309 | <field id="GDD_MIDWINTER" name="GDD_MIDWINTER" long_name="Growing degree days, since midwinter" unit="degK" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
310 | <field id="GDD_M5_DORMANCE" name="GDD_M5_DORMANCE" long_name="Growing degree days threshold" unit="degK" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
311 | <field id="NCD_DORMANCE" name="NCD_DORMANCE" long_name="Number of chilling days, since leaves were lost" unit="d" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
312 | <field id="ALLOW_INITPHENO" name="ALLOW_INITPHENO" long_name="Allow to declare beginning of the growing season" unit="-" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
313 | <field id="BEGIN_LEAVES" name="BEGIN_LEAVES" long_name="Signal to start putting leaves on" unit="-" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
314 | <field id="T2M_LONGTERM" name="T2M_LONGTERM" long_name="Longterm 2 m temperature" unit="K"/> |
315 | <field id="BLACK_CARBON" name="BLACK_CARBON" long_name="black carbon on average total ground" unit="gC/m^2 tot"/> |
316 | <field id="FIREINDEX" name="FIREINDEX" long_name="Fire index on ground" unit="-" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
317 | <field id="cVeg" name="cVeg" long_name="Carbon in Vegetation" unit="kg C m-2"/> |
318 | <field id="cLitter" name="cLitter" long_name="Carbon in Litter Pool" unit="kg C m-2"/> |
319 | <field id="cSoil" name="cSoil" long_name="Carbon in Soil Pool" unit="kg C m-2"/> |
320 | <field id="cProduct" name="cProduct" long_name="Carbon in Products of Land Use Change" unit="kg C m-2"/> |
321 | <field id="cMassVariation" name="cMassVariation" long_name="Terrestrial Carbon Mass Variation" unit="kg C m-2 s-1"/> |
322 | <field id="lai_ipcc" name="lai" long_name="Leaf Area Fraction" unit="1"/> |
323 | <field id="gpp_ipcc" name="gpp" long_name="Gross Primary Production" unit="kg C m-2 s-1"/> |
324 | <field id="ra" name="ra" long_name="Autotrophic Respiration" unit="kg C m-2 s-1"/> |
325 | <field id="npp_ipcc" name="npp" long_name="Net Primary Production" unit="kg C m-2 s-1"/> |
326 | <field id="rh" name="rh" long_name="Heterotrophic Respiration" unit="kg C m-2 s-1"/> |
327 | <field id="fFire" name="fFire" long_name="CO2 Emission from Fire" unit="kg C m-2 s-1"/> |
328 | <field id="fHarvest" name="fHarvest" long_name="CO2 Flux to Atmosphere from Crop Harvesting" unit="kg C m-2 s-1"/> |
329 | <field id="fLuc" name="fLuc" long_name="CO2 Flux to Atmosphere from Land Use Change" unit="kg C m-2 s-1"/> |
330 | <field id="nbp" name="nbp" long_name="Net Biospheric Production" unit="kg C m-2 s-1"/> |
331 | <field id="fVegLitter" name="fVegLitter" long_name="Total Carbon Flux from Vegetation to Litter" unit="kg C m-2 s-1"/> |
332 | <field id="fLitterSoil" name="fLitterSoil" long_name="Total Carbon Flux from Litter to Soil" unit="kg C m-2 s-1"/> |
333 | <field id="cLeaf" name="cLeaf" long_name="Carbon in Leaves" unit="kg C m-2"/> |
334 | <field id="cWood" name="cWood" long_name="Carbon in Wood" unit="kg C m-2"/> |
335 | <field id="cRoot" name="cRoot" long_name="Carbon in Roots" unit="kg C m-2"/> |
336 | <field id="cMisc" name="cMisc" long_name="Carbon in Other Living Compartments" unit="kg C m-2"/> |
337 | <field id="cLitterAbove" name="cLitterAbove" long_name="Carbon in Above-Ground Litter" unit="kg C m-2"/> |
338 | <field id="cLitterBelow" name="cLitterBelow" long_name="Carbon in Below-Ground Litter" unit="kg C m-2"/> |
339 | <field id="cSoilFast" name="cSoilFast" long_name="Carbon in Fast Soil Pool" unit="kg C m-2"/> |
340 | <field id="cSoilMedium" name="cSoilMedium" long_name="Carbon in Medium Soil Pool" unit="kg C m-2"/> |
341 | <field id="cSoilSlow" name="cSoilSlow" long_name="Carbon in Slow Soil Pool" unit="kg C m-2"/> |
342 | <field id="landCoverFrac" name="landCoverFrac" long_name="Fractional Land Cover of PFT" unit="%" axis_ref="PFT"/> |
343 | <field id="treeFracPrimDec" name="treeFracPrimDec" long_name="Total Primary Deciduous Tree Cover Fraction" unit="%"/> |
344 | <field id="treeFracPrimEver" name="treeFracPrimEver" long_name="Total Primary Evergreen Tree Cover Fraction" unit="%"/> |
345 | <field id="c3PftFrac" name="c3PftFrac" long_name="Total C3 PFT Cover Fraction" unit="%"/> |
346 | <field id="c4PftFrac" name="c4PftFrac" long_name="Total C4 PFT Cover Fraction" unit="%"/> |
347 | <field id="rGrowth" name="rGrowth" long_name="Growth Autotrophic Respiration" unit="kg C m-2 s-1"/> |
348 | <field id="rMaint" name="rMaint" long_name="Maintenance Autotrophic Respiration" unit="kg C m-2 s-1"/> |
349 | <field id="nppLeaf" name="nppLeaf" long_name="CO2 Flux from Atmosphere due to NPP Allocation to Leaf" unit="kg C m-2 s-1"/> |
350 | <field id="nppWood" name="nppWood" long_name="CO2 Flux from Atmosphere due to NPP Allocation to Wood" unit="kg C m-2 s-1"/> |
351 | <field id="nppRoot" name="nppRoot" long_name="CO2 Flux from Atmosphere due to NPP Allocation to Root" unit="kg C m-2 s-1"/> |
352 | <field id="nep" name="nep" long_name="Net Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmophere due to Net Ecosystem Productivity." unit="kg C m-2 s-1"/> |
353 | </field_group> |
354 | </field_definition> |