#!/usr/bin/perl # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # NAME # Fcm::CmBranch # # DESCRIPTION # This class contains methods for manipulating a branch. It is a sub-class of # Fcm::CmUrl, and inherits all methods from that class. # # COPYRIGHT # (C) Crown copyright Met Office. All rights reserved. # For further details please refer to the file COPYRIGHT.txt # which you should have received as part of this distribution. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ package Fcm::CmBranch; @ISA = qw(Fcm::CmUrl); # Standard pragma use warnings; use strict; # Standard modules use Carp; use File::Spec; # FCM component modules use Fcm::CmCommitMessage; use Fcm::CmUrl; use Fcm::Util qw/run_command e_report w_report get_rev_keyword svn_date/; my @properties = ( 'CREATE_REV', # revision at which the branch is created 'DELETE_REV', # revision at which the branch is deleted 'PARENT', # reference to parent branch Fcm::CmBranch 'ANCESTOR', # list of common ancestors with other branches # key = URL, value = ancestor Fcm::CmBranch 'LAST_MERGE', # list of last merges from branches # key = URL@REV, value = [TARGET, UPPER, LOWER] 'AVAIL_MERGE', # list of available revisions for merging # key = URL@REV, value = [REV ...] 'CHILDREN', # list of children of this branch 'SIBLINGS', # list of siblings of this branch ); # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $cm_branch = Fcm::CmBranch->new ( # CONFIG => $config, # URL => $url, # ); # # DESCRIPTION # This method constructs a new instance of the Fcm::CmBranch class. # # ARGUMENTS # CONFIG - reference to a Fcm::Config instance # URL - URL of a branch # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub new { my $this = shift; my %args = @_; my $class = ref $this || $this; my $self = Fcm::CmUrl->new (%args); $self->{$_} = undef for (@properties); bless $self, $class; return $self; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $url = $cm_branch->url_peg; # $cm_branch->url_peg ($url); # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns/sets the current URL. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub url_peg { my $self = shift; if (@_) { if (! $self->{URL} or $_[0] ne $self->{URL}) { # Re-set URL and other essential variables in the SUPER-class $self->SUPER::url_peg (@_); # Re-set essential variables $self->{$_} = undef for (@properties); } } return $self->{URL}; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $rev = $cm_branch->create_rev; # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns the revision at which the branch was created. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub create_rev { my $self = shift; if (not $self->{CREATE_REV}) { return unless $self->url_exists ($self->pegrev); # Use "svn log" to find out the first revision of the branch my %log = $self->svnlog (STOP_ON_COPY => 1); # Look at log in ascending order my $rev = (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %log) [0]; my $paths = $log{$rev}{paths}; # Get revision when URL is first added to the repository if (exists $paths->{$self->branch_path}) { $self->{CREATE_REV} = $rev if $paths->{$self->branch_path}{action} eq 'A'; } } return $self->{CREATE_REV}; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $parent = $cm_branch->parent; # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns the parent (a Fcm::CmBranch object) of the current # branch. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub parent { my $self = shift; if (not $self->{PARENT}) { # Use the log to find out the parent revision my %log = $self->svnlog (REV => $self->create_rev); if (exists $log{paths}{$self->branch_path}) { my $path = $log{paths}{$self->branch_path}; if ($path->{action} eq 'A') { if (exists $path->{'copyfrom-path'}) { # Current branch is copied from somewhere, set the source as the parent my $url = $self->root . $path->{'copyfrom-path'}; my $rev = $path->{'copyfrom-rev'}; $self->{PARENT} = Fcm::CmBranch->new (URL => $url . '@' . $rev); } else { # Current branch is not copied from somewhere $self->{PARENT} = $self; } } } } return $self->{PARENT}; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $rev = $cm_branch->delete_rev; # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns the revision at which the branch was deleted. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub delete_rev { my $self = shift; if (not $self->{DELETE_REV}) { return if $self->url_exists ('HEAD'); # Container of the current URL (my $dir_url = $self->branch_url) =~ s#/+[^/]+/*$##; # Use "svn log" on the container between a revision where the branch exists # and the HEAD my $dir = Fcm::CmUrl->new (URL => $dir_url); my %log = $dir->svnlog ( REV => ['HEAD', ($self->pegrev ? $self->pegrev : $self->create_rev)], ); # Go through the log to see when branch no longer exists for my $rev (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %log) { next unless exists $log{$rev}{paths}{$self->branch_path} and $log{$rev}{paths}{$self->branch_path}{action} eq 'D'; $self->{DELETE_REV} = $rev; last; } } return $self->{DELETE_REV}; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $flag = $cm_branch->is_child_of ($branch); # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns true if the current branch is a child of $branch. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub is_child_of { my ($self, $branch) = @_; # The trunk cannot be a child branch return if $self->is_trunk; # If $branch is a branch, use name of $self to see when it is created if ($branch->is_branch and $self->url =~ m#/r(\d+)_[^/]+/*$#) { my $rev = $1; # $self can only be a child if it is copied from a revision > the create # revision of $branch return if $rev < $branch->create_rev; } return if $self->parent->url ne $branch->url; # If $branch is a branch, ensure that it is created before $self return if $branch->is_branch and $self->create_rev <= $branch->create_rev; return 1; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $flag = $cm_branch->is_sibling_of ($branch); # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns true if the current branch is a sibling of $branch. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub is_sibling_of { my ($self, $branch) = @_; # The trunk cannot be a sibling branch return if $branch->is_trunk; return if $self->parent->url ne $branch->parent->url; # If the parent is a branch, ensure they are actually the same branch return if $branch->parent->is_branch and $self->parent->create_rev != $branch->parent->create_rev; return 1; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $self->_get_relatives ($relation); # # DESCRIPTION # This method sets the $self->{$relation} variable by inspecting the list of # branches at the current revision of the current branch. $relation can be # either "CHILDREN" or "SIBLINGS". # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub _get_relatives { my ($self, $relation) = @_; my @branch_list = $self->branch_list; $self->{$relation} = []; # If we are searching for CHILDREN, get list of SIBLINGS, and vice versa my $other = ($relation eq 'CHILDREN' ? 'SIBLINGS' : 'CHILDREN'); my %other_list; if ($self->{$other}) { %other_list = map {$_->url, 1} @{ $self->{$other} }; } for my $u (@branch_list) { # Ignore URL of current branch and its parent next if $u eq $self->url; next if $self->is_branch and $u eq $self->parent->url; # Ignore if URL is a branch detected to be another type of relative next if exists $other_list{$u}; # Construct new Fcm::CmBranch object from branch URL my $url = $u . ($self->pegrev ? '@' . $self->pegrev : ''); my $branch = Fcm::CmBranch->new (URL => $url); # Test whether $branch is a relative we are looking for if ($relation eq 'CHILDREN') { push @{ $self->{$relation} }, $branch if $branch->is_child_of ($self); } else { push @{ $self->{$relation} }, $branch if $branch->is_sibling_of ($self); } } return; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # @children = $cm_branch->children; # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns a list of children (Fcm::CmBranch objects) of the # current branch that exists in the current revision. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub children { my $self = shift; $self->_get_relatives ('CHILDREN') if not $self->{CHILDREN}; return @{ $self->{CHILDREN} }; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # @siblings = $cm_branch->siblings; # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns a list of siblings (Fcm::CmBranch objects) of the # current branch that exists in the current revision. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub siblings { my $self = shift; $self->_get_relatives ('SIBLINGS') if not $self->{SIBLINGS}; return @{ $self->{SIBLINGS} }; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $ancestor = $cm_branch->ancestor ($branch); # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns the common ancestor (a Fcm::CmBranch object) of a # specified $branch and the current branch. The argument $branch must be a # Fcm::CmBranch object. Both the current branch and $branch are assumed to be # in the same project. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub ancestor { my ($self, $branch) = @_; if (not exists $self->{ANCESTOR}{$branch->url_peg}) { if ($self->url_peg eq $branch->url_peg) { $self->{ANCESTOR}{$branch->url_peg} = $self; } else { # Get family tree of current branch, from trunk to current branch my @this_family = ($self); while (not $this_family [0]->is_trunk) { unshift @this_family, $this_family [0]->parent; } # Get family tree of $branch, from trunk to $branch my @that_family = ($branch); while (not $that_family [0]->is_trunk) { unshift @that_family, $that_family [0]->parent; } # Find common ancestor from list of parents my $ancestor = undef; while (not $ancestor) { # $this and $that should both start as some revisions on the trunk. # Walk down a generation each time it loops around. my $this = shift @this_family; my $that = shift @that_family; if ($this->url eq $that->url) { if ($this->is_trunk or $this->create_rev eq $that->create_rev) { # $this and $that are the same branch if (@this_family and @that_family) { # More generations in both branches, try comparing the next # generations. next; } else { # End of lineage in one of the branches, ancestor is at the lower # revision of the current URL. if ($this->pegrev and $that->pegrev) { $ancestor = $this->pegrev < $that->pegrev ? $this : $that; } else { $ancestor = $this->pegrev ? $this : $that; } } } else { # Despite the same URL, $this and $that are different branches as # they are created at different revisions. The ancestor must be the # parent with the lower revision. (This should not occur at the # start.) $ancestor = $this->parent->pegrev < $that->parent->pegrev ? $this->parent : $that->parent; } } else { # Different URLs, ancestor must be the parent with the lower revision. # (This should not occur at the start.) $ancestor = $this->parent->pegrev < $that->parent->pegrev ? $this->parent : $that->parent; } } $self->{ANCESTOR}{$branch->url_peg} = $ancestor; } } return $self->{ANCESTOR}{$branch->url_peg}; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # ($target, $upper, $lower) = $cm_branch->last_merge_from ( # $branch, $stop_on_copy, # ); # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns a 3-element list with information of the last merge # into the current branch from a specified $branch. The first element in the # list $target (a Fcm::CmBranch object) is the target at which the merge was # performed. (This can be the current branch or a parent branch up to the # common ancestor with the specified $branch.) The second and third elements, # $upper and $lower, (both Fcm::CmBranch objects), are the upper and lower # ends of the source delta. If there is no merge from $branch into the # current branch from their common ancestor to the current revision, this # method will return an empty list. If $stop_on_copy is specified, it ignores # merges from parents of $branch, and merges into parents of the current # branch. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub last_merge_from { my ($self, $branch, $stop_on_copy) = @_; if (not exists $self->{LAST_MERGE}{$branch->url_peg}) { # Get "log" of current branch down to the common ancestor my %log = $self->svnlog ( REV => [ ($self->pegrev ? $self->pegrev : 'HEAD'), $self->ancestor ($branch)->pegrev, ], STOP_ON_COPY => $stop_on_copy, ); my $cr = $self; # Go down the revision log, checking for merge template messages REV: for my $rev (sort {$b <=> $a} keys %log) { # Loop each line of the log message at each revision my @msg = split /\n/, $log{$rev}{msg}; # Also consider merges into parents of current branch $cr = $cr->parent if ($cr->is_branch and $rev < $cr->create_rev); for (@msg) { # Ignore unless log message matches a merge template next unless /Merged into \S+: (\S+) cf\. (\S+)/; # Upper $1 and lower $2 ends of the source delta my $u_path = $1; my $l_path = $2; # Add the root directory to the paths if necessary $u_path = '/' . $u_path if substr ($u_path, 0, 1) ne '/'; $l_path = '/' . $l_path if substr ($l_path, 0, 1) ne '/'; # Only consider merges with specified branch (and its parent) (my $path = $u_path) =~ s/@(\d+)$//; my $u_rev = $1; my $br = $branch; $br = $br->parent while ( $br->is_branch and $u_rev < $br->create_rev and not $stop_on_copy ); next unless $br->branch_path eq $path; # If $br is a parent of branch, ignore those merges with the parent # above the branch point of the current branch next if $br->pegrev and $br->pegrev < $u_rev; # Set the return values $self->{LAST_MERGE}{$branch->url_peg} = [ Fcm::CmBranch->new (URL => $cr->url . '@' . $rev), # target Fcm::CmBranch->new (URL => $self->root . $u_path), # delta upper Fcm::CmBranch->new (URL => $self->root . $l_path), # delta lower ]; last REV; } } } return (exists $self->{LAST_MERGE}{$branch->url_peg} ? @{ $self->{LAST_MERGE}{$branch->url_peg} } : ()); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # @revs = $cm_branch->avail_merge_from ($branch[, $stop_on_copy]); # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns a list of revisions of a specified $branch, which are # available for merging into the current branch. If $stop_on_copy is # specified, it will not list available merges from the parents of $branch. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub avail_merge_from { my ($self, $branch, $stop_on_copy) = @_; if (not exists $self->{AVAIL_MERGE}{$branch->url_peg}) { # Find out the revision of the upper delta at the last merge from $branch # If no merge is found, use revision of common ancestor with $branch my @last_merge = $self->last_merge_from ($branch); my $rev = $self->ancestor ($branch)->pegrev; $rev = $last_merge [1]->pegrev if @last_merge and $last_merge [1]->pegrev > $rev; # Get the "log" of the $branch down to $rev my %log = $branch->svnlog ( REV => [($branch->pegrev ? $branch->pegrev : 'HEAD'), $rev], STOP_ON_COPY => $stop_on_copy, ); # No need to include $rev itself, as it has already been merged delete $log{$rev}; # No need to include the branch create revision delete $log{$branch->create_rev} if $branch->is_branch and exists $log{$branch->create_rev}; if (keys %log) { # Check whether there is a latest merge from $self into $branch, if so, # all revisions of $branch below that merge should become unavailable my @last_merge_into = $branch->last_merge_from ($self); if (@last_merge_into) { for my $rev (keys %log) { delete $log{$rev} if $rev < $last_merge_into [0]->pegrev; } } } # Available merges include all revisions above the branch creation revision # or the revision of the last merge $self->{AVAIL_MERGE}{$branch->url_peg} = [sort {$b <=> $a} keys %log]; } return @{ $self->{AVAIL_MERGE}{$branch->url_peg} }; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $lower = $cm_branch->base_of_merge_from ($branch); # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns the lower delta (a Fcm::CmBranch object) for the next # merge from $branch. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub base_of_merge_from { my ($self, $branch) = @_; # Base is the ancestor if there is no merge between $self and $branch my $return = $self->ancestor ($branch); # Get configuration for the last merge from $branch to $self my @merge_from = $self->last_merge_from ($branch); # Use the upper delta of the last merge from $branch, as all revisions below # that have already been merged into the $self $return = $merge_from [1] if @merge_from and $merge_from [1]->pegrev > $return->pegrev; # Get configuration for the last merge from $self to $branch my @merge_into = $branch->last_merge_from ($self); # Use the upper delta of the last merge from $self, as the current revision # of $branch already contains changes of $self up to the peg revision of the # upper delta $return = $merge_into [1] if @merge_into and $merge_into [0]->pegrev > $return->pegrev; return $return; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $flag = $cm_branch->allow_subdir_merge_from ($branch, $subdir); # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns true if a merge from the sub-directory $subdir in # $branch is allowed - i.e. it does not result in losing changes made in # $branch outside of $subdir. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub allow_subdir_merge_from { my ($self, $branch, $subdir) = @_; # Get revision at last merge from $branch or ancestor my @merge_from = $self->last_merge_from ($branch); my $last = @merge_from ? $merge_from [1] : $self->ancestor ($branch); my $rev = $last->pegrev; if ($branch->pegrev > $rev) { # Inspect log from revision at last merge/ancestor to current revision my %log = $branch->svnlog (REV => [$branch->pegrev, $rev + 1]); my $br = $branch; # Check whether there are changes outside of $subdir for my $rev (sort {$b <=> $a} keys %log) { $br = $br->parent if $br->is_branch and $rev < $br->create_rev; for my $path (keys %{ $log{$rev}{paths} }) { next if $path eq $br->branch_path; # Ignore branch creation my $p_subdir = substr ($path, length ($br->branch_path) + 1); return if $p_subdir !~ m#^$subdir(?:/|$)#; } } } return 1; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $cm_branch->create ( # SRC => $src, # TYPE => $type, # NAME => $name, # [PASSWORD => $password,] # [REV_FLAG => $rev_flag,] # [TICKET => \@tickets,] # [REV => $rev,] # [NON_INTERACTIVE => 1,] # [SVN_NON_INTERACTIVE => 1,] # ); # # DESCRIPTION # This method creates a branch in a Subversion repository. # # OPTIONS # SRC - reference to a Fcm::CmUrl object. # TYPE - Specify the branch type. See help in "fcm branch" for # further information. # NAME - specify the name of the branch. # NON_INTERACTIVE - Do no interactive prompting, set SVN_NON_INTERACTIVE # to true automatically. # PASSWORD - specify the password for commit access. # REV - specify the operative revision of the source. # REV_FLAG - A flag to specify the behaviour of the prefix to the # branch name. See help in "fcm branch" for further # information. # SVN_NON_INTERACTIVE - Do no interactive prompting when running svn commit, # etc. This option is implied by NON_INTERACTIVE. # TICKET - Specify one or more related tickets for the branch. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub create { my $self = shift; my %args = @_; # Options # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Compulsory options my $src = $args{SRC}; my $type = $args{TYPE}; my $name = $args{NAME}; # Other options my $rev_flag = $args{REV_FLAG} ? $args{REV_FLAG} : 'NORMAL'; my @tickets = exists $args{TICKET} ? @{ $args{TICKET} } : (); my $password = exists $args{PASSWORD} ? $args{PASSWORD} : undef; my $orev = exists $args{REV} ? $args{REV} : 'HEAD'; my $non_interactive = exists $args{NON_INTERACTIVE} ? $args{NON_INTERACTIVE} : 0; my $svn_non_interactive = exists $args{SVN_NON_INTERACTIVE} ? $args{SVN_NON_INTERACTIVE} : 0; $svn_non_interactive = $non_interactive ? 1 : $svn_non_interactive; # Analyse the source URL # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create branch from the trunk by default $src->branch ('trunk') if not $src->branch; # Remove "sub-directory" part from source URL $src->subdir ('') if $src->subdir; # Remove "peg revision" part because it does not work with "svn copy" $src->pegrev ('') if $src->pegrev; # Find out the URL and the last changed revision of the specified URL at the # specified operative revision my $url = $src->svninfo (FLAG => 'URL', REV => $orev); e_report $src->url, ': cannot determine the operative URL at revision ', $orev, ', abort.' if not $url; $src->url ($url) if $url ne $src->url; my $rev = $src->svninfo (FLAG => 'Last Changed Rev', REV => $orev); e_report $src->url, ': cannot determine the last changed rev at revision', $orev, ', abort.' if not $rev; # Warn user if last changed revision is not the specified revision w_report 'Warning: branch will be created from revision ', $rev, ', i.e. the last changed rev.' unless $orev and $orev eq $rev; # Determine the sub-directory names of the branch # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- my @branch_dirs = ('branches'); # Split branch type flags into a hash table my %type_flags = (); $type_flags{$_} = 1 for ((split /::/, $type)); # Branch sub-directory 1, development, test or package for my $flag (qw/DEV TEST PKG/) { if (exists $type_flags{$flag}) { push @branch_dirs, lc ($flag); last; } } # Branch sub-directory 2, user, share, configuration or release if (exists $type_flags{USER}) { my $userid = getlogin; $userid = $ENV{LOGNAME} unless $userid; $userid = $ENV{USER} unless $userid; die 'Unable to determine your user ID, abort' unless $userid; push @branch_dirs, $userid; } else { for my $flag (qw/SHARE CONFIG REL/) { if (exists $type_flags{$flag}) { push @branch_dirs, uc (substr $flag, 0, 1) . lc (substr $flag, 1); last; } } } # Branch sub-directory 3, branch name # Prefix branch name with revision number/keyword if necessary my $prefix = ''; if ($rev_flag ne 'NONE') { $prefix = $rev; # Attempt to replace revision number with a revision keyword if necessary $prefix = &get_rev_keyword ( REV => $rev, URL => $src->url_peg, ) if $rev_flag eq 'NORMAL'; # $prefix is still a revision number, add "r" in front of it $prefix = 'r' . $prefix if $prefix eq $rev; # Add an underscore before the branch name $prefix.= '_'; } # Branch name push @branch_dirs, $prefix . $name; # Check whether the branch already exists, fail if so # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Construct the URL of the branch $self->project_url ($src->project_url); $self->branch (join ('/', @branch_dirs)); # Check that branch does not already exists e_report $self->url, ': branch already exists, abort.' if $self->url_exists; # Message for the commit log # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- my @message = ('Created ' . $self->branch_path . ' from ' . $src->branch_path . '@' . $rev . '.' . "\n"); # Add related Trac ticket links to commit log if set if (@tickets) { my $ticket_mesg = 'Relates to ticket' . (@tickets > 1 ? 's' : ''); while (my $ticket = shift @tickets) { $ticket_mesg .= ' #' . $ticket; $ticket_mesg .= (@tickets > 1 ? ',' : ' and') if @tickets >= 1; } push @message, $ticket_mesg . ".\n"; } # Create a temporary file for the commit log message my $ci_mesg = Fcm::CmCommitMessage->new; $ci_mesg->auto_mesg (@message); $ci_mesg->ignore_mesg ('A' . ' ' x 4 . $self->url . "\n"); my $logfile = $ci_mesg->edit_file (TEMP => 1, BATCH => $non_interactive); # Check with the user to see if he/she wants to go ahead # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (not $non_interactive) { my $reply = &main::get_input ( TITLE => 'fcm branch', MESSAGE => 'Would you like to go ahead and create this branch?', TYPE => 'yn', DEFAULT => 'n', ); return unless $reply eq 'y'; } # Ensure existence of container sub-directories of the branch # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- for my $i (0 .. $#branch_dirs - 1) { my $subdir = join ('/', @branch_dirs[0 .. $i]); my $subdir_url = Fcm::CmUrl->new (URL => $src->project_url . '/' . $subdir); # Check whether each sub-directory of the branch already exists, # if sub-directory does not exist, create it next if $subdir_url->url_exists; print 'Creating sub-directory: ', $subdir, "\n"; my @command = ( qw/svn mkdir/, '-m', 'Created ' . $subdir . ' directory.', ($svn_non_interactive ? '--non-interactive' : ()), (defined $password ? ('--password', $password) : ()), $subdir_url->url, ); &run_command (\@command); } # Create the branch # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- { print 'Creating branch ', $self->url, ' ...', "\n"; my @command = ( qw/svn copy/, '-r', $rev, '-F', $logfile, ($svn_non_interactive ? '--non-interactive' : ()), (defined $password ? ('--password', $password) : ()), $src->url, $self->url, ); &run_command (\@command); } return; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $cm_branch->delete ( # [NON_INTERACTIVE => 1,] # [PASSWORD => $password,] # [SVN_NON_INTERACTIVE => 1,] # ); # # DESCRIPTION # This method deletes the current branch from the Subversion repository. # # OPTIONS # NON_INTERACTIVE - Do no interactive prompting, set SVN_NON_INTERACTIVE # to true automatically. # PASSWORD - specify the password for commit access. # SVN_NON_INTERACTIVE - Do no interactive prompting when running svn commit, # etc. This option is implied by NON_INTERACTIVE. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub del { my $self = shift; my %args = @_; # Options # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $password = exists $args{PASSWORD} ? $args{PASSWORD} : undef; my $non_interactive = exists $args{NON_INTERACTIVE} ? $args{NON_INTERACTIVE} : 0; my $svn_non_interactive = exists $args{SVN_NON_INTERACTIVE} ? $args{SVN_NON_INTERACTIVE} : 0; $svn_non_interactive = $non_interactive ? 1 : $svn_non_interactive; # Ensure URL is a branch # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- e_report $self->url_peg, ': not a branch, abort.' if not $self->is_branch; # Message for the commit log # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- my @message = ('Deleted ' . $self->branch_path . '.' . "\n"); # Create a temporary file for the commit log message my $ci_mesg = Fcm::CmCommitMessage->new (); $ci_mesg->auto_mesg (@message); $ci_mesg->ignore_mesg ('D' . ' ' x 4 . $self->url . "\n"); my $logfile = $ci_mesg->edit_file (TEMP => 1, BATCH => $non_interactive); # Check with the user to see if he/she wants to go ahead # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (not $non_interactive) { my $reply = &main::get_input ( TITLE => 'fcm branch', MESSAGE => 'Would you like to go ahead and delete this branch?', TYPE => 'yn', DEFAULT => 'n', ); return unless $reply eq 'y'; } # Delete branch if answer is "y" for "yes" # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- print 'Deleting branch ', $self->url, ' ...', "\n"; my @command = ( qw/svn delete/, '-F', $logfile, (defined $password ? ('--password', $password) : ()), ($svn_non_interactive ? '--non-interactive' : ()), $self->url, ); &run_command (\@command); return; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $cm_branch->display_info ( # [SHOW_CHILDREN => 1], # [SHOW_OTHER => 1] # [SHOW_SIBLINGS => 1] # ); # # DESCRIPTION # This method displays information of the current branch. If SHOW_CHILDREN is # set, it shows information of all current children branches of the current # branch. If SHOW_SIBLINGS is set, it shows information of siblings that have # been merged recently with the current branch. If SHOW_OTHER is set, it shows # information of custom/reverse merges. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub display_info { my $self = shift; my %args = @_; # Arguments # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $show_children = exists $args{SHOW_CHILDREN} ? $args{SHOW_CHILDREN} : 0; my $show_other = exists $args{SHOW_OTHER } ? $args{SHOW_OTHER} : 0; my $show_siblings = exists $args{SHOW_SIBLINGS} ? $args{SHOW_SIBLINGS} : 0; # Useful variables # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $separator = '-' x 80 . "\n"; my $separator2 = ' ' . '-' x 78 . "\n"; # Print "info" as returned by "svn info" # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- for my $key ('URL', 'Repository Root', 'Revision', 'Last Changed Author', 'Last Changed Rev', 'Last Changed Date') { print $key, ': ', $self->svninfo (FLAG => $key), "\n" if $self->svninfo (FLAG => $key); } if ($self->config->verbose) { # Verbose mode, print log message at last changed revision my %log = $self->svnlog (REV => $self->svninfo (FLAG => 'Last Changed Rev')); my @log = split /\n/, $log{msg}; print 'Last Changed Log:', "\n\n", map ({' ' . $_ . "\n"} @log), "\n"; } if ($self->is_branch) { # Print create information # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- my %log = $self->svnlog (REV => $self->create_rev); print $separator; print 'Branch Create Author: ', $log{author}, "\n" if $log{author}; print 'Branch Create Rev: ', $self->create_rev, "\n"; print 'Branch Create Date: ', &svn_date ($log{date}), "\n"; if ($self->config->verbose) { # Verbose mode, print log message at last create revision my @log = split /\n/, $log{msg}; print 'Branch Create Log:', "\n\n", map ({' ' . $_ . "\n"} @log), "\n"; } # Print delete information if branch no longer exists # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- print 'Branch Delete Rev: ', $self->delete_rev, "\n" if $self->delete_rev; # Report merges into/from the parent # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Print the URL@REV of the parent branch print $separator, 'Branch Parent: ', $self->parent->url_peg, "\n"; # Set up a new object for the parent at the current revision # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $p_url = $self->parent->url; $p_url .= '@' . $self->pegrev if $self->pegrev; my $parent = Fcm::CmBranch->new (URL => $p_url); if (not $parent->url_exists) { print 'Branch parent deleted.', "\n"; return; } # Report merges into/from the parent # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- print $self->_report_merges ($parent, 'Parent'); } # Report merges with siblings # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($show_siblings) { # Report number of sibling branches found print $separator, 'Seaching for siblings ... '; my @siblings = $self->siblings; print scalar (@siblings), ' ', (@siblings> 1 ? 'siblings' : 'sibling'), ' found.', "\n"; # Report branch name and merge information only if there are recent merges my $out = ''; for my $sibling (@siblings) { my $string = $self->_report_merges ($sibling, 'Sibling'); $out .= $separator2 . ' ' . $sibling->url . "\n" . $string if $string; } if (@siblings) { if ($out) { print 'Merges with existing siblings:', "\n", $out; } else { print 'No merges with existing siblings.', "\n"; } } } # Report children # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($show_children) { # Report number of child branches found print $separator, 'Seaching for children ... '; my @children = $self->children; print scalar (@children), ' ', (@children > 1 ? 'children' : 'child'), ' found.', "\n"; # Report children if they exist print 'Current children:', "\n" if @children; for my $child (@children) { print $separator2, ' ', $child->url, "\n"; print ' Child Create Rev: ', $child->create_rev, "\n"; print $self->_report_merges ($child, 'Child'); } } # Report custom/reverse merges into the branch # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($show_other) { my %log = $self->svnlog (STOP_ON_COPY => 1); my @out; # Go down the revision log, checking for merge template messages REV: for my $rev (sort {$b <=> $a} keys %log) { # Loop each line of the log message at each revision my @msg = split /\n/, $log{$rev}{msg}; for (@msg) { # Ignore unless log message matches a merge template if (/^Reversed r\d+(:\d+)? of \S+$/ or s/^(Custom merge) into \S+(:.+)$/$1$2/) { push @out, ('r' . $rev . ': ' . $_) . "\n"; } } } print $separator, 'Other merges:', "\n", @out if @out; } return; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $string = $self->_report_merges ($branch, $relation); # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns a string for displaying merge information with a # branch, the $relation of which can be a Parent, a Sibling or a Child. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub _report_merges { my ($self, $branch, $relation) = @_; my $indent = ($relation eq 'Parent') ? '' : ' '; my $separator = ($relation eq 'Parent') ? ('-' x 80) : (' ' . '-' x 78); $separator .= "\n"; my $return = ''; # Report last merges into/from the $branch # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- my %merge = ( 'Last Merge From ' . $relation . ':' => [$self->last_merge_from ($branch, 1)], 'Last Merge Into ' . $relation . ':' => [$branch->last_merge_from ($self, 1)], ); if ($self->config->verbose) { # Verbose mode, print the log of the merge for my $key (keys %merge) { next if not @{ $merge{$key} }; # From: target (0) is self, upper delta (1) is $branch # Into: target (0) is $branch, upper delta (1) is self my $t = ($key =~ /From/) ? $self : $branch; $return .= $indent . $key . "\n"; $return .= $separator . $t->display_svnlog ($merge{$key}[0]->pegrev); } } else { # Normal mode, print in simplified form (rREV Parent@REV) for my $key (keys %merge) { next if not @{ $merge{$key} }; # From: target (0) is self, upper delta (1) is $branch # Into: target (0) is $branch, upper delta (1) is self $return .= $indent . $key . ' r' . $merge{$key}[0]->pegrev . ' ' . $merge{$key}[1]->path_peg . ' cf. ' . $merge{$key}[2]->path_peg . "\n"; } } if ($relation eq 'Sibling') { # For sibling, do not report further if there is no recent merge my @values = values %merge; return $return unless (@{ $values[0] } or @{ $values[1] }); } # Report available merges into/from the $branch # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- my %avail = ( 'Merges Avail From ' . $relation . ':' => ($self->delete_rev ? [] : [$self->avail_merge_from ($branch, 1)]), 'Merges Avail Into ' . $relation . ':' => [$branch->avail_merge_from ($self, 1)], ); if ($self->config->verbose) { # Verbose mode, print the log of each revision for my $key (keys %avail) { next unless @{ $avail{$key} }; $return .= $indent . $key . "\n"; my $s = ($key =~ /From/) ? $branch: $self; for my $rev (@{ $avail{$key} }) { $return .= $separator . $s->display_svnlog ($rev); } } } else { # Normal mode, print only the revisions for my $key (keys %avail) { next unless @{ $avail{$key} }; $return .= $indent . $key . ' ' . join (' ', @{ $avail{$key} }) . "\n"; } } return $return; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1; __END__