source: branches/publications/ORCHIDEE_CAN_NHA/src_driver/forcesoil.f90 @ 7236

Last change on this file since 7236 was 1451, checked in by sebastiaan.luyssaert, 11 years ago

DEV: trying to close the mass balance. Runs only for 12 years

File size: 27.4 KB
1! =================================================================================================================================
2! PROGRAM       : forcesoil
4! CONTACT       : orchidee-help _at_
6! LICENCE       : IPSL (2006). This software is governed by the CeCILL licence see ORCHIDEE/ORCHIDEE_CeCILL.LIC
8!>\BRIEF        This subroutine runs the soilcarbon submodel using specific initial conditions
9!! and driving variables in order to obtain soil carbon stocks closed to the steady-state values
10!! quicker than when using the ''full'' ORCHIDEE. 
12!!\n DESCRIPTION: None
13!! This subroutine computes the soil carbon stocks by calling the soilcarbon routine at each time step. \n
14!! The aim is to obtain soil carbon stocks closed to the steady-state values and ultimately to create 
15!! an updated stomate restart file for the stomate component. The state variables of the subsystem are the clay content
16!! (fixed value) and the soil carbon stocks. Initial conditions for the state variables are read in an 
17!! input stomate restart file. Driving variables are Soil carbon input, Water and Temperature stresses on
18!! Organic Matter decomposition. Driving variables are read from a specific forcing file produced by a former run of ORCHIDEE
20!! The FORCESOIL program first consists in reading a set of input files, allocating variables and
21!! preparing output stomate restart file. \n                                                             
22!! Then, a loop over time is performed in which the soilcarbon routine is called at each time step. \n
23!! Last, final values of the soil carbon stocks are written into the output stomate restart file. \n
24!! No flag is associated with the use of the FORCESOIL program. \n
28!! REFERENCE(S) : None   
30!! FLOWCHART    : None
32!! SVN          :
33!! $HeadURL: $
34!! $Date: $
35!! $Revision: $
36!! \n
37!_ =================================================================================================================================
39PROGRAM forcesoil
41  USE netcdf
42  !-
43  USE defprec
44  USE constantes
45  USE constantes_mtc
46  USE pft_parameters 
47  USE stomate_data
48  USE ioipsl_para
49  USE mod_orchidee_para
50  USE stomate_soilcarbon
52!  USE parallel
53  !-
55  !-
56  CHARACTER(LEN=80)                          :: sto_restname_in,sto_restname_out
57  INTEGER(i_std)                             :: iim,jjm                !! Indices (unitless)
59  INTEGER(i_std),PARAMETER                   :: llm = 1                !! Vertical Layers (requested by restini routine) (unitless)
60  INTEGER(i_std)                             :: kjpindex               !! Domain size (unitless)
62  INTEGER(i_std)                             :: itau_dep,itau_len      !! Time step read in the restart file (?)
63                                                                       !! and number of time steps of the simulation (unitless)
64  CHARACTER(LEN=30)                          :: time_str               !! Length of the simulation (year)
65  REAL(r_std)                                :: dt_files               !! time step between two successive itaus (?)
66                                                                       !! (requested by restini routine) (seconds)
67  REAL(r_std)                                :: date0                  !! Time at which itau = 0 (requested by restini routine) (?)
68  INTEGER(i_std)                             :: rest_id_sto            !! ID of the input restart file (unitless)
69  CHARACTER(LEN=20), SAVE                    :: thecalendar = 'noleap' !! Type of calendar defined in the input restart file
70                                                                       !! (unitless)
71  !-
72  CHARACTER(LEN=100)                         :: Cforcing_name          !! Name of the forcing file (unitless)
73  INTEGER                                    :: Cforcing_id            !! ID of the forcing file (unitless)
74  INTEGER                                    :: v_id                   !! ID of the variable 'Index' stored in the forcing file
75                                                                       !! (unitless)
76  REAL(r_std)                                :: dt_forcesoil           !! Time step at which soilcarbon routine is called (days)
77  INTEGER                                    :: nparan                 !! Number of values stored per year in the forcing file
78                                                                       !! (unitless)
79  INTEGER                                    :: nbyear
80  INTEGER(i_std),DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE    :: indices                !! Grid Point Index used per processor (unitless)
81  INTEGER(i_std),DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE    :: indices_g              !! Grid Point Index for all processor (unitless)
82  REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE       :: x_indices_g            !! Grid Point Index for all processor (unitless)
83  REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(:,:),ALLOCATABLE     :: lon, lat               !! Longitude and Latitude of each grid point defined
84                                                                       !! in lat/lon (2D) (degrees)
85  REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(llm)                 :: lev                    !! Number of level (requested by restini routine) (unitless)
88  INTEGER                                    :: i,m,iatt,iv,iyear  !! counters (unitless)
90  CHARACTER(LEN=80)                          :: var_name
91  CHARACTER(LEN=800)                         :: taboo_vars         !! string used for storing the name of the variables
92                                                                   !! of the stomate restart file that are not automatically
93                                                                   !! duplicated from input to output restart file (unitless)
94  REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(1)                   :: xtmp               !! scalar read/written in restget/restput routines (unitless)
95  INTEGER(i_std),PARAMETER                   :: nbvarmax=300       !! maximum # of variables assumed in the stomate restart file
96                                                                   !! (unitless)
97  INTEGER(i_std)                             :: nbvar              !! # of variables effectively present
98                                                                   !! in the stomate restart file (unitless)
99  CHARACTER(LEN=50),DIMENSION(nbvarmax)      :: varnames           !! list of the names of the variables stored
100                                                                   !! in the stomate restart file (unitless)
101  INTEGER(i_std)                             :: varnbdim           !! # of dimensions of a given variable
102                                                                   !! of the stomate restart file
103  INTEGER(i_std),PARAMETER                   :: varnbdim_max=20    !! maximal # of dimensions assumed for any variable
104                                                                   !! of the stomate restart file
105  INTEGER,DIMENSION(varnbdim_max)            :: vardims            !! length of each dimension of a given variable
106                                                                   !! of the stomate restart file
107  LOGICAL                                    :: l1d                !! boolean : TRUE if all dimensions of a given variable
108                                                                   !! of the stomate restart file are of length 1 (ie scalar)
109                                                                   !! (unitless)
110  REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(:,:),ALLOCATABLE     :: var_3d             !! matrix read/written in restget/restput routines (unitless)
111  REAL(r_std)                                :: x_tmp              !! temporary variable used to store return value
112                                                                   !! from nf90_get_att (unitless)
113  CHARACTER(LEN=10)  :: part_str                                   !! string suffix indicating the index of a PFT
114  REAL(r_std),ALLOCATABLE,SAVE,DIMENSION(:)  :: clay_g             !! clay fraction (nbpglo) (unitless)
115  REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),ALLOCATABLE :: soilcarbon_input_g !! soil carbon input (nbpglob,ncarb,nvm,time)
116                                                                   !! (\f$gC m^{-2} dt_forcesoil^{-1}\f$)
117  REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(:,:,:),ALLOCATABLE   :: control_temp_g     !! Temperature control (nbp_glo,above/below,time) on OM decomposition
118                                                                   !! (unitless)
119  REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(:,:,:),ALLOCATABLE   :: control_moist_g    !! Moisture control (nbp_glo,abo/below,time) on OM decomposition
120                                                                   !! ?? Should be defined per PFT as well (unitless)
121  REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(:,:,:),ALLOCATABLE   :: carbon_g           !! Soil carbon stocks (nbp_glo,ncarb,nvm) (\f$gC m^{-2}\f$)
123  REAL(r_std),ALLOCATABLE :: clay(:)                   !! clay fraction (nbp_loc) (unitless)
124  REAL(r_std),ALLOCATABLE :: soilcarbon_input(:,:,:,:) !! soil carbon input (nbp_loc,ncarb,nvm,time)
125                                                       !! (\f$gC m^{-2} dt_forcesoil^{-1}\f$)
126  REAL(r_std),ALLOCATABLE :: control_temp(:,:,:)       !! Temperature control (nbp_loc,above/below,time) on OM decomposition
127                                                       !! (unitless)
128  REAL(r_std),ALLOCATABLE :: control_moist(:,:,:)      !! Moisture control (nbp_loc,abo/below,time) on OM decomposition
129                                                       !! ?? Should be defined per PFT as well (unitless)
130  REAL(r_std),ALLOCATABLE :: carbon(:,:,:)             !! Soil carbon stocks (nbp_loc,ncarb,nvm) (\f$gC m^{-2}\f$)
131  REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(:,:),ALLOCATABLE     :: resp_hetero_soil  !! Heterotrophic respiration (\f$gC m^{-2} dt_forcesoil^{-1}\f$)
132                                                                  !! (requested by soilcarbon routine but not used here)
134  INTEGER(i_std)                             :: ier,iret          !! Used for hangling errors
136  CHARACTER(LEN=30) :: temp_name 
137  LOGICAL :: debug                                                !! boolean used for printing messages
138  LOGICAL :: l_error                                              !! boolean for memory allocation
139  REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) :: matrixA         !! Carbon fluxes matrix*
140  REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:),ALLOCATABLE    :: dummy_veget_max   !! the subroutin soil carbon needs veget_max to check for the
141                                                                  !! closure of the C_balance. This is of interest in this
142                                                                  !! routine. A dummy variable is passed
144!_ =================================================================================================================================
146  CALL Init_orchidee_para
147  CALL init_timer
150! Configure the number of PFTS
153  ! 1. Read the number of PFTs
154  !
155  !Config Key   = NVM
156  !Config Desc  = number of PFTs 
157  !Config If    = OK_SECHIBA or OK_STOMATE
158  !Config Def   = 13
159  !Config Help  = The number of vegetation types define by the user
160  !Config Units = [-]
161  CALL getin_p('NVM',nvm)
163  ! 2. Allocation
164  l_error = .FALSE.
165  ALLOCATE(pft_to_mtc(nvm),stat=ier)
166  l_error = l_error .OR. (ier .NE. 0)
167  IF (l_error) THEN
168     STOP 'pft_to_mtc (forcesoil only) : error in memory allocation'
169  ENDIF
171  ! 3. Initialisation of the correspondance table
172  pft_to_mtc(:) = undef_int
174  ! 4.Reading of the conrrespondance table in the .def file
175  !
176  !Config Key   = PFT_TO_MTC
177  !Config Desc  = correspondance array linking a PFT to MTC
178  !Config if    = OK_SECHIBA or OK_STOMATE
179  !Config Def   = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
180  !Config Help  =
181  !Config Units = [-]
182  CALL getin_p('PFT_TO_MTC',pft_to_mtc)
184  ! 4.1 if nothing is found, we use the standard configuration
185  IF(nvm == nvmc ) THEN
186     IF(pft_to_mtc(1) == undef_int) THEN
187        WRITE(numout,*) 'Note to the user : we will use ORCHIDEE to its standard configuration'
188        pft_to_mtc(:) = (/ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 /)
189     ENDIF
190  ELSE   
191     IF(pft_to_mtc(1) == undef_int) THEN
192        WRITE(numout,*)' The array PFT_TO_MTC is empty : we stop'
193     ENDIF
194  ENDIF
196  ! 4.2 What happened if pft_to_mtc(j) > nvmc (if the mtc doesn't exist)?
197  DO i = 1, nvm
198     IF(pft_to_mtc(i) > nvmc) THEN
199        WRITE(numout,*) "the MTC you chose doesn't exist"
200        STOP 'we stop reading pft_to_mtc'
201     ENDIF
202  ENDDO
204  ! 4.3 Check if pft_to_mtc(1) = 1
205  IF(pft_to_mtc(1) /= 1) THEN
206     WRITE(numout,*) 'the first pft has to be the bare soil'
207     STOP 'we stop reading next values of pft_to_mtc'
208  ELSE
209     DO i = 2,nvm
210        IF(pft_to_mtc(i) == 1) THEN
211           WRITE(numout,*) 'only pft_to_mtc(1) has to be the bare soil'
212           STOP 'we stop reading pft_to_mtc'
213        ENDIF
214     ENDDO
215  ENDIF
217  ! 5. Allocate and initialize natural ans is_c4
219  ! 5.1 Memory allocation
220  l_error = .FALSE.
221  ALLOCATE(natural(nvm),stat=ier)
222  l_error = l_error .OR. (ier .NE. 0)
223  ALLOCATE(is_c4(nvm),stat=ier)
225  IF (l_error) THEN
226     STOP 'natural or is_c4 (forcesoil only) : error in memory allocation'
227  ENDIF
229  ! 5.2 Initialisation
230  DO i = 1, nvm
231     natural(i) = natural_mtc(pft_to_mtc(i))
232     is_c4(i) = is_c4_mtc(pft_to_mtc(i))
233  ENDDO
237! set debug to have more information
239  !Config Key   = DEBUG_INFO
240  !Config Desc  = Flag for debug information
241  !Config If    =
242  !Config Def   = n
243  !Config Help  = This option allows to switch on the output of debug
244  !Config         information without recompiling the code.
245  !Config Units = [FLAG]
247  debug = .FALSE.
248  CALL getin_p('DEBUG_INFO',debug)
249  !!-
250  !! 1. Initialisation stage
251  !! Reading a set of input files, allocating variables and preparing output restart file.     
252  !!-
253  ! Define restart file name
254  ! for reading initial conditions (sto_restname_in var) and for writting final conditions (sto_restname_out var).
255  ! User values are used if present in the .def file.
256  ! If not present, default values ( and stomate_rest_out.c) are used.
257  !-
258  IF (is_root_prc) THEN
259     sto_restname_in = ''
260     CALL getin ('STOMATE_RESTART_FILEIN',sto_restname_in)
261     WRITE(numout,*) 'STOMATE INPUT RESTART_FILE: ',TRIM(sto_restname_in)
262     sto_restname_out = ''
263     CALL getin ('STOMATE_RESTART_FILEOUT',sto_restname_out)
264     WRITE(numout,*) 'STOMATE OUTPUT RESTART_FILE: ',TRIM(sto_restname_out)
265     !-
266     ! Open the input file and Get some Dimension and Attributes ID's
267     !-
268     iret = NF90_OPEN (sto_restname_in, NF90_NOWRITE, rest_id_sto)
269     iret = NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION (rest_id_sto,1,len=iim_g)
270     iret = NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION (rest_id_sto,2,len=jjm_g)
271     iret = NF90_INQ_VARID (rest_id_sto, "time", iv)
272     iret = NF90_GET_ATT (rest_id_sto, iv, 'calendar',thecalendar)
273     iret = NF90_CLOSE (rest_id_sto)
274     i=INDEX(thecalendar,ACHAR(0))
275     IF ( i > 0 ) THEN
276        thecalendar(i:20)=' '
277     ENDIF
278     !-
279     ! Allocate longitudes and latitudes
280     !-
281     ALLOCATE (lon(iim_g,jjm_g))
282     ALLOCATE (lat(iim_g,jjm_g))
283     lon(:,:) = zero
284     lat(:,:) = zero
285     lev(1)   = zero
286     !-
287     CALL restini &
288          & (sto_restname_in, iim_g, jjm_g, lon, lat, llm, lev, &
289          &  sto_restname_out, itau_dep, date0, dt_files, rest_id_sto)
290  ENDIF
292  CALL bcast(date0)
293  CALL bcast(thecalendar)
294  WRITE(numout,*) "calendar = ",thecalendar
295  !-
296  ! calendar
297  !-
298  CALL ioconf_calendar (thecalendar)
299  CALL ioget_calendar  (one_year,one_day)
300  CALL ioconf_startdate(date0)
301  !
302  !! For master process only
303  !
304  IF (is_root_prc) THEN
305     !-
306     ! define forcing file's name (Cforcing_name var)
307     ! User value is used if present in the .def file
308     ! If not, default (NONE) is used
309     !-
310     Cforcing_name = 'NONE'
311     CALL getin ('STOMATE_CFORCING_NAME',Cforcing_name)
312     !-
313     ! Open FORCESOIL's forcing file to read some basic info (dimensions, variable ID's)
314     ! and allocate variables.
315     !-
316     iret = NF90_OPEN (TRIM(Cforcing_name),NF90_NOWRITE,Cforcing_id)
317     IF (iret /= NF90_NOERR) THEN
318        CALL ipslerr (3,'forcesoil', &
319             &        'Could not open file : ', &
320             &          Cforcing_name,'(Do you have forget it ?)')
321     ENDIF
322     !-
323     ! Total Domain size is stored in nbp_glo variable
324     !-
325     ier = NF90_GET_ATT (Cforcing_id,NF90_GLOBAL,'kjpindex',x_tmp)
326     nbp_glo = NINT(x_tmp)
327     !-
328     ! Number of values stored per year in the forcing file is stored in nparan var.
329     !-
330     ier = NF90_GET_ATT (Cforcing_id,NF90_GLOBAL,'nparan',x_tmp)
331     nparan = NINT(x_tmp)
332     ier = NF90_GET_ATT (Cforcing_id,NF90_GLOBAL,'nbyear',x_tmp)
333     nbyear = NINT(x_tmp)
334     !-
335     ALLOCATE (indices_g(nbp_glo))
336     ALLOCATE (clay_g(nbp_glo))
337     !-
338     ALLOCATE (x_indices_g(nbp_glo),stat=ier)
339     ier = NF90_INQ_VARID (Cforcing_id,'index',v_id)
340     ier = NF90_GET_VAR   (Cforcing_id,v_id,x_indices_g)
341     indices_g(:) = NINT(x_indices_g(:))
342     WRITE(numout,*) mpi_rank,"indices globaux : ",indices_g
343     DEALLOCATE (x_indices_g)
344     !-
345     ier = NF90_INQ_VARID (Cforcing_id,'clay',v_id)
346     ier = NF90_GET_VAR   (Cforcing_id,v_id,clay_g)
347     !-
348     ! time step of forcesoil program (in days)
349     !-
350     dt_forcesoil = one_year / FLOAT(nparan)
351     WRITE(numout,*) 'time step (d): ',dt_forcesoil
352     WRITE(numout,*) 'nparan: ',nparan
353     WRITE(numout,*) 'nbyear: ',nbyear   
354     !-
355     ! read and write the variables in the output restart file we do not modify within the Forcesoil program
356     ! ie all variables stored in the input restart file except those stored in taboo_vars
357     !-
358     taboo_vars ='$lon$ $lat$ $lev$ $nav_lon$ $nav_lat$ $nav_lev$ $time$ $time_steps$ '// &
359          &             '$day_counter$ $dt_days$ $date$ '
360     !-
361     DO m = 1,nvm
362        WRITE(part_str,'(I2)') m
363        IF (m < 10) part_str(1:1) = '0'
364        temp_name = '$carbon_'//part_str(1:LEN_TRIM(part_str))//'$'
365        taboo_vars = TRIM(taboo_vars)//' '//TRIM(temp_name)
366     ENDDO
367     !-
368     CALL ioget_vname(rest_id_sto, nbvar, varnames)
369     !-
370     ! read and write some special variables (1D or variables that we need)
371     !-
372     var_name = 'day_counter'
373     CALL restget (rest_id_sto, var_name, 1, 1, 1, itau_dep, .TRUE., xtmp)
374     CALL restput (rest_id_sto, var_name, 1, 1, 1, itau_dep, xtmp)
375     !-
376     var_name = 'dt_days'
377     CALL restget (rest_id_sto, var_name, 1, 1, 1, itau_dep, .TRUE., xtmp)
378     CALL restput (rest_id_sto, var_name, 1, 1, 1, itau_dep, xtmp)
379     !-
380     var_name = 'date'
381     CALL restget (rest_id_sto, var_name, 1, 1, 1, itau_dep, .TRUE., xtmp)
382     CALL restput (rest_id_sto, var_name, 1, 1, 1, itau_dep, xtmp)
383     !-
384     DO iv=1,nbvar
385        !-- check if the variable is to be written here
386        IF (INDEX(taboo_vars,'$'//TRIM(varnames(iv))//'$') == 0 ) THEN
387           !---- get variable dimensions, especially 3rd dimension
388           CALL ioget_vdim &
389                &      (rest_id_sto, varnames(iv), varnbdim_max, varnbdim, vardims)
390           l1d = ALL(vardims(1:varnbdim) == 1)
391           !---- read it
392           IF (l1d) THEN
393              CALL restget &
394                   &        (rest_id_sto, TRIM(varnames(iv)), 1, vardims(3), &
395                   &         1, itau_dep, .TRUE., xtmp)
396           ELSE
397              ALLOCATE( var_3d(nbp_glo,vardims(3)), stat=ier)
398              IF (ier /= 0) STOP 'ALLOCATION PROBLEM'
399              !----
400              CALL restget &
401                   &        (rest_id_sto, TRIM(varnames(iv)), nbp_glo, vardims(3), &
402                   &         1, itau_dep, .TRUE., var_3d, "gather", nbp_glo, indices_g)
403           ENDIF
404           !---- write it
405           IF (l1d) THEN
406              CALL restput &
407                   &        (rest_id_sto, TRIM(varnames(iv)), 1, vardims(3), &
408                   &         1, itau_dep, xtmp)
409           ELSE
410              CALL restput &
411                   &        (rest_id_sto, TRIM(varnames(iv)), nbp_glo, vardims(3), &
412                   &         1, itau_dep, var_3d, 'scatter',  nbp_glo, indices_g)
413              !----
414              DEALLOCATE(var_3d)
415           ENDIF
416        ENDIF
417     ENDDO
418     !-
419     ! read soil carbon stocks values stored in the input restart file
420     !-
421     ALLOCATE(carbon_g(nbp_glo,ncarb,nvm))
422     carbon_g(:,:,:) = val_exp
423     DO m = 1, nvm
424        WRITE (part_str, '(I2)') m
425        IF (m<10) part_str(1:1)='0'
426        var_name = 'carbon_'//part_str(1:LEN_TRIM(part_str))
427        CALL restget &
428             &    (rest_id_sto, var_name, nbp_glo, ncarb , 1, itau_dep, &
429             &     .TRUE., carbon_g(:,:,m), 'gather', nbp_glo, indices_g)
430        IF (ALL(carbon_g(:,:,m) == val_exp)) carbon_g(:,:,m) = zero
431        !-- do not write this variable: it will be modified.
432     ENDDO
433     WRITE(numout,*) "date0 : ",date0, itau_dep
434     !-
435     ! Analytical spinup is set to false
436     !
437     spinup_analytic = .FALSE.
439     ! Length of the run (in Years)
440     ! User value is used if present in the .def file
441     ! If not, default value (10000 Years) is used
442     !-
443     WRITE(time_str,'(a)') '10000Y'
444     CALL getin('TIME_LENGTH', time_str)
445     write(numout,*) 'Number of years for carbon spinup : ',time_str
446     ! transform into itau
447     CALL tlen2itau(time_str, dt_forcesoil*one_day, date0, itau_len)
448     write(numout,*) 'Number of time steps to do: ',itau_len
449     !-
450     ! read soil carbon inputs, water and temperature stresses on OM decomposition
451     ! into the forcing file - We read an average year.
452     !-
453     ALLOCATE(soilcarbon_input_g(nbp_glo,ncarb,nvm,nparan*nbyear))
454     ALLOCATE(control_temp_g(nbp_glo,nlevs,nparan*nbyear))
455     ALLOCATE(control_moist_g(nbp_glo,nlevs,nparan*nbyear))
456     !-
457     ier = NF90_INQ_VARID (Cforcing_id,'soilcarbon_input',v_id)
458     ier = NF90_GET_VAR   (Cforcing_id,v_id,soilcarbon_input_g)
459     ier = NF90_INQ_VARID (Cforcing_id,   'control_moist',v_id)
460     ier = NF90_GET_VAR   (Cforcing_id,v_id,control_moist_g)
461     ier = NF90_INQ_VARID (Cforcing_id,    'control_temp',v_id)
462     ier = NF90_GET_VAR   (Cforcing_id,v_id,control_temp_g)
463     !-
464     ier = NF90_CLOSE (Cforcing_id)
465     !-
466  ENDIF
467  CALL bcast(nparan)
468  CALL bcast(nbyear)
469  CALL bcast(dt_forcesoil)
470  CALL bcast(iim_g)
471  CALL bcast(jjm_g)
472  CALL bcast(nbp_glo)
473  CALL bcast(itau_dep)
474  CALL bcast(itau_len)
475  !
476  ! We must initialize data_para :
477     !
478     !
479  CALL init_orchidee_data_para_driver(nbp_glo,indices_g)
481  kjpindex=nbp_loc
482  jjm=jj_nb
483  iim=iim_g
484  IF (debug) WRITE(numout,*) "Local grid : ",kjpindex,iim,jjm
486  !---
487  !--- Create the index table
488  !---
489  !--- This job returns a LOCAL kindex.
490  !---
491  ALLOCATE (indices(kjpindex),stat=ier)
492  !
493  !! scattering to all processes in parallel mode
494  !
495  CALL scatter(indices_g,indices)
496  indices(1:kjpindex)=indices(1:kjpindex)-(jj_begin-1)*iim_g
497  IF (debug) WRITE(numout,*) mpi_rank,"indices locaux = ",indices(1:kjpindex)
498  !-
499  ! Allocation of the variables for a processor
500  !-
501  ALLOCATE(clay(kjpindex))
502  ALLOCATE(soilcarbon_input(kjpindex,ncarb,nvm,nparan*nbyear))
503  ALLOCATE(control_temp(kjpindex,nlevs,nparan*nbyear))
504  ALLOCATE(control_moist(kjpindex,nlevs,nparan*nbyear))
505  ALLOCATE(carbon(kjpindex,ncarb,nvm))
506  ALLOCATE(resp_hetero_soil(kjpindex,nvm))
507  ALLOCATE(matrixA(kjpindex,nvm,nbpools,nbpools))
508  DO i = 1,nbpools
509     matrixA(:,:,i,i) = un
510  ENDDO
511  iatt = 0
513  !-
514  ! Initialization of the variables for a processor
515  !-
516  CALL Scatter(clay_g,clay)
517  CALL Scatter(soilcarbon_input_g,soilcarbon_input)
518  CALL Scatter(control_temp_g,control_temp)
519  CALL Scatter(control_moist_g,control_moist)
520  CALL Scatter(carbon_g,carbon) 
523! Configuration of the parameters
526  !Config Key   = FRAC_CARB_AP
527  !Config Desc  = frac carb coefficients from active pool: depends on clay content
528  !Config if    = OK_STOMATE
529  !Config Def   = 0.004
530  !Config Help  = fraction of the active pool going to the passive pool
531  !Config Units = [-]
532  CALL getin_p('FRAC_CARB_AP',frac_carb_ap) 
533  !
534  !Config Key   = FRAC_CARB_SA
535  !Config Desc  = frac_carb_coefficients from slow pool
536  !Config if    = OK_STOMATE
537  !Config Def   = 0.42
538  !Config Help  = fraction of the slow pool going to the active pool
539  !Config Units = [-]
540  CALL getin_p('FRAC_CARB_SA',frac_carb_sa)
541  !
542  !Config Key   = FRAC_CARB_SP
543  !Config Desc  = frac_carb_coefficients from slow pool
544  !Config if    = OK_STOMATE
545  !Config Def   = 0.03
546  !Config Help  = fraction of the slow pool going to the passive pool
547  !Config Units = [-]
548  CALL getin_p('FRAC_CARB_SP',frac_carb_sp)
549  !
550  !Config Key   = FRAC_CARB_PA
551  !Config Desc  = frac_carb_coefficients from passive pool
552  !Config if    = OK_STOMATE
553  !Config Def   = 0.45
554  !Config Help  = fraction of the passive pool going to the passive pool
555  !Config Units = [-]
556  CALL getin_p('FRAC_CARB_PA',frac_carb_pa)
557  !
558  !Config Key   = FRAC_CARB_PS
559  !Config Desc  = frac_carb_coefficients from passive pool
560  !Config if    = OK_STOMATE
561  !Config Def   = 0.0
562  !Config Help  = fraction of the passive pool going to the passive pool
563  !Config Units = [-]
564  CALL getin_p('FRAC_CARB_PS',frac_carb_ps)
565  !
566  !Config Key   = ACTIVE_TO_PASS_CLAY_FRAC
567  !Config Desc  =
568  !Config if    = OK_STOMATE
569  !Config Def   =  .68 
570  !Config Help  =
571  !Config Units = [-]
572  CALL getin_p('ACTIVE_TO_PASS_CLAY_FRAC',active_to_pass_clay_frac)
573  !
574  !Config Key   = CARBON_TAU_IACTIVE
575  !Config Desc  = residence times in carbon pools
576  !Config if    = OK_STOMATE
577  !Config Def   = 0.149
578  !Config Help  =
579  !Config Units = [days]
580  CALL getin_p('CARBON_TAU_IACTIVE',carbon_tau_iactive)
581  !
582  !Config Key   = CARBON_TAU_ISLOW
583  !Config Desc  = residence times in carbon pools
584  !Config if    = OK_STOMATE
585  !Config Def   = 5.48
586  !Config Help  =
587  !Config Units = [days]
588  CALL getin_p('CARBON_TAU_ISLOW',carbon_tau_islow)
589  !
590  !Config Key   = CARBON_TAU_IPASSIVE
591  !Config Desc  = residence times in carbon pools
592  !Config if    = OK_STOMATE
593  !Config Def   = 241.
594  !Config Help  =
595  !Config Units = [days]
596  CALL getin_p('CARBON_TAU_IPASSIVE',carbon_tau_ipassive)
597  !
598  !Config Key   = FLUX_TOT_COEFF
599  !Config Desc  =
600  !Config if    = OK_STOMATE
601  !Config Def   = 1.2, 1.4,.75
602  !Config Help  =
603  !Config Units = [days]
604  CALL getin_p('FLUX_TOT_COEFF',flux_tot_coeff)
606  !!-
607  !! 2. Computational step
608  !! Loop over time - Call of soilcarbon routine at each time step
609  !! Updated soil carbon stocks are stored into carbon variable
610  !! We only keep the last value of carbon variable (no time dimension).
611  !!-
612  iyear=1
614  ! Initialize the dummy variable
615  ALLOCATE(dummy_veget_max(kjpindex,nvm))
616  dummy_veget_max(:,:) = un
618  DO i=1,itau_len
619     iatt = iatt+1
620     IF (iatt > nparan*nbyear) THEN
621        IF (debug) WRITE(numout,*) iyear
622        iatt = 1
623        iyear=iyear+1
624     ENDIF
625     CALL soilcarbon &
626          &    (kjpindex, dt_forcesoil, clay, &
627          &     soilcarbon_input(:,:,:,iatt), &
628          &     control_temp(:,:,iatt), control_moist(:,:,iatt), &
629          &     carbon, resp_hetero_soil, &
630          &     matrixA, dummy_veget_max)
631  ENDDO
632  WRITE(numout,*) "End of soilcarbon LOOP."
634  !
635  !! Gathering of variables towards main processor in parallel mode
636  !
637  CALL Gather(carbon,carbon_g)
638  !!-
639  !! 3. write new carbon stocks into the ouput restart file
640  !!-
641  IF (is_root_prc) THEN
642     DO m=1,nvm
643        WRITE (part_str, '(I2)') m
644        IF (m<10) part_str(1:1)='0'
645        var_name = 'carbon_'//part_str(1:LEN_TRIM(part_str))
646        CALL restput &
647             &    (rest_id_sto, var_name, nbp_glo, ncarb , 1, itau_dep, &
648             &     carbon_g(:,:,m), 'scatter', nbp_glo, indices_g)
649     ENDDO
650     !-
651     CALL getin_dump
652     CALL restclo
653  ENDIF
654#ifdef CPP_PARA
657  WRITE(numout,*) "End of forcesoil."
658  !--------------------
659END PROGRAM forcesoil
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